Starts with 1 HP

>Starts with 1 HP
>Doesn't get the first turn
Mario RPGs don't fuck around

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What's more, if you die you have to do the first phase of the boss all over again to get to the 1HP whirlwind arm stage.

Can we talk about the fact that Nintendo actually fucking skipped remaking Partners in Time? the bosses in that game were hardcore as fuck

it's all fine and dandy but these fucken turn based rpgs give me a headache

>walk 3 steps
>beat the shit out of some pest

plus the repetitive music is awful

>trying to gauge depth on those spinning arm attacks

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This was a retarded design choice for what is otherwise such a braindead easy game, but you can get the first turn if your speed stat is high enough. I think there was also a piece of equipment that always gave Luigi the first action in battle, although of course you'd either have to give that to him by chance or by knowing in advance how the final boss works.

Only underleveled shitters actually dealt with this.

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Talk about the fact they skipped remaking the worst one in the series; the one so bad a remake could have actually helped it? Why would we want to talk about how a remake could have turned trash into a good game? Instead of remaking two good games that didn't need it.

Trash opinion, Partners in time was kino

Depends on your speed stat but yeah

They need to fix a lot of things of PIT so that's why they skipped the game

Sadly BIS didn't sell well so we are getting a new one before they even try making a PIT remeake for the switch since the 3ds is already dead


At least in Mario & Luigi you can see the enemies so you can skip some of them instead of obligatory fighting them like the other rpgs

Now that I remember you can do this in all the Mario rpgs witch is a nice thing

That's a contradiction since being underlevelled makes a RPG harder.

>Be me
>Didn't realize you could move the roulette in the level up screen and thought I was being really unlucky the entire game with what bonus stat I got
>Brute force the entire game, not knowing any better that young
>Have like 300 health on both bros by the time I get here and keep trying over and over
>Win after 1.5 hour battle
What the fuck was wrong with me?

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You did exactly what I did except with Pokémon games. All I ever did was level my starter and brute force the entire game

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user, please

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That reminds me of the time when I played Skyrim and didn't know I could rotate the claw keys. So much time wasted

>the repetitive music is awful
Shit taste

>Pokémon games
W-what? Pokemons cannot improve their stats like. This is b8!

By that I mean people like and if any of you know raocow he also got fucked by doing this with for le epic trole xD and got shit on multiple times in Bowser's Castle.

I figured out infinites when I was young
I challenged myself to beat the final boss in 1 turn at 1 hp using knock back bros advance
Easily one of my proudest achievements

Sounds like a fun idea for a challenge run actually, except you dump all points in Stache instead.

>the one so bad a remale could have actually helped it?
But aren't SSS and BIS just 1:1 remakes + an extra mode added?

>except you dump all points in Stache instead.
people dont do that?

same. i always hated pokemon games for that because if you play only your started it ends up being like 30 levels higher than whatever gymcels throw at you

I did that

Me too. The main game never gives you incentive to do anything else

The Pokemon single player games are always complete garbage. The real fun is playing against people.

me too


THAT'S ME FUCK except I did it with BiS

the bosses were hardcore because a bug doubled their hp in the english version

I played SSS recently and the one thing that stood out the most to me is just how short it is. Took me like 12 hours to get to the end. I can't think of any other turn based games that short except for some flash games. It surprises me that they left so much of an impression given how little time I spent with them

1:1 remakes in content but combat behaves like BiS or Dream Team. PiT is pointless ti remake and would require new systems because the intent of babies in team-up combat was to raise the Bros. to BiS combat when teamed up with SS combat as individual duos, so combat for a remake would need to be completely redesigned with the babies losing their gimmick.

Are you me?