What went so right?
What went so right?
What's the point of a trap character if they are going to use man clothes like knight's? At that point it's just a regular faggot.
Nothing. Astolfo's a downgrade.
Feminine traits are what traps make traps, not clothes.
Traps in man clothes are better called reverse cross dresser, not a dude.
Both gay as fuck, just like OP
Astolfo was made for straight men
>Bridget was 18 years ago
Why does Japan keep making traps?
to pander to westerners
irl the nips like dressing boys up as girls
straight men need to put sissy beta men in there place with their cocks
Astolfo isn't beta though, he fucks women and bottoms for men.
I wish world war 3 happened
same reason why they keep making girls with big boobs, girls with skimpy outfits, girls with thick thighs, all of this please the straight male audiience
Trap then better. Astolfo a trash
Not being able to ignore/hide threads is your problem.
Gays don't go into waifu threads and constantly complain despite there being far more of them.
trapfags, this is your mindset
>no bf to do this to me
not fair
>not being bi to enjoy both cute girls and cute boys
I dont want straight waifu threads either
I want to talk about fucking video games and not just the characters
traps are always gay if they bottom for men or other traps, the point is that men fucking them aren't gay
men bottoming for the traps are also gay
Reminder that the entire point of Astolfo's character is that he's just a straight up bro type character who happens to also be able to crossdress well and enjoys doing so.
>Trap then: Unique and highly technical character in one of the most complex and fun fighting game ever made
>Trap now: Gacha shit
Post more Bridget and his cute boybutt
Astolfo wins again
Fuck you! Bridget > some meme, I don't even know his name.
Astolfo doesn't have cute spats
very puffy thread
>men fucking them aren't gay
Yes they are. Yes you are
>drarw a girl
>remove tits
>keep butt feminine
>add a penis
>call it a boy
They need to stop this.
auto sage?
>tfw didnt know that bridget was a dude because couldnt read english back then in 2002
>What went so right?
most people don't give a shit about fags anymore so they can as obnoxiously open about their hunger for cock as they want
>Bridget was 18 years ago
The word "traps" didn't exist back then though.
Should just permaban OP
Same reason they assume all foreigners have blonde hair + blue eyes
Same reason they assume all bong girls are high class meidos or ojou-samas
Traps have peaked around 2005-2010, fell out of relevancy and picked up again.
no, i'm not
traps are a straight man fetish
alright just fucking post the best trap doujins before threads 404s
Trap or not trap? Some of the art I find online kind of contradicts each notion.
Imagine this happening to a boy instead
D'eon can be a girl or boy whenever he wants or something. That's part of his origin I believe.
anytime a commie wants to appropriate traps they should be given a stern slap in the wrist
traps are cis anime boys crossdressing
not transsexuals
God I just want to make genuine love with Bridget!
alright thanks I'll fap to em later, see you next thread
Yeah, this thread isn't video games so get over it.
>traps are fetish for straight men, not gay!
Why are closest homos this hard in denial?
Wouldn't it be much easier to accept that they are just gays, nothing else?
Good question.
They're annoying, I agree.
There's nothing gay about liking feminine penis
Cute feet! Everything in Bridget is so cute!
I only fap to traps having sex with women, that's straight.
>feminine penis
If you're feminine, you don't have a penis.
If you have a penis, you are not feminine.
Simple logic and it will help your life.