Is your main weapon getting a nerf or a buff in IB?
Monster Hunter Thread
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i dont know its true that they are nerfing SA?
Nigga it's getting buffed
Charge blade still looking great.
I need to farm pale extracts in MHGU. Does it matter what palicos I send out in meownster hunter?
Are you guys logging in daily for those festival bounty rewards?
What do you think of what little we've heard of Velkhana's theme?
Personally I think it's kind of shit.
Dunno where can I see a full list of weapon changes?
I can't even be arsed to do that. Been two weeks since I last touched the game, and only for 5 minutes.
Lance isn’t really getting touched but it should benefit from elemental getting stronger overall so it’s a buff if anything.
Grugs are back in town.
You can nerf bow all you want but I've been having fun with it since 3U and that's not going to stop
Based. Hammerchads stand proud today.
How's Gunlance and Glaive looking?
Don't care. I've played too much grug blade already that I won't touch it in Iceborne for a very long time. Thinking of playing with weeb sword now or maybe gunlance.
Hey OP maybe you should have linked the changelog:
Iceborne's Main Theme.
>33GB update
Jesus. Half of me is expecting it to be all of iceborne and the disc/digital code is just an unlock key.
new gameplay video
It obviously is, the actual Iceborne download in PSN is 8mb
RIP Kjarr Strongarm Ice, you were too broken for this world.
Didn't actually check the file size for the digital version.
Does someone have a pic of the Glavenus DBs?
So cluster spam is nerf (speed runner suicide when) and pierce is still useless. Good to know
I already got all the festival shit. Only thing I need to do before Iceborne is the Witcher sidequests just to see them, and catch a gorillion whetfish I guess since I only have a few left.
Fucking hell, looking at the Bow notes
The start is kinda weak but it quickly catches up, it's pretty good
Gunlance has sounded promising. Level 5 Artillery and Level 6 shelling sounds super fun.
Also no more tripping others with the wide swing is great.
If Pierce is anything like it was in the past, it'll scale up better in Master Rank.
Getting indrect buffs from some of the new skills anyways. Plus the bug fixes mentioned they fixed how some attacks can dead angle regular blocking which is nice, even though Powerguard and Guard Dashing backwards cover all angles it's still a nice fix.
I also think it's shit.
Buffed i guess
AEDs becoming the optimal playstyle is only a good thing and Offensive Guard was practically made for it
Do i need to say anything, it barely had any changes and the ones it had were buffs
in case anyone is wondering:
humongous buffs:
gs, hh
ok buffs:
sa, gl, sns, hammer
useless shit ‘buffs’:
ig, lance
too early to tell:
all ranged weapons, dbs
cb, ls
Anyone mind ranking the weapons from easiest to play to hardest to play?
Now if only standing upswing had a straight upwards line hitbox rather than hitting from the left.
Fuck hitting the legs/wings when I want the head/tail.
You deserve it
The problem with World Pierce is since it can tick so many times now, on monsters that aren't all weakpoint like Bazel a ton of that damage goes into shitzones. It still does alright on those kinds of monsters but I wish it was still just 3-7 hits based on the ammo level.
I wonder how much they buffed thousand dragons for bow if they nerfed everything else in its moves
Bow got nerfed but elemental damage potential is more than doubling on the existing weapons so who knows. One of the SnS they gave as an example when explaining the elemental changes went from capping at 180 to nearly reaching 300
consensus in the gunner’s guild is that bow is likely to maintain its position, thanks to capcom’s retardation, forgetting that bow is an elemental weapon and buffing crit element and element in general to sky high levels
That'd be nice glutton is the unga bunga of HBG and I like the breathing room pierce gives you.
Dog companions when?
>hammer can now get 2 KOs in multiplayer
I'm so excited.
I use a number of weapons so for the most part buffs.
SnS - Arm mounted shotgun, new combo, dodge into 'clawryuken' is bretty good.
IG - Its funny because being able to collect two buffs at once is probably something a lot of IG players wanted. I know i did. The dive attack with the kindsect follow up is stylish.
HH - I like playing support horn on kulve, because for some reason keeping other players alive seems fun to me i guess. And no i dont corner Doot, I go in when everyone is buffed. I say 'support set' only because Lunastra's full set is perfect for it.
Bow - damage nerf seems almost irrelevant since thousand dragons acts like a giant shotgun with the right slinger ammo. I think it was scatternuts.
LBG - I haven't used it in a while but i like the new mods.
DB - been getting back to them, the new high-I-frames dodge seems useful. I forgot what else it does.
But yeah mostly buffs so I'm not complaining.
Hammerchads get basically nothing so we're good.
>those bow nerfs
O i am laffin, there goes your crutch bow fags, feel free to kill yourself.
I never played ranged because I'm not a faggot. As for the rest:
>genuinely braindead tier
>low skill tier
switch axe, sword and shield, dual blades, greatsword
>normal tier
hammer, gunlance, longsword
>relatively complex tier
charge blade, insect glaive, hunting horn
>genuinely braindead tier
Coward spotted. Lance is great.
user, I...
>being anything other than braindead
GU question. Every single set given by Athena's ass recommends me hayabusa feather, which I don't want because it'll make me weak as shit in defense. Is CE+2 that important? the only good charm I have is Tenderizer+5 with 3 slots and haven't found anything else from 100 hours of farming. Want to make an HBG set
I'm really losing my mind knowing the fact 90% of sets I want to make either relies on a god charm like Tenderizer/Expert combo or hayabusa feather and become a glass cannon
>they nerfed everything about my weapon
Look, I didn’t know bow was going to be OP when I picked it.
Where's the rest of the fated four?
I feel like elemental CB is going to be more OP, not less. Savage axe hits do elemental damage, don’t they?
None of these changes to any weapon are going to make them Gen Gunlance levels of trash so don't worry about it
>those changes to hammer and SwA
Holy moley, those are my 2 favorite weapons by far now they finally get their time in the sun.
>bow getting smashed into the ground
Icing on the fucking cake.
Gunners have weak defense already so it really doesn’t matter. Just got to make sure you stagger the fuck out of the monster before he gets a chance to hit you. What bowgub you planning on using?
What kind of set are you making?
Tendi 5 ooo is a pretty good charm so something like CE3, WE, Pierce up, challenger, crit boost, etc shouldn't be hard to make.
Savage axe extra hits are all phial bursts but yeah elemental phials scale better than impact does. It's basically giving Axe mode the same awakening effect as Elemental Swaxe
>nobody has killed Fulgur Anjanath as of yet
Fucking alpha
AEDs are going to continue to be shit. Savage axe ED is the new thing.
Link it then nigger, or post a picture this is an imageboard
Either Daora or Zino HBG. I have both
I ran the calculations and although it technically is possible, I still just dont want to wear hayabusa cause I still get hit from time to time
Post it then
But at least with Chameleos, World will have the original fated four.
>bow got "nerfed"
>elemental got a big buff
Post skills.
Brachy's looking real good in IB.
That's a good point, Iceborne wants to make elemental on par with non and Kjarr Ice was one of the few elemental weapons that is on par with elemental. So a slight decrease to SAED won't really matter compared to elements getting a big buff.
>hammer buffed
>lance gets more options at the cost of elemental/status dmg
based capcom
I was thinking about it today. I kind of wish there was an all guns MH game. Like pistols and shotties and ars and stuff. I wonder how it would work. And how fun it would be to craft monster gear into modern/semi-futuristic style combat gear. Think it would be fun?
Also I wish theyd have more story in the game, by that I mean, I wish theyd explain more about the cool stuff like The Equal Dragon Weapon or past civilizations and the dragon wars.
cb axe mode suffers from the same problem as sa in general, even with high theoretical dps, it still suffers from shit animations/recovery
>SA gets to throw wild parties all the time
bless their hearts
The bow nerf is that it doesn't scale as well with elemental damage.
You have it, its name is God Eater 3
Also GE burst i guess, the gun part is broken if you can get the right combination of bullet composition (yes, you can customize what bullet you fire, range, single/aoe, etc)
I need to see what exactly "slightly increased" means for most of those before I get hyped. The Critical Element buff has me curious, that combined with the Sword mode buffs could be pretty great though.
Here are the skills I'm trying to run. It's either
>Crit Boost
>Shot Booster (is that even important or not?)
>Pierce Up
same list but replace shot booster with repeat offender
>bow nerfed
Oy you niggers what the fu-
>insect glaive extremely buffed
I’m fine with this
Is that worth playing? Is it truly like Moho or is it just similar?
It was called Lost Planet and it was beautiful, for a time
Thing about monster hunter is it has one of the most rediculous pores around but only people who actually care about it know about it. Pretty much everyone I know skips text becuase it’s so fucking small in the text box. Although if we could get the equal dragon weapon as a boss because atal kha takes it over shit would be real neat.
For the last fucking time, just because the concept art book had a fucking franken-dragon in it doesn't mean it's canon to the games at all. The only thing even remotely close to referencing it was a superboss in Frontier.
It's the first of Monhunlike that i actually like
Doesn't try to emulate MH too much, has innovative things (predator mode on your weapons to refill bullets and a buff like IG's triple insect) and matching enemies with it.
I feel it's way way easier though, like an HR entry of MH.
>ig extremely buffed
the hell are you talking about, ig got nearly all utterly useless crap and they didn’t fix its biggest flaw, which was its terrible mvs. its new move is fairly strong but it consumes and locks stamina like ls’s foreskin slash and that kills maximum might so it’s pretty bad to spam it
Note that no weapon is "braindead" all weapons have high skill ceilings, that being said
Easy to learn, few weaknesses
Somewhat complex, yet easy to play
Charge Blade
Dual Blade
Insect Glaive
Switch Axe
Simple, yet difficult to utilize properly
Sword and Shield
Great Sword
Very complex, difficult to get the most out of
Light bow gun
Heavy bow gun
Bow (when played properly)
Genius level perfect understanding of every minute detail required
Hunting Horn
My personal favorites are hammer lance and longsword, but I'd say my list will help you know what you want to play
True, the slightly increased doesn't fill me with a lot of confidence but from the notes there is nothing but buffs for this weapon not just damage but tweaking of weapon animations and combo flow. SwA is evolving into a more viable weapon which makes my pee pee become the big pee pee.
I hate HH fags the most because you all spend all your time fellating yourselves it comes off as really desperate and pitiful self assurance they didn't fuck up by picking a weaker hammer.
I actually like it, suits the fight.
I'm not a hunting horn fag, but you're wrong if you don't think it's the most complex weapon in the series.
Who /setting player limit to 2 because due hunting the max comfy/ here? There's 2P scaling now so there shouldnt be a problem right? I also want to hunt with my cat
Call me a dumb pleb all you want but I really don't understand why Iceborne is pushing slingers so hard to be something to work into regular combat.
>some monsters will be revealed by the time of release
It's a whole lot better than just throwing the item and hope the monster is in front of it. Slinger gives us freedom of aiming
Listen Im not too deep into the lore or anything but if you dive into the wikis and read the story there is, about the EDW and ancient civ. and things like that, its been mentioned a good deal. Im not only interested in EDW but also the monsters like that crazy Bone Squid boss in generations and that one super dragon I forget its name right now.
That stuff is interesting and if they had a game focus on all that stuff I think it would work very well.
Wait how the fuck is LBG complex? It's pretty simple if you use pierce narga LBG in MHGU.
For IG
>With the exception of certain attacks, overall elemental and abnormal status scaling have been decreased.
I assume this is because the cap has been removed/increased in general ?
Multiple ammo types, recoil types, critical range etc. Bowguns have a lot going on for new players.
Yeah DB, Bow, and Lance have the same line in the change notes
They probably weren't all adjusted by the same amount though
That's not my issue, my issue is how most topics contain posts of "HH CHADS RISE UP" you don't see that with other weapon mains and it stinks of desperation.
>Tsujimoto's favorite monster isn't in yet
>rooty tooty point and shooty
The most complex thing about bowguns is that you have to bring more items to a hunt for crafting ammo.
longsword is harder to use effectively than the likes of hammer. just because you poke like an idiot fishing for a foreskin counter, wasting tons of stamina and losing max might, then finally do 20 damage on a shitzone, doesn’t mean you’re using the weapon effectively. its wide swings make it difficult to consistently hit certain weakspots and you need to think about your positioning when deciding the angle of your foreskin dodge and the return stroke. it’s definitely nowhere near as difficult to master as something like sns but at the same time the vast majority of ls players are basically playing it at the kiddy pool level
Who's Tsujimoto's favorite?
>git gud with weakest weapon that's also hardest to use
Why would you not brag about the doot?
I main HH but there's nothing really complex about it.
What retarded gunner propaganda is this? None of the ranged weapons are complex, they’re all braindead simple point-and-click. Especially HBG. Holy shit, defensive HBG is the easiest weapon to play in the game bar none. You’re basically invincible. It’s like Lance except you literally point and click weakpoints and autoblock.
I also have no idea how this “bow is complex” idea got started. The only trick with bow is that quick shot actually generates stamina because it’s so fast, so once you know that you shoot and dodge all day without running out.
And I can only imagine the HH shit is a meme.
Zinogre. It's gonna be like how Jho got in by being an update after IB release
Zinogre can't be Ryozo's favorite monster because in the 3U interview Rathalos was his favorite and that's the last one I can find that mentions favorite monster.
Benis xdddd
Bow does play pretty differently from everything else in the game, not that its hard to understand. Problem is when it's the weapon of choice for braindead shitters that won't touch a defensive or utility skill with a 10ft pole because they think they're speedrunners.
Just looked it up, his favorite monster is Jhen Mohran
His favorite constantly changes, for tri he says his favorite is Jhen Mohran, but in another interview for 4u it's Gore Magala,
I was specifically writing that list for new players, a new player who learns how to spirit combo and foresight slash will be an effective hunter pretty easily. You can bring a longsword into most hunts and be effective with high damage. huge reach, and an iframe counter.
Now let's compare that to hammer, where I have very very little reach, no defensive counter, and I have to hit the head to be effective. yes it is simpler in that I have less combos, but it's much harder to pound heads for new players who haven't memorized monster movesets.
a new player who just points and shoots won't be as effective as one who picks up a longsword
Clearly the answer is always
>what can grug smash best
at least in world.
Just get Self-buff and Att Up XL started and you're good to unga
Gore makes sense since his skeleton is already used by Nerg and Xeno. This has gotta be it
This is correct, he is very consistent about Hammer being his favorite weapon unlike his monster choices.
There’s nothing complex about it. The most you have to know how to do in World is pump out recitals to do actual damage. Which is like every other resource building weapon except it’s simpler because there are no intermediate steps and the weapon only has one mode.
Can you even KO the Mohrans? Serious question, I've never seen it done
Maximum size for grug to maximum smash
>Playing melee good
dont get hit
hit weak point
use best attacks
>play ranged good
have proper ammo
have proper skills
be in critical range
don't get one shot
use the right ammo with the right recoil
still probably do shit damage unless you watched a meta video or use cheese spread shield shit
Guess which one new players will find easier to understand and play
Although they showed tons of stuff, it almost feels like there's still an entire half missing. Also this line in the patch page makes me think "monsters teaming up" might be a small little feature although there's only two proper couples in the game right now.
How much more can we expect?
>Silver and Gold
>dragon subs/variants
>new monster subs/variants
>flagship and returning subs/variants
>more hidden dragon bosses past Namielle
>everwyrm final boss
every other charge weapon builds charge by attacking, and the charge is a singular resource. Hunting horn has songs that need specific notes, and it's attacks are all over the place
HH has a lot of nuances that never actually get explained to the player like how you get different recital animations with different lengths after some attacks and weird quirks like how you can smoothly pivot into the overhead smash at any angle, or playing a second note during the double swing, or how the poke can be done with any note.
Plus before World you didn't get a song cheatsheet or a song queue at all which didn't help.
Tall monsters are a pain in the ass and even worse if there are no platforms or ramps.
>gunlance buffs
The reason why it’s popular is because it’s OP, but that really has nothing to do with complexity because it’s extremely straightforward. Maybe it’s gunners fellating themselves because of chain CC or something.
Where is this from
>Lao's armor is the only old world armor to show up as layered
Monhun makes me so happy. What a dumb, fun series. Nothing better than knocking heads with 3 of your bros. I love posting with you assholes, too.
>I love posting with you assholes, too.
Same here
It's best if their color matches the monster. purple I think for khezu?
you too
Not a monster armor.
that's not what you said
I main gs and hammer you tell me
Doesn't matter user. Not a monster armor. No one gives a shit about pre-order starter armors.
you can get the layered from at zorah, but ok
>legiana armor
A man of culture
Everwyrm revealed
how do i use AED over SAED when my shield is charged?
Gammoth is too big
Mizu is a leviathan and thus can't work in World
Astalos might make it in, but I doubt it we'll probably just get more flagships
I have a sneaking suspicion that the fourth and fifth levels for max might and artillery are part of some new mechanic, and not standard skill levels.
Nigga that's fucking Fatalis. Horns are the same and the neck seems to be the same too
Fatalis IS the Everwyrm
>Mr. Enomoto's favorite monster in "Iceborn" is "Not yet"
Didn't he say something along the lines of "not yet" in response to a question about Khezu?
Fug this, they better not ruin longsword.
The trophy says "solve the mystery" so it's clearly not the name, just a rumored name. The names are Fatalis, Crimson Fatalis and White Fatalis. Or if you wanna be more true: Dad, Aunt Red, and Grandpa.
My guys, pic related.
The everwyrm can collapse mountains.
Fatalis cannot do that.
6th level of the element attack skills may be like that as well
>actually thinking the G-rank finale of ANY game is a returning monster
fucking idiots, its gonna be something new
its actually having its elemental scaling nerfd
I watched the second Dev Diary and they mentioned some fantastic-sounding HH buffs. I hope this makes elemental horns more viable because some of the current ones have interesting song selections that are being held back by their poor elemental damage. (Legia Sectored, Thunderbolt Horn, etc.)
Wish they'd used the MH3 promo art version without the gas mask and the ponytail.
He can actually
But no, Fatalis isn't the Everwyrm
The story final boss won't be any returning monster you tards. If Fatalis is in at all he'd be endgame shenanigans.
>helmets don't have a toggle option for having faceplate/visor open or close
Why tho
No, when a journalist asked him "What do you think about fans of the monster Khezu?" he replied "Fuck those retards."
They're just going to pull a Radobaan on Fatalis in IB. It'll look the same, but have a different name.
Considering it's a fucking update that provides features to the base game, how the fuck else could they do it? Can you people not read the patch notes aside from the first ten fucking words?
>they'll just take that edgy as shit Fatalis recolor from MHO
But they already did Miralis, I rather not have another not-Fatalis
Well, you will. And you'll like it.
People with just the base game are going to be able to play with people who have Iceborne so of course they're just updating it.
"You would face me, then? Tis a fool's choice, Kut Ku. But better fool than craven. I knew your mind ere you came... Still, I ask this final time. Ktu Ku, will you stand and fight?"
It's definitely going to be new. I wonder if it'll be a new black dragon. They're exceptionally rare of course, so maybe not. 1st gen gave us fatty and crimson fatty. 2nd gen gave us grandpa fatty. 3rd gen gave us alatreon and miralis. And 4th gen gave us nothing. I wonder if 5th gen will follow suit.
Why would the art team be working on something like that when they could just paint tiger stripes on Anjanath or color Nargacuga yellow and call it a new monster to please "MH veterans" who have proven to have standards lower than dogshit?
If you are on an old switch just edit better charms. Farming them is easy but there's rarely a room up anymore.
Killing Grigori in monhun would be so sick.
>color Nargacuga yellow and call it a new monster
Not them but how?
You are such a baby, please look back at every other MH game in the series, this is the most effort they have ever put into a g-rank expansion
Look at the tigrex lance and Brachy SnS in this pic. Told you fags unique models are in, the crap ones like Glav GS is just early in the tree
We could call it Canary Nargacuga. Or Sulphur Nargacuga with acidic attacks. What's wrong with my epic idea?
is MHW your first MH game?
If we could ditch this shitty system entirely it would be for the best
Third. Why?
nah, after GU's pathetic upgrade system, this is a complete upgrade
I've heard sword and shield is really good but no one plays it. Why is that? Is it because it seems too generic? Is it's damage low?
Did the intentionally keep the Tigex Lance's shield shaped like the old low poly models instead of rounding it out? That's actually really funny.
Don't know or care because Gunlance is always shit outside of like MH3U
Has anyone seen any Attack on Titan mods for World?
You're a retarded piece of shit.
My friend 3d printed the jig and put a paper clip in it that you just slide into the right side. After that you just boot into the mode and inject the back from a computer. I then take the save and put it on my SD card with checkpoint, send to my computer l, edit real quick, send it back. People get salty that I don't have to charm farm but I think they are actually retarded so meh.
Requires building a bunch of elemental damage or status sets to be truly effective on every monster. Set making is less of a hassle now than it used to be but people still don't always want to put in the effort
so everyone's theories were correct, the progression was half-finished in the base game because it'll be complete in the G-rank tree.
The main girl's outfit is on Nexus I think.
>song cheatsheet
Well if they made it octagonal to keep it low poly and no one said anything they could just keep the octagonal design there
It was half finished in the base game because they didn't have time to model every weapon so they just came up with the slapping on monster parts thing as a placeholder
I can guarantee that the next HR game will have you getting finished versions of weapons much sooner
the fun in funlance comes from asserting your dominance on other hunters
every nerf to their player knock down ability is a huge nerf
I think the old concept art was round but I could be wrong
Games before World didn't let you keep a song list on screen at all times
the game puts all your note combos in the UI when its drawn so you dont have to learn your songs
Neat thank you.
This was obvious to anyone who wasn't a reactionary moron
No, this is bure fucking garbage like GU's, just use the old one
devs talking positively about X/XX? fucking delete this!!!
Nargacuga already has a subspecies, rare species, and deviant. The only monster in the entire series to have repeat subspecies is Fatalis but White Fatalis behaves and looks like a Rare Species.
Also please tell me that Acidic Glavenus is "just a reskin"
so you just want the weapon to stay the same all the time? I get the concern that 50% of the time it'll look like garbage, but never hurts having some form of progression
If your idea of progression is having to cross your buttfucking fingers that whatever weapon you're using actually ends up having a model that isn't on the level of Pic Fucking Related then yes, i want them to stay the same all the time
This new system is absolute fucking dogshit and cannot be defended, the old one was perfectly fine and worked for 10 years
world horn removed all the nuance
recitals are based on holding the stick in a different direction and not based on the attack you play it after
overhead smash is a go to damage dealing spam move instead of the situational exhaust building move it used to be
all the useful buffs not shat on so attack up is always the way to go against every monsters
world horn is brainlet tier
Why are they adding new monsters instead of slightly changing the look of the ugly helmets in a way that impacts nothing?
>actually already has 3 reskins
Ahahaha, oh wow. Holy shit, now that is fucking based. We could squeeze out like a dozen more though.
Reciting after a poke is a different animation than any of the directional recitals
Doing a forward recital after a superpound skips the startup animation but does the same damage
>having to cross your buttfucking fingers that whatever weapon you're using actually ends up having a model
well there's no worries since they will end up turning unique. In HR, yeah it was stupid, but G-rank it kind of makes sense. It's a whole lot better than the weapon never changing at all. It works in theory, but dropped the ball in HR, and they had to pick it up in IB. Let's just hope they dont do that again by MH6
Yes i can just used a different weapon when i get tired of the look. Unless i am in full minmax mode grinding it doesn't matter if i am losing 5-15% in damage or a bar of sharpness to use something i find cool looking. But all of that becomes moot if transmog exists
If it makes your pea brain feel any better, Green Narga is never gonna come back since all of its move changes were folded into the normal monster.
If you're gonna whine about reskins you could pick better examples than a monster that's had one recolor and two hardmode versions in the 10+ years since its introduction
thats still incredibly simplified from how it was
>if you wanted to complain about my shit standards you should've researched which monster has 15 reskins and not ""just"" 3!!!
fucking lmaoing at your existence
Your posting style is the same in every single thread, just sayin
It shows every single time.
i have a confession Yea Forums
i do kinda miss hunter arts
Why? they're too gimmicky and break up the pace of gameplay most of the time
>i-it's my imaginary nemesis again, back to haunt me!
Ah, so we meet again, young boy. You've done well making it this far. HOWEVER
because they are fun and half the shit they added in world is gimmicky and breaks up the pace anyway so thats not really an issue
If it wasn't for me not hacking my switch, I would have just cheated in the god charms in MHGU. Holy fuck its mind-numbingly boring and I love Brachydios, but every lobby is the same fucking thing, same fucking shit charms, same everything. Who the fuck thought most of sets require a single good charm if you want to skip out using hayabusa feather
World is already too easy, it doesn't need a sheath button that makes you nigh invincible whenever you want ontop of everything else.
What is this reference?
The fatties are special in that they don't follow the Japanese naming conventions for subs, rares, nor for variants either. Crimson gets fatty's jp name + 紅龍, while white gets his jp name + 祖龍. The other alatreon capcom once hinted at apparently would have been alatreon's jp name + 煌蒼龍.
None of this lines up with subs, monster name + 亜種, rares, monster name + 希少種, or variants, which actually prefix the monster name with a descriptor like we do for both subs and variants in the English releases.
Sometimes when you walk into the cat area in X/XX the Meowstress' moofah is carring her by her hood
>all 3 conditions requirs high concentration and skill
>ammo,skills and right ammo are prerequist requirment and you do not need to track it constantly
>since you are ranged only few moves can actually hit you
All ranged weapons are braindead. They are hard to learn, easy to master. Once you learn about ammo crafting and your footing ranged weapons absolutly casualise the game.
There is nothing wrong with it, its like playing game on easy mode.
they aren't fun, they're completely imbalanced and bloat the game with useless shit. world is already bloated with shit like mantles and now clutch claw, no need to make it even worse
even if you think your shit is getting nerfed, it's getting buffed. level 4 decos, dual skill decos, dual skill charms, the power creep is going to be retarded.
>brachydios is in
All I needed bros
Crimson would technically be a variant if you believe the second gen era ecology. He's the only recorded Fatalis to be repelled from Castle Schrade and ended up in the volcano. The oversized horn is the one that was broken and regrew.
White Fatalis is just an extremely old Fatalis.
By their own definitions both Crimson and White are variants, but they don't name them that way. It's probably part of their method of keeping the black dragon family separated from everyone else.
>Brachy's color is untouched, unlike most other monsters who had their colors washed out
>if anything, Brachy's color looks even better
doesn't mean anything until we know how health monsters have compared to HR
Lv4 decos are gonna be pretty limited slot wise unless they go full retard later
And the few we've seen so far seem to just be a 2 or 3 slot skill with a 1 slot skill tacked on.
I'd worry more about stuff that's multiple levels of a single skill in a slot, cause that could easily get nutty if we get stuff like Artisan Jewel back. We've already seen a Lv3 Artillery jewel in one of the JP demos that gives 2 points in 1 slot.
Should there be a new game out by the end of next year? I didn't like World too much but want to try more MH.
believe it or not, the reason why the colors are washed out is because they fucked up the brightness settings. Someone fixed it on PC and the comparison is night and day. There's a reason Iceborne monsters are more colorful than the base monsters
>tfw SnS
It'll probably end up fine by MH6 honestly. Both directions were kind of stupid imo, but there's more to work with if they actually fix the modular system.
Having your weak ass LR version of the weapon look the same as the G weapon is just as bad imo.
In the dev diary they mentioned brightness settings won't affect color saturation anymore. I think they ACTUALLY just fucked up how the in game brightness setting worked.
No shit? I've heard about the reshade and the changes to HDR options, didn't know it went that deep.
They just need to have unique weapons that upgrade in appearance over time.
did they finally remove the shit filter in IB then?
That Kirin nerf, though. I remember my first Kiring kill himself when cast a zeus lightning into the barrel bomb i just putted behind him.
What the fuck?
On PC AND console?
Personally I think we need a third weapon tree. Bone, Metal, something else. Then they can have the base model, LR modular form, HR modular form, then G is the unique model. Either that or HR is the unique form at the end, and G gets touched up.
Both have the issue but it can be fixed on PC. IB will fix it on both platforms
They have to fire the intern that did this fuckup
What do you guys think about the idea of having another blunt weapon?
>almost every QoL update I've been clamoring for since release is being added
They've done that before with a few weapons but usually only flagships.
Brachydios weapons got a slime recolor to enraged mode, Gore/Shagaru weapons obviously got big design changes, and Seregios weapons get more spikes and unique animations later.
how bout u cum when i shove my massive dick in your ass
I want gaunlets that charge a set of phials that transforms into a pile bunker and has its own version of elemental discharge.
Jesus fucking christ, no wonder i needed to pump up the saturation on my TV to see colors
What were they thinking with MHGU? So many regular quest, hypers and deviants. I'd have to do 45 of a single deviant monster to fully upgrade it's armor? How are people fine with this level of padding?
>it's totally some fuckup dude, trust me
>some random monkey could FIX it by dragging around a few global contrast and saturation sliders and making the image look like total overexposed shit
>but the devs couldn't do something as complex as this
this is meant to be a joke yeah?
HD deveropmentu isu very haado, purease understando
you'd have to wait in line faggot
Who else here miss the simple days of hunting ? Without mounting, without fancy moves. I feel like they added and are still adding too much shit, while the monsters don't really change aside from getting more AOE attacks. I love world and spent almost 800 hours on it but it doesn't feel like the monster hunter I knew. I'd love a modern "simple" monhun game but that'll never happen, most people would hate it
>there will finally be another GS to use outside of Wyvern Ignition
Oh my fuck
I normally play Hammer and Lance, and I'm looking to pick up a new weapon for the expansion, what should I try next?
shittier hammer
shittier lance
>LS and DB
edgy weeb weapons that have no impact and trip everyone
pretty much everything else is on the table
>mfw thinkin of Cheda blade
I just want him back, lads
no homonigger i want first and now bitch
I don't ever want to be using a generic bone/iron/anything weapon with shit strapped onto it. Don't care what it is.
Probably just went under the radar. Or everyone at Capcom has their TVs set to max brightness and they kwpt the game brightness low.
It is a fuckup. Even the IB beta had better colors
GS. I went from GS to Hammer and had a lot of fun so I'd imagine the reverse is true.
>they're nerfing elemental Lance
Fuck them.
Okay guys, where's the leaks?
just a yes would've been enough
They should just do that for everything, even if it's really basic stuff like the Rathalos Firesword having less/smaller spikes before its final upgrade.
GU is the laziest game by far, basically reuses all the old assets and throws all the shittiest monsters on a big pile while adding very little. It was obviously thrown together for a quick buck.
yeah, so for all subs it's monster name + kanji for subspecies (literally that's it.) Rare species are monster name + kanji for rare species. Variants are stuff like savage jho, whose name translated would be like angry eater deviljho. The fatties are miraboreasu + red dragon, or miraboreasu + ancestor dragon. That alatreon would have been arubatorion + shining blue dragon. So they follow a different pattern, like you said, probably to keep them special.
Too bad bitch you have to schedule an appointment
Element is being massively buffed in general and element Lance has only ever been worth it vs assholes like Gravios. Sure you could switch to your good Raw lance with an appropriate element on the side but stacking element would only get better results on extremely vulnerable monsters.
Element is being buffed in general and we don't know the specifics on the tweaks to Lance, Bow, DB, and IG's element yet.
More likely it was thrown together to function as a stop gap release so that World could spend more time in development.
Did they fix the trash HDR implementation on PS4 too?
:( wen
>all those Hunting Horn changes
What a time to be alive
Elemental damage is getting a massive universal buff, so they slightly nerfed the damage for weapons that utilize it so it wouldn't get out of hand.
sorry, booked up til next year
>No mention of Master's Touch at all
DB and IG are also getting elemental/status nerfs.
It'll be harder to reach 100% affinity since all the best crit skills were nerfed, so MT got indirectly nerfed as well.
what if i pay double whatever next month on the 4th is paying you?
did anyone do a rough hp estimate on the iceborne demo great jagras, rathalos and anjanath? we could potentially work out the mr multiplier using currently available monsters that appeared in the demo
I wonder if they'll be changing elemental hitzones at all. With very few exceptions most monsters still only take 10-35% elemental damage from their biggest weakness, depending on where you hit them.
Probably not with how massive the buffs to elemental skills is.
Still equal to or better than Razor Sharp as long as you can hit 50% affinity
It's a very silly skill
Shining Blue Alatreon would make sense for World given how Iceborne's region actually looks, but I still feel like we're getting a Fatalis type.
underwhelming, so far I'd rate
Brachydios remix>Narga Remix>Hoarfrost>Glav remix>Tigrex remix>Velk
>Oh boy I can't wait to finally try all this new gear!
>Drachen is still somehow the best armor set
Can't wait
Didn't know about elemental hitzones. Are they different from normal hitzones?
Demos are usually heavily tweaked and based on old builds of a game, you aren't gonna get any useful info out of there
You're an idiot. They already said Kjarr and Drachen will only be viable up to Barioth and that's when you'll have to change.
Sometimes, yeah. Garuga's back is rock fucking hard but takes 50% Water damage for example. Or Mizutsune's claws take basically no physical damage until they break, but break really easily from Thunder.
Generally the elemental weakpoints are the same as normal weakpoints though
>post yfw the translation team got it wrong, and it's actually Everworm
>final boss is a giant sandworm
im not in it for the pay if i was willing to sell out just for extra money id be a whore
Brachy got the best treatment out there. It's orgasmic
Japan uses Wyrm to mean really powerful dragon. Grigori is classified as a wyrm, and Square often classifies Bahamut as a wyrm. Sometimes they interchange wyrm for dragon king.
>Ice-themed expansion's final boss is a sand worm
so whats your business? if not cash then how am i suppose to fuck your ass
the sound quality is horrible. from what i heard in the gameplay videos, it's pretty good.
He'll be the kino MR100 boss
The japanese name translates literally to "the great existence", whatever that means. No mention of wyrm.
>reminder that in this interview
They also confirm what jp testing already concluded about the wound mechanic being more effective the shittier the hitzone you use it on is.
Add in the WE nerf that requires wounding to get full affinity and they're telling you that you really need to use the claw's wound mechanic.
Is there a video with a clear sound of Brachy's roar in IB?
>sns got nothing
would they honestly tweak the hp values of great jagras when gear is tuned to their tweaked tigrex? what about poison damage, is it safe to assume it's double hr like in the demo since hr poison is double lr?
Idk, while it's certainly not something for serious use I find running Para Lance with the Zorah set to be pretty convenient and even fun when playing with randoms. As long as it's not an AT I usually get two to three procs per hunt, and that helps hammerboys a lot.
objective ranking here
they really butchered narga's theme and it sucks
Yeah, the game is way too anime for my liking as well. Admittedly I only played Tri before World, but it had a very different and more grounded style. And even in that one I felt some shit to be too stupid.
If you play solo you can thankfully ignore it for the most part, but it would still be great to get a game that tones it down.
Are first wyverian spawns completely random?
Is there a way for MHW to not melt my old 3570K?
Why the fuck it's so CPU heavy? First time a game giving me this treatment.
The demo equipment is all placeholders too. It might be close to the real game in the end but there's no guarantee of that.
>Monster based on a LS lives exclusively in a smelly NEET cave
They're already showing Aloy getting a G-Rank variant. What makes you think the others will be left out?
Turn down as many lighting effects as you can
Ambient Occlusion and Volumetric Rendering in particular are massive CPU hogs
Are you an ADVANCED hunter Yea Forums?
I miss my Paratwist Crawler so bad, I wish World had decent paralysis lance options. Hopefully Lance gets that same para branch off of Vaal that we saw in the LS tree.
>40 from MM5
>40 from CE7
>30+20 from WEX
If anything it'll be easier to get 100% aff
I wish they made MT into a deco and not locked behind a set
Not that guy but they already said no mrank behemoth and leshen. As for Kulve stuff though, they said to hold on to your weapons because they plan to let you "do something" with them, because they don't want players to feel like they wasted their time.
>must-have mantles
Not only they're gonna be nerfed to shit, you have to learn to let go of this shit
Because they also said Witcher and FF aren't getting MR versions dumb shit.
>Wedge Beetles cannot be used if a monster is in the line of sight.
This update is traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash
>ADVANCED hunters
>the most obvious advice imaginable
>tempered monsters are the most challenging fights available
What is AT for? People with no life?
I'd be happy with being able to melt them down into points for more decoration rolling or some shit.
I wonder if the melding pot is gonna get a new tier we can't use HR jewels on, or if we can pour in all our excess HR shit for a chance at the new shit.
I've got an old computer too and the best I could do was turn off/low everything, dunk resolution to 1024x768, cap fps to 20. Also keep your fans clean. It's not pretty but I can play.
>nerfed to shit
Free lvl 4 deco slots.
>Auto-translation feature added to automatic shoutouts
Does this mean you can call people shitters in different languages?
I give people aids with my ass
God forbid the gacha dragon is exposed as the piece of shit it is.
whatever the kulve weapons do in mr they better not be the meta again. kulve is trash and i shouldn't be penalized for not touching it.
I think that's just a janky translation that means you can't grapple THROUGH a monster anymore.
nah it just means I can spam the Tiannenmen copypasta with full zeal
Can Iceborne owners respond to base World owners' SOS flares and ruin the hunt by just fucking shitting on the HR monsters with their MR gear?
Pretty much, AT was a mistake.
>Temporal Mantle effects have been changed and adjusted.
Still trash. I want to keep playing as the phantom Spider-Man.
Yes, in fact there's an achievement for it
Maybe they could add a HR range option to your session like you used to be able to in lobbies
>taking skill
How deluded are worldbabs?
it breaks after 5 uses
to be fair, the elemental ones don't seem like they are getting nerfed. No idea why they recommend temporal.
dont think that's all that efficient against japs
It lasts 120 seconds now but loses 20 seconds every time you're hit. It can only block ~5 attacks at most now, same cooldown too.
>Manticore Armor never ever
>hunt lasting long enough for 5 temporal mantle uses
My god
>As for Kulve stuff though, they said to hold on to your weapons because they plan to let you "do something" with them
I have like 7 weapon pages because of this shit. And I only actively use less than a full page. It's a cluttered mess, wish I could at least mark some weapons as favorites or something. And deep inside I know I'm a fucking retard for keeping the KT weapons because whatever they think up for them will be disappointing shit.
Ooooohhhhhhh... God I hope so. I took it as "you cannot grapple the beetles if you can see a monster" in an effort to remove swinging around as a combat option.
>Does this mean you can call people shitters in different languages?
only if one of the premade shoutouts calls people shitters.
It's stuff like hello, and thank you in the premade shoutouts. Now when you do it, people playing in another language will see it translated to their own languages version of that shoutout. It's basic MMO stuff that capcom just figured out.
Nah its for shitter chinks. I did the same with GU. Have 5 different shouts to complete some of the copypasta
by "uses" I mean dodges done by the Temporal Mantle
5 dodges dummy. It loses duration when you're hit like Challenger does.
I really REALLY hope they fix the fucking multiplayer balance in Iceborne. It is such a pain in the fucking ass to play multiplayer because multiplayer is literally HARD MODE.
>playing solo
>never get tripped
>monster has lower flinch+KO values
>can easily break AT Nergigante's Spikes in two Bow Ramp Combos or a couple shots from HBG
>Break both of his horns IN THE FIRST AREA it's that fucking easy.
>Play Multiplayer
>Randomly LEAPS from person to person
>Even if all four of you are pounding on it's head those horns/spikes will NEVER fucking break
>Monster NEVER FACING YOU so you're doing no damage
Like, Christ. How the fuck did they have the PERFECT system set up for old Monster Hunter and fuck it up SO BADLY in World? Every Monster in World is either a fucking stomp you beat in 90 seconds without trying (Odagaron) or an ass rapingly difficult battle in pure frustration (Lunastra/AT Nergigante) No inbetween. HOW DID THEY MAKE MULTIPLAYER HARDER THAN SINGLEPLAYER? HOW DO YOU DO THAT?
>Stamina Nerf on Hammer
But muh max might
Good, I've never used a mantle other than glider (and ghillie for catching pets), they're a massive crutch.
Ooooooh now I get it. That's a good change. Honestly I'm most hyped about the two player difficulty scale fix, I hated having it be set to 4 player health when I was hunting with a friend.
>Yes, in fact there's an achievement for it
No there isn't.
cute bun
Sure but i'm trying to play it (no HA and Guild style as I detest them) but thinking of deviant farming alone kills it for me. I want to enjoy it but the level of padding is just insane.
What's so wrong with the base monsters alone, why must i face the other trash? MHFU didn't have anything other than recolours and it was replayable, fuck!
The real problem is that they made tripping and part breaks scale 1:1 with the 2.6x HP increase. Previously part breaks and trip thresholds didn't scale at all and the HP boost was usually a little lower. Now that meant 4 player hunts just left the monster to get shit on but surely there can be some kind of middle ground.
Maybe keep the 2.6x HP boost but only boost trips and part breaks by 1.8x or something.
watch the webm
That's a buff if you actually use it right. People put the thing on and go full retard without even thinking, you're supposed to use it as a blanket in case you fuck up. Lasting 2 minutes now is really good.
>Dual Blades
>With the exception of certain attacks, overall elemental and abnormal status scaling has been decreased.
Oh man, elemental and status DBs were the only kick I got out of using the things.
>Two player difficulty has been added to multiplayer.
>When going on a quest with two players, the difficulty will be adjusted to this setting.
Ah damn the game is going to get easier for me and my hunting buddy. Shame.
>inb4 proofs
Yes. Nerfs to a weapon's base elemental scaling are not necessarily nerfs when accounting for the (unknown) meta of Iceborne, which is adding new skills for elemental and improving the ones that already existed. IG, Bow, and DB getting base element scaling nerfed is probably because they were going to be too strong when accounting for the new ele skills.
Considering MM isn't worth investing into unless you get all 5 points, and WEX only reaches peak functionality for whatever % of the fight you can keep the clutch claw softened zone active, it is absolutely not going to get easier. We're probably going to see WEX, CE, AB4, and maybe Agitator 1 for a total 75-80% affinity, up to 100% after softening, on most sets, and that's assuming the weapon has at least 0 affinity. The days of getting high raw negative affinity weapons to max are probably over, unless there's a level 4 deco that pairs MM with another useful skill.
One of the trophies is helping LR or HR hunters while you're in MR, it gets you a pendant apparently.
How the fuck do people defend nerfs in a PvE game?
"Balance" is the cancer killing video games. Everything needs to be a fucking e-sport.
I mean, it is a water dragon.
Which is good because World had shit water monsters.
Back to /vg/ with you
Isn't elemental and status the whole point of DB to begin with?
Kjarr Ice was broken because it had G rank level element on a weapon with average raw and positive affinity, the weapon's stats themselves were simply significantly overtuned. Unless Iceborne throws CBs with 700 element at us we're going to be just fine.
suck my nigger dick faggot. i love capcom and i fully support their choices. i want ryozo to fuck my loose ass
the worst part is the terrible deviant theme. prepare to hear that shit for an eternity
well there goes my fun
any game that has leaderboards is fine to get balance patches
>humongous buffs:
Not quite. Most of the weapon got buffs, yes, but uncharged TCS got a massive nerf, and that's a pretty big deal, since now you can't just tackle through something and throw out an uncharged TCS for significant counterattack damage anymore. TCS is basically trash now unless you commit to it all the way.
>TCS is basically trash now unless you commit to it all the way.
Imagine not always commiting all the way.
Yeah, I know about the trophy called Nice Hunter or something like that, but that doesn't necessarily mean you can do it to anyone. The question was not whether you can or can't help HR dudes as MR but whether you can still do that if the player you're "helping" isn't an Iceborne owner.
Although I don't see much reason not to allow it but I'm not sure if we had official confirmation yet.
>tfw Hammerer
Who the fuck cares about leaderboards? Is it really worth it to care about some stupid list to the point where you get in the way of the fun?
>Tfw CB main
>Will always be the solid old reliable with the best moveset in world.
Feels good man.
Who the fuck uses TCS without fully charging it
I’m all good for a new sword combo so that can be the new optimal damage route instead of the shield hop bash bullshit
You guys have no idea how much I love Brachydios and how much I fangirl'd over him being in IB. Best monster
Proper balancing increases fun
>with the best moveset in world.
>when half your moveset (Axe mode) is trash
Nice try.
I'm your local sticky ammo enthusiastic and I approve of Sticky 2 and 3 damage up and the new mod boosting KO damage.
You can't say with any certainty that it's a massive nerf until we have the numbers. Partial charge only has attack power "slightly" decreased, and remember that the first hit of TCS connecting boosts the damage of the larger swing now, too. The partbreaking nerfs are nothing considering TCS already had a big multiplier for part breaking.
You guys WILL be using it right?
That's situational. Some openings are just barely long enough for an uncharged TCS. wtf i hate GS now
Letting things be broken without a care for balancefags is more fun
Love Brachyidios so much that you wanted it to get neutered in the franchise's most mediocre game? Are you retarded?
>You can't say with any certainty that it's a massive nerf until we have the numbers
We do have the numbers from the beta. Lv1 TCS is now just 120 MV, about as much as a regular lv3 draw charge in Iceborne.
What are you, gay?
I was referring to the best armor set being back.
For the last time, Temporal isn't being nerfed, it's going up to 120s duration but the auto-dodges are being capped at 5 and it just loses 30s (meaning it's back to the 90s duration it currently has) on future uses after the first.
If you were auto-dodging more than 5 times, then you were really letting it be a crutch.
>no Zinogre
calm the fuck down Guildmarm
>going anywhere but up
>has to be better than Teostra y
>is guaranteed to have a golden platter of crit skills
Won't even need to transmog hot fucking damn I can't wait.
no it isn't and everyone whines about it when it happens, just like you're doing now but way more of them
like clockwork
Then yes, good shit.
Nah, we have transmog now. No reason to look like a fucking clown anymore.
>has to be better than Teostra y
It isn't.
Shut up retard
How do you know?
Oh shit you got an early copy? nice, tell us more
gogmazios could sort of be a black dragon, was there something that proves that he's not?
>hiding your clownsuit instead of actually committing to your fashion despite the suboptimal stats
Shameful display.
Wait, it's in?
Latent Power 1 Critical Eye 2, Lv4
Latent Power 1, Lv4, Lv1, Lv1
WE 1 Heat Guard, Lv4 Lv3
Blast Attack 2, Lv4 Lv2 Lv1
Latent Power 2 Blast Attack 1, Lv4
Master's Touch 3pc set bonus
nice leak, does your dad for for capcom?
Being able to wear something other than Elder Dragon armour without gimping yourself is nice.
>call capcom game inferior to other capcom games
>claim anyone who disagrees is a capcom shill
you ok there, retard-kun?
You joke but 4U had a Lance with 800 base water and natural purple sharpness
Only downside was that its raw was dogshit. Except low raw wouldn't matter as much on a CP with element that high and Savage Axe/Charged Sword
>dude trust me guys
It was in the first Velkana trailer from a few days ago
back to /vg/ you go
>*A new shitty menu where you can craft your shitty layered sets
The fact that you subhumans are still pretending capcom will add transmog when they can milk worldtards for all their worth with the layered armor system is beyond me. Kill yourself.
Any word on kinsect upgrades for G-rank?
Dunno whether or not to finish my kinsect collection with all elements.
What happened to your post?
Can still run the head, arms and waist and make it work off of the sheer number of slots alone.
We know there are more, but nothing about them specifically.
t. Bow user
forgot to clean his cookies so it tripped the ban evasion check
Just use the Very Good callout whenever somebody dies
>excited for transmog
>will end up not using it and still commit to full sets
Is this the 'tism ?
Why are you so angry?
>offensive guard exists
Nah, that's just Old World mentality. It's perfectly normal.
Not that guy, but they already said iceborne players can play with regular world folks. They can't do MR quests obviously, but that's it. All the data for iceborne is included in the huge ass patch everyone is getting, even if they don't buy it. So they'll be able to see you clutch clawing stuff and see your MR weapons and armor without issue.
What will the cost be? Turning a regular set into a layered?
Some thin skinned worldtard got do mad at being called a shill that he must have reported it. Kek
I'll probably only use it when my mixed sets look absolutely shit. Or to wear Kaiser X.
>GL getting the P3rd guard point
>mfw DB
>mfw Bow
>mfw non elemental boost
>mfw spare shot
>mfw weakness exploit
There are some great changes, but damn do these ones hurt me.
>I'd have to do 45 of a single deviant monster to fully upgrade it's armor?
>hunts drop more than just the ticket for that level
>make it to level 10 or level 5
>fill out the gaps that you need
I dont understand the people who run each level 5 times before moving on instead of using their head. The only thing you should be redoing is the last hunt to get 5 tickets.
>Wait, it's in?
transmog is explicitly not in. The question that's open is whether or not they'll add tickets to make every set layered or not.
You're a real hunter, user. Bear your clownsuit with pride.
I ordered the banpresto Brachydios on eBay this morning. Next I will get a Guildmarm fig to go with it.
Glad to hear it, but I wonder what kind of kinsect buffs they'll get if the previously popular ones are now slinger ammo buffs.
BTW, I'm wondering. How would a Guard Up & Guard +3 CB work out?
I don't know how transmog worked in GU, but I don't really like the layered system. I tend to change set for every hunt unless I'm hunting the same monster over and over again. I enjoy seeing the different sets I crafted and playing with them. Also every time you change set it changes the color of the layered based on the colors you assigned to each pieces, assuming you did, having to change the layered color setting each time is annoying.
>implying I clownsuit
You don't even need to clownsuit in world because lategame sets have so much deco slots you can build pretty much anything you want on any set
hang on what? could you link me to the seller?
haven't killed yourself yet?
Just google it.
4U was a great game. Too bad Generations/GenU had to ruin it with """style"""
I plan on doing to too. I've always used full sets in MH and then just slot in extra skills with gems and talismans.
Also this. You have so many slots so you can make almost any full set viable. Full sets for life.
>Gunlance buffs across the board
>specifically shellspam and stakespam buffs
My favorite
this it? still would like a link to the seller though
No kidding, just look at Luna Gamma. But I still enjoy going out of my way to make minmaxed clownsuits, for old time's sake.
>will add
We already have transmog now. Unless you're a consolebab who likes load screens more than gameplay.
They're doing some shit like allowing you to link layered sets to your saved sets. Also, they alreayd said something about recoloring the layered sets separately.
It's true.
I like chargeblade, it makes me feel like a shonen hero. I also am getting back into switch axe. Both mostly blast affinity. I look forward to the new moves since despite the morph moves their move lists are actually very narrow.
Dear god have mercy on me I'm such a pleb.
>You don't even need to clownsuit in world because lategame sets have
But user, lategame sets ARE clownsuits.
I'm looking forward to outliving you
Enjoy your Iceborne in four months, PC friend.
You only need +1 to negate knockback from most attacks. +3 is situational for CB at brst and Guard Up is always situational since many monsters don't have unblockables at all.
with that state of mentality? I don't think so. Can't imagine that during IB release :^)
So Ryozo's favorite is gore magala, right? Then they will add Gore, shaggy and chaotic as the first dlc, right?
Nah that's the chibi one. I got the 3G DX Model Statue. Guess he only had one though. Auction ended. toy_cardseller was the seller.
World is literally the future of the franchise, the old style is done and gone forever.
I can't imagine you outliving anyone at this point.
outside X/XX Capcom do hates those weapons.
>implying LS is not the most shounen hero of them all
All it needs is a quickdraw attack to be perfect.
Will do. For free too. Maybe your game will load by that time.
never but now you can ride small monsters like jagras
I would think the worst part is how little changes there are between the deviant and the normal monster but lets put them on a pedestal, it irritates me as did the lazy reskins in MH3U, same monster but bigger and more bouncing off of them; i guess that's one way to make them harder.
4u was shit. The biggest rehash in the series. Even more so than the anniversary games.
I've seen people go so far as to recommend Guard +5 on Lance, surely +3 is not that overdone.
He only liked gore during 4. He switched to Lao in X.
I think? I mostly use bows and dual blades just because they have fairly similar builds, and it looks like they reduced damage of bows but gave Critical Element a big buff. DBs being basically untouched means they'll probably edge out though.
I don't know, I'm a World Scrub so I don't really know what's good and what isn't.
>Literally Naruto, SAO and Attack on Titan: The Weapon
>not the most shounen shit
Worldfags so mad that they're not even trying to defend the game anymore, instead resorting to baseless attacks on an anonymous person's mental state
You could be right but I can't justify even beginning the grind to realise that tidbit.
Drachen with luna gamma waist is the only blade master set you need.
It works for everything besides Lance and gunlance. I like to run evasion 5 lances with evade extender 3. It's hilarious how backhops are faster than sprinting
It's literally getting iai slashes in Iceborne. Really they should've replaced Foresight altogether with those but oh well.
>I don't really know what's good and what isn't.
World is not that demanding in general so you're good with whatever, but otherwise everything that isn't HH (this one could change in Iceborne), SnS and SA is golden.
says the guy doing nothing but baseless attacks out of nowhere.
Anyone recommending +5 on Lance for anything but reducing AT Nerg's insane chip damage is a dummy. You only need +3 to safely counter every attack in the game. Points beyond that only reduce chip damage.
this dude sales stuff for much more expensive no? dudes selling monster figures for half what capcom sales a bundle for
>It's literally getting iai slashes in Iceborne
How in the name of the hell does that thing iai doesn't need to be sheathed first?
>It's literally getting iai slashes in Iceborne.
Oh baby. You got a webm? I still remember the fun that was being the most anime bastard ever through Iai spam in Nioh.
My man, do not reply to "him"
"baseless attacks" after you called random people subhumans because they enjoy a game that you don't
you're obviously mentally ill
Those are individuals. If you buy a blind box set you might not get the whole set. That's when you hit ebay to buy the one you're missing.
I use Luna chest on most of my Lance setups. I forget if it was Beta or Gamma though.
>he doesn't just run life augmented Perdition's Hand with guard 3 talisman
That lance is all you will ever need.
ah kk. thanks for your info, enjoy your brachy
You hold it at your side after a special sheath animation
+5 is situational for certain ATs
+3 is ideal for most shields
+1 is recommended for CB because charging your shield essentially gives it 2 levels of Guard
>with evade extender 3
Every game I consider running this but I find they do more harm than good through screwing with my positioning.
Where are you N33Ts getting the money to buyfag.
by having a job?
>guard 3
>not being 100% evade Lance
Lance can reposition with Guard Dashes instead now, so EE is less of a hinderance there.
I still stick with purely Guard setup except against AT Nerg though. EE is the only way to reliably avoid his flying dunk after a knockdown besides Quick Sheath into a dive.
Uhhh. No? Taroth Crest fire has 70% affinity with only 4 levels of expert... I have 100% affinity with 2 levels of WeX and guard lance is garbage in world compared to 4U. Evade Lance always comes out on top with higher dps.
Fuck off, I was forced into that for every game before World except Tri and now I finally get to actually use my shield again.
seriously? How does that work?
Yoikes wagiessss
Or something
>guard point
Isn't it just for loading Wyvernstake Blast?
So where do I get Bealite in GU? most of my weapons need it at this point.
Why ask if you haven't been keeping up with the IB news like rest of us? It's going to be better as a surprise for you anyways.
Jurassic Frontier
no surprises for a pcfag like me I'm afraid
Wiki. You're going to find your answers in 2 seconds of searching.
They are in the deserted island map's first area and many others
You messed up slightly there
If you wanted to use a shield you could have just played Gunlance.
RIP user
oh shit guys it's flashing
more like titty-ya-ku
You just make friends with the cats and eventually they teach you how to ride monsters.
Shieldspire gets the meme dancing man now too.
That's a nice pussy you got there
It would be a shame if someone ravaged it with hooked tentacles
Endgame GL was all about that E+1 as well since it was easier to evade after attacks than block. Lance at least still jad a counter even if it couldn't be done after your 3rd poke.
He's going out in a blaze of glory.
Namielle isn't the final boss
>meme dancing man
>Muhut never made any actual porn of his designs fucking
Also Guard might as well not exist on armor past mid G Rank, you needed a god charm if you didn't want to spend half your set's decoration slots on Ironwall jewels. And there were still many attacks that still had heavy pushback and chip damage even if you bothered trying to get Guard +2. Even getting Guard +1 or Guard Up massively limited your set options.
>tail too thick to fuck herself with it
Missed opportunity
I wish this guy was a recurring poster rather than listfag...
I still have to get the "shotgun for an arm" meme. What did they do with SnS?
Deviljho rapes this!?!
Can the we get some leaks again capcom please