WTF bros how can we trust switch screenshots now?

WTF bros how can we trust switch screenshots now?

Attached: comparison.png (1366x1078, 984K)

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it's the same shit, schizo

I don't get it


Attached: 109_-_Neferpitou_portrait.png (1071x1034, 769K)

switch takes 720p screenshots when you press the share button that look worse than screenshots taken with a capture card at 1080p

Switch screenshots are compressed to 720p, regardless of the resolution the game's actually running.
Of course they're going to look different you dumbo.

switch screenshots are always 720p and heavily compressed jpegs filled with artifacting, but a capture card is capable of lossless capture at native res.

I want to fuck Zelda


so you're saying actual gameplay on TV looks miles better than the screenshots posted by shills in here?

Looks like they just get downscaled to 720p. Youre probably a retarded kid who doesnt understand. Its the same shit sized down hurrrrr

yes, the video compression for switch-captured footage (when you hold down the capture button) is even worse for shitty compression

not really, saves them as absolutely tiny jpegs with horrible compression artifacts. Even the wii u took better quality screenshots

Attached: 1525104447273.jpg (675x745, 48K)



That’s been an issue since launch

haha your actually mad aren't you


But we always knew they were 720p


Attached: shycutezelda.gif (336x520, 3.88M)

This if from porn, right? I think i saw it in porn


games doing post processing to screenshots taken with ingame tools has been a thing for like 10 years, anons. regardless of this example being one that makes it look better, or worse, you shouldnt trust ANY screenshot not taken with a capture card or on a computer.

Attached: 1563578409.2659235_-_92b293ce655507edfcc812b28d2fcfdc.jpg (512x512, 15K)

Isn’t that true for all consoles?
PS4 screenshots look like garbage too

Dr Mad I'm?

no, switch is the only one that changes the resolution of the screenshot when capturing it, regardless of what image is being shown on TV


you're fighting against literal Nintendo shills
they haven't been trained to know what resolution means, go easy on them

user... are you stupid?

switch natively is 720p and upscales, I thought this was known?

what if she slaps you?

Switch can output games at 1080p natively though.
Smash for example renders at 1080/60 natively while docked, despite Switch screenshots being 720p


are you retarded?
switch is 720p
elgato captures 720p and upscales to 1080p, so its a fucking 720p picture

thats what the dock does, it upscales

I thought everyone already knew Switch takes screenshots at 720p?


lmao nintendo fans are the worst.

the op shows the truth

absolute retard

fucking retards

Attached: screenshot_93.png (1920x1080, 584K)


Switch takes shitty screenshots using the screen capture feature that do not accurately represent how games on the system look in-person. This allows disingenuous shitposters to take handheld screenshots to misrepresent the graphical fidelity of the game.

Switch can output up to 1080p with no upscaling when docked.

Baby's first capture card?

How can she slap?!?!

dunno but i bought one of these things

Damn right I'm mad, learn some grammar you bitch

>Snoy has a literal “Bullshot Mode” that adds extra graphics to in-game screenshots to make them look better
>everyone defended this
The fact that Switch can sell games based on the merit of gameplay IN SPITE of bad graphics is testament to its success. Other consoles have to fake realism to bait the suckers.