This kid wasn't even born when PS1 came out and he's part of the "retro reviewers" lmao. His first console was probably Xbox 360.
This kid wasn't even born when PS1 came out and he's part of the "retro reviewers" lmao...
Other urls found in this thread:
who gives a fuck
>god forbid someone from playing past games!
boomers get out, being old is not a brag
The time of the old white guy is up
>Eceleb thread
If you wanted free (You)s, you could have just asked.
Imagine being mad that someone appreciates old games
Hey hey ya’ll
Sscott here.
>This kid wasn't even born when PS1 came out
Why does he look in his 40's already?
What do you think of nitro rad? I enjoy him.
Boring youtuber, and a leaf to boot. That being said, he's not bad.
who the fuck cares, just be happy that some kids are going back to play older games.
he's jewish
oy vey
If he's played the games, isn't bias towards anything not Fortnite and is intelligent enough to make a proper constructive argument, then what's the issue? He's probably more qualified review retro games than the majority of the retarded man children on this website.
B-Mask is the quintessential platformer review man but Nitro is okay I guess.
Games are a weird medium that if you didn't play it when it first came out you can't really give a good opinion on it. For its time Atari was awesome, but few people would be impressed if they played the games for the first time today. People just can't put themselves in that same mindset of what it was like back then today unless they experienced it first hand.
You have to be 18 to post here
Looks like a person who would describe themselves as badass.
Why do boomers act like they're a secret club? Also the "you had to be there to appreciate it" seems self-defeating because you're basically admitting your favorite games were only good for nostalgia.
t. 1989fag
In 100 years when kids have anti-gravity hologram games no one will give a shit about GTA5 and say it was archaic shit that only panders to nostalgiafags too. That's just how it works.
Honestly at least he can appreciate old games unlike 99% of zoomers. Hearing him talk about having nostalgia for the Gamecube and even Wii always sounds weird to me, though.
Epic reddit editing there, my lad.
What's wrong with that? He's got everything people remember from the 90s.
The Gameboy released in 1989, a VHS tape, a camcorder made in 1998, a Genesis model 1 from 1989. That hat Marty McFly wore in those 3 scenes in Back to the Future 2, a Sony Sports Walkman, an adidas sweatband, a party hat, a phone made in 1987 and a bottle of pepto bismol.
There pretty much wasn't anything else in the 90s except for those items.
I'm glad he's having fun with older games. What was he reviewing?
You already made this thread yesterday, Imagine being this obsessed with a nu-eceleb.
I agree that I don't watch young people on any platform.
But that's not because they're somehow barred from liking older games. I enjoyed some C64 and A2600 games and I certainly wasn't around in their prime. I just don't like babyfaces.
trips of truth
It's like attending EVO for the first time this year and hearing all the stories from other people who have been going to it for 15 years and saying "Yeah EVO's cool now but nothing like how awesome it used to be back in the day". STFU if you didn't experience it yourself then you have no say.
Which is true because it was never good in the first place. In the future SA and VC will still be remembered
I think enough people experience boredom that they'd rather play anything rather than nothing.
If you don't believe me, look at the phone game market, you could call that a spiritual successor to Atari games and Flash games.
I, for one, would rather play Pong than Power Smash or Mario Tennis.
Bad analogy.
It's like playing Metal Gear 2:SS, and enjoying it and then reviewing it, because it's a good game.
>if you didn't experience it yourself then you have no say.
I doubt he's reviewing games which he never played.
old video games can be revisited
old EVOs cannot be revisited
>young guy don't play old game
>young guy plays old game
I was born in 96 and my first console was a genesis and then an N64. Some people don't grow up with wealthy families
I’m starting to really hate the parroted opinions people have
Giving you criticism doesn’t mean I can’t an opinion with some stupid dunkey bullshit.
It means your incompetent fuck who made a mistake and needs to be corrected and you see it as criticism
I wasn't even born when the PS1 came out, but my first two consoles were SNES and PS1.
>All the triggered zoomers ITT
That's the case with 99% of the people on this board
I was born in 80 and my first console was a 2600, was a hardcore nintendo fanboy before leaving that disgusting mess when they turned ful fag after the SNES and this place is full of kids who try to lecture me about nintendo
KYS kids
My only problem with ecelebs is that they pretend as if their fan base doesn’t attack others while copy and pasting their opinions and act like their opinions shouldn’t be taken serious.
Also I like Scott but it’s becoming apparent that he also parrots other people’s opinions for things he doesn’t actually play.
>goes from bragging about being an old fag into complaining about Nintendo being successful
You can’t hide your seething
No one's triggered. It's just retarded to get mad at someone for liking old things.
Especially when they're a grown-ass man.
Sseff here
Fuck this Disney Channel looking motherfucker and his retarded fanbase.
fuck this zoomer and this new era of “le witty memer funny gamer!” I’m not sure who started it (maybe dunkey) but it’s gotten really fucking played out
At least he can be funny and what's wrong with kids being into retro games? Better that then all the good games being forgotten because "they're old"
I'm not defending Scott (I don't watch him), but he's 22 and loves older media.
That's pretty fucking far from "zoomer".
Scott has great comedic timing and is pretty cute, especially compared to the usually fat autistic neckbeards who do this sort of video
I like that he tries old games and doesn’t have a huge bias but his humor doesn’t stick with me. I dont like watching his videos but I’m not a huge enough faggot to make a thread about how much I hate him.
>younger people can't enjoy the shit i did, only I can!
>But also fuck younger people for refusing to see and enjoy the classics, Fortnite is the only thing they play!
>maybe dunkey
Kill yourself, zoomer. All le gaymer jewtubers have been shit. Yes, even your epic meme idol pewdiepie.
why do you type like a fuckin faggot?
Because gamer youtubers are cancerous shits.
You are bias, I win
Are you having a stroke?
Are coherent thoughts so far out of reality in your drug coddled, shit-heap mind?
You sound like you're trying too hard to fit in
i literally have no idea who this faggot is, you youtube zoomers and cuckolds need to fuck off back reddít so i dont have to be exposed to your underage cancer
I would rather have Scott than some faggot like Jim Sterling
The buzzword to beat all buzzwords
All these 20th and 21 century men listening to MY MUSIC! They probably first listened to rock or that bing bing music!
Why would I care if they're successful?
I'm triggered the games now are shit and have been for years with a few exceptions.
Fucking zoomer wii faggot
Fine, then just review the game. Don't brand yourself as "le retro reviewer" when you weren't even alive during the period of time you're referring to as retro.
Shhh, the adults the talking
Atleast scott won’t become cancer who gets an overinflated ego with a cringe voice and thinks he’s being big brain because he gave the pope undertale
>no patience for any game with number, menus or planning anything beyond a few seconds ahead of time
fucking zoomers like this twink can't into RPGs regardless of when it was made.
Scott barely enjoys RPG’s yet he’s not a massive fucking faggot about it like Dunkey is
He's 22.
>another canuck that grandstands morality on burgers and has a faggot friend he keeps shilling
Nitro is okay when he is talking about horror and 3D platformmer shit just keep him away from social media
He’s actually enjoying the Dragon Quest XI demo
>RPGs? nah i don't like i think they are boring
nah he is still well and firmly a zoomer
So...a zoomer? They start at '96.
Zoomers don't exist. It's about mentality.
If you like old stuff, you're a boomer. If you're a closed-minded shithead who likes Fortnite and Avengers, you're a zoomer.
his horror thing is really good, other nah but maybe cuz i dont know or like the game, his review is pretty enjoyable
Wanna know how I predict that you're going to be a bitter old man?
Dunkey's not a faggot. He's said many times he hates turn based JRPGs and made a video poking fun at them and retards were too dumb to pick up on the satire.
I was born in 1987 but I grew up with an Atari 2600 in the house instead of a NES. Thing about old media is it's still there and anyone can go back and play it. You aren't limited only to the movies that came out last week and you aren't only limited to the games they came out after you were born.
But he's reviewing retro games. You could even describe him as a retro game reviewer... woah...
What if I just hate everything?
The only youtuber I know that covers rpg maker horror/weird shit while being totally self aware and not a cringe fest. Fills the perfect niche i need him to.
I was born in 97 and my first console ever was the famicom thanks to my dad.
Fuck off retard.
>Dragon Quest
you mean the most entry level of entry level JRPGs? I'm not saying that's a bad thing I liked DQXI too but don't be like fucking Dunkey and say OH I LIKE JRPGS I SWEAR I'M A BIG FAN OF KINGDOM HEARTS AND PERSONA
You're a doomer.
Jokes on you, I'm already bitter AF
t. pewdiepie zoomers
"Retro" only has meaning if you're able to look back on the period with nostalgia. To him, they're just old games.
>go to evo for one year
>really enjoy evo
>hop in time machine and go back to previous year evos and attend them all yourself
>talks about a topic
>barely goes into personal detail about his experience with the topic just regurgitates whatever article he read or copypastes from wikipedia
who the fuck watches these "reviewers" that barely feel like they played the shit they talk about?
Kid looks like he smokes cock on the daily. Why are all zoomers gay and dumb?
Shit is crazy.
dude the 360 came out 14 years ago. is that nostalgic now?
That is NOT true.
Retro is an aesthetic, not just a time. Nintendo 64 and GameCube games are retro not just because of the time they came out in, but because of their aesthetics. In 2040 no one's gonna be calling Fortnite retro.
no thanks
It's the stupid looking thick rimmed black glasses that seem a requirement that they all have to wear now days.
Scott's 22.
>In 2040 no one's gonna be calling Fortnite retro.
go home /vr/
Of course not, Scott is well aware of that fact
Retro is just a name for an old fashion aesthetic. Stop trying to gate keep old shit because you don't have anything else in your life to be proud of besides your esoteric taste.
He looks like a 15 year old and I wouldn't listen to him talk about anything on the planet.
I have no idea how people like him and iDubbbz have a following. Timid skinny fairies.
What the FUCK are you on, fag?
>"Retro" only has meaning if you're able to look back on the period with nostalgia.
Retro != nostalgia.
They're two separate things you retard.
No he's not, he's just a stupid hipster zoomer. You think he actually LIKES the old games he plays? No, he just plays them for imago.
Is this a thing, I've been lurking these boards for years and never really noticed this, let's take it for granted im retarded in any responses
>Dunkey never cared about Kingdom Hearts
>haha look at my comedy video, I am definitely right in saying KH3 is bad because I played every game in the series
This mentality and the Octopath boogaloo is why you should never trust faggots who pull this bullshit
>play latest game in a series
>really enjoy game
>hop in my go into games machine and visit the previous games
How are Melee, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, and Bionicle NOT retro?
This is now a Jakey thread
Can you two 15 year olds shut the fuck up
You aren't clever or funny
He said his first console was the genesis
>oh nooo, someone who wasn't born in ancient Egypt is studying ancient Egypt artifacts! What has society come to?
If you weren't born in the time these games came out and you played them thinking that the are the peak is not the same as playing a few select "classics" without even knowing what made them classics
Too many polygons, my zoomer friend.
Retro only goes up to SNES.
He is reviewing the games like he would have lived through the time when they were new. That's fake and gay, he didn't even exist when the name Sonic meant something
???????? Because they're 6th generation consoles you fucking troglodyte
Zoomers please stop posting
What's up gamers boys
I am so fucking mad!
These shitty kids should not be playing OUR games, they were for us and not them. God I hate zoomers!
>Be extremely incompetent when bitching
I bet you defend that faggot Zero Punctuation when he says something stupid
They're retro as fuck what are you on?
I'm not a zoomer, but I'll respond anyway. Like I said, retro is an aesthetic. Most older things are retro because people were less spoiled by bright colors and HD graphics back then. GameCube games definitely had that retro aesthetic.
Melee's Final Destination stage is like the definition of retro.
This is actually a good analogy. We can never truly understand what the ancient kangz mindset was or what their culture was like, just like the kid in OP's image can't understand what it was like in the 80s playing games.
I wasn't born until the 90's but I still think Demons to Diamonds is better than half the games western AAA devs shit out in 2019.
>be wrong
>don't say anything about it
>fans say you're wrong
fuck off
yeah bro my gamecube was retro as fuck, i have a vintage plasma screen tv to go with my vintage dvd player
No they didn't. Shut the fuck up, zoomer. GameCube and PS2 are not retro.
You'll be saying PS3, 360 and Wii are retro in a couple of years, you fucking retard.
To be fair, in this case the "ancient Egyptians" are still around.
>Taking older entertainment in to context for the time and limitations
Are you fucking retarded user? Thats how it should be done.
I enjoy old mainframe and mini computers of the 50s-70s even though I was born in the 80s. I think the development of the tech is interesting, but if I was to take your mind set I would be comparing that tech with current stuff which would be dumb. These things need context for the era that they came from.
t. historylet
People played GC games on CRTs.
You would know that if you were alive during the early 2000s.
I know some of the people in his videos so I can't watch.
00's retro is a thing you sheltered boomers
Kill this age bracket and we're good
you're just exposing how much of a grandpa you are user gamecube and by extent melee came out in 2001. You old user.
You're senile, take your Prozac and go to bed
ask you mommy for help next time before you write such a shitty analogue
Like I said, I'm not a zoomer. Sorry, about your illiteracy.
I'm not gonna be saying PS3 or 360 were retro, because they're not. Wii had some retro-ish games, but I wouldn't call the Wii retro either.
However, GameCube and PS2 are super retro. If you don't think Vice City is retro, I don't know what to tell you.
holy fuck please kill yourself
that was the point
i hope you just walk into traffic while trying to take a selfie
>cotton wool kids
What the fuck. These names are just silly now.
>Gamecube definitely had that retro aesthetic
How many games from pre 6th gen have you even played?
>6th gen is retro
They're far too similar to modern games for them to be retro.
>literal e-celeb zoomer thread for mayo zoomers who think the gamecube is retro
Worst thread on Yea Forums
Board is irreparable
all of these "smart"phones really fried gen Z brain
The 6th gen was sub-HD and started over 20 years ago. It's most certainly retro. As things get older, they become "retro".
I would say that "modern" gaming is composed of the 7th gen onwards.
Suggesting that I'm into taking selfies is actually the most offensive thing I've ever been told. I've always hated smartphones. Shows what you know.
I have an SNES and a Nintendo 64, and I've played NES and Genesis games at friends' houses.
Says the prehistoric hobo that didn't even get sex education
No fucking kidding. Imagine looking at Melee or Wind Waker and thinking it's retro.
Fucking insane. Honestly.
He can play them, BUT if he reviews them he should make it perfectly clear that he is just a new observer of these games and not pretend to be AVGN 2 or something.
ITT: bunch fo 25 year olds think they are baby boomers
not an argument
/vr/ says anything post 1999 is not retro so no
more like zoomers get laughed at by everyone before going back to school
How is this not retro?
You'll be saying the same thing in 20 years.
>uh dude the 8th generation was sub neural HD and started a long time ago. It's most certainly retro.
It's nostalgic, but it's not retro. I would say it's retro when the gen 9 comes out
Why the fuck would you or anybody care? Why should he mention that he isn't a boomer? Why the fuck does it matter? Just so you can feel morally superior for being "dude we the old school lmao"
In fact, that makes it better because he won't be blind by autistic childhood Nostalgia and will deliver a much more unbiased and logical review
nostalgia =/= retro
thanks, try again next week
nostalgic and retro are different things
Outed yourself as a retarded zoomer, idiot.
literal retard
Well since he has no bias wouldn't that make his reviews worth more? He could determine if some games are still fun today. The world is aging, OP. In 50 years people are still going to be playing older games, get over it.
No user, no it wouldn't.
1. Retro is subjective
2. Fuck /vr/
People are being born right now and no amount of bitching will stop it.
6th gen fags are the same people attempting to ruin /vr/
Man, I don't give a fuck. You're missing the point, probably because you're 16.
I don't want to listen to someone like you or OP talk about anything. You have nothing useful to say.
Yes he would, he wouldn't let very important flaws go under the rug because "MUH CHILDHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD"
You're just going denial mode, gramps
he is annoying as fuck. Mike Matei was really uncomfortable when they had in the show. James was like , 'who invited this fucking twink to my show?'
My first console was an Atari 5200 and I was born in 88.
they arent actually
not a single birth worldwide has occured since 2011 and you cant prove otherwise
I hate how much you shill yourself here, and I hate the way you talk to. You're also very pretentious, e.g. Silent Hill reviews.
bruh what
older games have more problems across the board, everyone knows this
keep grasping at straws, holy fuck. zoomers are so insecure and dumb.
>Be 42 year old obese NEET
>Have nothing good for society
>Be a complete fucking parasite
>Act as if you were some kind of sage of timeless wisdom from the Renaissance just because you're getting old
The most pathetic thing i saw today, thanks for the laughs
I still think that time is a good measure for these things, specially when talking about pre-HD era games.
But another perspective could be the shape that games started taking, visually speaking, and in terms of game mechanics.
The 7th gen started pushing for realism and the game mechanics evolved substantially, they aren't nearly as clunky as the ones from 6th gen.
6th gen and 7th gen were completely different.
8th gen is more like an extension of the 7th, there's been no innovation at all and games are still following the same path visually. So until change occurs (maybe a complete switch to streaming or VR) they won't really be able to be called "retro", I guess.
so by your logic literally everyone on the planet is unable to enjoy/discuss Mozart?
I like him but he's kind of bad at hard video games but he's pretty open about his biases
But he acts 90% like he lived through that era. For example watch his Megaman 1 review for NES, i thought he knows his shit from personal experience but at one point he says "i first played it on the Wii". It's so fucking retarded, at least boomer reviewers say make it clear they don't know about the consoles older than them and have to use wikipedia, emulators etc. to learn about them
>"I just read Yotsuba and now I gotta post some random screenshots if I wanna fit in"
I don't know who he is but a good reviewer is self aware of their bias and doesn't think "every game should appeal to me, if I don't like it, nobody can like it. My word is law." They find who it appeals to.
The complete opposite of Yea Forums
you were't born when the 1911 came out or the ford model T yet nobody would think it's weird if you were to review them as some retro/old tech would they
Based, i'm telling you, they would agree with me on this
he cute
and funny
I subbed when I found out about him through cinemassacre
no regrets
Again, you'll be saying the same thing about current generation games when there's some new leap in technology.
If you weren't in Vienna to experience his concerts first hand in the 1700s you really can't give a qualified review of how revolutionary the experience was at the time.
I wouldn't say "i have fond memories of this car back in the day" for testing it for an hour in 2011 at some old car event though
Yes, absolutely. If time has passed and the games we play are very different from those of the past, what's wrong with calling those past games "retro"?
holy shit playstation 1 was released in 1994. I swear that shit was released at the same time as the n64
He speaks in first person though, as in he experienced it just because he watched some Youtube video. Sorry but if you play Fortnite when it was hot, you didn't experience it (to defend zoomers here). Poof, it's gone, you can play it later but it's too late at that point to truly experience it
*if you didn't play Fortnite when it was hot
Dude might be gay
based retard
Fortnite BR is a multiplayer game
of course it's going to be a different experience depending on when you play it
It's different for a single-player game.
I don't know any other zoomer game so i just used it as an example. You think seeing Peach's castle in Mario 64 today is magical? No it looks outdated, downright bad. Only people who experienced it when it came should be allowed to give their opinion on it
He was on E3 1999 tho
>Only people who experienced it when it came should be allowed to give their opinion on it
/vr/fags are THIS delusional.
Those people (me included) are going to be dead someday while new people are always going to be there to play it, probably for hundreds of years. Our biased opinion is only relevant to us, I prefer to see what newer generations think about older games.
Does anyone know how old he actually is?
This guy gets it. For 1996 seeing Mario in 3D was a mindblowing experience. Now we just take it for granted and that effect is lost. Even if you play SM64 for the first time today you have seen 3D Mario elsewhere so there is no way to recapture that original magic Mario 64 had at release.