Imagine 2D indie games using HD sprites rather than pixel shit.
Imagine 2D indie games using HD sprites rather than pixel shit
I don't have to imagine. That's what makes Vanillaware the best 2D developer right now.
Yeah, imagine.
>tween garbage
>western anime
Now imagine if they mapped that sprite to a series of triangles formed into a mesh that has depth. Then imagine if they used procedural lighting rather than drawing a static reflection for every image.
That looks like dogshit.
at that point you're basically having to make it 3D, like guilty gear.
Is just simpler and easier to draw the sprite.
your mom.
>at that point you're basically having to make it 3D
Aren't you a smart one.
Why post such horrible art to emphasize your point? Go troll somewhere else
well, you're basically saying why don't they make the sprite 3D?
You should stop using terms you don't understand.
I am asking you a serious question right now: do you have autism?
>game uses pixel based sprites
Hurr durr pixel shit
>game uses high resolution sprites
Hurr durr flash game
Good sprite-art is as expensive as medium-fidelity 3D models, and shitton harder to work with. You may not realize this, but those old games with good sprite art were high-budget titles.
Indie games eternally struggle with monetary restrictions, which is why you don't see them using HD 3D models, or high quality sprites, because in the end, they both cost almost the same.
vanillaware is tween flash shit.
not really, just bored.
are you the faggot who made that one GIMP thread on /g/?
please refrain from shilling your art until you actually get good
You mean like Disgaea? Also that sprite in the OP is terrible.
>western anime
Not an argument.
Is this your sprite OP?
You have the art skills of a 10 year old, get better before having opinions on such things.
skullgirls look like drawn by a weeb.
Wasn't that a minimalist pixel grill a day or so ago? Something about gardening. What happened to that?
Looks terrible
testing diferent styles to see which is better.
the 16x16 sprite is good but doesn't look as good as the HD sprite.
>the 16x16 sprite is good but doesn't look as good as the HD sprite
Neither look good
looks good to some anons and me.
did they just steal everything from the enemies?
Vanillaware is total hand drawn animation. It's not flash. And they're actually drawing on ones, which is why their animations look more detailed than other companies. You have no idea what you're talking about.
stop embarassing aggydaggy, cris.
He's only embarrassing himself.
No, just you
should I get on the newer disgaeas? I played the original one on PS2 a long time ago.
>Amateur handdrawn animation
>Amateur sprite animation
>Amateur tweenshit """animation"""
Hyper Soulless.
It doesn't matter what it is, soulless is soulless. But handdrawn stuff is 1 out of 10 of the times better than sprite animation, fact.
>literally 3, THREE, frames used in this entire video is "animation"
Weebs, everyone...
Yeah, they're good.
That wasn't the best example but it's hard finding Disgaea Webms.
nigga souless has lost all its meaning and could mean literally anything depending of the person, as such i have no idea what the fuck are you talking about.
>doesn't look as good
This is more about animations than the actual style, pic related for example have the bare minimum amount of frames per animation to not end up looking too bad, in my opinion.
You should visit /agdp/ on /vg/, they are probably better at explaining these things.
That small pixel grill was cute.
Dude what? Look at those hands, they don't move, they're tweened. Look at her bow and her locks and how they just swing or flop, they're tweened as well. There's absolutely parts that are animated frame by frame but only what's absolutely necessary.
I love Vanillaware's stuff but don't pretend it's something it's not.
Who cares if it means anything, that's how Americans use every word ever.
>it's tweened unless every part of the body moves in every frame!
You're a fucking idiot. Look at his cloak. It's fluttering on every frame. The other parts of his body aren't because if they did, they'd be moving too fast. Animators who have to put movement into every single part of a character end up giving their characters a freaky, uncanney look. Because even in real life, people aren't moving all the time.
You don't understand animation at all.
user you're delusional.
its all pixel sht unless you are gaming in 8k
u still racist cris?
>handdrawn stuff is 1 out of 10 of the times better than sprite animation
What the fuck does this even mean
no, I'm not racist.
you're a self-hating brown man who hates the jews
I like Pixel Art, even the lowres stuff. I think Environmental Station Alpha looks genuinely fantastic.
you're retarded
it's called motion tweening they just put 1 fucking sprite and then put it on an animation curve from one key frame to another to stretch it to make like it moves
it's fucking effortless flash garbage
the studio sucks dick, flask games from newgrounds look better
What is this mexican tenshi?
and yet they dont play better, ya seethe?
nah, those are just memes.
a waifu OC.
that's our other resident weirddev, bokudev. Boku is brown, racist and used to be a trap
we didn't talk about playing, why you switching topics you autismo spaz?
They look like shit, that was the point
It be shilling time? Currently fixing sprites to look not so muted. More to kum uhhh... one of these days.
>it's called motion tweening they just put 1 fucking sprite and then put it on an animation curve from one key frame to another to stretch it to make like it moves
You couldn't make the cloak move like that using this method. They had to animate it by hand. Which the developers have confirmed they did everything in the game by hand.
You're the one who's retarded.
What is this, a trap for ants?
>Is just simpler and easier to draw the sprite.
90% of the time Sprite >>> Handdrawn idiot. Learn2read.
Problem with more detailed sprites is the lack of frames of animation becomes even more obvious since there's less 'movement' due to not having pixel jitter to fall back on. The added detail makes action between frames feel more stiff as a result.
switch port when?
How are they on pc? Heard the ports were trash.
Dragon's Crown does do what you're describing. But only in the dialogue cuscenes, where a static character portrait with be stretched to appear like it's "moving." The in game sprites don't do this. They're entirely hand drawn.
The game also doesn't use Flash at all. And Flash is a stupid meme term used by people who don't understand it. There are actually TV shows and games made in Flash that look good. And people don't know it's Flash because it doesn't look like Wakfu. Flash is just a program. And there are many types of animation done in Flash.
Nah, there's nothing wrong with any of the ports.
All the ports are ok.
>The in game sprites don't do this. They're entirely hand drawn.
They're puppeteered with the bare minimum amount of drawings needed as possible. It's definitely animated in a manner not unlike tweening in Flash/AfterEffects.
That looks abysmal.
Made by you?
Hell yeah, thanks dood.
never change cris
Where do you think you are... nonweebs I swear.
Pack your meme terms back into your bag and fuck off. Literally nobody, apart from you, cares about technicalities when the result looks good. They could do their sprites as 3d models and then render them frame by frame for all i care. In fact most of the 90s pixel shit you probably masturbate over were made that way. I wonder what a seasoned sprite veteran like you has released over the years to shut dissents up. Probably none, because you can only talk out of your ass, dipshit.
Can you use 3D models with animations to create sprites?
didnt that one fighting game use the 3D model to sprites method?
Blazblue sprites begin as 3D models. The future however is honestly Team Red cel shaded 3D models. Just take a gander at the latest Guilty Gear trailer to see how far they've come.
Yes, KoF did this.
holy shit, sometimes i cant even tell if its actually 3D
Yes. The process is called rotoscoping.
>Can you use 3D models with animations to create sprites?
Yes, you can, and many games do that. Ever heard of Xenonauts? They did just that: because due to a bad decision made early into the game, their engine did not suport ANY form of 3D entities, they had to rely entirely on sprites for all animations, which turned out to be an absolute nightmare to actually do. So they made 3D models, animated them, took footage of them from various pre-set angles, then essentially used frames from that animation as sprites in the actual engine. Tedious work-around, but cheaper than switch to a different engine, or hand-animating that shit.
Also, I think doom used physical models they literally made out of clay and captured with a digital camera. I think. I may be completely wrong on that.
Doom was a mix of hand drawn and clay.
doom did use clay models as well as toy guns for their sprites, dont know who did the hand though
That's why I like Sdorica.
this looks like garbage
>They're puppeteered with the bare minimum amount of drawings needed as possible.
No, they're not. They're entirely hand animated. So much so, they had to write complex code to allow for animations to flow correctly into each other without looking like they clip. Because they weren't using the engine to move the characters. They were stringing hundreds of small animations together. Animations done by hand.
Stop claiming shit unless you have a source.
Honestly, sounds like hand animating would have been cheaper than their work around. The issue isn't the cost, but if they had people who could do the hand animation.
It's not. Making a model and downloading basic set of pre-made skeletal animations is cheap as hell, and for low-res images it's good enough, far cheaper/easier than hand-animating even if you have to adjust the animations by hand after.
Stop making threads Cris
this'll help