I'm just tired of all their bullshit, user

I'm just tired of all their bullshit, user.

Attached: 7n22fw3j0xw21.png (680x579, 252K)

Yoho yoho a pirate's life for me.

If you really think the first panel is how people treated Steam when it was mandatory with HL2, you're not old enough to browse Yea Forums.

The first panel is specifically set in 2012. When was HL2 released? Pretty sure it wasn't fucking 2012.

>not mentioning gog
Those cunts are so happy disturbing the player for their promotions

steam trannies seething lmao

>implying I ever hung up the hat
Yarr harr fiddle deedee

Your response to minor inconvenience is crime?

>Being forced to download several different pieces of spyware to play games
>minor inconvenience

why is he using a tv remote

I won't be pirating, I just won't be buying

Same, I've been going through my steam library and pirating drm-free copies of games I still care about for my offline archives (with all DLC and patches so far). The hoarder in me has been enjoying it.

Yes, that's a pretty minor inconvenience.

Because the original is wth netflix

Got a problem with it?

>Falls into le ebin lerd gaben r/masterrace mindset
>Doesnt like how things turn out
>Throws the piracy is a service problem card
I swear PCuçks are the most retarded subhumans along with nintendies i cant belive we share oxygen with these retards

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If im forced to install malware on my computer to play your games then I don't really care about whats legal or not.
There's not a single thing wrong with piracy and those faggots at the top aren't hurt by a few people not paying for their games.

Legit question, are americans kids forced to take corporate dicksucking classes along with their mandatory holocaust masturbation machines classes?
I've never seen anyone else give a single fuck about piracy

Yes, but I can't make you stop, and I know that trying to change your mind is pointless.

It's the same reason people are pirating hit shows more than ever now too funny enough.

Good, remember that.

What do you get out of being a corporate dicksucker?
I hope your atleaste being paid for this.

>justifying piracy
stop being a bitch and do what you want

dude, you're the bitch in this situation

I'm not a corporate dicksucker, just a rulesfag. The two line up sometimes, and sometimes they don't. I think it makes sense to pay for things you want to play. Though I also think it would be great if public libraries had games available the way they do books and movies. Mine used to in the 90s but the market for games has obviously changed a lot since then.

>steam 2012
>pretty good
have sex

based retard

>b-bros im only pirating because X, i-i swear that's it, i-i am morally in the right okay??? because that matters
Pathetic, just say the real reason you pirate. It's fucking free.

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based moralfag dabbing on piratefags
We all know the true reason you all pirate is because you're poor as fuck
shut the fuck up!!!

This. Don't try to pretzel logic yourself out of it. Just don't be surprised if people judge you because of it.

Gaming stores aren’t Malware, retard.

No this is uniquely a gamer thing and I have no fucking clue why. People still rip on Metallica for bitching about Napster. FBI warnings on dvds are constantly joked on. But for some reason you tell a gaymer that you like free games and they start wailing about corporate rights

Attached: 8E197EBB-495A-4DE0-8828-C575E494DA40.jpg (1242x945, 731K)

The EA launcher was literally malware and hijacked a bunch of pcs to sign up a shitty lgbt petition

spyware is a type of malware retard.

Ubisoft always had their gay shit they made you sign up for, Origin was the only way to play Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4 and many other games at the time as well, DLC was just as gay back then.

What the fuck is wrong with Reddit?

>Want to watch movie/tv show in the near future
>Have to have multiple subscription based accounts to possibly have access to a small pool of exclusives, and you simply can’t watch actual TV since its not on the TV anymore

>Want to play video game
>Simply just go to a different online store

Tyranny, tyranny I say! Gamers rise up!

>dumb zoomer too young to remember Starforce, Sony rootkits, origin botnet, etc etc etc

DRM schemes are malware. Never put software on your computer that’s made to solve a problem for someone else

Every store is okay except EGS. That shit's fucked and full of backdoors

GOG's might not be, the rest are. Monitor disk drive activity (preferably from something in ring 0 or whatever is the equivalent in W10), collect network activity from a separate device you know (as much as it's possible to know with modern firmware) are not compromised.