Why did the devs sell out so much that even the Brutal Doom guy called them out on the forums?
Ion Fury
Sell out how, faggot?
The world would be a better place if that 40% turned into a 100%. Fuck Trannies and Fuck Pedoera
Can we talk about the actual game for once?
They censored their game, donated $10 000 to some kind of pedophile foundation and sent themselves to sensitivity training.
I'm actually interested in what sgt Mark shitposted before and after the resetera thing. His sheeting is enjoyable. Can you provide some source?
censorship is bad
They removed an out of bounds textbox, donated to a suicide hotline, and the sensitivity training shit was lip-service and means nothing, you dumb fucking retard.
What was censored?
what did they change the soap bottle to?
This but unironically
Based, and, dare I say, redpilled.
You can thank the devs for caving to the demands of activists thus making any future discussion on this game be centered on the political controversy.
How many threads do we need?
Literally all they did was remove a dev comment in an out of bounds zone abecause it said "fagbag" and changed a soap dispenser texture because it said "ogay".
Thats it.
Thats all they did.
No you can thank that faggot GreenSkeleton for causing this mess to begin with and forcing the devs to pay lip service so they can have careers, you delusional retard.
To be honest, I don't even care about the game. I'm just happy to see another dumbass dev eating shit for bowing to the LGBTQWTFOMGBBQ+ outrage mob.
Brutal Doom is better than Ion Fury anyway.
best wads to play with Brutal Doom?
not gonna happen.
This was the thing people were getting upset by?
ok now tell us why they did it
>coaxed into a snafu by big brain user
fucking lel
The devs should have ignored him and retardera both. So it's still their fault for listening to the insane demands of either side.
you forgot a "P"
>No you can thank that faggot GreenSkeleton for causing this mess
There's no actual evidence he had anything to do with this.
Because that faggot Green Skeleton false-flagged ResetEra into trying to ruin Voidpoint and 3DRealms had to do something so they could still have fucking careers you stupid fucking faggot.
This is a very fun game, and all this shitposting is going to get more people to actually check the game out. No such thing as bad publicity.
You never bow to the perpetually offended for the same reason you never bow to terrorists.
Once you do it once everyone will try to get whatever they want by doing the same thing.
As many as it takes to secure victory, comrade.
Glad I pirated this shit
sophia narwitz is a tranny and apologist for the dev. Don't believe anything it says.
it wasn't the devs tho, it was the publisher
Holy shit, how can one person possess so much power? How do we stop him, bros?
>>The devs should have ignored him and retardera both. So it's still their fault for listening to the insane demands of either side.
>ignore all games media journalists shitting on you relentlessly
You think they'd let it go? They'd ruin them over this on ANY future project, you stupid delusional retard.
They didnt 'bow", they donated to a charity so that ResetEra look like bad guys for still bitching about them.
You people are fucking stupid.
that was never the issue you dishonest, lying crook and there is far more at play than what you would like people to believe.
3D Realms deserves everything they get.
and donated 10k towards an organization that forcefeeds kids experimental hormone pills for the sake of appeasing selfbutchering pedophiles
>had to do something
factually incorrect
So are people intentionally pretending this is all because of the Soap Bottle or?
A $10,000 soap bottle texture, senpai.
The money was taken out of their bonuses.
Ok this is a 300 IQ mothefucker, he's like a tranny wrangler genius.
Does anyone really know? Don't think I've seen it mentioned yet in the dozens of threads we've had about this.
What else did they change in the game then faggot?
Thats a fucking lie you disingenuous fuck. Its a suicide prevention charity, you stupid faggot.
Clown world. That resetera got upset by this alongside the discord leaks of top members of that forum being tranny pedophiles should be proof enough that they are nothing but a forum of pedophile child groomers.
>and the sensitivity training shit was lip-service and means nothing
What it means is these fucking whiny babies GOT THEIR WAY, or at the very least think they got their way. So they will do this again next time. And then next time. And the next time.
So stop shrugging shit off and fucking stand upright you bitch or you wont have anything left. The company should have said shut the fuck up and moved on with their lives.
Never apologize, never give an inch. Learn these lessons and you can avoid a shitstorm like this.
Except now the devs are trying to spin this as totally not censorship at all. Fuck'em.
How would you rather spend your $10000, if not on trannies?
look at all the fucks i give
>Anons constantly say that SJWs are fucking stupid because they give a shit about things outside of the game itself
>Anons having an autistic outrage over this game because of something outside of the game itself
Yes they did faggot or else the vulture journalists would never let them ive it down.
Use your stupid brain for once.
>point out its a lie
>it's just a texture bro
>it's just 10k bro
>it's just tranny reeducation bro
All he did was look around for something that would trigger SJWs (not a hard thing to find) and posted it on Resetera. Anyone could do it.
We're living in the new Salem witch trials, where all you have to do is accuse someone of being a bigot and they get burned at the stake.
>You never bow to the perpetually offended for the same reason you never bow to terrorists.
user, you are the terrorists
>an organization that forcefeeds kids experimental hormone pills for the sake of appeasing selfbutchering pedophiles
But it's a thing that does suicide prevention
If I had 10,000 dollars I'd pay off all this crippling debt.
This is directly affecting the game and the dev though.
>donated $10 000
Throwing money away is the opposite of sell out. This is just pandering. Selling out would be Epic Store exclusive deal.
>everything you said is true
>but er.. you're a dumb retard!
compelling rebuttal
>They'd ruin them over this on ANY future project,
Lol retard. Before Voidpoint caved resetniggers tried to reviewbomb but all they did was prove that they are nothing but a vocal minority, a very small minority.
i still don't give a fuck. they decided to go woke so they will go broke
Liberals are still seething, "user".
Yeah, if the Salem Witch Trials concluded with the witches being let go after they managed to satisfy the court only for a bunch of witches to show up and torture them to death for betraying them.
>This is directly affecting the game and the dev though.
And yet people in this very thread are saying it's not about the game. The only things that got changed in-game are a goddamn soap bottle texture and a texture that you can't see in-game without noclip
you did. you sucked it's dick for a week straight before it got BTFO and exposed for the overpriced piece of shit doom WAD it is. stay mad FAGGOT
>>Never apologize, never give an inch. Learn these lessons and you can avoid a shitstorm like this.
If someone is not old enough to consent to sex then there's no way they're old enough to decide they're the wrong sex.
>you're just as bad!
lol this shit again. yeah sure, the people who were happily enjoying the game are just as bad as the resetera trannies who demanded action be taken against the dev for being so offensive. kys
You can blackmail new Devs with this, pay up or we turn the rabid tranny press on your project. Here's a bitcoin address, you have 48 hours.
>Six posts
Is that supposed to be some significant quantity to prove your point?
games journalists being an absolute joke doesn't negate the devs being little bitch cowards
>go woke
Fucking how? 2 IQ having buzzword dipshit. How did they "go woke"?
>>>it's just tranny reeducation bro
Its a fucking suicide prevention charity you idiot, why do you fucking faggots keep lying about what it is?
i thought you wanted to keep politics out of games user
>And yet people in this very thread are saying it's not about the game.
No, it's about the game. It's about sjws having the power to force devs to change their game and receive special consideration over people who actually buy games.
What does that have to do with suicide prevention? Why are you steering conversation away from the lie that user made about the org?
Im still pissed that the developers gave in to a bunch of fringe radlibs that more than likely didn’t even play the damn game. They just heard about some shit, read some shit article, took it all out of context, and threw a twitter tantrum.
valiant vaccinated edition
avoid /= alive
they're ensuring that trannies stay alive allowing them to further spread their mental illness
>they did what i said but im still going to fuck them
Like they di every fucking time they get their way.
This is why is unbelievable to me that there is some tranny fuckface shill in this thread actually trying to defend what voidpoint did saying it wasnt a big deal. Whoever you are user - you're a shill, a cuck, a coward, and a little bitch.
I hate this timeline
Mother fucker the shitstorm exists because of one the faggots here false-flagging and it would be over if you fucking faggots would shut the fuck up for a fucking week.
YOU are the problem.
We didn't start the fire, user. There wouldn't be no shitstorm if the publisher had just ignored the trannies. But they had to bow to people who never would've supported them, so people are understandably miffed.
There are no two sides.
There is only one group of mentally ill people who use a degenerate forum to try to signal virtue and hide from society that they are potential dangers. They think they can still manipulate public opinion because of the complicity of media and lobbies.
3D Realms aligned with these retards.
The rest of the world turned against 3D Realms.
The end.
Everyone who is talking on two sides is either naive idiots, or ResetEra's transnies who realized that this case will make them lose ground and are now desperate doing damage control.
can we please keep the f bombs to a minimum folks?
I've yet to see any liberals claim they'd buy it now.
>the only things that got changed in-game are a goddamn black character and a transgendered person you can't see in-game without noclip
Undertaking sex changes do not reduce suicides.
Dude, this is Yea Forums, if they can’t spend their lives hating the gays then the game isn’t worth playing.
They don’t give a fuck about censorship. They’re just mad ResetEra keeps winning
Oh boy I can't wait for this to last another couple months because you retards are always itching to have some stupid political shitstorm to attach to for some reason
Why are you so defensive? Are you a trannyera tourist by any chance?
>the people who were happily enjoying the game
You're not, though, are you? Nothing happened that would impede your enjoyment of the game in any way. In fact if you were actually enjoying the game you would not be so eager to throw it under the bus to score points in your imaginary war against Resetera.
no one takes game journos seriously anymore
At least they're self-aware
and is anecdotal greentexting how you prove your point? faggot
>not understanding what go woke means
jesus fucking christ did you visit Yea Forums for your first time today, tranny?
>>games journalists being an absolute joke doesn't negate the devs being little bitch cowards
>its being a bitch coward to want to not have your career ruined
Voidpoint and 3DRealms arent fucking activision, dipshit.
YOU CANT ignore them because they control games MEDIA.
News collusion would destroy ANY future projects they attempted if they didnt capitulated to some degree.
I bet over half the retarded autists in this thread has been here, and in no other thread the entire day,
It shows, the average quality of Yea Forums is above average today.
Resetera blackmail is the future bros, we're gonna be fucking swimming in bitcoin!
>Its a fucking suicide prevention charity you idiot
I was talking about the mandatory sensitivity training, you idiot. Take a few seconds to calm down so you avoid making dumb mistakes like that.
It does, though
>Are you a trannyera tourist by any chance?
No, just a tired old man (probably by this place's standards now) who can't escape and for some retarded reason still thinks this place can go back to how it used to be
>Yea Forums hates gays
Newfag, please. 83% of anons are queer as hell.
Its public perception, the average person will see the most common headlines on a quick google search and thats a make or break buying decision.
Use your fucking brain.
I agree, i'm just humouring that tranny sympathizer who is trying to deflect from resetera by blaming some autistic faggot.
No, it doesnt. It makes things much worse. It's best to just avoid bottom surgery.
Doesn't matter if he started or not. They not only gave in, but they did a triple back flip while giving in.
No you stupid faggot im asking you to explain to me how exactly 3DR and Voidpoint went "woke"?
Having a female character who isnt naked? She's still in a skin tight outfit, what the fuck is woke exactly about it?
i do not believe your post
>there is some tranny fuckface shill in this thread actually trying to defend what voidpoint did saying it wasnt a big deal.
I'm sure there are some, but mostly I'd say it's just lazy spineless cucks who want to bury their head in the sand and just play video games like nothing's wrong.
Legitimately no one gives a shit about game journos, the only people who do are reactionary faggots like you that have zero impact on the industry
Good. Let the devs learn their lesson by letting everyone piss on them
>>I was talking about the mandatory sensitivity training, you idiot
You can go to the fucking 3DRealms discord right now and see that all they did was tell people to stop talking about ResetEra, thats all they fucking did.
You're the type of fuck face who thought there was anything wrong with Mass Effect: Andromeda instead fucking playing the goddamn game.
fuck off. most gays are based, it's the current tranny culture that demanded the changes that is cancer
That's literally the opposite of what every research on the topic shows.
>Spending your whole day on Yea Forums trying to fight some dumb culture war, along with thinking that anyone who disagrees with you is some foreign agent that doesn't belong here
I want some of you to take a second and actually think about that
Oh yeah, it's just a texture change. This time.
Next time it will be a little more, and a little more after that. Then next thing you know your games are going to be full of weird ass shit and that's going to be normal.
The slippery slope is real.
>they did a triple back flip while giving in.
This. It's one thing to put out a press release apologizing for any offensive comments and that the opinions of one dev don't represent the entire company. It's another to apologize to the tune of 10k and forcing the ENTIRE dev team to undergo sensitivity training lol.
By validating the mental disease known as transgenderism. How come if you want to cut your arm off you are crazy but not your dick?
>patch the game and make the main character trans
This sounds like a fair compromise
Are you so fucking dumb that you dont comprehend that the normal person will see that 90% of a games news headlines are "BIGOT BIGOT BIGOT" and stear clear from it because of either beliving it or not wanting to be involved in controversy?
Are you the kind of retard who thinks any publicity is good publicity?
>The slippery slope is real.
>Unironically saying this
You'd need the whole vidya industry to go back to how it used to be. What you're seeing here is just a symptom of far more global processes
>missing the point
They shouldn’t have done anything at all. You’re missing the forest for the trees either because you are a brainlet or you are intentionally baiting.
I am. Calling something a fallacy does not make it so.
90% of any news headline nowadays is BIGOT BIGOT BIGOT
Name one game that has hurt sales because some faggot called them a bigot
au contraire, it means everything. It means sjws have more power over people who makes games than the people who support them. That's not right.
>forcing the ENTIRE dev team to undergo sensitivity training lol.
But they're not doing that, dumb fuck.
What the fuck is with you, Green Skeleton. Why are you so obsessed?
>Manadatory sensitivity training isn't happening.
>Several government agencies have gone through this.
>Forest Service with the "Stand Up" training.
>Forest Service went through hell to make sure everyone took the training including not just popping their head in and riding the backs of firefighters who are notorious for skipping anything office-related.
>You'd need the whole vidya industry to go back to how it used to be.
No I just need Yea Forums to stop being a bunch of fucking politics-loving retards. Take responsibility for your own shit
Someone on there asked what it'd take for them to buy the game again and apparently is was
>Devs who said that shit fired and punished
>The specified devs have to come out and do a non PR written apology themselves
Only then would they consider buying it later when its on sale.
slippery slope demands every step is shown. going THEY CENSORED SOAP, NEXT IS CONCENTRATION CAMPS FOR STRAIGHTS is being fucking dumb
Do you have any proof that they didnt actually do it?
Lets see it, you 95-pound twink fuck. Lets see the evidence that what they did was nothing. Because all we have right now is them saying they are doing sensitivity training.
Transgenderism is a mental issue and those that encourage it encourage mutilating children
The slippery slope fallacy is itself a fallacy. How many times do we have to see it proven real?
>we're not trying to take your games away, silly boys
>>They shouldn’t have done anything at all. You’re missing the forest for the trees either because you are a brainlet or you are intentionally baiting.
What they intiially did was the perfect compromise. Donate to a charity, keep their heads down.
But YOU faggots had to get your fucking dicks in a twist and throw a retard shitfit.
>>>Manadatory sensitivity training isn't happening.
You can literally go to the discord right now and see that what that amounted to was them telling people to not talk about the controversy.
You fucking idiot.
>listening to screeching trannies to change "politically incorrect" content and donating 10k towards tranny organizations is not going woke
also yea, her change from the original 90s design is a woke move too, especially considering how they worded the descriptions of the 90s designs
Use anonymous email from public computer:
Please deposit X amount of bitcoin in this address. If not, several accounts on Resetera will instigate a witch hunt against your problematic game, abusing their press influence to severely harm your sales.
You have 24 hours.
This is how you kill Resetera for good.
When there's a T there's no pps.
>No such thing as bad publicity.
LOL! it's dead, Jim.
It was a niche game to begin with and 3D Realms made sure to get everything right in the guidbook of "How to piss off the people who actually buy your games".
When this game was still in early access and right after it launched before TrannyERA started shit it had a 4.7/5 rating on GOG and had 'overwhelmingliy positive' reviews on Steam.
After 3D Realms bowed down and enabled the mentally insane people - actual customers who bought the game got shafted in favour of a handful of screeching lunatics.
By now the game's ratings have dropped down from 4.7 to a 3.5/5 on GOG and on steam it is currently sitting at a 'mixed'.
Turns out the very fanbase and customers - the actual people who bought this game because all they wanted was just another crass, unapologetic, politically incorrect oldschool fps with a blast from the past like Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior and Blood don't like any of the mental illess AIDSfaggot SJW LGBTPQ trannyshit. SURPRISE SURPRIISE, turns out the very same people who love Duke, Lo-Wang and Caleb are people which are inherently politically incorrect and don't like progressive sjw cancer pushed down their throats.
The faggots who are running 3D Realms nowadays are a bunch of cucked dicklickers.
If this was 3D Realms of the 90s under George Broussard they would have told the trannies and the child diddling aids faggots to "Blow it out your ass" and ignored the professionally offended and that would have been the end of it.
Nu-3D Realms sold their old fanbase to 4 or 5 screeching trannies and for some Twitter cred points at Kotaku and Polygon
I hope it was worth it.
Apropos Kotaku and Polygon, where are they now to come to 3D Realms' rescue against all the mean bully gamers review bombing their game in all of this? Really makes you think.
3D Realms deserves this shit for being a buch of dickless, spineless goodboi cowards. They dug their own grave, now they can lie in it
>Yes they did faggot or else the vulture journalists would never let them ive it down.
Then it'd make for the Ion Fury devs to patch in an easter egg to mock them, like Postal 2 did.
>What they intiially did was the perfect compromise.
Not him but how are you seriously not understanding? There is no perfect compromise because the people whining about gay jokes will never be satisfied.
I'm not imaging you a part of cabal either. All those journos that bully studios don't imagine being a part of cabal either, probably. Each has his boss, each boss his own boss, and there is a very small set of closely related people at the top. They are the monolithic enemy. To think that all the jorunos who are pushing the same narrative are just doing it by coincidence independent of each other, is insane.
Isn't brutal doom just a bunch of mods mashed together with no credits? I guess both are faggots.
>donate to a charity that encourages mental illness as a knee-jerk reaction.
>>Do you have any proof that they didnt actually do it?
>Lets see it, you 95-pound twink fuck. Lets see the evidence that what they did was nothing. Because all we have right now is them saying they are doing sensitivity training.
How about the fact that Voidpoint are the developers, not 3Drealms?
>How many times do we have to see it proven real?
So give some nice examples there user if we've seen it so many times
>remove two words
>Yea Forums has arguably been more upset and triggered than trannyera
trannies arguing with trannies
Ausfailia banning games outright for offensive content.
>>Not him but how are you seriously not understanding? There is no perfect compromise because the people whining about gay jokes will never be satisfied.
>this is a list of thing we are upset with
The issue is not what they changed but on whom request. A cesspool that is Resetera. If devs changed skin of one black character to a lighter shade of brown it would be non-issue, if they did it because KKK asked them to it would be fucked-up.
>>also yea, her change from the original 90s design is a woke move too, especially considering how they worded the descriptions of the 90s designs
Motherfucker, Green Skeleton i know this is you, what is your god damn problem?
Australia banning games for content reasons is not new, so try again
>bends knee
Fer shure B
dead or alive dev explicitly stated the game is not coming to west because of press
In never cared about the game so I have no horse in this race. I'm just enjoying seeing another dev getting blowback for apologizing to outrage merchants, and people desperately trying to defend them.
>unironically being a wojak poster
Kill youself fucking faggot.
>being upset at all
youre giving them exactly what they want, trannies successfully bait and the devs get more exposure.
>Eurogamer also contacted Voidpoint co-founders Evan Ramos and Richard Gobeille for comment. They responded with a statement of their own, apologising for the sexist and transphobic comments and the homophobic language in Ion Fury. Voidpoint also vowed to add "mandatory sensitivity training" for all employees and contractors, and said it will donate $10,000 from Ion Fury's release day proceeds to The Trevor Project, an American non-profit focused on suicide prevention efforts in the LGBTQ community. Finally, the developer said it will patch out any "unacceptable language" in the game.
Yeah its voidpoint saying they are doing the training you fuckin nothing. What else you got?
>implying Postal 2 isnt the niche niche of a niche
Postal 2 was also long before the current political climate, it was unironically a different time.
Exposure to the mixed rating down from overwhelmingly positive
Actually, turning a shoulder to your paying customers to appease non customers isn't a good look.
You think just because someone's gay or lesbian they have to tolerate tranny pedos? Don't put us in that bracket you mentally ill child molester.
>>Actually, turning a shoulder to your paying customers to appease non customers isn't a good look.
stop being delusional tranny.
i don't really give a shit about the redesign, it's just yet another fact that they wanted to go woke
You're the only one with a mental issue here.
If the retards actually send you bitcoin don't touch it, retard.
>try again
No, I think Australia banning games for ideologically charged reasons like, muh sexism and muh hate speech perfectly demonstrates the reality of the slippery slope.
smallbrain measurement, of course triggered gamers are gonna leave reviews based on their emotions rather than the facts.
Alright there's one, though I really think that's just Tecmo being a bunch of pussies because porn games do gangbusters on Steam and nobody gives a shit
Politics on Yea Forums won't go away if the politics in the industry doesn't leave you fucking senile old fuckwit. Take responsibility for yourself and leave if seeing discussions you don't like bothers you.
It's a matter of principles.
Something you don't have.
>Yea Forums constantly bitches about wanting good vidya
>get good vidya
>immediately start a campaign to destroy it and its developers because they changed a soap bottle texture
You faggots deserve less than nothing.
from a utilitarian perspective
user's loathing of trannies and their goals exceeds his happiness at playing the game
thus sacrificing playing the game in order to punish devs for capitulating to tranny degenerates is rational
>the devs get more exposure
lol, no such thing as bad press am i rite
>171 posts over a soap bottle and two words
Yea Forums has become the SJW they used to complain about, its like boys tumblr.
Calm down tranny. We are mad they bent the knee to people who mutilate children
> actually went out and admitted publicly they are being attacked by press unlike all others who silently pretend that everything is ok
> pussies
>get woke go broke
>bend the knee
>tranny(insert noun here)
>wojak edits
It's all so tiresome
>going into sensitivity training over a soap bottle
which is better
>tfw pirated the GOG version one day before all this shit started
>It has the OGAY soap bottle, so I can only assume it also has the hidden dev message as well
I'm glad I did, I got a good few hours of gameplay out of this before I noticed any political shitflinging. I was planning on buying it on Steam to support the developers, but I guess I'll just have to see how this all plays out.
It's really not a stretch to think that most games journos are pro LGBT rights when most people are.
And none of that still has anything to do with the Australian government having stricter ratings
First of all, lay off the capslock, man.
Second, never EVER apologize to tranny freaks and their ilk. They will never be satisfied and you'll only piss off people who have supported you.
they bent at knee to israel and saudi arabia?
im not the one looking for anything to use a plat form to complain about trannies while pretending i give a single shit about censorship
Reported for homophobia.
now wait a second, user
who is actually "doing this over a soap bottle"?
you are phrasing it ass "oooh you incels are upset over a soap bottle" and no, thats not it. thats misrepresenting whats going on.
the lefties were the ones who got upset over the soap bottle. that said "ogay" instead of "olay." let that be established, THEY were upset over the soap bottle. we are upset about the developers being bullied into changing stuff in their game and cucking themselves for people who now, even after getting their way, still have no desire to support the game.
You will never be a woman.
paradise lost was 2015
>They will never be satisfied and you'll only piss off people who have supported you.
Oh yeah, the devs are real glad to have your support, I'm sure. They'll bend over backwards to please you in the future. Have you completely lost it?
sorry user that the soap bottle was offensive, we will force all staff members to be more sensitive in the future
>injects 8 year old boy with hormones to make it grow boobs
>I'm not insane! You are!
This is exactly what devs want, right, the mixed rating on steam?
It is a gigantic stretch.
>it's all just a gignatic coincidence, there's no cabal of people funding LGBT, it just happened by pure coincidence that all news media is pro-LGBT and no news media is anti-LGBT.
Hypothetically lets say they didn't change Shelly Bombshell's design, had all the crude Duke Nukem humor including strippers, more vulgar jokes, etc and they told the trannies to fuck off. How would the games media have reacted?
soon there will be outrage from the left over saying kids shouldnt be raped
What do you dumb niggers not get, it's not what was removed from the game but the fact they capitulated for no good reason and then proceeded to act like retards throwing money away and going on a censoring spree. Dumb cunt.
>horseshoe theory isnt real
You gonna respond to me or is your lack of response you admitting youre a retard?
link me to that story Abdullah
You trannies are the ones who tried to ruin a developer over a common sense opinion. Why don't you accurately point at who is really to blame here?
>>injects 8 year old boy with hormones to make it grow boobs
user nobody is doing that, especially not the suicide prevention organization they donated to
Yeah, you're definitely obsessed. And the sad part is you barely know anything about your obsession. Which I guess is what makes it so frightening to you.
Please stop freaking out.
Shut up tranny. No one wants to hear your deep as voice try to imitate a female
lol why would I be satisfied? I never had a problem with the game in the first place. No, I'm perfectly in my right to be displeased with the dev.
you don't give a single fuck about censorship. stop pretending you dumb cunt
>>What do you dumb niggers not get, it's not what was removed from the game but the fact they capitulated for no good reason and then proceeded to act like retards throwing money away and going on a censoring spree. Dumb cunt.
You fucking faggots are the SJWs you bitch about.
You fucking faggots have done 100 times the review bombing that ResetEra did.
You're actively keeping this shitshow alive.
You faggots are exactly the people you bitch about.
>its being a bitch coward to want to not have your career ruined
i mean if it really were true then shouldn't kingdom come be a flop and its developers starving?
man, i didint knew about the whole soap bottle incident,what a bunch of soiboys faggots
Wrong, people like you are enablers of this sort of behaviour.
so youre upset online over two words? just want to be clear
>it just happened by pure coincidence that all news media is pro-LGBT and no news media is anti-LGBT.
Apart from America's biggest news network
Have you considered that literally half the country disagrees with you and that that's a lot of people
Game would have sold great, kids watch YouTube, and look at Steam reviews, they don't read gamepresse anymore.
>Oh yeah, the devs are real glad to have your support, I'm sure.
That's the thing. They had it, and they lost it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
>people as costumers enjoy thing
>invasive outsider bullies devs to change thing
>people as costumers want thing to go back to the way it was
>change thing
A soap bottle
Your game is being destroyed by trannies and instead of being mad at them, your mad at the people who are mad.
i mean yeah its the same, just a different narrative youre socially justicing for.
Take your meds, dude.
>>That's the thing. They had it, and they lost it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
You're right, I'm actually totally happy with things being removed because hormone guzziling mangina pedos can't handle it. Spastic.
>You are the SJW you bitch about
You're not wrong there, considering SJW and the left has literally gone full fascist.
And you've shown yourself to be unreliable and entitled. Some support that is. Next time they won't bother walking on eggshells for your sake.
>Your game is being destroyed by trannies
A soap bottle texture change destroyed Ion Fury?
>You're actively keeping this shitshow alive.
Good. Let this serve as an example to other devs.
Get woke.
Go broke.
Half the country disagrees, another half agrees, but the entirety of news media disagrees with me with a possible exception of one tv channel. Does it make sense to you? It does not to me.
And what are you doing against them? You're giving free reign. Developers and publishers need to realize that bending the knee to mobs will only hurt them in the end. They need to stand with their developers and free artistic expression. This is not about soap, this is about principles.
>Yea Forums denies theyre as bad as the people they hate for 200 posts
customers have no input, only outsiders that don't buy games only matter
Bless your soul user, the one shining beacon of sanity in this zoo
I bet you're a fat annoying cunt and literally shrieking at your pc screen as you hit caps.
Cool. Will devs start listening to me when I tell them to make changes to their game now?
>>Good. Let this serve as an example to other devs.
>Get woke.
>Go broke.
>"why are video games shit now?"
you only care about have a soap box to stand on to shout about trannies because you censor the fuck out of them given the chance. stop pretending you have a moral code you intellectually dishonest shit
Aslo $10000, public apology and mandatory brainwashing classes.
It is outrageous they have such thin skin but it is also equally outrageous the stupid assumptions some actual people make. But the stupidest thing of all is the autism of the user who started the shitstorm
thats this entire thread basically, people who are never going to buy the game and never were are really mad about two whole words. makes you think.
I like how you admitted to being full fascist and still use the term disparagingly for people you dislike
>You fucking faggots have done 100 times the review bombing that ResetEra did.
I personally haven't reviewbombed anyone but what you observed can easily be explained by the fact that resetrannies are an extremely small but vocal minority that nobody in their right mind should ever listen to. On the other hand gamers who are sick of devs capitulating to the demands of petty activists significantly outweigh the amount of pearl clutching cross dressers.
Nobody buys your anti-anti-SJW narrative faggot. Everyone can see you aren't an unbiased agent you tranny psyop nigger.
>that one user who leaves capslock on for every post
*and donated 10k towards ensuring that trannies stay alive and keep spreading their mental insanity to keep a bunch of pedophiles happy
>>Aslo $10000, public apology and mandatory brainwashing classes.
Your are low IQ and will forever be a weak pushover fagbag:
synopsis: people don't like weak-willed pushover fags. Period. if you bow down and bend and apologise to the hysterical professionally offended they win over you, at the same time you will lose respect and support from the peers who stood by you because you have now outed yourself as an unreliable, weak faggot who will fall at the next slight gust of wind.
>pretends to be a 6 year old girl
You just want to be in the bathroom with real women psycho. You will never pass.
>its not about the words!
>its not about the money!
>its the one hour of diversity training!
holy kek
>the entirety of news media disagrees with me with a possible exception of one tv channel
Which happens to be the biggest one, pandering to half the country. Which only goes to show that if anything that side is all the more monolithic.
why is this even a controversy lmao you're all fucking deranged freaks
This is what HRT does to you, screws up your mind until your just a screeching ball of anger.
Just say no to the tranny meme guys.
They were literally enforcing resetera viewpoint on forums and banning everyone who wanted to talk about it. I'd love to see where exactly they were shitting on resetera.
this is what happens when ifunniers start browsing Yea Forums.
No, because SJWs have the advantage that even though they are annoying and overemotional and dishonest and hypocritical etc. like you, they at least had a good point beneath it all.
looks like its what taking red pills does to you as well
and how does that negate the fact that they bent down to the kiddydiddling penisbutchers?
Tell your friends at voidpoint they lost all respect when they apologized and donated 10k to tranny charity. It's gonna take more than "f-fuck resetera, right bros?" to get it back.
Because Bioware is laughing it's way to the bank with all that wokeness, right.
Media is not just TV. Fox news is a tiny share.
banning customers off of their official forums can cause these threads, big think
>mandatory brainwashing classes
aka "don't put fag in the fucking finished product you retards, why does this even need to be explained to you, dismissed"
Game is pretty mediocre desu. that Duok Alien Armageddon spammer user was actually right all along.
shilling for so long takes it's toll
>Muh angry typing
It's pathetic, really
stop prending you care about censorship. just go out and say you love censorship as long as it agrees with your political views
>slippery slope
Isn't this whole outrage about someone privately questioning if its NOT okay to mutilate children's genitals to appease moral outrage?
And we are going to keep doing it until they stop pandering to crybullies.
They bent to them, they WILL bend to us.
>they at least had a good point beneath it all.
oh yeah? what was it?
I was perfectly satisfied until they censored the game.
If they undid it and said "jk" I would be satisfied again.
aka something that should not be a thing for a studio trying to continue the legacy of duke nukem
I don't need to show every step, just the method.
We know what Reseteras end goal is, to make everywhere like them. We know what technique they'll use, get offended and cry until people do what they want.
If no one listened to them at all there would be no problem. The problem is they are listening, and every time they cry they get just a little bit further to their goal.
Get help.
>not project brutality
ok fag
>its only ok when we do it.
>discord server
no you absolutely to need to show every step because otherwise it becomes a fallacy
>"why are video games shit?"
>"why is media shit?"
>"horseshoe theory isnt real, bigot!"
>"horseshoe theory isnt real, libtard!"
All i want is a good video game but all of you faggots on the left AND the right just have to keep ruining everything
I share your sentiment. Eagerly waiting for devs to undo their bullshit.
like, don't be a dick, and stuff
when did i ever say anything about censorship in my post, tranny?
i don't want developers to bend down to politics
Nice projection, asshat
All they had to do was tell the mad trannies to fuck off. But they didn't. So here we are.
I hope you're trolling user, because otherwise you're 100% low EQ autist.
I don't care about trannies, at all, I don't want to censor them, I want them to shut the fuck up about vidya and dragging vidyagames into their sad fucking Twitter/Tumblr butthurt circus.
>if I say it enough times I'll fit in
Don't remember Duke calling anyone fag
How is there still apparently so much to say about this bullshit controversy? There's been like 20 threads about this and they've all hit the bump limit. Get a fucking life and talk about some videogames. This board is becoming exactly like Yea Forums, every single thread is just political baiting under the thinly-veiled pretense of being about """"vidya"""
changing a minor homophobic line is "selling out" to these retards.
>By now the game's ratings have dropped down from 4.7 to a 3.5/5 on GOG and on steam it is currently sitting at a 'mixed'.
Still mostly positive on steam.
It's almost all people with sub 3 hours in the game giving it "do not recommends" too.
>everyone has to be super duper nice to each other suck each other off!
grow up you thin skinned little pussy
>Get offended
>Cry until someone changes something
>Repeat ad infinitum
What is so hard to understand?
whats the matter lefty, not so sure of your cultural war victory anymore?
Getting scared?
Afraid devs might start listening to the right instead of the crybaby left?
Are you sure that's their messege? Seems to run counter to the way they act, what with calling anyone they don't like awful names.
Soap bottle, $10000 donation, public apology, mandatory brainwashing classes.
Fag wasn't something that would offend people back then. The point of duke is to offend and take no fucks about people upset by it.
fapped to this ugly negress last night
still disappointed in myself
no you don't. you don't want devlopers to bend to trannies. you'd be perfectly fine if a bunch of triggered nazis had a unisex bathroom split into two. you are fine with censorship, even applaud it, as long as you agree with it
Now they're telling mad incels to fuck off lmao
>>whats the matter lefty, not so sure of your cultural war victory anymore?
Where do you live, where does a soap bottle cost $10000 US dollars?
Stop acting that way. I am a liberal. I want Andrew Yang to win the election. I don't really care for political games or most of the shit that happens nowadays, but censorship is not okay.
It should have never been okay but it's something that has went on through human history. When video games were younger, they were censored. Now they are trying to censor themselves. If you let that become the norm you stunt artistic growth. Everybody makes fun of art history classes but the exact same people don't understand how dangerous censorship, including self censorship is. Changing things to make people feel better is not just a slippery slope, it's an attitude that permeates a society and completely dictates what is socially even allowed to be talked about. You can read some basic shit like Noam Chompsky to figure this out.
Don't defend censorship. Don't defend any of it. If you are a liberal don't defend censorship. If you are a conservative who stands for the values of freedom and liberty don't defend censorship. Regardless of what faggot we want to run our county or country, never defend taking down peoples voices.
see? i can do it too
maybe once you stop committing terrorist acts and mass shootings
Nah, they're trying to damage control so the incels won't be mad they bowed to trannies. It's not working lol.
It's funny because the people pissed about tranny interference with this game will no doubt forget about it and go back to enjoying their vidya as soon as they close this thread, but the trannies will seethe for weeks and spread it to every tranny sympathizing corner of the interwebs.
>I hope you're trolling user, because otherwise you're 100% low EQ autist.
Were you actually praising the left then?
nothing i said has anything to do with horseshoe theory.
if someone attacks you in your home and you defend yourself it isnt horseshoe theory because you're both violent.
so dont post about things you dont know about, moron.
>$10000 donation, public apology, mandatory brainwashing classes.
I thought that SJWs were terrible because they try to punish devs for things outside of the game itself? Why are we here held to a different standard?
Nothing about the fucking game changed you faggot.
the beatings will continue until morale improves
>I was and would be again if they did X
o b s e s s e d
you have been told a hundred times in these thread why people are mad, you just refuse to listen
so you just keep going
>muh soap box texture
it wont stop this.
>you'd be perfectly fine if a bunch of triggered nazis had a unisex bathroom split into two
no, I'd still tell em to fuck off and not buy their game.
you should stop assuming that everyone here is a /pol/fag, little tranny
Saying that there's politics "in the industry" is laughable. A bunch of whining losers getting devs to bend the knee for good PR is hardly any more "in the industry" than you sad faggots.
I did say they were hypocritical
Not everything is about the game.
Reverting back to the original is censorship?
You fucking faggots want censorship too as long as it subscribes to YOUR political leanings.
Fuck you, faggot.
it's not voidpoint, user. they are based and just got thrown under the bus.
3D Realms are the shitters who are solely responsible for this fiasco.
people need to get the facts straight on who played which part in all of this.
don't beat down on voidpoint, they are the good guys in all of this. I hope they will survive this shitstorm and break away from those dicksucking shitters at 3D Realms and go on making fantastic games in the future. I sincerely hope they will make it through all of this and don't break apart.
I hope Steam forces all games to go through an anti-bigotry filter before being allowed from now on.
U mad bro?
This sjw tranny rage from seeing the backlash might actually stop future devs from catering to the sjw left
>implying you aren't
>not wanting censorship is wanting censorship
>you have been told a hundred times in these thread why people are mad
Yes, things that people here constantly (and rightfully) shit on 'SJWs' for, which is getting mad at devs for things that don't have to do with the game itself. The only thing in-game that changed was the soap bottle, so that's the only thing that should actually matter to people here
>times move so fast now that I look at 2003 with nostalgia
I really miss the aggressive, no-holds barred social commentary that we had riding out of the 90s. You look back at the late 90's and early 00's and fucking EVERYONE was punching in EVERY direction and it was glorious.
I could shit talk a mexican for being a beaner for hours and then we'd still walk away sharing a beer.
I don't want censorship. I am fine with all those gay hyper liberal tumblr games existing, I just don't play them.
>Fag wasn't something that would offend people back then. The point of duke is to offend and take no fucks about people upset by it.
lel, fuck off, you're a retarded zoomer
well user, the game is good so go buy it and stop whining here
>build engine
>doom wad
So why is it a majority of dudes on Era complaining about shit like this? Like that thread on the sexy women designs. 99% of the posters are men saying they are disgusted by the female body.
That will be $10000 plus tax. Do you need special delivery for that soap bottle?
SJWs are horrible because they are punishing the devs for making non-PC games. Just the act of punishing by itself is not that bad. Punishing for actual offenses is good.
kill all trannies
like that faggot appabend or narwitz
>Chris Rock will never do his 90's era shit again.
this is your platform to shout about trannies. the censorship is jsut a dog whistle. fuck you, you know what you're doing and people can smell the bullshit coming off you
keep pretending that everyone you disagree with is a nazi
Tell me, what have I ever in my life asked to be censored?
>nothing i said has anything to do with horseshoe theory.
Of course you would say that, because you think it's okay when you do it. That's horseshoe theory.
Yeah but who's the say we'll ever get another game by these devs again, thanks to this shit?
What the fuck are you even talking about? how the fuck did they "sell out?"
Also the brutal doom guy is generally regarded as a twat by the community, and his mod ain't shit compared to this game.
>voidpoint is actually based
Nah, sorry sophia. Voidpoint can eat shit along wtih 3drealms.
nothing redpilled about that screeching tranny
>Stop acting that way. I am a liberal. I want Andrew Yang to win the election.
>I support a democrat as long as he is a worthless meme candidate that can never win
>"people don't understand how dangerous censorship, including self censorship is."
And YOU don't understand how dangerous normalizing bigotted rhetoric in a public forum is.
they wouldnt have bought it anyway, trannies are jokes of life
>for actual offenses
Take a step back and realize what you're considering a huge offense to be
>im not a nazi i just have the same political beliefs.
Absolutely nuanced, based, and agreeable take.
The unfortunate thing is that the game is getting review bombed to hell and is being sacrificed on the altar of culture wars.
How come trannies are pushing it on kids?
Trannies are pushing their agenda because misery loves company. Its nothing more than dysphoria. You're entire identity is just you being crazy. Sadly though, in 2019, people are so scared of the sjw backlash that the have to pretend it isn't disgusting when a 40 year old man wears a wig and dress
tell me capslock user, how is not wanting censorship the same as wanting censorship?
>you'd be perfectly fine if a bunch of triggered nazis had a unisex bathroom split into two.
wtf I love Nazis now
The actual offense here is submitting to tranny bullies.
>Postal 3 came out in 2011 and it pretty much killed the series
>game was farmed out to incompetent Russian devs
I wish we had a modern Postal 2
>Also the brutal doom guy is generally regarded as a twat by the community, and his mod ain't shit compared to this game.
lol there was someone exactly like you in the comments of his post attacking the guy personally instead of the content of his post.
you just had 9 white nationalist shootings this year and you're still banging on about sjw's
Im starting to think this is just a troll (you) farming
not even sjw trannies are this hard headed
trannies aren't people and I wouldn't let them smell me, sick fucks
Righty-SJW faggot retard.
>I could shit talk a mexican for being a beaner for hours and then we'd still walk away sharing a beer.
Yeah and then Trump got elected and White mass shooters started going after non-Whites.
>How come trannies are pushing it on kids?
Gender dysphoria isn't taught.
"Blow it out your ass!" - Duke Nukem
There, it really was THAT simple.
>normalizing bigotted rhetoric in a public forum
Not him but who's been doing that?
>being intellectually dishonest
no you love censorship you agree with
>Internet language is dangerous
Are you one of those "words are violence" fags?
>I support a democrat as long as he is a worthless meme candidate that can never win
>You aren't a REAL democrat if you don't support a big establishment candidate who offers no solutions to real problems facing us and takes in tons of money from lobbyist
>You are only a REAL democrat if you vote for the person most likely to beat the enemy
First off, I never claimed to be a democrat. I claimed to be a liberal. I'm not a democrat because it's just a reactionary party, like the republicans, full of people like you. You dismissed one of the best candidate as a meme candidate because he doesn't have a good relationship with Goldman Sach's. Good job!
I don't even care what you have to say after that.
>make a statement about SJWs
>I reply to it
>you're still banging on about sjw's!!!
Also unrelated but how many have whites killed and how many have niggers killed in the last year?
I saw someone mention this before but was a bit curious. They'll eventually figure out a way to "cure" gender dysphoria right? Would they be against that shit or nah? Cause they made a storm to have it not be counted as a mental illness.
you know, it's not reserved just to the right wing to disagree on the open acceptance of trannies
this kills the tranny
>How come trannies are pushing it on kids?
Gender dysphoria is caused by the brain and by hormones.
>far right person shoots up a wal mart
>in the same day, a far left person shoots up a bar
really makes you think.
>stochastic terrorism isnt real
Hi, fag. Do you ever go to sleep? don't you have like a job or something?
>yang gang
that scans
tell me capslock user, how do i request censorship when i ask for the exact opposite?
Holy shit I just had this vision of my life revolving around needing to upset people
except trannies
I feel like I'd rather everyone be very up front and outspoken about their ideas.
You know the only thing we really gain from shaming Nazis is hidden Nazis. I don't really mind when we know where they all are and what they all think.
The Discord Trannies are absolutely right in that hiding in a "secret location" is truly the most advantageous position because it offers the most influence but the least exposure.
If anyone's a centrist it's Trump, and his doddering inability talk out of any side of his mouth but both is what emboldens fascists.
Is he a fascist? I don't know. Is he a nazi? I don't know. Is he a racist? I dont know. Is he indecisive, plays both fields, and has vested interests in corporate cronyism? Yes.
>Cripplechan goes down
>Politics whining on Yea Forums goes up by magnitudes
Really makes you fucking think
>want good video games
>get a good video game
>conspire to destroy a developer because they're not hard right borderline-neo nazis
>they'll probably never make another video game again
you know there's better places to argue about it instead of a videogame forum
sure you're not
what does mass shooting have to do with anything i said, hahah you were just desperate to shoehorn that into the convo huh
lol sad.
Yes you are tranny
number of children being referred to gender identity clinics has quadrupled in the past five years, figures show.
Experts have warned that the huge spike is, in part, due to the promotion of transgender issues in schools which they say has encouraged to question their identity, and “sowed confusion” in their minds.
Figures from the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), which is the NHS's only facility for transgender children based at the Tavistock Centre in north London, show that 84 children aged between 3 and 7 were referred last year, compared to 20 in 2012/13.
The number of children referred to the service under the age of ten had also seen a four-fold increase, from 36 in 2012/13 to 165 last year.
Last year there were a total of 2,016 referrals for youngsters aged between three and 18, more than six times more than the 314 referrals five years previously.
Except right-wing rhetoric motivated the right-wing shooter. Major left-wing voices don't incite or scream about "invasions" and "the end of White people".
The Democrats aren't reactionary. They are the progressive party, the protagonists. Conservatives are their reactionary foil whose job is to show up and put up a little opposition and then slink back into the shadows and prepare for the next bit of failed opposition. They embrace this role.
Not much to elaborate on. 3drealms said, do this thing, and voidpoint said, yes master. So fuck'em.
If words aren't dangerous then surely you don't care if we normalise minority protagonists, interracial and same-sex relationships, anti-imperialism, anti-capitalism etc. in video games? After all, it's just fiction.
>>sure you're not
Im not faggot, i'm just not a righty either.
Believe it or not, not everyone who thinks you're a stupid fucking delusional SJW faggot is a secret hard left californian.
Its almost like you fucking faggots are on the extreme ends and theres a middle ground or something where non-insane people exist.
i wouldn't have to if you didn't shove your tranny acceptance politics into games such as this one
And then that guy replies "lmao look at antifa" and he's absolutely right.
The current propaganda machine is working for someone who is, literally, above left and right politics. This is a class struggle.
This post is proof that the "both sides are the same" is completely disingenuous and it's just trannies pretending to be impartial when they actually support one side more than the other.
>plays both fields
What world are you living in?
And what does that have to do with Internet forums tranny-chan?
>Muh mass shooters white problem
Blow it out your ass
I cant tell you how many times i've tried to explain what you just said to various people.
>I don't really mind when we know where they all are and what they all think.
Doesn't work like that. Deplatforming nazis weakens them. Giving them spaces and forums strengthens them because facts never matter in politics.
>Is he a racist? I dont know.
Clever line.
>Gender dysphoria is caused by the brain and by hormones.
What makes it happen though? all the air pollution ? Chemicals in the food? Yellow #276346 in O.J?
There's no major right wing voices and minor leaf wing voices scream about end of white people all the time.
>They'll eventually figure out a way to "cure" gender dysphoria right?
They have. It's called SRS.
>being dishonest
please tell me how shooting your sister is comparable to driving 9 hours to a wal-mart to specifically shoot mexicans
>it's not political when our side gets violent
Alright, what about that boomer who attacked an ICE building with fire bombs because he, ironically, wanted to save the poor illegals being detained? What about that guy who tried to assassinate a republican politician during a softball game? What about antifa?
Find one. Just one.
>number of children being referred to gender identity clinics has quadrupled in the past five years, figures show.
Yeah and the number of openly gay people also increased when people stopped saying all gays want to rape kids and burn churches.'
>Last year there were a total of 2,016 referrals for youngsters aged between three and 18, more than six times more than the 314 referrals five years previously.
Your fear and horror nourishes me, Trumpcunt.
There's no major right wing voices. just multi millionaires like ben shapiro and steven crowder
You're such a disingenuous cunt. I refuse to believe you live under a rock to this degree you LARPing tranny.
did you not read the other part of my post? dont do that lefty shit and ignore half of what i said because it make you look like a jackass trying to be intellectual.
>What about antifa?
Oh boy we've reached Fox News levels of 'they do it too!'
tranny's and sjw are flipping out because this backlash could cause future game devs to NOT cater to them
I will be satisfied when all trans "people" are buried underground, alive.
Put me in the screencap twitter/resetera.
The real one.
I don't even have to go into policy, his actual words are "bad people on both sides."
I understand your point as far as deplatforming shrinks the pool that they can recruit from, but I think the people that can be recruited via social media aren't as much as a threat as the people who are recruited in the shadier or forgotten parts of the internet.
Who on the news media even acknowledges the existence of IRC chats anymore? I, and I'm sure some of you, couldn't even begin to explain the kind of conversations happening on private chats and dark web BBS shit.
>what about antifa
lel, oh no, the milkshakes
What exactly did that dity jew ben shapiro say that motivated the guy to and shoot people?
You are upset about them getting bullied into changing their game, so you're bullying them to change it back.
Absolutely brilliant plant, you sure showed those librulz.
What post? I was replying to the OP, who was using him as a retarded argument for authority instead of quoting his post.
You can't escape your own logical fallacies with more logical fallacies.
Yeah I don't care at all. I wouldn't even want to play those tranny/commie games. That's because trannies are an extremely small, unstable, minority and there is little talent in that pool of people meaning they can't make anything of value. Notice how island nations can't contribute anything?
You do realise that 3D Realms owns owns the IP and financed the game? They are contractually bound to do what 3D Shitter says otherwise they will find themselves in a world of lawsuit hell you can't even start to imagine.
But if that is your stance, then so be it.
I still believe they got royally fucked in all of this by a dickless tranny worshipping child abuse supporting publisher that should have stood by them. Neo-3D Realms is cancer and I hope they go bankrupt.
Wasn't shooting his sister an accident?
>right wing violence is the only violence that's political
>get proven wrong
>oh wow, you're pulling THAT now?
lol ok bud
>Alright, what about that boomer who attacked an ICE building with fire bombs because he, ironically, wanted to save the poor illegals being detained?
No one on the left said anything except the truth: "They are torturing kids for fun". Naturally that will agitate some people.
It doesn't matter what they removed from the game, it's the fact they did it in the first place.
I do support one side over the other but it's just objective observable fact that all the things you actually claim to fault SJWs for are things you are guilty of yourself. Every single time. So it really just boils down to you liking one side more than the other, too.
it was more trump rhetoric encouraging but shapiro helps go down the rabbit hole by saying stupid shit like "nazis are socialist"
Blame the side that started it, not the one that's reacting to it.
>sees children are transitioning
>gets aroused
Standard tranny shit. Dotr
They can't grasp it because they don't understand that Liberalism won around 300 years ago and that "conservatives" are just the conservative branch of liberalism, the radical Leftists of yesteryear, the ones that think they can halt it where it currently is, wherever it currently is. With the "Left" being the progressive wing that continues to advance endlessly with progress itself being the goal, getting more and more Left with each generation. Actual right-wing thought is non-existent in serious politics today and was in serious decline even before the world wars.
>14 year olds dude
>no bulge
Democrats take massive amounts of money from large corporations that work against the public interest and also support Saudi-Arabia.
But I know your trolling so whatever.
holy shit lol
Look how they recoil once they are named.
>nazis are socialist
>oh shit! are they? I better go shoot up some people now!
>Wasn't shooting his sister an accident?
It seemed to have been the point, rather. The rest were probably collateral.
But we'll never know because he was just an incel acting on the voices in his head so he didn't leave a manifesto outlining his motives.
>his actual words are "bad people on both sides."
How do you not realize that's fucking spin to try and move blame away from his side's crazies?
no righty defends devs catering to sjw's
your just claiming to be a righty
degenerates like you belong on a cross
This started before you and I were born.
Yellow journalism created this country.
It'd be fucking done with if you faggots didnt keep this shit alive to bitch about.
And what, you ruining these developers and driving them out of work is going to fucking solve something?
well it wasn't politically motivated
know what was?
el paso shooting, poway synagogue shooting, tallahassee yoga studio shooting, maga bomber, jeffersontown kroger shooting, pittsburgh synagogue shooting, murder of blaze berntstein, murder of meshon cooper-williams all happening this year
None of that addresses anything I said.
i can do this too
>proud boys: 0 deaths
>communism: 100 million
yeah just milkshakes bro
The ones who spout this are the same people who take to twitter to try and ruin other's lives at the first sign of wrongthink. The saddest thing is that half of the time it actually works.
Well Now I know you're just shitposting. You had me going for a while, user. Got me good.
>After all, it's just fiction
yea. fucks sake that was the entire point, if the trannies don't like content of certain video games, then instead of forcing the developers into changing it they should just play something else
That's a fix not a cure. There's a root cause of it that can be prevented.
>no true scotsman
But you're right, im not a righty. But im not a lefty either, faggot. Only delusional sheep retards follow a specific political leaning like dogma.
It's going to make the sperg retard fueling this drama feel accomplished.
how come you dont care about the blacks that were killed by that antifa mass shooter?
>increase of murder from the right is nothing big goyim just sit back and dont worry
Is this a shop? I can't find this post on twitter. All I see on aug 20 is the condescending "we are 100% against censorship that's why we censor" post.
>Get cement stuck on you for a little while
>Comparable to shooting people
Parents deciding that their children are trans should be abhorrent to any sane person. That faggots like you think opposing this is offensive is enough to make your side far worse than the other.
You child grooming sickos deserve to hang.
Yeah, just milkshakes. You repeating unverified rumours is not evidence. And you never will verify it because some alt-right goon made it up.
wish you got this angry at sjw's for starting the shit.
Whatever it is he said it, and whatever it means he still on TV played both fields to save face.
How do you not realize his lack of conviction in trying to keep himself in office? Are you trying to say that he's a crypto Nazi?
"Bro it had sugar in it bro, that means it can't set, you're just covered in a powerful Alkaline substance known for chemical burns that won't set, bro!"
Their milkshakes bring the boys to the yard, after all.
>It'd be fucking done with if you faggots didnt keep this shit alive to bitch about.
That's what you want isn't it, to have resetrannies pressure devs into submission unopposed. Your true intentions are pretty fucking obvious.
Are you telling me antifa's shit isn't politically motivated? Or that an admitted leftist gunning for a right wing politician isn't? Or that going after ICE isn't? Or that commiting acts of violence against people for wearing a trump hat isn't political? You slimy piece of shit.
No one thinks that. Literally not a single person. You are tilting at windmills.
just milkshakes bro
i would say it is comparable to acid attacks, in that the goal is chemical burns
>Wet portland cement can cause caustic burns, sometimes referred to as cement burns. Cement burns may result in blisters, dead or hardened skin, or black or green skin. In severe cases, these burns may extend to the bone and cause disfiguring scars or disability.
Quick dry cement can cause chemical burns. It's not harmless.
>No one thinks that. Literally not a single person
that's odd considering that trannyera sperged out over this very phrase
Yeah bro, just milkshakes that can cause chemical burns bro!
Resetera literally does you stupid fucking faggot. What do you think this entire controversy is about? A soap bottle that says OGAY? Get real you fucking dipshit.
Pay attention.
You are literally a tranny.
You can't be progressive and support Saudi Arabia. It's like if Link was trying to stop Ganondorf but supporting the Goron genocide carried out by Zelda's cousin at the same time.
Wanna know how I know trannyera posters are here now? We have posts defending antifa.
>>That's what you want isn't it, to have resetrannies pressure devs into submission unopposed. Your true intentions are pretty fucking obvious.
You fucking know what?
I'd rather THAT, as shitty and retarded as it is, then you fucking faggots driving them out of business and killing a good developer.
The fact that it's totally insignificant and irrelevant doesn't help your argument, that makes it worse.
Nah it's legit I just looked myself.
Twitter is fucking retard and doesn't put replies under tweets.
pass the controller bro
Now it's chemical burns, before it was quick drying cement. Fucking pussies.
The backlash is working
look how scared the left are by it.
>being for days over video games and politics
now that's sad
Not him but just to confirm, you're mad at the guy for being mad at lefties, but sometimes you also are mad at lefties?
fuck those are the worst kind of scabs because they itch all the way up until they're gone
He had it coming though for doxxing a comrade and generally being a slimy weasel intentionally misrepresenting neo-Nazi assaults to make it look like they're the victims. He was an active threat to the anti-fascists present.
There has not been a single milkshake capable of causing chemical burns, but of course you too are a slimy weasel.
He's just mad
leave him be
>You can't be progressive and support Saudi Arabia.
Sure you can. You just have to hold your nose for a little while.
>I'd rather THAT
Of course you would because you're one of them. Fuck off tranny, I'd rather have a dead industry than one that submits to your brand of political activism.
fucking this
sjw are sweating over this backlash
>buh whattabout
Literally nothing of value to say, no arguments, or facts. It's crying about what you do and blaming it on the perceived opposing side, so you can keep acting like shitheads.
traps specialize into bulge concealment
A link would have helped...
Which is all moot because the part about it being in milkshakes was literally made up and also it doesn't even function if you were to put it in milkshakes
And now that they are named, look how they double down. A call for reinforcements must've been put out in a tranny discord somewhere.
But what if it weren't? Are we going to wait until they start throwing acid and other dangerous chemicals? What if the victim is lactose intolerant?
They literally don't. They took issue with people spreading misinformation, like I am taking issue with you now.
settle down retard
New thread
they sperged out due to posts made by the devs on their discord you capslocking tranny
>actual pantifa supporting resetera trannies shilling on Yea Forums
>But what if it weren't?
Yeah, okay, brev. And what if your mum hadn't drunk during pregnancy?
So did someone actually get chemical burns from imaginary cement, or are you just speculating?
settle down okay
Yeah dude, i'm sure the pedophile trannies at pedoera were more concerned with misinformation than someone calling out their "transphobic" child grooming agenda. Fuck off and join the 40% you degenerate imbecile.
i like the game
ill buy wrath too when its out
soap bottle or not, im not gonna give my money to trans cause, its immoral and not right, i do really wanna buy it after trying the pirated ver but guess ill stay that way
If your whole point is one side justifying their violence by pointing out how the other side it violent then yeah, I agree with you.
>the part about it being in milkshakes was literally made up
It wasn't, there are police reports of cops seeing protesters mixing it into shakes and bystanders pointing it out too.
>also it doesn't even function if you were to put it in milkshakes
The sugar keeps it from hardening, but doesn't stop the chemical reaction that causes the chemical burns.
how deep does the rabbit hole go?
Posts which were misinformed.
They actually went ahead and deleted the only tweet that somehow redeemed them.
no bitch, you're just doing damage control
Dont worry tho, it wont be long before no one panders to crybullie sjw's ever again.
and then situations like these wont happen
That would make you happy right?
Most of them aren't shills. They're mostly leftists who have been booted off of leftist forums for not being sufficiently leftist or making one small mistake.
seems more like you were misinformed tranny
>What do you think this entire controversy is about?
A single autist who has been furiously shitposting about this game for months, manipulating the docile idiots at /pol/ and 8gag and resetera to blow this out of proportion, because he thinks this game should have exposed tiddies and it doesn't.
You should dilate a bit.
>Devs announce a game
>Group A likes the game
>Devs release a game
>Group A buys the game
>Group B doesn't buy the game but see some images from it and get offended
>Group B complains
>Group A tells Devs that they shouldn't listen to Group B because Group B are bunch of pedo retards that didn't even buy their game
>Devs don't listen to Group A, which bought their game, and listens to Group B instead
>Devs forcibly remove content from the game Group A paid for, apologize to Group B, gives 10k to a charity that promotes genital mutilation and enroll in brainwashing course.
>Group A responds with negative criticism of Devs
>Group B still doesn't buy the game and doesn't accept the apology because they don't give a fuck about the game
>Group A are somehow the bad guys.
How is it backpedalling to inform you of the fact that your entire premise is retarded, you gormless fuck?
>>Dont worry tho, it wont be long before no one panders to crybullie sjw's ever again.
But you faggots ARE crybully SJWs.
You're just right-leaning crybully SJWs.
they always out themselves
The left are afraid that this backlash will keep future game devs from pandering to leftist ideology.
>>Group A responds with negative criticism of Devs
That's an interesting way to phrase what this has been
>you see sjws compain and pol complains that means there is absolutely no difference between pol and sjw fellow 4channelers
3DR probably found out and made them delete it or whatever.
>It wasn't, there are police reports of cops seeing protesters mixing it into shakes and bystanders pointing it out too.
It was literally one person who made it up, told the police, and the police repeated it without question. Again: you will literally never produce actual evidence of your claim because there was none. Despite people being hit by milkshakes not a single person got chemical burns from them.
Milkshakes are a gateway throwable, libtard. You start there and quickly escalate to sarin gas. Wake the fuck up.
And it works, as you can see ;p
you even downloaded like 50 rage pics for each post
fucking lol
Isn't the Trevor Foundation or whatever just a suicide prevention hotline - aimed for LGBTQ? Either way, they probably donated it for tax brackets/returns.
New thread
This is circular reasoning.
How so? I can literally point out how you're wrong and you have no evidence.
>giving a negative review and refunding your game isn't negative criticism
Who gives a fuck about him, he would have been totally impotent if it wasn't for Resetera.
This is parody, right?
maybe you should point ask your fellow trannies to point out the reason why you ganged up on the developer
>If your whole point is one side justifying their violence
That's what you're trying to do, sport. You think antifa protesting your bullshit and throwing milkshakes is the same as the mass shootings perpetrated by trump supporters.
You honestly believe this, you think massacring dozens of people is justified because someone else threw a cup at someone. You need to reevaluate the way your reasoning operates, because that's 100 kinds of fucked up and a sign of more severe mental disorders.
Well I guess their mama 3DR will also protect hem from financial ruin then. Very cool.
I don't give a shit what it is.
We've already been over that. By asserting that "no sane person would do X" the implication is that there are people who do X. Otherwise what are you responding to? But the fact is people don't do X. It's a vile slander, and no less vile for just being implied.
werent nazi literally NSDP? national social doitche partie or whatever it is in german? I mean im no history freak but at least i play history games
>have 4chanX extension
>right click
>copy image
>ctrl v in quick reply box
You think i download these images? Fucking retard.
New thread
Ah wait shit I see what I saw now. I just searched for "pirate" and saw a different tweet and made a poor assumption.