30 years old

>30 years old
damn, why doesn't he just quit?

Attached: Ssbmrank2017_4.png (728x945, 1.1M)

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because he's the holy father

Literally who?

>tfw doomed to be a hairlet

Seriously? Thats Martin McFurless. He is a in the professional HAIR EATING business. He won like national tournaments and shit. Got sponsorship from a bunch of companies on his shirt.

and do what?
He has nothing else, its a sad tale really

looking and acting more Chadly lately desu

all hail mew2king

He will he just needs you to buy his book first

personally I am unironically looking forward to reading it

If he’s making money and is competent, why would he?


Well, he is barely competing atm. Totally stopped entering melee singles. Would be better if he just quit.


Hope he saved up a good bunch of money, else the next years are gonna be grim for him.

why does he have no hair at 30

extremely shitty genes.

Once his book takes off he'll be set for life.

just american things

It's completely normal. An ad on a podcast I listen to told me so.

he sat around playing video games

He’s barely competing anymore at this point. At the same time he’s in too deep to have a good shot at any career path outside of streaming/esports. He’s trying to make it as a streamer although he’s honestly much better suited to being a coach.

He invested literally everything he had into melee, and so the only venues left to him are things in video games, such as streaming and tourneys, but he isn’t even doing much of the latter

he chose the wrong game. all the MOBA faggots are becoming millionaires

Some people go bald really young and really fast

Like me, for example

Why does he shave his head like this?

What do you even do when you're balding like that? Completely shave it all off?

i have even less at 24

>hands are fucked from melee
>hairline fucked
>penis doesn't work
He had a hard life

Because smash is all he has. It's the only thing that gets him money.

Yeah, you either shave it or buzz it really closely, either no guard or 1# guard, personally I think no guard in this case is better, 1# guard is better when you're balding but you still have a fair amount of hair, think Norwood 3.

Attached: bald.png (960x991, 92K)

Baldy spotted.

unironically this

the smash scene is so shitty staying home streaming is often the better choice in terms of money. also i think jason said he has never had a real job before because of his autism.

The chad embrace with the long hair can work while you still have a good amount of hair, but the custodian ascend will look ridiculous.

None of these haircuts look good when your body type is "skinny NEET"

>still cares about looking good
Your fucking bald

He would looks 20 yeard younger if he used a wig.


I literally stopped giving a shit once I started to go bald, I was already ugly before I started going bald and that just put the final nail in the coffin, now I put zero effort in how I look unless I'm going to work or something like that.

wigs are expansive and a complete pain in the ass day to day.

Fuck, there is no escape

actually there's one, look up scalp micropigmentation
it looks like the best solution to me

He made a deal with the devil many years ago, every time he wins a tourney he loses one more hair follicle.

He hasn't been losing hair lately to be honest.

beardlet cope
how does it feel to have less T than an asian teen

probably because there's nothing left to lose