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I just started playing on ps4
It's ok, protagonist sucks
Nothing besides Sign is worth in the Hack franchise.
>isekai trash
for that price, Y.
Protagonist goes from Ow the edge to Silver the Raiden
For ten dollars, you have very little reason not to.
Alkaid is best girl.
Hasaeo chills out.
He was made that way for that generation during its release.the writer and director thought Versus XIII were coming out also as a competitor.
>he doesn't know what isekai means
>not even permament cutscene models
it's also 10 times easier than ps2 for some reason
It's a steal at that price. 3 episodes and a 4th bonus episode to fully finish the unfinished stuff the 3rd episode didn't address.
Haseo is a jerk in the beginning, true, but he's already much more bearable in Episode 2. I know it's shit to suggest a JRPG where "it gets better", but in GU's case it's really true, it does get better with every episode.
Just read the synopsis, why is it ripping off SAO so unashamedly? It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.
No. It's 80% off on Gamersgate, and you can get an additional 10% off on Fanatical with the code FANATICAL10.
Never mind the second bit. I double-checked and it's not on sale on Fanatical atm.
Protagonist is a literal anime protagonist. As in, dude has his own series.
Played Trails of the Sky lately and felt that I'm just not into JRPGs anymore.
If you never played it, yes. Literally $10...
He gets cool but it takes a bit. He also has good reason to be an asshat, he wasn't until he got FUCKED by the plot. Don't remember if they showed that in the game though, the anime did. The whole anime is a prologue to the game series so i recommend watching if you want to get the most out of it.
Haseo has a bit of a history and you need to dig a bit to piece it together. Also heres a pic of him IRL since the game nor the anime supplied that, save a photo of him from SIGN, when he was only 10.
>12 bucks in Burger bucks
I bought it for myself
Because you played a borefest try other jrpg
>Watching Roots
>The prequel that contradicts every other connected GU piece, reveals major spoilers and devolves into another character's backstory
Noone should suffer through that abomination. You'll get what you need as you play the game. Just roll with it.
>He also has good reason to be an asshat, he wasn't until he got FUCKED by the plot.
Did you forget his PK career in R1? Where he was doing nothing personnel kid shit, and voicing his own stabbystab sound effects?
I forgot how much atoli's rl design ticked every checkmark for me.
He got amnesia from getting DD'd back in SIGN and being stuck inside a wand for 3 games.
Yes, but I'll never not wonder why they skipped the first quartet for Last Recode.
Holy shit dotHack is still alive?
These games where some of the most engaging and comfy RPG experience I have had in a while.
Look at this Atoli!
It's not an isekai. You can sign out. Not that there's much to do outside the game other than read the news, troll forums and send some emails.
Yes, and? He was a Grade A Asshat before that. Sure being doublefucked by PLOT didn't help, but it ain't the only reason he's the way he is at the start of GU.
But if you don't watch Roots you won't know who Tabby is. Not that she shows up until you clear the last game anyway, but she was still best girl.
Because unless us, the majority of modern players and reviewers would find the gameplay unbearable and it would tank hard and fast, leaving us with no hope of new .hack. Have to admit that for awhile, I had trouble coming back to it, but the last time I played, I had a blast with it.
Someone really should make a list of essential episodes for Roots. It does have some elements that make things easier to digest. I'd do it, but I don't think I can make it through another watch right now.
What are these games like and what should I know before going in?
Sora was an immature shitter in the fourth grade. Haseo was a high schooler, whose parents kept him away from MMOs after he woke up from his coma. He was pretty much Kite if he got dicked over by the first person he met in an MMO.
>I'll never not wonder why they skipped the first quartet for Last Recode.
Probably because those games are so unpolished that it'd take more effort than it's worth to fix them so they can appeal to the public. Meanwhile the GU games clearly learned nicely from them and fixed everything. I mean shit I can't be the only one who heard "Get Data Cores" in GU,immediately shat my pants then was immensely relieved to find it wasn't as retarded as it was in the IMOQ series.
Seriously fuck data cores in those games.
FUCK, the sale ended.
Oh yeah and it doesn't help that everything seemed to revolve around him as soon as he showed up.
Data cores are nothing if you're already cheesing data drain for op weapons.
Right after I started the purchase, it randomly changed back to $65 (I'm Canadian) despite it stating being on sale at the start of the purchase. Really weird and I requested a refund.
>play the final game
>Alkaid and Atoli fighting for Haseo's attention
>rest of the girls all thirst for his dick
>Haseo puts bros before hos though and finally marries Ovan
I'm still seething that the only character to get a real resolution was Ovan. Just let Haseo marry Alkaid for realsies so I can put my memories of this series to rest.
>Haseo marry Alkaid
user we all know who the real canon winner is. Don't run away from reality Atoli
The fuck is this headcanon?
Haseo married ___Bo___
Actually the game kind of implies Haseo has been living with Pi since they started working together. So him mostly ignoring the girls flirting (even Atoli) makes sense.
Oh yeah I forgot pi is super tsun for haseo
imagine being retarded
My .hack sense tingled.
Buy it OP. One of the best RPGs on the ps2 and the QoL changes are great.
The original quartet isn't fun. The story, art direction, music, etc. outclasses GU in every way but the gameplay is slow and tedious. It'd need a full overhaul in order to work nowadays and Bamco doesn't want to put in the work.
It's fun for me. Your brain must be broken.
>Haseo has been living with Pi since they started working together.
>Haseo is going the christmas cake route
BASED But I think that .hack OVA with the girl Kite disproves that theory
Action RPGs framed in an MMO. The stories are about philosophy and post-cyberpunk themes. You don't really need to know anything, although I'd recommend reading a synopsis of the original quartet before playing GU to get an idea of the context (although GU will give this to you too).
sup buttrice, glad to see you and you cheeks showed up
Makes sense. She'd been stalking him since Roots. Though during Roots she was playing a different character.
Yata could have had Pi if only he stopped wanking on angewomon digimon cards and went for the drunk business woman with big titties.
The thing is - most people aren't. Most people who play games aren't autists who treat RPGs like a timekilling minigame. They want the story and arbitrary barriers are retarded. Especially when it's not immediately obvious which enemy carries which core.
Nothing really. If you wanna know what happened in the first 4 games watch the Terminal Disc videos that come with //g.u. they explain everything in a cool way.
It's OHM RICE! It's not a butt!
He made the right choice.
No. Buy the original physical trilogy.
If you're broke, or having too much trouble finding them, emulate.
Bruh i call you NutRice.
The original PS2 quadrilogy was one game cut into 4 parts and sold at 60 - 70 bucks. Each game had a few hours of story, a level cap and a bunch of copy/paste assets. It cost as much as a brand new PS2. True story.
15 years later and I'm still mad/boycotting the series.
I'm sorry for their loss.
Fight me 1v1 in the demon palace arena and see what happens KID.
Bring it, NuttyBuddy.
Yes, PC version can be altered so that the difficulty isn't piss easy like it is on the PS4 version.
Those things are fucking rare. Literally they are limited print. You are just fucking yourself in the wallet if you try to get them.
There's a thing called character growth you fucking retard
>10 bucks for some 120+ hours of game
Uh, yes?
Biggest fucking retard on the planet right here.
This game, Golden Sun, and Legend of Dragoon made my childhood. Im glad to see my fellow dot hackers are still out here, as far as ive seen itll die out with us boomers unless they rework it. The lore is ridiculous.
Wow, that's really unlucky.
My nigga.
don't be anal about it
Then emulate them
looks like a slender version of Opera Kranz's Tiamat from Solatorobo
eat piss and suck a fuck nipplefuck rice
There's a thing called go fuck yourself, you
>it's shit on purpose
Okay, how many of you told Saku to fuck off? I hate they made her staying canon in vol 4, since it means Bo didn't get over his hang ups and couldn't stand on his own without big sis.
Well, no.
/ourguy/ Piroshi said buy Last Recode if you want any chance of IMOQ remakes seeing the light of day
>70 bucks
Being a .hack fan must of sucked for Canadians.
Reminder that Kuhn is a dirty furry just like Elk
Are you seriously telling me the green-haired faggot was actually Haseo?
I've seen SIGN after playing through Last Recode and I still couldn't tell.
Was he like 10 years old or something?
I told Saku to fuck off and then I married Bo.
Thing is about Sieg/Kuhn. He got shitted on in both eras.
>Got DD/COMA in R:1 and ending up loosing his girlfriend
>In R:2 has 0 luck with any women and is a shelf stacker at a supermarket.
Not to mention his eternal rival Balmung became the hero he always wanted so hard it gave Tomanari memory loss of what Balmung looks like.
Yes and yes. They aren't very forthright with the info, it's revealed in supplementary material. I thought it was dumb, too but in the context of the plot, it makes sense.
>Was he like 10 years old or something?
Also CCcorp got the idea for Epitaph users because of his data drain and transformation in to Skieth at the end of Sign.
So then was Mia the first Epitaph?
Or was it Skeith?
Yeah, he was a little kid. The reason why it's not obvious is because Ryou lost all his memories after being data drained by Skeith.
Macha was first. But we are never told because in Sign Macha does not speak. (It is that cat NPC thing that Tsukassa talks to. Then Morgana DDs her and turns her in to Mia.
Macha was first, but she was also (iirc) incomplete at the time she met Tsukasa.
Don't forget that he keeps trying to apply for a job at CCorp but he keeps getting ignored. The poor bastard is losing hope.
>he doesn't know what an isekai actually is
They don't get transported to another world, they just play a video game.
Here, let me show you the typical isekai
then Mia turns into Phase Macha, gets put down by Kite, gets revived by Aura, and then killed by CCorp and turned into an Epitaph
Do I have that correct
wtf people are you on about
This is the real reason why Mai broke up with him.
The phases/epitaphs are designated by their order in the EoT. Maha existed first, though.
He's one of the few edgy characters that actually gets good over time
Yep. Tragic aint it? Mia could be considered the better AI really considering nobody had any clue till the wave fights started fucking her data up.
whats really fucking depressing is that her data that became the Macha Epitaph somehow found Kaoru's PC in R:2 and bounded with him
And he never knew that the real Mia was with him the whole time and instead thought AIDA was Mia
>the typical isekai
hold on bro, I got you
Pretty sure his boys Yata and Piros will be good references for him
Yea, but i guess that is the effect of AIDA infection. Makes you super emotional and hyper focused on the thing/emotion you prize. Mia was there, but he could not see her because of his obsession.
Some dumb weeb term, who cares. Probably translates to child rape or something
blame SAO. because SAO is classified as an Isekai, any form of media that takes place in a MMO is now an Isekai
Are we in an isekai right now
What is this from? I must know
no clue, mate
and he's going to go on living his miserable little life thinking she's gone forever
stop using my analdaughterwife in your shit posts
>Come to Yea Forums
>Can never leave
Tapped in a message board genre confirmed for new fad.
One of the worst games I've ever played so fuck no.
Well not really, now he has Haseo.
So he does not let Mia hold him back but still considers her a special friend.
>haha this sites weird, they are harrassing this hal turner guy
>10 years later
they were more than friends
and Haseo gets with the suicidal whore in the end
Wait that was 13 years ago
wtf it's $50 on steam why is it only $10 for you
what's the gameplay like? compare it to something so I can decide if I want it.
Welcome to the Clown World
Akin to Tales series.
They sped up the grind curve and made gold drop more plentiful so the game is less of a chore to run through (since it's one release vs. trying to milk 30hrs out of three releases), that's why.
Yea they are but i consider him and mia "one" now. As soon as he gets his lost weapon mia's data fuses with his PC.
I still think it's 10 years ago that I came here. They say you lose track of time in prison too. Years feel more like months.
That can't be true. Aren't you supposed to live in an idealic world? There must be some sort of mistake
>As soon as he gets his lost weapon mia's data fuses with his PC.
>there will never be The World tier VR in our lifetime
It hurts so much, bros
you can still be a loser in isekai. There's one about a wage slave who basically reverts back to his life as a wage slave in the alternate universe.
In game. Listen to what he says after you get his lost weapon. That is what the lost weapons are all about. it is the "data" CC corp lost in the fire in the original RA plan.
I did not know Elk was Endrance. That blew my mind
when the fuck iwas that stated
>green-haired faggot
The only faggot here is you, faggot. Sora is godlike.
What's different about the PC versions?
Its pretty obvious
hell even the AIDA cat looks like Mia
VR at the moment is in the ironic stage of development. Where everyone still thinks it is goofy and only play VR games "ironically" and as jokes. That is why no VRMMO has been made yet.
What Phylo tells you and the lines each Epitaph user says after getting their weapons. It makes their Epitaphs "complete".
What if we are the npcs who are just obstacles or filler for the real players
I only played the first GU game years and years ago. When it came out, I believe. I don't remember much about it. I'll probably pick this up while it's on sale though.
>Lost Weapons (ロストウェポン) are eight special, powerful weapons found in The World R:2. Lost Weapons are lost fragments of the eight Epitaphs, sealed away in Great Temple of Caerleon Medb
In all likelihood we are. I call myself the protagonist but what sort of protagonist would sit around playing video games all day?
Well, maybe not. Doesn't look like it's on sale now?
he's a faggot and so are you
Everyone of us is Buttrice tier.
>tfw the only VRMMO out that I can think of is OrbusVR and it looks shit
Gamersgate has it for 80% off right now.
>idolfag judging anyone
>especially when they're wrong
Remake IMOQ already you pieces of shit.
They said they want to but they'd need the ok from Bamco.
>retard screeches against a basic literary concept
Bullshit. It's their game, they own that shit, they should be able to make it without permission from those Bamco bastards.
It's weird just how wrong CC2 was about technological progress. IMOQ and Liminality take place in 2010, but there aren't any smartphones. Everyone is also weirdly fixated on desktop computers running the most braindead operating system I've ever seen.
>they own that shit
Guys how do I find a suicidal codependent girl to make my gf in a MMO
And VR is still in it's infancy here whereas in the .hack universe, you simply hook up some VR glasses to your cellphone and poof, instant VR.
BN own the IP, so unless they sell to CC2, they have the franchise under lock and key. It's like the Shenmue situation. Suzuki had to get the rights to the franchise before he could attempt to make 3.
hello zoomer
Try searching one of those websites for suicidal fuckers, that's how Sakaki found Atoli.
Don't even get me started on VR in old .hack. We clearly see them using controllers and the lore postings in-game make it clear that a non-VR version of the World exists. However, we see avatars with human expressions and the full range of anatomical motion. How are these people controlling their joints with just a PS2 controller?!
>How are these people controlling their joints with just a PS2 controller?!
in-game emotion animations
That makes even *less* sense. How are they choosing these emotions? Are they typing emotes into a keyboard? Why do they show emotions when crazy shit goes down at all instead of just freezing because they're too shocked to even use their controller?
Delete this.
You could even take your clothes off, for some reason...
Abrupt Invisible Damnation Alastor
Don't get me started. 12 year-old me nutted so many times to that credits sequence.
>How are they choosing these emotions?
Read pic related, it's from //Ai Buster, which is canon.
Great taste.
>anal idol
Well that's just retarded. I would have accepted some sort of face tracking or what have you, but the thought of Kite actually typing "/shocked" when he looks up and sees Cubia for the first time (when no one else is there) stretches my suspsension of disbelief.
>Sora typing /trium_smug every time he PK'd a person
I think it's hilarious.
Haseo was made to be a fucking autist who hates people
watch the anime first you retard
I know some of you guys played MMOs, tell me, who was your Shino
Yeah, it's retarded. I replayed G.U last year and I really had to suspend my disbelief to take it seriously. Especially when it comes to the way characters like Silabus and Gaspard behave.
>trying to marry Natsume results in a bad end
Because her body is strictly for Kite and his twilight dong.
it's from that isekai death game manga. Where inept shinigami try to take this guy's soul, but he's having none of it.
>watch the anime first you retard
Dear God, no. Not only is it awful, but the final episodes spoil the biggest twist of the game. Not to mention that Shino behaves completely differently in the anime and in the game, and that the game does an excellent job at explaining about the guild's past. Seriously, fuck Roots.
A girl I played with on a Ragnarok Online private server back in the 00s. We got gay married (one of the added features of the private server) and all was well. She was kinda surprised that I was playing as a girl but used to make all these suggestive comments about wanting to dress me up as a girl IRL and then fuck my brains out.
I can confirm she was actually a girl because we frequently coordinated via TeamSpeak and later would Skype each other (long after we both stopped playing RO). I haven't kept up with her for a while, but I assume she's married now.
>and that the game does an excellent job at explaining about the guild's past.
Pic related.
Never had a Shino, at least I don't think so, I fucking hope not. I also never played an MMO before.
I just assumed facial expressions are just representing what the actual players are doing in RL and not actually shown in game. But I'm not some sperg so w/e
I guess I'll log out and check my email or something
I'm sure you've orbited some girl before
The only MMO that I played was MU Online back in '02, but I didn't meet any girls ;_;
>guild's past
if you mean keeping it vague for no good reason, sure
>the final episodes spoil the biggest twist of the game
what are you even talking about
just spoiler text it, because what i remember from the end of the anime goes right into the start of the game, and in fact that last part of the anime is redone ingame at the start
He's talking about Ovan being Tri Edge
>tfw never orbited a girl in real life or online because I'm smart enough to stay away from that kind of shit
I also hate being around other people so that kinda helps.
See pic related Ovan basically explains to Phyllo that it was he who put Shino in a coma. He doesn't say it explicitly, but it's implied. It is worth mentioning that the final episodes were broadcast after Volume 2 was released.
Do I have to play through the games multiple times to see what happens with all the marriage options?
They give an infinite amount of Wedding cards so that you can marry or befriend everyone in a single playthrough without having to reload saves.
Nah, just save before you blow your marriage-postcard on a girl.
FFXI was my MMO of choice. My Shino was an older girl from Germany. She was a friend of a friend so we just sort of ended up doing stuff together a lot.
But fuck Shino; who were your Tabby's?
GU and the series as a whole may be hard to get into and arguably bad to most people purely on gameplay especially the originals but coming from PSO I was hoping online games would go more in this direction and become more action oriented and a full on virtual world altogether back int he day when technological advancements in games seemed vast and full of potential. Meanwhile WoW kills any originality and stagnates with enemies taking 100K on the norm as nothing, fucked up HUD shit graphics fit for about something on the original XBox or PS2 all while keeping to point and click boredom and hotkeys. I'm not saying PSO was amazing but as something early enough with the other online games that existed at the time and .hack emulating that and trying something new and SIGN showing off concepts of what could be in terms of something immersive even if it was up its own ass I think .hack was really something special but is a period piece that has no place today where isekai thrives and innovation in games especially online is garbage.
What a bitch.
Haseo is obviously the superior videogame-Chad who can offer her a bigger and better Spiral Edge, if you catch my drift.
Fuck that boring garbage. Tell me, who was your Piros?
MMOs stagnated because they're limited to network capacity. Also, if you think the PS2 was capable of WoW's graphics, you need to take off your nostalgia goggles.
don't remember that for shit to be desu
could it be a dub/sub problem?
i either watched it in jap or spanish, but can't seem to find any spanish dubs on google
>Who where your Tabby's?
>Who was your Piros?
No one.
Episode 25, user. I just checked.
>tfw 30 and turning into a Phyllo type
I hope I don't get cancer, guiding kids in their late teens and early 20s is oddly satisfying
How would you revive the series? I think the mystique around MMOs or emulating them is a ship that's sailed especially with stagnation of the genre. G.U. going for something more action oriented was a step forward while it went backwards in terms of dungeon/area layouts and variety.
I'd say since a remake of IMOQ is wanted a significant change in gameplay would be needed. Looking at SIGN particularly Sora and Crim there's implication of platforming, I would say put emphasis on the "action" in action RPG and add a Z axis: make SIGN as a playable game but follow the story and character switch (or allow it at will and funnel story to particular character arcs when needed depending on what's been completed), allow freedom to explore randomized areas but otherwise give a lot of attention to detail on level layout to story areas and platforming/combat, SIGN skips a lot of combat which is known but do think the scenario can still occur with it, would lose the open looping fields and dungeons would need to also have platforming elements but think it can work, after apply the same treatment to IMOQ, do think IMOQ needs a rewrite though as the plot is very sparse and characters very flat. Also package fragment as an online most hosted P2P with what I believe had dungeon designer.
i was planning to rewatch it by the next time i get to replay GU
but sure let's say i believe you
there's still too much Haseo backstory in there to just skip the animu
You're gonna die, old man.
I am the Piros of my group of friends.
>there's still too much Haseo backstory in there to just skip the animu
I don't know, when I played G.U for the first time I hadn't watched the anime yet, and I didn't feel like I missed anything.
Which .hack girl has the biggest bush
Bordeaux. She's german.
Pi, without a doubt. She's too busy to do it.
>Series called .hack
>Never do any hacking
This is where I'd start. You can have shenanigans going on, but make this the natural progression from last 2 series. No special ability granted by a higher power. You're actually acting as an intentional illegal character for whatever goal the plot sets. Cyber Sleuth touched on this a bit. Maybe have commands you can access in the game and then on the desktop, maybe you can do some coding like in the old Matrix game.
You've also listed a lot of things on my wishlist.
>to do it.
shave it off, I mean.
its fluffy and purple
>>Never do any hacking
I think it's weird how after getting data drained, Haseo sorta mellowed on his own and seemed pretty optimistic about the whole thing in the end of the anime but in the game he's behaving like a grumpy grouchy asshole.
Yeah, nevermind the fact that the beginning of the game is literally where the anime starts and everything after that leading up to him getting his new nickname and him rampaging as a PK is a blank.
When I first played the game it felt like I missed out on Haseos entire backstory, which is obviously the case here.
I bet it smells like Aromatic Grass down there.
I think Roots can be skipped unless super into lore or maybe just watch a few of the more important episodes as there is a lot that really doesn't matter, the latter half of the series focuses on Tabby and TaN remnants that have no relevance outside slightly fleshing Pi and Yata out backstory wise.
Would say Ep1 for opening, 3-4 for joining guild and show off some other characters,7 for virus core, 9-13 for virus core plot and more important parts of GU backstory, skim 16-18 for Forest of Pain relevant parts mostly useless, ep 21 IF you are going to ready Cell otherwise skip, 23 IF there is any care to see Haseo beat 100 PKs otherwise skip, 24 is just an alternate take in the intro and really can also be skipped. No watching 25-26 until after Vol 2. The only episodes that really matter at all IMO even from that are 9-13 and maybe the last 2.
Poor guy, i wonder if he really likes dot hack that much.
>When I first played the game it felt like I missed out on Haseos entire backstory
That's a complete exaggeration, especially considering that in the second cour, the anime spends more time on Tabby than on Haseo.
>he's behaving like a grumpy grouchy asshole.
He's like 15, that's how kids are at that age
aromatic grass is just codeword for Mia's bush
You know what I meant. Your own unassisted hacking that doesn't rely on God giving you a handout or snagging a company-owned account.
>haseo is bordering autism
>about to quit the game due to constant PK
>shino is the one thing that keeps him coming back
>actually get to make friends in the guild
>triedge shenanigans
>continue playing just to power up for revenge
>start losing his friends due to being so focused on revenge
>power up and still lose
>back to square one with nothing and no one
this is enough motivation and backstory to understand why your main character might be mad
also there's secondary characters from the anime that show up across GU
>the latter half of the series focuses on Tabby
> the anime spends more time on Tabby
Roots is a colossal waste of time.
How do i find a qt NEET twink that will obsess over me and never leave me?
I'd fuck tabby
They're constantly reminding you of all the shit that went down in the Forest of pain and you have no knowledge of whatsoever if you've never watched the anime.
The only thing you can gather is that it forged Haseos character.
All the reoccurring characters are also nonames to you even though you should know them since you're playing the story through Haseos eyes.
It's not an exaggeration at all.
Doesn't matter if the anime focuses more on other characters at some point.
It's like playing Witcher 3 before going through 1 and 2 and getting to know Geralt and his companions.
All of that is explained throughout the games. Not to mention that the game contradicts some things about the anime. For example, the way Shino behaved when Ovan disappeared.
Endrance will drain your money and hike up your electric bill while making your house smell like shit
You don't get a (You) for that bait, fuck off.
It all makes sense now. That's why those two are always going off to random servers together. How much aromatic grass has Elk eaten do you think?
so much of it that an ingame screensaver exists of him eating Mia out
Harder to do a remaster of due to being an earlier PS2 game and looking like it.
GU had the benefit of being made near the very end od the PS2's lifespan so it had quite a few formula improvements and looked prettier, and as such makes it easier to touch up. Plus in theory CC2 could add Fragment to a theoretical Last Recode of IMOQ and that'd be even more work on the table.
But nothing really happened there, Haseo fought hard monsters like Taihaku did only he wasn't a shitlord. Haseo couldn't even beat it, needed that one TaN remnant dude that was playing a girl to heal them, then he tells Harald who will not appear again until the end of Vol 3 to go fuck themselves and gets his edgelord upgrade and I guess reach level 133(7) for his PKK career). Nothing of note really happens he was already angsty cause of Shino and now is going to act out on it moreso than they were when they were beating the shit out of a stone pedestal.
Literally no difference desu. Also i could force him to take a bath with me.
Do you understand how fucking expensive .hack titles are to buy off eBay? On top of that, buying Last Recode supports the devs while spending unholy amounts of money on the physical discs or pirating them to emulate give nothing.
>It's not an exaggeration at all.
It is. Why should I care about Bset, Tohta, Saburou, Sakisaka, Seisaku, Gord, Ita and Piilocchio, or fucking Tabby? The anime waste so much time with them and they are nowhere to be found in the games (except for Tabby... literally in the post game of vol3). Only a very small fraction of what the anime tell us matters, and all of it is explained in the games anyway.
I bought this and put a few hours in but after getting part way into the Arena tournament I just lost interest. I really like the worldbuilding, and the UI/forums outside The World is all really immersive, but the core gameplay just wasn't cutting it. It's not terrible, but it feels a bit outdated now. I dunno, I'll probably come back to it at some point because I still really want to finish it.
Tabby was a mistake. She ruined Roots for me.
Not to mention that Vol3 explains what happened inside the Forest of Pain anyway.
Eating her out in town? Jesus, what a degenerate.
>On top of that, buying Last Recode supports
Do physical copies of Last Recode support them/count? Or are they harder to keep track of so i'd be better of getting the digital version?
Imo it does get better when you can freely change weapons mid-battle (so Vol.2) but yeah, i can see why you dropped it desu.
She's that try hard girl that talks to everyone and is constantly underfoot so she can distract herself from her own problems
I hate that girl
That little bastard is marking his territory right smack in the middle of Mac Anu and making everyone watch
Thats a fucking big dick play right there
But doesn't it seem very contradicting? Haseo reacts to it differently in both Roots and G.U.
I honestly like the way he acted after getting put back to level 1 in the anime. He snaps out of his edgy PKK phase and despite having to start all over again, he remains hopeful and confident and he even places his trust in Tabby in the real world.
two threads in a row? based and hackpilled
In case you missed it, in the previous thread an user shared a link to the .hack//Archive 3:
>teenagers acting in stupid and contradictory ways and changing their minds as often as a clock changes its face
Are you autistic?
zoom zoom
This is what a dick up your ass makes to your brain.
Only if they're new.
Absolutely correct.
>Skeith fits perfectly into Innis.
Just like Haseo's cock inside Atoli's pussy.
>Skeith flexing his arms and dick fits into her
Oh no...
It's because the anime takes place before the game. It's a mess up of writing, he's not autistic. They made Haseo a little shitcunt in the beginning of the games because they wanted to establish that he's a little shitcunt, but the reality is that he's already "over" that phase by the time the anime ends.
Honestly the best depiction of how Haseo really is, post-everything would probably be how he acts in PxZ2. Still a bit of a cunt, but never really loses his cool completely and has the bantz.
I got to the arena in the first game and then got bored and stopped. You never seem to improve and there are very few chances to gain worthwhile new items. It's lacking all the good points of an RPG for me.
I will say that I liked that certain areas had NPCs randomly at certain spots. It did make the world feel more like an MMO without dealing with all the autists. The random dungeons would have been cool too if there was ever anything worth while in them.
Elk has this stapled to his wall somewhere in his room.
Thanks user. Just paged through it, it was nice. Shame about the last section being in black and white only though
Was this the most kino cutscene in the entire series?
Haseo screaming at Atoli still gets me desu.
Endrance helping Haseo against Bordeaux but i might be biased since i just like Endrance
Speaking of mods, any lewd mods yet?
Nope. Shit would look ugly tho.
>your face when
Ikusaba Mukuro
>I'm L
no. I emulated two .hack games and they were average at best.
Haseo is a stupid looking edgelord character too. Only some jap could design a gay like that.
>That manga parody where Ovon unhooks his waist belt by mistake, dropping his pants and Kite reported him and got Ovon banned from The World
I really like it to the point its the first series in about 10 years i want to 100%
the anime sucks dick so no.
god, so much filler over nothing. And I'm sitting there like: fucking go nuts already or something. this is about an MMO and people just whine about their real life they are escaping from.
Only the SIGN anime is isekai
Based Kite. Banning all degenerates from The World. Truly the hero we need and deserve.
We need a WoW Kite.
So, anything important to know going in? JRPGs always have some obscure shit you’d never properly understand without a guide.
I wish more games had stuff like this or like Another Day from TWEWY
Watch Sign and then play these.
My favorite one is with Haseo, Atoli and Ovan stuck inside the Hulle Granz Cathedral and they haven't been able to go to the bathroom in a while and Ovan tells Haseo that he couldn't hold it in anymore and shat himself.
>this is about an MMO and people just whine about their real life they are escaping from.
So just like a real MMO
And watch Liminality
the anime was shit desu
Exactly. Would you want to watch some random nerd play an MMO? At least when you're the one playing it you get the shot of endorphin every time you level up or clear a dungeon.
you have to listen what people says...
That too.
jesus fuck now I want to drink bleach after being reminded
we could've warded off Cubia with that massive forehead
fuck off with that code lyoko faggotry
t. gay
Pretty sure we see an article with her real face in one of the news articles and she's cute. CUTE.
Who had a better showing against their final boss and why is it Kite?
>Corbinik fires Drain Heart
>Everybody gets bodied
>Elk takes the hit for Kite and apologizes for being a cunt
>Kite jooks and outruns Drain Heart
>Goes for the kill
>Penetrates Aura, thus making her perfect, saving everyone and becoming the father of her digital daughter
The cutest PK.
>Elk takes the hit for Kite and apologizes for being a cunt
He was rightfully mad
But based as hell for saving Kite
haseo falconpunching cubia >>>
how many days would a .hack//General last on /vg/?
fuck generals and fuck discord
Haseo's english VA is so good.
//Link remaster never.
A general for a dead, niche franchise would either die in a day (maybe a week tops) or it'd turn into a disgusting ERP/shitposting shithole which kinda fits the series desu.
Based Piroshi knows what's best, he'd probably shitcan everything post-G.U if the series came back
MC looks like straight out of Digimon first gen.
What the fuck were they thinking?
Nah, Link was shown in a recent event alongside every other .hack game. The only way for them to ignore it in the future, is if they make a game that is placed chronologically long after Thanatos Report (2025).
>finally get a redhead MC
>his game (and the mc himself) suck
Just my luck desu. At least i'll always have Matsu.
>Hands over the anti-virus to Morganna and nearly fucked over everyone
Yeah, he'd better have saved Kite or he'd be fucked too.
>Entire party list does the usual "You go on ahead. I'll hold'em off"
>Power of friendship speech
I'll admit it was much better executed than most other shonen final clashes. It's a shame they repeated it at the end of Vol 4 too.
You want to know what's worse? //Link's main character at first was going to be a woman and she looked like pic related.
Damn fucking right he should. The Mama plot needs to fucking go.
>All the events of the series is a manipulation plan of a eco feminista terrorist organisation that made Emma date Harold.
All the IMOQ and GU was a just as kekaku for mama. It cheapens the whole series and game.
She looks kinda decent in //Versus, to be honest. His design is better and he isn't an annoying little shit anymore.
I don't know which one looks worse.
He got better in the fighting game. Ditched the swords, cut his hair, put on a hoodie and changed his name. Also time powers.
Fuck Link. It reminds me of what happened to the Trails series. Sometimes it's better to just let it go.
Unfortunately i never got to play Versus but i'm not gonna lie, he'd probably be my favorite to play with. Brawler fightstyle and time powers are some of my favorite things in video games.
I've always wanted to get a complete physical collection of this and xenosaga.
No. He looks like an edgy little shit now. Being edgy and having all the cool edgy designs is Haseo's shtick so Tokio can fuck off with that shit and find his own gimmick. Also fuck him and that overpowered time slow down effect they gave him, they made him the Itachi of Versus.
This is the group that had global influence over the whole events in all .hack games.
>The Mama plot needs to fucking go.
At this point it's impossible for them to retcon that. We're talking about two games (Link and Versus), a novel (Bullet), a series of ovas (Quantum), a film (Beyond the World) and short anime (Thanatos Report). Best-case scenario they make a huge time-skip into the future and they don't mention anything about Mama again. But, yeah, they're not going to retcon it. Even when they celebrated the anniversary of the series, they included Link.
>inb4 someone posts that "8 godesses in Korea" pic
Holy shit I never seen this before.
Also good job keeping the thread juicy while I was at work, dudes.
It'll never be canon in my mind. That's all that matters.
>It completely destroys your whole series.
Nothing personal, hackers!
You could keep most of link. Just the retarded points about "digitizing humanity" to save the planet needs to go.
Link should have been Tokiyo teaming up with past .hackers to save the net. Not the stupid "save the brother" plot we got with the past characters shoved in to the cuck shed like in the game.
Even if the IRL characters have moved on and grown up. They could still come back to take up the fight.
Don't get me started on Flugel.
Like the mobiles they tried. Shame that New World project never took off. It was supposed to kick off a whole new series, but when you make the first volume a mobage, you're already fucked. Thanks Bandai Namco.
Also the whole .hack Timeline, for anyone who cares. There is a lot of info from the .hack Archive 5
There is a lot of good stuff in here , user.
Ah, I see you watched that terrible clickbait video on Youtube. I already know what .hack is so I sure as fuck wasn't watching that trash. Thanks for proving it was exactly that.
Aura's look is perfect for how retarded this MAMA plot is.
Kuhn is also Tominari, the guy who wanted to fuck Mai Minase in the Liminality OVAs.
I never played Guilty Dragon and New World, but I like some of the designs in them.
What the fuck was even the plot of Guilty Dragon and New World? Did they continue that stupid mama plotline?
.hack// needs a soft reboot.
Just be about a group of regular people doing MMO stuff, maybe with guild politics and drama. Raids and bosses, maybe some glitches. None of this world-ending stuff for a while.
Their is a worse video about .hack on youtube. A full retrospective in fact. But he blows it half way through Gu when he starts the SJW groveling for Alkaids tits and Hiragi being a gay. It was fucking pathetic to watch.
>Just the retarded points about "digitizing humanity" to save the planet needs to go.
Yeah, "Real Digitalize" was the point where I could no longer suspend my disbelief.
They pretty much act as soft reboots for the franchise as far as I can tell. I never played them, but I've never heard anything related to Mama brought up when talked about.
>Their is
Sorry i mean there is. I see you are the type to get offended by misspellings and typos i will be careful in the future to not trigger you again.
And highly advanced VR-headsets!
You forgot those.
Thank you very much for your consideration. Have a nice day.
bno opoblem
Well said.
I think they kinda did that with the new Kite novel. Or at least they changed some thing about the story of the first four games.
Is this a single player game about playing an mmo?
Why the fuck is Skeith alive? And why is there a bike for R:2?
That's precisely what it is.
Well Lios is in the picture, having a GM on your side can do a lot. I seen GMs in MMOs spawn some crazy shit.
>Translation never.
It hurts. Sounds pretty interesting
Link as a while needs to be remade. So much character assassination, especially Haseo. It should have done a better job framing the conflict between Tokio and Sachel. Have Tokio trying to fix the Akashic Records that hold Aura's memories of events as Sachel tries to warp Aura into their tool via her memories. Make some of the AUs the distortions that need rectifying instead of making stuff up. Have Beast of Apocalypse replace Haseo or have XXXX Cubia isolate Kite from his peers.
Didn't another user post a link to an interview where they said they lost the source code to them in a previous threat?
Wait what? How did I miss this? Doesn't he like 14 or something?
I think this is the mama plot line worse crime. Shitting up the plot between Harold and Emma.
>Emma is now Erma and was sent to get Harold on board to make the Ultimate AI to further the goals of a batshit insane terrorist organization.
>Instead of what was stated when the whole series began about how he fell in love and Emma died before he could tell her and made Aura as a representation of his love, using her Epitaph as the basis of it all.
If that is true then
1 They are fucking stupid.
2 It is no excuse really. KH1 had lost source code as well, they reversed engineered it from a retail disk for the HD versions.
I'm not even mad.
A big-booty bitch with huge tits is fine too.
Haseo is 16-17
Haseo's second form is by far the best one. Look at that shit. /fa/ as fuck.
I always thought his second outfit looks stupid as hell.
What's with the banner hanging from his ass?
Good thing his scorpio-outfit rectifies the problem afterwards.
>Good thing his scorpio-outfit rectifies the problem afterwards.
I hated how that form made his thighs look like a chicken's desu.
>Good thing his scorpio-outfit rectifies the problem afterwards.
Wow, really? I never thought I'd live to see this day. Someone choosing 3rd over 2nd.
I like the Xth form the most, as it is the culmination of all his character development and aside from the but plates, it just looks neat. Trilogy Xth with the wings might be the superior version.
The only problem i have with 3rd form is the shoes. They always looked weird to me. They look more like over sized crocs.
The more skin it shows the better the form, everyone knows that.
Go play cod kid
His 5th form could have been the best easily if he PUT A FUCKING SHIRT ON.
It's Vaan all over again.
>Take off white shirt
>Put on black coat
>Add ugly zebra gauntlets
This could have been so good.
I actually love the gauntlets.
You could probably create the best Haseo design by kitbashing different parts of each of his forms.
>Xth Form's Hair
>3rd Form's left forearm
>Xth Form's right forearm
>2nd Form's buttcape
>Xth Form's shirt
>2nd Form's pants
>Xth Form's weird neck thing
>1st Form's facial tattoos
Why does .hack//Link piss me off so?
It shouldn't make me so angry but somehow it does and a game shouldn't cause such levels of anger within me to show. It's maddening.
Of course you do, Butt Rice. Well, to each their own.
A lot of Haseo's forms seem "close to great" but have some weird quirk or gimmick to them that ruin it.
1st form's exposed belly, 3rd's dunkass shoes, 4th's ass plates, 5th's lack of shirt. 2nd doesn't have anything immediately abrasive about it.
You cut that out right now my man before I show you what a real ass looks like!
There's nothing wrong with Haseo exposing his navel or being shirtless!
I just found out about this cutie. Is she marriable?
It is because of the legacy it shits on.
We are invested in the world that .hack sets up.
From the News to the forums, we understand the world and THE WORLD. //Link had none of this. And in fact goes out of its way to shit on all we have liked and learnt about the world and the characters in it.
Then there is the gameplay. I know it was made for PSP but if God of War had a good 3rd person action game .Hack//Link could have been like that as well.
fuck off Endrance
go back to disappointing your parents
.Hack exists way before SAO, fucking retard
that's clearly a bait, mate
Joke's on you, it's impossible for me to do that anymore.
>before I show you what a real ass looks like!
My ideal Haseo would look a little something like this.
>3rd form's hair (but remove the two strands of hair that constantly stick out because it makes him look like he has bunny ears)
>Xth form's eyes (they're supposed to be gold)
>Xth form's facial markings
>2nd form's collar + those things that stick out of the back that look like Skeith's horns or antlers, what prefer the fuck those are
>1st form's shoulder markings
>1st form's gauntlets
>2nd form's upper body + marking on stomach
>First form's ass spikes (I like to think they're weapons so make them into actual weapons)
>1st form's pants
>1st form's boots
Anybody know whats wrong with the Gamersgate site? I can't seem to add the game to the cart anywhere.
You can call him a faggot.
I'm grabbing the demo right now. I personally never played much of the .//hack series aside from the first one. I'm glad people still remember it.
They made the game easier than it already was sadly. Just know that the gameplay gets a bit better with each volume, so try not to linger too long on each one. The best way to play is at your leisure, only do the missable shit (the post-volume bosses, doppelganger boss) and save the completionist stuff for the very very end of the game.
go jack off and you'll be surprised how easily you dont buy it
I can't even find the game on the site, sucks, looks pretty fun.
If you like wings then you'll love what they did to Haseo in the novels. He gets a not so edgy version of his third form and it's all silver so he looks like a knight and he gets literal angel wings and he uses Skeith's wand as a weapon.
Sounds kinda like how the ffxii remake went. That's fine as long as the story is solid
If I search for the game on the site, I get 0 results. If I look for the page on google, I can find it, but there is no option to purchase it.
Can't you find some other place and buy it from there?
what are you implying? if anyone here is buying this game for lewd girls and fanservice they're gonna be very disappointed kek
Why is she so perfect?
I know the video series you’re talking about, the guy was a fucking melodramatic cuck. But what’s the video that is referring too?
She's got attitude. Also, dat ahoge.
Alkaid seems the most compatible with Haseo to be honest. Atoli is too much of a needy codependent bitch and Shino is way too into Ovan to give Haseo the time of day.
I don't know but maybe it's this one? Correct if I'm wrong guys.
she has one in the real world too
I feel the same, but they're going for that whole two broken people coming together to better themselves or something, which is lame. Haseo needs more hot, super-secret training.
Good lord, Piros is a fucking manlet.
Reminder that Piros is in his 30's and has a wife and kids.
It's that one.
I want to see Atoli get gangraped
Don't talk shit about Piros.
Is there a bigger floormat in existence than Atoli?
Best couple.
Tokio isn't edgy at all in Versus, though, in fact his personality is exactly the same, he's just trying to hide from mama or whatever the fuck that group was
I completely agree.
Haseo was out of high school during GU. 17 or 18. So by Last Recode he's probably... well, I forget how many years later it was supposed to be. 2 or 3? So he's at least 20 probably.
Old enough to have better taste, which is obviously why he's shacked up with Pi.
He was in high school during G.U. He attended a private prep school. He also worked a parttime job in a convenience store.
How often is he pounding that cake behind Atoli's back?
>Try to watch Roots as it aired on CN
>It sucks
>But I've already invested myself in the .hack franchise, so I endure
>It gets moved to the most godforsaken timeslot ever
>Without warning, it just starts over from the first episode, turns out the rest wasn't translated yet
>Slog through
>Months later, get back to where it cut off before; new episodes are ready this time
>Kinda pointless by now, I already know who the real Tri-Edge is, what Azure Kite is actually doing, etc.
>Still, at least I can finish up this godawful series and put it behind me
>Suddenly, Adult Swim turns into a 7-days-a-week thing
>Its ass end of repeating episodes overlaps with Roots's timeslot
>No, it doesn't get moved, it's just gone
I will never not be mad. SIGN got bounced around a bit, but at least it stayed within times when humans might actually be awake, and it actually aired all the way to the end. Oh, and it wasn't a monstrous pile of suck.
I'm so sorry.
> I forget how many years later it was supposed to be. 2 or 3?
Vol 1, 2 and 3, and //Returner: 2017.
Vol 4: 2018.
im not weeb tho
What would you want out of a remake of the original games?
Natsume dating.
>behind her back
Nigga he's barely in touch. Pi gave him a taste of the good life and he even quit playing the game. If the game wasn't being shut down he wouldn't have even shown up.
Shortcuts, real-time menus, HD textures, more NPC in Root Towns, more mails, more virus cores per Data Drain. That's about it.
make Virus Cores less of a hassle to get.
The worst one was at the end of Quarantine where I needed to get the 4 plot Virus Cores but each core is at the end of a different dungeon and each dungeon needed their own bunch of cores
I hate Atoli, but this is just too depressing.
Only reason virus cores were a pain to get for you guys is because you didn't data drain regularly. You probably data drained the minimum amount. I data drained every other enemy so I was pretty much set. I did have to grind a little bit every now and then, but it wasn't enough to complain.
When was it stated that Haseo is living with Pi?
all these replies
have this you
I have no idea why you got so many anons butt hear and i've never played .hack and have no idea what that is
Do I need to play the first 4 games to understand the plot? Will i miss a lot?
I think the worse part about virus cores is when you come to the end of Quarantine and have to unlock those Areas with A, B and C cores. Many people forgot to farm enough of them in vol 1. So it was a pain to get all the cores for that part.
There's also the fact that the IMOQ series was clearly made for people following the franchise "in real time" for the lack of a better way of putting it. The people who were buying them as they came out had months to sit on a game as they waited for the next entry, so you better believe they were data draining everything, putting the best gear on all their party members, etc.
No, GU only has call backs to the original. Plus Last Recode comes with an extra that gives you an over view of the events of the first 4 games.
anything relevant from the first 4 games will be mentioned
More things you would expect out of a series that tries to emulate MMO's.
GU did some good in that department even if it was small. Things like being in a guild, selling things off to be sold by your guild shop and building up that reputation, buying guild exclusive items from other guild shops around town, actually meeting other players in fields and dungeons fighting monsters or fighting PK's and being able to decide if you want to help them or not, being able to use alchemy or whatever the fuck to upgrade your gear. (I don't know if there already is a way to upgrade gear in IMOQ, never played it so correct me if I'm wrong)
I think that's all I got for now.
Nah, you can play G.U without any problems. But Last Recode comes with a series of videos that summarize the relevant events of IMOQ, anyway.
Should I buy the remake or just play the PS2 games?
The entire point of Virus Cores is to encourage Data Draining often. How the fuck did so many people fail to use it? There are so many fucking benefits.
That's kind of pointless you generally don't need Virus Cores from the previous volumes.
In Reconnection and in some audio drama CD or whatever those things are called.
Well most people are stupid. The last part in Quarantine is designed to trip up people who did not drain enough.
If you plan on throwing away 200-300 dollars then go right ahead and buy the PS2 originals and not the remaster that is currently 20 fucking dollars in most places. or you can emulate the PS2 version I guess...
You can only reply to this post if you revived Mia in Quarantine and got our boy Elk laid
The smelly NEET furfag only got laid in his mind.
I used it often, so often that I even lost an entire level on one occasion. But still farming the Cores Viruses needed in Quarentine was a pain in the ass.
>Should I buy the remake or just play the PS2 games?
the remake
>How the fuck did so many people fail to use it? There are so many fucking benefits.
because it's like Dragon Quarter's D Counter bullshit, use it too many times and it's game fucking over.
my disc was messed up and it would lock up any time I tried to enter the postgame dungeon
she wanted smelly grass or something yeah?
You'd have to be a retard to overuse it to that point.
They don't outright say it, but they imply it in Last Recode as well. It's pretty vague though.
Well, maybe its just me that felt that way. When Pi tells Haseo at one point 'YOUR friends are waiting' it reminded me of my friend's ex. It just really sounded like a snarky girlfriend complaining about her boyfriend having interests other than her.
>Rachel gave me a fetish for female Brooklyn accents
I have 0 regrets. And yes i know she has a Kansai accent in JP.
Better res.
A girl I met in FFXIV, she was eventually stolen away by a narcissistic psychopath attentionwhore that concocted a tonne of bullshit. I lost all my friends over it, and it was affecting me irl as well due to some overlap, as well as just being mentally all over the place.
Ended up working out for the best though as I now have a bunch of new friends offline and online and also she came back to me in the end.
>end of the anime spoils the end of the game
Basically what happened for the US/Intl version was that the ending episodes were clipped into the main feature run, whilst in Japan these episodes were seperate. You're supposed to watch until before those couple of episodes and then finish the games. And then you watch the final.
user, you already told us this.
>because it's like Dragon Quarter's D Counter bullshit, use it too many times and it's game fucking over.
the game outright tells you that killing enemies reduces the virus gauge
Y but expect the worst
But i did not tell you i also have a fetish for the Kansai accent as well
I remember you.
But it's not iseaki
Posting Best Boy
Hmm. I knew a girl in FFXI. We met in Yhoator Jungle and just sort of hit it off. Spent a couple of months palling around, learning about each other.
Never really had time to make much of it though. Unlike Shino, she never woke back up... I miss you Nevaah
On another note, have you noticed how awesome the character creator was in R:1. Rachel and Nuke look exactly like their in game PCs.
Imagine the sounds she'd make and the things she'd say while getting dicked by Nuke
Anime literally explains why he's such a prick and his edginess is written that way tongue in cheek
These parody videos don't sound or feel as funny to me in Japanese.
Full blown remake.
Better combat system.
PvP is possible like in the show.
Remnants of the Crimson Knights keep hassling you and you have to kick their asses.
You get to beat up Balmung at least once.
Skills aren't tied to weapons.
Huge Root Towns, just like in .hack//SIGN.
You can ride on the boats.
More events.
More ways to interact with your party members.
More dates with Gardenia.
The ability to purchase a home like what Albireo had.
New abilities for Kite that mimic what Kite of the Azure Flame had.
More crazy events caused by the increasing decline of The World.
More strange and unusual fields and dungeons.
More secrets.
The ability to invite Bear, Mimiru, Crim, B.T., Albireo and Karl into your party after you beat the story. They're also secrets.
Extra costumes for all the characters, like dressing Kite like his various incarnations.
Sigma Server is restored after the main story is beaten.
>more dates with Gardenia
I see someone has their priorities straight.
Blackrose marriage
>user gets cucked
>takes the girl back anyway and eats up another guy's sloppy seconds
>"It worked out for the best"
I would hate to see what you consider a bad outcome
>Versus XII as a competitor.
>When the game was released on 2006 for ps2.
>Not knowing the character exist a few years before.
>Sigma Server is restored after the main story is beaten
I did and felt super proud. What a fucking nuts dungeon that was.
Yep. Pain in the butt, but I managed to do it. Having Elk along didn't help, though.
>mfw Mia's intro scene
That shit was so cash when I was a tween.
Follow me to Page 10, Haseo!
How come no one ever talks about the parody mode from the original four games, are they bad or something?
The games may be tough to play now, but they emulate fine. And the cutscene models hold up surprisingly well besides the sausage fingers.
Well they were never translated.
BlackRose just keeps narrating herself. Orca has smelly feet.
Oh, I didn't know they were untranslated. That sucks.
>that sly look she gives Kite before walking away
>her ass and tail swaying as she walks
Because she was too hot to live.
>all the way into tokyo from chiba
Not even far, what a faggot
magnificent bait
I don't have a computer that can run emulators really well currently but ill keep that in mind.
That whole scene turned me into a furry dengerate. Coulda been something worse i guess. I also forgot that Haseo's VA is the same guy that did Sasuke.