Would Resident Evil 2 remake actually been better if was fixed camera angles with tank controls?

Would Resident Evil 2 remake actually been better if was fixed camera angles with tank controls?

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Fuck no! One of the reasons why the original RE remake tanked was because of shitty tank controls.

At that point, why not just play the original? Remakes should be a reimagining, not the original game with better graphics.

>original RE remake tanked
spectacular bait

Put a bulge on that tranny

FCA and tank controls was the least of RE2make's issues. If anything, I applaud it for trying to emulate the feeling of how the classic RE enemies work. It had issues in story, content, enemy variety, and zapping system/general butterfly effect.

>original RE remake tanked
It only sold like 300K less than RE4 on the GCN
>because of shitty tank controls
Both games underperformed because of the GCN

>FCA and tank controls was the least of RE2make's issues.
Funny you say that because a lot of classicfags attribute the issues of the remake on not being exactly like REmake's camera and gameplay.

Does Sue fuck her fans?

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nah, save that shit for actual horror games that can benefit from the cinematic flair of such angles. REmake 2 was the perfect RE experience.

Nah >she actually hates sex and only did those porn gigs for a few bucks

I thought she just hated doing porn because its porn

>trannyfuckers use RE as a smokescreen to shill this ugly freak
why is this allowed?

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Always seemed happy when soloing stuff live-streams. Also sold pics on patreon until pretty recently. Wish he did that again. Fucking hot pics.

The game was built with the angle in mind and works as such, RE4 is another example of this, fixed angles really only work if the game is build with them in mind.


>not satisfied with being all over capcom's and fighting games dick news, Sue is now ridding on cape shit media
how the fuck does she do it, she is being followed by basically every big name on the industry right now

that is one sad, deformed right titty

To be fair, her videos are pretty good.


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1. No they aren't
2. Ecelebs aren't vidya

Not once have I ever enjoyed the whole fixed perspective prerendered environment thing that plagues the PS1 library. Not only does it always clash badly with the character sprites/models, it also often makes it unnecessarily difficult to judge depth. Only rarely is it used for its actual intended purpose of making a cinematic environment that couldn't be represented through other methods, and is nothing but a nuisance in every other instance

Why do you care so much? Being so fixated by someone's penis is gayer than being a tranny imo.

"Her" videos are literal plot summaries and at the end they say "It's good" and that's it.
Worst part is they're 40 minutes long.

Still posting her picture mid transition huh? Guess you couldn't find a bad looking recent picture.

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They aren't. They're really basic like it's a view of an outsider looking in.

Reminder that trannies will NEVER be cute girls.

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I'd fuck her back straight.

Reminder all posts seething on her video contents comes from literally who channels that do boring shitty stale game reviews or 'animations' and will never ever be as popular or loved as Sue

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Sue is so cute.

Yeah his porn videos are pretty good despite how much he wants to get rid of them.

What is the likelihood that RE3make drastically overhauls the design of Raccoon City?
We've seen no evidence that RE Engine can handle large, dense environments and RE2make showed a very different design of the city from anything that we saw back on the PS1, one that was way bigger/more developed and would therefore be pretty resource intensive.

What did typo mean when he drew this?

plot summaries arent good

Putting a cute trans girl in the Rebecca pose from the photo in RE2

Why not just have a "classic mode" and offer both options? They could make mad DLC money.

>Remakes should be a reimagining,
Debatable, a remake should update the gameplay absolutely but a reimagining is what a reboot should be.

What video games let me beat up the freak of Villagio street?

he still looking ugly if you stare for some time

Nah she cute

If you put your thumb on your hair under his ear he just looks like some nerdy jewish kid, not even the least bit female.

you just have bad taste

>Mid transition

alright explain why people are hyperventilating about about trannies

Hrt is magic, user.


HRT is great because it fucks up whoever is dumb enough to take it

Just transphobes who think they're ruining video games somehow, it's an extension of the anti-sjw shit.