Make a gimmick console and fail miserably

>make a gimmick console and fail miserably
>instead of doing the logical thing and scrap gimmicks all together you make a even gimmicker console that’s worse built
If this was a just world the Switch would’ve flopped even harder then the Wii U.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wojaks unironically have been more funny than this fag template

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Wojaks are fucking trash, kill yourself.

Says the fag who post gmod Mario images

You're quoting shitposters on Yea Forums. Most sane Nintendo fans outside of this hell hole think the service is garbage.

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>gmod mario images
Bottom image is gmod. Top image is a different program, probably sfm or blender, get your skreeonks right pal.

A minority is still one too many

>already surpassed lifetime ps4 sales in Japan
Boy that's gotta sting

You should add
>can't share screenshots with friends
>can't grab screenshots off the console per USB or bluetooth
>need to either make a twitter or facebook account or remove the SD card for that shit

but yet nintenturds still pay for the shit service instead of boycotting it.

i completely agree that nintendo online is fucking terrible but is there any chance you could convey it with a slightly less retarded image?

oh god oh fuck

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imagine is correct other than steam, steam is for retards

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Sony always fun, fuck the shitch. Even statistics agree!

>having actual servers
Fuck no they don't. They're just as shitty as Nintendo Online is.

The Wii U didn't fail because it had a "terrible gimmick."
Off-TV play was a novel concept, the problem was that the advertising team at that time was horribly incompetent in America, to the point that people were confused if the console was a Wii addon or not. Even with a bunch of big hit titles, the console couldn't recover from its terrible marketing. Now, on the other hand, look at the 3DS. While it obviously didn't do DS gangbusters level of numbers, it still sits at a respectible 75 million and absolutely crushed the Vita (though to be fair, the Vita suffered from similar problems the Wii U did). The Switch is really just Nintendo attempting a power move by holding the handheld market in their iron grip. And yes, the Switch has flaws. It isn't perfect. No console is, and only poorfags push the narrative that one is objectively better than the other. However, I stick by the belief that if we get a Super Switch or whatever, it'll really make the original look restricted by comparsion, considering how the DSi and 3DS had infinitely more features than the original DS did. Part of the reason the Switch is missing features is really the Wii U's fault, since its ridiculous failure forced Nintendo to really crunch down on the Switch before it was too late.
tl;dr Nintendo DID learn their mistakes from the Wii U's advertising, and is also using the Switch to take advantage of their dominance in the handheld market. However, the power of this kind of console is nowhere near realized yet.

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I know this is really lame and gay, but I'm not willing to forego playing a game I want to play just so I can tell Yea Forums I'm the smartest monkey in the room

>anti social
kys steam drone

im a switchfag but the nintendo online service is absolute garbage

what? console comparison relative to what? wtf does this graph mean?

>the Wii U would have still been chugging along it it didn't flop
Things could have been so much different.

Where was the boycotting when Sony decided to fuck their customers?
Oh right there wasn't, everyone just bent over.

xbox one - 1
ps4 - 4
nintendo switch, no number - 0

special offers for subscribers and vouchers fucking saved it, it's basically Amazon Prime at this point, we all know Amazon Video is worth it only for The Grand Tour

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Extended version :^)

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Fuck paid online no matter what company it is. And fuck any of you if you pay for it



Imagine defending friend codes in 2019.

>fail miserably
Do you get all your news on Yea Forums? are you a retard?

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>anti social
Who cares, buy both retarded poorfag

I have a Switch and Xbox and Microsoft servers are WAY better.

Switchfag here, we all hate it too

Switch doesn't require you to use friend codes to add someone, though, it's just an alternate means of doing so.

is this the consolewar thread?

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>T. Snoyfag who didn't boycott when they switched to paid online

Not it's just OP stating the truth most nu-tendies here refuse to accept: The Switch is shit.

>make a gimmick console and fail miserably
Like steam did?

Lmao the ps4 only sold 4 units and you're acting like that's a success


I unironically perfer friend codes
It’s like a phone number
If they actually did messaging right you can just text your friends code and use it the same way you use iMessage or WhatsApp


uh oh
looks like we found who was making all the anti-steam posts and threads these past months

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>local users
>users you played with
>friend codes
All three options are shit, why can't I just input my friends nickname and add him? Nintendo is fucking retarded.

no it isn't

isn't that the only way if you're not in close proximity?


>I unironically perfer friend codes
Congratulations, you're the perfect Nintendo consumer.

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now this is cope

It's free with Amazon Prime.

Nice seven month old meme
too bad the switch has been the only console getting games for the past two months

All I’m saying it has potential to be far better than it is
It’s just a phone number for your console

every user already has a unique nnid. It's pointless to have codes


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I own a switch and I'm not even playing it anymore, it's just gathering dust and still I'm forced to plug her in a power source every 3 day because the battery is so shit it waste half of it while being turned off. What the fuck?

Should I turn the thing entirely off or what?

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The Switch train is still triggering retards after 2 1/2 years. Glorious
Thank you Nintendo

I hope the Switch hasn't scared off other gaming companies to make handhelds like the 3DS or the like.
Getting console games on a handheld is cool and all, but honestly I like the more underpowered stuff. It makes devs be more creative, and I need ''pick up and play'' games, not shit I can sit and play for hours without acomplishing jack shit. That doesn't work while I'm on my break.
The consoles also need to be waayy smaller than the Switch. I live in a country where its normal to play in public, but the Switch still makes me feel like a sperg.

The standard New 3DS was fucking perfect in size and controls. Just wish they had upgraded the internals a tiny bit more so the games could be bigger.
I really fucking hope we'll see shit like this again instead of it all being AAA shit.

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Of course it has, they just have to cease being lazy f ucks and add an option to search users by their nicknames, like every other social network.

>can't join friends's game instantly


Nevermind that, why I can't send any fucking messages to anyone?

It's 2019 Nintendo you fucking retards

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> Making fun of the Labo
It dies my heart good to see a fellow hardcore gamer XD


>thread with valid complaints from OP about the Switch
>discord toddlers start to get mad because in their fanboy fantasies Nintendo is a pristine company with no faults whatsoever
>start to damage control the critics by saying the thread is consolewars
Lol, babbies are mad.

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dude you forgot the part where pc is 6.5

>valid complaints

The first post holds all other consoles on a pedestal before going on with the complaints either you're on damage control or you're autistic this is a deliberate console war thread

Is it not? Do you unironically defend their shitty dated online network?

>>thread with valid complaints from OP about the Switch
>>discord toddlers start to get mad because in their fanboy fantasies Nintendo is a pristine company with no faults whatsoever
>>start to damage control the critics by saying the thread is consolewars
>Lol, babbies are mad.

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>pay for the shit service
Most "nintenturds" are either using the Amazon/Twitch Prime promotion or bumming off of group subs by friends.

>The first post holds all other consoles on a pedestal
Maybe because even their half-assed servers are miles better than Nintendo's?


>The first post holds all other consoles on a pedestal
pointing out the objective truth that every other platform has better online than ninturdo isn't "putting them on a pedestal."

Can you imagine being this salty that Nintendo out out a good product? Oh wait, no need to imagine, those subhumans are in this thread hahahahahahha

Im gonna fucking do a fuckin review on fucking

Lmfao... nintendies are truly insufferable corporate drones.

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>Can you imagine being this salty that Nintendo out out a good product?
they did? when? from what i've seen, they still only have the switch.

You're talking about that shitty overpriced tablet with terrible 70$ drifting joycons, caveman tier online with no messaging/proper voice chat, paid P2P services, 60$ old ports running badly, 2.70h long battery, and on top of all of this shit the pro controller that isn't included in the package and STILL drift too from what I've heard ( didn't bought one so I can't say )?

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unplug it if you aren't using it, faggot
why waste electricity

>You're talking about that shitty overpriced tablet with terrible 70$ drifting joycons, caveman tier online with no messaging/proper voice chat, paid P2P services, 60$ old ports running badly, 2.70h long battery, and on top of all of this shit the pro controller that isn't included in the package and STILL drift too from what I've heard ( didn't bought one so I can't say )?

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>its only half what you said, so its basically not what you said at all!


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I can't tell if this is pro or anti nintendo switch

You tell them my corporate stooge from another mother.

I think it's pretty logical that Switch succeeded. It's mostly because Japs are still fucking obsessed about portable consoles despite all their powerful mobile phones and tablets. They kept even PSP Vita in life support.
Also, Nintendo's only financially successful home console since SNES has been Wii. Handhelds are what has kept Nintendo alive, and apparently they still do.

>so mad he can't even write a proper rebuttal to defend his overlords

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Because from what I've read somewhere on the internet the switch's battery need to be constantly charged up to 70% or she'll be slowly loosing more and more her charging capacity.

Yeah, plebbit, I know

I'm a switchfag and most of what they said was true lmao
That being said, nintendo is repairing joycons for free now

>Yeah, plebbit, I know

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But you don't play it so who gives a fuck

I just got a free year from my parent's having Amazon Prime.

and yet they're still better than Dualshits, curious.

>vr is bigger than anything
this is the darkest timeline indeed

t. plebbitor

>Not showing the Xbox 360 at 360
Blatant Sony anti-Xbox shill

I don't play it now but it doesn't mean I'm gonna trash it faggot. I pay for my stuff so of course I'm gonna take care of it.

I would have boycotted; but, it obviously was never going to work because Sony and Microsoft are much less liked and got away with it.

user tablets have been around for years now, I'm sorry but they're here to stay
The Wii U didn't work because there's no fucking point in a tablet that you can't use on the toilet

Atari Masterrace

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I can't play online anyway cuz I hacked it.

I firmly believe that marketing was the driving force between the wii u's lacklustre reception vs. switch's success
The range of the gamepad needed improvement, for sure, but that thing is definitely a superb second screen to have kicking around the living room
>boot wii u
>stick gamepad on shelf
>load up wii mode with the gamepad mirroring the TV
>start up homebrew channel
>set up pokemon firered for my daughter while I have guests over so we can use the TV
>some of them end up watching firered anyway

Mine was hacked but I decided to go back to my old nand because I'm too much of a brainlet and was afraid of being caught playing online with incognito or emunand.

At least I can still hack it back anytime

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The console itself is an overpriced, underpowered, plastic chink tablet.
The first party games are, however, stellar.
People who grew up with the Wii as their first nintendo console will always defend nintendo pushing babbyshit because it's all they've ever known.
If your current-gen mainline console can be brute-force emulated on a mid-tier computer there's something wrong imo.

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look at this city slicker and his fancy german mansion with the bathrooms all far away from the living room n shiet

now this is arrest

go to bed nujak

stab a fucking stake on your fucking head bing bing wahoo

pic related is unironically better than the Switch.

>Controls are more comfortable.
>Graphics are en par
>games are cheaper
>more portable

Attached: vita.jpg (323x156, 11K)

It also looks like a state-of-the-art piece of hardware and not some cheap kid's toy with bright colors.

I got perma-banned lmao.
Can't use any of the online without getting a notification that I'm banned.
That's fine as I can freely play whatever I want now.
If anything maybe I'll grab a Lite or some shit for online play.

Imagine wasting your time on Yea Forums attacking a console you dislike over making a thread about a game/console you do like.
Every day at that.

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I miss my vita, I don't even know what happened to it. I don't remember breaking it or anything, and I don't even remember losing it either. It's eerie.
One day I was playing it, one month later she was gone. But then again there's a lot of thing from this time period I forgot because of the booze and the constant daily playing of tf2.

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>has actual servers

What happened? You turned off airplane mode by mistake while running cfw?
I'm glad I never disabled airplane mode.

The room I had the Wii U set up in isn't even 10 feet away from my shitter

I used SX OS all year and swapped between CFW and OFW.
Took them a whole year before they delivered bans to everyone.
Everyone said it might happen eventually but I risked it.
Sucks but oh well.

Do you even know how to read a chart?

>If your current-gen mainline console can be brute-force emulated on a mid-tier computer there's something wrong imo.

Specs - or even performance - don't really matter to zoomers as much as it mattered to kids growing with stuff like PS1 or N64 as their first console.
Zoomers watch their movies on mobile phone screens, fucking love Fortnite than runs on toasters and enjoy lots of their gaing just via streams. Hell, if they could buy PS4 exclusives as shitter looking and simplified 20fps experiences on their phones, I'm quite sure they would prefer it over buying PS4.
Zoomers never experienced huge leaps in performance and graphical prowess like 30yr old boomers did, so going backwards isn't that big of an issue for them.

He's expressing disbelief that there is anything that is smaller than VR.

You illiterate fuck.

I know but it should be obvious that vr has steam and expensive hardware so it should make more profits than arcades that barely make even unless it is in Korea.

Then why did you think he couldn't read the chart? The only reason you would think that is if you are stupid. Are you stupid?

If you primarily play online games, chances are you're trash. The only good online Nintendo game is Splatoon and most people have moved on by now. I have the online service now but I won't be resubscribing because I simply won't need it. I did not buy a switch for online games (nor did anyone else) so why the fuck do you expect me to throw a tantrum over the online service?

I left my PSP on a train :(

I'm guessing the Switch is counted as a console in this chart. It should be counted as a handheld really...

Are you retarded? I have the lanyard that keeps it in my hands the whole time when I'm going out...=_=

>This user is underage

Talk about putting things in perspective. So why are we still fighting over traditional consoles again?

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the only good thing about the switch
is to play the home console game anywhere

kys steamnincell

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Joke's on you, I don't play any larger games online, but Tetris 99 makes it worth the $20 for me instantly.
I don't even care about all the other shit.

>I want to be online friends with people I'm not actually friends with!

>But not enough of a friend to type in your friend code, what a hassle.

Why would xbox guy want to play God og War?

>falling back on ridiculing fucking LABO


Because wojakredditman ran out of ideas

Because he's a dudebro and dudebros have shit taste in video games I guess

That's the best I can come up with.