wtf bros???
Sega censors Yakuza remasters because of the LGBTQ community
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Should've just did what Looney Tunes did
This is old news, sage
Fuck sakes, why are they ruining the fucking industry.
Into the trash it goes.
It makes Kiryu's personality more consistent. You encounter cross dressers in Kiwami and beat the shit out of them and Kiryu says he doesn't give a shit what gets them off sexually, just that they started shit with him.
I have gone from outright marching in support of gay and trans rights to loathing these movements.
Yakuza has always portrayed women & trans people as pretty one dimensional, I'm surprised they haven't removed any substories til now
>m-muh based jap devs don't care about politics
>this was made in in 2016 by Stan Rowberg
You went from outright support to loathing because you couldn't punch a tranny? Who does that sound like?
Most gay people loathe the movement at this point.
It's literally straight tumblrtards fighting for oppression points
How are gays oppressed again?
This is why I told you that yakuza getting big in the west would be bad
but you didnt listen
Okay, what did they change? give it to me straight.
Because I'm getting kinda tired of fucking retarded burgers pulling their shit on my japshit.
>not being complete retards
They never learn, man.
Fuck Sega.
Western release only or all versions?
I know right? White straight men are the true victims of our society.
This is a tranny oppression mission, not a gay oppression mission
You know what they say about the gays. You give them an inch and they'll take 7.
Christians, Muslims, and /pol/fags all want to put gays in concentration camps.
based christians muslins and polfags
I can recall just how great yakuza censorship went the last time, for lesser reasons
fuck em
I honestly think this is the best way to go for this shit. you placate the twitter mob, but you don't anger the censorship autists either
You wanna suckle cock? Fine, that's your right.
You wanna get married to another adult dude? Fine, that's both of your rights as adults.
You wanna cut your dick off? Fine, that's your right.
You wanna call yourself a girl? Fine, that's your right.
You wanna make everyone call you a girl? That's an infringement of their rights.
You wanna make everyone tell you they agree with your lifestyle? That's an infringement of their rights.
This isn't hard.
The censorship autists are always angry
I say they don't go far enough
Now that's a disappointing surprise.
I am willing to be every single one of you don't know what was cut and are just forming a misinformed angry mob, exactly like ResetEra.
The cut content was a few connected substories involving Kiryu being chased by a literal man in a dress and it is implied he is raped if he loses.
Aside from that, the only changes in the collection are
>removal of a Japanese trivia game
>a protag of Y4 needed to get a new face
That does seem to be the best way. Censoring things would surely lead to the new generations forgetting the mistakes we made and repeating them.
You fags forgetting how much shit they cut from the original Yakuza 3? One substory gone is better than several substories, the hostess managing game, hostess clubs, and mahjong.
Its still censorship no matter if its big or small
>a few connected substories involving Kiryu being chased by a literal man in a dress and it is implied he is raped if he loses
that sounds like a lot actually, I expected a few lines of dialogue
at least I'm glad he is not getting ass fucked but it's kinda crazy how trannies get so fucking mad about making fun of men in drag
>I am willing to be every single one of you don't know what was cut and are just forming a misinformed angry mob, exactly like ResetEra.
Oh definitely. This is Catherine: Full Body all over again with people just getting mad.
Removal of one cross dressing character's substories. Replaced some hostesses due to their contracts expiring or something. Beyond that it basically adds in the rest of content that was not present at all in the original western release of Yakuza 3 on PS3, so take your pick.
I think the problem is these games feel too recent to do this.
>Beyond that it basically adds in the rest of content that was not present at all in the original western release of Yakuza 3 on PS3
lol its funny how nobody is talking about this.
It really isn't. Woah, Kiryu doesn't get raped by the tranny, who cares. The developers chose to remove it, likely because getting raped by a man isn't something they think flows with Kiryu's character.
yeah it's a lot easier to say "sorry we didn't know better" for stuff that's 70 years old than for stuff that's 10 years old
>Beyond that it basically adds in the rest of content that was not present at all in the original western release of Yakuza 3 on PS3, so take your pick.
well at least that's something
if this were 2014 they may have not included the hostesses at all
>Beyond that it basically adds in the rest of content that was not present at all in the original western release of Yakuza 3 on PS3, so take your pick.
What are my picks exactly? Play the original western release with the least amount of content, or play this remaster with some of the cut content restored, right?
that's beside the point, imbecile
>Cut content to appeal to people who don't buy your game
>Lose sales from people who do buy your game
Gets me every time.
Right, the point is that you niggers want to cry censorship because you cant get raped by a tranny.
>The guy who wrote this is dead or retired vs The guy who wrote this is now the boss
How did it all change so drastically in just one decade?
I remember when gays weren't obnoxious faggots and trannies were mocked instead of being tyrannical weirdos that everyone listens to.
Play the remaster and watch the cut sidestory on Youtube.
That doesn't make it better. A remaster is supposed to be a definitive version that runs and possibly looks better than the original. Now other things get cut, so there is no point to the remaster, the one complete version is the Japanese PS3 game.
People actually care about this?
this is about censorship, not cut content
>so there is no point to the remaster
So you're not buying the definitive edition because you can't get raped by a tranny.
So you're okay with them giving into SJWs?. That's good to know.
who actually, genuinely, seriously, unironically gives a shit?
fucking tourists
it's literally ok when japan does it
>definitive edition
>missing content
And I just explained it. Guess I have nobody but myself to blame for falling for bait.
Makes you wonder what's gonna happen in the next decade and after
>devs decide to remove something
Tell me how that's different from content being cut.
>Japan will never do that
>it's okay when Japan does it
>missing content
>Said content is you getting raped by a tranny
I didnt know you were so passionate about trans rights. Hey if you want to be a retard and boycott Yakuza be my guest.
>devs decide to remove something due to fear of SJW backlash
>not censorship
okay retard
content cut to make a deadline isn't censorship. Content that would constantly crash or wasn't finished etc.
content that some nigger with pink and red hair would get mad about who also doesn't own any consoles getting content cut is censorship.
Sid / Poison is censorship in final fight.
I'm muslim and I don't want to put gays in concentration camps.
You forgot to add they added new content to western release of Y3 that wasn't available before.
Pedo and dog fucker acceptance
That has always been the endgame
That doesn't work if you're trying to maximize profits.
Hey! Who put the goalpost here? Someone move it back where it belongs.
Yea Forums now thinks that the game will bomb because they've lost their core audience - people who want to get raped by trannies.
>muh based jap that doesnt cuck themselves due to sjw pressure
I'm glad they added cut content, but there was absolutely no reason to remove the mockery of mentally ill trannies.
> Yakuza 3
> recent
No, it's not in any way. Literally PS2 game with "lol we can do nextgen faces and loads of NPCs". Y4, on the other hand, is much closer to modern standards.
You're a retard.
Is it on ps4?
That's not moving a goalpost, that's someone just being doubtful of a retarded post. Learn English please.
why do keep downplaying the cut content like that? It's a side story with several missions, right?
I'm pretty sure the twitter folk praised the tom and jerry releases for that warning when it came out
Okay, what is the point?
It's like one fucking substory, out of 122. A 5 minute long joke. There were far more interesting and relevant substories cut in the original release.
Are you really this dense?
You guys are going to buy this SJW cuck game? Or are you going to boycott it and be real gamers?
This is being done with the intent of controlling what people think.
what happened wth Catherine?
guess what user, people praising something or whining about it means literally nothing when it comes to how much money it makes.
it's a character involved with about 3 sidequests
Old fucking news, also Yakuza 3 de-censored the shit that was cut off the Ps3 western version.
Kill yourself, you miserable bait faggot piece of shit.
>It's a side story with several missions, right?
Why are you asking me? You guys know what the cut content is right? You guys ARE aware about what you're whining about, right?
Hopefully some sort of solar flare destroys the internet and sends us back to the middle ages.
The happy ending for the game had the tranny character never developing a mental illness and living a happy life as a man.
This news came out during the japanese release.
The massage parlour girl in Yakuza 3 is transgender so having Kiryu outrun a cross dresser is weird and kinda fucked up.
No it didn't
I'll just go ahead and skip this one then.
It's 3 subquests.
The point is there was absolutely no reason to remove them. The point is Japan is giving into the SJWs, but I guess it's okay when Yakuza does it.
This but unironically
So it is more than just "getting raped by a tranny"
thanks for confirming you were just trying to downplay the censorship. retard.
i could've sworn 0/kiwa 1-2 had some tranny joke in their game tho.
Ehh, I've got all the Yakuza games on Steam, I'll probably pirate this one.
Kiwami had you beat up cross dressers but Kiryu said he gives 0 fucks what they're into and only kicked their asses because they started shit with him.
Call me when there's a physical release of the collection (hell, if they went the extra mile and put all of them in one collection, even better)
space is too precious on my ps4 harddrive for three of these games
Seriously, I'm a straight white man myself and I fucking cringe when I see you guys playing the victim like this. I'm not oppressed, I'm the opposite, and so are you but you have such a victim mindset that you have to somehow make up this narrative that you're oppressed despite belonging to the most privileged and wealthy group of all time.
calm down tranny
You forgot to tell me to cope and dilate
The franchise about crime drama is afraid of hurting feefees
More like Yacuckza
If this was over a Western game then everyone would be losing their shit. Once again, it's okay when Japan does it.
So what did 3 do that was so bad?
we are if we have to share it with you.
Then you're not really Muslim.
If only you could read the thread
No, we'd like for things to go back to "when people didn't care what you did behind closed doors" and "behaved like civilized people in public".
Sorry, 3 identical substories. It's also more likely that the producer, Nagoshi, is good friends with a trans, they even appeared in Yakuza 3. He probably saw the joke in poor taste and had it removed. It's super fucking minor and the shit they cut from the original release is far worse, so I'm still failing to see the issue here. But I guess that won't stop shitposters from recommending the PS3 version of 3 since it still has the tranny chase sequence, never mind the other missing content.
But I'm a white man. I'm just not a perpetual victim like you fags. Its probably because I'm gay so I have some perspective and dont constantly cry about "muh white men are the real victims" like this retard.
Ironically most of the most vocal gays whining about being oppressed are white dudes and white women.
Everyone else just kind of accepts it (mainly because the people oppressing them are usually the same race as them and they won't get pity points for complaining about being oppressed by people who aren't white).
It's pretty safe to say that it's all over for Japan. They're gonna go full SJW forever and will never come back. Time to surrender Japanese gaming to SJWs. It's funeral time for jap culture.
Ion Fury autists descending on another game like flies to shit?
It's still not good imagery when transwomen are attacked so often nowadays, especially black transwomen. I don't want to trigger any /pol/tards so I won't mention specifics but something happening in the last few years has led to increased attacks on vulnerable minority groups and as such I can understand SEGA not wanting to have content that can evoke imagery of such attacks in their product.
Its 3 short sidequests out of several sidequests in the game, and of these sidequests they even have actual cutscenes when you complete them compared to some in Yakuza 3. That's not even getting into the fact that Yakuza 3 now runs at 1080p 60fps and content cut from the original western release added into it, making it essentially the definitive version.
If it bothers you so much, just play the original PS3 release or look up the Michiru substories on youtube.
I'm disappointed they removed it, but hey everyone is a big pussy nowadays so whatever.
That's good, now I can recommend these games to my friends without feeling embarassed. imagine them getting to the transphopic or homophobic jokes and thinking less of me for liking a series that has this kind of immature bullshit in it.
Pretty sure they announced one.
You mean you want to go back to a time before you lost the marriage debate and you dont have to chimp out at two men holding hands in the street.
The people that would get "offended" by this content do not play video games. They just get mad about them on twitter.
We should all be writing our eulogies to Japan ITT. They will be SJW country forever.
Oh hey, I'm a black man and I also hate gays.
Thankfully once we get rid of retarded white guys we can go back to oppressing you like you genuinely deserve.
Ah, how do you do, (((fellow white man)))?
Yeah, no one honestly buys your narrative anymore. SJWs play along to fit in, unpozzed whites can look around and quite clearly see what's happening, and generation Zyklon looks about ready to perp walk your kosher asses right into the gas chambers.
>The people that would get "offended" by this content do not play video games
You mean Yea Forums?
>it's fine because they added more subquests
that's not the point you fucking idiots
the point is they're giving in to these mentally ill faggots
why is it only bad when the West does it
Japanese gaming is cancelled. Now both western and jap games will cuck to SJW forever.
oh? source? if it's going to be a limited run or something, I wanna be sure to get in early. thanks for the heads up though
Can we take this as an implicit statement that SEGA condones all the content they didn't censor?
Like when Kiryuu bought a child some pornography, does SEGA condone that?
lol I think you black men have a pretty busy job killing each other before you move onto us fags.
>the point is they're giving in to these mentally ill faggots
Oh yeah the point is that who cares about video games, lets just REEEEEEEEE about SJWs. Fucking retards.
Dude we're writing our eulogies to jap gaming right now. SJWs already won and have the crown to all gaming forever.
I don't really see what religion has to do with this. I'm not Jewish, I'm an atheist, but even if I was then it wouldn't make my post wrong just because I'd belong to a religious group you /pol/ards irrationally despise.
>lol I think you black men have a pretty busy job killing each other before you move onto us fags.
Thank god for muslims and aids then
They literally said they removed it so they don't hurt tumbler feelings. I doubt it was a personal decision by Nagoshi. That sounds like a cope excuse on your part.
>the point is they're giving in to these mentally ill faggots
imagine living in a world where you're persecuted (and sometimes murdered) for being below 6 feet tall and/or over 200 pounds. you'd be singing a real different tune right now.
We all get fucked by climate change that doesn't exist.
>Oh yeah the point is that who cares about video games
You mean the video games that are currently being censored because of the SJWs?
But yeah lets just ignore it, that always solves a problem. Fucking impotent faggot.
>lol I think you black men have a pretty busy job killing each other
You're right, we know how to take out the gay trash in our community, don't worry, we'll have plenty of time for you too :^)
Best part is, we don't really need to do anything, once we control the police it'll be the natural outcome.
t. tranny
>They literally said they removed it so they don't hurt tumbler feelings.
Somehow I doubt they said "We removed it so we don't hurt Tumblr feelings"
You fags sound like twitter culture warriors.
okay tranny
>You wanna get married to another adult dude? >Fine, that's both of your rights as adults.
Marriage is a religious event between a man and a woman, retard. Degenerates should only get the benefits of marriage and equality it provides under the law, not the act of marriage itself.
>You mean the video games that are currently being censored because of the SJWs?
If you're not buying this game because of the tranny shit being cut despite the other content bein included, then congrats, you are a huge sperg and clearly not a real Yakuza fan. Just some dipshit on Yea Forums who whines about muh SJWs.
lmao Yakuza fans can't take any sort of criticism - they're even letting this blatant censorship slide
At any case, the SJW won. Both the west and Japan will cater to them now until forever, because the majority of the population is leftist and SJW stuff makes literal billions.
Yakuza trannies always go full damage control to defend and shill their rehashed trash.
>Marriage is a religious event between a man and a woman, retard.
lol you lost this debate already, dummy. If that were true then why were atheists allowed to get the act of marriage?
maybe read an article about it retard
Just admit you were lying you faggot. Way to use "literally" like a teenage girl.
Holy Christ what a gay thread. I'd be amazed if half you whiners even played Yakuza 3.
Religion has been completely infiltrated and subverted by freemasons.
Yakuza trannies BTFO. We always hated that shitty series but tranny raids changed perception of it.
>If you care about this series's quality and don't just mindlessly throw money at companies then you're not a REAL fan!
You mean I'm not a drone, I actually care about Yakuza, and video games as a whole, which is why I will never support censored products.
Being a drone is slurping down whatever localizors/devs/etc shit in front of you does not make you a "real fan" it makes you a "mindless drone".
Have some self awareness.
>collectible Yakuza 5 ps3 case
that's weird. what's the point of that, really?
okay tranny
Does the fucking lgbtq community even play these games or games in general
What the hell
10 years is not enough time to pull the "this is what was considered okay at the time" card. It would be near universally mocked.
lurk moar
Japan is now full SJW. We can never change them back ever again. It's sad but we have to let them go. Forever.
I guess white men aren't the master race then, lmao
Yes its clear that the people crying about the removal of tranny rape are people who really care about the Yakuza series.
>which is why I will never support censored products.
lol good luck with that kiddo. Because what you just told me was "I have never played a Yakuza western release game"
Why don't look through one of the billions of Christian sects and find one that does want you want?
Thanks Martin Luther
Kiwami turned one of the hostess into a dyke in the localization but these fags still damage control it, lmao.
If it's done to appease some moral or political aim, then it's censorship
Yea Forums never liked Yakuza, it was the discord trannies forcing that series!
another for the pirate list if censorship has done anything it's made me go back to piracy
>Yakuza fans heavily defending RGG Studios giving into the LGBTQ community
You faggots are the worst. Can never have a Shenmue or Sleeping Dogs thread without you retards shitting them up. It all makes sense now.
that's beside the point, it's like reading your old writing/essays/homework and cringe because you've grown as a person since then. so when you have the opportunity to change it, people take it.
They are though. They're the same people who bought Ion Fury, didn't even play it for a whole half hour, and left a negative review.
You're talking about having self awareness, while you're forgetting to the great lengths Yakuza 3 had content removed in the original Western release?
People actually like Sleeping Dogs? That game was shit.
>I guess white men aren't the master race then, lmao
You literally have no idea what to think or say, so you default to "white men" and "master race". Interesting. You are underaged, yes?
yes! only true fans continue to purchase product instead of caring about the quality of said product!
Better than Yakuza 6 at least.
Fucking this. I really hate that they change this shit and pretend it never happened. It's valuable to measure our change as a society and to preserve art the way it was intended. If they want to add an option in the settings to enable the original and have the censor by default, fine whatever, but don't remove shit from the game completely.
>They are though.
So prove it. Prove they literally said "they removed it so they don't hurt tumbler feelings."
But you wont, because you cant.
Half the people in this thread dont even know what was cut, they're just eager to cry about muh censorship.
>then you're not a REAL fan!
When people say this, they're obliviously saying that you're not a real fanatic. Which is a good thing, because fanaticism implies irrationality.
He wants to throw them off roofs. Saves a lot of money. Just need to pay the guys throwing and someone to redo the concrete below.
>Yes its clear that the people crying about the removal of tranny rape are people who really care about the Yakuza series.
I understand losers like you without any principles might have trouble understanding this, but it's not about the context (transwhatever) it's about the principle of censoring in and of itself.
It's about the underlying issue, not the quest in particular, it could have been ANY quest, and it would deserve the same scorn for censoring.
>You're talking about having self awareness, while you're forgetting to the great lengths Yakuza 3 had content removed in the original Western release?
Am I forgetting or are you just under the weird assumption that if they did it in the past that makes it somehow okay? I think it's the latter, and it's not true.
I think once sexuality and gender is pretty much done at that point and focus would shift to human augmentation and potentially AI.
>They're the same people who bought Ion Fury,
The same talking points parroted in those threads are being spammed here, it's 100% the same gaggle of faggots.
>muh slippery slope
lmao dude
>I have no rebuttable
A cure for transexuals.
They weren't wrong then and they aren't wrong today.
All this tells me is that you're in Ion Fury threads whining about trannies.
You niggers have zero self awareness, do you? Thanks for shitting up Yakuza threads for the near future, you fake-ass fans.
The outrage mob don't buy videogames
And they sure as shit don't buy Japanese movie games on pc when they can buy western movie games on ps4 instead.
Your slippery slope argument doesn't work here because Yakuza games in the west have gotten LESS censored, not more.
>The outrage mob don't buy videogames
This applies to Yea Forums too.
>I am willing to be every single one of you don't know what was cut
It doesn't matter what was cut, it is unacceptable whatever it is.
If they removed it because they felt the result of Kiryu getting assraped if caught by the tranny to be of poor taste, then so be it. However they're saying they removed it because they didn't want to hurt the feelings of the LGBTQBBQ community. That's just weak.
So when this game sells will it be quietly memory holed like Mortal Kombat 11?
The last Yakuza 3 western release was more heavily censored, retard.
It's unfortunate that you can't separate 3 from the collection. If you want 4 and 5 physically you have to buy 3 as well.
I'm on your side you fuckstick. That post was agreeing with you saying the autists shitting on Ion Fury for cucking out are the same ones shitting on Yakuza for this.
Get some reading comprehension.
I'll just get married by a ULC priest, then.
It's always bad when things get big in the west. Look at 2010s era Capcom. I fear for dragon quest like you wouldnt believe after all these smash mouth breathers found it. Final Fantasy is shit because it is the normalfag JRPG that westerners like so they have to design for retards
You are a fucking retard. Did you say that when people were concerned about pedophilia being advocated for?
what did you expect from a series with a cuck protag?
So you don't know either?
I'm playing it right now, but I am disappointed in their reasoning for removing Mitsuri or whatever the tranny's name was.
t. /pol/tard who has never touched Yakuza
>the LGBTQ community
who are these fucking humorless boogeymen that keep claiming to represent "us"?
Kill yourself pussy
Go dilate you tranny circus freak
So do you belong there queer
Little nips must bow down to the LGBT overlords. Weak men of Asia. =D Fight back you little bitches...
>15 years later
>"Dude remember when Sony used to make consoles"
>"Yeah I also remember that they tried to kill the industry with censorship and anti-consumer shit"
>"Oh yeah almost forgot about that, they even went third party lol. What was the last game they made anyway?"
>"I don't even know lol."
>" Hey, you down to play some senran kagura jiggle mayhem X?*
>"Yeah dude let's go!"
>"Then we can play Yakuza 11"
okay newfag
it's to appease collection autists because the original release of 5 had to be digital-only because gearbox fucked Sega over
this, what the fuck is wrong with them
nice reddit spacing, newfag
thanks babe. that wasn't so hard, was it?
It doesn't exist in a vacuum and there's no reason it can't get worse again.
Way to dodge the point though because you know you're wrong.
>didn't get invited to the weekly LGBTQAIZ+ meeting where we decide which gamers to oppress
>Way to dodge the point though because you know you're wrong.
Like you just dodged how the games are being less censored over time lol
5 didn't have a physical release in the US, remember? It's just for collectorfags who want to display the entire PS3 collection.
pic is literally you in 10 years. start changing now to save yourself the embarassment in the long run.
So what should I get then if I want to complete the series going forward? Both 4 & 5 on PS3? I’m gonna get 3 on PS4 regardless, cause the PS3 version cut a shitload of content too, has a fucked localization, and is like $50 on top of that without a digital avenue for me to buy from.
>Mortal Kombat 11?
Mortal Kombat sells because all mortal kombat games sell
the new game has like 5 different currencies a grind that rival most mobile gacha games always online drm and a thousands of color pallet swaps to grind for MK is EA tier now
I wonder what will get cut from remasters of games today when the next oppressed group makes their voices heard.
What blows my mind is it was removed in the Jap version too.
trannies, straight white women and their pet gay friend femme faggot
I was replying to that anons post when he said
>You fags sound like twitter culture warriors.
>"We removed it so we dont hurt Tumblr feelings"
I could only find them saying they changed it to reflect Japan's current social atmosphere. Nothing about tumblr.
Yakuza has been meddled with far less over the years than during the era of the first 3 games. We're at a point where the games are basically the same as their Japanese counterparts, western releases are launching closer to their Japanese counterparts, and even Japanese songs are finally appearing in the western releases.
Now there's a way for this thread to improve.
>and there's no reason it can't get worse again.
But it literally got better right now? We're getting all the content that was originally censored other than this tranny substory. It's a net gain, OBJECTIVELY better.
>Like you just dodged how the games are being less censored over time lol
They wouldn't be censored period if you put your foot down to begin with.
>Well our masters don't beat us as much as last year, so I think it's all good
Get them all on PS4, they run at 60 FPS and you don't want to experience the hell that is Saejima's city at sub 15 FPS on PS3.
Nips are pathetic fucks who all is gonna suck that SJW cock and love it forever :/ Theyll never gonna fight back...
You shouldn't be happy they handed you a shit deal to begin with and now offer a slightly shit deal.
>So when this game sells will it be quietly memory holed like Mortal Kombat 11?
Except this game already made all its money before it went woke.
>He probably saw the joke in poor taste and had it removed
I don't believe that for a second considering he left in beating the shit out of a tranny in K1.
The internet becoming so mainstream means that culture can change extremely quickly.
Dude just stop, you already got proven wrong. The games are less censored now than they have been. Your slippery slope argument flopped.
>muh japanese are SJW
Sega is just pandering to the western market aka pozland,every major company that sells internationally has to pander to the filth.
>Japan is now SJW
It's over.
What happens when other devs see Yakuza removing trans shit and they do it themselves using it as justification?
Why are you replying to a post you clearly did not read.
You never understood the point to begin with if you believe that. No wonder you're pro-censorship, need everything to be clean for that smooth brain of yours.
>Yakuzafags are also furshits
How embarrasing,
Despite Yakuza is being a good game it's always had an abysmal fanbase.
In fact it's fanbase is along the lines of Undertale or Danganronpa, which is weird considering how different it is from those series, but it's sadly true.
Japan will be SJW forever. Its time to make a funeral for them and accept that they'll never not be SJW ever again.
Literally everyone in Japan is SJW now, see Japan is now universally leftists.
I just bought the collection yesterday and Judgement before that, you fucking mook. I don't give a shit if they censored before, it doesn't justify it now nor did it ever justify censoring this type of stuff in the first place. You're just a pussy just like whoever made these decisions because they were afraid the west wouldn't like trannies being portrayed as freaks (fictionally). Bad for sales, I guess? Can't resist the 0.0001% of the population to cash out on.
Fuck off discord tranny, Yea Forums never liked yakuredditza
Are you gonna write a eulogy for Japan? Thats what were all doing! They will be SJW forever...
Imagine being this level of SEETHE
Is he admiting the original game was insulting or somehow making fun of the LGBT?
>What happens when other devs see Yakuza removing trans shit and they do it themselves using it as justification?
Entirely conjecture on your part, they might as well have seen the good reception on the restoration of everything else as a positive.
Not anymore because you fags are shitting up a storm about it though while ignoring everything else we gained
>The fanbase that plays a game where they self insert into a man raising another man's child are cuckolds that support censorship
Is...anyone surprised?
You dont have to rub your forever victory in our face. We know Japan will forever pander to SJW and the japanese population will eat it up no problem. Japenese has no masculine people and they have no will to fight back.
Haven't we already known about this for about a year now? The only thing that got changed was one sidequest from Y3 if I remember correctly.
>Entirely conjecture on your part
I literally just posted a developer giving first hand experience has to how censorship is justified and pushed. You didn't even read it yet you reply anyone, because you, like everyone else okay with this, are drooling fucking retards.
it's weird yakuza 0? or kiwami? has like some tranny fighting but the trannies are removed in y3-y5
It's also part of Japanese culture now to be more sensitive to these issues and not just take the LGBTQ comunity as a joke like they used to. I know equality seems like oppression to you.
So? What's the problem? The originals are still there, go play those if you want.
How is improving outdated views any different from updating outdated game mechanics?
So 3 substories being cut out of around 120 substories in the game makes Yakuza 3 and Japan SJW now? Nevermind that these games are still niche as hell and still have massage parlors and hostess clubs?
These aren't even the same situations you mongoloid. Your argument is still a slippery slope where there is none.
You're still supporting censorship.
I wonder who could be behind this!
You don't know what that word means.
Being able to joke about (x) but not (y) is the opposite of equality.
If they win we all lose.
Can confirm, my sister is japanese and she's full SJW. Hi SJW Nihon no jidai wa owarimashita.
Pretty sure the main reason they removed the tranny is because of the heavily implied assraping Kiryu gets for failing the chase. They probably didn't want the headache of modern pussified Japan and West up their asses over a quick remaster. At least this is how I'm looking at it from their point of view. Articles like OP's like to embellish such statements for clicks.
I'm happy we got less censorship, I would be even more if we got none. Progress isn't made in a day.
they need some samurai to scare off the jews making them do this
They already win. We are all suffering and mourning our eternal loss.
All modern nips are fucking basedboys who will never fight back against the SJW shit infecting their country. After 2020 olympics it will all be over for them and we can finally put them down like a sick dog.
>white male victimhood because of Internet blogs
How fucking pathetic. Kill yourself or shoot up a mosque already.
t. white male
>yo Abe-san, how about you tell them Sega guys to remove that side quest where you get raped by a crossdresser in Yakuza when they make the remastered edition in 5 years
It's really obvious if you think about it
Lmao, now weeabo shit is fucked too.
Yea Forums has to knee-jerk react to everything.
And that’s a bad thing?
Sure let me just go cut my dick off
>Thank you so much for only hitting me 5 times this week as opposed to 6 times like last week, here's my money, thank you so much
Or maybe just don't let people hit you to begin with and have some self respect.
Samurais dont exist in current year. All modern nips eat 99% onions all day.
t. Someone who vsiited japan over summer
>Having any balls to stand up to anything or anyone
Good joke.
Y..yeah user, when I didn't get a job because I'm white that was just silly blogs, h-hah.