Play Fate/Grand Order.
Play Fate/Grand Order
gamer thread
Hows about we make a bet on when this thread will be pruned instead, mastah
Why should I play a shit outdated game?
>na release 2-3 years from now
oh well I have saber version so its whatever
How about we post Fate waifus?
I wish I was her and that that straw was a dick
Play JP, retard.
But I don’t care for Musashit she’s a bland character anyone else?
have sex incel
>actually falling for some shit mobile game that uses anime tits to draw you in
I do have sex. Dilate.
How about you go back to /vg/ since you've fully admitted that you have no interest in discussing fgo's """""gameplay""""", you fucking idiot?
I wish flag bikinis were more popular irl.
Waver pose
you are not going to convince me with hags, start posting some C&F if you want my attention
Who do you like? What's your type? FGO has plenty to choose from.
Waver was an Okita face all along
This looks like a pain in the ass to put on
>How about we post Fate waifus?
I don't share pictures of my wife easy
Sakura is not my thing but I'll make an exception for Kama's first ascension because she looks great
Gacha faggots need to fuck off and die.
I dont have a phone
cute birbutt
Will you niggers stop? All you do is share the same photos you find on pixiv and danbooru all day long. The game is shit, the series is shit and these threads are shit.
Tell me who your waifu is and I'll post em for you.
You can hide the threads if you don't like them Newfriend-kun.
And why would I do that
>retarded nu-weeb callling anyone new
Fatefags keep getting worse and worse.
So we can show appreciation to her.
>came back to roll the new Musashi
>get her right away
>remember how fucking boring the game is and can't be bothered to max her or jump through all the event's hoops
And why did they lock her best animations to her worst looking outfit? Why not just give all 3 of them the same NP animation they clearly put the most effort into? FGO has always suffered from a management with no sense or ambition. They piss away the disgusting amount of money they get so they can phone it in a little harder every new year.
Those are some immaculate titties
The only game that has cool summer skins is Last Origin because at least with those they just go 100% horny. Summer skins are generally not as cool or sexy as the base attire.
Summer Nitocris and Nobu are cool though.
>can't be bothered to max her
There's a new feature where the game lets you automax one Servant for free.
>calling others new when you don't even know the rules
gachashit belongs on /vg/, newshit
AP recharging and saving Apples for Nerofest
I don't think Yea Forums-tier appreciation is anything worth having
Post more.
I want to see Jack pet an Ampharos
There's no official rule that states that that's the case. So eat a dick little newfag.
Melt! dood
My waifu is galko!
Doesn't matter, the mods still prune them regularly. Furthermore, image dumps ARE against the rules and belong on one of the designated image dumping boards, you fucking moron. Stop trying so hard to fit in and fuck off already.
Fair enough. Whoever your waifu is I'm sure she's lovely. Good day to you sir.
I wish mods pruned those fighting game girl threads too
Mods are faggots and so are you.
Post Raikou, Scahatch and Nightingale.
This. Where is FateGO 2?
>NP for farming but also killing a servant as the tradeoff
>bronze tier
whats this sluts name
Look at the filename, you blind retard
She looks like she finds black actors handsome.
>another kumbrain /e/ thread
We're already on FGO 2 though?
>games with males in the gacha
that's literally worse than trash items
anyways no i'm not a cuck, I play shit with actual gameplay deep and challenging enough to justify the thousands of hours of grinding
Can somebody explain to me why you would play anything other than Devil Carnival if the point of these games is to pay money in exchange for jpgs?
But Anonymous, I haven't even played F/HA yet!
>if the point of these games is to pay money in exchange for jpgs?
Point of the games is to advance through singularities, I know you're confusing the object of the game with the company's way to make money (Since the game is free) but please, making a statement like this makes you look like a brain dead retard incapable of any rational thought
I don't play gachas so I have no idea what advancing through singularities is. I only play video games.
"gachas" isn't a video game genre.
uneducated simp
why is this pokemon being spammed everywhere?
I have seen it pop up in several unrelated threads over the past few days
Spriggan's regular attire
Yeah, Chen Gong is basically Arash on steroids
Holy fuck.
No retard, fuck off back to your containment general.
Also FGO summer servants fucking sucks btw
Post abby.
Fuck off Aniplex shill. Put some meaningful QoL features and fix your game.
>can't read
>calls others uneducated
At least it fits in here on Yea Forums with all the other off-topic garbage then.
so is there any way to actually play this game out of korea?
Fate is only good for the doujins it puts out.
Why are so so angry?
I don't get it, do you think deflecting to completely off the wall talking points makes you not look unhinged?
Does it make you angry people are playing on phones and F/GO has made more money than the Switch despite the Switch being a mobile platform, whoa, up until it's compared to phones and it's a home console, but compared to home consoles it's mobile.
Strange, the cope from you people is incredible, tell me what you're mad about, people spending money? People using phones and not some shitty console?
What is it lad?
FGO players are mentally ill Stockholm syndrome autists
Not currently but it's really easy to play regardless.
Why is Musashi a burger?
This is seriously better than 99% of the summer characters I see in gacha games.
Look at that thiccness, delicious tan, and that fuck tiny bikini! that a camel toe? Fuck. Too bad its japanese only and I cant see that changing.
get this dogshit off of Yea Forums already
Don't worry, jannies delete these threads pretty quickly.
Looks like a knock off Mika
No. It's a video game no matter how hard you cry, and video game discussion belongs on Yea Forums
fuck off homosexual
>ask people who play gachas what about these games appeals to them
>they completely freak the fuck out and post stale pasta in response
Okay, so it's clear that there is no appeal other than the titillation. You could have just been honest from the beginning.
>play FGO
>entire thread is filled with soft porn
>not one post discussing the actual shit gacha
Time to delete the thread mods
But we hardly talk about the game
>ask people who play gachas what about these games appeals to them
No, you asked what the object of the game was and you completely shat your pants because you didn't know what a singularity was.
You're just some phoneless poorfaggot simp that's angry you can't pirate shit on mobile titles because they're constantly updated and cheating yourself shit on an outdated version gets you laughed at.
I don't know if you found out or not but I have you pegged, you're a brain dead fag and I dabbed on you
you never talk about the game or talk about gacha in general, there's another gacha thread up and even that is more on topic that the FGO garbage threads.
>this delusion
it's a lootbox simulator
Because you fags keep shitting up the thread EVERY TIME. If it's not a Smash thread or the latest Nintendy gimmick, you call for it to be deleted. Fuck you. If jannies delete this thread, I'm going to remake it again and again and again and there's nothing you can do it about it.
Then start talking about the game, you retarded paypig.
Yea Forums's gacha list
Nobody plays Azur Lane or Girls Frontline. They're completely dead games.
Do you really have nothing better to do
It really is not.
Cope. Dilate. Kys.
They're super f2p friendly, imagine that, the game that gives the most free shit is what people who are terrified of spending any of their NEETbux like the most
No EU store version, no buy.
>Granblue and Epic7
>the only gachas with actual deep rpg gameplay
>that low
>no one plays these games
>still made dozen of millions of dollars from the start of 2019 to now
Actually shill your gacha then fatefag
Nobody has. It's still not fully voiced yet.
If you even touched MGQ and say this shit I will hang you
I remember on the thread that was made, some shill for E7 started shitting up the thread, then the anons started drawing comparisons from Fgo to E7.
not gonna speak for epic7
but granblue is pure pretty colors and it has nothing sort of "deep RPG" combat, you might be a low rank or didn't actually play the game.
I prefer Hokusai.
What's MGQ?
Plus the EN server is going to get this huge care package next month.
>being this delusional
>He doesn't play gacha just to flex on lucklet whales
I can just jerk off to real porn on my Obamaphone. I don't need to pretend I'm playing a game when other people ask me what I'm doing.
Get an Android phone and download the NA version via QooApp, retard.
Seriously though, why do people "play" this shit?
>mobile gacha """"""games""""""
Oh, so your phone can't even run most games without stutter, no wonder you're lashing out, that seems even worse than not even having one because you probably wouldn't even care if you didn't
How do I beat this map in the collab
lonely retards that have deluded themselves into thinking their waifu wouldn't be repulsed by them
Phones don't run games. Period.
No, fuck your virtual lottery time/moneysink
Totally dude, show me your speccy by the way, mr hardcore gamer, you DO have a decent PC right, if you're kicking up all this shit
the retards play because of brand loyalty, fanaticism, "quality".
The smart individuals play to collect units and to kill some time on idle hours.
I have a GTX 1080 that I use to play Minecraft and Fortnite.
Same reason why people spend hundreds to roll for their waifu?
I want a picture of it though, I know you're fucking with me but I want to see your actual PC specs
go over to the general and ask that, im just here to watch the thread shit on fatefags
>You fags don't talk about the game, this shit is just image dumping
It's true, jizzbrains really are mentally ill
>Admitting to having brand loyalty
Just murdered any impact you may have had with anybody, everyone knows the people that hate FGO either like other much less successful games or are ACTUALLY poor, which is even fucking worse
>1% SSR rate
>Fate niggers still dare to defend this to this day
the beaten housewife community.
>still seething 4 years later
Well... they sure are mad!
They probably spent 20$ to get something and it didn't come, and vowed to ruin the company ever since... by crying on an anonymous image board
>he doesn't know
lmao, even if you're wealthy you shouldn't spend a single dime on anime .png
Yeah man, i like playing the ones that I don't feel like they're trying to snatch my wallet from me. By the way, there still isn't a single post in this thread shilling anyone to actually play FGO. Better start on that before the thread gets deleted.
That's too much commitment for me when I'm just shitposting in a gacha thread. You'll just have to take my word for it. Or don't.
Anyway, back to jerking off to Devil Carnival CGs since it's clearly a superior gacha.
Wealthy people don't spend their time trying to vainly influence how others spend their money and actually getting furious over 10$
Wheres the good gachas like Brown Dust?
cope more lol
nobody was talking about it, so it didnt get put on the list
I suppose that's for the best, though new players are always encouraged.
I already started the other day, although I do have a question. I noticed on the summoning page you can use Saint Quartz or summon tickets, what's the different between using them? Do the tickets give you better rates or are you supposed to keep them?
>he didn't roll Illya with a meme ticket
Oh no no no...
Tickets just can't be used for 10 rolls, 10 rolls have a guaranteed 4 star of some kind, that's the only difference.
1 summoning ticket is the same as 3 saint quartz. You can get summoning tickets by exchanging Mana Prisms. You get Mana Prisms by doing the daily farming missions.
Tickets are a single roll item instead of using SQ, same rates, just likes the 10 rolls guaranteed 3*servant and some kind of 4*.
nice reddit reasoning there, you passive aggressive retard
Cum inside Musashi.
Thread hasn’t been deleted because anons are talking about other Gachas lol
I see, thank you. So it's a good idea just to burn through the tickets first before I use the quartz right?
Better than being an impotent asexual autist. Stay mad.
Sure, personally i like to alternate the two when burning my stash.
Generally you want to save your SQ enough so you can afford a couple of 10 pulls. Single pulls using 3 saint quartz aren't really worth it in my experience. So yes, use the tickets first and save your SQ for lots of 10 pulls.
>implying we don't know
>implying we care
>being a lucklet
Played it, it's gone to shit and isn't worth supporting in any way.
Play Azoo lane
Get in line.
Dabbed on for 20 bucks, get out of here you poor fagg
Once again FGO proves they are on the top of the mobage industry. I haven't seen any other mobage come close to this production quality.
Personally, I use SQ for shit I really want. Tickets are for banners I'm only slightly interested/ curious about or a last resort deal.
Yes. You can also build up RNG rolling in the friend point gacha.
Okita's isn't impressive at all
>.t lucklet
Spend more then
Which Mika there's like 5
It's Korean and it will
>If you think a game is bad, you must be a poorfag lucklet
You're not doing yourself any favors.
Epic Seven looks better desu
>entire thread is filled with fate soft porn
>not one post discussing the gameplay of the actual gacha
>Fate shills call anyone who dosen't like their shit a poorfag lucklet.
Is this the state of Fateniggers?
Fucking everyone wears them.
>4 frames of body movement
>the rest is just filler FX
i hope your post was ironic
fgo tertiaries aren't fate fans
Epic 7 has the same gameplay, but looks infinitely better, cope more fatefag
It just seems to me like any other gacha porn-dump subsisted off of angry people's replies giving them auto-bumps
Unfortunately, yes.
I love Fate, my favorite servant is even from FGO, but god damn is FGO and its fanbase a massive pile of shit.
i've seen Azur lane threads with more gameplay discussion, so yes, FGOfags are absolutely retarded
What's their to discuss about the gameplay? It's self explanatory and easy to figure out.
I can bet some money that the upcoming Nerofest will have the actual retards crying with the exhibition quests.
Curious, who?
so if you're not going to discuss the gameplay why is it on the video game board?
I like FGO, but I'll be the first to admit that the fanbase is cancerous. ESPECIALLY IRL.
>Whats there to discuss about the gameplay
Time to delete the thread mods.
There's a tutorial. It's pretty straightforward.
There are some rare threads where people do discuss the small amount of interesting bits of FGO's plot.
But then you tend to mostly get threads like these where people don't care for it. It goes beyond tertiaries
Because it's a video game.
Lets talk about why is Archer Jeanne so fucking insane now?
That's beyond a non-answer when AM gameplay is 97% auto battle and 3% using the virtual analogue to move around avoiding things while the boats auto fire and auto use special abilities and occasionally you tap one of three icons
I don't even want to imagine meeting one in person after seeing the /vg/ threads and experiencing them for much longer than is good for my sanity
Well, there's no point in discussing the plot right now since we've already discussed it and we're still waiting for the next Lostbelt chapter. And as for gameplay we're still piecing together the guide for this current event by playing through it. Calm down user.
So fucking insanely hot, right?
>when your game is so shit that you can't even find anything to talk about gameplay
the absolute state of jizzbrained fgo paypigs
>Says that in the state DBZ is in.
Enjoy Jump Force my fellow "reel gamez" player?
What does an auto-battler have to do with Fate GO? It's turn-based.
The effects are good but the movement is still horrendous.
Granblue and epic7 are still superior on production values
>And as for gameplay we're still piecing together the guide for this current event by playing through it.
That has fucking nothing to do with gameplay.
I agree with you, but refrain from acting like a massive faggot with your shitty buzzwords.
DBZfags are just as annoying
I went to the FGO panel at Anime Expo. Biggest mistake of my life.
No. It's boring as fuck. I can just search the pictures instead
Both DBZ and FGO are "match the colors" gameplay with stats attached,
>Efficient skill usage/event grinding methods aren't gameplay
This literally the meat of any game, do you think when speedrunners run a game they just try a bunch of random shit out until it works or they determine paths based on how many seconds they clock and hypothetical time saves?
God you people are so contrarian it hurts
Maybe read the reply chain?
When AL has more discussion about the gameplay than FGO, there is a problem.
Then again, FGO trash dickrides the meta so they don't even know how half the characters work.
Isn't it amazing at what kind of trash they allow to be in charge?
And people eat it all up too.
I went to the booth at Anime Central just for some keystraps, literally no need for me to ever interact with anyone be it from /alter/ or the reddit crowd.
Hell, they might as well be one and the same at this point, at least reddit is too happy in their ignorance while /alter/ is always angry at something
A giant meme or the next Merlin?
That isn't gameplay, that shit is "grind this node with these CEs"
There isn't a damn thing about actual gameplay in making a guide.
>all the asspained reseteraniggers triggered by images of waifus calling people gamers and asking for gameplay discussion
>implying Yea Forums talks about video games in the first place
i wont touch this shit unless we get a lot of free shit, the rates are abysmal. playing NA btw
Well gear optimization and outfitting your botes for higher world stuff is a thing in AL while FGO is incredibly easy to clear through aside from some challenge quests, when there's some actual fun involved.
>unironically advertising gachashit on Yea Forums
>posting the most blandest girl in the game
go back to your /vg/ containment board
>Utilizing equipment for stats isn't gameplay
>Witcher potions aren't gameplay determinants
>Using the fireproof ring in Dark Soul to walk on lava isn't gameplay
Okay, keep going, other tards in your corner will rally behind you but you and I know you're doing this to pretend you have a point, you don't, you're getting upset because you're beginning to realize you're mad over nothing, you live on the outage, like some political analyst
>implying Yea Forums talks about video games in the first place
Most of Yea Forums doesn't but small pocket communities within it do
Fuck off back to /e/ or /c/ you weeb gachashit faggot.
She is meh like most rulers they made.
No insane, mind controlling people into thinking she is their big sis and turning dolphins into sharks.
Lets see if gacha fags on Yea Forums have self criticism
>favorite or home mobage
>a good thing about it
>a bad thing about it
>would you recomend it to other people? And why
-Azur Lane
-Getting the units you want is not difficult at all, it might require time more than a lot of resources.
-Very low quality
-Yes if the person is into collecting units just for the fun of it.
>posting the most blandest girl in the game
That's not Liz.
Go back to your containment board.
This gachashit has more soul and makes more money than most AAA games.
You're the one that might want to read the reply chain.
>When AL has more discussion about the gameplay than FGO, there is a problem.
Luckily there's more to a game than one aspect and we can talk about anything we want because it's still in the game. Stay mad or maybe someone can tell you how to play.
>FGO trash dickrides the meta so they don't even know how half the characters work
Who cares? I don't.
>This triggers the tranny Yea Forums
Based FGO
>tfw forgot to buy several of her figma to make into the summer version
I'd rather not this be the place my go to phone game gets posted on.
However, a positive would be that it's not turn based and you're involved when the gameplay is happening, however the bad thing about it is the card skill powercreep, and it requires some tinkering to not be fucky on an Android.
I'd recommend it but certainly not here.
>more soul than
>posts FGO
It's not pay to win and you can get by as a F2P player. It's also fun.
It's pay to waifu and drop rates are shit.
I would recommend, but I'd say spend at your own discretion.
Requesting more Artoria
>I would recommend, but I'd say spend at your own discretion.
That or temper your desires into making priorities. Play favorites like a mad man
Too bad AL is garbage chinkshit.
They're all the same to me
Even the CQs are easy if you take 5 seconds to look at what the gimmick is.
Because all they are is gimmicks, which is the only reason the game isn't shit on balance wise.
>All that off tangent shit
FGO guides are all the same shit. They show the map, show which node is best for event currency, the rare good material drop, or points, and what the event CEs do.
Nothing about actually doing those nodes and never shit about the CQs.
In fact the only CQ "discussion" is either someone brag posting about turn count or someone acting like they did something amazing by using a "bad" character.
>Astolfo is a trans icon!
Only for him to be a legitimately retarded and just a bisexual crossdresser because the extra kink makes it hotter/
>well Mo-san is transgender then!
Again a retarded that under gender would write down King Arthur's heir and tries to attack anyone that uses any kind of pronoun on them because the are a three year old homunculus with their brain cooked from wearing armour all the time.
I can't. My phone's rooted and Magisk Hide doesn't work with this game anymore.
Well, what do you play user?
>Girls frontline
-gameplay involves thinking, with maps like (pic) making people seethe. Story later on is good
-the micro gameplay is 3/10, initial story is bland to meh
-Yes, 5 rolls per day with drop rates reaching up to 6% for a single 5-star. Still nice for the collector mindset
>All that off tangent shit
Awwww if that isn't the signal of duck and dodge assmad I don't know what is
This. By spending on Azur Lane you're supporting the Chinese government.
Hey look, time to attack the poster instead of the argument. How typical.
Here, I'll do it too; Fuck back off to your general you secondary trash.
Please refer to when questioning about gacha enjoyability
There's a lot of samefagging in this thread, just wanted to let you know.
>Completely side step reasonable argument
>Go off on a tangent saying stat optimization isn't gameplay while also trying to say turn based RPGs are reel games cuz u said so
Accusing me of what you're doing when everyone can read your posts is a strange strategy champ, try getting into government
>Great rates, incredibly generous with currency, and actual coop
>Art is bleh, powercreep ramps at times, gameplay is starting to homogenize hard
>Yes, if you like Final Fantasy
Also Azur Lane, but you already covered that.
>stat optimization
FGO does not have this.
Nice gameplay discussion
Isn't this just a waifu thread? Why aren't the mods nuking this kusothread?
>Skill usage and CE's aren't stat optimization
I guess all those people use Kaleidoscope because the art is sick.
Best girls
If you dont understand how deep Granblue gameplay is then you are the one who never left low rank.
That game gives so many different ways you can build your teams it could easily pass as an actual jrpg, if it wasnt for its gacha parts.
Oh yes, turning male historical figures into whores is the epitome of soul. Fuck off retard
I love that alters hanging out is a thing now.
>skill usage
No guide talks about this
Nobody cares about the stats, Kaleido would still be used if it was literally -500 to HP and Atk.
And telling someone "use Kaleido on your frontline and put (drop rate CE) on backline still isn't gameplay or discussion .
Hey, that's just Astolfofags being complete bandwagoning cucks from reddit
>Changing the point to be about the guides and not the gameplay in general cuz I caught you slippin'
>Pretends any Berserker would touch Kaleido with a hefty HP penalty
Keep going, it's clear who knows what they're talking about and who doesn't
I thought it was a thing for at least a little while by now?
As if it was just Astolfo
No, this entire shit started because you brought up guides, don't even try to turb that.
>Pretends any Berserker would touch Kaleido with a hefty HP penalty
If you're farming, nobody gives a shit about an HP penalty. A CE that gives 100% NP but sets your HP to 1 would still be used by basically everyone.
saber alter is cute
How do i play this shit on android on Europe?
How is it not? It's a turn based RPG no matter how much you bitch about it.
I actually like FGO's battle system, but dislike the skill cooldowns.
what are some sneks
Ha you fucking wish retard
Shiva, anila, athena on big raids, esser, alanaan
Staff teams for big raids, kengo team for short fights
Okto, brodia and healers on big raids.
Staff users, grimnir, powerless man, anila for big raids.
Staff teams again
Ferry six nier
It doesn't go deeper than that and slight variations, i know my shit, granblue is garbage, very few units are always relevant, the SSR pool is getting more and more bloated with useless shit and not even fa-hl made it "super deep and complex", kindly fuck off.
That was just Saber and Jeanne but since then its has been happening more and more with others like zerker Jeanne and Atalanta alter getting drunk and trying to fight Achilles because he got banned from casinos for being too lucky.
blessed thread
Best Snek.
>draw detailed body
>face looks scratched on
Why are japs allowed to do this
Blessed image.
FGO. Why do you go to a FGO thread and shill your garbage chink games?
-Epic 7(currently)
Pros: Fun gameplay, you can build each character in different ways and discover new tactics to use in pvp, many game mods like dungeons and guild wars, everything can be obtained for free with enough time and/or luck. Good waifus, and best visuals of 2D gacha games.
Cons: GRINDY AS FUCK. After a point literally all you do in that game is grind for better equipment and resources to upgrade your characters. Even worse, everything is based in RNG, so regardless of your efforts you also gotta have luck to get the shit you need.
The gacha rates are garbage so you will rarely get a 5 star unless you are a retarded whale.
Till couple months ago I wouldnt recommend it but now theres the pity system where you can get the character with enough rolls, so even as a f2p you can get the characters you want when they have a banner. This is a god send and every gacha game need this!
For me, it's Nero
what was his problem?
Garbage goes along with garbage, isn't that right?
Last Origin
- Units are super easy to obtain
- The character designs are horny as fuck but is also balanced by a lot of genuineltly cool ones, including robots and mechs
- Units have more in depth customization options than I have seen in other gacha
- The game's primariy monetization is through skins rather than gacha
- The gameplay and animations are nice, it's basically a turn based RPG which while you can auto battke through it, the game isn't so braindead that clearing harder content can actually be fun.
- Korean only
- Game features have to be unlocked via research which requires resource collection and time
- Higher rarity units are harder to develop
- Those skins are expensive as fuck
- This is more of a nitpick, but if you want to put money into the game you have to download the censored version because the uncensored version is distributed through Onestore which requires a Korean phone number to use. You can use the same account between the uncensored and censored versions though.
I want to hatefuck nero!
>muh sasgay personality
>muh fuck the throne
Autism. same as the rest of KotRT.
Mordred isn't autistic she's just a fucking idiot
Useless to post this on a FGO thread
FGOtards have no modesty at all.
I'm legit confused. You named some teams and you think thats it?
Are you actually retarded or just shitposting?
If you are trying to say that you can beat everything in the game JUST with those teams then wow, you are actually a fucktard and should never talk about Granblue again.
>playing chinese botnet kancolle
I shiggy diggy
FUCK the king
>long meb is real and she CAN hurt you
If anything outside these teams is just filler and you're probably just getting carried anyways so you might as well be doing minimal effort in there.
>click skill
>see boss diamonds
>press orange
Rinse and repeat.
Where's Fgo on this reply thread?
>constant threads daily about the pile of shit that is FGO
Can some anons just start hijack FGO threads with posts about literally any other gacha game?
Just shill your favorite gacha in their threads cuz this FGO shit is getting out of hand.
me on bottom
>always something to do
>always something to do.
>only if they're a legit autist.
pain eventually becomes pleasure
Nippon damashi, kyodai
Why are GBFtard so shameless? There is nothing deep about that game and there is a reason FGO beats it out all the time.
At this point, serious buyer's remorse.
Speaking of, does anyone even play FEH anymore
For being chinese is believable but in AL case i haven't seen real proof.
It is, they are mentally fucked by this franchise.
>like most rulers they made.
There are no bad Rulers though.
>Jeanne is core for stalling.
>Amakusa is great for any battle where the enemies use buffs a lot.
>Holmes is good support.
>Shi Huang Di is an immortal crit monster.
Bunny King is, unfortunately, pretty shit though.
I went back to it thanks to three houses and dropped it after using the free rolls, fuck i forgot how infuriating the roll system in that game is, kills your hype for the result before you even pick a orb.
The greatest lie the Devil ever told is that Granblue has good gameplay.
It's obvious why it beats it on revenue. There is zero reasons to spend money on GBF when you only need to be smart about spending your resources and the best units in the game are free. No need for money to be used and you can spend it better with stuff like Suptix.
Something foreign to people who play FGO.
>If you are trying to say that you can beat everything in the game JUST with those teams then wow, you are actually a fucktard and should never talk about Granblue again.
He's 100% correct though. Those are all the top teams for GW/Ubaha/LuciHard/Akasha
The game play is good, it's just not complex as that retard think it is.
So how long will Quick reign as the new meta? Any chance Arts will get a revival?
post seibas you stupid keks
FGO unironically has more depth and interesting gameplay than GBF even though there is no reason to e-sport in FGO.
Is this body type even real without horrible plastic surgery?
>There is zero reasons to spend money on GBF when you only need to be smart about spending your resources and the best units in the game are free.
Blatant lies. You need some Seasonal limited/Grand characters and their weapons for the best grids.
>but you don't need those for content; that's just for whales!
Same can be said about FGO though.
No. You have enough money.
>e sports
>turn based RPG
Worst Fate/Stay Night character with worst route, but you wouldn't know that.
Who the fuck's that supposed to be? Probably Billy the Kid or something, right? God, Fate sucks.
So did we get the free 4* ticket in NA yet this year? I've been away for a bit.
>finally finished Okeanos chapter
>wonder what's next
>it's London
Aww shit son, been waiting for this one.
Do you know why nobody talks about Granblue?
Because of Guild Wars, eveyone that is old enough hates GW to the core and how much you miss on it by "uuuuh just ignore it".
And why do you need the best grids when you can clear content with free grids? Only autist go for those grids. What I only care is getting the characters.
why is Hans wearing pantyhose?
Since you guys are talking other mobage too
Is Uta Macross remotely navigable if I can't read any Japanese? It looks fun and I fucking love Macross songs but I'm not gonna bother if shit's impossible to navigate without JP knowledge.
Colts didn't even existed in his time.
I just ignore it.
Yes, just rare
Or try reading the file name.
When is the engine going to get updated so text speed and loading screens aren't so slow even after downloading all of the assets?
>Self crit
I ain't no maoist.
t. too obscure for more than like 4 people to get.
no this is Billy
>need the weapons to get the Eternals which are core in about every element.
>need the summon drops for quartz which you'll need to all sorts of shit.
>need the badges to buy rewards like Sunstones which are extremely limited and are needed to uncap gacha summons.
>need the badges to buy Eviolite which is needed to get the Evokers who are core in most elements.
>but you have to play the game nonstop for a week to get any of that.
I want GW to die.
>Who the fuck's that supposed to be?
Musashi Miyamoto, famous japanese samurai. Of course he's a pink-haired girl. I mean, there's some parallel dimension fuckery where they say she's just a girl in one dimension but not another, but that's not exactly solving anything. She's in a USA bikini because it's a summer version and of course she randomly would be.
Billy the Kid is actually a guy, surprisingly enough.
>been waiting for this one
I'm sorry.
>bro just play with the free stuff
Yes gimp yourself with f2p grids on content that's getting increasingly bigger
>i only care about getting the characters
Play the same teams for months before getting new units because you had to save or wait for free rolls
>buy a ticket then
Imagine how manipulated you have to be to pay for a digital item that has absolutely no real ownership or value, the worst thing: a lot of people think this is justifiable because other gachas don't do it.
>just go casual bro
And make your experience 10 times worse poking the boss with garbage grids and getting nothing because you have to run these hundreds of times.
And GW fuck GW and any retard that defends it.
To be honest I expected that exact response just because someone'll always say that if I say I'm excited about something. That said I'm sure it could have issues but I've liked the story so far and London has one of my favourite servants in the franchise so I should enjoy it at least a little.
I like it because of the cute girls
It's just the summer version you retards. Here's regular Musashi.
Anything before Camelot isn't worth mentioning.
And I'm glad even the FGO staff know that
Who were your must grail servants? for me it was Jeanne Alter and Pent.
London is boring as hell
It's ass. I've played plenty of different gacha and GBF is one of the worst ones currently available. Event structure is especially bad.
Reminder that stay night fags also hate gatcha fags for ruining this once kino franchise
Zerofags are far worse than FGOfags could ever hope to be
Shit taste, tee bee h. London is one of the best singularities
>kino franchise
It wasn't a masterpiece and was pretty much Chuunibyou bait.
>Winning ww2
>London is one of the best singularities
>Mordredposter has shit opinion.
Figures. Only half-decent part was when "Solomon" showed up at the end.
Is there anything going on besides beating off?
I watched a gameplay clip and it looked like the most barebones turn based combat I've ever seen
Oh in that case it's not a specific issue with London? Cause honestly I don't mind the story so far. I like the casts a lot, both the ones I know from previous stuff and the ones I don't. Drake was a fun companion.
I'm not saying that because you are excited. I'm saying that because London is right behind Orleans with a terrible case of "Master, Wyverns incoming!" You'll run into nodes with one story second and then five more fights of nothing but those wandering mechs, and then the next story mode will just be "Master, we're lost, and more enemies are coming" and then you'll be fighting mechs for five more nodes. And all those nodes take 20-30AP each, forcing you into waiting days or burning apples just to get to any decent parts.
I'll admit that it did have some nice content. I wasn't a fan of Mordred, but Hans/Shakespeare/Nursery was a nice interaction. Fran is pretty lacking. It's just that overall, it was far more memorable for the massive waste of AP than it was for any of the story happening in it. Also, I hope you got to see the summer event if you like Mordred.
GBFcels are cancer. Can you guys just post in your general instead of shitting up a FGO thread? No one here cares about your p2w garbage.
They would have won if murica didn't drop bombs
figured someone must have done something like this but never bothered looking for it
real cute
Can't wait to see her shitty, tween-animated sprite!
No, it's just that the story is completely not worth mentioning and no one will blame you for literally skipping through everything until you get to Camelot, and even then, it's only really fun when the Round Table is involved. Orleans, Septem, Okeanos, London, and America are all pretty shit by themselves and they look even worse with what comes after.
It's why only Camelot and Bablyon are getting adaptations, they're actually worth something.
>not p2w
1. It's fun
2. Waifus
I like both, sue me. And I've read the VN unlike most of you faggots. I am waiting for the day where type moon decides to release their Visual Novels on Steam so they can eventually officially release Mahoyo and the Tsukihime remake in english. They're making so much money of the gacha that this should be possible right
Who is your favorite Berserker, bros?
It was either bombs or a massive ground invasion. Only difference between the two would be that a lot more Japs and Americans would have died if the latter occurred; the end result would be the same.
You can arguably get through the main quests with stuff you roll without spending a single cent. But there's not much to the gameplay or story.
god i wish that were me
FGO isn't Pay to Win. It's Pay to Waifu.
I am a huge Mordredfag and still thought London was boring. FGO's story doesn't pick up until America.
if FGO is mostly solo content and rarer stronger units are just to make the game quicker to beat instead of able to beat why do people feel so obligated to spend on it then? or you're lying to me.
There would be no Japan is America didn't use nukes to force a surrender.
Zero fags are fucking awful but atleast they try to separate stay night and their grimderp masterpiece.
grand order fags are ignorant parasites that parade as real fans. Fate verse is now basically the wormslut and the worms are the gatchafags.
even better
I'm technically a Zerofag since I started with Zero, but then I read the VN before I watched the UBW anime. I play FGO and I like it. Heaven's Feel is the best route.
You sound pretty mad, I do enjoy not spending on the game and rolling for the stuff myself. I got a lot of strong units already and mroe to come, got core units on all the elements.
I just want the characters since I love reading their stories, see no point in playing like autists do with min/max everything.
>why do people feel so obligated to spend on it then?
The whole Fate franchise is all about devotion to your waifu or your favorite character. Who would want to play a free collect-em-up when you don't even have your favorite? Of course the stupid Fate fans are willing to spend to get their personal favorite up to NP5. And then get the support Merlin/Skadi/flavor of the month as well.
>why do people feel so obligated to spend on it then?
For waifus. What don't you understand?
FGO is a game that focuses on writing and characters. People really like the characters because they are designed well and thus whale for them.
I mean is the combat really just pick the order your guys show up in then tap the order you want them to attack in?
>rarer stronger units
rarity doesn't always equal strength, plenty of 5* characters are dumpster tier compared to what some 2 or 3*s can do. It really just comes down to waifufags and some people that like the characters/setting
That's acceptable I guess
It sounds extra fucking stupid but people will legit just buy a bunch of chances just to maybe get a game character because they think it's cute. I don't know what these people think they'll get if they pay money until the end of the game's run five or six years from now (god I hope). There's no replay value. Just moving on to the next area and grinding more for rewards. But they'll never learn and it's disturbing.
It's mostly beating off.
It has a pretty simple Rock, Paper, Scissors system going for it and some debuff shenanigans, but that's about it gameplay wise.
Oh well. As long as the character interactions are neat in places I'm not too bothered.
chestlets should know their place
"i just play for the characters and their stories"
you want more characters > do the events for crystals > event takes a lot to do > grind for days for grids > better now but some characters can make this even quicker > *back to the top*
No, you never just "play for the characters", that's an illusion.
Don't hate the game. Hate the player.
Mordred has a wonderful chest
Why play it when I can save the pics of your waifu and fap to the her doujins, gachacuck?
Kinda? I mean isn't that the bare bones of any turn based combat? there's still a little depth to it like equip cards, passive abilities, and skills as well as rollout order
It's still fun to see what you can pull off and get away with especially if you're f2p
>like the idea of having multiple versions of the same character on the same team
>like several of the characters from the story
>they're basically all 5*s making it nearly impossible to get any one of them, much less all
This is why gacha is so shit. Fuck you and fuck your attempts to have fun. That'll be $1000 per character you want.
Let's be honest, your random 5* is going to be far better than your random 3*. Even the specific 2*s and 3*s you are talking about are fairly niche. Yes, Lu Bu tops all the charts in NP damage, but that's assuming a MLB Kaleidoscope and he's dead weight after his nuke. Meanwhile you have several 5* Berserkers who can self-charge their NP% and a lot of other 5*s who are great at building up NP and nuking a single target as well. So let's not pretend like you can just grab Hans, Fuuma, and Lu Bu and work just as well as a full 5* team.
>FGO beats it out all the time.
lol the only thing FGO got for it is the fact its a popular series thats been going for like 15 years or something.
Its almost as popular as Pokemon, so anyone with half a brain cell knows its gonna sell regardless of how shit the product is.
So of course their jew gacha games is gonna literally make billions.
Pokemon is also getting a gacha game, and guess what? Regardless of its quality its still gonna make billions because its the fusion of popular series + gambling simulator.
No, I should hate companies for taking advantage of weak individuals. That's no to say the players aren't responsible themselves, but doing this sort of thing digitally it's messed up. I think it's a problem with physical mediums too (card games should have singles provided from the companies themselves. Not just second hand after opening a bunch of packs from a case) but doing this for a picture isn't good. At least let these idiots buy their favorite hero for like five bucks a pop.
Orleans was decent, just poorly paced. I don't know why people forget this.
If the gameplay was even half as good as the art I would.
>Pokemon is also getting a gacha game, and guess what?
There have already been three Pokemon gacha games, and only Go has been successful. The others bombed. No telling if Masters gains traction based on the waifu appeal of if it dies just like Rumble Rush did earlier this year.
lmaoing hard
Did they add any new Americans? I'm not going back until there is at least 1 burger of every class.
Honestly FGO fucking sucks no matter how much money its making.
It's just a piece of shit with a stench that attracts retards, much like Fortnite and Minecraft.
Not even the waifus are good. They pick the most popular ones and just draw like 10 other characters with the same face and you fat virgins throw all your money like it's the best shit ever.
What's most pathetic about all of this is that it's not even actual gambling where you can get lucky and recover some money. You are paying to get an animated character in a shitty game.
At this point even paying for a physical figure of said character wouldn't be as retarded.
Go wasnt gacha you retard.
>They pick the most popular ones and just draw like 10 other characters with the same face
To be fair, they've been doing that since before Grand Order.
d-delete this
Musashi thinks she's an American, but she is a berserker so she is kinda retarded.
Why would I waste time "playing" a gacha game when all of the art assets and porn is available online for free?
>Did they add any new Americans?
Not since Christopher Columbus, assuming he counts for you.
Pretty much this. Bonny & Mary are probably the most distinct, simply because they don't look like half the cast and they don't act like a generic waifu moeblob. And that's not to say they are particularly well written, just at least somewhat slightly different.
The game is free to play anyway and is viable to play without spending money. Aniplex and DW are also transparent with how shitty the drop rates are for SSRs, so it's not like they're being nefarious about it. Players know full well what they're getting into when they play FGO, so it's solely up to them.
Yeah FGO is basically gambling for waifus, but at least Aniplex and DW are honest about it. They're not like EA, who shoves lootboxes into games that you already have to buy for $60, have zero transparency on their drop rates, and purposely design the game in such a way that it is pay to win.
Why is Mo so dumb?
Someone explain a retard like me the FGO game cycle, i want to know.
>why do people feel so obligated to spend on it then
Because they are barely people. Whales are more like monkeys with money.
Anyway, you ARE right about FGO being pay to win though because characters like Merlin and Waver are a big deal gameplaywise, and whales literally paid thousands to get those characters.
There's the whales that care about how good a character is in the gameplay and the whales who cares about the waifus, and honestly I don't know which is worse.
>If they're honest about kicking you in the balls, it's okay to kick you in the balls.
Waving temptation in front of a bunch of weak willed faggots does not make it okay.
so you're telling me FGO IS p2w and these people:
are either new or shills
Musashi is a reverse weeaboo.
I never said it was okay. Just that they're honest and not lying to you about it like EA. It's solely up to the player from there.
>400 posts later
What do you mean by the F/GO game cycle?
For dailies, it's log in, fight doors x1, fight hands x2, then fight hands x3 in the evening. Perhaps swap hands for the class dailies or a free battle which gives specific item drops you need. Repeat tomorrow.
If there's an event (roughly half the time there will be) then it's just spend all your AP in the event. A lot of times, this will mean clearing all the missions once and then repeating the one which gives the best rewards. Repeat several days until the mission with the best rewards in the event appears, then just repeat that endlessly. Some events require more time investment, some events less.
If you mean the general release cycle, then NA is currently in the "no new content" slump this year. Next year we should start seeing the Lostbelt chapters being released. For now, there's a lot of event reruns and the psudo-singularities to play through.
why nasu aproved this shit?
It made him very, very rich.
I dreamt about a fate character for the first time last night.
It was Abby.
She was 13-14.
And a Cashier.
Also looked generally done with everyone's shit.
Dustniggers ww@ give me your guilds faggots I need to join one
I'm not sure how "play the game because you are desperate for your waifu" is shilling. Most people should see that as a negative towards a game.
>why nasu aproved this shit?
Money. Billions of money.
I went through this entire thread and I can't find one in-game image that looks like the image in the OP.
What kind of bullshit nerdgasm game is this?
Anybody here got any NP5 SSRs?
FGO is as F2P as trying to do a level 1 dark souls run. It's possible, and there are entire youttube channels that go out their way to prove that the game is entirely doable without using a single 4 star or above, but It takes a lot of time and resources and when you start getting to higher difficulty fights, the one dude on your friendlist with a sick ass 5 star isnt gonna be enough to carry you.
Albiet you can save enough in game to roll the gacha without spending a dime, especially in JP now that you basicly have over at least 1000 sq you can get by doing basic non-event related stuff, but in the end those 4 and 5 stars are gonna be your crutch.
If anything the game thows you a 4 star from the get go, and Heracles is probably one of the most broken ones to get if your frugal, but supports like merlin and waver or big damage dealers like Raiko and Jeane alter aren't just gonna fall into your lap without some cash,
It's called "westaboo".
>make waifu collecting game where you can play completely for free
>fill it with garbage characters literally no one cares about
>but make it nearly impossible to get the popular characters that the fans actually want
Predatory business, like selling drugs to kids.
I don't understand how Japan is okay with this. Theres probably thousand of children spending their parents money on this shit.
Games like FGO should be illegal in every country.
Closest I have is NP3 Tamamo Lancer
Mordred and Vlad
>I went through this entire thread and I can't find one in-game image that looks like the image in the OP.
Stay seething, unrepentant ZeroChad here, Zero is the only decent entry in the franchise and Strange Fake.
Why the fuck do you think?
It's definitely in the game, just not that particular art. I believe the artist did that as a famitsu promo art for the event.
Void Shiki and Altera, the later entirely without trying. She's just shown up that many times in rolls
Altera and summer fox at np4, Altera from spook and Tamamo from trying and failing to get Mo, she popped up so often i did not even realize she was a 5* at first but the 4th arrived on the paid roll when i got her and NP2 Holmes.
Yep. I grailed her too.
Based Mobro
Been spooked by Altera thrice, burned 1 copy already and I’ll probably burn a 2nd one and keep one for bond quartz
So this is KING Arthur who was said to be a man among men.
Convince me to play this.
Do you like Fate and cute girls? You might like it.
Do you hate Fate and cute girls? You might not like it.
Yongyea is that you?
lmao fuck this nerd shit
>Got all the pieces to farm the hell out of Nerofest
I'm going to hate how much freetime this game will take soon.
Herro whittu piggu
Todays video I will read this text to you since you're biggu fat american and I wirr terr you why this thing is bad
holy shit yong chong is based
no fuck off
As someone who picked this game up at launch, played it specifically to get one character, and exclusive have that character as my only 5*s: Don't. It's a shit game designed to chew up your time and (if you are stupid/gullible) money. There's an anime for Camelot and Babylon coming out which will cover the good parts of the story, if you are interested in that. Everything else is garbage and even the few decent bits are buried under hundreds of hours of grind, assuming they are even available to you anymore at this point. I am personally pissed that my favorite seems to have some character development in this game because it means dealing with this slogfest just for completionists' sake, all for around three paragraphs of unvoiced text.
Rates are shit, grind is shit, premium currency exchange rate is shit, fuck trying to actually build a strong team as F2P, get out if you can and hope your favorite isn't relevant to anything in the game. Or look for the important bits by Youtube.
and then there's retards that complain about "WHY IS FGO SO LOW ON YOUR LIST ))):"
wtf i love yongyea now
why isnt Mordred more developed?
Saber's aging was stunted after pulling out the sword but Mordred should be aging fine
>"i didn't yong out in time so now my wife is pregnant"
She's a homunculus made from a Merlin-created futa cock jizz from Saber, mixed with her sister Morgan's blood. So that's incest, magic fuckery, and an unnatural birth. Be glad that Mordred is as relatively normal is she appears.
Who are you faggots saving for? 650sq for the next merlin solo banner on jp for me.
Mordred is (was) a homunculus, an artificial human created through Morgan's magic. Homunculus age rapidly and are plagued with a much shorter life span than a normal human. Mordred went from being a tiny kid to roughly Artoria's age in only a few years. She likely wasn't meant to last much longer than 10 years, just long enough for Morgan le Fay to get her revenge on Artoria.
>I got bunny mommy
thanks to those 250+ quartz that DW gifted during the anniversary
Supreme taste. Rerolled for Saber on launch day and grailed her to 100 asap with the first 5 grails I got my hands on. She’s still NP1 to this day but she’s never left my support list from day 1, currently rocking a lvl 100 First Sunrise CE
I already blew my load on Summer snek
>play through the story
>play through events
>like Anne Bonny
>like Quetzalcoatl
>really like Ereshkigal
>like Tituria's design
Well, fuck. Guess I like those blondes with large tits. They got me there. At least I'll never get a 5* so it doesn't matter.
yes, was saving up for the yagyu shuten banner and decided to blow some on lancer Raikou
Ended up with np5 maid alter and no Raikou
Why does Saber Alter have a gun?
Just save up your free quartz and roll with your dick you'd be surprised just how much the dick factors into luck
to clean up the filth
The final dupe for NP5 OG Nero and a MLB copy of the 5* event CE during Nerofest, dupes for Nero Bride along the way would be nice but not necessary
The funny thing is that all of the times that I got Seiba were through spooks. Seiba just truly loves me, and I still fondly remember her through the VN so I realized just how important she really is to me so I grailed her. I also have NP3 Summer Seiba, so I'll grail her too when I save up more QP. I love Seiba and she loves me.