only people with +10 intelligence can post
Other urls found in this thread:
>Be magic user
>Learn the secrets of the universe, turn creation into putty on your hands
>Be warriors
>Learn to swing a lump of metal, maybe learn to swing it harder or faster,
fuck off nerd this is a STR subreddit
>Be anti-wizard
>Cast null magic
>My orc friends have their way with your frail ass
That's the max charisma build
magic is always OP so idk if that could be considered factual though
I have an IQ of 140 and always pick magic
>magic user
Be the slave of the archmage for decades only to be taught third rate spells
>warrior chad
Gain power through countless battles and get taught cool ass moves by a badass old mercenary
Inquisitors are also anti-magic because God doesn't approve of that shit
Forgot pic
Fuck you
Add to that how an old mercenary teaching the young ones makes no sense because they're mercenaries.
>As an old man you're going on a downwards spiral, your experience and knowledge being the only tools you have to keep it up with younger, stronger competitors.
>Teaching a young man would be giving away the only thing that keeps you in the game
>he doesnt have a faith based build
Truly truly I say to you, your build is shit and a heresy against the Father
>the virgin mage
>the brad warrior
>the CHAD spellsword
>raise the dead
>necromancers are evil
>resurect the dead
>clerics get 10 pussies a day
Not any less headcanon than "be taught cool ass moves by an old mercenary" except mine makes sense
>not taking pride in passing your skills on to a worthy successor/son
>implying this person won't kick anyone's ass who is fucking with you
>teaming up for harder jobs and putting double beat down on niggers and gooks
It's as heretical as magic
Wizards are fat nerds, Sorcerers rule!
Shut the fuck up
They're mercenaries, not a band of medieval LARPers.
They're fighting, killing and dying to put food on their plates. They have no retirement system or healthcare. They have no reason to cheapen their marketable skills by teaching them to the first faggot that joins their group.
Name a single video game where magic is more fun than melee. Just 1(ONE). I'll wait.
warriors have built orders of people for ages
the primary reason being for warfare. when you are accepted into these groups, you are taught/trained so you can fight for the group/your countrymen.
Currently playing a Minotaur Paladin (oath of the ancients) who was banished from the communist Minotaur society after they couldn't break his faith in their re-education camps, said faith having appeared seemingly out of nowhere at a very young age.
He eventually settled next to a small river flowing down a desert canyon, where over the years he would live as a hermit and cultivate an oasis with a self-sustaining ecosystem. Because of the fact that he was thrown into re-education from the age of 10 to 18, and living as a hermit ever after, he is absolutely oblivious to etiquette and social expectations.
He's a good guy and a strong, self-reliant fighter. He's just socially retarded. I like this character a lot tbf.
Charisma & Strenght team represent.
does he eat grass?
Obviously a game where magic is the only thing you can do is cheating, you dumb cheater.
Fists > anything
That's very different: those are formal and semi-formal military organizations supported by the state, not mercenary groups.
That faggot never talked about joining such an organization, but to be a wandering sword for hire.
For years his diet has mostly consisted of whatever he cultivated/could catch in his oasis: Fruits and vegetables, small fish, and whatever traders would give him in charity for allowing them to stay the night over, the latter being where he got most of the meat in his diet.
That was his plan with the place, to create an island of comfort in the vast desert wastes for traders and travellers who travelled the region back and forth.
Heavy armor, thin neck and demure face. Doesn't add up.
Plate isn't heavy when worn.
Sounds neat, user. I've had an idea brewing for the past couple days about a Warforged Warlock, but I'm not sure how I would go about it exactly for a background.
He shouldn't be too strong given that for most of his life he didn't have much protein intake and in general had very little to eat. Wiry but weak for a minotaur.
I'd get him lower strenght but he rolled a bloody 18 on that
I (try) to justify it by having written into his story that his setup was pretty damn popular amongst traders and caravans, who'd donate him non-local foodstuffs such as meat for allowing them to stay, which provided him with a decent source of meat. I also forgot to mention he had a chicken coop (chickens provided by merchants), and that their eggs helped to uplift his protein intake. Seems reasonably since chickens will eat fucking anything you give them and are rather easy to keep.
He also has three beehives which help polinate the many flowers in his oasis.
any wizard who gets into a fair fight is not a good wizard
You should have him be sort of like minotaur Diogenes. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SUNLIGHT GENERAL WHOMEVER
>magic user
stay locked in your tower, learning the secrets of the universe with remote vision and dimensional travel, slowly losing all sense of empathy and desire for human contact as you explore the depths of metaphysical hedonism, conjuration of beings, and mental & physical transformation of self, only to emerge as a bizarre & unpredictable old man, aware that the universe is a joke and people are the punchline
>warrior chad
maybe have sex with illiterate peasant women; definitely die from an infected arrow wound before 30
Personality wise he's nicer than Diogenes. He spent his time in his oasis cave painting the walls with dyes made from the flowers from his oasis, braiding flowers into his hair, studying his religion and praying to his god, cultivating his own little garden of Eden, and training with his weapons because have Halberd, will set up your own ecosystem.
I have an iq of 90 and I always pick warrior
Is this a videogame or one of those board games you nerds play?
its still heavy but the weight is distributed.
You still need some meat to actually move properly.
Sounds like you don't know the riddle of steel
When you say it like that I can see how necromancy is evil
In Magicka you can actually attack with your weapon as well. It's just not as useful unless you've got a strong firearm to keep up with the power of magic.
the way in which the force is applied is the difference
necromancy is to me seen as acquiring my means through force. raising the dead in this case, having the ability to rez anybody/thing but bounding them to my will. As well, merely taking from an endless well of power. Possibly making this work through sacrifice. Adhering to darkness/entropy.
a cleric resurrecting would be asking of god's will to give life back into the vessel of a comrade, or such, intact and with no other intention. Possibly making this work through means of self-sacrifice. Adhering to the light/order.
Sure sure but what this means in video games is that you throw different colors of magic missiles
Sword and shield warrior is the best you're basically immune to all physical damage and can block spells with your shield
idk what you've been smoking exactly friend but I wouldn't believe blizzard's fairy-tales about holy men
Rogues beat mages and warriors anyday. Not much you can do against an opponent that can dodge everything you throw his way and close any distance in a second.
and pop out of the shadows to buttfuck you with dishonor.
the rogue works almost exclusively through gambling at that
Vanilla WoW
what game does magic right?
ni no kuni's spell book is surprisingly deep and neato but the actual magic use is basic
dragon's dogma high tier spells look great, especially the dark tornadoes, but are pretty boring and slow as fuck to cast
and the souls stuff is pretty basic but fun although you still need to main melee weapon
>be faithful follower Paladin of Bahamuth
>weakling rogue sneak attacks
>crit only takes 1% of my HP
>1 shot the heretic rogue
Rogues go down fast when they do get hit
play better games, fucktard
>be beastmaster
survive the attack of my tamed dinosaur and the 10 tigers while I afk
Reminder that those are both necromancy spells. The difference is that people tend not to like shambling, soulless husks.
I like to think a cleric's resurrection talent is extremely taxing and only if his/her deity sees the candidate as worthy.
>Not using magic bows
>not using bare-handed melee, weapons, and magic like the chad Bowser
All I want to say is I'm so fucking sick of games making healers into "shitty mages that also have healing spells".
The worst and laziest shit possible.
>Implying Warriors aren'r capable of hitting rogues
Oh no what is this, my weapon is longer and your daggers cant pierce my armor even if you get close? Damn no wonder im manhandling you like a bitch
Dexfags are only good for fucking.
>only people with literally one point above the minimum to be a magic user
what is this, Magic For Brainlets?
It's funny how the OP is mostly saying that magic and melee are better than bowfags, and literally nobody is refuting that because they know it's true.