How would you call the next Xbox so it doesn't sound stupid?
How would you call the next Xbox so it doesn't sound stupid?
YBOX - Always One Step Ahead!
>How would you call the next Xbox
>so it doesn't sound stupid?
Oh... no idea in that case.
Xbox 4 or the X4
Xbox 720
microsoft switch
Xbox Circle
Xbox Two60
came here to post this
xbox infinity
Unironically just Xbox 2020 or whenever the fuck this thing releases. They fucked up their naming scheme beyond saving, so the only way to not have an insanely stupid name while VERY CLEARLY communicating to everyone that this is the latest hardware is to just slap a year onto it.
The™ Xbox
Xbox Two
The Newest Xbox
I'd probably just go with Xbox Scarlet. They really fucked themselves namewise with the whole
>Xbox 360
>Xbox One
fucking nailed it
Xbox Four
You can’t name a green console Scarlett. That’s stupid.
Whatever we come up with, they'll think of something worse.
XBOX 420
xbox 2020
This thread made me realize just how weird "xbox" sounds in the first place
It'll be something retarded. Probably Xbox Infinite to coincide with Halo Infinite being a launch title.
Xbox 2020 would sound like shit in 2023.
XBOXU - XBOX Ultimate
Xbox infinite
>How would you call the next Xbox
fucking ESL, stop using internet translators
The Xbox
Just name it the fucking 720. I don’t care if the Xbone broke the chain, doesn’t mean they can’t try getting back on it
Xbox Zeus
Xbox Chocolate or Xbox Vanilla
You choose the color
How so? 3 years is obviously too short for a console generation. Maybe if they keep doing the half-generational upgrades they can just name them after the year of release as well.
XBOX Blacked or XBOX Bleached
Shit, we were thinking the same thing.
Pick your own colour of case - YOU have the FleXboxability to customise your FleXBox.
it'll be called the Xbox ∞
aka Xbox Infinite
Xbox 420
but unironically
No games
Honestly fitting actually
Xbox 5 X Pro - electric boogaloo
(Sponsored by mountain dew)
Xbox : OG
Because fuck you. What are you going to call the original one now
xbox itself is a stupid name, microsoft should change the brand name
3 X at the end because it is the third installment.
720 is retarded. Why anyone ever thought that was going to be the name of the Xbox One is beyond me.
Xbox 360
With licensed Hole Technology!™
Something simple and hip like Xbox NX or Xbox+
X-Sony Killer the Sony Killer-box
Dios mío...
This but without the date because that will always remind you how dated it is. Like if you tell people: Do you know the PS4 came out in 2014 and people will be WOW it is that old? Also I am not even sure when the Xbox one came out, maybe also 2014. I tend to forget with many consoles and I will have to look it up. This will always remind you how old something is and old doesn't sound good, otherwise you forget dates.
Nothing wrong with Xbox 2 for the Xbox One but they have ruined it with "Xbox One". Whoever came up with this should get fired and never get a job in that field again. Calling the third Xbox Two would be very weird too but maybe they will go for it because Xbox One was also already fucking weird but it seems like everyone just accepted it?
How about pulling a Nintendo and calling it
>The New Xbox
Xbox 360
Xbox One
Xbox One S
Xbox One X
Just call it the Xbox Scarlett.
x box one x box
this but all lower case and ultra minimalist
Can’t we just tell Microsoft to cancel it? Who even wants a new Xbox?
Ha you fuckin plebs it's gonna be XBOX ZERO
It's gonna be CrossBox isn't it?
Xbox Stream
I can't image how cancerous Sony would get without competition. It'll be $599 all over again.
They hated when people called the Xbox One the Xbone, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't do this because they know the potential shitposts
>LOL it's called the Xbox Zero because it has zero games
>Xbox Zero players
>I have Zero reasons to buy this
But it has to sound stupid. At this point it's a tradition.
Gaming was infinitely better before Microsoft got into the picture.
Xbox 6
That would be smart but this thread is for stupid names only
Xbox Infinite, the marketing writes itself
>Infinite fun
>Infinite possibilities
>Xbox Infinite
People who buys consoles?
Xbox 362 (three sixty two)
Xbox BBC
Big Black Console
Next Box
Windows Box
Xbox XXX also called XBOXXX or Triple X because it sounds edgy and retarded
I'd buy a new one since I play every halo and gears of war game with my brother
>Hardware Revenue Declines by 48% YoY; Microsoft’s Gaming Revenue Drops by 10% BOX
No. MSdos was good. PC gaming would be a lot worse off if it wasn't for MS and their OS and general standardization. Gaming has become infinitely worse since Sony forced shitty hardware and consoles.
>halo infinite launching alongside the xbox infinite
now i just want every xbox game on that system to have infinite in the title like the n64
Lol yea I thought of that but it still sounds cool
>Xbox One called the Xbone
>Xbox One X was never called the Bone X
Xbox: Console Edition
Forza Infinite
Gears of War Infinite
Halo Infinite
And that’s it. That’s the only exclusives they have lol
The make it red.
the Next
anagram: Xbox Net. Cloud
Screencap this
>Gears of War Infinite
>Forza Infinite
>Crimson Skies Infinite
>Crackdown Infinite
I like it.
Ex-Box, it's a pyramid now
X Cube
>Sunset Overdrive Infinite
next one Xboxest
>Blinx Infinite
Xbox Zenith
After what they did to Conker I dunno if I trust them with Blinx.
this sounds good
Xbox Endgame
Xbox 2k20
Xbox Aryan
throw the X crap out and make it a sphere shaped system called Compu-torb
The Xbox one two
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they just skipped 4 and called it Xbox 5 to catch up with PlayStation
They did that shit with windows 9.
>How would you call the next Xbox so it doesn't sound stupid?
The Xbox Hueg
What the fuck could conceivably be the sequel to the Infinite, though?
WHY box
because you turn 720/around degrees and walk away
>MineCraft Infinite
>Banjo and Kazzooie Infinite
>Perfect Dark Infinite
just call it the Xbox Current Year
Xbone two
>Fable Infinite
it just werks
>PC (lesser PC/LePC)
Xbox: Nuts & Bolts
This. It will be called 'Infinite' to tie in with the new Halo game, and Microsoft will talk about it being a leap from 'One' to infinity.
1.)Windows NT
2.)Windows 95
3.)Windows 98
4.)Windows 2000
5.)Windows ME
6.)Windows XP
7.)Windows Vista
8.)Windows 7(pretending Vista never happened)
9.)Windows 8(still pretending)
10.)Windows 10(ok, we can remember Vista now, nobody gives a fuck about it anymore)
>tfw when this is actually a thread posted by microsoft/an employee to get ideas to bring to the brainstorming session
why would i call an xbox?
Xbox No Games
SneedX: Box and Cox
2.)Xbox 360
3.)Xbox One
4.)Xbox One X
5.)Xbox 5
Hot take: Xbox One and Wii U didn't fail because of bad marketing. They failed because consumers didn't want them.
It's microsoft, so you can rest assured that no matter how dumb of a name you can imagine they'll give it, it'll end up being dumber.
These are the same people who went Xbox > Xbox 360 > Xbox 1, and went from Windows 7 to 8 to 10.
xbox one
xbox one x
xbox one xbox
xbox one xbox one
xbox one xbox one x
Spanish Box
Halo: Infiniter
They're calling it Xbox screencap this post
Let me guess you were 6 when you got your playstation and you think that was the best thing on the world.
Gears of war box
Nobody had any problems with the 360 because it was good.
Xbox Two
Reminder that they actually expected people to call Xbone "The One".
Boxbox by Microsoft
It was fucking dumb back then too, you're just too young to remember. That and its stupidity was overshadowed by the revolution being renamed to Wii shortly afterwards.
It's so obviously just a nonsensical ploy to not have to call it xbox 2 and be "behind" playstation 3.
Why are you buying this? Box
It was so bad it looped around to being good
There was
>X B O X
>Xbox 360
>Xbox One
Next should be something big like
The first two years maybe.
Then MS tried to copy nintendo and failed fucking miserably. Then it introduced kinect and everyone knows how incredibly succesful that endeavour was...
The only good thing to come out of it is the controller, which I still use for select PC games.
>Fucking spics,you have to go back to your shithole. Xbox Zero.
X-Box EXecution
Next one will be called Xbox Three Sixty. Gotta keep the trend of ambiguous and confusing naming conventions
The ZboZ
Xbox Yahweh
he was talking about the name "360"
Turn it into a doll shaped device called eXolio the boy who dreams to be a real console
The name was dumb as fuck and what wrote about it is accurate
Xbox Natal
Nobody memed about the name other than Yea Forums because it was assblasted it took over the ps3
X istential Crisis box
Original Xbox
OG Xbox
The First Xbox
Xbox One U
The Xth Box
if it will be something retarded again im convinced they do it deliberately
New Super Xbox Console IV ELITE Edition
>Xbox One U
>Xbox One Two
That game sucked so much. I've never been bombarded by more shockingly unfunny attempts at humor in my life. I just dropped the game entirely after 3 hours and was filled with regret at having wasted that amount of time.
That would be a sick name in case we end up in an alternate timeline where xbox existed in the 90s
>not the Xth Boxth
what a fag you are
Xbox one two three four five break down fucker
XBOX Ultimate
Console is compartmentalized and is intended to be the only console you'll ever have to buy. Every 5-10 years upgraded GPUs and CPUs will come out that you can easily remove and replace. It will be compatible with PC RAM and PC Hard Disks for storage.
Sunset Overdrive seemed more like a PlayStation IP, rather than Xbox. Anyway It's in good hands now.
New! Xbox One X Lite Enhanced Limited Edition (Master Chief Green Variant)
Xbox Elite
Xbox 12
Xbox Future
Xbox (male)
Sneedbox (formerly Chuckbox)
goy box
the Xbox Fine Me A Job
It could be anything really. I mean, they went from the 360 to ONE. Project Scarlett sounds cool, but so did Scorpio. I have no idea what they'll go for, but it could be anything from Xbox Next to Xbox Super, or whatever. I guess how stupid it sounds is subjective but anything is better than ONE. I think they just named it that because it was supposed to be your "one" media device, and I assume 360 had some meaning like that as well. Regardless it would probably depend on how they want to market the console.
Pajeet shitting on the street box
apple got away with calling 2 seperate generations of iPad "The New iPad" as the official title, Microsoft can't do any worse.
Not possible. Same reason why the 360 was not called the xbox 2, then it would be a number behind the PS3 and people will think that the Ps3 is one gen ahead of the xbox2.
it'll be called the Xb∞x
aka Xbox Infinite
It was probably an Indian as they're all retarded about that kind of thing.
Having worked at Microsoft, I can tell you the "logic" behind it. Some marketing idiot comes up with this "Let's use the word One as a universal branding because we're going to unify Windows and all our products" idea and then they decide to call it the "Xbox One" because its part of this fucktarded new internal marketing initiative.
are you forgetting that their current system on the market alongside the PS4 is the Xbox One
They ruined it with 'Xbox'. I remember when the first one came out, I couldn't decide if it sounded more stupid than 'PlayStation' or not. Zoomers and millenials don't recognize how stupid 'PlayStation' sounds, either, because they grew up with it. I was 17 when PS1 came out and it was like the dumbest fucking name ever. It was obviously Japanese and didn't translate as well as they thought it did. It's so ingrained in us now that non-boomers just accept it since they first learned it when they were too young to judge if something sounded dumb or not. But 'Xbox' was also a stupid name. They're both made by crackheads.
>YOU have the FleXboxability to customise your FleXBox.
Top kek
Honestly this. It had been a suggestion in the past, and I still think it's a good call.
They already did that
X B(ox) O(ne) X
Too bad no amount of re-branding could dispel the XBone moniker
No One is far removed from 4. The confusion from xbox 2 to PS3 does not happen.
>Not called the xboox
what's a good name then?
Xbox Ox
Codename Xbox
What everybody will actually call it: Xbullshit
Diversity Box
Inclusion Box
Our Blacks Box
Black Box sounds cool.
Dilation Station. It just rolls off the tongue.
>why did they name it the xbox 360? that just sounds stupid because it is not the year 360
Xbox Two
Xbox Now
not calling it xbox or at least call it something different in japan so it will sell more than 10 units over there.
they should have had sega licensed their name to it in japan since the OG xbox was basically dreamcast 2 with the sega partnership and all the sega exclusives it had.
Bet you it'll be Xbox Neo
>neo obviously means new
>they probably hope that players might nickname it "The One" because of Neo from the Matrix
>if they want to make an upgraded version they can just add a n to it and call it Xbox Neon
i wouldn't be surprised really
Xbox Ascended
Xbox 10
We welcome the new XboxNigger
Xbox Azure, powered by azure.
just fuckin call it xbox no one is going to accidentally buy OG Xbox titles. They can soft rename the og to xbox classic or something
Just go full circle and call it the Xbox 360.
I would just call it Xbox desu. Put a big X pattern on the top of the box, like the OG Xbox. Problem solved.
You are just edgy
Xbox 360 2
ChuckX: Buckx and cuckx??????
"xbox" They'll be real quirky about it
but what are they gonna call the one after that? Infinity +1?
that's actually pretty smart
blue is playstation's associated color while the xbox's is green and white to an extent
Yeh that, or “The Xbox”
XSlate, b/c it will be a mobile console
After that it'll be the Xbox uno
They wanted it to be called the One as shorthand but Xbone caught on instead to the point they had that Microsoft employee slipping up and calling it that on-stage