Why do people consider this the most disappointing game ever made?
Why do people consider this the most disappointing game ever made?
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Because MGSV hadn't come out yet.
or Mass Effect 3
You know the answer but wanted a Spore thread. Why is it so hard for you people to be honest?
devs of Zeno Clash 1-2 are making their own Spore-like, looks great so far
When I was a kid, like 8 or 9 years old this game was really enjoyable. This game and Operation Genesis were my childhood.
I imagine unlike JPOG it would not withstand the test of time, however.
Why hasn't someone made it yet though? It's out there for the taking if someone grabs the same concept and expands on it.
I don't think Eternal Cylinder will really be much like Spore but it definitely looks super weird and interesting
It could have been great
I look back on my old spore profile an reminisce in the creatures that I made when I was 12.
May the great Benny empire rise again to rule the galaxy.
it's not easy making a game like that
maybe not exactly but it's pretty close
all of the mutations and stuff stack so you evolve in a way, lots of weird combinations and stuff
based reminder
My nigga
I used to play that shit on the OG Xbox
Have you ever played it past tribal stage? Also, each stage is woefully short. I would enjoy being able to fine-tune evolution in the stages prior to tribal quite a bit more. Tackling those apex creatures would be much more satisfying, and the potential forms you could develop are fairly plentiful.
wow I really like the creature flavor text
>exclusively via the Epic Store at Launch
Give it to some competent developers with an actual budget behind it. No Man's Sky had the concept, but it was just a shit indie team with barely any funding.
Jesus fuck that's bad, that's a whole new level of cut content
Wait what the fuck this is gonna be a full game now? I was so let down when the announcement they were building up to was just rock of ages 3, I never bothered to check back afterwards.
yeah bro, I never knew it was a prototype from a few years ago either, glad it's being made