I'm putting together a team to take down Epic. You in?

I'm putting together a team to take down Epic. You in?

Attached: TobyFox.png (378x320, 306K)

Guess I have no choice.

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No thanks. I'm not a gaben cumslupring retard.

>deltarune 2: only on epic
Now that would be a fun shitshow.


GOG, Origin, Uplay, and the rest hate Epic too.
Paying for exclusivity is the lowest of the low

Be real OP, Toby is exactly the kind of person Epic would pay off to make exclusives for them. The guy has been in the shit making games with no-budget and he's probably mighty sick of it.

All of those are exclusive publisher platforms. They all have or have had exclusivity deals.

Attached: epic spells BTFO.png (1544x2970, 1.35M)

Why yes, i love undertale for what it is,despite its flaws. How did you knew?

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Because you're a girly man. Now get out of the way, weakling!

Attached: arnold1.jpg (500x342, 31K)

Sure am, Toby-kun.

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First-party exclusives and third-party exclusives paid for near the end of development are two very different things user

Their exclusives are literally made and published by them. None of them have paid an unrelated game dev to only sell on their platform.

I support devs, so I'm not interested.

yep, im freaking ready! dota bros ahoy!!!!

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>Deltarune hasn’t come out yet because Toby took the EGS apple and he’s sweating how to break the news to his rabid fanbase
Honestly worried this is what’s happening.

imagine being such a corpocuck that you are actively hostile to any competition to your favorite platform

He probably has a pretty good amount of funds after doing Undertale stuff, especially considering how that game only was worked on by a couple people max

i'll join when valve makes a new triple A title game that's not garbage