RTX isn't a me-

>RTX isn't a me-

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Left = Soul

Right = Soulless




Light is too important of a mechanic that I'd ever consider using a shader or this nvidia shit

no one unironically thinks RTX is a meme they're just being retarded contrarians. The only criticism is that it's way too intensive for a large amount of people to use. when either console tech improve and pc better parts get cheaper or they make optimize RTX better it'll be used a lot


>no one unironically thinks RTX is a meme they're just being retarded contrarians.
>goes on to explain why it's a meme

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does simply slapping on that vidya card enable that or does the game need raytracing support/function

What do you think hmm

>on Yea Forums

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I can't wait to run Minecraft on my 500$ card at 24 fps!

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should I buy RTX 2060?

You should be proud of him for asking the question instead of talking out his fat gay ass like the rest of Yea Forums.

no the game needs to support rtx features

Yo can prerender everything real time is bulshit

Looks like ass. Why would you want or need realistic lighting in a world made up of low resolution cubes?

explain this RTX meme to me?

does the card has realtracing hardware?

>Has 1500-2000 dollars in graphics cards but still has shitty 50 dollar acer monitors

Why do people still do this.

Hey faggots when's the next 200 dollar card coming out? Back in my day a 200 dollar card came out every year that could run shit on high but now the formula seems different.

stop making this stupid fucking thread dude

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>god rays everywhere
What the fuck that looks like shit. It's like there's just constantly glare on the screen that's just intentional. Does anyone actually want this?

When most people say it's a meme they mean it's a gimmick. A feature slapped onto super expensive new cards to hype them up and bring in sales despite the effect not being worth the extra processing power it requires right now.

They're right.

Therefore, Boomers have the most soul.

Is DICE still a shit company that forces that shit in their games? Last I played was Battlefront II and it had even more ugly meme shit that I couldn't turn off.

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