5 years in and they still can't let it go

How is this not a win?

Attached: 1.png (936x548, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It is pretty much the ultimate victory - immortality.
Not even lulzsec has this notoriety.

>students used to be blank slates
i. fucking. hate. america.

> students used to be blind sheep ready and waiting ro have liberal political ideology shoved down their throats

Except that's literally not true. Children come to class after their parents have had a chance to shape their opinions already. Kids already come prepackaged with a bunch of ideas in their head already. These people are just mad because they're not ideas they support.

This is the" nevah forget" of gamers journalists.

It can be whatever you want it to be, from a scapegoat to a punching bag to big bad evil.

Gamergate killed my parents

>How is this not a win
It's literally worse than ever. Triggering people does not equal changing or destroying scumbag clickbait companies like Kotaku, IGN, etc.


Attached: gonebutneverforgotten.png (4680x966, 1.69M)

It's funny how they're not even hiding that the classroom is their means of spreading their political agenda. People who think they're 100% in the right are the ones who put out the most evil.

That was Hulk Hogan's kill fampai


>gamergate comes to classrooms
the future of mankind in the grave

Attached: 1566149529682.jpg (1200x900, 311K)

i cri ever tiem

What was gamergate can someone tell this boomer(I'm 42)?

Someone I loved is dead because of GamerGate, so yeah, not going to let it go.

Anybody with kids in the public school system is guilty of child abuse.

Astroturf attempt to recruit gamers into fascism.

For the last time, gamergate didn't kill Hitler, he killed himself. Let it go.



>Deadspin, Gizmodo/io9, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Kotaku, Lifehacker, Splinter

>worth 1.5 Billion in 2006


>The Verge, Vox, Polygon, Curbed, Eater, SB Natio



Attached: GET WOKE GO BROKE.png (1416x1220, 1.27M)

Fuck off Jeremy

>gaming politics bros

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Suck an adult's dick pedourinalist.

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They have literal PTSD over the whole event. The happening of the internet are like open warfare to them, a common insult bullets piercing their skin. Journalists are like the Syrian refugees of the internet.

>ape trying to communicate via Yea Forums memes exclusively

Attached: images.png (211x239, 6K)

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A lot of Zoomers in classroom nowadays are brainwashed with right wing propaganda thanks to fox news and other right wing sites. It's no surprise to see it negatively influence their public behaviour in classrooms as well.

Gamergate just flew over my house.

>the true face of anti-GG

Attached: SJW Pedo Thomas Cheung.jpg (1247x622, 283K)

tens or hundreds of millions of people rejected the self proclaimed moral righteousness of the entire journalism profession, striking at the very core of their identity. how could they not be hurt by it?

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Trump is gonna win again in 2020 and the seethe is gonna be unreal.

Calling out a roastie for banging journalists for positive game reviews and coverage. Evolved into calling out games "journalism" as a whole for being in bed with devs. Journalists dismiss the movement as sexist rather than address the legitimate points being brought up.

Rent-free. You actually call him by his first name he scares you so much. It's fucking pathetic.

Honest question, what are they even going to teach in a lesson based on gamergate? And why? It’s baffling

>not voting for Diamond Joe to make both sides seethe at the same time

Attached: D2374F08-F04B-4F76-BB89-0616702F350A.jpg (400x400, 25K)

>Push your political soiboi agenda so hard that the kids fight back with a counter culture.
What did they expect?

this is the "annuda shoah" of these faggots

Why are VOX MEDIA RAPISTS allowed to have opinions on gaming culture? Verge is Vox sub.

Attached: SJW 'Male Feminist' Lockhart Steele.png (452x429, 123K)

Someone was caught sleeping with games article writers for exposure.
People called them out on it and the corruption in "games journalism" in general.
Then the media claimed it was because gamers hate women and used their connections to get the mainstream to demonize the movement.

cringe thread
>grown men arguing over videogame politics

Based and bluepilled

>thinking joe will even get the nomination
He's just a punching back for kamala.
>but joe-
>what about this, joe-
>how can you say that, joe-

where is the pasta dude?

'bunch of journalists decried the term "gamer" as dead because of a movement called #fiveguys. Five Guys was based on some shit dev who cheated on her boyfriend with five other guys. Only, one of those guys was a writer for Kotaku who promoted her game a week after the affair. Gamergate rose from that last part, and started looking into all the shady shit journos do. All on the same day every site released a "Gamers are dead, look at them harass this poor woman" type post to detract from the dirt that was being dug up on journos. Which is ironic, since one of the the bigger things was the mailgroup that a bunch of writers from every company subscribed to, where they would discuss what narrative to push so they all looked like they came to the same conclusion.

From there it was just a shitshow of "journos are terrible" -> "HOW DARE YOU HARASS WOMEN" in response. Anita jumped in on the bandwagon for the gamersRbad victimbux. It rambled on for a while, much like this post.

>it's a "Yea Forums punches down against people who are just trying to make the world a better, safer place for everyone" episode
can you not?

doesnt matter because they wont teach the truth

that it was about games journalism until a bunch of hateful people ruined it for the rest of us and that's all the media focused on

it was quite literally the franz ferdinand of the meme war, but nobody will know that in the next decade

then /pol/ showed up and it unironically became a anti-feminism movement

I'm surprised this thread is still up, it's Yea Forums tiananmen square

Why is Yea Forums so slow rn?

The fact that he can openly state that he hates America and does whatever he can to ruin the country while openly ignore the law while openly being corrupt and having scandals every single day since he got elected then America is truly lost if he gets reelected.

kamala is fucking dead you ape

biden will win because the democratic base can't stand the democratic party

>waaah out brainwashing doesn't work anymore
>why can't you be obedient little goyim?

>punches down
>against fags supported by corporations
Yeah, about that....

This guy has actual photo evidence of him creeping on little girls. It ain't happening, not with the party that made such a stink over Trump and his comments on his daughter.

2035 History Class is gonna be a fucking wild ride

Trump Derangement Syndrome at its finest.

Calling out roasties who immediately played the feminist victim card doesn't make it an anti-feminist movement.

Yeah, that's the problem with every "gamer" movement, it doesn't take a lot for /pol/ to leech it and at thet moment it loses all credibility

>The fact that he can openly state that he hates America and does whatever he can to ruin the country while openly ignore the law while openly being corrupt and having scandals every single day since he got elected then America is truly lost if he gets reelected.

what? is this shill work?

>hates america
>openly ignore the law
bigger lol
>being corrupt and having scandals every single day

Why are the same SJW urinalists whining about gamergate so obsessed with raping women and diddling children? Is that why they are attacking gaming? Because it's filled with their desired victims?

Attached: SJW 'Male Feminist' Rupert Myers.png (664x659, 230K)

>autists on a cartoon website's videogame subforum
>punching down
>against corporate media
Are you retarded or Australian?

>Students used to be blank slates
Holy shit, what is wrong with you amerilards.

>implying these people give actually give a fuck about any of that
>implying its not just manufactured hysteria for points
>implying anyone will even remember it after the media ignores it and google manipulates search results to bury it

Joe is still at the forefront of every poll. After Harris got utterly shit on at the last primary debate regarding her record as California's AG, she's dropped to like 5th place. Top 3 right now are Biden, Warren and Sanders.

Trump loves america, you can see it in his policy. The guy's a nationalist. The latest shitstorm is about him wanting to end birthright citizenship to stop illegals from coming here and dropping a baby to become citizens.

fucking with kotaku because of games journalists accepting payola for Dragon Age 2 and Derpression Quest

The Verge is right, this is how we are supposed to educate children on gamergate. We must take matters into our own hands.

Attached: SJW Production Factory of School Shooters 02.jpg (598x318, 64K)

I like how they simultaneously think that gg
>accomplished nothing stop talking about it, stop gloating about dead companies and media outlets you shitlords reeeeeeeeeeeee
but also
>is was, like, a second holocaust, responsible for all evils in the world. Fuck druuuuuummmpppfffff!!!

Attached: 1564413561121.jpg (1157x1637, 357K)

>ay wtf these crippled niggas said there would be some fat assed whyt bitches here

It continued to be about games journalism, and always was about games journalism. The problem is it rose from ZQ's shitshow. so they always reframed it back to "they just hate women"

>The Verge education class

Attached: SJW Production Factory of School Shooters 01.png (410x800, 331K)

The public school system was designed to project ideas into the minds of students, hence why about every classroom has all students face the front with teacher monologing from a position above students. If the system didn't work it wouldn't be used by just about every first and second world country on the planet.

these kids will kill their parents

Check out the book Conspiracy about Gawker and Peter Thiel. Great read.

No, Anita and Zoey made it a feminism thing and as such they were met with equivalent force. They literally took it to the UN.

Shit, if the DNC really is banking on biden now then, fucking lol. I'd say mommy tulsi is gonna have an easy time but they'd never let her get the nomination so I guess creepy joe it is.

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>grown men
everybody in this thread is a fucking child you dunce

miss u hitler

The next reincarnation of Hitler is going to be a zoomer and this is why.

I forget the exact quote, but there's a saying along the lines of the person who you should fear the most is he who feels his cause righteous and just, as there is no way for that kind of person to back down, even in the face of committing atrocities.

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Ironic shitposting or posting purely for the sake of triggering other people is a real faggy move just btw

reminder if you are a neet or make under 80k a year you dont deserve to have an opinion about politics

And yet his wife is an illegal, he openly consorts with foreign dictators like Kim and Putin, he insults american cities like Baltimore, he called the four congresswoman non americans despite them being born in America.

It's obvious he hates America and hates americans, the only ones that are fighting against him are the true Patriots who actually loves the country.

Is that black guy a leader or something? I've seen him multiple times now in different webms.

It's just like crusades, except I don't know who's the pope/mastermind

the true gamergate crowd always tried to make it about games journalism, but the false flag shills and the Yea Forumslackpilled who just look for chaos ruined the appearance

>By Megan
Oh boy ((((HERE IT COMES))))

Is dragon age 2 some sort of SJW tentpole game? I have read/heard more than a few shitlibs talk about that game in glowing terms.

>Magic The Gathering listens to The Verge
>suddenly the vocal SJWs and anti-GG-ers in the collective are turning out to be pedos one after another
There's a lot to learn my friends.

Attached: SJW Magic The Gathering of Pedophiles.png (580x587, 103K)

but dude neets who are on welfare are the most important demographic for republicans

Im sure that telling your son how evil his gender and race combination inherently is won't have any negative effects...

Seriously though how is that not child abuse?

Don't forgot that people started looking into Phil Fish's indie gaming conventions and found evidence of money laundering. That was the last important development before moot nuked the whole site and the banhammers started flying.

do you want to know how i know you aren't from here?

>oh no, students arrive here being people with their own ideas and objectives, instead of gullible idiots that I can use to force my agendas! Oh, the humanity!

They are not even ashamed to say that out loud.

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Worst thing about GG is people unsurprisingly focused on the sensationalist gossip aspect aka SHE FUCKED FIVE GUYS and how nobodies threatened other nobodies over Twitter, while the real important shit like industry corruption and vidya "journalism" just being an unofficial PR branch of said industry were glossed over.

Attached: kamiya_they aint coming off.jpg (205x227, 13K)

There are tons of public schools where kids sit in a semi-circle raised above the teacher, like most colleges do.

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>insults american cities like Baltimore
Shitposting aside, I feel sorry for the people of baltimore. That place looks like an absolute shithole.

(((Meis))) tells her (((white))) male son that white men are the source of the worlds problems. Same thing (((they))) have been doing for thousands of years.

Yes that's why melanin-enriched folk keep voting blue for their gibs.

Wait, I thought Gamergate was supposed to be dead? Don't SJWs constantly make triumphant pronouncements about how Gamergate is dead?
Or is it dead until whenever they need a boogeyman to scare people with?

CS Lewis
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

God I hope it’s warren for the democrat candidate. She’ll get destroyed. Also I don’t understand why any liberals like her. She lied about being native. Can you imagine the butthurt if joe Biden started saying he was black?

>forth reich's salute is the fortnite dance
Fuck, I'd pay to see that.

Never pay rent again!

>Blank Slates
What the fuck

He's the corporate controlled interest, it's the same thing that happened to Bern last election. Establishment democrats are why we got Hillary instead of him and it's why we lost. Would we take a chance at actually winning or would we rather make sure we don't disturb the billionaire norm.
Fucking hate my party's leaders.

Why the fuck should card selling company do anything about pedos that happen to buy their cards?

Here's what the American University turned into. All thanks to woke-left going haywire, and that's a good thing!
The Verge needs to burn.

Attached: ABSOLUTE STATE OF WESTERN EDUCATION - SJW Temper Tantrum Fined $44 Million.png (1376x1877, 2.75M)

We weakened them for the final blow.

Same as tax dodging "my money is my money but yours belong to all" silicon valley 100k+/year propaganda peddlers are for democrats.

Just the fact that she specifies white males multiple times is a massive red flag and should show anyone with a working brain she has an agenda.

Kids spend more of their waking hours in school than at home. At home, they grow into adolescence and resent their families. Then they graduate school, move away from home, and go to college or university where they spend ALL their time. This is how you condition them.

Because you're so new you can't? Been here since 2007. Ironic shit posting is shit posting and protramp posting is the most painfully obvious shit posts of the decade. Second only to NO OH OH OH.

listening to the doublethink on NPR about this was comedy of the highest order

Yeah, Trump'g going to bring it up directly to his face in a debate.

>We even have pictures of CREEPY JOE, and thats what I call him, creepy Joe, we have.....actual.....pictures of Joe....SMELLING little girls. Not good.

What if those pedos are taken by the company as official game judges and therefore granted official capacity to represent the company even if as a temporary contract, and they are all vocal SJWs on Twitter? :^)

Yeah, that's it. Man, he was awesome.

I pray everyday that some shitskins nuke em.

how can an ideology be so cringe

Imagine being a cuckservative and literally shaking because of the people in this pic.

Attached: 1394667373155.jpg (435x351, 29K)

The journalists were the ones glossing it over because focusing on the sexist angle was way more effective at dismissing the concerns.


>And yet his wife is an illegal
There you go conflating illegal and legal immigrants again, weird that it's backwards this time
>he openly consorts with foreign dictators like Kim and Putin,
Peace talks are such a bad thing, apparently.
>he insults american cities like Baltimore
He calls out the problems in cities with problems. Notice how it actually inspired a chunk of his base to help with the rat infestation? He wasn't being rhetorical when he called it rat infested, the city has a massive rat problem.
>he called the four congresswoman non americans despite them being born in America
He called out the squad for hating America. Wanting to dismantle the government, trying to use the Green New Deal as a trojan horse to instill socialism, "Mexican hands will make Mexican crops grow fine in New York" bullshit. It's not the climate that prevents arid/dry crops from growing in the humid/hot New York climate, it's racism - AoC

Hey I'm not the only one who noticed, cool.

This the "6 gorrillion" sob story for the game journos.

Oh no, children are entering classrooms and questioning the mental retardation of shit like pic related, whatever are we going to do with these gamergate nazi incel white terrorists?

Attached: SJW lessons on White Supremacy.jpg (900x1200, 172K)

Journalistic integrity as a whole has never really been a thing so i dont know why its surprising to anyone. For every 1 person you have that wants to do the right thing and report the truth you have 30 people who can and will be bought out.

>tfw didn't realize I could have made bank as a fake right-wing, anti-SJW YouTuber in the prime of GamerGate and 2016 election

Attached: thats terror.png (208x241, 68K)

>you will never be a games journalist in 2013
Did we miss our chance, bros?

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That wasn't mentioned anywhere in the picture but alright, makes sense now

Daily reminder: LAWYER UP.

Whenever some wrong doing happen to you, contact a lawyer and sue. Hit them where it hurts, in their pockets. These lefties need a reminder they are living in a society with laws.

t. Lawyer.

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>Students used to arrive as blank slates ready to be etched with our agenda, now they come with agendas of their own"
I genuinely hate academia and intellectuals. They are so far up their own asshole that they can't even be bothered to put effort in to persuade the minds they want to shape.

Those pedos are endorsed by the company as official judges. Card shops are told by WotC that these people are safe and sound to judge their card game tourneys. Tourneys that are often overrun by 10~14 year olds.

okay i believe you now, you're just trolling

Students were fucking NEVER blank slates.
They ALWAYS arrived to the classroom with whatever bullshit their parents had put in their heads.

I suppose if you're a historical revisionist, you can make every fucking thing seem "problematic".

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Funny how all this always boils down to daddy issues.

As much as people like to say that gamers lost the PR war during gamergate , the truth of the matter is that the journo rebutals came too late.

So many years later and the "damage" hasn't been undone. A kid need only expeirence twitch chat for a day and they are no longer "blank slate". And the more these journos get older , the more detached from gaming reality they become (if that's even possible)

Shame it didn't kill you, too.

Whatever floats your orange


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The hardliners of any movement never miss an opportunity

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>They literally took it to the UN.
>Setting up links thst were supposed to be hyperlinks to your mydocs folser
That was pretty fucking amazing, all the nonsense aside. How do you get to go to the UN and fuck up that hard?

Anti-GG is just an expression of far left communism. Since they are far leftists, they cannot let it go. Only insane people deep down think its okay for a purple hair ugly women to fuck around on the job.

If anything that was the problem with GG, had a bunch of libertarian leftists. Like, ew. When it comes to that political quadrant, anyone scoring in the lower left quadrant is debatable not even worth existing.

This is what The Verge endorses.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-5-30 Berkeley students shut down exam, demand 'take-home' instead.png (955x718, 75K)

Do you have a link to that?

>condemns her own children for their whiteness
>has white children to begin with

Women are masters at cognitive discordance. In the end they won't betray (for the most part) their biological preconceptions but their brains sure try as hard as they can to do so.

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>this was debunked


How is firing someone "amid allegations" of something not the opposite of justice, and not the opposite of responsibility?

>the three retards up front are the only ones showing their face

>sniiiiif hello little girl sniiiiiiiff

>minds they want to shape
That's where you already started wrong. I am a person, not a block of marble. If you are 18 and still don't have beliefs, maybe you are fucking defective.

I am on college to learn a profession, not to have some hippie cunt trying to "shape" me. If I don't let my parents shape, I won't let a fucking teacher do it as well. Want to shape people, become a kindergarten teacher.

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They ban people from playing magic the gathering for life regularly if they have some right wing views on social media and stuff but they ignore all these pedos that work as judges for their tournaments.

According to Ryan Holiday, Gawker alone lost hundreds of millions of dollars from Gamergate and Operation Disrespectful Nod.

THAT is why they're assblasted all those years later. If Gawker lost that amount, imagine how much every blog lost.

>sense of urgency is white supremacy

Is this why fast food is served slower when more niggers are working?

>Perfectionism and Objectivity is white supremacy

Attached: 1560525485823.webm (640x360, 2.69M)

>Whenever some wrong doing happen to you
>t. Lawyer.
Are you a nigger lawyer?

Remember Bill Nye? The Science Guy? He used to be a cool dude. Everyone loved it when we got lessons from him or Prof. Julius Sumner Miller. But now, I can no longer reflect fondly on times of school days gone by thanks to this bullshit:

Attached: 1562539664572.jpg (720x380, 65K)

youre not wrong but its not like trump can attack him on that

you see why he calls him sleepy joe and not creepy joe?

Because the evidence is pretty hard and not merely vocal.

No, english is not my first language.

Attached: trumple 3.jpg (564x767, 149K)

>Worst thing about GG is people unsurprisingly focused on the sensationalist gossip aspect aka SHE FUCKED FIVE GUYS
No they didn’t.
People focused on the fact that several journos were being bribed to give praise to her game.
And then afterwards, it was about journos attacking people who noticed this and strawmanning their arguments.

Dont like her politics, but I would unironically fuck her brains out. And I don't mean some quick rough doggy, I would do full eye contact missionary and making out while passionately grinding and thrusting for hours. She's fucking gorgeous and her body is incredible.

That's a college/university, not a public school. Once students get to that point they are already taught that the professors have more authority in life than they do so putting a position in a literal high ground isn't as important anymore.

sure user

Attached: 1565735716470.jpg (572x392, 30K)

I agree with you whole heartedly, it seems that college is more for ideological education than practical education. The fact that they want you to be a blank slate is suspect as shit.

We need Judge Dredd in this clown era.
We need a million of his clones.
I've grown up being anti-fascist with all my heart, now i'm starting to turn pro-fascist when i see stupid idiocratic shit like this spreading. I realize that sometimes an iron fist is needed.

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It’s because the black workers are too busy contaminating your food.

bill nye is dead to me now, what the fuck

corporations are incredibly petty when they feel slighted, caused by the public spotlight of their bribery and paid reviews-practices

very inclusive of anifags to put their handicapped on the front lines

I love you totally-not-ex-Neogaf are focused on this and conveniently forget all those Kotaku threads when they were still allowed

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Call them by their real name: propagandists

>Right to comfort
So the meme about the right to live near white people is true... Then what the fuck is gentrification all about?

>trying to claim superiority

Does it change your mind to know she has implants?

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>Nimble America paid this retard to shill on the internet

Attached: 1565409712899.jpg (300x300, 19K)

Woah.. we really do live in a society

Do you see anything in that article reminiscent of even attempting to adhere to pic related? Because if you don't, stop using that fucking word and call them activist bloggers.

Attached: SPJ Code of Ethics Journalism.png (1224x1584, 424K)

Then there was the game jurno pros thing
Where a large number of jurnos from different sites had an elite chat/email group thing where they would collude on stories, determine if things should be given positive or negative spin based on their personal feelings about developers
tl;dr, it was about harassing men

That's changing the infrastructure of an area to such an extent that the value of the area soars will beyond what the original occupants of that area can no longer afford to be there.

>t. pantyfa buttplug

Dude loves America. He just wiped out student debt for all disabled vets. Or is this considered bad?

>How is this not a win?
A win for what/who?

she did not look like that back then, though. really JUSTED herself.

>black bloc
>only two blacks

Their coffers

Gamergate is the vidya holocaust, it's never going away.


>Warning: Breitbart link

>censors your games
>forces you out of your job
>makes you unemployable
>includes more and more social justice, feminist and PoC themes into your games


Attached: basedandfrogpilled.jpg (600x600, 118K)

>grown women charging tens of thousands of dollars to lecture people on video game politics

This. What the fuck is wrong with these """people"""?

Honestly it's such a clusterfuck that it can't be explained in a single Yea Forums post. Plus mods will almost certainly delete this thread. Basically an internet flame-war with real world consequences. It was political right from the start but the politics where those of several different websites (including this one) - politics which in no way resemble the real world left/right dynamic (at the time, shit has changed since). It was either about game journalism or harassment of women/minorities or anti-feminism or a consumer movement against biased press or it was about Social Justice Warriors and twitter mobs or it was the birth of the alt-right...... Fuck man you'll get a million different explanations and none of them will be able to be expressed properly because the thread will then be deleted.

Also all this shit started around August/September 2014, five years ago now, and while it kept going on and on for nearly two years it's fucking over now and if you wanna do a deep dive into it you'll find your head filled with useless information. On the other hand somewhere in there is the story of how the internet (including this site) got to where it is now. Although how much of it was actually gamergate and how much was just other tangential shit also going on at the same time is anyone's guess. Also the wikipedia article is just fucking wrong.

i think its funny how all of those companies always pander to the same side, i imagine that it was only the desperation, also im always trying to understand people who plays vidya and are against gg, those are a case study for me

wow dude epic retort

Attached: 1535970562169.png (490x445, 133K)

>And yet his wife is an illegal
His wife is a Slav who western white Nazis tried to genocide for the past 1000 years, the Mongols tried to enslave, and the Ottomans tried to enslave, and whose country was enslaved by a Nazi Empire. You are gonna have a tough time trying your usual scripts on this case.

it's simple
white people arrive?
white people leave?
>white flight
everything is always wh*te people's fault

Nothing wrong with being against a hateful supremacist group

don't you like making money to lecture people about politics?

Attached: b.jpg (485x340, 58K)



>suing someone for not doing business with you
What the fuck is this shit?
How the fuck is this even worth a legal glance.

I gotta say that this seeped very hard into their minds
I mean, I dont even remember this shit anymore and neither does Yea Forums, but everyone else remembers

im not sure being the propaganda wing of the nazi party is a good look for you user

>shows up
>threatens everyone
>gets laughed at
>gets arrested before shit pops off

I'd like to know too. That's basically all I've seen him do at least two or three times. I don't even know how he gets out before the next event because those seem like the kind of threats you'd do some time for.

she's angles: the girl

Attached: Zoë_Quinn_(2015).jpg (1000x1000, 154K)

Guy admitted his gf slept with reviewers and how the whole games jouro scene is bullshit. Then Yea Forums and /pol/ did more digging and discovered that Jews and the Democratic party where manipulating the media to try and take out white people and the western world.

Imagine the smell.

>he never wrote that article
>here's that article that he wrote
good journalism

>I realize that sometimes an iron fist is needed.
Please don't type like this, it reminds me of when I was 14 and I don't like it

you gotta learn to build up to crazy statements

Maybe he just likes a good riot

>The number of Americans 18 to 34 who are comfortable interacting with LGBTQ people slipped from 53% in 2017 to 45% in 2018 – the only age group to show a decline, according to the annual Accelerating Acceptance report. And that is down from 63% in 2016.


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tldr is that it showed a lot of people how incestuous the relationship is between the media and corporations, and they collaborate to create and push a narrative

Pretty pathetic having to check for a 70 years hence vanquished enemy under your bed every night.

Of course. Leftists hate veterans.

I feel like "objectivity" is the most telling of these. Post-modernists/ Marxists love their Critical Theory horseshit.

Wanna know the best part?
The SJW lady employed by the University who led the little private army crusade of brats sent an e-mail criticizing the jury openly and trying to be snarky with them for their ruling, before the ruling was finished, and this is what upped the payment cap to 44 mil.

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>Operation Disrespectful Nod.

I totally forgot about this. Goddamn I love Yea Forums, what a great name for a sabatoge operation.

>tfw I just read an article on GG and it was actually really well done
>author was IAN MILES CHEONG

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I hate him too. Nice try faggot

Doesn't it make perfect sense when you account that more and more crazy is being thrown under that LGBT umbrella?

Go home

'dunno how he is now, but during GG he flopped back and forth a few times. He should have the perspective to write a good article on it.

>mad l*btard saves the thumbnail

I know she's no that good-looking, but I bet she shags like a minx.

Little Hitler Cheong?
Dear lord lawdy.

shut the fuck up shareblue, joe's got 0 chance against trump, if he wins the nomination dems will lose


This, we don't even have proper "neonazis" anymore. From George Lincoln Rockwell Nazis to Illinois Nazis to "nazi" skinheads to the Dickie Spencer fanclub. I'd say to stop making mountains out of molehills, but you need your nahtzee bogeymen, don't you?

It has always been this simple. It was about Yellow Journalism but of course because you are targeting the media they demonize the fuck out of their opponents when caught.

The jew hates being exposed to the light.

>t. still hasn't seen her nudes
You'd be certified /fit/-browsing gay within 15 minutes of her undressing famalam
no homo

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Feminism Comes To The Classroom
Professors used to be fair minded - now they arrive with agendas

I know, and he openly admits to having been a journalist supporter during the time.
I was just pissed to see his dumb face at the bottom of an article i liked

What's weird about Nazis and Feminists going well together? Hitler was a big Feminist.
Feminists were embroiled in anti-semitism scandal at the end of last year and soon after the Boghossian Exposure happened which was basically
>feminist academia approves academic papers which are Mein Kampf excerpts with Nazi switched out with Intersectional Feminism and Jews switched up with Straight White Males and Men, for official academic publishing
>2 papers were sent back for editing before publishing for not being extreme enough
Shit was hilarious.

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tl;dr: even the gays aren't comfortable around the LGBTQA+ community

Pretty much. I know a lot of gays that would really prefer that it go down to LGB at this point. They'd never speak openly or publically about it though, if you have ANY problem the TQA+etc side of things you are shunned out of the gay community.
On the subject of the growing alphabet, the entire point of the Q (queer) in LGBTQ is it's meant to be a catchall for anything not included in LGBT. The A (allies) is for straight feminists that want to be included in fucking everything, without any of the stigma.
If you want to see why they don't want the T+ anymore, peruse at any given point. One gay thread. One lesbian thread. Maybe a bi thread. 10 pages of trans threads. The non-trans threads are usually filled with "but you like dick, so maybe you're REALLY mtf trans, not gay" type bullshit.

It was the proof that gaming "journalists" are in cahootz with one another and talk in private about what stories to push and what to let disappear.


Ok so someone (we'll call them Pro-GG) will tell you that it basically it started when it was revealed that an indie dev had sex with a games journalist and shortly thereafter her game received a good review from said journalist. Except that's not true at all, say's someone else (anti-GG), there was no review for Depression Quest. What really happened was that the indie dev's 'jilted' ex-boyfriend wrote a nearly 10,000 word 'misogynistic' sexual manifesto and published it here on Yea Forums in order to use us as his personal army in order to 'harass her into therapy'. He also claimed in it that she had sex for a good review and the whole thing was quickly revealed to be a load of lies.

Except that's bullshit too, Eron Gjoni did write a nearly 10000 word, spergy, cringey break-up letter about his ex and posted it online but everything else is bullshit. He never claimed his ex had sex for reviews, or even implied it (that's where wikipedia is just fucking wrong). Shit the word 'review' never appears once in the Z post. He did claim that his ex had cheated on him with Nathan Grayson, a Kotaku/RPS writer and about 4 other people, and that claim did turn out to be true. Nor is the Z post misogynistic, there's barely any sex in it. He didn't post it on Yea Forums, Yea Forums discovered it, we discovered it on our own. Shit calling Eron 'jilted' is wrong, he dumped her.

So then the pro-GGer will tell you, yes, there was no review that's misinformation that keeps being spread. It was actually about the indie dev having sex for postive coverage/favours/exposure. Except that's not true either, looking at the dates when Eron alleged they sex it's clear that once Grayson started his affair he actually stopped writing about ZQ. Some of this was due to a typo in the original version of the Z post but that was corrected almost immediately. But that wasn't what the initial group of anons here and on /r9k/ were actually pissed off about........

>absolutely nonsensical bullshit faggot retard article involving a video game
>Author: Nathan Grayson
You would think this faggot would overdose on that much homosexuality and yet he's still pumping out leftist nonsense with video game window dressings.

>>feminist academia approves academic papers which are Mein Kampf excerpts with Nazi switched out with Intersectional Feminism and Jews switched up with Straight White Males and Men, for official academic publishing
papers were sent back for editing before publishing for not being extreme enough
Reminder that this actually happened.

Have sex

>nazis don't exist

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>are usually filled with "but you like dick, so maybe you're REALLY mtf trans, not gay" type bullshit.
...They really think they're not gay?

What about her posting homophobic shit on tumblr or somewhere or whatever?

Here we see a leftist engaging in their primary means of reproduction: Just rewrite history in a brazen fashion, so brazen no one would even think you had the balls to just lie about the entire event in question.

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi

>everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny
i can play this game too

>Retarded LARPing crypto-fascists

user no one really gives a shit about game reviews. It's fucking video games. Everyone knows it's bullshit and there is no way to stop EA from giving millions for good reviews. The reason it took off is because everyone is sick of these soi boy jews telling us that white men are evil and trannys need to be in video games.

>Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.
>Gradually I began to hate them.

I’ve shitposted against Nazis on /his/ many times and I have condemned the overt anti-semitism on Yea Forums many times. I do not believe the white race is the “superior race.”
I’m also a fervent anti-feminist

It was about ethnics is video game journalism. And the people that are still mad about it.

That made no sense.

Everyone who opposed GamerGate is an objectively good person and deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom (or equivalent honor in their country) for valiantly standing up against the nascent rise of fascism in spite of the risk and discouragement.

they do you retard but not in a number that represents actual threat, you need to be a true retard to feel threatened for a dead ideology with almost no followers that is being watched 24h/d

They think everything. the T part of LGBT is genuinely batshit insane. Most of them are ironically too focused on traditional gender roles, in spite of saying the opposite. Had a "trans" friend who started taking horomones and everything who eventually realised they weren'tt trans, they just liked womens clothing. But someone got in their head when they were younger over Tumblr or some shit and convinced them that if they like womens clothing, or makeup, or whatever, then they MUST be truly female, and they should transition. We used to have long talks that boiled down to "you realize you can like feminine shit and still be a man, right?"

its protestant anglo saxons bourgeoisie

This meme is just too real.

Psychologists and experts in child education warns people of the danger of using negative labels on your kids, because unlike the shallow belief that they will try to change to not be called those things, the children will actually adapt to that label unconsciously, more and more becoming the thing their parents call them. Lazy, agressive, dumb, pathetic, egotistic, the more you refer to your kid directly with those things, the more they will start to identify themselves with the negative stereotype you label them, and as soon as that happen, they will mold their personalities to the thing you use to identify them. This is also true to positive labels. If you want to have kids, remember that. This is not even new information, educators of the use of labels in kids since the XVIII century.

This progressive type moms are just so stupid, like most lefties, they never even tried to read a book about education once in their life. It's like, "nothing wrong in reading a manual for something small, like cooking, but if it is about raising a kid, than no, I won't read anything and just follow whatever I want".

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>handful of neo-nazis have their little irrelevant walkout for 50 years now without anyone giving a shit about them and without incident
>they are so small that the biggest nazi group in USA has 30 members if that, and all of them are tracked by the FBI
>we have peace from these jackasses for 50 years until dumbshit woke left and ANTIFA appeared at which point these Nazis started getting violent and getting bigger conscription now from people who get fired by SJWs for being heretical moderates of libertarians who disagree with crazy Horseshoe Nazi retardation

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>Literally force the gamer identity to a bunch of NAZIS

The joker meme show that the only winner was /pol/ since they dont play vidyas

The real Nazis started out as retarded LARPers too.

Fascists tend to be ignored until it’s too late for ignoring them to work.

yea trying to rebrand doesn't make you any less of a nazi since everyone can smell the stench a mile away

Can i sue my workplace for ageism?

Has Milo finished his book yet?

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Most MtF's unironically boil down to having no male societal equivalent of a tomboy.

>muh shitlottesville
Several dozen dipshits out of a population of 360 million is more like an anthill really. I didn't say they don't exist, just that they're greatly diluted over time and not nearly the "existential crisis" the sensationalist media makes it out to be. Meanwhile, literal communists run the entire city of Portland now.

Kids have parents. They are a bigger influence, no such thing has a blank slate.

Can you prove that they discriminated against you in the basis of age? Like a written memo, or an email? Or is it just something out of your head?

Your picture is only validating my point.
Also nice job leaving out the Dayton Shooter who is an SJW Antifa supporter.

They will be talking about gamergate on their deathbed, to their non-existent families.

What really sucks is that people will now never know how shitty of a town Poway actually is.

the problem isnt that they dont read books on parenting its that they have so much shit crammed in their heads that they think is just so, but really isnt
fuck, even a dog knows how to give positive and negative encouragement to its kids

Thats just what it became on the chans, which uses everything to astroturf for fascism these days. Was otherwise just a matter of certain people having too much influence and censorship powers over audience discourse and discussions on multiple websites, for no deserved reason, and the at the time, healthy history of the gaming press hating and attacking actual gamers, especially ones who didn't really care for cash grab mobile games, their hipster friends' lazy indie games like Gone Home, or their bad emo hipster reboots like DmC.

Nah, Hitler was saved by the CIA in Operation Paperclip, and lived out the rest of his life under another alias, being a useful idiot for a few more decades.

At least they’re being open about wanting children to be mindless slaves who won’t question anything. Leftism at its finest

If anything, whitey is an inferior species for willingly cucking itself to death.

>trying to pretend someone who makes left wing posts on twitter then shoots his sister and random people is comparable to someone who drove 9 hours to a wal-mart to specifically shoot mexicans
keep spreading that propaganda nazi

Can you guys talk about GG and leave the L vs R political shit flinging to Yea Forums or /pol/? ffs you niggers ruin every thread.

doesn't include el paso either but adding one to either side won't change the facts

>Students used to be blanks slates
>Now they're thinking for themselves

The horror, the horror....

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white people are that gun that everyone hates because its overpowered

Prepare to Die

Adding to my pics that didn't age well collection.

Gamergate was the negative reaction to the realization that leftists had infiltrated our past time.

>trying to pretend that an SJW ANTIFA supporter who has been as such for years and not just recently is not the first mass shooter of the left
The state is such that
>at first it was peaceful protest
>then it was beating up people
>then it was throwing cement milkshakes
You faggots have escalated all the way.
If i told a random unhinged ANTIFA faggot that there is a gathering of white nationalist when it is just a group of white nerds gathering for a card game, you would go shoot up and firebomb the place without a second thought. This is why everyone is now labeling you a terrorist unhinged threat.

Now post the stats showing the proliferation of yearly right-wing crimes over the past 5 decades. You will see relative peace until ANTIFA and your woke left showed up.

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More like
>Students used to be blanks slates
>Now they're indoctrinated online before their teachers take care of it

Threadly reminder that Joseph McCarthy was absolutely right.

she's also a devout corset user and posted a pic of her closet once that had like 5 of them in it
the 5 guys blog guy said she likes to just lay there and let you do all the work
a lot of fat women are like that

The basic key to understanding why it was such a huge deal and why it exploded the way it did is complicated... Actually no it's not. Basically the indie dev recieved far more harassment and awful shit thrown at her from the recesses of the internet than the game journalist who slept with her. It's true, even though once it turned into GG they did target Kotaku's advertising. But still the original indie dev, ZQ, had to flee her home for godsakes...

Well, the simple truth is that ZQ is fucking nuts and anything that comes out of her mouth is either a dick or a lie. That's what the Z post by her ex-boyfriend is about, not really about the cheating but about what he considered gas-lighting and emotional abuse (bit faggy but hey) which accidentally revealed that a Kotaku was complete sleaze who didn't know where to draw the line as far as a source goes. Anyway it got banned whereever he posted it but Yea Forums and /r9k/ found it anyway and then we engaged in the usual trolling - editing her wikipedia article to make every other word 'whore' and also changing the wiki page for the restaurant 'Five Guys' - long story. Then /r9k/ found her nudes, someone paid 10 bucks to an old suicide girls ripoff site and bamn, they're now on the internet forever. Sure, it's not anything you wish to happen to yourself but hey, it's fucking Yea Forums.

Then the weird shit started to happen. Threads started getting deleted. Okay, maybe some people crossed the line but this was different. I'll give you the best example, ZQ wrote a massive response called, "I will not negotiated with terrorists," which implied that she'd been hacked (she hadn't) and her nudes had been stolen off her computer (they hadn't - someone had paid for them and she'd put them on that site in the first place) and everyone angry about this or about 'ethical game journalism' (she actually coined that phrase) was really just a misogynist and all this was happening because she's a woman...

I still miss him bros

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The people at Charlottesville weren't even nazis. They were white nationalists. And literally every incident of violence was started by leftists.

that is a straight up lie user. nazi's only become a things to stop the bolsheviks you fucking faggot

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You're really reaching with this. I'd argue with you but it's just such a dumb topic.

Keep sending those emails/rape threats

Keep pretending 8ch isn't a pedo ring.

Forgot the Washington shooting which was an antifa leftie and the attack on a journalist.

Call them by their true real name: jews

the events in the pic are specifically terrorist acts with political intent not "this guy made some posts on twitter and went off the rails"

>propagandist institution with immense amounts of influence and power
>met with some resistance to said propaganda

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Whitey can barely handle the sun/habitat of the majority of the world, they are albino mutants who were never meant to be the majority anywhere, much less the Americas or Europe, which they were never originally from, which is why they are "dying".
Whitey can only last by fucking off back to ice caves in the mountains.

>wow a molotov thrown at a stone building, somebody stop these terorrists. please ignore the 9 white supremacist terrorist acts in 1 year

You can feel that your cause is righteous and just and still be a good person. The difference between a tyrant and a benevolent leader is whether or not the ones they're in charge of have the same perspective.

>now they have their own ideologies and thoughts before their teachers can implant the school approved ideologies

they could all be defeated by one single cop lol

You’re fucked in the head shitskin

wait you can discuss gg here?
then why the fuck did i left to 2^3 chan?

>crazy statements
It's literally what happened though

Leftists try to unleash carnage just as regularly, they're just usually inept in their execution. See: berniebro baseball shooter and ICE facility firebomber. Funny how the BLM shooters in Dallas and Baton Rouge have been so conveniently forgotten as well.

You don't get to shift the narrative to shed responsibility for your own lunatics.
Dusting a turd under the rug doesn't make the smell go away.
ANTIFA has proven itself incapable of regulating its own people, it has proven itself that it is capable of shooting up and firebombing/arsoning a place if they are told it is a gathering of white supremacists even if it isn't.
You are done for. Internet is already purging your faggot asses and the hierarchy meme excuse is also now ignored.

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get the fuck out of here nazi

i wonder what ideology had white supremacism at its core. oh thats right the one i smell coming off of you, kinda smells like the bullshit coming from your mouth

Except almost no one i know believes that.
t. Studied at a public school. Also my uni is public too.
P.D. Private schools are that way too because it's the most efficient with today's teaching method (i.e. Bunch of students with a teacher) public or not is no different. How would you make classroom of ~25 students and a teacher?

I like how you ignored the fact that majority of mass shooters were left wing and non white

He was on depression meds during gamergate and once he was off of it, he returned to his senses and started to see things logically.

What's the future excuse gonna be
>wow a molotov that only killed 100 people, the right wing killed 10 times that!

so do i user... so do i...

we will rise again someday my brother

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And then went back on them and did a complete 180, again. Lul. Ian was such a tool.

>It's not a crime if the victim is white

sorry you don't get to shift the narrative of right wing terrorist being the most dangerous thing because you desperately want to cling to a lie that random shooting is the same as politcally motivated shootings especially 9 in one year being from one certain ideology

How about you fuck off cunt? This is our site

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>nu/v/zoomers freak out about a girl indie dev
>dig up some romance between her and reviewers and create outrage that devs and game journalists share the same social circles
>continue to ignore the fact that publishers and devs have been doing this for years to win favour on review sites and it’s nothing new
>create a false narrative to hate on one indie dev because she was a female and had sex with someone that wasn’t them
>normal people say it’s bad to give false impressions to children
>nu/v/zoomers seethe at being told the obvious

Did I miss anything?

girls, you're both pretty. Now take it to the proper board.

Any account of Gamergate that doesn't begin with The Fine Young Capitalists can be safely ignored.

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>taking the bait so easily
Maybe you're the one who needs to go back, sweetie.

White nationalism has nothing to do with "white supremacy." It's the belief that white people should be considered as an ethnic group alongside every other race in the nation. The fact that you don't know the difference proves you have no idea what you're talking about on this topic.

Can't wait for you to get to The Fine Young Capitalists


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thats some nice sources

el paso shooting, poway synagogue shooting, tallahassee yoga studio shooting, maga bomber, jeffersontown kroger shooting, pittsburgh synagogue shooting, murder of blaze berntstein, murder of meshon cooper-williams all happening this year is just moderate right wing discourse

>she likes to just lay there and let you do all the work
no problem with that, she's not gonna be doing much moving anywhere when i have her on her stomach, shoved face first into the pillow

What is Gamergate?

Western civilisation.

Source on your claim ?:)

imagine the police never intervene and everyone is just waiting for conservatives to fight them so they can push their agenda and selective video clips on mainstream news

Your puberty.

>GG was a complete failure except for getting like 2 trash tier journos fired
>ten years later SJWs are still obsessed with their gamer boogeyman
what a disaster

Liberals don't like other viewpoints existing at all, from reading the article it seems like they're scared shitless of their college rants against white men or gamers or whatever being recorded and uploaded by students and used against them

>sorry you don't get to shift the narrative of right wing terrorist being the most dangerous thing
I do get to shift it given my people were genocided by both Nazis and Communists and we have learned to put both kinds of people into the same ditch to hug each other's corpses. Anarchists on top of them as well.

You don't get to define what is a random shooting and what isn't. The fact that you can't regulate your own people is enough, and the government and various Internet entities are already moving to regulate you faggots. Any ANTIFA account reported is cleansed now.
Your excuses are for naught.
As for right-wingers, we will deal with them in an intelligent manner, and not in a manner which only empowers them like dumbshit ANTIFA larping incels are doing.

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your site is Yea Forums so fuck off of 4channel retard.

>a “witty” insult reply to a question
Great, what else did I miss fellow nu/v/zoomer?

Please cont, the rest of this thread is beyond saving

Why can't you people meme?
Is it something in the brain chemistry?

>the article is literally bitching about students not being as easy to manipulate anymore thanks to GG
That's fucking hilarious.

All lives matter you anti semetic bigot. I hope someone reports you to your employer

Is this how they create trans-kids?

yeah the guy with recordings bragging about how he sexually molested women is going to play the "creep" card on someone else, sure...

The government will kill you

What was their argument?

Why would you want this retard to continue. He’s the same type of retard who gets mad when you mention /pol/ or the altright and will do mental gymnastics nonstop to claim these things don’t exist and you’re a democrat tranny even if you don’t live in the US or have a wife and children.

Falling in love as a teenager

>t. future mass shooter

About what? He was a bootlicking intelligence operative deflecting what self proclaimed capitalists and elite were actually doing at home and abroad, then blaming it on nebulous commies working for the Kremlin(Which isn't even the Soviet Union anymore.) like the tools today claiming that Russia made Trump president, despite our elections being rigged already without the Russians.

Hello newfaggot

Unironically yes, or they force them to take pills/chop off their dick when they are babies.

You sure showed him!

Someone call child protective services, this is clearly mental abuse

That's actually a great story, even though I cracked up at "Shen Cheng". I felt the same about my parents when I was small. I had a brother and a sister, and whenever anything happened, I was always the first to be blamed, punished, and if it was later discovered I wasn't the one, things were just brushed over. It got to the point I was so butthurt at it, that I actively started misbehaving without giving a fuck, because "If I am going to be punished anyway, I might as well at least enjoy the things I am being punished for".

The chinese of old were very wise.

Starting to slip there nu/v/zoomer. Losing the edge.

Please stop posting

Big online gamer backlash against progressive politics in games and useless game journalists. The whole thing started when it was erroneously reported that a female indie dev cheated on her bf with a game journalist in exchange for positive game coverage


So naturally we start discussing it, making fun of her and saying, "It is about ethical games journalism," partially ironically. People do have concerns, but they mostly just wanna see Nathan Grayson fired because his articles where such drivel. He was one of those goddamn male feminists who just ranted about the treatment of women in shitty clickbait op-eds (see the interview where he got kicked out by Blizzard from around then it's hillarious).

Anyway we're all talking shit when suddenly someone posts: I HAVE HACKED ZQ!!!! LET IT BEGIN MOTHERFUCKERS!!! At which point her tumblr was suddenly hacked and her doxx was on it. And the message, I AM THE HEAD MOD OF Yea Forums WE DO NOT FORGIVE... or some shit like that. Anyway everyone on Yea Forums was appalled. They were actually angry about the shit in the Z post and its implications... and they wanted to get Nathan Grayson fired and laugh and Kotaku because it'd be funny. Also it played right into Z's own victim complex as outlined in the Z post.

And then people started noticing that whoever did this had written it as Yea Forums not Yea Forums and that they were kinda breaking the cardinal rule of any Yea Forums raid (y'know, don't talk about Yea Forums). Also no one had fucked with her tumblr - they were just posting doxx information. No fucking with the code or her homepage or anything. Oh and it was also impossible due to tumblr's security features. Later Z claimed that it was because her password was 'funkyfresh' but that was never fucking posted anywhere on the internet.

Oh and people checked her doxx against where she was claiming to live and it turned out it was an adress in the wrong state. And the phone number redirected to an abandoned bike repair shop.

I can keep going with this if you guys want?

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>he called the four congresswoman non americans despite them being born in America.
Those women literally, not figuratively, hate this country. You would have to have a leak in your fucking brain if you support the four horsewomen of the socialist apocalypse as a white male.

When everyone learned how western video games developers and reviewers were all hardcore leftists.

that debt was already wiped out, he just auto signed up the leftover people who didn't use it. the law itself is from obama.

wasn't it actually:
A) a prisoner escort
B)He actually became the emperor of the next dynasty
And C) Because when the prisoners were late/escaping he convinced them all to take up arms and fight against the current system.

>2014 Gators are dead
>2015 obviously dead
>2016 fuck you nazi zombies
>2017 we live in nazi era
>2018 muh shooters
>2019 oh still around wtf?

Which classroom do they mean? Universities or elementary school.
The US needs to differansiate between pupils and students.

I'm not entirely sure how gamergate passed me by.
I think I was too busy playing games.

The worst thing about Russiagate was nobody was held accountable for their lies. Everybody who knowingly pushed hat hoax is still employed. They never even apologized.

>All of these sex crimes
God damn, is it really that hard to keep your dick in your pants? I've kept mine in my pants for 28 years!

The little kids they are trying to brainwash


>Students [...] arrive with agendas


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Lol look at you squirm when you get called out

Given you're the only one still discussing the actual topic, please do.

So they are implying little kids knows about gamergate?

Fuck off normalfag

>look like you have down syndrome
>actually just have autism and ADHD
Swedes pushing the progressive envelope once more.

People still talk about this crap? Why? even the people who were calling out their shit moved on, but to them, it's as if it happened still recently. Are they this desperate?

its almost like young people learn things

They're probably using gamergate to describe all "problematic" views

a) She was the one that cheated for coverage
b) Nudes on the internet are nudes on the internet. She got legaly paid for them

Allegations are enough to smear the reputation of a corporation. In the end it's just business doing business as usual.

>Everybody who knowingly pushed hat hoax is still employed. They never even apologized.

>meanwhile in the real world outside of user's fantasies...
>CNN lost most its viewership and is sacking people all over the place
>MSNBC the same
>all left-leaning media the same
>also pic related
>meanwhile Breibart of all places was officially pulled out of the ban list and is now considered somewhat trusted
>FOX has more viewers than ever before and is sacking nobody
Nobody gives a shit about Russia except for a tiny fraction of retarded children, and they are judged as such by 99% of society.

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Christ, it's been 5 years already since the tourism started?

Based and redpilled thread.

Little kids have problematic views? I think they mean university students. Which is why they should differansiate between pupil (someone in elementary school) and student (college or higher).

it was the lunchtime show with those 2 idiots from Tuesday I think
basically "well her family thought they were Indians, so it's an honest mistake, also it's not like she got any advantage from it, and the Indians are cool with it, so what's the big deal man?"

Oh Tumblr dead

I agree with this when it comes to negative labels but not as much when it comes to positive labels, or at least positive labels that are not based on anything the child actually achieves. For example my family told me all my life that I was naturally intelligent and a natural this and a natural that and it just built up this mentality that things should just naturally come to me and that I shouldn't have to work hard to achieve certain things because that was for people who didn't have innate intelligence. I was ahead of my class early in life but then leveled out in high school and I had no discipline education, only positive platitudes about how intelligent I am and I really think it set me back.

I think it's important to reward your child when they do well in life but to ultimately praise and scold them based on what they achieve and how they behave, because otherwise this "positivity projection" parenting just creates retards who thinks the entire world revolves around them.

I want to read this

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It's a different nu/v/zoomer. I blew my whole load in one reply, I really have nothing else left.

But why would SJWs of all people condone such practices?

>>FOX has more viewers than ever before and is sacking nobody
Fox's viewers average age is 65, they are going to die out in a few years. TV media is dead in the water thanks to the internet.


I was right. They are talking about college, not elementary school.

But they aren't learning the right things! Stop committing wrongthink! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

it's been institutionalized, you don't have to do anything

This is useless, america is fucking subverted

Rachael Maddow and Don Lemon are still on the air every night. Oh yeah. They ALSO spread the Very Fine People hoax. Again, no apologies.

>my people
>you can't define things only I can
>we will deal with them

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Pretty much yeah the article has little to do with video games it's more about boomer professors failing to brainwash students because social media and youtube are too problematic

This. Keep both parents busy with working, have them raised by the TV at home and the teachers in school. Teach them to rebel against their parents.

Indeed, but this isn't about TV media, this is about which media is gaining trust and numbers and which isn't.
Turns out left-leaning journalism is deader than TV media.

That is actually the best part. I hope that old guy running the bakery enjoys his $44mil.

Yup, and every single day since has gotten worse and worse.

>go to uni
>already have to keep my mouth shut and hide my power level because all profs are blatant leftist radicals who openly believe any other political view must be shut down
>now student witch hunting must be a thing because gamergate
Jesus Christ just end me already

>worship of the written word
>only one wright way
>power hoarding
>fear of open conflict
>progress is bigger

>whenever you are wronged by someone please pay me some money


MSNBC and CNN Certainly aren't losing trust though? And Fox media is just as dead in water if they can't pick up younger viewers. Theres also hundred times more left wing media than right wing. Losing one or two is nothing compared to the ocean they exist in.

This actually makes a ton of sense.
Write that paper, user.

I forgot about them...

actually Fox's audience is growing to be the 25-54 age demographic which is the prime demographic for advertisers.

CNN and MSNBC's viewers are majority all either the age of 65 and older or 24 and younger. So it's all either kids or boomers that watch left wing news.

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You have a problem with that?
Too bad, I'm not the one getting banned for being an unhinged retard. We learned a long time ago across most of Eastern Europe that just because someone calls themselves antifascists doesn't mean they aren't the same stinking turd, it has been etched into our souls after your dumbshit kind tried to pull that shit for 60 years and then turned out as bad as the Nazis.
Now you faggots are trying the same thing in USA.
Too bad, get banned bitch and join your Nazi friends in the same ditch, you belong together.

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>>already have to keep my mouth shut and hide my power level because all profs are blatant leftist radicals who openly believe any other political view must be shut down
is this a purely american problem?
all university profs I've seen are pretty conservative(aside from being thrilled for new technological achievements)

Separate incident I think

It's not any different anywhere else in the West

If it were to reach children, I would assume that they're afraid they won't manipulate them in their favor.

>As misinformation and hate continues to radicalize young people online, teachers are also grappling with helping their students unlearn incorrect, dangerous information
>“We want to challenge our students to explore new ways of thinking, to see the cultural meaning and power of video games, but we’re understandably anxious and even scared about the possible results.”

Translation: "We want students to think like us and only like us, but we're afraid to admit so we're giving them the illusion of choice to think in a new way."

Yeah, that sums up College.

The Atomic Leg Drop heard 'round the world

I don't know why people still read anything they shit out. You can pirate or watch gameplay of everything now, so there's no reason for a journalist to tell you what a game is about. It was obvious to me even back in like 2006 that journalists were marketing tools or just completely unreliable.

Fox news is centrist so it gets a lot of viewers nowadays compared to left wing news channels.

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What the actual fuck are you talking about? Scott Adams was right, there really are two movies playing on the same screen, although I'd say it's more the same movie but different realities.

i assume it's this

>state facts
>you're now endorsing things

>that one guy with the bike lock,smashing that old dudes head in and using a slingshot is STILL not behind bars
reminds me to never live in a liberal state

>Megan Farokhmanesh
what the fuck is that surname? is this a joke?

>Fox news is centrist

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Fox needs to stop going after weed if they want to court a younger audience. It would also help if they had an anchor younger than 40.

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Achieve link or screenshot of the article?

>Fox's audience is growing to be the 25-54 age demographic
But thats wrong, only certain programs have that viewership, meanwhile NBS and CBS has 3x more of that on their programs. TV news is in a dire situation.

I mean they are paying for worthless education that will set them back in life and wasting years of their lives, might aswell let them do some pretend exams



Anyway this is where my interpretation doesn't align with what would be gamergate's interpretation (remember GG wouldn't exist for another two weeks at this point - this is still the ZQ/Five Guys controversy). A pro-GGer will tell you that then the gaming press covered it up and that's why GG started. That's not quite true though, the gaming press was actually completely silent about it, when pressed on twitter someone like Patrick Klepeck would write a blog about what a big sexist prick Eron Gjoni was, but that was just on his personal blog, not on any website. Now the silence could mean several things: that they're not talking about it because of the implications on the industry, they're not talking about it because she's a woman being unfairly targetted by the internet or they're not talking about it because they believed Z's version of events because they don't use Yea Forums and don't do any fucking research because they write for Kotaku... or maybe all of the above.

Meanwhile feminist and left-wing blogs start picking up on Z's 'I will not negotiate with terrorists' blog and the fact that on the outside it looks like Z really did get hacked and start writing article after article about it, the whole narrative being formed based on Z's interpretation of events.

Meanwhile anons here and on reddit (where it spread when mods there started deleting FUCKING EVERYTHING related to it on nearly every sub - leading to a massive backlash - I can go into more detail on this but we're gonna reach bump-limit soon) start finding out more about ZQ. One story that gained a lot of traction was that Z was harassed by channers earlier when her game, Depression Quest, first went on Greenlight. At first everyone thought it was Yea Forums, but eagle-eyed anons noticed, "Hey those post numbers are really fucking low - like too low to be from any board on here... where did this come from?" The evidence are two out-of-context posts that Z herself posted:

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It reminds me how so many of them come from the 60s and 70s and 80s counter culture perfectly summed up with the banal Pink Floyd song "another brick in the wall"

Where they are protesting 'the old academia' that they got rid of but how they are now petrified that they might be losing grip to a same type of protest.

They pretty much are.
One of the few outlets who postponed having an opinion on Covington before full information came out. Compared to Left Leaning media which all went downhill starting from that day.

I can't believe the Thalmor exists for real

I posted evidence of Fox's demographic being young while you tell me im wrong despite posting evidence. Where's your proof?

You're not calling anyone out. Please stop political shit flinging on Yea Forums. This isn't the board for this, there are plenty of other board for this. Why can't you idiots stay on topic? Why does it always have to come to this shit? I miss 5 years ago Yea Forums, even that shit heap was at least more vydia oriented. Please. Stop. I just want my fourth chin back.

Negative reinforcement is also a useful tool, but negative labels are not. You as a kid wouldn't fare any better being told you are stupid, you would just conform to this, actively believe you are dumb and unable to achieve anything, and be worse than you are now.

Kids are naturally lazy, but you shouldn't call them lazy if you let them be at themselves they will obviously just lie around and do nothing. You solve this by putting them from young age in a daily routine of study and self improvement, working at right times, sleeping at right times, actively sitting down everyday and studying. So, when they grow up and arrive on high school or college, slacking off won't be their natural state of things. It is boring to sit down with your kid everyday and study, obviously not putting him to study screaming and threatening like a crazy person, like the majority of mothers I have ever seen, specially niggers but if you didn't want to sacrifice your time, you should have remained with your legs closed.

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Compared to the rest of the rabidly leftist pack it is

>their own
Whatever helps you sleep, mind slave.

People aren’t “radicalized” online, they go discuss this sort of shit online because they don’t want profs wanting to ruin their college life for their political views. Maybe they could just not shut down any discussion that doesn’t follow their agenda.

>AOC actually got super pissed off at that photo
Good shit

I mean Fox news doesn't even have any other right wing media to go against, while CNN,MSNBC and the other compete for the left. And like i said my point is that the average viewer for them is the problem. They cannot sustain themselves with old viewers, they need fresh blood or else they will find themselves in the same spot.

oh fuck so much this

>a genda
>a gender

Most if not all women get pissed if you photoshop them having sex with someone they didn't.

>mods there started deleting FUCKING EVERYTHING related to it on nearly every sub - leading to a massive backlash
I remember that

Even if you combine all the views the left wing media has, they still are smaller than Fox new's overall.

How's life back in the '00s fren?

it introduced many gamers to the concept of an sjw


>/his/fag sucks Jewish cock

>when your 2PM show beats all another networks primetime shows
>when your 10AM show is competitive with another network's 8PM and 11PM shows

And it's hilarious every time.

Pretty sure he was being ironic.

This is a good thing. Now men can prove that women just need to spread their legs to get anything in life.

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Oh no!

Both of you fuck off the board

This isn’t 2004 anymore user

It's pretty intriguing that the generation encouraged the idea of counter-culture but I'm betting they thought that being a "Rebel", "Punk", etc was its only way. So, when they see students and regular people just want to live conservative life, just want a family, respect the family unit, etc, They think it's "oppression."

Eat shit antifanigger