Do you play video games with your friends IRL?

Do you play video games with your friends IRL?

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Stop posting this shit


I’ve nutted to that comic probably 10 times by now

Didnt she turns into a fucking cow?

That alone makes me superskeptical reading it.

Can anyone tell me what happens next?

>Artist designs cute characters (male)
>Inserts a ton of degeneracy
Does this end with Corruption of Champions tier garbage?

this better be incest

>Didnt she turns into a fucking cow?
u wot m8?


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>start out as a cute, wholesome, romantic story
>turn it into retarded degeneracy even worse than ntr
Why do porn artists do this?

No. After I graduated Uni all my friends drifted apart. A few have tried to get back in touch but its because of drama and bullshit I don't want in my life.

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finna make incels seethe
teen love they never see
young adult love they never be
popping off on wizardry

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lmao go back to stormfront

Gwen is the best loli the west has produced, of course people would follow suit when creating other porn characters.

they both look like trannies

tranny detected

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Terminal nutnoggin.
Stage 5 cumcranium.
Bad bustbean.
End stage precumpate.
Multiple miltconk.
Deadly spunkpoll.

dilate and rent free

>reading comic
>pretty hot
>get to page 30
oh what in the fuck why

She gets turned into some retarded cow/human/whateverthefuck abomination. This is simply degeneracy regardless of your political affiliation.

post link

How do you unironically find a gamer girl gf?
I'm in college and I still have yet to find one

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>the ba-bump shit in comics
i hate people that
shadman above them all

>they don't even fuck before full cow
I wouldn't even care about the obviously commissioned fetish part if they had fucked beforehand I could just consider it to have finished the page before

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Did you not read page 1 or something? IT'S IN THE FIRST FUCKING PAGE

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the first page is usually just the cover so no

Yeah of course it's fucking retarded but I don't care about what people get off to and try to ban things because I was triggered


>furry shit

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Puffy anus and pussy was great, should've stopped there. Then it just got worse, so much worse.

>gamer gf
they seem nice at first but they only want to get in your way of playing, and since is most likelly you get better hobbies, thank her for that btw, you will have to deal with her many shenanigans buying amiibos and other kinds of mental retardation.

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And who said anything about banning shit, it's simply degenerate and disgusting.

>Alright art.
>Retarded fetish
Every time.

Hmm this one seems safe

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I wouldn't mind it if not for global rule 3 which in recent months the jannies and mods are not handing out bans for.


>draw a girl
>call it a boy

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what do you mean?

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I swear to god I'm going to pay someone to redraw this without the futa garbage.

>playing fun vidya
>girl is only interested in sex, not in min-maxing or the challenge

Girls only think about one thing and it is disgusting

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Most of them have shit taste. Then again, most guys have shit taste too

fucking what.

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user that's a cute twink with a delicate shaven boipucci
are twinks women? i think not

you don't

They don't exist. I'm serious

they actually do, they're just annoying and not pleasant persons to interact with
i know because im one
no im not a tranny fuck off


This comic is so mooving, post more.

it sure is fucking summer in here

I can't fap to a guy fucking a cow but I can fap to a bull fucking a girl. What does it mean?


user it's almost september
summer is over.
you can't use that excuse anymore.

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>without the futa

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teeters or leave

Not liking shitty pseudo-furry porn doesn't make people summerfags
fucking retard

This comic is fantastic.

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I wish.

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>Be 16 year old me
>17th birthday
>Friends come over
>We played sega genesis games for hours
It was a good day.

i live in muttistan
i dont have tits, im almost flat chested as i have pancake boobs.
fuck off degenerate

>Corruption of Champions tier garbage?
>futa garbage.
You need to go back to Yea Forums for a few years. Or if Yea Forums has been completely drowned in fb/ig/etc. shit you need to lurk some boards it used to draw inspiration from.

I don't get it, what was that even meant to signify?

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Fuck yourself to death with a horse dildo, furry faggot. Your kind never was and still isn't welcome here.

Heartbeat, you know like doki doki

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>Used to play DoW, AoE2 and WoW with friends from school
>Would all talk about them at school the next day or when hanging out/sleeping over
>Went on for 5+ years
>Once everyone started getting interested in parties and branching out socially I was the weird quiet one so I was gradually dropped
>Kind of gave up on friends since
>Still have no idea if they're in touch with each other

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>i dont have tits, im almost flat chested as i have pancake boobs.
>no im not a tranny fuck off

>virgins haven't heard the heart pounding

this is my fetish ;_;

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pls be my gf Ill buy you any TF2 hat you'd like m'lday

Most of them do
>cute gym bunny lesbian I know from high school asks me if I play any vidya when I match her on tinder
>say yeah and mention I have a pc
>she says she has a ps4 and wants to get a pc
>she asks what games I like
>think shes casual so I list a few casual games I played once on free weekends (battlefield, battle royale shit, etc)
>calls me a casual and tells me I should play games for a real challenge and tells me to try demon souls or bloodborne sometime
>about to say I don't have a ps4 when I realize that's exactly why she picked those 2 instead of any other souls game
>she invites me over and I play like a god because I've played both of these games dozens of times before my play station got stolen
>end up spending the night
>been dating for a few months now

Lesbians are usually pretty based, the trick is getting them to consider the dick.

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>Not loving your own delicious flat chest.

Contact info?


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All that pizza is just going to go cold, why fucking bother

Will you cosplay as the Guildmarm for me?

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>and then nobody arrived at that party

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Lesbians arent real, all women are just degrees of bisexual

seriously why didn't they just fuck here

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If I was a kid this would be the shit. I hope that kid appreciates the amount of effort their parents put into giving him and all his friends a good time.


>guy doesn't even get to bang her in human form
did this dweeb just cuck himself?

>I-I can buy my friends right?

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Carol pls