Are you excited?

Are you excited?

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Is that a boy or a girl?


The creator talks about Nanachi like a girl and even confirmed Nanachi as a girl at a convention when asked

Shes a fucking girl and anyone who tells you othersie is a gigantic retard and probably gay aswell.

What does this image have to do with Nanachi?

me on the bottom

It's a Death Stranding parody.

For what?

s'been a while, guess I'll break out the nanachi anal doujins.

Based nanachi.

nanachi is my daughter, say something nice about her.

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Her butt smells nice.

Nanachi is perfect; Mitty is a dirty blob only good for science, and tastes like Nanachi's cooking too!

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I think it's technically sexless but it was a little girl at one point so I'd say girl.

I would very gently do her in the butt, user

Author refused to confirm either way, saying it's more fun to imagine.

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user that was literally back when she was first revealed as a new character. The author already confirmed Nanachi a girl multiple times since.

So is the author of this really pedophilic or is it just misunderstood?

Is she getting a bido gam?

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She has a few out already

She looks fluffy.

My wife is very cute desu.

Stop calling it "she".

>think from picture that this means a new MiA game is coming
>it's just fan art for kojima's walking simulator

At least post the full picture

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>caring about the rest of the picture

Rabbitfag begone
Everyone knows moth is the new hotness

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t. surounded guy

enjoy being used as a cartridge

Tell me about Bondrewd, how does he control the BT?

WHY YES I do fuck my daughter, how could you tell?

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