Now that the dust has settled, who got BTFO the hardest?
Now that the dust has settled, who got BTFO the hardest?
I don't think anyone actually thought the fucking Grinch was going to be a character.
>Got Ken and Banjo in
>Wasted months shitposting against Banjo only for it to be completely pointless
>Is now a complete joke in smash threads
I will say that only Steveposting was okay but when discord got a hold of it was the moment it lost its spark, but honestly speaking if anyone got BTFO then it was Plantfags when DQ heroes got in.
believe it or not, there actually were people out there who didn't bother looking further in and legit thought that the leak was that the grinch himself was to be a fighter
Steve posting BTFO of Yea Forums before Banjo got revealed.
After Banjo got revealed Yea Forums was STILL seething about the steve posting
steve didn't get BTFO no matter how many times you say it to yourself OP
still 2 DLC slots left
oh no no no look at him go
A moment to look back at all of the OC that was wasted.
>banjo is still in
That's okay
>every character in the grinch leak is in the game in some form
Besides, it was wonderful to see how many people were losing their shit over it, even if it proven to be overall false for fighters and DLC.
>Shill pick blows out entire rosterfag library.
>Only went on for about a week though as far as discussion, a short lived scuffle.
>Missed one (Banjo)
>Went on for the better portion of a year
>Rosterfag pick blows out shill pick.
Whether or not Steveposters wanted him or not, they all at least thought that Steve would get in over Banjo, which counts as getting btfo. Incineroar has the higher body count but I'm going to hand it to Stevefags for dragging it out for so long and walking away with literally nothing. Grinchfags at least got Banjo in the end.
are you sure they were serious about it?
the grinch leak was grinch leak because legit grinch promotional material leaked together with smash "leak"
I didnt lose my shit but i was a believer... mostly because of how fucking convenient all the nintendo bootlicker youtubers just went fucking quiet instead of talking about the leaks like they usually do. Either nothing or just a quick tweet about how its false. Nothing else. Was real fucking fishy.
Then i apologized and was still called a fag and to kill myself... Good times.
Grinch got blown the fuck out. In the end, it was the insders who leaked Banjo. And Steve can still get in.
>Watching Death Battle in 2019
Yikes, grow up
Grinchfags have pretty much been completely rectified at this point. The main Grinch character was Banjo, who's now in, plus Ken. The only missing ingredient is Isaac.
Stevefags on the other don't actually even exit, it was just ironic shitposting. t. stevefag
>Grinchfags have pretty much been completely rectified at this point.
How? One of the biggest drivers behind Grinchposting was to shit on insiders for being wrong. Grinchfags ended up losing hard and now people believe in insiders more than ever.
Literally explained in the next sentence, illiterate nigger.
It isn't at all. You're missing the entire point of Grinchposting, which was to shit on insiders and their leaked character. Learn to read, retard.
>People unironically believing a “leak” that catered to their wildest hopes and dreams
>Memelords posting an ugly Steve model ironically
Gee I wonder.
>be Grinchies
>believe in your gay leak with all your heart because it confirms some of your never evers
>people with more than two braincells easily debunk it by pointing out it contradicts everything Sakurai said up until that point
>b-b-b-but muh circumstantial evidence! You're a retard if you believe in the Grinch!
>final Smash Direct rolls around
>What a fucking surprise, the Grinch leak turned out to be fake
>Grinchies get rightfully made fun of
>E3 comes around
>Banjo gets confirmed
>Grinchies celebrate as if that proves them right
I even had a Grinchie claim AFTER they lost that people who didn't fall for the leak were retarded. Banjo getting in doesn't invalidate the fact that the leak was fake and that you retards fell for it and shitposted hard against those who didn't fall for it.
>E3 comes around
>Insiders claim Banjo is in
>Grinchfags try to claim Banjo being confirmed validates them
why are grinchies so retarded lmao
Grinch also got Ken.
Ken was leaked by insiders first. Then Ken appeared in a picture leak. Grinch didn't leak shit.
the nazis
Steve. Banjo was the face of the Grinch leak as far as the characters go, and was the character Stevefags specifically chose to single out, most people were hyped about Banjo’s inclusion in the leak, so once he got in I was satisfied and let go of all the lingering Grinch salt I was holding onto. I’d love to see Geno in too but I’m satisfied with Banjo.
>W-well we got two slots left... M-maybe Steve will be one of those
How the mighty have fallen.
I know it was fake, but the Grinch had the only fun smash threads on Yea Forums, nothing else can compare
The face of the Grinch leak was the Grinch himself shitting on insiders. Retard.
>Grinch leak comes out
>Yea Forums became a circlejerk that was obsessed over what retards on Reddit, Twitter and Resetera say
nothing changed
Yep, the biggest winner in all the roster-warring were the insiders.
The insiders winning the war with Incineroar, Ken, Banjo and Hero is why Grinchfags will forever remain blown the fuck out in my head.
I wouldn't be surprised if we go full circle and insiders start backing Steve next.
Better than autistic headcannon threads and dumping softcore pornography
The headcannon shit came later.