
Who is "The Dude" really? The Juice and its effects is so powerful that there must be something more to it.

And Hank Wardell, what was he doing? A previous pseudonym of Hadrian Tanner?

Attached: dude's house.jpg (1094x1003, 139K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Dude is former old school biocorp, several hundred years old, and the former head of Hollow Earth's psionics research division.

Hank Wardell is just some literally who that broke your house down but apparently did other crazy shit despite being a soft piece of northern shit.

You haven't been to Deep Caverns yet, have you?

I'm putting it off as long as possible

Dont do drugs, kids

Attached: side effects.jpg (1436x900, 386K)

That's good
DC will fuck your shit up if you go in unprepared

War crimes never cease to be hillarious

>all those traps
how in the hell

Flashbang and quick tinkering I pressume
I once saw that you can equipt stuff without AP cost if Carnifex was incapacitated by a Flashbang

>quaff some soda, f9 f9 f9
>hide behind pillar in the corner
>carni cant reach you in one turn
>flashbang, end combat
>trap bridges, he's too far to have time to detect you
RIP Carnifex

That must be such a fucking copout fight to the crowd. Battle of century and the bitch just pussies out of actually fighting.

Everything is fair in the Arena
>sign up with your plasma sentry and mutant dogs

>The best and most entertaining gladiator of all time, Carnifex, finally returns to the arena to take out some punk challenger
>The fucker throws a flashbang at him and runs behind a pillar
>Carnifex doesn't know where he is, goes on guard
>Like a minute later the fuckface finally shows up behind him and slits his fucking throat
I want my fucking money back, what the fuck.

If you haven't already, try a shotgun build. Some of the most fun I've had in this game.

>activate sprint
>run up to an enemy
>hit it with a hammer
>wait outside their FoV until sprint is off cooldown or just to fruitlessly chase them while they kite you
wow this build is surely fun. fuck you meme loving fucks who recommended this shit

>Styg is always on RPGCodex

It's just 5STR right? For some reason I keep thinking there's some 6STR shotgun but I might be getting that mixed up with another guntype

RPGCodex is full of nazis

You can, but some will require 6. I'm actually doing 7 for full auto, but you really don't need it. I just want to dakka dakka with shotguns.

>get inside Katya's house
>can't pick either of the door locks
>throw grenade hoping she'll come to check the noise
>pit bull rushes to hole
>climbs down
>runs through tunnel
>climbs the ladder
>and forces its way through the trap door lid

Attached: 250520_20190822212231_1.png (1920x1080, 2.11M)

Sure they are.
The people there are autists about rpgs. Of course he does. Also why the fuck are there so many fucking traps in Depot A?

Throwing nets
Molotovs zone out
Bear traps
Make them come to you instead of you come to them

aka: Get good

Don't know what I expected when entering the rift, but ending up in west underrail with a bunch of slavs was not it

That music is fucking amazing tho

I'm trying to find the Armadillo thing. Is it buy the mutants or the junkie humans?

>reading comprehension
I didn't say I have troubles with the builds you fucking retard. I just said it is fucking boring

>The Dude
Didn't played the game but please tell me this is at least a nod towards the real Dude.

Attached: well.jpg (600x600, 75K)

He says that exact quote.

Absolutely nice. I really need to finally play Underrail.

On the first mutant (mutant, not mutie) zone, past the fenced zone, to the west, behind a closed gate
you will have to open your way through, go underground, pass a whole facility full of robots and merge on the other side in which has more mutants and mutant dogs, once you killed them all, go southwest in th same zone, open the door, check the barrels, it should be there

The underground area has a keycard you need. The human muties have a key you need. Alternatively, go via underground area. Make your way north west up top and you'll find it eventually

why would i ever use adrenaline shots when the TM ability that gives FREE action points exists lol

If it's boring then you're doing it wrong
Again, get good.

It's in a random fucking barrel at the end.

Attached: Armadillo drill circuit board.webm (270x360, 940K)

How is the dude that old anyway?


Attached: both.jpg (600x600, 38K)

Go away dumb smelly zoomer.

>Just did the JKK quest to unlock the vendor
Holy fuck that was the first time i did that, that was stressful. I accidentally saved over my save before i got trapped underground, i can see many people being softlocked there considering how many enemies there are, how tough they are and how much supplies you need. I love this game though that was a cool quest.

Come find me in DC and find out!

Go back to

well sorry, I guess I don't have a room temperature IQ that would let me get entertained by a unidimensional build

That's Biocorp babyyyy

What does the vendor for Praetorian sell? I know coretech is electronics focused.

>removing a neet from his parents house.jpg

I HATE THIS SHIT GAME but can't stop playing
>Deport A
>I barely survive
>those fucking keycards
>dogs and mutated dogs respawned
I watched "playthrought" of this area and guy with spear kill everything very fast without any problems.
>I use SMG
>it's painful
I feel like a cuck. SMG and pistols are weak as fuck. When they will become good? I'm 7lvl now

Nah, man. None at all.

Attached: any similarity with fictitious events or characters was purely coincidental.jpg (437x371, 29K)

>He says as he loads his pure Psi character on Normal

I know about DC but it doesn't explain it. Even the life extension projects they were working on using shit like cryogenics doesn't explain how the Dude seems to have longevity without the side effects.

>cant stealth
>cant fight
They deserve to be softlocked desu

Metal armor, ARs, sledgehammers

im level 9 and i cant fight of more then 2 animals at once, why is this game so hard.

I agree, i blasted through it on normal and it was too easy. I haven't tried a mobile shotgun build yet on hard but i might skip that and go straight to dominating with it. It's so strong.

trying for the finishing tour quest, now at the sewers but the fish literally won't bite
I'm keeping the game at 5 speed and literally nothing is happening
what gives?

Cyrogenics were more for preserving people until cures could be found for their conditions, like that biology head guy with the Super Soldier Serum in his room.

Made this portrait for my chempistol grenadier, it's time to execute some nativ- ehem, i mean whitelegs

Attached: warcrimesman_l.png (100x100, 5K)

I'm all for filtering casuals but god damn that place is hard if you don't know what you're going into. Luckily i'm a paranoid hoarder and had enough supplies to last me.

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The fish ran out. What are you hunting for?

Dude lmao just git gud lol get better rng. What's the issue? missing 95% hits over and over? lmao just git gud bro What's your build?

also how long does it take to regenerate the fish?

I was about to call you a fucking scrub
But then I remenber I was also in the same position when I started

What's your build? And your current situation?

IIRC ghostface only spawns on the core city sewers

I know, which is why I'm at the sewers, but the damn fish won't bite

Firearm pistols never become good
SMGs are OK, ARs are good


I'm trying a high agility build now on hard and its fucking hilarious. You run up to something, blow its face off, then run around a corner. Dumb AI follows you around and doesnt have enough AP to attack. Blast in the face again. Repeat until dead.

Dunno. You can get Ghostface in the Black Sea too, just go to the siphoner pools and try the small cave.

Dont bother fishing in Underrail, you can find every rare fish in the siphoner pool in Black Sea

It took me three or four tries to get it
The fish are determined when you enter the area for the first time
So quicksave on the other side of the transition, enter, fish, then reload if no ghostypoo

I loved hit and run for that reason, i never got to the point where i needed kneecap shot but it probably turns some enemies like carnifex into a joke. Man i want to restart again, that was a lot of fun.

Is there a way to join pirates and not fuck up relations with aegis to have access to Tone?

really? thanks


Nope. Aegis turns hostile when you join the pirates, no matter how and when you do it. Believe me, I tried.

How does vile weaponry work exactly? What does it mean by cold weapon?

at camp hathor

Attached: Untitled.png (2050x1315, 1.05M)

>camp hathor at level 7
dont bother fighting burowers til you get a shield

>no stat at 3
>skill points really spread out.
>8 dex as a goddamned psi man
the god why

what's the point of closing ventilation shafts?

>Super Soldier Drug vendor with no mercantile req
>horrible defense missions
>have to worry about supplies

>Merchant with 1600 coins and access to special stock with no mercantile req
>best chemical vendor
>unique feat
>more quest xp
>no defense missions

if it wasn't for ladleman aegis would be a joke of a choice, and even then, it ain't much

>Level 5
>Still didn't activate outposts
>Forgot where to go
Shit. Is it normal to get lost in this game?

No, it's not normal. You either have terrible memory or don't know how to read.

How do you even have enough area to explore to be level 5 before outposts?

Yes, though there's a map now which takes a bit of the magic of getting lost in the Underrail out of it

How do you deal with locusts? Do you have to just napalm the hives before they get a chance to do anything?

I think you can do that shit with Oddities and pickpocketing.

Why are you so surprised? Game is trash and doesn't explain anything to you if you play blind. 90% of people will make shit builds.
>any DnD/Patchfinder game has WALL of text for every stat and skill so you can plan everything without guides
And i'm not even talking about "tax" skills

Stealth up and TNT them and slide away

someone on here told me to go there

Here is some non dumb fuck smug advice.
>No crafting
Crafting is your greatest asset in this game, the things you can make will always be better/more helpful to your current situation than the random stock traders have.
>Spreading stats
You generally don't use both melee, guns and psi in the same run, pick one. With psi you generally invest in two schools then pick either guns or melee. Just know picking psi gimps your HP and makes you squishy
>Lack of specialization
You need to pick a build you want (not saying you have to copy guides or other anons) and stick to it. Pick a theme, generally 1-2 things to focus on and roll with it.

That's just some general advice.

Yeah don't hurt yourself, go to Core City or Rail Crossing after depot A and come back when you have a shield, burrower are a pain without it

some user said that many factions get bad endgame slides if you side with pirates

Is that the same as the siphoner pools outside junkyard?

I'm fucking retarded, but where is that place where you make the psimorphic grenades in the Deep Caverns?

I feel like I've been everywhere and I can't find it, don't even remember vaguely where it is

Aegis gets Fold-Ms, I guess. And Yahota gives you decent reports if you keep her suicidal ass alive. And you can't give the muties medical supplies as a pirate. But the pirates also have the better food vendor.

I nearly broke down with laughter when I called Savage about implanting the chip in my arm and he told me to fuck off. Can these fags get any more useless? If at least sticking with Aegis let you skip health center, that would be something, but nope.

Well it has siphoners too I guess. It has a small room at the bottom of the cave where you catch pretty much only rare fish, and also siphoners big daddies

Same room where you analyze the mutagen reagents, the map with tithonus lab I think

am i just bad or is melee just mostly throwing nades and some times attacking?

> With psi you generally invest in two schools then pick either guns or melee
With psi you get all the psi, no weapons, and murder everything with your big brain.

Both the Folds and Yahota's Ferryman reports are really only useful on a first playthrough. It just really seems like the Pirates are suited to repeat playthroughs, there's so much less hassle and they give way better rewards.

Pick my build for me. idk what to play

Aegis has a rift closer and all the merchants in the same place
Pirates still better cause you dont have to bother with natives clock

i thought that was every build

>Same room where you analyze the mutagen reagents, the map with tithonus lab I think
Oh fug yeah, that place I have to power up first

every single build benefits from grenades immensely, it's not just a melee thing. however, grenades are essential for covering your lack of aoe and range as melee, so it might seem like you use it more as melee

My two favorite builds that work on hard and below are mobile sword master, and mobile shotgun surgeon. I love both builds, i build them very similar too. The goal is to be as fast as possible and be a glass canon, killing everything on turn one or dying.

Post em.

Also you can trade a cigar for 2 hypercerebrix from Doc Savage, useful to get philosophy. You can do it before defecting though.

hmmm my last build was psi so i almost never used nades

Yeah, but what are the chances that with 8 int you can't craft it yourself?

Someone in the previous thread mentioned the current player numbers, and sure. the original release peaked much better. But for an expansion to a 4 year old game? I think Expedition is doing admirably well. And this time it had even less marketing than in 2015. Back then there were some news, reviews from several major sites, while the DLC got one short article mentioning its release.

Attached: currentplayers2015vs2019.jpg (1222x897, 270K)

Pure psi doesn't.

Can't take a picture right now but i'll start with my fast weeblord katana user.
Starting stats
10 CON

Starting perks are sprint and conditioning. At level 2 you pick up thick skull and then flurry as soon as possible. It's up to you from there, just look at the perks you like that will help you. I like this build because you're tanky as fuck and with all the crit stacking and crit damage you end fights quickly, if things don't go your way you can generally survive and wipe them out. You want to invest 50 in throwing, as much melee as you can, stealth if you like stealth (i do) lockpicking and hacking (only as much as you need) some evasion and dodge though admittedly i haven't invest that much on my current playthrough and mechanics, electronics and tailoring as much as you can per level with 20 points in chem and a little more in biology to craft a few things later on like gas grenades and regen vests.

what to do with magnar ghost


i really do not understand why this game gets no coverage. its very well done, a tiny team, and has a mountain of content


Take photos and send them to a reputable Drop Zone tabloid.

Recover the Shard, turn it into the Torch, blast away

>pure psi doesn't benefit from gas grenades

your NORMAL is showing

Attached: 1558683779043.jpg (456x366, 100K)

This game is way too hard for most of the mouthbreathers out there.

i suppose this is true. i love the game but havent beaten it. i get way too...off track with builds

fatty shotgun with railshot

Probably because they don't pay the sites to "cover" them.

Well it is just an expansion to a 4 year old niche rpg, what's surprising is that at least one site covered it at all.

yeah...honestlyi just want the devs to be successful. im in love with what they made and feel they deserve the best

>add proper tutorial for character creation and builds
>add better quest "directions" or add ability to re check dialogue in journal
>do something with map
>nerf Deport A a little more or add more red flags about how dangerous Deport A will be
Ridiculous difficulty spikes, looks like ass and has little or no actual "rpg" moments. It's not F1/F2 at all.

Yeah i have 400 hours in the game and have never even made it past the halfway mark. Making new builds is so much fun.

All your suggestions are gross and inherently make the game worse. K Y S

i get where you are coming from, but i honestly felt like the games ambiance and world really makes up for the light RPG elements. i got very immersed in this game

Why? Nothing of those decisions will affect your experience.

Is there something even remotely interesting on The Rig aside a rift?

Didn't put any points into chemistry. There wasn't a single situation where any kind of grenade was needed.

Attached: Capture.png (360x171, 78K)

wheres that

>has little or no actual "rpg" moments
You could count on two hands the number of rpgs that have more, and that would probably still leave you with a few spare fingers.

It may be a mixed blessing if he does cover it, but supposedly notorious YouTuber sethtentach likes it. He recently presented another niche classic, Starsector.

A good quest if you join the pirates.

It's a big setpiece for the final pirate quest, really.

How long did you guys take to beat the game on your first run? Took me like 130 hours.

Does anyone use traps? I never have. Do you just go into stealth mode, set the traps, and then bait the enemies into them? Sounds convoluted.

It's an interesting one to consider, what does "RPG" moments mean. I think it means things like the player making big plot choices and generally some kind of significant branching dialogue. Underrail has neither, focusing instead on exploration, combat, and presenting crumbs of the greater lore for the player to chew on as he wanders the South Underrail.

you can fight infinite Black Eel jetskis if you piss them off

I like how the random encounters aren't too common. Makes them a lot more special when they occur.

Around 80 hours I think.
Took me three tries to get into the game
First time I did the classic retard move of just spreading myself thin
Second time I did that again!
Third time I just went pure wizard and fell in love, the game consumed my life for a good three weeks

>I think it means things like the player making big plot choices
Let's start with your definition then. What were the big plot choices in Fallout?

well imagine what the crowd saw, some nigga ghosting across the room and killing the greatest gladiator ever instantly

Carnifex pisses me off I wish he had a gun too, every melee fight in the arena is hilariously one sided if they don't instagib you in the first turn.

yeah. im honestly glad he did with starsector because that game absolutely deserves more exposure and thankfully its been getting it a lot lately which is good

Lots of builds rely on them. DOMIchads swear by them.

Yeah I mean the game is very combat orientated. Like BG2. But BG2 has tons of dialogues, choices, actual characters. Of course I have big imagination and even character with one line can be lovable for me.

>nerf depot A
>obnoxious journal/quest markers
>more tutorials
Fuck off causal zoomer, just because you're not taking the time to learn the game doesn't mean the devs have to add things that hold your hand.

Traps, especially bear traps, are very strong. The difference early on between facing a death stalker with quick tinkering and bear traps and facing a death stalker without them is like night and day.
One important thing to remember with traps is that enemies are attracted to sound.

why in the FUCK are pistols AP so god damn high ?

I've heard you can ditch Aegis and side with the pirates. Does that mean no more Ladelman bants?

Attached: 20190822215051_1.jpg (1920x1080, 427K)

Because you didn't pump your dex.

Any tips on how to successfully bait an enemy into your trap?


>nerf Deport A
a little more or. OR
>obnoxious journal/quest markers
I did't mention quest markers. You know that I can screencap dialogue option or add own marker on map? If you're so against "journal" so why this game has dialogue history window?
>more tutorials
More? Game has no tutorials about builds and stats like any CRPG

But I understand your point. You want to feel special and play game for special kids. No "casual" kids allowed. Typical subculture war behavior.

That sounds like a really shit deal.

Lay traps down.
Move behind a corner.
Throw one of the million shitty level 1 frag grenades you've picked up.
Wait for the enemy to trigger the traps.

I did not expect a single grenade to be this effective, toxic nades really are too good

Attached: beetle juice.jpg (1441x901, 272K)

I think I finally solved the DOMINATING difficulty, guys. I can finally leave SGS without being slaughtered.

Attached: gear.png (316x45, 4K)

Welcome to warcrimes

You're justifying making the game easier because you for some reason, don't want to invest time into learning how to play. Idiot.

Do they need to walk on the exact spot you set the trap?

>bear traps
You're good to go, rest is superfluous

Yes. Enemies will try to take the shortest path so it's not hard to figure out.
However, if you've placed mines you can trigger those with grenades.

BG2 is a different kind of beast, but take away the companions and the rest of the game's characters, dialogues, and choices aren't all that different from Underrail's quality-wise. Irenicus was a standout, mainly thanks to his voice actor, but npcs in general? Nah, weren't that special.

No, user, the bear trap will just hop towards their legs when they're in its line of sight.

>You're justifying making the game easier
No? Game will not be easier.
>making shit build because you have no reliable information about game system is HARDCORE true boomer experience
By using your logic quest journal and map are for casuals.

Wait wtf i thought it was called a bear trap because it's meant to catch bears, not because the trap is a bear waiting in ambush

What's your fighting style?
Are you melee?
Are you pure psi?
Are you hybrid melee psi?

>craft hypercerebrix for the first time
>unique ingredient for it leaves red spots on lips

I see what you did there Styg

Companions were strongest part of BG2 yeah. Those games are kinda close to each others. "Glorified dungeon crawlers" with Underrail having more dungeon crawling part.

>My name is Adahn
Oh shit. Does this come up more often?

That guy was maximum cringe.

>add more red flags about how dangerous Deport
This is the only thing I agree

That's quintessential DnD. You get what you signed up for.

Yeah, same thing as Planescape where if you use it too much things happen.

That doesn't really help that much when it still spawns a couple locusts when it breaks and attracts all the other locusts in the area

>No, user, the bear trap will just hop towards their legs when they're in its line of sight.

>Underrail 2
>homing traps

Attached: qyhXO8K.jpg (392x388, 31K)

I used to enjoy Ladelman bants and like his whole persona
Until he offered his Sister as a prostitution service to Marcus

I died a little inside and lost all respect for him

Pirates have more content.

If you were to include a respec option, how would you do it?
Personally I'd go for a very rare drug that's under normal circumstances only found a limited amount of times in the world, most of it hidden behind skill checks, and the blueprint to make it would require an ingredient that also can only be found a few times and requires a large biology skill

the only one to not be gated in some way would be in depot A

What's wrong with playing on normal?

You do you little guy.

Attached: (you).png (347x441, 148K)

mate, his sister IS a prostitute, out of her own free will
man's just looking out for his bro and his sister at the same time

That's the kind of guy that plays on easy, though.

How can anyone respect a man who lets his sister be a whore?

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What's wrong with helping your sis find more clients? He made it sound like Lilly whoring herself out is the reason he even got out of the drop zone. She's hardcore tight, jack.

>want to respec
>cant do it because cant pass the skill check
Ah yes that's very smart

Welcome to war crimes
Enjoy your stay

Take a screenshot of every war crime you do
It's the rule

What? They're both hard-working citizens, it's 10 times better than a derailed murderhobo like you

DOMI is the only challenging difficulty if you've beaten the game at least once.

Nah just add typical
>new player options
>Psi, Melee, AR "build"
>recommended button for stats skills
That's all.

Attached: pathfinder-kingmaker-2.jpg (1920x1080, 502K)

Yeah, and DOMINATING is complete bullshit. I don't see your point.

>Allowing your little sis to become a literal pipeworker

It's south underrail, you gotta do what you gotta do
Sister's got a well paying job that keeps her out of the drop zone

>tfw wanted to get an honest job
>tfw those faggot zoners are apparently too intimidated of some girl who's gassed thousands of various living being to let her grind their rods for some charons
Sometimes, the murderhobo life chooses you. Not much can be done about that.

>DOMINATING is complete bullshit.
Shitter alert.

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Make it an option when interacting with the mainframe in oculus. Could play it off as the crystal fucking with your mind. You can only do it once, as any more attempts will turn you into a madman as Azif says it has to many others.

anyone has a decent stat distribution for chem guns? debating to whetever or not to go for 6 agility for sprint but not sure what to drop then

>If you were to include a respec option, how would you do it?
I wouldn't. This game has no room for respec.

Dex as high as possible, 10 Per, 7 int for feats, drop the rest in whatever you want

No respec.

maybe also have Ezra be capable of letting you respec once
followed by a fade to black and you waking up in a room full of fresh corpses and Ezra absolutely refusing to elaborate on what happened other than that "your debt has been paid"

Most people who would want to respec are new players with an unplanned build and they would never find Oculus without spoilers

Holy Shit
I just resisted a deathstalker stun
I didn't even know that was possible

>live basically in a super underground ghetto were basically almost every animal wants and can kill you, everybody is either a murderhobo or an asshole scientist that will turn you into a monstrosity for "science"
>get a hard working job using your body the only thing you own to get by because you don't want to just kill people to get by
>A super murderhobo/god that basically holocausted an entire civilization with gas grenades and napalm kills your brother because he let you be a whore since thats basically the worst fate somebody could have in the underrail

you are quite the hypocrite, i'd say that considering the state of south underrail being a whore is a pretty decent profession

besides the way he talks about her she's no street corner whore but slightly more classy

When you import/export a character you're given the chance to modify everything accordingly but have to start the game over from scratch otherwise. Quest and oddity XP comes with you to prevent grinding. Only works on Oddity.

>Styg adds a character who offers something that sounds dangerously like respec
>you wake up in a Lurker base in a bathtub full of ice and -2 CON

I have no respect for those who live on their knees.

Started Underrail after randomly seeing a thread here and overall enjoying the experience, however:

>In Old Junkyard
>Taking me 4 tries for each encounter of inbred muties and their even more inbred dogs
>Starting to get tired of it, feel like my build getting and worse and worse as the game continues

My build is a mix of Guns and Psy (Psychokinesis and thought control) powers, with points in persuasion, lockpick/hacking and mechanical/electronics. Currently have a submachine gun as my strength isnt high enough to use a shotty. My current playstyle is me stunning an enemy or two every turn with telekinetic punch and electrokinesis, while using my remaining AP with my SMG or Neural Overload, on bigger groups of enemies I throw frag grenades too.

I like that I have to figure out almost everything on my own, but what I dont like is that if your character is built poorly/sub optimally, the game becomes very hard, even on normal and almost forces a restart unless you want to replay every encounter multiple times.

Same thing was said in regards to a map and more fast travel and look where we are now.


>PK/TC Gunslinger

for what purpose? get some TM up in that bitch

>he'd rather have his sister beg on the streets and be forced to support her rather than her having a well-paying job
3 Int

old junkyard, or as it's better known, Depot A, is a notoriously difficult area
also if you are having major difficulty you can try to craft some gear out of mutated dog skin, it gives massive acid resistance

>almost forces a restart
The game is for autists, by autists. Git gud or die trying.

What part of no respect for those who live on their knees do you not understand?

Are drops random in this game? Got this off a raider on the 3rd level of the GMS compound. Seems pretty good for the lockpicking buff

Attached: Clipboard01.png (1054x773, 2.34M)

Hard spawn.

Are you a child by any chance?

where do you get the Juice blueprint i did the dude's quest but i can't find it

Get some acid resistant gear. You can try to get some mutated dog leather while you are in there or go to the siphoner pools not far from junkyard. Make a leather coat out of one of the two, it will help you immensely. Take MK II grenades and some molotoves. The name of the game in Depot A is CC.

Purple items are unique
And what the fuck did you do to your screenshot

Take some hypercerebrix, then think hard about who could possibly know the recipe of the Juice

that's because you tried a hybrid build without knowing anything about the game, this isn't a game where you can win just by plowing forward, hybrid builds are good, but only if you know what you are doing and what things to get and when you are going to peak.

you should try a more straightforward build to get to know how the game works, try not to mix psi/melee/guns and just pick up one of them, because mixing stretches your points a lot and if you don't know exactly what you are doing it will most likely end up being a pretty garbage build making the game much harder than it actually is

Not him, but I have 3 INT and 3 PER yet I can still see how much bullshit your argument is
Offering your sister as prostitute is fucking awful no matter on what shade of morality you put it in

Or you could just buy 30 bear traps, 10 caltrops and 10 molotovs for like 100 coin total and enjoy the easiest Depot A of your life. Like seriously, bear traps are ridiculously cheap for how hard they invalidate that place.

>then think hard about who could possibly know the recipe of the Juice

I don't know where the dude is after the quest, jack

What the fuck happened to your game

Say what happens if you name yourself Adahn? I just started and just read here there's a reference for it.

>for what purpose?

Because I decided to play blind and they seemed like interesting abilities. Is it still worth getting another Psi ability at Level 7?

Is it worth investing into Tailoring too? Feels like its taking ages for my mechanical/electronic skills to come into play at my current level for crafting.

I don't think there's any problem with one more fast travel network that works the same way as the previous two but is even more expensive. Not a fan of the map, though the dozens of almost completely water maps kind of make a strong case for it. But would they still be this empty, had there not been a map?

They will still attack you regardless

also, the game expects you to use all the tools available to you, this includes drugs, traps, grenades, abusing corners/doors, and other utilities

there are plenty of all of those everywhere don't be afraid to use them, a molotov on the right place is game changer or knowing that animals can't open doors almost trivializes certain areas

No no I mean. You can lie your name is Adahn but what if it actually is?

Some cherry picked quotes from metacritic, those are "professional" reviews, not user reviews:
>Casual gamers will find its lack of production values and its unfriendliness completely off-putting.
>It is a hardcore game that somewhere under the terrible interface and illogical absence of some key elements hides days of traditional post-apocalyptic entertainment.
>If not for the Underrail Wiki, it would be all but impossible to complete some quests. The in-game journal keeps track of active quests, but makes no mention of their stages or received hints.

These are from 60-70/100 reviews.Obviously many game journalists obviously got filtered which resulted in butthurt over the game.

Alright, keep thinking hard : where did you last saw him? Maybe, just maybe, he could still be in the exact same place?

Do quests typically take you to every area or should I be exploring places on my own to see everything?

Replace Frag grenades with Molotovs
Use caltrops and bear traps
Use Adrenaline too

Windows key + shift + S

Just clipped the info I wanted to show.

are you planning on creating armor with your mechanics skill?
if yes you will need tailoring anyways as even metal armor requires a component with high tailoring requirement

It's fine if she's already in the business of her own free will. Grow up and stop being a prude.

Just made myself my first cyro blob gun. This gun is disgusting. Having lots of fun with chem pistols after playing tincan and psimonk.

Doesn't Styg take feedback from Codex and posts there himself? Is it really so shocking it'd be a casual filter?
>>If not for the Underrail Wiki, it would be all but impossible to complete some quests. The in-game journal keeps track of active quests, but makes no mention of their stages or received hints.
Uh a lot of them are pretty straightforward.

How do the workbenches in your Core City house work? Can you benefit from several workbenches while crafting one item? Do you have to use them or do they just give a passive bonus even when you're on the go? I don't want to waste all my gold for something I will barely make use of because I heard the DLC is going to be hard and jetskies are expensive.

>Grow up and stop being a prude
>One day she get turn into a corpse because some zoner decide to shank her to not pay her services
No, fuck off you inbreed degenerate
Protect your family

That's a risk regardless of your profession.

quests take you to many areas off limits from normal exploration, and a big portion of the map is there to explore on your own as well

>Can you benefit from several workbenches while crafting one item?

>Do you have to use them or do they just give a passive bonus even when you're on the go?
You don't interact with the workbenches but you have to be in your basement.

I'm deep into the game and realized I forgot to deliver the package from that Quick Silver dude. Am I fucked?

You get inside one of the basement room and instantly get a 15% buff to all the relevant skills

Thanks, going to start taking a look at areas around quests and see what turns up. Prob going to get my shit stuffed in a few times

>Walk in any of the 3 rooms with a workbench
>Instantly gain crafting bonus of all the workbenches you purchased
>Leave of any of these rooms
>Lose crafting bonus
t. 3 INT

what about your mom lol

Ok, thanks.

Not really, in theory he should still be waiting you in GMS

The only quest that might be impossible to complete without the wiki is the fishing quest since the ghostface used to only appear in a single area of the game and there was no way for anybody to know that, and to be fair that's the purpose of that quest, its a pointless dumb fetch quest without explanation that only gives 1 oddity xp

>be a merchant, some shitter comes in to buy shit
>he doesn't want to pay
>kills you because he doesn't give a fuck

there is literally no difference, the risk of anybody killing you for fun or greed is in every job and very likely to happen eventually

Good luck getting the Huxkey on your own
Or finding out that you have to fail one quest to be able to join the drones

Getting zoned out would be infinitely more likely if she lived in the Drop Zone. But she doesn't, because her whoring saved her from that.

I got it on my own without any problems, not on the first playthrough since i snitched on abram, but got it on the second one and wasn't much of a problem.

if you talk with the train bandits instead of murdering them on sight they pretty much tell you they are against the protectorate and you can figure out they are drones on your own

If you decline Aran's offer, does he actualy ambushes you?

Anyone got a good Chem Pistol build for Expedition? Need a palette cleanser after suffering through the f9 hell that is a machete build

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It saved her from poverty but it won't save her from damning her eternal soul to Hell.


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Where do you think Underrail is?

>can't decide if I want to go with most regular shotguns or go 7 STR to pick up Full Auto and shit

Attached: 20190822160932_1.jpg (1920x1080, 579K)

I'm doing a 7 STR shorty build on hard right now and its amazing.

I don't get why anyone would ever bother investing in stealth
that's what gear is for people

Attached: stealth.jpg (1920x1080, 378K)

Who cares, her barrel is full of delicious soup

>anime picture

also, lol, fucking edgelord getting time paradoxed


They are already on hell, a religious hell couldn't possibly be worse than where they are now, also why would anybody in the setting care, the closest thing you got to a religion is the tchorists and at least they do have decent reasons to believe

It obviously takes place on Earth.

That's just not enough to do real ninja stuff

depends on what difficulty you are playing at, on dominating gear is enough for most of the game, but it won't be enough for DC or some of the highest stealth required parts

>10 per shotty
for what purpose?

just on stroll along the north coast
women and children too

it's a classic anime sequence: decoy protagonist challenges the big bad early on
can't lay a single hand on said big bad, then gets destroyed out of nowhere without visual effort on big bad's end

What's the best difficulty to play?

>why would you pump the main damage stat of a weapon?
Gee I don't know.

the funniest thing is that with enough preparation and some luck you could theoretically get around 32 distortions on a single target

Attached: 20190810210453_1.jpg (1600x1200, 306K)

You're an idiot if you think gun damage increases significantly with more perception like melee does with strength. Shotties only need 9 PER max.

Dominating is just tedious

tranquil critlet?

Are persuasion/intimidation worth it for blind play?

persuasion yes very much so

Persuasion yes, intimidation no

Persuasion and Mercantile. Soft caps are at 115 and 140 respectively.

Intimdation is absolute shit.

I forgot where I put one of my stash before I got access to rifts
I hate this

I don't believe you.

Normal. Enemies heal more than you on Hard, the AI is more exploitable, your health is gimped, and items are sold 50% less than their actual price for whatever reason. Wish I could have hard's increased enemies, though. It'd be nice if Stygg had customizable difficulty.

shift+click on the map to make notes

I guess I should do this in the future

>needing crits when you can "Nothing personal zoner"

Sharpshooter doesn't work on shotguns, the bonus damage shotties would get from increased skills is nothing compared to their base damage, and the max PER requirement for the highest shotgun feat is 9 in fragmented chaos.

There's no reason to have it at ten if you aren't carrying a sniper on the side.

depends on how good you are, but probably hard for trying things, or dominating if you are good and enjoy the challenge

lol, have fun getting naded and riddled with holes while your time cancer spreads like molasses.

How much of it involves fucking up Aegis?

>Mass Mental breakdown
>Mass enrage
>2K energy shield
>Pseudo spatial projection
>Disruptive field

You literally cannot die if you know what you are doing, forcefield alone is enough for your time cancer to shit on everything while you pump more time cancer, i bet you never knew you can shoot through corners on your forcefield basically giving you 4 turns to shit on anything, then stasis, and then forcefield again

All of that effort just do what psychosis Chads can in two fucking turns.

ive been rocking with pic related and its been preety decent

Attached: chrome_2019-08-22_23-28-28.png (1920x937, 163K)

>wasting all that time on a weak meme
No thanks.

Just two quests, one if you genocide their camp.

One quest. The rest involves directly fucking up the Protectorate.or making preparations for it.

Normal first playthrough, DOMI all the rest. Unless you want to meme around with a horrible build, then stay at Hard.

>The rest involves directly fucking up the Protectorate
Neat. Gonna save it for my Free Drones replay, though.

Where did this DOMI thing come from? I don't remember anyone ever calling it that before Expedition and now I see it all the time.

No clue but it's retarded. Probably a RPG codex thing.

I lurk the codex, it's not from there.

enjoy your robots

It's recent

Phoneposters and retarded memers.

I do, they burst as soon as they step on one electrokinetic imprint and break when punched psionically. Also, four or so distortions are enough to destroy them.

Hold the fuck up. You can actually sleep in the Expedition? Last time I got sleep was... yeah, right after Depot A, which was forever ago. Immersion saved.
It just advances the story, doesn't it?


Attached: hard.jpg (1366x768, 216K)

player character takes powernaps on the train/ferry

Where the fuck else am I going to put my points then?
Don't say con.

so, what can you do with the broken-off spike from the monolith?

>pure psi

good, now do it without training wheels

From what I've seen it can advance the story once, but it'll advance anyway even if you don't sleep. Other than that it's just there to see spoopy dreams, probably.

I believe it.
But what about when you start rift-hopping around?

Put it over your fireplace with other cool unique items

Strength, you got that other free stat point right? You can get full auto.

>typing out a 4 syllable word every time
F you, jack.

>playing on anything other than dominating

oh i was wondering why you where so bad

rift-beings inject their time energy into you
(no homo)

Show it to people. Nothing else, because it's just a piece of carbonized pirate. What would you do with a carbon finger?

also I just infiltrated the pirate base after making a deal with them to get to the monolith
as long as they stay orange I should remain neutral with them overall and avoid their attacks right?

dont worry if they spot you they'll shoot you on the spot

I mean after that from leveling. First one is going into Dex to grab Quick Tinkering but after that I wouldn't need anything else.

Spoopy dreams? I'm sold. The doc did mention something about that.

Not a single soul shortened it this way since it was implemented two years ago. Not here, not on the codex, not even on steam.

>play in a way you won't have fun
fuck right off cunt

where the dudes house locations again?

how does that even work? do you change your gear in the first turn or something?

I think there's only two of them though and another three under the influence of a certain substance.

Is there a time limit on finding a home for Todd or can I just leave him in the submarine and go adventure elsewhere for a good bit?

take Spirit Potion and go to sleep

I would give the option to respec when Specializations become available.

classic or oddity?

game is designed arround oddity you gotta probably get overleved when playing on classic

when you need to stealth somewhere you change into your stealth gear beforehand
then you don't get into battle during stealth

There is no time limit anywhere in the game, nothing ever happen unless you make a quest progress
Except maybe native invasions? Not sure

Someone said you can get the Milton pre TNT? How would you do that? An early energy pistol would be great.

Does this game have low int dialogue? Or dialogue for having all 3 in stats?

I tried classic and now I'm 16 and all I ever did was bum around the tunnels and Camp Hathor. Things are a lot less fun


Burst shotguns just feel too much like ARs for my taste. 20AP shotguns with Adrenaline and Temporal are just too fucking fun and wild.

Entirely your fault. The game doesn't force you to level up immediately.

Go east of Foundry train station, then north three times to be in front of Hecate with a big hole in the ground. Go down the hole and go south once.

Bring a laser pistol too
Lots of batteries around and you'll be using a fair bit of chem pistol ammo so good to conserve

Entirely my fault for exploring and killing lunatics and lurkers

Am I supposed to explore other areas before going for main quest? I'm having so much trouble going through wormhole despite doing fine untill that point. Also what crafting skill is the most useful? I'm assuming it's essential to the later parts of the game.
I'm going psi and crossbow

>internet sleuth policing word shortenings all over the web

You can get shot walking down a low crime rate street or walking down a street full of niggers and drug traffickers, that doesn't mean your choice doesn't matter. You can minimize the risk of death drastically by not being retarded.

oddity, classic leaves you overleveled for most of the game ruining the fun of it, and that's just by killing everything in your way, if you do any serious exploring you will be completely overleveled making the game piss easy

crossbow x psi is a combo that has use for pretty much every crafting skill

>Shield Emitters
>Plasma nades
>The best gun enhancements
Biology allows you to stack enough Adrenaline and Focus Stims for literally every single encounter in the game, and Bullheads are great if you've got a soft skull. Hell even if you have A Thick Skull they're still great.

What's the theoretical earliest you can go on the Expedition?

It is your fault for leveling up.

if its your first time playing you should try to avoid hybrid builds because they are very easy to fuck up, the part you are entering right now is basically the end of the actual tutorial where you will see if you can handle the rest of the game or not, there are some quests you can do before going in but they are limited, the game opens up when you finish the drill quest

Level 1


Don't forget the strong psi-enhancing gear

It sure makes sense holding back on leveling
It's my fault for playing classic

as in a comfortable low level to go in? or the fastest you could possibly get there?

i'd say that you can probably get there by level 5 if you ignored quests and didn't look for oddities, but well that's for a sort of speedrunning i guess

as a comfortable level to go in i'd say 14 - 18 depending on your build, the most important thing is that you need a comfortable way to deal with groups of enemies and something that can go through a few highly resistant enemies

I'd suggest a decent amount of mechanics as well to make crossbows and psibeetle gear

A question is a question, nothing more.

I'm not sure if you could do it by level 5 unless you were playing on Easy. You need to complete a major quest to convince Briggs, like defeating Carnifex or killing the Beast.

You have to "qualify" for the Expedition though, correct? I remember stating I should go on the Expedition because I killed Carnifex. I figure a really zany build could manage Carnifex early maybe.

You only need 20 chem/bio to craft gas grenade, and there's caltrops, bear traps, molotovs and friends to abuse as well

Sseths review is coming out soon, it will flood this niche game with retarded normalfags and idiots and ruin the community and these threads. Tick tock underrailcucks.

>It sure makes sense holding back on leveling
It does, actually. If you're doing fine at level 10 there's no reason to go further.

Wanna hear a secret?

It's all me. Got a better shortening suggest it.

Normalfags breath air.
Stop breathing reddit air.

it doesn't matter, its a small price to pay for giving the slavs some money they deserve

Can you tow the submarine to Ray's and sell it to him? Would he offer more cash with or without Todd in it?

So is that patch that fixed the footlocker disappearing at the end of Expedition not out yet?
I just threw all my valuable shit in one of my extra jet skis, but I thought it got fixed.

Styg deserves money for this game, it's been 4 years, it's not like he's going to retroactive fuck up his own baby

i didn't really check how much exp do the quests give, but there are other ways to prove yourself without going to the arena, joining the protectorate is one for example

i guess its just a matter of checking how much forced experience you get from completing the necessary quests to get there, and assuming you don't pick up any oddities

>Briggs literally tells you to pack up your shit and empty your footlocker
>Waaah wtf where did my stuff go???
Based retards.

But Underrail will be reddit game. You can't play reddit games. It's not cool and badass!

That was not a bug. Either Oldfield or Briggs warned you to take your shit before they pack the camp.

Like other anons said, if he gets a few normies to buy this game god bless him. I really don't care if they get filtered by Depot A or whatever. And normies will move on to the next shiny object quickly anyway.

I don't think anyone would value Todd in the South
Even Oldfield doesn't pay much for him

Did I just make a bad Shield Emitter or am not using it right? You just equip it right? Cause I don't see much of a difference

Shortcut V to activate.

>you can stack ripostes swapping to captain's cutlass at the end of your turn and then weaponswap and get three 0 AP cost Red Dragon attacks

Attached: 158.png (447x378, 11K)

thanks user

>I really don't care if they get filtered by Depot A or whatever
Unless there's a flood of bad reviews and the rating goes to mixed. Styg said that really hurts sales.

does it only works with swords

well yeah, riposte is a sword skill

I'm gonna do it, new cycles of guilt await me.

Attached: I'm here to break legs and gain brouzoufs, and I'm all out of brouzoufs.png (1920x1080, 3.24M)

The game is hard on purpose. If normies buy a title based on a e-celeb without doing research then godspeed.

What are you going? Smgs?

I'll do my best to guide and corral them out of frustration. No guarantees.

Also Expedition has been a transcendental experience.

Attached: siberian.mouse.set008.avi.jpg (158x44, 2K)

What the fuck is this build even senpai.

What is it about this game that does spooky environments & ambiance so well?

cmon sseth, dont risk your career

Where do you get the juice blue print i'm talking to the dude and hes just saying "keep on searching man"

Have you tried asking him for the blueprint?

Which house are you searching?

source: your ass

Really? First: source. Second: does it really? I can't imagine games sell steadily outside of sales, releases and price drops these days; and in those events it wouldn't seem like rating would really matter.

Is this just a meme or did he actually hint at a UR review.

Attached: 532423.jpg (600x766, 40K)

what excatly does mad chemist does for acid guns? Does it double the chance, the damage and the duration of the cc?

Going in blind, most likely

What build are you going for? Pick your main offense and max it balls deep (unless you go balls deep in CON and defense), you can dump a whole bunch of stats in this game.

Probably, truth to be told I really wanna make a steel armor Culter build with handguns for that Bearkiller feel coupled with Neural/Psychokinesys and Temporal buffs, with some sword skills on the side.
Problem is handguns pretty much suck so I'll probably going to do a SMGs build and deal with it, though shotties are also an option.

the cave one by foundry, i just used the juice and now i'm in the grey army base.

*unsheathes katana*
heh, you're ten years too early to face me, kid

hey you're in luck, sword skills also suck!

(unless youre using red dragon)

Used to be double duration, but now it's just double the damage. Still strong though, you're looking at -150 acid damage per turn +50% if you're wearing -that- belt.

It's a good movie, why are you so negative :(

it's normalfags

>Being invictus isn't good enough for mayor shitlord in the foundry to start killing the creatures of the mines
I'm playing partially blind here but this is ridiculous, i'm guessing it's really fucking hard. Such a shame i'm guessing you have to do this to get super steel, i'd like to have some before i enter the black sea.

m8 you can literally finish a quest in less than 2 minutes within foundry so he lets you do it

dont bother using energy pistols without the related feats and parts to it

practical physicist and power management are the pipes and barrels of energy pistols
them you get a circular wave amplifier and you're holding a instant delete weapon

Swords are amazing, fuck off shitter.

and nothing to the chance of proccing the on hit effect right? the wording on that feat is the worst woring i have ever seen in the video game

What are the best leather boots?

Haven't really tried machetes so far, even if they do I can still fall back on knives, even though it's not as thematic.
Still pondering though.
You need to do two or more Foundry related quests to convince the mayor, good thing is they're all really, really short.

hit F9 irl and redo your post

because i think one of your flurry attacks just missed ;^]

Attached: F9.jpg (231x218, 5K)

Finish the quest and go beg for permanent hypercerebrix injections

True man normal guys with gfs and wives do tend to be fags.

kek but seriously you stun shit to get that sweet 95% hit chance. You're right in the sense if you didn't sacrifice your daily goat to your personal stygg shrine of rng it's impossible to play well though.

two quests?
im pretty sure i got 'study the rock creatures' just after evelyn's quest

I was able to one shot tchort on hard with a q150 plasma pistol without high technicalities, the weapon class is just damn broken.

>gfs and wives
That's supremely gay

Oh FUCK yeah bud

Attached: Gimmie gimmie.png (1920x1080, 1.36M)

did i fucking mentioned high technicalities you retarded zoner?

The proc chance is based on the quality of the dispenser
I love games with zero documentation

For what?

>First: source.

even 95% on a single hit is still 14,3% chance to miss at least one attack

i really do want swords to be good but the skill mechanics, especially flurry and onslaught are just busted or an afterthought

It depends on your build.

>dont bother using energy pistols without the related feats and parts to it
oh yeah, forgot to mention didn't have practical physicist and power management either

oh wait nvm, flurry is 4 attacks

either way, machete skills and gameplay are "if you're winning, you win even harder" that dont really add anything to a build

so about the health center, is it better to kill him and take the body horror hit or to let him be?
wondering if it won't give a bad ending, but taking a hit to resolve seems terrible as well

I'm on my 2nd sword build; beat expedition on the first one, about halfway through on this one
swords are busted GOOD, as in, almost OP
I put them right behind laser pistols

Yeah missing a flurry sucks, but if it weren't for that they'd be the strongest build behind psi. You have many options for surviving when your flurry misses.

well now there's no hope for him to come back with a fat stack of money and help her out, pipeworker

if you dont have high will the resolve penalty will do jackshit
30% of almost nothing is still nothing

>wondering if it won't give a bad ending
It won't, but you shouldn't let endings influence you anyway.

given than I'm talking about it as if I have a choice, my will is obviously high enough my resolve is relevant
currently have 253 resolve so a 30% hit would remove a shitload

im playing swords right now too and I reached busted as fuck OP status

but that's entirely because of crit stacking and red dragon, not because of any sword skills

I stacked like 11 tds and waited for the fireworks

You always have a choice. Anyway, I wouldn't take the hit for a dude who mindrapes first and asks for cooperation later.

should have been interesting if there was an option to send someone else down there to do the dirty deed

Tony of all trades!

Hey Chief, I found the Professor, need extraction. Over.

As a tin can gun user, how do I properly deal with melee enemies? Lurker assassins can fuck me up.

>tfw sailed through the game on an easy psi build
>tfw fight with tchort is hard now
>can't just one-shot snipe him like you would with a sniper build
styg pls buff psi

How is it even possible to struggle against Tchort with psi.

I really wish the crafting window would just tell you what are the benefits of infusing different types of leather. Did Styg expect you to experiment with it?

You mean if you dont have the components?

Probably forgot dynamite to deal with tentacle respawn

What shoes should I be wearing as a spear + shield hoplite?

make better tin can

Tentacles wont respawn after the one or two turns it takes to kill Tchort

no fuck head he means when you add leather and fiber you have no idea what benefits it will give you until you make it

Even taking a cursory glancing at the mutagen tanks is making the fight harder for yourself when you can just concentrate on the Eye.

I mean if you do have the components and before you infuse the leather.

Can you even kill him that quickly with psi?

Ah yeah true
You can always savescum some more, your f9 key can surely take another round

He probably expected people would just use the wiki or reload. Or maybe that you'd just infuse the leather type you were already using. I don't know, but it's pretty annoying.

How much Mercantile should I be aiming for to get the juicy things from vendors?

Attached: 1551737669065.jpg (866x1201, 318K)

>1919 mechanical damage
>meanwhile struggling to hit 40
I'm never going to make it, as in literally ever.

Exactly 100

Yes? Psychosis can one-shot him, Tranquility can one turn him, or two if things don't go that well. But you have no excuse for not killing him in at worst four.

Can I get some tips for fighting Carnifex as a melee character? He hurts my butthole.

Related question: I'm level 11 and have 30 Mercantile... when should I focus on leveling it more?

but thats just stygs opinion on the matter, it really means nothing without numbers, and considering the type of game, reviews do absolutely nothing here

any retarded casual that is influenced by reviews without knowing why they are negative would get filtered in the first 10 minutes of the game and refund anyway, this game literally lives from friends recommendations, rpg codex and Yea Forums threads. all the bad reviews from the game are from shitters saying its too hard, and those shitters will be refunding the game anyway so not even trying it because the score is mixed means nothing

Which Core City faction has the best storyline?

I haven't actually completed it yet but on my other character i went praetorian and so far it was nothing but "go here, kill that"

just literally mental overload him, he takes retarded damage from it

That's the after effect of morphine, boosted by the toxic gas debuff, and he has like 2500 hp on dominating


>tfw tranquility brainlet dragging out the fight for 10 turns because raw damage output is too low

Completely forgot about that little toxic mutant room near the Institute of Tchort
Now I've got sludge for dayssss

Attached: warcrimestime.jpg (988x654, 152K)

Flashbang, run away, end combat, plant beartrap

You are using a bad strategy then. How do we deal with a single, hyper intelligent target with a huge HP pool?

Do you have stealth? Use flashbang and set up traps/caltrops
If not do it anyway and chain all cc you can think of, taser, nets, molotovs etc, and if everything is going to be on cd or he has the temporary immunity to stun/fear run far away out of los before he get his turn

>Start new Hard playthrough
>Try going for shotguns/Psy this time instead of boring ass SMGs/Muscle Wizard
>Take a hike to GMS, level up
>Get sixth shell
>That damage
Holy fuck

Attached: 1565560897157.jpg (225x225, 4K)

you can literally 1 turn him just spamming neural overload as tranquility because of the huge damage he takes from it, otherwise you can just 2 turn him with distortions, 4 if you want to flex on how many distortions you can stack up his ass

Lucky there aren't too many Chem Pistol enemies in the game

would be interesting if on hard+, after you kill Tchort, he regenerates to full health after a few turns as long as at least one mutagen tank is still active

Lucky there aren't any Force Field user in the game

>CAU with black tabis

That's some bullshit. But I don't hate it.

I need more time damnit. I'm still looking for the right boot springs for my home crafted Italian quality leather boots.

>Or maybe that you'd just infuse the leather type you were already using.
That might be it, yeah. I took a leap of faith for the sake of my cave hopper clownshoes and it worked out pretty well.
Following this logic though, unless I find a use for some leather from the Black Sea, I've no idea what to do with supersteel now.

at first I was going to suggest he regenerates to full health AND becomes immune to the skill or weapon used to kill him for that life to go with the whole "adaptation" thing, but that would be overdoing it

maybe if you went there at lv 26 or above

Yes, that worked much better than cryostasis and fireballs after sneaking around destroying all 4 mutagen tanks.

I knew I had it in me all along.

Attached: 1527000558309.png (665x835, 35K)

What kind of shoes should I be crafting as a psiman?

Tabi until you find good bootsprings

All that "oh man tchort totally can reconfigure its dna at will and adapt to anything it just needs to get past this regeneration phase" was total bullshit propaganda.

Tchort's just a big gooey retard living in the basement

Just realized that Tchort isn't a Leviathan itself, it's just being possessed by one

I hate crawlers, bre.

What defines good bootsprings?

but if he did pull a stunt like that, could anyone really say they weren't properly warned?

What tac vest fillers for a psi babby? Do I just weigh myself down with kevlar since I can just damage race everything?


100 quality gives you a sprint worth of movement at all times

Blast or antitherm. You don't need sneak and are likely going to be too weighed down by your psi carapace to do so.

alumized is best
fire resistance is always useful

wait what

then who was phone

Alright, I got a good aluminized and kevlar bolt at 100+ quality, so I'll go with one of those. Just need to find a good regen/sturdy carrier..

I'm partial to blast. You'll still die to stray grenades if your shield isn't good enough, but it feels helpful, you know.
Aluminized is good if you find yourself running through fire or dealing with it often enough.

now that would literally generate rectal cancer for pretty much everybody

when you get to better vendors Oculus and faction based vendor in core city you can check mercantile check on wiki

Can someone link some good videos or reviews?

This game looks interesting, but I don't know much about it. What am I getting into bros?

That's too much, yeah. But extending the same mutagen tank regeneration rates the tentacles have to Tchort, as long as popping the eye still explodes all tentacles, actually sounds kind of fun.

I think JKK has the most interesting storyline but Praetorian's is cool for psi characters.

Has anyone managed to reach level 30? I've been extremely thorough, done everything, collected probably around 98% of all oddities, but I'm still 32XP away from level 30.

so I don't have to worry about it for a while, bless

yeh popping the eye would explode the tentacles and give you a couple of turns to get to the tanks so it's still worth it, but you can no longer one shot-one kill him with a sniper

Tchort's use of the High Ones and Six's comments regarding it implies that Tchort has knowledge that it has no way of possessing normally.

Then we get this.

Attached: 20190822185543_1.jpg (1920x1080, 271K)

if you are going stealth, none of them are really useful, just use keblar, since you should never be getting hit by grenades and you have exothermic aura for fire immunity which you should never be getting hit anyway, and the armor is too heavy for black cloth so kevlar is the only one that you will ever give any use at all even if its almost nothing

then just be smart and keep the rathound regalia or a high quality crafted leather armor for when you need to stealth

I have never seen any. The Expedition trailer is nice though.

also would be interesting if there was some kind of visual identifier showing Tchort aint fully dead
maybe have some tentacles connecting his main body to the mutagen tanks start visually pumping mutagen

You're getting into an autism character builder simulator where you spend more time preparing for fights and theorycrafting than playing.

How much will do I need for TM+Chemo or Crossbow build?