How come almost 20 years passed and no one managed make a comfier RTS single player campaign?
Also, why is RTS genre dead?
How come almost 20 years passed and no one managed make a comfier RTS single player campaign?
Also, why is RTS genre dead?
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RTS genre is too big brained for most people and the industry would rather consume action adventure shit and JRPGs. games that can make you feel sophisticated without much effort.
TS was better
Too ancient. I tried replaying it and it wasn't all that fun.
>Muh comfy
Euro Truck was a fucking mistake
what are the best singe player campaigns?
aoe 2 and mythology especially
warhammer 40k
what else? lotr rts was kinda good I think
Warcraft 3, particularly the human and undead campaigns
I blame consoles
this game was released in 2000. How did 20 years pass?
I really liked the campaigns in Battle Realms desu
Battle for Middle Earth 1 and 2 were great. 2 even had a War of the Ring mode that got better with mods.
You can play both for free if you know where to look, since the games aren’t sold anymore.
>almost 20 years passed
World in Conflict
Truly a masterpiece, started thinking about this as soon as I saw the picture;
If you haven't tried Grey Goo yet I would recommend you to give it a try, Petroglyph is if I remember correctly comprised of some of the old Westwood devs.
It sure has some of that old sweet C&C feel.
Bought it when it came out. I get some of the old C&C vibe but mostly it's just faceless aliums and litteral goo running around a dali painting of a world.
Half of the charm was the whole alternate reality thing with the whole hot-cold-war theme and all of its cliche's
The music of all the older C&C games under westwood is fucking kino-tier under this nigga
I too was dissappointed about the whole spacetheme but it's the closest I've found to ra2 that I've stumbled upon when it comes to the gameplay.
Found it enjoyable (of course not as much as ra2) and can't wait for their next game as one can hope it is based in more of a ra2 setting.
He's right, though. No tunnels, no mutated wildlife, no different types of terrain hazardous to different unit types, no additional resource (even if it's only for a middling superweapon). Also aesthetics in RA2 are really basic, the Cold War parody theme was done well in RA1 and turned into complete farce in 2.
>the Cold War parody theme was done well in RA1 and turned into complete farce in 2.
Why mister user, whatever do you mean?
>Also, why is RTS genre dead?
1. it can't be sold on consoles so it's not profitable anymore
2. after the release of perfect rts games such as aoe2, w3 and brood war, it was almost imposible to replicate that level of perfection
>No tunnels
Tunnel mechanics were rather wonky tbqh. If they were made more like actual part of terrain where you could maneuvre your units and maby build basic defence buildings and walls, rather than port from one place to another, that'd be worth mentioning
>no mutated wildlife
That's a matter of style though. RA2 has neutral buildings for a change
>no different types of terrain hazardous to different unit types
Again, matter of settings and style
RA2 has naval combat though
>Also aesthetics in RA2 are really basic
It's more parody of the like 70s, 80s and 90s supervillain, light sci-fi movies than CW parody
Though gonna partially agree, that I the RA1 aesthetics has slighter edge over RA2 for me, personally. But I love both of the games and their respective styles
And oh boy, did I love the rendition in A Path Beyond
>RA2 has neutral buildings for a change
So does TibSun. You just can't garrison them. You can in TibEssence, though.
>Again, matter of settings and style
Nah, that's gameplay options and effects RA2 plain lacks in comparison.
>RA2 has naval combat though
It doesn't have subterranean units, though. Those aren't as good but that's another loss.
>It's more parody of the like 70s, 80s and 90s supervillain, light sci-fi movies than CW parody
I just hate all those over the top cliches and endless layers of irony. It was the gateway to man cannons, battle bears and laser bow archers in 3.
Is it finally stable enough and has enough features (vehicles, classes etc.)? Should be fun if there are servers for those who didn't play it religiously to learn every nook and cranny.
Forgot the
>no additional resource
Again, RA2 has different mechanics to balance things out, like the whole Spy schtick with stealing techs or money, radiation mechanics, mindcontrol, etc.
I'm NOT saying that TS is by any means worse or even a bad game; not in a thousand years I'd say such thing. I sincerely love the TS aesthetics, and I don't mind the slightest the sudden drift in style when compared to Tiberian Dawn, even if it was handled kinda poorly from writing perspective, cuz circa 30-40 years for such diametral change in composition of armies, if you consider relative peace came by after Kane's death and puppeteering Nod with Hassan, is just not enough
It's just different kinds of flavour and ultimately, specifically gameplay wise, the RA2 just comes out as a better game
>Spy schtick with stealing techs or money
Improved RA1 feature.
>radiation mechanics
That's the first point in its favour.
>I'm NOT saying that TS is by any means worse or even a bad game; not in a thousand years I'd say such thing.
Yeah, we're just reminiscing here, I'm not about to suddenly sperg out if we disagree on something.
>the sudden drift in style when compared to Tiberian Dawn, even if it was handled kinda poorly from writing perspective, cuz circa 30-40 years for such diametral change in composition of armies, if you consider relative peace came by after Kane's death and puppeteering Nod with Hassan, is just not enough
GDI got access to some nice captured tech (like railguns) in Renegade.
As for the mechs I don't know. That prototype suit as a basis for Wolverine works, and GDI acquired de facto global dominance. Hard to say whether it's feasible.
>ultimately, specifically gameplay wise, the RA2 just comes out as a better game
As far as LAN goes absolutely, but I prefer TibSun for SP.
>So does TibSun. You just can't garrison them
I meant capturable neutral buildings, but hey, thanks for pointing out garrisonable ones
>Nah, that's gameplay options and effects RA2 plain lacks in comparison
>It doesn't have subterranean units, though. Those aren't as good but that's another loss
I don't like where this is going user, cuz it's gonna inevitably roll into pointing out specific unit mechanics mate. Going like this, we'd be pointing out shit like Cyborgs surviving a kill with minimal health and no legs, Mirage tanks and their tree shaping, rocket mechanics in RA2, terrain deformation in TS, pavement mechanics, etc.
Both of the games have plenty of them
>I just hate all those over the top cliches and endless layers of irony. It was the gateway to man cannons, battle bears and laser bow archers in 3
We're speaking about Westwood, not EA my man. Fuck the RA3
>Is it finally stable enough and has enough features
It's been stable for along time, though playerbase is pretty less active nowdays, rarely grouping up for a proper game. But hey, they still do show up occasionaly and even almost fill up server from time to time
artillery was too op in ts
>Improved RA1 feature.
I don't know what your point is in here. Games, especially sequels are products of evolution, ain't they? Improving on original game is to be expected though it rarely happens donnit
>radiation mechanics
Not the same thing, though frankly, I'd just point to my previous post about specific, tailored mechanics in here. It's gonna turn to shitfest pointing out even the slightest aspects of flavour pretty quick
>GDI got access to some nice captured tech (like railguns) in Renegade
>As for the mechs I don't know. That prototype suit as a basis for Wolverine works, and GDI acquired de facto global dominance. Hard to say whether it's feasible
We're talking on completely abandoning tanks on GDI side for walkers, orbital/stratosphere deployment, hover technology and sonic weaponry on the scale of the whole army
Tooling up, logistics and right about making the whole industrial complex to achieve such feat when a tiring war for Europe and Africa has just ended, good half of the world is uninhabitable, soil is toxic and barely usable to grow crops and millions of potential workforce have perished ...
I mean, yeah, that's probs just my inner autist firing up shots, but hell, it just ain't enough
>As far as LAN goes absolutely, but I prefer TibSun for SP
Sincerely, I can't really make the choice which singleplayer campaign I like more, if the RA2 or TS one. Both are fucking great
Yeah, I forgot about tech buildings for some reason.
>I don't like where this is going user
I find it enjoyable so far because I've forgotten about a thing or two in RA2.
>Cyborgs surviving a kill with minimal health and no legs
That could actually work for something like Brutes in YR.
>rocket mechanics in RA2
Yeah, spawning a unit with essentially its own locomotion was a nice addition.
>terrain deformation in TS
As far as I remember RA2 has it too. It's running on an improved version of the same engine, right?
>pavement mechanics
That was a pain from Dune II times I didn't care much about, especially considering how some common terrain types blocked it and it was the only good kind of defence against certain Nod vehicles.
>It's been stable for along time
Cool. I should put aside some time to give it another go.
>and sonic weaponry on the scale of the whole army
To be fair, you literally help secure those disruptor crystals in the campaign. But yeah, I guess changes on such a scale is stretching it.
RA2 doesn't have terrain deformation, unfortunately
Considering how I used it to make custom bases, unbuildable corridors and tank traps, it's understandable from balance point of view
>Cool. I should put aside some time to give it another go
Not too long ago, the W3D boys have finally added planes on the Soviet side. Pretty fucking awesome, if you ask me
>Not too long ago, the W3D boys have finally added planes on the Soviet side.
Finally we can witness Yak spam in first-person, 3D perspective. They do have Longbows for the Allies, right? Not that it'd help much, but still.
Aye, helis were in from the start, cuz basically they're just resking of basic Orca and Apache from Renegade
It's just the flying mechanics for actual planes are bit more tricky to make them behave like actual aircraft. But fuck, they made it pretty decent. It ain't like Il-2 Shturmovik, but it's built well, though I often come that map sizes are pretty restricting when flying
even fucking bacteria have more complex cognitive functions than consolefags
>Aye, helis were in from the start
Don't remember that but I didn't play a lot and only local.
>cuz basically they're just resking of basic Orca and Apache from Renegade
Speaking of woefully missing units from the original, how is RenegareX? I've seen people panning it recently. By the time it was playable I've grown to hate anything MP-related because of how many immature retards infest MP these days.
I liked Red Alert 2 it was fun
I liked the age of empires campaign more
*Blocks your path*
>Speaking of woefully missing units from the original, how is RenegareX?
Never played it cuz even today I just don't have the rig to give it a try. I'm just too cheap of a cunt to upgrade my 2007 top-of-the-line PC cuz there's just a handful of games that I'd happily play that I can't run
Hopefully some other user will tell you how it is, though I only heard praises with occasional nitpick or rampant shitpots about it being soulless
Who is best C&C girl and why is it Zofia?
>Red alert 3
good? Meh, each to their own
comfy? definatly
Made me realize I fucking love skintight leather and latex
Empire Earth 1. Russia Novaya Campaign is an amazing RTS experience
Tiberian sun is not a very good game despite having nice aesthetics (which don't fit the gameplay- same deal with the soundtrack). It was rightly panned on release for not measuring up to C&C95
The whole westwood games were kino.
On all levels lore ,cinematics , music ,gameplay, graphics
its fun but its 30% balanced games 70% "wow guess im fucking dead whoops there goes building one and we lost"
I can live with that.
I didn't play the original and don't really enjoy multiplayer games much, but I had a lot of fun for the couple weeks I played Renegade X a few years ago.
A man of taste.
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