What video games do girls you know in real life enjoy playing?

What video games do girls you know in real life enjoy playing?

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They all love Square Enix.

That is not a girl.


>knowing girls in real life

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hmm I stopped all contact with female friends after leaving high school but I remember one of them talking abou

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I don't know any girls in real life

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They all fucking love Zelda

They all love sushi as well, for some strange reason

Fiancé is loving EDF atm. Just finished getting the Platinum on Dark Cloud and Evil Within

it’s plainly a girl doofuses

cheers m8

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Zelda and pokemon

Dead by daylight
League of Legends
Retail WoW
Resident Evil 2 Remake

as in the food? why is this relevant?

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My gf plays Maple Story and Dead Island. Not that actively, but she likes them

Rose is a man. You can just tell how off "she" looks.

JRPGs, especially those with relationship stuff. Building or farming games. Fucking shit like league and overwatch

It's not relevant, but worth mentioning to you virgins.

poor girl, she got fingered in LA by that old creep journo and now she's absolutely ruined

>posting trannies

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who is this >girl

in what way? adrogygnous girls do exist. besides, it’s very hard to get the surgery and hormones to transition in the UK

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They like riding the cock carousel. Does that count as a game?

I’m not a virgin though

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The sims

I like RTS and grand strategy games

My little sister clocked over 40 hours in Hatred. Gifted her Postal Redux recently. Any more edgelord games you could recommend?
My niece used to play HoMM, King's Bounty and Warcraft 3, dunno what she plays now.

>fingering a young boy in the ass to make his shriveled dick cum
Why would someone do this?

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>it’s very hard to get the surgery and hormones to transition in the UK
And yet "she" managed to do this to "her"self. What a clever "girl".

I think Destiny 2 is pretty fun.

clever indeed

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Kingdom Hearts series.
Witcher 3
Dragon Age series

>those saggy fake tits
Nasty. She(he) should have gotten her(him)self some nice fake D cups.

Isn't rose like a 2000-2010 waifu?
Trannies were a meme then lol there were just drag queens taking the piss

I'm a newfag. Was she just another e-thot or was she /ourgirl/, like posting on Yea Forums and shit?

They’re not fake

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rose was on youtube since 2007 but only blew up with this video in 2011

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I like how the original photo still hasn’t been found. even epi was stumped

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If you think that's a guy then Yea Forums has ruined u fren.


my friend is really big into action rpgs
dark souls, bloodborne, sekiro, the witcher, (modded) skyrim
for some reason she hates turn-based rpgs and doesn't like playing things that "look retro", it's very strange
she's 20 and mixed (iranian/white)


What's her newest channel? I remember that i've seen video that she uploaded on this Christmas. But it isn't on roseplaysgames

Dota, Dying Light, Papers Please, Undertail, Bioshock

I'm female and I play everything from MMOs to the sims.
I usually play male characters in MMOs though, I have a cute but rough looking cowboy in red dead online.

>making a PC (a male hobby)
>probably uses it for speedrunning
Definitely a dude. Her cock must be tiny after all that HRT.

>The Sims
>Silent Hill
>Animal Crossing
>Princess Maker and it's clones
>League Of Legend
>Breath Of The Wild (but have not played older Zelda games for some reason?)
>Binding Of Isaac
>Mario Kart

>i'm female
somehow i can't be too sure

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is this real?

It was on her main channel, randytaylor69

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>I'm female
X doubt.

Better to assume I'm a dinosaur then.
I'm leaving the thread now so don't @ me anymore. bye bye

Dwarf Fortress

you know what i believe you now. you seem like the kind of girl who would run an "aesthetic" blog on tumblr and post about all the different flavors of coffee you've tried. i don't like you very much

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My girlfriend only plays mobile games, her favorite is one where you eat things as a shark.
My sister plays Zelda, Smash, Fire Emblem, Octopath, Persona, The Sims, etc.
I play Yea Forumscore like and other indieshit and both my sister and gf think I'm retarded for it

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Ex gf loved God of War, playing Resident Evil co-op games together, Smash Bros and Monkey Ball
She pretended to like Zelda but was dogshit at it and would drop it after 45 mins.
Wife likes shitcraft, Civ V, Overwatch and old snes games and genuinely likes Zelda and will binge play that shit.


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No she isnt

>th-that's not like my anime waifus what the fuck
>tattoo means they might be m-mean to me...


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you should watch/listen to this video user and fall in love with her voice...

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soul calibur and SMT

>zoomers are too obsessed with hunting for trannies to enjoy cute girls

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wow look at that
a wojakposter being dumb

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GF loves Crash Bandicoot & Sonic, that's about all she'll play. Enjoys watching me play Metal Gear Solid & KH games though

>shoes in the house


Only really know one who plays games. Max payne, csgo, witcher, far cry, bethesdashit games. From her steam's most played.

I like Resident Evil 1 2 3 4 and 5
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1 and 2
Dark souls
Metal Gear Rising
Silent Hill 1 2 and 3
Persona 1 2 3 and 4
Devil May Cry 1 2 and 3
Metal Gear Solid 1 2 and 3
Dino Crisis 1 and 2

any source for all these girls names?

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uh I can give you
Katya Lischina
Diana Samoylova
Alexandra Gaier
Ashley Jones

i'm already suffering enough, user.

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Maple Story, Dota and Overwatch

>2 of them russian
what is it about russian girls

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My favorite games are Metroid Prime 2, Pikmin 2, Mother 3, Earthbound, Dark Souls, Dark Souls III, ARMS, Burnout Paradise, and Mega Man 11. A pretty good selection, I'd say.

Sometimes I wonder if she still plays games or enjoys any of the new releases

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Otome games, mostly.

What's wrong with posting about different coffees you've tried?

They suck all the aesthetics out of their men in an annual ceremony

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top middle is miru

1. coffee is disgusting
2. i don't actually have a second point. i fucking hate coffee

skyrim, witcher, fallout 4

i knew one that like the sims

>coffee is disgusting

Having a good life and growing as a person because she is hot which has a knock on effect on confidence and happiness. Many such cases!

When you're older your tastes change, so you may learn to enjoy bitter tastes once you're no longer a teen.

Jokes aside there's a really wide range of coffee flavors, I didn't realize how wide a range of brightness and acidity there was based on bean and roast until a friend brought me to a quality coffee roaster.

Based, fuck addicts

i'm 23 and coffee will never not be disgusting
fuck your bean water
and fuck your nasty leaf water too while i'm on the topic

Kys, kike.

what is this thread about?

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>'hey user wanna come to my house and play Cataclysm: DDA with me? :-)'

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Sorry that sugars and salts have rotted your taste buds away, user.

don't worry, sooner or later you'll HAVE to enjoy coffee. either that or cocaine

Sims and Nintendo games

girls and the games they play
you stated that quite clearly in the OP

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>scene girls don't exist anymore
unironically not worth living

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Rose is based
Zoomers on Yea Forums only like ugly trannies like pic related

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oh sorry, I passed out for a few minutes there from drinking too much coffee

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Surely it will come back

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>a few minutes later, she's getting fucked in the ass by adam sessler

I feel bad for Sue. I wonder if she and Natalie are still buddies.

I would wreck his tight little asshole while gently stroking his dick


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>cute girls
>the Asuka tranny is in there

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this isn’t a thread about trannies

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>In her 30s
>No kids
>Never married
>So fucking desperate for Chad
>Sends nudes
>Based Chad shares em with /g/



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but there's one in the OP?

Age of Empires - used to play that with a friend from university. She also liked Grim Fandango and Monkey Island games.

Unreal Tournament - worked with her, though she lost interest in games as she got older and very, very beautiful

Pathologic - a recent but very valued friend. She also likes flight sims and is trying to get into Terraria.

Sims, most Nintendo shit - another friend from a few years back.

Destiny/Overwatch/Final Fantasy - known her for about twelve years.


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Every woman I've ever met that played non-phone games always played the same ones. Final fantasy, kingdom hearts, sims, mario games. Never met one that liked rts games or non-party fighting games.