Hey, Yea Forums why don't you tell us about that cool idea for a video game you have

Hey, Yea Forums why don't you tell us about that cool idea for a video game you have.

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A RPG set on a crazy world based on the batshit insane Indian mythology.

hey ideas guys, justify why i should have a barebones crew of a shitty starship travel a long distance in space, boarding every alien infested ship along the way.
im already making the game, but have no idea how im going to justify the story mode

because those alien-infested ships have the parts that they need to make their ship better

they are adventurers that's why they board every ship. barebone crew because they're adventurers and lost most of their crew already. only the best adventurers survived.

Mount & Blade and Total War.
Instead of playing a single character, you play as an entire state.
But, during battle, you can directly control generals and have functions similar to Mount &a Blade.

Depends: Do they come across places that could reasonably replenish their resources?
If not, making them stranded in an area of space and they're basically scavenging each infested ship just to make each leg of the trip.
Or even just straight up make them a group of shitty lowlife scavengers who just do this for a living.

thanks for the ideas my dudes
what should their end goal be?
to escape and warn civilization of the incoming alien attack? a last ditch effort to seal the aliens and prevent their spread?

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die pedo

they are trying to make their way out of some desolate corner of space after accidentally going off-course, now running low on resources and the only ships they stumble upon that might have some of the resources they need are derelict wrecks floating around in the void. they're simply trying to make it back home to their families & accidentally got stuck having to deal with 2spooky aliens instead

What's the actual game play? What are you leaning towards? So far all we know is it requires a shitty ship and bare bones crew.
What are the aliens exactly? Are they sapient invaders or just an infestation that hits the ships?

Underwater Monster Hunter set in modern times with the outfits being a mish mash of tacticool spec ops gear and diving gear. Game has a very specific rainy/Singaporean aesthetic to it with the hub city being a futuristic Singaporean Waterworld city.
Deep sea hunting can be a raid or some shit

already making it.

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An open world game in which you are a space bounty hunter mercenary who gets hired to do various things like assassinate people, kidnap people, heist places, protect places, be a bodyguard, escort people/items, steal items, and other cool shit while using super cool sci fi gadgets to help with the job. Multiple planet maps with the size and detail of RDR2, with various sci fi weathers like acid rain or planets cloaked in volcanic ash, along with varying terrain, wildlife, nature, and city architectures.


gameplay best described as a bootleg 40k spacehulk but realtime and co-op
aliens are more of an infection

horror rts, where you control a group of people in a scp/silent hill esque place trying to fight/hide from whatever monster of the week is there

You play as an ordinary pizza delivery guy. No powers, just a guy trying to do his job.

The game takes place in a world full of monsters and superheroes and disasters constantly happening, and you need to dodge that bullshit to make the delivery. Superheroes having a fight? Avoid stray laser beams. Godzilla? Don't get stepped on. Aliens? Don't let them abduct the pizza.

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>open world
Stopped reading right here. Your idea is shit.

sounds like paperboy

It's an open world MMORPG with mandatory PvP where you play as a primordial ooze and have to eat your way up the food chain, gaining genes instead of XP, abilities instead of skills and body parts instead of equipment. Level areas are following up biospheres from microcosmic to macrocosmic until you're in the endgame biomes as a fully grown animal.

Someone mad that GOTY RDR2 (inb4 "muh moviegame", sorry that it has gameplay too good for you to handle) isn't announced for PC yet?

a clone of an old game with online multiplayer/coop and mod support, bonus points if its a dead genre

>Tribes Ascend style FPS
>but with coop RoR-ish gameplay loop
Legit thinking about making it, and can handle the programming side.
On the flip side everythin about "fps-z" genre seems like a red flag since all of them sold like shit afaik.

you should make it

RDR 2 isn't a movie game. It's open world trash, which is far worse. At least movie games don't waste my time with padding.

Clearly you've never played it. The only thing it's "padded" with is actual content, you mong.

A regular game but to play it you have to put your dick into a real human vagina

I'm prototyping the gameplay, will see if I can figure out good ways to encourage going fast without having an enemy team on your ass.

>will see if I can figure out good ways to encourage going fast without having an enemy team on your ass.
ar you gonna make the weapons projectile based so going fast means you can dodge bullets?

large, marked AOEs that dont track players, chaser missiles, and big ass lasers that try to follow players
good luck user, sounds like fun

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Overworld sandbox, but you play as a goblin, where your upgrade paths are to specialize into rogue, become a hobgoblin fighter that's good at 1v1, or become a goblin king and have the ability to take over other tribes or control where your tribe travels and encamps on the map. You can split off from the tribe to do your own thing with your max party size/composition being dependent on what class you specialized into, for example rogue can have 6 followers or 3 wolf riders, Hobgoblin can have 26 followers or 13 wolf riders, GK's ratio would be 60 or 40. Raiding villages and farms causes cities to send out more patrols and hunting parties, sneaking into cities to steal shit makes them more focused preventing theft/vandalism at the cost of less patrols protecting the countryside. Hobgoblins can freely enter cities for more activities besides petty theft/assassinations, such as extortion, night watchman, or getting shitfaced and starting bar brawls. If rogue, the player will receive jobs from other races to commit high tier theft/robbery and assassinations. Stealth while in cities will have the player getting chased by ravenous dogs if they get spotted and have planned gaps between the buildings where they have to descend from the building tops and risk getting mauled to death if they want to escape the cities. Also have a set of mid-tier thieving missions where the player captures puppies to gain access to different dog themed dire wolf mounts, dire-dogs or d-dogs if you will all of which have their own advantages and disadvantages, like the pomeranian one being the weakest, but also able to jump high enough to get on top of most 1 story buildings. Also, different races and factions have different breeds of watchdogs, such as elves having pomeranians that can follow you onto roofs, humans having generic hounds/curs, and dwarves making do with the absolute units known as bulldogs.

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Fortnite, but no building.

A horror game where certain enemies are only dangerous once you've pointed your weapon/flashlight at them.
A shop game that focuses on demographics, and catering your store toward certain types of people while not alienating others.
Shmup with certain enemies who get bigger when you shoot them. Also enemies who only die to bombs (this probably has already been done, I don't actually play a lot of shmups). Shooting with M1 gives you a narrow shot pattern which widens over time, M2 gives you a wide shot pattern which narrows over time.
A NES-style sidescroller that only gives you a checkpoint if you reach the checkpoint with full health. Basically you need to perfect an area before you don't have to play it again.
An FPS with a gun that does more damage if your gun is higher or lower on the Y axis (if you're looking up or down). A shotgun that does more damage when you hit with more pellets, but more knockback when you hit with fewer pellets. A sniper that lets you teleport to the location of the last enemy killed. A gun that can take thev velocity from objects and give it to other objects.

Yeah, that's the obvious one .

Beasts for you to hunt that you have to very slowly take one at a time is the definition of padding

Battle royale.
>50 players
>map is hell with demon enemies, hellish castle ruins, lava pits, etc.
>no guns, just swords axes bows crossbows armor etc.
>map is very dangerous to explore, demons waiting to ambush you everywhere, floors that can break underneath you into pits of lava or hellspawn like hydras if you're not paying close enough attention
>objects and areas with physics or normal interactions like rope bridges you can slice, ladders you can move and place or even drop on someone and various traps you can set
Combat inspired by Souls or Severance, or both.

MGSV except you can actually participate in raids with your mercs around the world with insane gun and equipment customization in order to truly make a PMC all your own. Can expound if anyone wants.

Crazy Taxi ripoff
Each Driver/car has a very specific gimmick mechanic ontop of different stats
Specialized playlist for each character
Certain fares have special requests and scenarios for their rides. Like picking up a the shady guy in a suit might get you chased down by gangsters/cops

How do you make people actually engage each other and not just avoid movement as much as possible?

An arena shooter...NO WAIT FOR IT
an arena shooter, that isnt like QUAKE!!!
you know it does something different this time and doesnt have a genreic futuristic artstyle

would play

World of warcraft +foxhole+ rts.

Whole game can join your army. Even wild enemies.
Whole cities can be manipulated into destroying itself or protecting themselves or war against others.

Player police service. And law.
Player based trading.
Like old world society.
2 places might be cool so their goods are cool.

When you kill things you level up and you can get items for your guy and abilities like poe.

Cities can be attacked by armies and mass groups of wildlife.

When your in the game if you want to join a friends army you can either help him manage his army or he can manipulate the army from defecting from you.

Weather effects gameplay.

Everyone levels up.

I'm thinking about putting my dick into a blender and see what comes out of it.

Because there's almost constant enemies to deal with, and camping in one area too long will eventually result in your health being whittled down by fighting multiple enemies over time. Perhaps there's no way to heal, and the only way to get a slight heal is to kill a player.

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Arena shooter, recoil of cs 1.6, long distance ant shooting of red orchestra 2.

Diablo 2 plus Nintendo...

Have certain eras be acts.

To add onto this, since obviously so you can ambush people you won't always be hounded by enemies, if you stay in the same general place for more than say 2 minutes, demons will spawn out of the ground, from objects, or even your own sword will fall out of your hand and turn into a demon or even multiple that you have to kill.

Its Crazy Taxi, except its the future and there are flying cars

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Based as fuck 5th Element poster

Free repetive game with waifus in it. U make most money off cosmetics. And porn

Mutiplayer starfox, but whit more mmo management, like Eve online, just , more dinamic and also dont make it IN the star fox universe, just based around the whole mechanics and methods of star fox , there you can have a 10/10

A game with no women or minorities


A game like mass effect but all the Ayys are based on internat pages , including Yea Forums as frog ayys and tumblr as unicelular genderles beings who wage war against anyone who calls them by he or she

Sounds absolutely based, as long as there is character customization

A game where you are in the underworld and you have to resurrect things in challenging ways instead of killing them.

The resurrection should be interesting where you go through a dark demonic side or a heaven light side. There is a neutral as well.

You can go through the trials of each side and unlock new levels like the abyss and interaction with gods. Those gods can make it so beings never can respawn as a world being again and can influence the world in unique ways.

You can make a sandbox where you can see the things being killed and you choose what resurrects to what and how it impacts the world from above.

The above world can learn how to interact with and enslave befriend or become a part of these beings from the underworld.

This is all based on hermetic teachings that I learned here
Including screenshot

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bully, but set in a japanese highschool, with various gangs, afterschool activities, school clubs, events, NTR and girlfriend mechanics and its has a cell shaded anime artstyle

classic resident evil gameplay with fixed camera but melee focused with access to all weaponry available in late medieval europe, taking place in a huge huanted castle with all classic monsters like vampires, zombies, werewolves, etc but with a more gross aesthetic/dead space-like enemy designs

H-game remake of Tecmo's Deception.

A game based on the 90s without PC culture. An older generation who thought the kids were weirdos because they didn't understand the culture nor the emotion of the time.

Alot of darkness with extreme contrast of colors

They got talked into it by a charismatic con man .Most of his life he's cheated and lied but always had a way to inspire people into doing what he wants.

After he burned so many bridges he wants to leave his shithole town/planet and start off new. His crew consists of people who follow his promises of Fame and fortune and few who still trust him.

So chris Robert's in space lol

Megaman Battle Network Mosou

>why don't you tell us about that cool idea for a video game you have.
Because I'm working on it and if people know it originated from Yea Forums they will boycott it

Lose the NTR and I'd play it.

Is the MC's name Dutch and you play as his right hand man named Arthur?

You are a squad of elite soldiers sent to save a project in a huge secret laboratory. You can play with your friend and you'll need to face different monsters/experiences.

A multi player game set un Space around the concepte of the "black forest" were any information takes time to travel and you are a new space civilisation trying tu probe space around it there is an unknow number of player in each game and you can just nuke the planet of other players.You can chat with other players but communications can be intercepted and there would BE mechanics to try to false flag as another civilisation and other mechanics based around information.

Let's make a video game but make it good?

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so like payday but you actually carry out heists and the gameplay is good?

Fps shooter like CoD:blops or Titan fall but replace the gritty hardened Marines and gruff men with cute/sexy anime babes.

A Mario kart like but it plays like pic related. Being skilled in those games is always about taking sharp turns, I want this game to be about accelerating / gear change timing

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a stealth infiltration game where you play as an elite soldier who ages at an accelerated rate but instead of just looking older you actually become significantly weaker until you're forced to use a cane and periodically shit yourself which gives away your location to enemies.

stealth horror action multiplayer coop game where you chose from various classes that are based on real life murderers and serial killers and rapists
PvP is stealth based action similar to chaos theory and can have various modes like killing targets for more points,etc
PvE is you and a bunch of other schizos prowling a large area filled with various goons, security cameras and alarm buttons

doom but with magic
seriously, i want a game where i feel as a powerful mage, casting spells left and right

space pirates

you mean like catacombs-3D or hexen or heritic?

yeah, with an element combining mechanic like magicka
dunno whether it would work in first person with the particle effects and shit though

Action RPG where you play as a recently risen lich lord. Your overall goal is to take over the kingdom with your undead army. You start off with your home base in a shitty little graveyard in the forest barely able to raise a group of zombies and skeletons but as you upgrade your talents and take over villages you can end the game being able to command a giant army of undead, including even bone dragons. Each type of undead being useful for whatever situation, since once word of your conquest spreads castles and villages will reinforce themselves more to prepare themselves for your eventual attack. You can also fight stuff with different unholy weapons and spells and depending on what kind of town you attack you can better equip both yourself and your army

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far cry 4

yeah looks about right but unpolished

a stealth game built around the idea of using a level editor, similar to how super maio maker does it

so, dayz, h1z1, pubg, call of duty br, apex legends or battlefield br? fortnite without building would just be another fps rehash

Please. I mean a pure fantasy one. Not FPS shit.

You know this is morrowind

beam breakers

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a fighting game comprised entirely of old Yea Forums memes with guest characters from other sites like ebaums, YTMND, newgrounds, SA,etc.
anyone got any ideas for a good starting roster?

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I'm imagining how an entirely sound based video game would work. Think of a rudimentary FPS like the OG Wolfenstein except there are no visuals, just sound. My idea is that all objects emit a specific hum and your headphones let you know where they are and how close they are, enemies, their projectiles, powerups, secrets, everything. You'd get audio cues for dealing damage, taking damage etc. I have no idea how scenery and walls could work in this respect. The whole thing would take some insane audio programming and sound design and some thorough research and testing, it probably wouldn't be too effective with regular headphones and it probably wouldn't be too good for your ears. I know some blind people manage to play regular vidya just through muscle memory and sound alone, but imagine what it would mean if someone somehow pulled this off and made a fully functioning game out of it.

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based, why has no one done this yet?

sounds cool

Gurren Lagann action adventure videogame made by Platinum with visuals done by Arc Sys

That’s it

Because most people wouldn't buy it due to shame.

people buy far worse shit on steam, weebs have no shame

Open world trash doesn't count and Morrowind is still too much like Elder Scrolls

>what is risk of rain
>what is minecraft

Cant be done, most memes are copyrighted material

Lost life sequel where the girl is now in middle school

Can ideas guys just give ideas to companies and get money?
Dont want to be rich, just get something and see it in game.

so can you give me a list of non copyrighted memes?

It's Anarchy Reigns but with good single player, working online and on PC

Deus Ex-like FPS/RPG gameplay with Mirror's Edge movement and Half Life's aesthetic and setting (secret science research facility in the middle of nowhere), right down to the comfy graphics, models, and GoldSrc audio quality.

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>harvesting ideas on the internet for future profit
niggas will fall like flies in honey

you play a loli and the objective is to get to school without getting impregnated

Fire emblem but with monster girls. Specifically giant oni women. I'm totes working on it and don't have self motivation problems.

Already done user.
What if you are the impregnator?

Are there other monster girls?
Are they all within one kingdom or can you choose different factions?

Vanillaware get tasked with making a new 2D Castlevania

I figure it would be like most fe games where you end up with a rag tag group. Throw in some centaurs and harpies and whatever else makes the penis big.

A game with the nemesis system, but it's a superhero game. You create your own superhero choosing from a set of origin story which will also determine what types of villains you'll encounter. The story is procedural in a way, as in what happens with certain villains affects what villains in the future might do. So you never get the same playthrough twice.

Games where the writing didn't matter.

carnageddeon ripoff with terry as the main character and the enemies are CIA glowniggers and ayylmaos

any characters you want to see in the Yea Forums fighting game?

master of magic mixed with age of wonders 3 with a nemesis system.
You are supposed to subjugate and corrupt creatures, monsters, races and heroes under your banner and bring several generic villain doomsday scenarios.

the 404 girl

shes in

Your mother.

I'm in.

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Scrap the Yea Forums concept, just make it about little girls

thats been done to death, theres a tonne of little girl fighting games, this shit is for teh lulz

But, what about the boy-hungry pedophiles?
You can't leave them out now, can you?

Starbound but with the Star Wars universe and actual good mechanics. Also cyborg augmentations, ship faction battles and force powers.

But how would I be able to tell the difference between the tokyo fish market simulator and your average anime bdsm porn VR game if my eyes were closed?

Open world Metro, and you know how in the first game enemies are covered in little pouches and stuff that actually block bullet damage if you hit them but get destroyed pretty much instantly? There's way more emphasis on that for both player and enemy, so you're constantly trying to kill enemies as precisely as possible so there's lots of little bits to grab off the body and armor yourself with, and it also extends to weapons, so you can use your rifle as a temporary shield while running between cover if you like, and big minigun type stuff would naturally work as a hefty damage reduction.

There's a source mod and a commercially released game based around you being as blind as your character. Can't recall the name of either but I doubt they're difficult to find on google. They're both fantasy I believe and more about walking and walking than anything, though I think the commercial game has at least one sword fight.

one punch man game where you are normalfagman and can acquire or upgrade powers as you fight different threats.
High level of customization ans character creation and a myriad of skills to choose based on all sorts of heroes and superheroes from many universes. You will find not only enemies, but also other heroes trying to help you or take all the merit. You can also become a villain mid way and create a bad ending.

Many enemies will be from the OPM series, but there will be a chance of adding into your world the heroes and villains of other players. The nemesis system of Shadow of War would be there, if the budget allows it.
Big multiplayer, co op bosses and other players joining would be optional.


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*walking and talking

I really just want a kaizo platform indie game that's as complex as a SMW romhack

So how does one start even learning how to make basic ass games?


Big-ass dungeon crawler with grid-based, turn-based tactical combat, and room-by-room exploration. Dungeons are massive labyrinths in three dimensions, every room has the potential for six exits. Multiclassing and horizontal-based gear progression that contributes to build variety. Somewhat extensive character creation and cosmetic gear customization. Non-combat skills, survival elements, and puzzle solving are as vital to progressing through the dungeon as combat is. Large monsters have locational damage and breakable parts for crafting. Town hub builds up as you progress through the dungeon and bring back discoveries and riches. Low-poly aesthetics. Custom characters can be saved and shared as cards.

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A detective game, you're a worn down PI solving mysteries with the help of your Internet avatar, that one day grew a consciousness of its own. Try to make a stable living. Form Bonds, do oddjobs, explore your deadbeat city and fight Internet Kaiju in your mothers facebook page. Uncover the truth behind the creation of your partner.

Or a game about sucking cock Idk which one to work on

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A chess game using Disgaea classes as chess pieces.

Castlemania with an android maid who uses a rocket-powered tower shield and a flail

Super Magical Girls Wars

DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi with 2hu characters.

An action RPG that spans 4 games, first two games seems unrelated to the 3rd, but the 4th ties them all together. You get to make your own character and choose between 3 different classes, with each one having 2 subclasses. Each game you made a new character, but your OC donut steel from the previous games and his NPC buddies will have a part in the sequel, usually in some final battle counterattack moment.

This is literally etrian odyssey. The later games even have the card system.

Yeah, but that's a blobber.
You're not wrong, though. I want to mix etrian and darkest dungeon to get some disgusting abomination that appeals to all my very specific tastes and wants.

what about a game about a detective sucking cock in exchange for information?

Nah, I dont like the combination of those images

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you're alright user

Okay, here goes.
>open world isometric SRPG
>you explore the world from an isometric point of view, climbing and sneaking with an emphasis on verticality
>once you choose to engage an enemy, the standard SRPG grids appear around your location and it becomes the standard turn based SRPG battle
>use your surroundings for tactical advantage, for example, if you have ambush a convoy, you can rush in, or climb buildings before attacking from range for a high ground advantage, or sneak closer so all your party members can attack right away once the battle starts
>focus on quick skirmishes rather than drawn out map traversal

you play as a silly little man
you win when you are the silliest

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Okay, so, I wanted to make a Popeye game, although I didn't want to have copyright issues. So, I thought of this: there's going to be some Italian-American man who jumps over barrels. Brutus will be replaced by some ape and Olive will be replaced by some other woman, we'll surely find something.

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Your goal is to manage a dungeon , you get to pick what kind of monsters and stuff so for example you could have a squad of goblins or orcs and each group would have a squad limit , but after a few fights someone in that squad would be recognised as the leader of the group and they would have varying personalities from things like combat proficients to a hatred of other races and everyone in that squad would develop the same quirks.

The goal would be to manage a successful dungeon of retards that hate and fight each other for various reason as you try to stay alive yourself.

I don't have any real ideas, but I'd like to make a somewhat competitive multiplayer game where balance is handled by an AI rather than people.

>*steals your idea*
Thanks, user.

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Combo based movement weapon first person bullet hell. “Chasing Deth”

Plot: Your best friend died, you can’t get them back but you wanna kick death’s ass for the dick move. You need to gain speed and energy to chase down death.

Gameplay: all the weapons have weird movement options usually related to firing.

- chain gun: Alt fire fires out spiderman swing rope. That chain is your clip, firing shortens the chain.
- shot pull: shot gun fires slugs, if it hits an enemy you get pulled in closer, hit the ground you get bounced back
- long pipe: one hit kill sniper rifle, you teleport and telegib the enemy
- revolter: each shot moves you in the direction you’re shooting, alt fire is shoot all six chambers. Only way to reload is use a quick shield, and blocked damage results in more ammo

I unno, I wanna play it.

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don't quit your day job, random japanese dude. sounds like it's gonna flop

Sniper top
>your're a delivery guy
>you get a phone call
>some guy says he has a sniper pointing at your head and will shoot if you dont do what he says
>he says go to the next delivery and you'll be prompted on what to do next
>moments later a bird explodes
>you nod you head and do as instructed
>you follow the map to the address
>you make it there and your're greeted by some suspicious women
>you get another phone call and receive your orders
>*ZIIIIIp* "I have a package for you mam"
>the lady falls to her knees and sucks the soul out of your calibur
>on the phone you can hear "Oh fuck this is hot, oh mom, oh mommy"
>you shoot a fat load on the slutty women and go on your way
>you get another phone call
>good job, we should make this a every week thing. Of course not for free. Just save my number under OP and I can make you a very wealthy man."
>every week you need to find new ways to get OP's mom off which also gets him off.

Vietnam war vet who's about sixty and works as a contractor, plumber, and/or job that requires you to go down under houses/into tight areas. Constantly has flashbacks to the war while doing normal labor for clients. As the game progresses, the flashbacks become longer, more obstructive, and intrusive. Eventually one flashback lasts so long that the protag realizes the war didn't ever end and that all the "hallucinations" were reality and a coping mechanism he developed to get through the war.
Asked a friend what they thought and they said that something that would hint at the hallucinations being real is that there are some appliances/developments in the post-war world that the protag creates that don't quite fit in, like a client speaks fluent Vietnamese while saying goodbye, some car designs look too futuristic (basically idealized version of how the vet views the future), etc.

>An RPG in an entirely dark (Color-scheme, I mean), fucked-up world that was stopped in time in the middle of a world-resetting apocalypse
>The damage was too great, civilizations fell, and the world became a wasteland
>By chance, a lone fellow came across and artifact that *usually* keeps time in check. All the artifacts were removed to stop time
>He decides this world sucks and strives to fix it the only way he knows how: By resuming its demise
>You go through all kinds of harsh areas, fight person and monster alike, and meet some friends
>The game ends with one last sunrise as the world resets itself
>A Mother 3-esque ending sequence occurs, leaving you to wonder just *what* happened to everyone

an FPS where you cant reload your guns to encourage you to pistol whip and toss them at people

rpg where you play as a evil witch mom and the antagonist is your even more evil son

Katawa shojou, Valhalla

your crew are the last remnants of a once-ubiquitous order of SPACE CRUSADERS(JIHADISTS) that spent their time trying to PURGE all of the xenos from the universal gene pool - zealots and vestiges from the first contact wars with aliens

their ship was disabled in combat at some point and they were quickly put into cryosleep by the ship's subAI, and they only awake hundreds of years later when humanity barely exists anymore because scavengers discover their ship and in trying to salvage useful parts and historical relics, they accidentally awaken the remaining crew who immediately resume their crusade

>you can choose 1 of 7 characters to play as
>You all are trapped in a building all have amnesia from being drugged
>you have one game week to figure out the identity of the character you chose and fight off mild delusions
>if you fail to figure it out, in the week your character goes into a enraged state and tries to attack everyone
>you'll be forced to switch characters and subdue the maniac and that character will permanently become unplayable
>if you succeed, the character will become your next characters ally help uncover who is behind all of this
>all the characters identities link together in a way that solves the overall plot of the game.

psychological mystery horror game

>A shop game that focuses on demographics, and catering your store toward certain types of people while not alienating others.
Lowest Common Denominator Simulator

I'm seeing one major flaw.
The branching paths call for multiple playthroughs, but
>be Boris Fuckboy
>don't know this
>go mad
>eventually find out
>for every future session, I can slam the solve button the moment I am Boris Fuckboy

That could fix that
like in some kind of new game plus you can save that character through some alternate method.

There's also the issue of if you cant save one character. the game can still be beat but ultimately you'll be in the dark about who the other characters actually are

Kek, no ones going to play your shitty game. Just tell us faggot

Interesting. Very Silent Hill/Jacob's Ladder.

Sounds kino

Attached: 6C7B4C9D-59F4-4187-B22F-7A5BD18A4FD6.jpg (750x696, 87K)

A hitman-like game set from the start of WW1 to the end of WW2 with extreme historical accuracy, where you have to kill certain people on all sides of both wars. There is an over-arching plot about someone finding out about you and the last mission is you taking them out.

Attached: 5989EAC1-E58C-4AD8-88D4-76AC47C1FA91.jpg (1280x1024, 123K)

Its a game a big one easily top three one of the biggest games created by hundreds and thousands everything is big selection of everything big gameplay big cheat menus big guns big kills big gig like 200gig of guns and 300gig of textures then 500gig on gun sounds 100gig for the game big game of the best game terry got byte space invaded cant not play it big doesnt even describe how big this thing is im talking multi billion dollar investment deals being brokered right now securing this thing its good 2 go