Ok Yea Forums let's settle this once and for all

Ok Yea Forums let's settle this once and for all.

If Vanilla WoW like according this video :

Was so great why did Blizzard make retail then the way it is? If Vanilla was so goddaam good and about the world and about the player and about everything and choices. Why did Blizzard make retail as what is a bland messy smelly pile of shit.
Retail is everything about playing the current patch for 2 weeks then buying all the new available.
If the Vanilal was the greatest game ever made by Blizzard then why did they almost even deny it existing for the last 15 years! Not only they denied every single private server that tried to re-create it and only after a mass outrage did they finally give in and make it themselves.

Is Blizzard the most hypocritical game studio in the world? I don't believe a single word Blizz creators say on that video. They all nothing but little money sucking parasites so they can pay 900 million dollar bonuses for their overlord CEO.

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Other urls found in this thread:


WoW classic is literally shattering records as far as posting rates go on Yea Forums. its the most popular EVER general on /vg/


//end thread

because it looks bad to shareholders when the past 13 years of you being in business were in vain due to you consistently putting out a shit product
the only reason they're doing it is because contemporary WoW is at such a low sub count it doesn't even matter anymore, they just need to make money before they go bankrupt

vanillaniggers OWNED with FACTS and LOGIC

nelf master race

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>Was so great why did Blizzard make retail then the way it is? If Vanilla was so goddaam good and about the world and about the player and about everything and choices. Why did Blizzard make retail as what is a bland messy smelly pile of shit.

There's a saying - polish the edges too much and object loses its original definition. That's pretty much what happened to WoW except "polish" in this context means "become more accessible".

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Wish I could play it but this niggas don't support Windows Vista.

Wrath brought in huge waves of casual players. People who wanted to play MMOs but didn’t enjoy them. Cataclysm restructured the game with this casual crowd in mind, while also trying to cater to their hardcore audience (which was eventually undone when heroics were nerfed. Hard.). Little did they know, casuals are fucking casual, and once they get bored of the game, they move on to whatever other game is currently popular and abandoned WoW. Because WoW was irreversibly casualized, homogenized, and dumbed down, there was only one direction they could continue going in. They’ve made attempts to improve aspects of the game since then, but Cataclysm’s huge changes still plague the game’s foundation, causing it to not be as enjoyable as it used to be.

Also, while retail does have some enjoyable aspects, the writing still fucking sucks. Nothing holds that same simple charm that everything up through Wrath had. Everything has to be this big, blown out and dramatic thing now. Everything tries to hard to be grand and epic, when simplicity is what made everything so enjoyable.

Not even going to get started on the art direction. To sum it up, the new art direction turned the game into a Pixar cartoon, and the aesthetics are so over the top that everything just looks fucking silly. They took WoW’s aesthetic, cranked it from a soft 7 to a hard 12, and snapped the lever.

Those people you see in the video moved on to other projects, there's also the fact that Activision bought Blizzard. After Vanilla, WoW wasn't a passion project anymore, it was about making money and you do that by attracting as many players as possible. So the game became more and more casual friendly even though WoW was already a casual MMO by it's times standards.

i want a femdorf to sit on my face

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i know right, its such bullshit i cant play WoW on my IBM running DOS SHELL

I still can't wrap my head around mmo with finite content and no future updates.
The only thing that kept me subscribed a decade ago were new patches.
How long can you eat the same comfort meal exclusively before you notice you no longer feel the flavor?

I think the fault here is from both blizzard (this also includes the suits at activision) and the playerbase
because lets be honest here, the skill level of the average player went down tremendously over the years. they just bent the knee to get more people to play the game and focused on more profit than the actual game.
But players also accepted this and didnt do any form of boycotting, except for the one time with the Real ID Fiasco.
Blizzard is a company that did so much wrong and im amazed how they are still in business. the previously mentioned real id thing was one of them but the Diablo 3 fiasco shit was something that would put any other studio in literal shambles had it not been for the name.

Activision essentially /thread.


Learn English, faggot.

I’m still surprised that the dude who lead D3 didn’t get term’d, and just got relocated to other projects. The way he openly shat on the D2 devs pissed people off massively.

NElf Chad reporting. Why did Blizzard have to rape our lore, give us shitty questing zones and ignore us for the entirety of WoW?

>Three pre-release month in advance subscriptions for me, my wife, and my wife's son for the Activision-Blizzard owned, genre-redefining, layering and sharding-oriented on-rails progression based atmospheric slow-grind MMORPG with classes designed to strictly adhere to the "MMO Holy Trinity" as to not confuse the players with too many abilities, please. We have to reserve our names!
>Yes, I'd like to donate the change to Asmongold.

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Blizzard and their masters at Activisioni committed to a business model of yearly paid "expansions" (on top of a monthly subscription, which is rediculous double-dipping, but they got away with it because of how popular WoW was).

Because they were forcing their development team to make expansion after expansion, the quality took a huge fucking nosedive. Like straight down, right into the shitter. While the game looks nicer, and is more casual over all, no one actually wants to pay $15 a month on top of buying full priced "expansions" to get a product which is far worse than the original.

Basically, they jewed themselves out of long term sustainability in favor of short term profits.

Vanilla wow could have been expanded numerous times with more content like AQ, NAXX, Alterac Valley, Arenas, Races, classes, ect. Instead of adding these features to the game to justify the $15 a month subscription, they pay-gated them to tempt the addicts and whales to pay more. Then they added shit like a cash shop.

WoW was a victim of it's own success. Bobby Kotick and his (((friends))) on Wall Street made bank, while the players and the developers got shit on at every turn.

>and just got relocated to other projects
pretty sure he is the one who made wow what it is now.

Fuck Blizzard

It was slow quality of life changes in the beginning and then overall ‘everyone should be able to get the best stuff’ changes later which eventually changed it to be what it is today.

For example: adding a dungeon finder was a good idea but it had the unintended consequence of allowing people to not be on their best behavior in a group because they could just requeue if they got kicked. If you were a tank or healer, you could also leave groups at literally the first sign of trouble because you’d get another group in a minute. All of this added together to hurt the community as a whole.

>when you make a fail thread using your hot new forced meme wojack so you have to go into another thread to copypasta the same thing again
pity (you)

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i dont get is she changing her race to Dark Iron Dwarf?

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No. He was put on WoW for a while to lead some stuff during WoD or Legion - one of the two - but I’m not sure what he’s working on now.

There’s far more to blame for WoW’s current state than some shitty developer.

I pity your pathetic existence

came here to post this. do you think anyone at blizzard could just start working on anything cool that they randomly thought up?

The main character of WoW went from being the world to you, the player. Not even joking, watch the opening questline to WoD.

>or a while to lead some stuff during WoD or Legion
that is when it completely gone into gacha territory


>Hey guys lets do Onyxia later tonight.

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this. it started in wotlk,slow, gone to hell champion savior of everything later

jesus kek

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While I agree it’s lame, at some point it’s just common sense that the factions would eventually recognize the dude who’s basically taken part in (if not, was the sole force behind) taking out much of the world’s biggest threats

Blizzard always panders to its playerbase, and in doing this they pander to the lowest common denominator. They simply don't know when to listen, and in a game this popular, and an MMO no less, people will ALWAYS complain about something.
You want easier leveling? Okay. You guys complain about taking too much to get a group for your dungeons? Okay have LFR. There's like 1% of people who complain that they can only play at nighttime, and that night in WoW is too dark? Okay, let's destroy any sense of atmosphere and make the night as luminous as the day.
You can also see it in the way they balance their games. If a character is OP, then in the next patch they nerf it to a point it is no longer viable or even fun to use. Same the other way around, but it takes them longer to buff stuff.

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He was right all a long.

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I don't know why they planned so few servers for it, I believe they seriously underestimated the amount of people who wanted to play.

>why did Blizzard make retail then the way it is?
The reason why modern warcraft is the way it is-is due to two reasons:
After Activision bought them out the company went through a drastic change were it was now all about how to milk the product since during the time of the acquisition seemed like a solid investment which they can use to milk for all it's worth. But years later following the acquisition the revenue wasn't holding up as the subs were dropping like flies after Cata.
>Catering to the lowest demographic.
After Wotlk the game changed designed directions so it'll instead focused on the %1 crowd instead of the 90% crowd and as time went on the rest of the product just became "filler" for the raids and somethings were cut/removed to lessen the time needed for new players to reach a point where they can enter a raid since they now wanted everyone playing the product to become the crowd that only cared about raids since it's easy to just focus on creating 1 good raid then making a good expansion or game. Now everyone playing retail warcraft has been essentially transformed into a Raider whether they like it or not.

classic fags eternally btfo

For what its worth Cata had hard raids and dungeons at the start

Here’s to hoping they’re ready to add a bunch more because if people’s comments here are anything to go by, there’s a bunch of us waiting for the last possible moment before we resubscribe

Source of that : Trust me bro

They did underestimate, but modern servers hold much, much more pop than the servers that were created back in the days

Devs listened to the constant complaints of the community thinking that playing the game makes you insightful as to how to develop an engaging experience and failed miserably. Vanilla WoW was like that very much on purpose, sticking to a certain design philosophy. It would've been better from an artistic perspective to have let WoW run its course than to keep modernizing it and now keep on life support due to strictly monetary reasons.
tl;dr Gamers don't know what they want

>Now everyone playing retail warcraft has been essentially transformed into a Raider whether they like it or not.
what were you doing in classic - wrath if you were not working to join the big boy dungeons called raids

it could have been never acknowledged and been fine. no one playing wow legitimately complained that the game wasnt giving their character enough personal social credit in an MMORPG setting.

I do remember people ‘complaining’ but there were probably only a handful who were serious and not just poking fun.

They were held at gunpoint at their last stockholder meeting and told to make this video or they'd lose their jobs.

The paradox of vanilla wow is that the things that made it good and fun were a number of design faults and oversights the somehow encouraged player cooperation and competition without harming the overall polish of the experience. It was a beautiful trainwreck.

But instead of embracing the happy accident over the years, they instead tried to correct the faults that led them to success. And now all that remains is a full, lifeless husk of the game it once was. Classic will likely meet the same date, eventually. Hell, it may have already done so. We'll find out soon.

/our guy/ is talking about classic


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Ideally we would have a new version of WoW with the design vision and essence of vanilla, but we won't.

I somewhat want to jump into it but it’s such a time sink. I can either play a plethora of backlogged games plus some tabletops I’d read. With wow it’s just wow all the time

Nice, I usually can't watch this guy because all he does is Goldeneye shit

Just sub a month and tag along, doesn't matter if you don't reach 60, share the journey, then go back to whatever you want to play
That's what I'm planning to do

I think they did enough right with it that people were willing to forgive its flaws and as you said, it encouraged cooperation and a community to develop.

I don’t blame them from going back and fixing things because who could have really seen ‘all of our mistakes actually helped us’?

The problem is, Classic is archaic by modern standards. Will anyone who doesn’t have nostalgia be able to overlook the issues enough to enjoy it, especially if the tight knit community doesn’t develop?

>Punk rat was redpilled as fuck in the beginning but when he got the crowd and popularity he dropped it instantly and sucks blizzard cock now

Only because of extensive instancing
Modern WoW servers can barely support two raids in the same zone

The thing with classic is only a small percent of the players saw all the content. Coupled with nostalgia, this means they can rerelease the same patches over the next 2-3 years and get a bunch of sub money for minimal work.

>no one posts the actual answer from one of the old devs

tl;dr constantly chasing the casual market for growth, so exactly what you'd expect.

Every major boss fight has had NPCs in it. They could have just as easily told the story from a WC3 perspective. The hero NPCs are doing the saving and we're the grunt units they're controling.

>Every major boss fight has had NPCs in it.
Too lazy to check but did C’thun? Did Yogg-Saron?
Regardless, you’ve still been instrumental in stopping countless threats outside the raids.

But again, I agree that we still shouldn’t be the ‘chosen one’

LF a discord/IRC/anything where ppl don't care if you say nigger or faggot, and also without any homosexuals/trannies. thank you

cthun was an unnamed group of adventurers i think

>when you realize vanilla wow was more succesful than the devs ever dreamed of
>they imagined 10-20k subs
>started adding new content/patches like crazy
>you pay every month, you should get new content
>Big fat ceo jew steps in
>NO WAIT, STOP ADDING "FREE" CONTENT(Emerald Dream, CoT, etc. etc.)
>game goes to shit over the course of a decade
you know this cycle is going to repeat right

>LF a discord safe space
Look at this faggot and laugh.

Well ok but we’re talking NPCs like there are in the fight against Illidan and Arthas

We the player are the unnamed group of adventurers. My only point is that you can’t blame them from a narrative perspective for eventually recognizing that this same group of unnamed adventurers keeps saving the day

Homosexuals are disgusting, repulsive. Any environment ousting them is preferable to anyone that is not insane.



>everyone is going horde
Welp pvp is gonna be no fun

>Not playing with friends

you could join benji's discord

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That's literally what a safe space is though.

>go to the wow forums
>blizzard changed the azshara background for a ragnaros one
is it over for bfa?

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The vast majority of players were not interested in raiding. It was a cause of arguments back in the day over how most new content was targeted at the raid culture but the people mostly paying for it didn't want or get to play it. The devs even got involved in those arguments, with Jeff Kaplan voicing during TBC that Karazhan was the most popular instance in the game, in order to justify the focus on PvE raid content. It was either a blatant lie or he simply had a blind-spot for anything that wasn't instanced PvE content: Alterac Valley was obvious more popular, de facto due to not having the lockout that raid instances did. People could play AV all day and they did. When they finally looked at the stats in shame, they were irrefutable: only 25% of players who reached end-game ever did Ragnaros before TBC and less than 10% even set foot in Black Temple before WoTLK. Bizz's idea of compromise was to put the Lich King front and centre from the start of WoTLK and make raids more accessible than ever, almost like just regular dungeons but with more people. Naxxramas could be done with PuG's in blues. This created more conflicts I remember, as those PuGs contained people who were always raiders and people new to it and they had very different ideas about class-roles and arguments over loot happened a lot.

Blizz's compromise though was a bad idea and barely a real compromise: they continued feeding the raid culture and turned every other aspect of the game into a Skinner-box to train players to be raiders, which they resented more and more even if they didn't realise the source of the feeling. They'll realise when they play Classic, they will notice many things missing, but they won't miss them.


BfAbronies go into full meltdown when someone mentions Classic outside of the Classic forums.
Even they know their game is on bought time, and in a few days their 5000 pets and 2000 mounts will be worth jack shit.

Which class is the most clownpilled?

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Guys stop making characters on servers marked as "full".
We're full! Go somewhere else.

pure liquid autism



Going human warlock on an RPPVP realm. What am I in for?

Will I be able to find RP without having to join a dedicated guild?

Will I be able to find groups for PVE?

Will I eventually be able to overcome ganking rogues?

Will I EVER be able to quest in Redridge?

The problem is, the majority of their major story developments take place in the raids. And indeed, threats like Arthas and his undead armies or Deathwing, a giant fucking dragon, are enemies that don’t make a lot of sense to kill with just five people or on a quest.

Part of the community aspect is forever gone with how much handholding is available over the internet because people will pay for it/get ad dollars for it. Thottbot was a thing for drops and shit, and people would post helpful comments but it wasn't nearly as exhaustive as wowhead.

People will come back to BFA next month anyway, let classicuck have their 5 minutes of fame.

Ally lock is fine, I played one way back in retail. Shamans are way more of a pain in the ass than UD anyway.

>Will I be able to find RP without having to join a dedicated guild?
>Will I be able to find groups for PVE?
Easily yes
>Will I eventually be able to overcome ganking rogues?
>Will I EVER be able to quest in Redridge?
Fuck no

Reminder that dwarf is the best race because you're the perfect height to bury your nose in nelf cheeks.

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Are you going to ask this in every thread? You'll be fine.

If someone starts camping you you can simply log out for a while until he gets bored. Level an alt if you don't have anything better to do.


>game launches on the 27th for Europe and 26rd for America
Defend this

You forgot to mention that they kind of sucked aspects out of the actual journey of things. They made gear progression a joke in earlier levels, removed any real reason to co-op things, removed any sort of world PvP interations, etc. LFG went from being okay to being FFXIV duty finder 2 electric boogaloo where there was no incentive to do anything BUT THAT. I saw it as a necessary evil when the sub count was dropping and servers were basically fucking dead, but god damn did it take something out of it. Essentially locking certain gear to certain specs and roles too was terrible as well, and you had not nearly as much room to fuck around.

I can't. Living on a globe was a mistake. Timezones should be canceled. We should reverse the flow of time so we can all go back to 2005 and relive our youth.

Americans need a head start in order to compete

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>still believing the earth is a globe
lmaoing at ur life

This. They need to stem the bleeding until diablo 4 is ready and hope that becomes a huge hit.

This can't be real. Does this guy still post here? I remember him being around WoW threads posting about his most efficient leveling routes, training in private servers until Classic releases.

Are you some kind of fucking retard? Serious question. Classic WoW isn't some magical, unparalleled experience. It's EQ but better, that's it. Each successive expansion had to do something more, something different, because they couldn't just keep shitting out nearly empty leveling zones with overly long, unrewarding dungeons and expect people to still want to play it after 3+ years. Homefags are not the average consumer, they are nostalgia addled and their views are purely subjective.

I know he posts in /vg/ sometimes
he's a cringelord but I kinda like his videos

>tame a bear
>it becomes a mini bear the size orf a dog
>leveling is dragging 99999 mobs into a group and having your bear chihuahua rape them en masse
>you can literally just sic your pet on something and keep walking for free xp as you travel
>has a feign death skill for memes
>net skill to dab on passing strangers and then just leave
>can select Need on almost every single piece of gear in the game
>don't actually need any of it since your bear chihuahua is half your dps

Capitalism was a mistake

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don't forget
>jump down a ledge in a dungeon and have your bear chihuahua pull everything and wipe your group

>leveling is dragging 99999 mobs into a group and having your bear chihuahua rape them en masse
Uh, yeah good luck with that shit in classic. Your pet is gonna eat dirt

Forgot to mention
>can force wipes in groups you hate by pulling a shit ton of shit then using feint death
>Can have your rape bear essentially tank dungeons until at least level 30 or later
>can even solo some harder shit pretty easily

>can select Need on almost every single piece of gear in the game
Everyone can need anything during Vanilla, unless they changed it

Playing a warrior is the only truth path. It's the quintessential CHAD class of the game. The ONLY class that could possibly lay claim to such a title. The role of tank, an occupation rightfully reserved for warriors, requires one to be on the cutting edge of situational awareness, have a complete mastery of your rotation and class, be in peak physical condition, have the charisma and confidence to command his group with an iron but fair fist, and have a heart filled with compassion for other players and take damage in their stead. As the tank, as a WARRIOR, all other players look to your for guidance. One can not lack in a single aspect of the game in order to succeed as a warrior. To level a warrior is a Herculean feat that most cannot accomplish. Only those who have reached max level on their warrior can truly appreciate the endgame and the spoils it lays upon the warrior. A warrior does not have the convenience or easy paths other classes have, he does not need them. For taking the easy path goes against the very essence of playing a warrior. To impose great burden's onto ones self for the sake of others, and the promise of glory.

That is what it means to play a Warrior

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gonna name my undead rogue boogerbones lol


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heh, that's actually pretty funny.

>me rolling a warrior on launch day

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Did the Dru"chad" posters finally give up?

WoW's art direction has not changed significantly, I don't know how to convey this to someone who clearly does not know shit about art, but trust me, it really hasn't. They're damn-near autistic about keeping shit in line, to the point that things have actually suffered. Fidelity and quality have gone way up, and from Wrath on, each expansion has gotten progressively better on both fronts, peaking in WoD and mostly coasting since then. If you don't know what I mean by fidelity and quality then I don't have time to explain, go read a book. Let me just say that there are objective qualities to art that go beyond mere opinion, if you've ever seen the threads here of people gushing over detailed statues, that's an example where technical skill and application of principles has made a big difference in fidelity and quality.

Art aside, MoP mostly featured quests and questlines of you just helping people, not being a huge fucking deal and swinging your dick around. It was extremely refreshing but fags like you didn't even fucking play it. Back then I had to deal with people whinging about "I can't believe I'm helping farmers and villagers wahhh I killed the Lich King". Now you have the opposite complaint? Go fuck yourself.

Killing them with less than a total army of nobodies also didn't make sense and 15, 25 or 40 people are not an army. Pit Lords like Magtheridon, lesser-avatars of Old Gods and their servants like Ragnaros, they could be taken down by a bunch of unnamed associates of main characters; but not Ner'zhul/Arthas, Kil'Jadeen or Archimonde who not even the main characters could face directly even WITH armies of nobodies back in W3:RoC.

Blizzard did not *have* to serve-up main characters with crucial plot points as raid-fodder. They did so because they were trying to steer people into raiding and re-designed the WoW entirely around that and streamlined it; something which neither raiders or the majority wanted. I played WoW more hours than most raiders did, so to be called 'casual' and have it reinforced by Blizzard's fuck-wittery had me wondering beyond Cata not only why I was even bothering, but why I had ever bothered at all. Classic answers it: WoW was once a game of possibilities and people are going to see the hooks that existed for those undeveloped possibilities, as long as Blizzard sticks to #nochange

I haven't seen them in months.

I don't have retail WoW, in fact I don't have WoW bought in my current Bnet account.
What do I need to buy/do to be able to play classic?

You just have to pay the sub, no need to buy a game.

>Wrath brought in huge waves of casual players. People who wanted to play MMOs but didn’t enjoy them. Cataclysm restructured the game with this casual crowd in mind
Wrath was fucking build with casuals in mind, you fucking braindead retarded wotlk kid

Just pay the subscription, do it on Monday (release day) so that you don't waste money on days you can't play

cool thanks

So apparently all the eastern time zone pve servers are full. What the fuck man.

The big thing to add to his point is that casuals will simply switch to the next big thing when it comes out, while hardcore players will stick with your product for even 15+ years. Blizz wanted short term profit so they got short term customers too.

i think i'll just play priest. they're great for solo leveling and can always find a spot in a dungeon. i've enjoyed tanking for most of my time in wow, but i have to admit that the pressure sometimes got to me, and sometimes i just plainly didn't enjoy having the the role of instructor and leader to a group of random people. i guess i'm going casual now

Because changes gathered during years and blown in wotlk making it worst expack ever made(until bfa)
In the cata blizzard tried to take steps back and add exploration back(for example you needed to find dungeon entrance before being able to lfg into it, yes like in final fantasy now), but wotlk kids like cried on forums and and blizzard gave up

go play on the pvp servers, we promise we'll be gentle.

Tauren or Night elf druid?

who cares, just roll a female character and let me sniff your ass

Tauren because elves and the people who play them are faggots, but you do you.

Fuck, you've convinced me. H-how...how could I have let me self almost be led astray, astray from the true path!

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I want vanilla warlock dungeon tanking to be real.
Why does blizzard hate warlocks.

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Night elf because do you really want to play as a bullman transforming into a bearcat?

>After Wotlk the game changed designed directions so it'll instead focused on the %1 crowd instead of the 90% crowd and as time went on the rest of the product just became "filler" for the raids
Wotlk was first expansion where past content stopped mattered the second new raid come out
Wotlk was first expansion with literally designed (bring friends and not class) in fucking mmo
Wotlk was first expansion with two difficulty raids, normal(easy mode) and real one, so more casuals could do it
Wotlk was first expansion where pugs could clear first wings in raids, because they were specially designed this way, in bc and vanilla you had strong bosses very early as a wall

Still debating whether I want to be a priest or resto shaman

dumb healslut

Casuals whined and cried until everything was convenient and easy, killing the soul of the game.

This video explains it perfectly without any words: youtube.com/watch?v=f4JQje3NGe4

Too bad it's full of the same mentally ill /wpsg/ degenerates.

Just kill them via massive events like the opening of the gates of AQ. Instead of having the raid be the reward, have the raid be one of the pre-req to the event. Once all pre-reqs are done and the raid is cleared, massive event where both factions fuck up the big bad. Hell you can even introduce some cool faction rivalry by having the cutscene of the kill have the faction that first cleared the raid.

Imagine this, you clear Icecrown citadel, but the final boss isn't Arthas. The final boss drops some item required to activate a massive battle. Event starts and big bad expansion boss comes in with a huge army, he's legit fucking strong and has a little army backing him too. It takes the combined factions to stand a chance. You can even make the event affect every single zone so that lowbies can participate in some way. Would require blizzard to run actual servers instead of the toasters they have now but it would be cool.

>night elf
don't fall for the druid meme

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Not to mention group finder, a rehashed first tier, and absolutely broken DK pvp. I'll never understand Wrath praise.

The army size is a game limitation not a design choice. And unless you wanna go the ‘chosen one’ route, you still need to explain how you, the random adventurer, could possible down the lich king 1 on 1

I want this experience as close to Vanilla as possible over its lifetime but the vast majority of people are not going to play #nochanges forever.

I like having a good shaman in my group more, but being efficient with your mana is hard with that class.

>this massively overtuned private server footage explains it perfectly
People are easily facetanking 2-3 world mobs at once in the stress tests.

Heirlooms were a mistake.
They gave Blizzard an excuse to let the leveling experience get shittier and shittier and shittier since they knew people would just try to blast through it as fast as possible now anyways.

But I just finally decided on class

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Kern is right but oversimplifying(and wrong IMO on the RNG point, otherwise Shaman would still have the OG Windfury). The WoW he created was still one where having raiding feature at all created a nonsensical divide between 'hardcore' and 'casual' players, where to be 'hardcore' you could raid six hours a week and play for 20 total. There were 'casuals' who never-raided like myself but who put in every waking hour outside of college and work adding up to 35+. Kaplan and his successors did not deviate at all from the goal of making an Everquest-clone; whilst they streamlined to attract new players, they were also dedicating most development between expansions to raid content and even made shallow justifications for why, which counts as admitting it. The reason we see so much Troll-related content in weird places is not because of favouritism: it's literally the fastest stuff to put together because hardly any design polish is needed for it.

Because they could not cater to a wider and diversifying audience by keeping the fun activities diverse(they wanted all resources going on raids), they made anything that was not raiding a Skinner-box for raiding and only threw PvPers a few bones like more battlegrounds and Arena to stop them ganking everywhere on PvP(IE: 'Non-Normal') servers.

>classic paladin has twice as many abilities

Those weren't design faults, retard.

They deliberately made the content challenging to force you to group up. Challenge, gear, competitiveness, and socializing were a "glue" to keep you playing.

But over time as the game got popular the core playerbase grew at a slower pace than casual noobs. They started appealing more to casuals since they make more money but consequently had to thin out the "glue" that made WoW actually fun.

They changed design philosophy to adapt to new trends.

What's more fun for world pvp and bgs? Rogue or mage? I was leaning toward mage because giant crits from a far distance in shit like AV behind hills, but rogue seems comfy hiding like a bitch

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>Acquire heirlooms
>Set groupfinder
>Masturbate and wait for the ding

There is only one choice.

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Mages. Inside organized (if it can be called that) mages are king.

Mark Kern had a series of tweets about it because Fortnite has started down the same road. Basically making a series of small decisions to make the game more "accessible" that eventually snowball into a casual spiral.

some seem genuinely happy others look like they are forcing a smile. wtf?

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>shitty animations
>giant box chest

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Rogues. Outside organized (if it can be called that) rogues are king.


the chest is alright
it's the sausage legs that ruin it

How the fuck is that even possible?

Modern Ret is the most braindead spec in the game, maybe second only to arcane mage.
Even the autoattack hero that is vanilla Ret is more engaging than nu-WoW Ret.

just torrent w7 or w10 LTSB retard

Start with Nelfs.

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Do I follow my heart and go Paladin (which my guild already potentially has a lot of) or follow my head and go Druid (in need, seems less fun unless I can convince my guild to let me go feral)

you and I both know that they are traps

follow your heart

fuck your brain

It’s a cool idea but the ultimate problem Blizz was trying o solve by funneling people to raiding was “how do we get the largest amount of people to see the story?”

And unless you have the event keep repeating somehow, a lot of people will miss the event

>WoW's art direction has not changed significantly, I don't know how to convey this to someone who clearly does not know shit about art, but trust me, it really hasn't. They're damn-near autistic about keeping shit in line, to the point that things have actually suffered.
compare classic worgen to this dreamworks furry shit you dumb retard and slap yourself next time before you write a retarded post

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How do they multiply then?

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Nah mate. PvP servers are retarded.

Same shit but more detailed
>Butttt I fapped to old models and I swear they not furry shit

I don't know where to make my chars anymore boys. After the blue post about Golemagg and Shazzrah being fucked on launch my friends are talking about rolling on Zandalar for a manageable pop. How fucked am i?

Can never have too many paladins. Besides, if your guild really has that many most of them are probably still thinking they can go ret and will quit once they realize they chose a healing class (not that there's anything wrong with healing but people tend to do that).

seethe more carebear

Nixxiom fanboys are in Zandalar

>classic development
>alright friends lets make this cool game a reality what are your ideas?

>BFA development

asexually like amoeba

Sure thing Xxxlincolnparksoul

How do old raids work? Do anyone do them for the story anymore? Because that explanation doesn't really work if new people are going to miss most of the story anyhow.

Holy Paladins are absolutely always in demand and they only get better and better over the course of the game.
The only realistic benefit of going Resto Druid instead is you will be able to gear up ridiculously quickly.

Yeah, fuck it. The chance of missing out on a few raids is worth it to play what I really want to

Isn't he American?

Go play a PVP mmo, oh wait you won't because you're a weak cuck that just wants to bully the helpless, barely a step above a twinker. Normal servers are for adults, peeveepee for kids.

Attached: normal.png (1108x1563, 777K)

Don't roll on a roleplay server just because it's low pop, that's silly.

>WoW's art direction has not changed significantly
It went from Samwise gritty D&D/Warhammer inspired art to a more pixar-esque style, it did change quite a lot.

you just killed any of my sympathy for dark irons

of fucking course who throws away basically a week beforehand of their month sub

He's Argent Dawn EU in Retail. Would make sense he'd go for the EU RP server in Classic.

The lengths carebears go to justify playing on easy mode never ceases to amaze.

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I've never heard of a guild that had to bench (holy) paladins, you'll be fine.

If the size is not a 'design choice' but a game limitation, why did 40-man raids disappear after Vanilla, outside of PvP? I don't need to explain how a small number of 'chosen ones' or nobodies, let alone one player-character can take down the Lich King: I'm pointing out that it was already decided it was possible, it was a design choice, thus it happened even though it conflicted with any semblance of the power-scale already established about such a character. The difference between 1, 5, 15, 25 and 40 people is miniscule next to the thousands that Warcraft big-bads have taken on single-handedly. It makes no sense to use the justification that it had to be done in raid instances by just 40 people or less; it's an argument after-the-fact. It makes even less sense when you consider there were open-world boss fights involving hundreds of players without servers collapsing(and sometimes they did, in the earlier days when Kazzak was being kited into Stormwind). Blizzard did not need to design WoW to cater entirely to a minority of the playerbase, but they did and then tried to condition new players into liking raid content which no one really did like but the Everquest players who had snatched the project from Mark Kern.

Well its still PvP and I dont seem to be able to convince them that the guilds might be shit. I don't know what else to tell them.

the wowcg general is at least a top 5 if not number 1 most popular rn tho
that shit hits bump limit in 2 hours tops and usually still goes on for another 200 before next thread

yes, ironically and unironically

>Opening of TBC. "Hey, the Dark Portal has opened. Let's check it out."
>Opening of MoP: "WHERE'S MY SON!?"

Trying to put a traditional storyline in the game is what lead to shit like Raid Finder. In vanilla it didn't matter plotwise if you didn't do Molten Core because Ragnaros didn't matter to the storyline in general and the game was about exploring the world. In Cata they had to add Raid Finder to "experience the story" because the entire expansion put Deathwing front and center and they wanted to make sure casuals had a chance to kill him.

I complained at the time, but that was due to both TBC and Wrath starting out with pooper scooper quests.
One is funny. Three or more points to someone's fetish.

Oh ok, dont really know about WoW youtubers. Thanks.

Well 9 people have said they are going to play Paladin (out of 57). Although 2 of them think they are going ret

There's only a couple troons and troon falseflaggers, it's not that bad.

They'll most likely release new servers before the launch, or possibly alongside it.


Was looking for a thread to post this feel pretty much

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He wasn't too popular and cancerous last time I checked.

>Although 2 of them think they are going ret
I don't think people quite realize how not-optimal some of these specs are. Ret only gets good with AQ40 and beyond gear, and even then Arms is better overall imo

real answer?
female tauren or NE.
male taurens have the worst hurtboxes in the game. As a class who solely relies on kiting to survive, taurens just get stomped. Tauren casting animations are pretty shit as well

Is there anything particularly wrong with an RP-PVP server? One of my friends seems particularly intent on picking it, i suggested we move to Firemaw but he just keeps saying they will all be too busy.

>MFW all of my friends went on a normal server for vanilla and BC so I felt like I missed out fucking big time


I actually bought into the hype last winter and played retail up till level 30. It was such a fucking ghost town--think I saw 3 other players outside of Stormwind, and 2 of them were in the immediate starting area. The quests were complete aids, too. Nothing but ancient internet memes and pop culture references. I was only in elementary school when WoW first came out, so maybe now I'll be able to experence what a "massively" multiplayer game is like.

But I am rolling Human Arms Warrior, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

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>still sharding

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The game wasn't even nearly as challenging as Everquest. The entire reason WoW got big in the first place was because you could solo your way to max level, which was impossible in EQ and DAoC and hard in CoH.

In EQ, once you got to level 10 or so equal level monsters did more damage and had more hitpoints than you. The only way to gain levels efficiently was to party up and camp a level appropriate spawn.

Female Tauren has the same hit and hurt box of 7 yards bro

Do you or your friends have any interest at all in RP? I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the server, I'm saying there's something wrong with your friends.

It's half a yard smaller

Absolutely based and correct. Women and trannies just ruin comfy bro zones

What server for EU?

everquest just looked too old, while wow had the coattails of wc3 to ride on and a nice clean artstyle
it is a easier game, sure. but nobody payed a sub for eq said "this is too hard" and tried wow instead and go " this is easier i better stick here"

Thats the thing, I dont think they do. I've been jokingly accusing him of wanting to ERP but no one else gives a shit about RPing. He just keeps harping on about low pop low pop no queues. I just want to be on a decently populated server that has guilds that will actually clear content, I can't be bothered to help run a guild this time around.

It's called hindsight you fool. WoW got more popular through BC and wotlk because the damage was so gradual no one noticed

Retail is more hardcore than classic ever was

Diablo 3, Overwatch, and that shitty moba game they made were all failures too. Blizzard is so creatively bankrupt that they've just given up and decided to rake in cash from re-releasing old games. Nobody wants anything from blizzard other than remasters of StarCraft, wc3, Diablo 2, and wow before it got pozzed by Activision..
What do you guys think is going to happen to Blizz after the nostalgia bux have all been milked dry?

>What do you guys think is going to happen to Blizz after the nostalgia bux have all been milked dry?
Ive been asking myself the same thing.
They'll just slowly shift to the mobile market or something and take the Bethesda route.

No, it didn't. This is why I said to trust me. You don't know what art direction is. This makes this discussion very difficult because it's like trying to talk to you in a different language. Look at concept art used, like the various big pictures of Deathwing from Cata, or the stuff like Lei Shen fighting the tiger, it's all stuff that, art direction wise, is not a big departure from older art. You keep saying "Pixar" but what the fuck does that even mean to you? Colorful? Big Eyes? Cartoony? Because the game has always been colorful and cartoony, that was actually a complaint I remember hearing way back during classic.

The game has never looked like that brutal picture of fel-crazed Grom with the severed night elf head, ever, not in WC3 and not in Classic, and Samwise didn't even paint that, Wei did. Samwise drew the cartoony loading screens you saw back in WC3 with the giant fucking pauldrons, the giant pauldrons that are still in the game today.

is being annoying asshole and ruining roleplaying of other people a viable fun?
I always fucking hated his posts but his rules are mostly based

As a clear example, hunters were the most popular class in Vanilla and were absolutely unsuited for raiding to the point they added a key spell to force raiders to take them.

Instead of adding more content to suit the hunter play style they retooled them into ranged rogues.

I mean, the thing is that you want to be on a decently populated server anyway. I don't think they're going to make it if they need that instant gratification and can't deal with queues for a few days. I'd avoid the full servers though, but I don't think high pop ones will be that bad.

I hope it disappears and serve as yet another reminder of living long enough to become a villain, which it already is anyway. Good games were made, good times were had, nice run, etc

Reminder: The marketing for WoW originally talked-up the conflict between the Alliance and Horde, with the intro FMV focused on this theme, something which would not be repeated in future expansions. The manual I have in the boxed copy on my shelf talks about 'dishonor points' that were meant to police PvP behaviour on any server, but Blizz never got round to implementing it with the rest of the honor system because anything that wasn't PvE raiding was a blind-spot to them.

NOT caring what people say is a space of free speech.
Caring (that people say nigger and faggot) is a safe space that suppresses free speech.
Dumb leftist faggot, get shot.

Why so people say Orc is the best horde hunter when it's clearly Troll?

>Rapid fire and berserking stack
>Regeneration and spirit bond stack
>Increased bow skill which is useful through all of end game because lolnoguns
> 5% beastslaying which applies to both you AND your pet and plenty of raid bosses are beasts
>Better animations overall

Attached: jshij.jpg (199x319, 27K)

Now compare the male worgen and slap yourself even harder you dumb fucking retard. How you can be this stupid and still know how to type blows my fucking mind. No one wants to play ugly female characters, not women, and not men, so the females always look "cuter".

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>Blizz never got round to implementing it with the rest of the honor system
What? Dishonorable kills were in the game for a while and applied to various NPCs. What are you talking about?

Shut the fuck up faggot

Stun resist and plus since you get a +5 bonus to axes it gives you can excuse to need on them which is the most important hunter stat

You better not read that was written on wotlk box...

One thing i really fucking hate about retail is how they shrunk every summon amd possible pet in the game. What the fuck, the Felguard looks so goddamn goofy now

>t. desperate tranny furfag

Also orcs gets extra damage with pets and bloodrage

Stop trying to suppress my free speech you dumb cunts.

Increases pet damage shits on all of those just by itself

Knew it was gonna be a peterson deepfake but still laughed

This is correct. Referring again to the physical manual for WoW I have in front of me: PvE raiding is never mentioned once, whilst features for PvP that weren't even ready on launch, like battlegrounds and honor points, had their own chapter. The chapter on classes never mentions the holy trinity of class-roles, tank-dps-healer, something which exists purely to support raiding. Classes never should have been shoe-horned into those roles and making it so they could actually pick more than one for raiding(healing or dps, healing or tanking, dps or tanking and in some cases any of the three) in TBC didn't solve the problem that the vast scope of what many classes could do had been rendered useless by a container re-shaped too-small to accomidate them.

Blizzard Devs won't say it but they secretly hate anything related to old blizzard. Everything they've done since SC2 is a deliberate shit on the Devs who have since left the company.

>i know better than all you guys,
drop your creditentials or fuck off, we're all anons here

Classic wasn't even hardcore it was just a lot more tedious and time consuming. Compared to it's predecessors like EverQuest, WoW was Fisher Price tier. Saying WoW was hardcore is like some pleb who never played Quake saying Halo was hardcore.
Retail WoW isn't bad for the reasons people think it's bad. It's bad because it's soulless and uninspired. The magic is gone because it's being developed in a corporate setting. There is no grand vision that the devs all share. It's design by committee. All the shots get called by goons analyzing market trends and trying to maximize profits.

I didn't say 'dishonorable kills', I said 'dishonor points'. A dishonorable kill deducted your honor, it did not give you dishonor points. According to the manual, acquiring too many dishonor points you give you 'outlaw' status and NPCs would attack you on site, including those of your own faction.

So how many deus vult larpers will be playing alliance this time around?

My warriors name will be Stoic, well said fellow warrior

>mfw classic will be dead in a month and all this discussion will be irrelevant

The wc3 loading screens look leagues better than anything in retail and wc3 reforged for that matter. They have gone beyond cartoony, into the realm of children's cartoony

what does it say

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that bloodrage only gives melee attack power in Vanilla.
Pets aren't your main source of damage in Vanilla. Maybe in TBC where most people went BM, but other than that Trolls do more DPS. PvP is a different story though.

A lot of planned stuff never got in. They were talking about hero classes even back in beta, it was even advertised either on the game box or the site, I forget.

pointless, new generation wont understand and think all this bullshit is the normal. Turns out your dad was right about everything

Just like it died originally right? Lol

>I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that bloodrage only gives melee attack power in Vanilla.
I mean technically even if that's the case (which it probably is) it IS still a perk you have for that one time you use it wing clipping someone

A lot of stuff tends to repeat events, and schedules of these event repeats would get people to come back and play just to see it if they were so invested and really wanted to. The only problem would become the lack of super legendary loot like frostmourne, but at the same time it isnt like they couldnt design that stuff from other bosses

>tfw can't go Tauren Shaman because xbox huge hitbox would make being a caster suffering

God damn it, I don't really want to be another Orc.

They could have kept it vague as 'Adventurers' and it still works fine without the bullshit of making everyone super special.
The entire reason that Legion happened in-lore is because guldan was shit scared of those very same adventurers and decided to stick with the legion.

Be an orc or troll then. Or just stop whining

would be more if they didn't gut paladins during the vanilla beta
they used to have crusader strike and holy strike, but both were removed because ret was OP with them, instead of just tuning them like anyone sane would
poor rets, I feel bad for them

Thank you for doing your duty to the horde ect here is your veterans card for discounts at the golden griffin buffet.

Please contact your horde ect military tent to see if you can do more for your country mud hut ect.

Would work. But then you would have to write emotional and intriguing stories of interaction among grunts and people and that would take talent.

It will take a month for people to start realising there are no Skinner-boxes. They will be ruthlessly applying all the conditioning they've had for years telling them how to play the game, powering them on to level 60. The faster they go though, the harder they hit the bumps in the road; the little reminders that this wasn't always that game.

We can thank the Legacy of Steel Everquest raiding guild for that; they wanted to re-focus virtually all resources on raid content and once they were the project leads, they did.

I just want normal hitboxes. And maybe a nerf to weapon skill being bullshit in Classic+.

Fem Troll Shaman or Male?

Attached: c85.jpg (750x734, 80K)

I'm looking forward to playing Rogue again. When I played in BC I just went for an all PVP build while leveling which made things take forever.

Femtroll with that one cute face

Personally for casters I prefer fem troll

Would Shammydavis be insulting to go female with or would it just be twice the retarded memery?

Good luck with that.

It's simple, the higher-ups decided sometimes during Wrath of even earlier that the game needed to be casualised, they argued that this would bring even more subscribers than they had in Wrath at their peak (12 million).

Then of course the downfall of WoW began and subs dropped with each expansion, so they came up with some shit excuses for their overlords why that wasn't their fault and why making the game a casual shitfest actually saved it from dying altogether.

They are terrified of classic because it threatens to reveal these lies by its popularity, and it's definitely going to happen now.

>Nerfing weaponskill

Wtf no fag

>First ever glimpse of the game you get depicts Alliance vs Horde
Sure thing retard.


It never was about choice. Everyone had to follow the same cookie cutter builds if they wanted to be in a raid or dungeon group.

Going from 1 to 60 is full of choice

70% of players are chinese and bugmen are disgusting fucks that ruin everything they touch

The game was fine until 3.3 when dungeon finder and cosmetic shop was added prove me wrong

The big difference was that most games prior to WoW had you lose experience when you died, which was a big kick in the balls and turnoff when you played during things like open beta.

human warrior or human rogue FUCK i cant decide help me Yea Forumsros

Absolutely no one gave a fuck. You would still do your role, but the spec didn't matter. I healed as an enhancement shaman in every single dungeon I did, sometimes DPS'ed too.
Only if your guild was a try-hard world first guild. Everyone else just ran whatever rag-tag band of 40 they could scoop together and there were probably 10 people total playing cookie cutter builds.

We're coming home.

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they’re completely different

Everquest 2 came out in the same month as WoW, and everyone assumed it'd kick WoW's ass.

>Only if your guild was a try-hard world first guild. Everyone else just ran whatever rag-tag band of 40 they could scoop together and there were probably 10 people total playing cookie cutter builds.
Yeah and that's why most people barely even cracked AQ40

This is the truth.

>Would work. But then you would have to write emotional and intriguing stories of interaction among grunts and people and that would take talent.

There was an old idea in my head on a lore reasoning for spirit healers, in that the player characters are 'cursed' to never die by unnatural means, but in exchange you get zero lasting recognition.
So while an important lore character may commend (you) personally, they will never be able to remember your face, name or even how many participated in whatever feat you pulled.
So they are just left with calling you 'Adventurer' and cant even recognise how unusual it is that they dont remember anything specific.
Biggest problem i had was figuring out a source for said curse, in current wow that'd be void lords i guess, fits their MO.

>Everquest 2 came out in the same month as WoW
Crazy how horrible it looks in comparison

Cataclysm specifically had a metric shitton of pop culture references added to the game, and that was when they revamped low level questing.
I've been playing Mists since I never had before, and it's a lot better about it aside from the retarded Alliance helicarrier.

40 priests killed onyxia.
Cookie cutter builds were a bonus, not a requirement for anything but try hards.

>Was so great why did Blizzard make retail then the way it is? If Vanilla was so goddaam good and about the world and about the player and about everything and choices. Why did Blizzard make retail as what is a bland messy smelly pile of shit.

A good analogy for this is Morrowind vs Skyrim.

The difference is mass appeal. Blizzard made WoW easier and removed depth/complexity to make it appeal to more people, much like Bethesda did with Morrowind in it's transition to Skyrim.

Skyrim was more popular than Morrowind, and modern WoW was more popular than classic. Does that make it a better game? Not necessarily. Notice how WoW is failing now - because when it comes to the core audience, complex challenging content like classic is appealing.

Simple, easy, quick is gratifying to the masses. WoW became what it was for monetary reasons. WoW classic is coming out now to try and get back some of the hardcore WoW fans they lost over the course of WoW's simplification.

No one cared about cookie cutter specs except the turbo poopsocks.

wow is not failing. it competes with pubg and league in china. people with souls aren’t the target demographic anymore

i love when people who never raided and have no perspective at all try to sound smart in these threads. ill say what was said 1000x times before. cookie cutter specs only mattered during progression when nobody knew what the fuck they were doing, not fucking 15 years after retail raiders and private server autists crunched everything down to a T. just shut the fuck you turd

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cosmetic shop didnt do anything. The game was already casualized so they decided it was worth the dev time to appease the casuals who were already there.

I want to play classic but I don't want to pay $15 a month to do it because I already did 15 years ago.

cont. you gonna look really fucking stupid when 2 weeks after first 60's dinging mc will be on farm up to ragnaros.

Its sad that you couldn't even time travel and stop Jeff Kaplan from getting a job, since Rob Pardo was LoS guild leader before him and was already at Blizzard.

>Decide to use the reservation game time to play some retail
>Roll DK because after 25 levels of a new Shaman I wanted to kill myself in Azshara
>World is empty
>Forget about War Mode
>Found 2 other faction players in Howling Fjord in 2 different days
>First is a mage panda mage
>I didn't realize that even though she was questing in HF, she was still skull level because of the scaling
>Too late, already attacked.
>Take her to 50% HP and she vanishes
>That was a PvP talent
>PvP talents to avoid PvP
>Already heart-broken by my first wpvp experience in retail
>Find another guy today
>He never fucking dies, somehow doing less damage to him that is at my level than the skull level panda
>Take him to 10%
>Hexes me and ghost wolf's away
>My dots do fuck all to him
>Follow him as soon as I can mount up
>He gets on a flying mount
>Death Grip him
>Doesn't dismount
>He's now safe again

I hate this. I mean, it's not like these things won't happen in classic. Many can cc/slow and escape, but this was just the worst wpvp experience I've ever had in just 2 days. Of course an armory check lead me to single digits PvP achievements. War Mode was a mistake. It's now full of gay-ass PvEers that just want free experience and avoid combat at all costs, and the game enables that.

Attached: LEsYwPf.png (450x393, 173K)

You fucking heard, weapon skill is absolute horseshit balance wise and enforces the current race "meta" of humies and orcs.

but youre an adult now? its 15$

The pvp wasn't. Arena requires up to 60-90 keybinds.

and it looked like ass and had loading screens every other step along your journey. I tried both and what made me quit EQ2 was that it didn't feel like a big connected world, but rather as a series of small connected kiddy pools. Not to mention that the art direction felt messy on comparison to the clear cut style of wow.

>Race War servers
Based and redpilled

I am so fucking excited for Classic

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user that you're replying to here:

I get the difference between fidelity and quality, and suppose I should have elaborated more. What I meant to get across was that the aesthetic of the game from Classic , TBC, to WotLK felt more grounded, with high fantasy aspects. Everything after that became way more flashy, way more grand and over-the-top, and it detracted from the lost charm the game had visually. I have no qualms with sharper textures and better models, but the directionw ent in a much more flashier and exaggerated route.

Regarding MoP, it was probably one of the better later expansions until SoO released. The world was well-done (and to be honest, the areas in all the expansions are always very well done), and the quests were great. Your character was considered a "hero", but they hadn't yet turned everyone into the over-inflated hero that they now make you out to be. Raiding was pretty decent, especially in ToT, arguably one of the top raids throughout the game's history. When SoO came out though, the content drought that lasted nearly a year was fucking agonizing.

The problem with quests now though is that everything feels like it's in constant competition with itself. Like they're trying to make everything more and more out there, being afraid to provide quests that are familiar and what not.

I'd also like to add that the current state of the game is far too hand-holdy. Spells and abilities have been pruned to the point where classes all feel the same, but with different color resource bars, animations, and roles. Talents may as well not exist, because rather than putting the effort in to making the old talent combinations work better, they dumbed them down into a couple rows of abilities or bonuses, which STILL contain majorly useless talents.Essences kind of attempt to add more flavor to it, but they're no fucking different than - get this - Inscription glyphs from WotLK that were all removed when they got rid of glyphs.

Tell me exactly what weapon skill does and how it enforces a meta.
I wish to hear it in your own words.

I'm gonna solo power level on my BM hunter while suckers are fighting to tag a quest mob.

I’m just dumb enough to do it anyway

Good luck getting Honored with Hydraxian Waterlords in two weeks.

Already paid for my time and this isn't new content.

>The pvp wasn't
>wotlk was first expack where layers didn't died in seconds thanks to lucky stuns and crits because of inane hp inflation
yeah, totally not for casuals...
Ironically even resilence in bc wasn't so bad

Sorry it took me so long, here's the correct answer probably nobody has given.

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Oh, and one more thing:

Mana may as well not exist either, because it never fucking moves unless you're a healer pumping heal after heal across your raid / party.

based. i level a hunter or lock first so i can arm alts in the finest gear, which allows u to make funny builds for pvp

WoW players are always such social rejects, it's so embarrassing when they try to set the rules.

If you really want that as your guild rules just post:

>This is a men-only hardcore guild
>18+ preferred
>No gays or transsexuals allowed
>If you dislike this look elsewhere

It's clear the guy is a social reject because he doesn't want people to talk about their kids, or their age, etc. So just add:

>game focused guild, keep your private life discussions out of /gchat.

Not hard really. Doesn't need a fucking 2000 word essay.

private servers guild promised FIRST WEEK, but I have my doubts
No one forbids you from farming it though, it's just wotlk kids like you who played only on private servers never were dedicated enough for something like that

Explain this webm

inv to the armando layer

Nothing wrong with having a safe space m8. If you can't have a space in a video game like WoW where you can be free from that real-world degeneracy shit, what's the point?

Raids are the original sharding.

That's a good way to get the ban for discrimination/sexism, you just know someone will get upset over that and complain to the GM's and report it

He's 100% right, which is why for a game to be truly excellent it requires 2 things:
>The company needs to not be publicly traded
>Normies get out reee

user I’m from third world country... my wage is 250$/month


TD;DR public traded companies are bound to the shareholders, who expect infinite growth, if you sit on the same game for too long for the same core audience and don't appease to casuals, you end up losing players overtime

Basically, shareholders and current capitalism are aids and need major changes

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>playing on a pve server
I never understood this. It's like playing a demo version when you've already paid for the full game.

jesus, just play on a ftp server

How much is the Tauren hitbox going to fuck me over as a Shaman or Hunter?

>it’s noticeable but isn’t going to really kill you much more than you already would have
>you’re going to die like twice as much as you otherwise would have

>friends with blizz devs
>get free wow time forever

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Being torn between pala and druid is like deciding whether you want cancer or aids. I hope you have a terrific time in classic.

The real chads will be playing TBC on Lights hope and not giving a single dollar to activision blizzard

It's more a meme than anything else, it's noticable if you backpeddle so just rebind S to something else.

fucking based

>The real chads will be playing TBC on Lights hope
In more than 10 there wasn't single working emulator of tbc servers, light hope uses stock mangos
Even nostr team couldn't think a way to make it work...


m8 i played nearly perfect tbc on wowscape like 10 years ago, im sure progress has been made

It's mostly due to the fact that wrangling together 40 retards interested in raiding is hard, especially when most of the ones that want to raid are in guilds that raid. It's painfully obvious you never played vanilla.

TBC was the start of everything wrong with wow, you guys are worse than retail kids, at least they don't know any better.
You guys are willingly playing the expansion where it started going to shit, at least it's not as bad as wrath I guess

Weapon skill's primary function is to help even out the level difference between player and enemy or further exasperate it if the enemy is same / lower. High level enemies parry, dodge, block more of your attacks and effects the rate at which you have glancing blows.

For a 60 vs raid boss (63) at 300 weapon skill you will do many glancing blows and see more dodges (since you should be behind the boss where parry no longer is a factor) this is a hard mathmatical downgrade in DPS and tanks have even further reduced TPS due to parry factors. +5 weapon skills makes you a level 61 vs 63 which significantly reduces glancing blows and dodges against enemies.

In identical equipped character scenarios with swords, a NE will almost always lose to a Human outside of lucky crit / non-glance streaks in PvE. However the top parses will universally be humans because that's both being lucky with crits and having weapon skill.

Nerf glancing blow and everything would be fine unironically

what players say they want in an mmo and what they actually are willing to play are two very different things.

This was never ever an issue for anyone. Stop embarrassing yourself. Play what you want.

good, and stay out.

I want to have a place to stay but I don't want to pay rent because I already did that before.

I was a casual who played Vanilla for 5 hours a day, my guild never got past Molten Core, after my guild disbanded I literally spend year or two doing literally nothing but sitting in Orgrimmar everyday hoping for a raiding guild invite, but I didn't have the time to raid 10-12 hours a day like they wanted and wasn't over 18 (They hated kids/teenagers) so I never got an invite. The game may have been fun for 10% of the population, but it was absolute turd for casuals, basically a carrot on a stick slavery simulator, hoping one day you'd get the chance to raid, but Jeff Kaplan spent years designing the game as hardcore welfare poopsocking simulator, it was an unholy miracle that Vanilla WoW ever got successful among casuals despite treating them so horribly. The casuals are NEVER going back to your poopsocking simulator, and so no one will ever make another slavery simulator designed so that 1-10% of the population gets to experience any content.

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Sounds to me like you just want the scaling to be tuned rather than outright removal

Should I play horde since I played alliance as a kid, or should I just stay alliance? I'm playing a chadrrior either way.

I didnt care too much about this but one of my lads showed some interest and we both decided it would be fun to play together in release.

What are good class/professions for duos? I feel he wants a warrior and I dont wanna be a healslut, whats strong and fun?

Is that a thing nowadays? I have to let trannies in?

No wonder no one plays WoW now.

That faggot, despite his inability to express himself, is right. Women do ruin everything in WoW guilds and trannies/homos are mentally ill and likely to do similar damage.

It would be much better to not have these people. They'll go away once WoW becomes less popular tho.

Thank you, i'm happy you actually understand it and aren't just shitposting.
I disagree that it enforces a meta though as this kind of thing would only be relevant only if you were trying to squeeze every possible bit of damage from a character.
The threat issue is honestly something i didnt consider, but i dont feel it would make enough of a difference unless you were, again, trying to 100% optimize, not to mention other factors like individual skill level.
A good Dwarf warrior is better than a mediocre Human warrior for instance.
Encourages you to pick those races certainly if you wish to min max, but it doesnt enforce it.

Honestly, imo, if you're that antisocial I'd suggest just playing with a few people you know. You need a large guild to clear big content, and with that comes the social hurdles.

Maybe it would be easier to just learn how to socialise.

Nah dude we will roll 500 ppl guild on Shazzrah and turn chat into Ukranian language place, gonna gank europeans non stop

When does their tbc server come out?

You're not gonna notice a fucking thing. It's a tiny nitpick being regurgitated by theorycrafters pretending they played vanilla. Nobody back in the day gave a fuck or even noticed.

Or I can just go hunter and kite your larping ass lmao gg

Kill yourself, you fembelf pala flying mount afking piece of shit

>Women do ruin everything in WoW guilds
Except it's neckbeards white knights that ruin it. Most women are just playing and barely mention the fact that they are women.

i absolutely believe this has to do with subscription numbers and nothing else. people don't want to play retail because its so boring and unrewarding, and they painted themselves into a corner and have no choice but to reboot the whole fucking thing

i played the alpha and everything went to shit after the beta

So I resubbed in anticipation of Classic. Haven't played since after that Ruby Dragon mini raid came out back in WotLK.

What's up with every zone's quests being so self-aware and parodying the very game itself? Hillsbrad went from being an Undead vendetta against the living to just a giant fucking reference to the different types of players that used to play the game, all while also fighting off remnants of the LK.

This shit is terrible. Don't tell me every zone is like this. I might not even bother with this mess until Classic comes out, if so.

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I don't know whether to main dorf war or human rogue first
both male because I'm not a soi slurping tranny
help me out bros

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Horde, experience the other side.

Play anything that can toss him some heals on the side.
Druids probably your best bet, they can do pretty much everything you need while levelling, shaman's or paladins a close second, both work great in groups.
Professions dont matter much for levelling but skinning is good for money (Sell most things to vendor) and if he's going warrior he should take mining, blacksmithing and first aid.
Swap blacksmith for engineering if he's going to primarily PVP.

So that means raiding guilds will take my enhancement shaman?

>humans cant macro abuse sit for fury procs
Why even play a warrior

>After Wotlk

It was during WotLK. LFD came and I remember how almost over night every dungeon was significantly nerfed to allow pugs to clear anything. Only the ICC dungeons kept any difficulty (not hard).

This is also when Blizzard did the following.

>reorganized talents and interactions to eliminate unorthodox builds (shockdin, sprogue, pomage) and prevent 'wild card' builds from appearing
>homogenized classes by sharing more abilities (mages get bloodlust, everyone gets multi-target heals, etc.)
> focused on badge grinding (TBC offered generally off-pieces to encourage both dungeon running and raiding, WoTLK allowed full replacement every patch)
>Focus on badge grinding = old content not worth doing. Gearing for ToC or ICC was easily done without setting a foot into previous raid tiers. In vanilla and TBC, Old raids were used to gear alts / get specific bis items.
>Game became about running dailies as the most efficient way to spend your non-raiding time. Professions were barely worth the investment since shit like Spellfire, Arcanite Reaper, and Lionheart helm didn't exist in WoTLK.

Was it a terrible expansion? I don't think so. Ulduar and ICC were great. Naxx re-release was undertuned extremely, but I liked experiencing it because I was part of the 99% of players who never saw inside. I think every class and spec were viable and fun to play. The questing zones were also classic and DKs were op but a really fun addition to the game. But literally everything that led to current retail WoW you can see the start of in WoTLK.

Really what they need to do is add weapon skill as something on itemization.

Though then you start seeing the problems Lord of the Rings Online had where raids went through a period of being heavily gated by a stat only available on raid gear, so to fight anything in the third raid you had to have a full set of second raid gear to not cower in fear of bosses.

>Most women are just playing and barely mention the fact that they are women.
Blatant lie
>Except it's neck-beards white knights that ruin it.
True. By the would be able to control themselves if the women weren't there. Neckbeards can be good WoW players when they're not tripping over themselves to white knight whichever disgusting omega woman/tranny has infested the guild.

Why would you play retail the game is fucking dogshit.

>He didn't join Whitemane
>Now he's missing out on all the pre-launch fuckery and good times
>Literally playing vidya like Starcraft with the bros


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Hunters report in
Which one of us is going to dab on the other classes and hit world first 60?

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It's a mathmatical enforcement of those races.

Either keep glancing blows but have Weapon skill not effect their rate / severity or remove glancing entirely. I'd be hard pressed to call any passive racial that reduces dodge / parry bad as is, having them effect glancing blows just makes them significantly stronger than likely intended.

Without glancing I'd still roll Humie as a war tank on parry / dodge factor alone but at least people going NE and what not won't feel like they just made a blatant wrong choice by comparison.

I'm surprised you have the bravery to make such an adamant 'mad bcuz bad' post in 2018

I was a casual too and I had fun without raids. PvP was a blast, even though I probably never managed to stay on for a complete AV match. Dungeons were still fun, leveling alts was soothing and so was playing the ah and growing rich selling food and pots to raiders. I also travelled around looking for mini pets and gag items. Once in a blue moon I would do a half-pug ZG run with the guild.

I feel people focus too much on raiding. There's so much more to enjoy.

ok bros I'm going to be playing priest with the intention of healing BGs and never bothering with raiding autism as I'm employed
I haven't followed any of the optimal shit for priests in all these streams and neither have bothered to play nostalrius, all I remember is having some fun leveling mine in TBC. So, what do I go with for leveling, shadow or is disc capable of dealing enough damage to play as solo healer? (I'd rather pick disc so I can heal if I end up in a dungeon, but if it's not possible to sololevel then I'll go with shadow)
Secondly, is priest actually a viable healer for PVP or is it some meme cookie cutter shitfest of paladins and shamans?

>lore is acknowledged at all in WoW
Tauren have been ignored almost completely since wow launched. Even in the books, Tauren are barely talked about at all. Baine has been completely ignored since he was made Tauren chieftain

Because I paid $15 bucks to resub, along with $20 for BfA because I'm a financially responsible adult to whom $35 is a drop in the bucket for, and figured that since Classic is 5 days away, I may as well take advantage and play retail until then.

This shit is BAD though. I can pull 5-6 mobs and not even drop below %50 before they all die. Back in the day, you were lucky to live if you pulled 2 mobs. My mana also doesn't even move.

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Dwarves are the most patrician race overall.

Cool, Shaman seems fun (or druid). But I thought Druid was awful or is it just a meme?. What should my professions be?

It really depends on the girls you're with
My GM is a girl and she's actually extremely chill, she's a known porn artist to boot.

Surprisingly there's absolutely zero white knighting or autism and the entire guild is a den of shitposting.

I think the difference is being in a mythic guild or a normie guild, any girl doing mythic is probably autistic enough where the usual attention whoring isn't gonna happen

>be in a boomer guild where all the women in it are already married off to people in the guild
maximum comfy

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Yes. Don't get me wrong, you'll probably end up healing unless you agree with them that you'll be DPS'ing, but 90% of guilds will let you do it as enhancement spec. You just bring a healing set and you're done. Most will also let you get gear for enhancement.

>Surprisingly there's absolutely zero white knighting or autism
I don't believe it.

Also please link to her work.



I can't believe this shit is happening in 4 days bros

>not knowing about relationship cheaters
Oh, user....

A relationship is an ongoing process and not a fixed status.
So social drama can still ensue.
Older people are probably less likely to act as hormone driven though.

>My mana also doesn't even move.

Yeh, mana as a resource for some reason is a massive joke until you hit level cap. Then it actually starts to drain. Not sure why they go so out of their way to make leveling such an effortless task. You're also going to find (if not already) that you'll outlevel zones mid-way through the questlines too.

>Nerf glancing blow and everything would be fine unironically
Nerfing everything to make it balanced ruined WoW.

Buff other races racials, add new items which make up for the deficiency, ect

Nerfing shit just because its unbalanced ruined WoW once and it will ruin it again.

I would but I have a very high suspicion she posts here and I don't want her finding out I posted this

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How do find a guild in claasic? Last time I’ve been in a good friendly guild was during wotlk, last time I was in a good raiding guild was during mop

What should they add in Classic+?

If you roll a race based on anything besides purely how they look you're a faggot.

Ive always just run dungeons until I found a group of people who seemed chill. Usually guilds will only have 2 or 3 people leveling together and they need extra hands early on.

They shouldn't.

I don't doubt it, but I'm along for the ride until it shits the bed again

level 60 Karazhan and HFP

>Focus on badge grinding = old content not worth doing
While this might have seemed like a good way to get players in on the fun, it actually deprived new players or people who started the expansion late from experiencing the early content. Only the newest raid was relevant and so they'd never get to know the fun of slowly progressing through content.

>tfw bit afraid to try Classic and see if old guildmates are also around
you think they wanna chat with their ol' friend that sold his account twice

>she's a known porn artist to boot
What actress?

lol if "her" guild was more than 2 people how would she even know you white knight, lying tard

i think i believe everything they're saying
i think something we as consumers don't realize or keep in mind is that game companies are full of all sorts of people
people who are totally full of inspiration right alongside people who are totally burnt out on gaming in general, and everything in between, and all of them at the beck and call of the corporate dicks who pay them who are themselves under the thumb of their investors, shareholders, marketing and pr advisors

i bet anything that these devs here really did just love making this game, and really do just love seeing it back again, the way they made it.

i also bet anything that this entire thing was planned as a money-grab, and that while it probably excited the shit out of some of the devs, the people in charge are doing it so they can have your money all over again. i wouldn't be surprised that if classic works out, they start the whole cycle over again and re-release each expansion for the classic servers, until the nostalgia is completely milked and our collective consumer tits are blistered and raw.

can't believe I'm bothering to reply to this bait, but:

To make money by making it more accessible to more people.

Yes, even guilds that want to poopsock will more than likely have 'casual night' type things for people to screw with.

To be fair that's kind of what they did with MC and fire resist gear, more blatantly with onyxia scale cloaks.

Druids being awful is a meme that's only relevant at max level, they're hybrids so they wont be the best at any one thing, but they're more than adequate at everything.
Their biggest pitfalls are
>Druid tanking falling off in raids compared to other classes.
>Their ressurection spell having a 30m CD and costing a reagent
>Running OOM a lot as caster-dps.
You're an unstoppable god at flag carrying for what it's worth.

Professions depend on what you want to do with the character.

Skinning is the easiest to level as you level your character since you just harvest what you kill.

Nah. My vanilla guild was white knight free and still got ruined by women. A friend of my brother's wife was basically playing the game for the praise that came from being main tank, and had a meltdown when our other tank got geared up/attuned first and was gonna be our MT in Kharazan/Serpentshrine. Same time one of our resto druids was cheating on the other resto druid with some dude in another guild.

Worst fucking feeling in the world. Finally get everyone attuned to start raiding, leave for a week for surgery, and come back to an empty guild.

Nothing from TBC, only new content.

I wouldn't say no to them adding new zones, dungeons and wPvP content. I wouldnt even mind some new skills (but no removals) so certain roles are more commonplace, like paladin tanks

this guy does not play hunter. disregard

It's Cataclysm specifically that's like that. Mists is a lot better. Still have to deal with the retarded skill trees, lack of talents, and absurdly high levelling speed that makes content meaningless though. (I went from 85 to 90 in the first Mists zone.)

good gameplay

they just made the game so easy to the point where its not even really a game anymore.

if you can't even lose whats the fucking point then

transmog and fucking dual speccing for the love of god

What should I name my tauren on grobb, bros


A character name, because it's a roleplay server

I think they’re too afraid to make a misstep and have everyone bitching about portraying the not Native Americans negatively

Pretty much how modern WoW functions.

Blizzard actually goes out their way to make new zones to basically center all content there. It's such a norm now that if they ever start focusing on using old zones with added content for their primary output you'll see the community go into an uproar even if its a zone they've personally never been to, or even seen.

You can't seen old content being made relevant without bitching that it's "lazy rehash" and you can't expect that community to want to run old content to get to the newest release, even if they never touched this older content.

>playing Warrior
>don't want to go Orc but racials are too good to pass up

>They all nothing but little money sucking parasites so they can pay 900 million dollar bonuses for their overlord CEO.
So you blame the people who do the work, and not the person who has the power to dictate what that work is.

When you're not 12 years old anymore you'll realize that a company is filled with a range of diverse people with diverse interests, and only the top 3 to 4 people get to actually choose what happens.

And in case you didnt realize, the top people in Act/Blizz are not video game developers, they're Harvard business school kids who became executives. Its funny how much hatred is thrown at people with titles like 'lead game designer' when those people are one step above everyone else in development and a mile away from actually getting to choose how the game is made.

The executives say 'we want X, Y and Z' the game designer says 'I mean we can do X and Y' and the game turns into a financial product for shareholders.


So you were left with nothing and created your own fun, you probably could have had more fun playing an offline videogame, I wish I never touched that shitty game and wasted my life on it doing basically nothing, PvP WAS fun but Blizzard stated they'd rather focus on raiding for poopsockers even though the majority of the casual playerbase liked PvP more, and even the PvP while fun at first became mindnumbing eventually, though keep in mind I was an extreme poorfag and WoW was the only game I had which may have added to the boredom, then again WoW was designed so that you'd literally waste every second of your life playing it and would consume such a huge portion of your life that'd you'd never have time for any other videogame. Honestly the game was simply addictive.

t. tranny

Just imagine all the female ally rogue pussy you will slam with your huge orc cock

Convince me not to buy a 144hz monitor and new GPU for classic Yea Forums

>not being happy that all the retards are still in retail and wont play Classic
This was Blizzards plan all along.

They spent 15 years creating a containment MMO so that they could re-release the game and bring in a new golden age of Classic+


post em lads

No one cares, clearly

Yes, new blizzard hates old blizzard.

It's why Diablo 3 and Retail WoW are almost adamantly different for the sake of not being like their older games.

You don't remember Jay Wilson telling d2 players they're retards for liking skill trees and stats?

Classic+ Phase One:
>Minor balance pass to improve the weakest specs while maintaining class uniqueness
>Tier 3.5: Mount Hyjal zone with many open world bosses and Through the Dark Portal large dungeon (BRD size)
>Rank 15 in PvP
>World PvP objectives in Deadwind Pass
Classic+ Phase Two:
>Tier 4: Karazhan Raid (40 man, not copied from TBC) and Karazhan Crypt Dungeon
>New BG, maybe that canned Azshara one
Classic+ Phase Three:
>No new raid tier
>New reputations and 50-60 questing areas related to them
>New crafting recipes
Classic+ Phase Four:
>Tier 5: Emerald Dream with large server-wide event and quests similar to AQ

not all of us want to look like 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag with mismatching armor user

I picked up the game again from late WotLK to early Cata. Badge grinding actually made me quit again because my guild was "everything except the last two bosses" on the launch raids and then Firelands made the past month's work obsolete overnight.

You wont notice a difference except when you spin your screen around.

144hz only looks good in games with lots of action and movement, like shooters or TP ARPGs and for those types of games you likely wont be able to run it at a high enough frame rate without dropping a shitton of cash on the best of the best gear, since modern games are GPU/CPU hogs and inefficient.

>no new playable races
>not making Gnomes into Paladins

meanwhile retail rots because nobody wants to play that grindy fucking mess

Heroic and Mythic versions of raids. It won't take long before people are smacking down Rag, Ony, Nef, Hakkar, C'thun, and Kel with each content phase. Content is 15 years old, and has been mastered by everyone who have played on private servers.

Maybe use Classic resources (for visual consistency sake) to create a few rogue-like dungeons and raids, ala Diablo dungeons. Rlease new PvP season gear (just recolor the shit) along side the dungeons. Rogue-like content could also require certain bosses that would require resistance gear, but would be limited to one type per dungeon or raid as to not require everyone to carry every set in their bags for every boss.

The only way they could fuck it up is if they do what they do in retail, and pointlessly hike the ilvl of shit into the sky. Heroic gear could be 5 ilvls above regular with recolor of gear. Mythic 8 ilvls above regular with recolors of gear.

Oh, not to mention, PvP actually started off as casuals who couldn't raid finding ways to fight the boredom through world PvP, blizzard was literally so neglectful towards casuals that they basically started their OWN game within a GAME which led Blizzard to making PVP instances (mostly just to not crash the servers so that the loser raiders could continue their no-life hobby). PvP literally started as casuals creating their own fun, because blizzard gave them nothing to do with their time.

>$20 for the worst expansion ever
>responsible adult to whom $35 is a drop in the bucket for
>responsible adult

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all of the fucking replies to this post are benji talking to himself, jesus fucking christ

Yeah good luck with those new players starting when everyones on tier 17 and you need to start at tier 1

>joining the server Yea Forums was advertising
>joining a server named after an og waifu
>joining a server that has people who made that video

You won't notice anything at 144hz. I don't know why people fall for this shit.

This. It's hardly even worth calling them Blizzard anymore, call them Activision Blizzard or Activision for short. Blizzard's talent is long gone.

It didn't become retail over night, faggot.
It took over a decade to becomea single player and no longer an mmo.

your pathetic

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frog nigger he has money and maybe he just wants to play for the okay shit story.

please stop

Where did you find BfA for $20? I was curious about it but the cheapest I could find was 35 plus shipping.

I'll have made it back 20 times over when tomorrow's check lands. Keep seething.

t3 is already overpowered fuck off fag you didnt play vanilla real or private

>Rogue-like dungeons and raids.
Could be cool, in-lore justification could be bronze dragons hiring mercenaries to help unfuck a timeline.

i literally use 3 screens. 144hz in the middle. the difference is night and day you are just too poor to try it

Its very simple

Step 1: write down every single change between 1.12 and modern retail WoW
Step 2: put all those changes up on a giant board in the office
Step 3: write "NO" across the entire board

Now go back to basics and design new content with a focus on the fact this is an MMO, ensuring the world is the main character, unbalance is respected, and raids are given the attention they get from the players; a minority one.

Focus on world events and world pvp events, its an MMO, not a god damn instanced ARPG simulator. Deal with imbalances by giving more options to weaker classes, not nerfing current ones to the ground in a race to the bottom. Maintain the same level of respect to current items and gear so that they are not made redundant every 6 months due to new content, new items should provide options not just make everything else redundant.

Someone post the "I play Horde for the PvP racials" starter pack

>you need to start at tier 1

By the end of vanilla there were enough welfare epics and blues to skip MC. ZG also existed and BWL was nerfed enough that it was doable by most people with a brain. That just means you had AQ to do before going into Naxx (which a few bosses were beatable with T2 gear).

The biggest holdup will be the attunements if Blizz decides to go full retard with them like in Onyxia

>Baine has been completely ignored since he was made Tauren chieftain
He wasn't ignored enough so we get cool things like him expelling survivors of taurajo and providing alliance with plans of tauren army movements so alliance could slaughter them and garrosh wouldn't get reinforcements, he also blamed this taurens deaths on garrosh(not as part of cool political move, but because he really believed that alliance and him are blameless for killing them)

At the extremist extreme tier of raiding and pvp yes, but almost everywhere else classic is more hardcore.

It's on sale on the Bnet launcher, dude. I'm probably not gonna keep leveling though. I'm not too cool with how poor these quests are, and I'm getting bored thanks to how effortless it is to even play. I toss Corruption on like, 8 mobs, and they're dead by the time they reach me.

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There isn't a single piece of content in classic that you need to min max for. The only reason people can't clear content is because they're collectively bad.

How about a horde RP
>Im 10 levels below you, and a warrior
>No not really
>One shot by paladin

Fuck no.

>Was so great why did Blizzard make retail then the way it is?

I'll steal the phrase "That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen" from economics because I'm a pseudo-intellectual faggot

"That which is not seen" were all the things that people, both players and developers, didn't notice were making the game good, and were being silently destroyed by the "improvements" as collateral damage. Except that's not quite true, the people that did notice, both players and developers, left world of warcraft and only the people who liked the changes remained. So negative feedback that's supposed to correct the course of the game wasn't there.

>Is Blizzard the most hypocritical game studio in the world? I don't believe a single word Blizz creators say on that video.

Yeah that's probably true. They are shilling classic because that's the business model now. There's no telling if they actually believe in it anymore.

Please kys

>caring about racials

They won't matter. All that matters at endgame is that you have your resist gear, that your gear isn't shit, that you stand behind or next to the boss, and that you don't pull threat or stand in fire.

this one?

Attached: 000000.png (1416x1326, 2.52M)

there are addons that allow transmog but you just want to attention whore so yeah


Post some more names that'll sell for a decent amount

Or the new and improved version?

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>just shitty /pol/ memes

Its not about comparing it to other games.
Its about something to do with your friends.
I have like 10 people I know in real life I get to connect with again on a regular basis because this game is coming back out.
Not everything has to be a contest about what game is better, or what genre, or blah blah blah.
Some people play video games as a social activity, not as some sort of tryhard gay shit where everything is a competition.
I know most of you are still teenagers so you don't understand what it can mean to someone to simply sit and enjoy something they used to do, but one day you will, so shut the fuck up and let us have our nostalgia.

Im glad you have fun with facebookcraft Michael

To be fair, Alliance does have an initial terrain advantage in AV. Horde has that bottleneck at Iceblood that can occasionally fuck you, and the way the horde towers are set up, they're easier to defend when capping.

I guess Swifty is generic enough to be in demand but why would any of those other names be worth anything?

>Not only they denied every single private server that tried to re-create it

they have no choice
under US law you lose your right to a property if you don't enforce it
which is why companies have to shut down these fan projects

How many (you)s will this bait get

>Want to roll a Troll Hunter bro with a raptor pet, crossing the plains of The Barrens
>All my friends are rolling Alliance
>Have to be a fucking tree hugging elf, or a fat manlet dwarf if I want to play Hunter

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That's the deluxe edition upgrade, fag. Expansion is still $49.99.

I'm serious. Why would anyone pay money for something like Vurtne?

Not him but I’m of the same mind

When Activision merged with Blizzard everything changed. You can blame corporate greed for ruining an IP.

LMAO the lamps are still missing textures, fucking idiots.
This game is DOA.

I don't agree with a lot of things in this post but I love the "bear chihuahua" part. You're ok.

They're famous vanilla PvPers, zoomzoom

A. Either add AP scaling to Arcane Shot/Serpent Sting or put spell damage as a free stat on guns/bows.
B. Make Intellect/Spirit increase pet health/damage for Hunter and Warlock, or add collar items that buff pet stats as endgame item drops.
C. Kharazhan as a level 60 post UBRS 10 man.
D. Use the sharding/layering system to create a PvP zone that plays like old Alterac Valley, but instead of queueing like a battleground you just walk in and it puts you in with a group of 40.
E. Paladin tanking. Even without Horde getting paladins there's no reason they shouldn't be able to tank.
F. More events like the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj. Stuff that gets the entire server participating.
G. Tomes for special spells.
H. Armor dyes instead of transmogs.
I. Northrend instead of Outland. Instead of some huge zone storyline they're just places you explore. Dalaran stays where it is in Vanilla.

>uncle works for blizz
>have never had to pay for a blizzard title in my life

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A single glass marble fell to the floor

When I tried to catch it, out fell two more

There's a mix of reasons behind WoW getting shittier. But it's complicated. The foundation of Retail was laid in BC and WotLK, but both were great expansions and I'd be surprised if the majority of Vanilla players wouldn't want the option for BC(Nostalrius was built on being Progressive and had plans to release BC later on)

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Ok, so tell me, who’s going to buy your names when the new zoomzoom crowd doesn’t even know who they are?

Heroic versions of vanilla levelling dungeons which are just "Same dungeon but 60" would also be nice. Did anyone ever run Sunken Temple?


>great expansion
Opinion discarded
>Nostalrius was built on being Progressive and had plans to release BC later on
Nostr was build on mangos, mangos doesn't support bc
No one of this faggots would code entire core from zero if they used free stock shit for vanilla

This kinda brings up a good point, if they ever did do Classic+, how are they going to combat the “give Horde Pally” crowd?

Well, regardless of what it was built on, the Frenchies were saying they planned to release a BC server with the Nost PCs as transfers

1. Tell them to eat shit
2. Give Gnomes the Paladin class

Glancing Blows are the fucking Warforging and Titanforging of classic WoW.

>Here's your set 100% known mathmatical equation for how you're going to hit, miss, be dodged or parried by an enemy
>but also here's a only half known RNG tacked on for when you actually do hit the mob that reduces your damage

RNG within RNG has and will always be turbo cancer. You either hit, miss, be parried, or dodged by the enemy, end of story. Glancing isn't meant for MMOs, it's meant for games with fucking aiming systems like Monster Hunter where you can hit enemies on good or bad spots.

You can't balance classes or bosses based on RNG, a unlucky raid with a ton of glancings will take literal minutes more than one without. The raid filled with NE rouges and warriors will consistently get dumpstered hard by one with humans in those positions.

Weapon Skill dictating Parry / Dodge / Miss is already strong as fuck alone without glances added into the equation. Glancing is shit, prove me wrong

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Why gnome pallies?

>the Frenchies were saying
They also said that all raids are ready when server was just released and they open them in time, it was a lie.
Fucking retard

playing orc hunter for first 60 up to BWL, then swapping to warlock.

People ran ST for the class quests at 50, but because of how much work it was clearing it out, and because not a lot of people had the egg or scroll to summon the Hakkar Spawn, not many people wanted to run it, and those that did want to run it for gear usually spent a long time organizing a group. (I know, because I liked the dungeon, and I wanted a few items that never dropped for me.)

Personally, it was one of my favorite dungeons. Getting into it was really cool, having to swim under water, fight through the pre-dungeon, and then actually find the entrance. Then when you're inside, it was aesthetic as fuck.

When you know where to go and what to do, it's truly not that bad a dungeon. There were just a lot of retards back in the day. People would die, run back, get lost, run into trash in the upper round-about, and then have to spend another 5-10min running back again.

Horde has all the original founders get the shaman class

Alliance should get the same

>everyone talking about classic+ is a retard who just wants power creep
if all you want is bigger numbers go play retail fag

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Because they pandered to a bunch of casuals who didn't understand video games. They wanted to "experience" content without playing the fucking game. As normalfags do, they cared more about being able to say they experienced something, rather than the quality of the experience itself. They just wanted superficial rewards, finding no reward in earning said rewards.

Even if Blizzard understood the problem, they'd be too egotistical to admit their mistake.

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You're missing the point. It might have been a lie, but the demand for a progressive server was there. Perhaps so much that it fueled the lie

When the fuck were gnomes in wc3 fighting with humans?

That same
>well they got something, how come we don’t
logic is what gave Horde pallies

WC2 had them

TBC had Lootreaver, which was easier than the trash mobs before it. Lots of super casual guilds farmed it for shinies, even when they otherwise had no business even setting foot inside a raid.

But a single exception does not break the trend, and just getting inside Tempest Keep took plenty of effort before patch whatever removed the attunement so it doubly doesn't count. But still.

Dance studio and aerial gyrocopter combat iirc

Lootreaver was single boss, not entire wing like ulduar or icc had
And magheredon was so stupidly hard of course people wouldn't farm him when killing him once opened you simple boss with t5 loot

>Glancing is shit, prove me wrong

There's a lot that's shit about vanilla because Blizzard was still trying to figure out how to make an mmo.

Basically every major patch in vanilla had a significant class re-work done for example

Glancing will be the first thing to die if Classic+ ever happens.

All these NU-WoW fags are gonna be in for a rude awakening when they learn that they have to manage threat during bosses instead of just unga bungaing it to death.

Lootreaver really has nothing on badge-grinding and patch-meta that WotLK had (he could only drop T5 shoulders and some off pieces). It was more just a bad oversight by Blizzard when designing the fight.

I'd say that and probably Druids not having an actual resurrection and paladins not having crusader strike.

>crusader strike
that shit was in beta but they removed it at launch
why? what the fuck were they thinking? why not make it the final talent for retribution instead of 6 second sap on a 1 minute cooldown

That bear shrinking shit was annoying. They got back up to normal size by the time you hit 60 and then the fuckers nerfed them in 1.8 because pissy little mages kept bitching about big red kitties in Warsong Gulch.

Same, but for your opinion. :^)

Really is a pity. Like you could see the detail in setting up bits of dungeon like areas in Felwood that helped to make the whole world feel a bit richer. Then you had areas like in the Plaguelands where Scholomance that was originally just more quest zone that felt so big they turned it into a dungeon, because they put just so much detail in everything they were doing then to make it feel like a richer experience.

Hard for me to put my finger on what it is exactly that caused the spirit of the game to sorta vanish in later expansions.

Because Jeff Kaplan and Rob Pardo were on the team, and fucking hated paladins due to Everquest.

It's really irritating when you watch that ClassicCraft vid with one of the class designers and it's clear that Ret was the original intended "class vision" for paladins.

As a horde player this is 100% unironically true, I'm pretty sure for years the Blizzard team secretly and intentionally made horde as boring and unfun to play as possible. Alliance always had better zones/quests etc..

Needless hybrid hate. Shamans got hit with the same deal, they're taxed as if they still had a tank/heal/dps set up even though the tank spec was completely gutted (yet not completely removed, leaving a bunch of useless talents).

Because crusader strike was doing holy damage then and Blizzard didn't provide any holy resistances to anything so the damage was super-high. Like high enough for a ret pally to be viable.

It went against hybrid tax philosophy so they removed it. Then blizzard realized that they only focused on the end game and hybrid philosophy didn't work because they didn't program their fights or talent tree system to allow generalists to exist.

Which is why Crusader Strike was added in with TBC launch