Who pretends to like the EGS purely for the sake of annoying everyone?
Who pretends to like the EGS purely for the sake of annoying everyone?
literally every epic poster, but the worse people are the ones that actually fall for the bait.
I do.
I pretend to like EGS to trigger PCfags, I pretend to like Stadia and digital console games to trigger consolefags.
i do because i will never forgive valve for hosting ti in china and becoming a cuck dota company
I defend EGS because I like Fortnite.
Just as you fucking fags sucked Blizzards cock for a decade, because you liked warcraft, diablo, or some other utter garbage they've made literally 50 years ago.
Fuck off.
I don't. I actually don't have a problem with them. I log on and get my free gibs every week and I bought Heavy Rain, a game they finally freed from Sony's greedy clutches and sold for a mere $10. It's been a good experience. It's not going to replace Steam anytime soon but it's a good secondary store like GOG
The hate is largely irrational emotional venting. Pathetic console wars on PC
I'm neutral until they add achievements and cart, I just get the free games and don't play them.
> achievements
What a worthless fucking feature. Who even cares about achievements in 2019. I'm just pissed there's no way to disable them on Steam without turning off the entire Steam overlay. I will agree it's pathetic they haven't implemented a cart yet.
>Who pretends to like [anything] purely for the sake of annoying everyone?
We live in that world, man. Somewhere abouts ~2010-2013 we silently passed into the clown dimension and this is just how "people" are now. Everyone's willing to let themselves and the world criumble and die just because "it triggers someone else :^D"
It's the propagation of unchecked chaos. We may well be fucked at this point.
While its dumb that you can't disable them in client, you can disable them with SpecialK iirc.
Literally me.
what an idiot
epic and retards like you are bringing the console wars to pc
I don't like or dislike it, it's just another storefront. Grow up
wow he mad bout free games errybody laugh
One that steals games that I wanted to play through Steam.
sounds harsh, contact the police
Yea Forums
do not get mad at EGS for that
take it up with your unscrupulous publishers who do not engage their userbase prior to making decisions that might piss them off
>Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
Looks guys I know it's fun to pretend to be retarded but you guys (pretenders) either need to make it more obvious so that we can actually differentiate chinkshills and report them, or... I dunno, just not do it. I'd prefer the first one because I like fun. I pretend to be retarded too, but I will always drop hints in my posts that I'm just pretending. If anyone was in the tarkov thread earlier this week, I was the person who said what difference a 9mm or a 9000mm bullet makes, they are all bullets.
In response to the OP, I never pretend to like EGS but I do find it fun calling people chinkshills.
>Yea Forums liking blizzard
What bizzaro/v/ do you normally post on?
Not me because we're two levels of meta shitposting past meta shit posting and it judt makes everything worse than it is now.
I used to pretend I was retarded until I found out that I am legitimately fucking retarded.
You're supposed to blame them both
Guess who is legaly operating in china, and who's not
sometimes i do but i really miss toddposting. trying to sweeneypost just isnt the same
Guess who is illegally accessing a platform that was not designed to be accessed in china, and who's not.
Both epic and steam were operating in a gray zone.As of right now, steam is literally supported by chinese government. Honestly, at this point steamdrones and chinkshill means the same
Guess who is illegally accessing a platform that was not designed to be accessed in china, and who's not.
Gaben, please fix your AI bot
You people are sad.
it weeds out the redditors real good
Guess who is illegally accessing a platform that was not designed to be accessed in china, and who's not.
Gabe Newell 纽厄尔加布 Valve Software 阀门软件 Steam 蒸汽 Half-Life 半衰期 Gordon Freeman 弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件 Seven Hour War 七小时的战争 Resistance 抵抗性 Red Letter Day 大喜的日子 City 17 uprising 城市17起义 Lambda 拉姆达 Index 指数
Sorry, the typo was pissing me off to much so I deleted my post and remade it with the correction. But anyway to continue the reply chain:
All I have to say to that is that Steam is making a separate version of themselves specifically for China, which I think is better than just giving everyone the same shit. That means Not-China gets everything without China filters, and China gets their filters that their owner requires.
I don’t understand why some people hate Epic with a fucking passion, they will spend hours at their computers absolutely seething. Like, who gives a shit? If the game is epic exclusive just fucking pirate it and move on.
because I have to feed my (you) addiction
There is not a single media entity that does operate fully legally in china with global version anyway. Not only you are forced to create separate version, you are forced to work with government to operate it.
Because it's the principle of the situation.
So based on this post, can it be said with certainty that is correct in implying that Epic is legally operating in China?
I've been playing The Cycle and Rebel Galaxy Outlaw recently through the EGS. Buying, downloading, and launching the games was really easy.
If I want reviews I'll google them, Steam reviews are getting worse and worse with all the review bombing bullshit.
If I want a discussion section I'll go to the game's Discord, they are run better and usually organized well.
Workshop and VR are the only things I really need Steam for.
Here's a cute anime girl to help calm your rage.
>they will spend hours at their computers absolutely seething
No one does this. Epic is just extremely obnoxious and Sweeney is a fucking smug cunt.
No one likes arrogance. Epic IS arrogance.
EGS and Steam are both jewish proxies propagated in China in order to divide people. I choose neither.
>No one does this
Nigga do you even know where you are?
No, epic use the same method steam used before . As of right now Steam is operating in china legally, Epic is in grey zone
People really need to stop being so apologetic to Epic. Seeing threads that defend them honestly just makes me sick to my stomach.
You may be asking yourself “Why would it make you feel like that? If you don’t like it just don’t buy it.” And to people who actually say that, that’s a yikes from me dawg and i’m gonna unpack it.
The reason it makes me feel that way is because it promotes a predatory anti-consumer environment in which companies will start poaching other games for their own stores which will probably be barebones. I mean look at Epic’s features, no shopping cart? Are you even trying Tim?
Honestly most of this can be summarized as “I only want steam,” and people might be arguing that Steam is a monopoly (It’s not btw) but I have to answer with “Is that really a bad thing?” Steam have proven that they care for consumer rights and will not sink to shady tactics, they’ve helped grow the PC market immeasurably and we all should thank them for not only that but for the revolutionary games they’ve made.
So, I shall conclude my post with a thank you, a thank you to steam and most of all a thank you to Gabe Newall, for caring about consumers and making some of the best damn games in existence.
What people say on le ebin 4chanz and what people really do are very different things.
Arrogance is completely fine when you have as much money as he does.
I don't want to annoy everyone. Just steamcucks who are upset a store doesn't have a profile page where you can advertise your furry ERP groups
You have people actively defending lootboxes now, defending Epic isn't surprising.
Money is power, and when you use that power to piss off the individuals that need to buy your product so that you can keep making a profit, people are going to get tired of your arrogance.
I just like consolewar type shit.
Same reason I love pushing Stadia vs. consoles shit, it makes retards seethe.
>INT. Epic Games board room meeting
>Tim Sweenet sits at a desk, staring wall-eyed behind thick glasses
>several shadowy figures are seated at the large table, a Chinese translator is standing behind some to communicate with the rest of his retinue from Chima
>Tim: (nasal voice) People. We need memes. We need memes but we don't know what to do.
>Sahdowy Figure 1: (raises hand) Uh, master?
>Tim: Yes, Dorkington?
>Dorkington: (sips his cup of Tim jizz and clears throat) There are many memes against us. Uh... I think we should just rebrand those.
>Tim: I don't follow. Memes *against* us?
>Dorkington: Yes. Memes involving our Chinese ownership and... (translator is heard babbling in the background) memes involving the screwing of the consumer.
>Tim: (stares wall-eyed and confused)
>Shadowy Figure 2: Sir, what Dorkington is referring to is these... (slides printed out memes onto the table)
>Tim: (examines the memes) These look great, Fagface!
>Fagface: They're not, sire. They're all slights.
>Dorkington: M'lord... I suggest that we just put Gabe Newell's face on all these. In fact, every meme involving Valve and Steam, we'll just... flip the script in an innitiative I call "Flip The Script"... and plaster your face over Gabe's and vice versa!
>Tim: And you will be making the jpegs?
>Dorkington: No, sir, Aids Lard will be doing that. He will be posting them as well.
>Aids Lard: (raises limp wrist from the corner) Yo.
>Tim: Very well... carry out operation Flip The Script!
>*everyone starts to gather their things to leave*
>*tim removes his pants and presents his anus to the board room, as do the Tencent representatives*
>Tim: You're forgetting to chew the crust off! DO it slow this time!
>Shadowy figures: Yes, master!
and here we are.
We must preserve steam dominance at any cost
Imagine being such a seething incel that you even get annoyed
>Olympics gets hosted in Japan
>"I can't believe we're all owned by Japs now!"
maybe try making a good storefront that doesn't need to bribe people?
You still have the money, so what does that anger matter?
>steam dominance
The epic delusions speak volumes about their true goals.
Why make a good storefront if people already use it because of Fortnite and you can bribe devs to join you?
>who is underaged?
all of us?
GoG is better, it's dead. Next argument please
The ideal situation is that angry people should not want to give you more money to do more things that make those same people angry but we both know the general population is made up of massive retards that can't put two and two together.
I bought one game from it and realised that devs take epic's money for a reason.
I've been using it to play Tetris Effect. I pirated it first but was satisfied with the port quality so I put the money down.
Really there's no major problems, though I guess it would be helpful to know how big a game is before you install it.
If you're the type that cares about achievements, cards, or steam friends/groups, you can fuck right off.
It's just an installer for the games and that's all it needs to be.
>why shitpost in general?
Gtfo my Yea Forums you disgusting normie
>It's just an installer for the games and that's all it needs to be
Yeah just don't pay any attention to all the consumer data we're shipping off to China by the gigabyte. JUST... a game launcher...! :)
publishers like drm. what a shock
not a single person likes artifact
No one is required to take the Epic bribe. Those that do are doing so of their own choosing.
>It's just an installer for the games and that's all it needs to be.
There's no reason it needs to exist then since you can install games just fine without a launcher. Steam at least offers a whole lot more than the shit you mentioned to make it worth using. Fucking gog offers more in their optional launcher.
And drm is anti-consumer. Publishers like DRM and steam is allowing them to use it. So since publishers and valve work together to not sell games on superior platform why i should support them over another alternative that does the same shit?
And that's why the arrogance is completely warranted. They win no matter what.
because you don't have to support them but recognize why a storefront is dead when its simply nothing but pro-customer. sometimes you have to throw publishers a bone. steams non-drm worked for a while but then publishers caught on it didn't actually stop anything for any amount of time so you now you get denuvo because fuck you
are you implying steam is dead?
Guess who is illegally accessing a platform that was not designed to be accessed in china, and who's not.
Reminds me how Tyler from VNN started going in full denial about Artifact
>no it's not dead!
>it'll get better!
>if only we had more players!
I like achievements. Does that upset you?
>Publishers like DRM and steam is allowing them to use it.
So is EGS.
Why would I support 2 anti-consumer things (forced third party exclusives and DRM) when I can support 1 (DRM)?
I hate gayben and steam, every step against them is a good step for PC Gaming so fuck em, praise EGS
>selling your soul to china since king leoric rework
>selling ti 9 to china open the chinese market for you
sure user
why do you hate gaben and steam
>killed physical distribution
>did such bad business the government needed to step in
>lied about episode 3 repeatedly then canned it
>got rid of everyone significant that gave HL2 SOUL
>fired a dota 2 artist responsible for the best character designs for asking for a raise only to hire shitty third world freelancers instead going forward
>ruined tf2 with adding hats
>made dota 2 about hats after saying they wouldn't
>made non-lore related hats for dota 2 after saying lore is important to them (lmao)
>added hats to cs go as well because why the hell not
>tried to ruin TES by adding fucking paid mods to steam
>constantly change item rarity and trading rules to fuck with traders
>flooded the steam store with absolute garbage people shouldn't even play for free
>turned a whole generation of males into housewife tier consumerists buying trash
>added gimmicks like badges and levels to get idiots to buy meaningless shit
>in general, they turned their entire attention into making cash passively from market sales
>tried to make artifact into a game that quite literally revolved around market sails
>'long haul'
>failed to capitalize on autochess, only to get outdone by riot yet again, another failure
>gaben only plays dota 2 all day, and the international is the only relevant thing to him
>company is a mess and people just do what they want whenever they want, like letting trannies ban games and shit up tf2
>didn't celebrate half life's release last year, refused to appear in documentaries and videos about it
>probably won't ever make a real game ever again
>every tech project so far has been a failure, and controller and VR are going the way of the steam machine
>added hats
Aw FUCK naw!
>>did such bad business the government needed to step in
Who cares about HL3 anymore? Weren't TES paid mods a Bethesda idea?
Those are all good points and I can't refute any of them, but I hope you typed that up yourself in a different thread and are just pasting here.
you need to add the "selling out to chink" part user
it needs an idea and a guy who executes it
>Opening store in foreign market vs letting foreign country own half your entire company
its actually saved up, not a friend of typing the same things several times every day :)
Compared to all this shit, there's hardly any damage Tim could do.
100% correct
>Selling in China
>Being 40% owned by the largest Chinese conglomerate
>selling your soul to china since the king leoric rework,firing james,banning kuku, selling ti9 to bugs
>he j-just opened a store
and 40% is not the half of 100%
>>killed physical distribution
Weird, I didn't know that Valve forced publishers to stop selling their games physically in stores. How'd they manage to strongarm every single one into that?
>muh dota!
What about the rest of the 500,000 games, user? Sure you have more problems than politics in a f2p 3rd-worlder farm.
They're trying to pretend that technological advbancements are bad. What else can they do, if you think about it?
I don't fucking care. I bought Hades and Metro Exodus and take the free games every week. When Microsoft Game Pass came out I kicked myself because I could've played Exodus for 5 instead of 50. When The Outer Worlds comes out I'll be playing it on Game Pass because it's five bucks instead of fifty, then maybe buy the game on Steam when it goes down to 20 and if enough mods are out. My modus operandi for games is "Who can get me the game legitimately the cheapest with the least hassle when I want to play it?". I check GMG/Wario64 for game deals and buy if I think it's worth it. I feel no loyalty to any developer, publisher or game launcher. Who got the fucking games?
well but tim doesn't give a shit about china at all :), quite the opposite tencent gives him money so he can make more western anti chinese games like fortnite :)
but dota is the most played game on steam, like steam would lose 500000-700000 player when dota dies and its gaybens favorite game
/thread, store front faggotry is disgusting
Cool idea. Might try it out
>paying for single player games
biggest cringe itt
>calls diablo and Warcraft garbage
>likes fortnite
troll or not?
>freed from Sony’s greedy clutches
Now it is in EGS’s greedy clutches. Still no better
>a game they finally freed from Sony's greedy clutches
The game was always going to come to PC after that Chinese company bought a minority stake in Quantic Dream. After that happened they announced their ability to release their previous games on PC. This was because EGS exclusivity was even a thing
>This was before EGS exclusivity was even a thing
Fixed my typo. The games were always going to release on PC no matter what
Steamcels BTFO, hail to the Epic king baby
Why does china go out of their way in making me not like them? Why can't they try to be normal?
cringe but redpilled