So... was this game bad?

so... was this game bad?

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It's easy and boring, a collectathon in 2019. I'd rather play Mario 64 AGAIN.

No, it was just not good

No, it was great.

It's no masterpiece.

this desu, its a snooze fest, can't believe I bought it

Its an excellent game that gets worse and worse the closer you get to 100%

It's fine but lacks the sharp physics we expected like from Sunshine and 64. Handles like 3D World.

Don't think anyone would call it their favorite Mario game.

maybe if you have 90iq and like busy work

Not bad, it's extremely fun on a superficial level, but it's filled with c-tier content and repetitive padding, and it's mainly targeted torwards AHDH mobile gaming kids that demand constant reward.
The main story it's pretty enjoyable but don't ever try playing any post-game content because it just turns into a miserable joyless experience.
Overall, worst 3d Mario game so far.

it gets boring if you go for the easy shit immediately like a dumbass, then when you beat the game you have no reason to go for the more challenging moons, because completion doesn't do anything worthwhile.

You do realize 90 is a pretty average IQ score, right?
IQ is a worthless metric anyways.

It was fun as fuck and had some truly magical moments, the infamous new York song part being one. Some of the stars were hard to find and some were hard to get, not sure how people shit on it but praise Mario 64 of all games for star collecting.

The music was good, world's interesting, outfits were fun, mini games pretty good, overall a really good game. Not perfect but to call it a bad game is just odd.

This. The first playthrough was great, but if I were to play again I’d start over cause 100%ing sounds tedious and not fun

90 is not average its about 1 standard deviation below average

Yeah, sure it is.
I'm sure you're one of those faggots who were forced to take one as a teenager, had some "good" score of 110+ but your life is a miserable wreak in a dead end.

The game is basically designed for casual main story playthroughts and nothing else, but then they added an atrocious post-game world and a fucking nasty 500 moons semi-completionism target that both turn the game into terrible garbage.

I’m playing it for the first time and I’m loving it. Galaxy bored me out of my mind after the first few hours, but Odyssey is like crack for me, I can’t stop playing it.

Unironicly a great 3D Mario.
Definitly better than Sunshine and 64 but not quite reaching Galaxy levels

Welp forgot the objective lists how to fate the 3d Mario games

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It's a Mario game without platforming. It's a good game for what it is but it's nowhere near the other 3D Mario games outside of 3D world. It gives you great movement options but doesn't really expect you to our give you any opportunity to use them. Level design is worse than sunshine.
It's alright, but very very disappointing to someone hoping for a return to 64 / Galaxy form after the incredibly underwhelming 3D world. Probably the most overrated game of 2017. No matter how hard I tried our how much I played it I couldn't find whatever it was that made people think it was GotY or anything special at all really.

Nice projection you got there, faggot.

why would you say that just because it appeals to average iq individuals makes it intellectually stimulating, things normies like are mind numbing

name a difficult 3D platformer

For me:
64 > Odyssey > 3D World > Sunshine > Galaxy 2 > Galaxy

Donkey Kong 64.


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Tomb Raider

>most overrated game of 2017
you people are insufferable

Mario 64>Galaxy 2>3D World>Galaxy>Sunshine>Odissey

What? I mean in terms of how it was perceived versus the reality. Most games that were underwhelming in 2017 (a great year for gaming in general) werent really given that much attention. Had tons of people claiming odyssey was the greatest game ever made and second coming of Christ when its on par with our maybe even worse than sunshine. It was a huge bummer for me too since I was really expecting to love it when I saw early videos of the movement mechanics, only to find out you spend the entire game playing as the simple, gimmicky capture monsters

Honestly, you should never trust any review score for mainline home console Mario and Zelda (+ Rockstar) games, they never get treated as reasonably flawed human-made games that can be rationally criticized, but ALWAYS as unquestionable second comings of Christ with no faults whatsoever.

>only to find out you spend the entire game playing as the simple, gimmicky capture monsters
What? You can skip a lot of capture stuff and you deal with captures for hardly any amount of the game.