Bees have been announced for Minecraft
Bees have been announced for Minecraft.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck bees

>another useless mob that was only added because "omg its so cute"
fucking hell mojang

Is that what all the buzz is about?

bees have existed in modding for ages and will be infinitely more useful than this.

Whatever you do, don't step on the bumblebee.

Bees are cool, but this is stupid. Mostly because .

so i should be careful. thanks


>Fuck bees
It's hip to.


Attached: pFNYR.gif (288x158, 2M)

>Fucking huge ass bees
>When Forestry has implemented them better for years

Come on guys, can't you do anything right?


They're bees made by mojang. Of course they're going to be useless.

So obviously you can extract honey from their hives. What would honey's purpose be?



Attached: not-the-bees.jpg (225x225, 16K)

Considering how there is honey coming from the hive, I doubt they will be useless.

It's like a whole new game


Wow that's actually pretty surprising

I hope they end up doing cool shit. There's much potential to be had with bees.

>Bees the size of your head

Attached: Cocoa_Beans.png (682x787, 151K)

Based and Beepilled

>Mind-control a bunch of bees and use them like construction robots from Factorio, transiting blocks from your inventory/chests and placing them in planned patterns

That's a big ass bee

Fuck forgot pic

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It took them that long to add something mods did ages ago? lol #235

Yes please!

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For you.

hey now, brown dye is important

>another six+ months before a new update
How about instead of a worthless mob a mod did better, you release some usable furniture? Sure a mod has already done it better, but at least you would actually add something functional TO THE GAME YOU SPENT MILLIONS TO ACQUIRE


i luv bees

That one mod that let me breed bees and shit was kinda fun, I hope it's on the same level of depth

The behavior and uses write themselves.
>passive mob that becomes agitated and possibly chases the player when breaking a hive, adding a new kind of aggro-based monster
>Use honey or beeswax for cooking, making adhesive, polishing armor, etc
>Construct bee farms, craft protective suits and bee smoker
>Collect the queen and keep the bees from attacking, sending them out as an attack swarm
>Make different kinds of honey depending on what flowers you plant near them to pollinate
We just have to wait and see what Mojang does. Or they could just be lazy fucks and take the polar bear/panda route

How far down is buried treasure usually found? At this point I've made my own cave system trying to find this trash

but user that limits creativity

George Costanza's dark master.

>we lost a cave update for this

like 5 or 6 blocks down lol
you have to be standing on the X in a weird way

Adding random furniture won't make them back the money they spent. Quit whining and buy more skin packs.

Just play terraria



They're everywhere!

it's not fair bros

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Cute, I like it.

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Should I get it lads?

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4-6 blocks. That said, if the X is right on the coast, it is probably in the water. It can also be under Gravel.

There is literally nothing that could be added to the game through bees other than maybe using them as worker drones, which is about as likely as me not dying a virgin.

>Just play terraria
Apaches are in terraria, though.

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Sure, your kid will love that

>having kids
what a faggot

Funny how you're trying to insult someone when you play Minecraft lmao

Not everyone molests their kids.

just fire the mojang staff and hire modders that make actual mods instead of a server backend for plugins that don't actually add content

how are helicopters real

But I don't play minecraft, loser

I wish they had a pirate ship update or something along those lines.

How long does it take for the PS4 version to update after PC?

I got the Nether Railway set for the added autism of making my own minecart tracks.also the little Melon Farm set for a Villager minifigure.

Sunken ships were added in the aquatic update

I mean usable ones.

>PS4 version
You'll be waiting a good while after.
I think the priority for the different versions is PC > Xbox > Switch > PS4

It's hip to FUCK BEES

so the moment has come then... we are doomed.

Attached: beeweapon.jpg (600x421, 45K)

PC, Xbox, and Switch all update simultaneously due to crossplay

We had bees for years!

owh, wait… you are about vanilla ''features''

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Kill yourself faggot

I want to rape your lifeless corpse

Wow, stop being so mean

Defend this

>No giant Beehive in Jungle Biome
>No bee boss
It's shit

Attached: Queen_Bee.png (150x134, 3K)

He just wants to fuck you dw

says the guy who entered the thread for a game he doesn't play just to insult someone
no different from the rest of Yea Forums, then

Attached: fuck bees.jpg (500x714, 253K)

playing vanilla minecraft is a sign of mental illness, but feed the beast packs got literally that in the Nether.

So... source?

I love bees they're cute as fuck


>playing vanilla minecraft is a sign of mental illness
but it's the easiest way to play with my friends

Minecraft in the hands of Microsoft just like Star wars in the hands of Disney. These giant corp hands are too big to handle delicate things.

seems like there's a ~3 month gap between bedrock/ps4 updates
>tfw ps4 version is still gimped in terms of world size and update parity because sony's a bitch with crossplay
>tfw they shot themselves in the foot because they could have used minecraft as a selling point for psvr

Curse Feed The Beast actually gives you server tools now! AFAIK it's easier than manual server setup.

Filling less hunger than meat that you don't have to farm. Just like any food.

M-m-maybe I wanted my house to be hideous and for iron and coal to be a larger pain to find

oh, i'll have to look into that, thanks user!

You will be able to eat honey for two hunger icons and that's it.

>the poor man's nether quartz

>Ctrl F "NOT THE BEES" and "IT'S HIP"
>actually get results

if ur going to get lego, only ever get the big sets or Ultimate Collectors sets.
the smaller ones are literally not worth the time you invest into them considering how unimpressive they look when finished.

like if u grew up with YTP!!!!

So what exactly do people mean by cave updates?

Just play dragon quest builders 2.

In case anyone was wondering, here's the info on bees and other stuff in the snapshot:

Bees becoming hostile is exactly like how wolves work: they get red angry eyes and gang up on you. Also their stings inflict poison.

Honey Bottles restore 3 hunger points.

Attached: minecraft bee.jpg (1170x500, 231K)

>inb4 they take it the forestry route and make bees of every possible resource available

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>not YTMND

wow so yet another useless npc to ignore

We want bigger caves, biome related caves, more cave formations, an underground that goes deeper than 60 blocks, and just more cave content in general.

its been years since ive played this, what are some good mods I should get for a fun survival playthru?

Can't wait to play this on my 3DS

If they could be used in the same way as cobblestone they'd be great. In fact, if they also made whatever you made of it that colour it'd be super great because now I can have a granite furnace for both style and distinction.

So, yeah, worthless. Why can't they make it so they would be needed for making hardened leather or something? Farming bees for wax, an alternative to torches. Could put them in iron holders to make some candelabra and shit.

>more interesting cave generation
>some new structures
>more ore types

Hytale really needs to succeed so Mojang get off their asses. Mods have had bees/wasps for a fucking decade.

Caves haven’t been touched in years, despite the surface constantly getting new (and often pointless) content like bees.

>Farming bees for wax, an alternative to torches. Could put them in iron holders to make some candelabra and shit.
Yeah, basically small torches would be nice. Lower light level for more romance.

you're welcome

Imagine bieng the most succesful game in history and giving us so little content so slowly. Could've given us termite mound biomes (as bugs are giant anyway…) that's a disorderly chaotic tower that goes up to ~250

More minerals too.

We have had the same iron, gold, diamond stuff for more than 6 years now. Some new stuff wouldn’t hurt

>still no new useful ore
>villages still borderline useless
>still no new buildings to loot or explore other than that stupid pillager tower

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>here's another mob that'll do absolutely fuck all
>what is this "cave" you speak of?
>nah bro, pandas are way better, and so are bees!

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its minecraft
not minecave

Just go to e621 and type in "bee"

>Honey Bottles restore 3 hunger points
Oh no no no pffftt

>Bees help you by growing crops while carrying pollen back to the nest
Literally only thing that can change things. Maybe making. But there are already farms that give you fuck load of Potato and Carrot
Honey does fuck all, woah sugar. You mean the Sugar I can get from the Sugar Cane that can be farmed and harvest many times faster?
Shit patch.

Can I be an ass and ask for more impressive mineshafts too? It's fine finding dilapidated ones, but how about well established and higher quality looking ones as well, preferably using the materials nearby (tundra using evergreen planks). Maybe have the entrances to the mineshafts be well polished since they were established the longest but as you get further down its mostly quick and dirty support work. Speaking of, has any work been done (mod wise) to try and make all caves and digging work use supports to keep things from caving in? I know there was one almost a decade ago, but last I recall, people were mad because rain would also create water and actually flood cave systems in that particular mod

>Lower light level for more romance.
>t. creeperfucker

some faggot the other day here was talking about if they added a bee that followed you to annoy

Most people have to go down into caves for mining regularly in their survival worlds. Despite being such a big part of the game, they haven't gotten an update in years and are often the most requested areas for an update. New ores, better generation, more cave-specific mobs, etc.


why does their twitter pic have a rainbow creeper

>it’s called Minecraft not minecave
what is mining

please don't fuck bees

It won't take much for Hytale to be successful. It's already showed the same features Minecraft does, but with a better looking world and combat system. Not to mention a better world paint system for creative and modding tools right out the gate that even someone with no knowledge of modding can create a model and drop it in game no hassle.

All it needs is to hurry the fuck up and release before people forget about it.

>same level of depth

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No ocean content, Jeb is scared of water.

it’s hip tho

Mining is also boring as sin.
>Go strip mining at a given Y elevation to try and find resources (takes forever and really bland)
>Go caving and probably never find them Diamonds cause natural generation is just a cross section cut out of the earth

>someone with no knowledge of modding can create a model and drop it in game no hassle.
Have they shown any of that at all? I remember seeing it briefly mentioned in an early video, but it wasn't given any lengthy preview as far as I can remember.

>>villages still borderline useless
>literally just need potato farm to trade for high end diamond gear and enchantments

But the last major update was oceans

new terraria updated WHEN!!!1

>ibxtoycat and antvenom give Mojang a must-have idea
>Cave update
>Mojang pulls a pic related
>''caves are fine''
>Iron-diamond gap over 01 years old
>''it's fine''

Mithril, pale purple. Just as enchantable as gold and is a middle ground between iron-diamond. Making iron items out of Mithril would give them an upgrade - faster rails, 3 charge buckets (use sneak to empty) more durable shears, mithril anvil would cut you bargains on enchanting but it would fall with a ''bok'' instead KLANG! as Mithril metal is featherweight in myths.

y/n? Yea Forums?

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Yes, idiot, that is useless as it removes half the point of playing the game.

I fucking hate Mojang they could literally steal modded content and make the game 1000x better but they just add useless shit. Fucking drop Java and work on Bedrock for christ sake. Fucking bees for 1.15 instead of cool caves and new mining tools FUCK

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>literally just need to farm potatoes for something you can get yourself by mining for useless
glad we agree

I cannot bee-lieve this
I might need to pick up minecraft again just for this

Someone showed it off. He made a lute or something. He also showed off the modeling system and how they animated things.


There are some enemies that everyone hates, but they still appear in so many fucking games. Who likes tiny flying enemies with erratic flying patterns that want to be in your face?

mojang is incompetent
but they're cute so idc

And if they finally fucking stopped updating Java, the modding community could finally settle on a truly definitive version and modders wouldn't be required to practically rewrite their entire mod just to be up to date.

>Something that isn't just overpowered diamond or worse than iron and actually does shit when crafted
Take a wild guess, cowboy

God, can't wait for Hytale to finally BTFO Minecraft.
Fucking tired of "major" updates only adding one or two mobs and hardly anything else worth a damn that alienate the game further and further from "mining" and "crafting".

Oh, neat. I already look forward to that game, but the modding ease really has my interest now.

I don't think you know what the word useless means
>high end enchantments
>mining for

Attached: a magical place to visit.gif (267x199, 251K)

>you can't collect enough cane for books and mine lapis in 30 minutes
>leveling up is hard
OK retard

yeah, most mineral mods just make tools. Got diamonds? it's degraded to decoration now.

>I play minecraft to get to the end as quickly as possible and then quit
Anybody can see why wanting to collect the strongest gear very cheaply is boring and useless in a game about creation and exploration.

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>>you can't collect enough cane for books and mine lapis in 30 minutes
>>leveling up is hard
Go on, record yourself soing that that in less 30 minutes

since when could video games suffer from feature creep

Oh boy, another mob that will end up being completely useless
>b-but honey
minor food item and potion ingredient, I'm calling it

always and forever

Right about now, it's time to rock with the biggity Buck Bumble

>bottled honey restores 3 hunger (1 and a half on the hunger bar) and 9.6 saturation
>given those statistics it has a saturation ratio of 3.2
>this technically makes it the best food in game
>golden carrots (previous best food) restore more saturation with 14.4, but they also restore 6 hunger (3 on the hunger bar) meaning you can't consume as much as you would with honey
>this makes their saturation ratio is only 2.4, and thus inferior
that being said though honey bottles aren't stackable and therefore it's a shit food making bees another useless mob

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since patches became a thing?
since video game development became a thing?

>>I play minecraft to get to the end as quickly as possible and then quit
Who the fuck are you quoting? Strip mining for hours is boring as fuck i'd rather make a couple of farms and do other shit until I while I get my armor/tools for free.

terraria did it

I meant with caving your colossal faggot, even then.

okay but i'm bad at terraria

I'd respect Mojang a lot more if they just integrated mods that do the same shit instead of just giving us half assed content mods have already done and did better for years prior.


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the fuck is saturation

As you can see itt nobody likes caving and minecraft desperately needs a cave update because going caving is 1. vastly inferior to villager trading and gold/iron farms and 2. extremely boring

>another downgrade of shit taken from mods
how much trouble do you get for throwing some money to modders and put their shit to their game instead of this?

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Basicaly a hidden hunger bar that prevents the visible one from going down and allows you to fast heal

>modders invented bees

They put Bees in minecraft first.

Fuck bees they need a fucking performance update. In 1.14 they figured out how to make a fucking singleplayer world lag. I've had times where every mob just freezes and suddenly teleports ahead almost killing me.

basically it's a hunger bar for your hunger bar

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i just want fucking cave and nether updates. the bees are cute though

Potion ingredient.
We Monster Hunter now.

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I have melissophobia

go to rule 34 . xxx and search for the artist sketchpaddy.

Why are they so fucking big? Mo' Creatures has had better bee's than that abomination since 1.9. My fucking god can these Swedecucks do ANYTHING right? How about Fixing the god damn nether instead of adsing nore worthless shit like Pandas, Polar Bears and Parrots?

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what sort of potion ability could bees/honey give?
I'm thinking the thorns enchantment as a potion if that's not a thing already.


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>Why are they so fucking big?
I mean the spiders in this game are also quite large

How else are you supposed to fuck them like a fleshlight?

Yeah because it's a giant man-eating spider. A giant square bee,like that is retarded and lazy compared to the actual modeled and proper sized bee from Mo' Creatures.


Bees can spawn in caves. There's your cave content.

At least some mods make diamonds a fuel or still useful despite new ores, but you toss a mineral mod on and like you said it's pretty much clockwork. Almost everytime
>aspergite can be used to create tools stronger than diamonds and can only be mined with autismquartz
>autismquartz is literally just iron but worse
>it's also the only way some sperg thought was the best method to create progression in his mod
I know it's a bit tough to create a progression system layer onto another that won't make either side useless, but come on.

>another "sorry for getting in your way and resetting the block breaking bro" mob

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This is mojang you're talking about
It's going to be useless

Everyone hates bats.

>Cave content
>Nether fixing content
>more world ruins like underground cabins
How do these lazy sacks of shit continue to have a job?

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>all the top tweets are about sex
isn't this a kids game? the fuck?

>gay propaganda logo
Are these pedo jews kidding me?

I hope these ones are useful in some way
getting sick of just flavour mobs

tho in all honesty I wish they'd do more depthy updates rather than just cute shit for looks
mining could do with an overhaul, like the whole underground, it hasn't changed in like like a decade in any significant way

>we could've had a new boss fight
>but they arbitrarily scrap the other ideas instead of the poll being to work on one first
at least the next poll was less dumb :(

keep crying sweaty

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Love knows no boundries and Minecraft is the perfect place for older men to meet young boys.

Don't kid yourself. The bees give a food item and look cute. They're also fuckhuge because lol fuck you. Double fuck you if you thought we were going to add bees like in forestry because thats too much work.

bosses wouldn't work in minecraft
ender dragon is already a pain in the fucking ass to fight with the limited weaponry in the game

>bext poll was less dumb
You mean the Chonese dicksucking one that westerners had absolutely no control over? Wow big suprise real ficking headscratcher the bug people would vote for their government sanctioned animal!

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Is he saying that trannies belong in the furnace?

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Weird, whenever I mine this stuff 40% of it disappears from my inventory.

>ender dragon
>elder guardian

I can't tell if this is serious or ironic

what's the best modpack right now to do a hardcore run on, i was playing the 1.7.10 pack with my friends a while back and that was pretty fun.

>we could have had gators in the swamp
This sounds 10x better than the pandas we got

>village has 2 librarians
>literally not one lectern
Why and what do?

Attached: librarian.jpg (1050x700, 142K)

all of which are fucking garbage to fight
guess I should've said bosses DON'T work in minecraft

they're all shit, harder dungeons would be better than bosses

no, i meant the biome poll, with the berries and campfires and shit

chillout idiot I didn't even say I hated their size I like how big they are, only an idiot would expect them to straight up rip off a mod

we definitely don't need more food though, it's already easy enough to get, if they wanna do shit with food add more recipes using existing food in the game

actually, i think the bedrock development team has a bigger budget and a lot more people, from what i’ve heard

could be wrong idk

Did they ever tell what those other mobs were?

Enigmatica 2 Expert is pretty popular I hear.

>only an idiot would expect them to straight up rip off a mod
Explain horses and pistons then.

I accidentally killed a bee the other day, it flew into my room and I thought it was a fat fly so I slapped it mid air and it bounced off the wall. My spiders ate it though so it's fine.

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Why is literally everybody outside of Yea Forums praising this piece of shit?

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C design would have been based
phantoms fucking suck

>can't breed flowers with them

I was gonna call you a nigger for the first half but then reading the end that your spider ate the remains means the Bee wasn't entirely wasted. Bee's are important user never ever kill them.

Make one

>My spiders ate it though so it's fine.
>My spiders

Granite and Diorite look nice

>some meaningless thing gets added to a game for kids
>everyone else: that's cute I guess

minecraft good no matter what dab on them fortnite kids

because Yea Forums is festering hole of social outcast contrarians who will complain about anything and everything, and has been since the beginning

all these porn artists are the same

I did say that it was an accident, normally I just send bees outside but I thought it was a fly so I hit it mid air before seeing what it was.


cookies are pretty good in MineZ

Fuck this buggy enemy. He just flies off into the sky instead of fights.

I want to piston jacks ass with my horse cock

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>A was an underwater mob, a creature to contrast the passive squid
>C was a monster that could remove your enchantments or curses
>D was a boss version of the Blaze

The actual story: Everyone voted for B not because they wanted a sky monster but because they thought it was a manta ray. A looked like a plant rather than an ocean creature and the voting was done RIGHT there at Minecon 2017, an hour before the winner was decided.

Attached: cos3.png (419x472, 303K)

Yea Forums is bitter and will hate pretty much anything if it's not exactly what they want

People who play vanilla minecraft get so little new content that they will praise anything that mojang adds

if you want all that use Forestry or Growthcraft or whatever mod adds bees
because if mojang does anything you can be sure it'll be literally next to useless

fight it underground on your stripmine

was meant for

Enough with the buildings and illager shit, the world is too populated. They should add more underground structures like ravines instead.

why do they still have a fag flag as their logo? june is long over.

it's ironic and you're all retarded for falling for it. kill yourselves

>we could have had the deer

They're Swedish.

they're not strong enough

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I remember slices bees with a knife and I feel bad about it all these years later since I love them
moths too
fucking love moths

>rainbow creeper as the avi
god these fucking people

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i'll take a look thanks.

>Have been kinda wanting to play Minecraft and just get lost in it to get over a ton of stress I've been dealing with lately

>companies still using rainbow after pride month

I think you dropped a few chromosomes on your way into the thread.
Why don't you reread those jokes?

cute user

>all these people mad about no cave update forget that bees were already teased since 1.9
It was some other dev that wanted them in the game

why don't you kill yourself?

>Caring this much

We could have had it all. Why are they restricted to only ONE(1) with a poll? Mojang sucks shit and are lazy as fuck that's why. Modders could,have coded, programmed, animated and textured with sound those four mobs in the 2017 Minecon poll in one weekend.

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Because staying alive pisses faggots like you off.

im not a tranny, so im not inclined to


giant bee bosses when?

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beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees :3

Bees are cute, especially bumblebees.
I own a large hive and the queen of it loves me so much that if any of her drones sting me she kills them

Because they're billionaires already so why bother trying? Mojang employees have the easiest jobs in the industry. Just shit out a low effort mob every few months to keep the 5 year olds happy while the money flows in

Looks cute.

how do the fat fucks at mojang still develop this game lmfao

They look cool and I have good plans for a way to use them to pollinate crops while also auto farming honey
Could be better though and I hope they add more things to do with them

If they want to rip off mods, Cave Bees would definitely be a possibility. But I doubt there will be anything to do with them other than get honey and honey will just be a food stuff or if they really try, an alternative sugar.

Vanilla is still better than MAWPC shit or sevtech.

the world is dying

like you


>minecraft 2009-2011
Tons of content added
>minecraft 2012-2013
Decent amount of content
>minecraft 2014-present
Updates that really only mattered were the village, biome, and ocean update which is a very small amount of content for 5 years

Why did the amount of content get smaller as the team got bigger?

Why make content when you're making fat stacks by doing nothing at all?

Did boomers find this funny?

Thank you blessed soul.

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Only if you do the same

Moths are annoying, they make so much noise flapping around.

Are you actually retarded?
Compare village and pillage to fucking beta 1.3


zoom zoom

Drip feeding, they know that they'll eventually run out of ideas so they're stretching content updates as much as they can.

My problem is too many librarians. Despite having 5 unused job sites 2 of these fuckers want to be one that doesn't even have a block in the village. I've only traded with one of them.

compare village and pillage to Alpha v1.2.0

Great, now I hate Minecraft

>add bees and hives
>hives drop honey
>you can eat honey to regen one food icon
>that's all
Who the fuck even plays vanilla?

>Not just playing on anarchy servers and hypixel which are better experiences than vanilla

That's still very small compared to village and pillage

>lgbt creeper avatar
The fuck happened to Minecraft?

not really

>Caring THIS MUCH about the icon

You realize its possible they just forgot to change it back right?

>playing shitty mini games with literal children
No thanks

Minecraft is a video game, like a program we used to download and play on our computers (like a phone but bigger). Twitter is a social media platform, they aren't really the same thing.

>Damage controlling this hard
We get it, you're a Mojang employee mad no one likes your bees. Back to work.

>he doesn't have a fully automated farm and abuse villagers for broken trades
do you hate getting easy diamond gear and enchantments?

>>villages still borderline useless
>what are 1 emerald mending books

>Not playing THE CHAD Skyblock

Village and pillage overhauled the village trading system and how villages function with the bells, they added raids to defend a village from, pillager outpost, iron golem spawns and the gossip system are new, they added new function blocks that changed how you make banners and a bunch of other things
That's not even scratching the surfaces
Literally Alpha v1.2.0 only brought stairs

RTX when

thats fucking retarded

I want the alternate timeline where notch never stopped working on this, and never hired anyone else to work alongside him

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>playing p2w shit in minecraft

>Sit down in chair
>Umm, what now?
Kill yourself retard.

you will never be timidly approached by your devoted beedrill companion as she tells you her species don't usually live longer than a few years and please put your masterful cock in my nectar goo hole I am tired of waiting

it was a mod 10 years ago

>MC with Bedrock's performance and Java's mods never

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I can guarantee you the only things you're getting out of that list is getting attacked by them when you break the hive and using honey for food/cooking.

>In 1.14
Try alpha, or whenever they decided to make singleplayer connect to a private localhost

>Fuck bees
That's the idea

based satina
there been any threads recently, satina's mom poster?

>Playing TF2 with 999 ping.webm

more shallow meaningless shit to give the illusion of progression
minecraft had a ton of potential but lost the plot

Minecraft mods have always been bad, the best one was Aether and that isn't saying much.

All I want is a cave update, is that so much to ask? Hell I'd be happy if they just finally integrated cubic chunks into the game so I could build higher and dig further down.
it's up

Moths when?

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Kek. Absolutely based.

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>have hundreds of interesting mods which could be used as great inspirations for vanilla
>they decide to take the fucking bee mod out of all
>it's going to be even more useless than the mod itself already was
I have no hope for this update already. Hell, i can't remember the last time i was actually excited for a update. I don't even remember what 1.12 and 1.11 did.

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fuck you

This. As i said, fuck bees
Give us cave update Mojang

What pisses me off is that they show up at random and not in any way that those minerals actually form, essentially eliminating the entire point, geologically speaking.

the twitter account says otherwise

theres only one proper response

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Furniture would be fucking stupid.
They need to expand mining and the nether, both feel underdwhelming now since they put so much shit into the overworld.

I already got a bad feeling about this update. Come on we just got the first decent update in years with 1.14. I mean the village pillage stuff was unneeded trash but the rest the update added was pretty good.

What would you do to pandas and bats to make them not useless?

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But there's a huge ass bee/beefarming mod that already put them in for several years now.

Pretty sure a bee's vagina is somewhere near the stinger hole

Make them trainable.
In fact, make them all trainable.
Dogs to sheepdogs or guarddogs.
Cats into more efficient fighters.
Spiders into docile farmables or poison/web-equipped combat allies.
Llamas into packllamas with a spit attack.

Pandas into Kuma.

So complete fucking shit and Forestry mod is still leagues better than it. I feel like right now the devs don't know what direction they should actually take minecraft into so the last dozen or so updates don't really do much at all.

Use bats to start a kingdom of science

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i wanna be frens with the bees

Pretty much all single player games with a large multiplayer component do this.

>Not making bees be able to spread new flowers around

>let bats drop batwings which can be used for creating a potion with echolocation that shows you ores and mobs through walls in a 10 block radius or something
>let pandas drop meat that when cooked heals 5 hunger bars so i have a reason to make them extinct

Make bats tameable and make them increase mushroom spawns in dark areas where they are present, so you can go out, capture bats and put them in a dark room, and more mushrooms will spawn for you.

fix the fucking pistons. why don't redstone connect to them automatically i don't want to make three goddamn repeaters and synchronize them with everything else

Oh you

if your gonna go that route, why not make them all rideable? llamas spit attack, spiders have slow/poison webs... maybe pandas/polar bears maul people I dunno
combat mounts would be right along with their next update too

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so glad I caught the storytime on Yea Forums

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Fuck sakes, who is in charge of these decisions?!

I took this one away with a lead and now it T-poses if left alone for too long.

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you caught me

>wasting time with skyblock
>not having your parents forget you exist by playing skyfactory

>hives and nests can interact with redstone
oh boy

>You can auto harvest these very useless materials
At least you can use dispensers to get water bottles though.

With the dozens of autistic beekeeping mods out there I'm surprised it took this long

cave biome

>Moths are passive mobs that spawn at night when a light source is nearby
>when killed, they can drop items that can be brewed to make a new potion

>When your body tells you maybe you should try playing Minecraft again but your brain calls you an idiot

They look decent with texture packs.

At least it's not completely useless this time, and can be used for a unique farm set up
I hope they add more involved with it (Queen Bee boss, Sticky potions, Ect.)

Forestry does this better though

Arrows and Arthropods update when?
I hope they add more bugs with actual uses

wow this looks really good jesus

I said trainale, not rideable. We've already got pigs and horses, riding cats crosses a line into the silly and we might as well have bats wielding claymores and backflipping to attack.

>1.12 added a bunch of useless decoration blocks
>1.13 just stole from Biomes O plenty for the ocean
>1.14 was just one of those village improvement mods but worse
>1.15 is looking to just straight up steal forestry and the other bee mods.
>still no cave update in sight
If this keeps going I'm just gonna go back to 1.8 and depressingly PvP my sorrows away.

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Bats: drop bat wings which can be used to make Potions of Slow Falling. Remove phantoms from the game.
Foxes: instead of being shitty wolves they may now randomly dig into dirt, gravel, or sand and find an emerald, a bone, a treasure map or other miscellaneous items.
Llamas: Their spit is an actual attack you can use while riding them.
Pandas: Add bamboo to the game which can be used to make fences, bars, Eastern looking blocks etc. Pandas will now remain around a bamboo plant if led to one and feed off it. Furthermore they will viciously attack hostile mobs that come within a radius of a few blocks. Other than that though they just laze around and eat all day.
Parrots: They can now be deliberately trained to imitate the sounds of other mobs for various effects when perched on your shoulder. A meowing parrot scares creepers away. A barking parrot gives a strength buff to nearby trained dogs. A parrot imitating a villager causes them to give better deals when trading. Parrots imitating farm animals like pigs or cows cause them to give birth to two animals when breeding instead of one. Parrots may still randomly make hostile mob sounds.

Yeah, why can't minerals be in consistant layers like in Dwarf Fortress. Also dozens of different minerals instead of the like four we have plaese.

Hopefulbee it will be a good addition
I just want my honey’s worth of content.

More blocks with unique aesthetics to build with? Nothing to defend senpai it's great.
Basically, they're a weaker zombie pigmen for the normal world and can be used to produce honey, a powerful food item

>a powerful food item

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>that being said though honey bottles aren't stackable and therefore it's a shit food making bees another useless mob

Just let the fucking game die

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I hate this goddam site

Don’t bee like that user.

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man back in 3rd grade this was the shit, through a combination of library renting, book fair purchasing, and books laying around the classroom I was the only one to finish the whole series.

It's in the fucking name. MINEcraft. Yet, when was the last time we got a new ore? Mineral? Anything?

Apparently crystalized honey and wax blocks were found in the files, doesn't seem bees have been implemented fully yet

This. There’s no reliable way to get the flowers you want without knowledge on how flower spawning works.
Just have it so that if I have 2 flowers and 1 bee I can make as much of that flower as I want

Minecraft is a boring game if you're not into the multiplayer scene. I played hardcore survival and was bored within 4 hours.

So there is! Interesting...

What could wax blocks and crystallized honey do?

Attached: wax block.png (300x300, 9K)

The theme of this update won't even be announced for another month, Yea Forums is just losing their shit over the equivalent of pandas (even though these already seem more useful) like it's going to be the only new feature

>new ore?
Quartz in like, 2012 or 2013 is the closest we've gotten to a new ore. Unfortunately Minecraft is dug deep in the "diamond is the best for everything" trope so nothing can become better than it, and Mojang is too fucking brainless to add a simple bronze recipe with tin and copper ores I guess. Not like it matters because they'll never touch the cavegen or the Nether again.

bamboo is in the game, and can be used to replace sticks

Wax blocks could be like soul sand, but not having to go to the Nether to get it.

Hopefully let us make candles

>Mojang is too fucking brainless to add a simple bronze recipe with tin and copper ores I guess
Why would you want to make the basic tool progression that much more tedious when you can already easily find iron and diamonds with just a few stone pickaxes, if not even earlier from shipwrecks and villages?

LuvLuvbee is neat

>retards screaming for a cave update and more minerals
>not just using mods
shiggy diggy doo

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Bees are cute and chewing honeycomb releases the best honey; will be a nice reason to grow lots of flowers, especially if they fly around to windowsills etc.

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This. I don’t care for bees unless I can use them to get more flowers but this is probably not going to be the only feature in the next update

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Because gold is already useless unless you're making very specific shit like railroads or something, and iron overtakes diamonds in usefulness because nearly everything takes iron in some form. Having bronze even as just something to replace some of the massive iron recipes would be fine. Also add shield bashes finally you fucking hacks.

I notice mojang starts off trying things out with a small feature and elaborates on it (whether or not it’s useful is up for debate).
The bees seem to share similarities to villagers by going out to flowers and returning to their hives like a villager and a workstation.

I didn't know people were still making really good new mods, I'll have to try this out.

What mods add better caves?
I don't give a shit about more minerals.

what if wax lets you illuminate non-light-producing blocks so we can finally have builds that don't need light-producing blocks to prevent hostile mobs from spawning

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Any new addition to the game will result in faggoty whining



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gUYS ARE YOU THERE? it's almost 5 pm

>not making bees rideable

way too big
have the developers ever stepped outside and seen an actual bee?

>not making bees fuckable

>muh realism
>in fucking minecraft


>another new useless neutral mob instead of actual hostiles or bosses

I can’t wait

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Is it the dogs or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouth so when they bark they shoot bees at you?

How the fuck do i deal with phantoms? I used to just go at night at grind mobs but ever since they came out it's literally impossible.

Go to sleep, dummy

why do people always say this like it matters at all? other games had bees in it too, who cares?

>Done a vote on which one they should add to the game
>Not just adding them all

get a cat

alternatively, just go to sleep

Enderman hut them bro

You are the worst type of faggot

just bee urself

Serious question
Why does Mojang take so buttfucking long to update the game?

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Microsoft is likely bottlenecking the updates to increase the game’s longevity

Already being burried

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We got two of the best updates the game's had in a long time in the past year

It's great, now we'll be able to show something when the next generation asks what the bees were.

>playing meme versions
You're asking for it

Pleazzzzze do not invvvvolvvve my proud beeple in your zzzzzzhipozzting.

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>want to build somewhere
>have to remove bee nests blocking space
>Have to deal with swarm of bees attacking you after removing it
seems like it could be fun

Pandas auto-destroy 2+ high or taller sugar cane, collects it, places it in a hoard.

Now you can use them for passive sugar farming, for all that's worth

I just enchanted a respiration 3 helmet
Ask me anything

big pog

blub blub

another useless mob like the panda and the polar bear

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Probably but why though, Fortnite is the flavor of the month and it gets good regular updates.

Take your pills (no, not the red ones, those rotted your brain).

Didn't you say yesterday you were just gonna do thaumcraft?

It's almost done too. He's got the Beta out to play with, but it's still being updated. His Mummy mod also looked pretty nice. More people need to put in things that feel more like vanilla and add to the base game like that, rather then these big overhauls that all don't really play well together.

Why don't my villagers resources reset? It's been like 10 in game days and these fucks won't buy or sell me shit.

The server is up, but I'm gonna post a thread about it, hol up
a thread will die for this

based, I must admit

Honey bottles restore 6 points (3 shanks) of hunger, not 3 points (1.5 shanks).
It's still useless but not as bad as people ITT keep claiming.

Minecraft is full on bloat sim now.

>but why though
To increase longevity of the game. Long time between updates makes them more special occasions. Fortnite may pump out a lot of updates, but I’d say that’s to the game’s detriment

it's still kind of shitty because it's an unstackable food item.
hoping that they'll add a potion effect to it or something.


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They don't stack. They're useless. They could restore your entire hunger bar and still be trash.

they need: a free work station, a bed , and some space to roam free. Around morning-noon in game time they should be working and resetting their trades.

It's hip to bee square

>"Vanilla once again adds a shitty version of something that was already included in a mod a long time ago"
>"Just play Terraria"
Choose one

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>No cave update
>No enchanting rework
>Elytra still works on rockets for some reason

>>No enchanting rework
>>Elytra still works on rockets for some reason

Enchaning is shit.
Elytra using firework rockets to work makes no sense.

I like how fat they are

One would think a spike in interest would occur if there was something amazingly new or at least on a schedule.

>Elytra using firework rockets to work makes no sense
A-user you can't be that stupid, sure it's not totally realistic but it doesn't need to be

Elytra are just glider wings, firework rockets act as propulsion. How does that not make sense?

Enchanting is much better with grindstones now since you can just reset the shitty ones and Elytra is literally the most fun method of transport they've added .

there was only a long break because most of the devs went to work on bedrock to bring it up to speed with Java, now that that's done they're focusing on updating all versions at the same time

I do want a cave update though, real bad

It's a magical device from an alternate dimension that uses fucking fireworks as fuel.
Absolutely retarded.

Hows the weather down there?

user, it's just two metal wings that don't flap, they just help you glide, using rockets to lift off makes a decent amount of sense

I'm not saying the Elytra is bad. I'm just saying it doesn't make sense.

They come from a place that has an enemy that can teleport and you can make pocket dimensions out of its carcass.
No sense.

Can you lead villagers?

no, but you can put them on a boat.

But Minecraft is so popular already, they don’t really need to do any of that. Even the recent spike in the game’s mainstream popularity has nothing to do with updates. The audience has proven that they don’t really care about that stuff.

It's not magical at all and it's you holding the rockets is what propels you
You might need to go see an autism specialist

>propelled by rockets
>doesn’t make sense
Are you a retard? Do you have similar questions about why there are skeletons and giant spiders, or why creepers blow up, or is your autism contained to [new thing]?

Oh dear lord! Bees!

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How do I make a farm that doesn't look like ass? Please post your farms

Bee Simulator is going to be the real virtual bee experience, not another terrible Minecraft update.

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This looks legit fucking good. I might actually start watching this dude's videos.

Looks like it's B-posing.

Boy, do I love Minecraft!

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It's a tragedy that Mojang is filled with braindead retards. They refuse to add in furniture and vertical slabs because it's not "creative" They either add in useless mobs or reskinned shit.

Haha, I really like bees

What other functionality would you add to honey to make the addition of bees actually worthwhile?

Add honey to other food to boost how much it fills up the hunger meter; like honey-glazed meats and stuff like that.

>Bees help you by growing crops while carrying pollen back to the nest
fucking finally alternative methods of speeding up farming

You can use it as a topping/ingredient to make other food even better.
Ferment it into mead for some other effect, maybe to make budget potions before you have access to proper brewing (suspicious stew already kind of does this but it's too short and complex to be practical)

making mead for a strength buff, and making poultices as a cheaper and easier instant health or regen potion

Sticky pistons that save slime lives or using honey to slow down players or mobs. The lack of water may mean that fish don't survive in honey pools and you get stuck together with endermen.

Attached: Honey trap.png (64x62, 6K)

Furniture is completely useless you fucking smoothbrain

>pirate ship
>no pirate ship in game
What did Bryan mean by this

I want to be the queen of the bees
it's already out

More building options

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Yeah, making honey into slime by compacting it or boiling it or mixing it with something would be great.

But there are.

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That's a big ass fuckin' bee.


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>tfw kraken added to minecraft

I'm really happy the underground content in general is still lacking and the nether is fucking useless while they're adding bees for the "SAVE DUH BEES >:333333" Tumblr crowd.

dont mind if i do

Bee autism has been prevalent in Minecraft since like 2011

get fucked beefags

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What's the best version of minecraft to play that has bees in it with mods already?

>what I will happen:
>mod port bees
>mostly harmless flying mobs that interact with flower tiles
>produce honey over time and can be farmed en masse via bee boxes and bee suits
>different flowers and regions may affect honey production in interesting ways
>honey and beeswax can be crafted into all sorts of products
>you can fill pitfalls with heehives to make them more dangerous

What will really happen:
>bees the size of chickens
>they never fight back
>they produce honey at a steady rate
>no beesuits
>no beeboxes
>beehives are unmoveable and nonrenewable
>bees spawn infinitely from the hive, reusing mob spawn cage code

Also can't forget, they'll completely neglect to make them take extra damage from Bane of Arthropods. Not a huge problem but a really obvious fuckup for Mojank.

Nobody would have fucking voted for B if they actually knew what it's concept would have been. Phantoms are the most useless things in Minecraft.

Jeb and his group of retards make it really easy for Terraria to continue being the superior game.

Stay mad, cavecucks

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