Cyberpunk 2077 Gamescom demo perspective from a fellow Yea Forumsermin

-Less AI and car density while exploring the world than in GTAV. Everywhere seemed lifeless most of the time. The areas where there is a lot of AI often feels disconnected to the rest of Night City. Like they're just hub areas.

-Driving looked way more clunkier and cheaper than in GTAV (which will be a 7 year old game when this finally drops)

-Bugs like AI clipping and AI not responding to aggression were present. Some chuckles often heard from other viewers.

-Boss battles are casual friendly with big highlighted "shoot me here" everytime.

-Interior and corridor missions are when this game is at its height with some decent gunplay and hacking abilities.

-Choosing dialogue options seems to have some heavy weight to missions and the story overall. So that's good.

>The story also seems very interesting with everyone wanting to get a hold of this chip that gives the user immortality.

>Customization of the characters appearance was shown. But felt pointless with the first person perspective most times.

-Was not impressed at all with graphics while out in Night City. Modded GTAV graphics at best. Anti-aliasing and textures noticably rendering in low quality and shifting to higher quality as you drove near them happened all the time. Again, it looks it's best while in buildings and corridors.

All in all, I wasn't really impressed, but didn't hate what I saw either. Probably still gonna pick it up in April. Just don't go in thinking this is gonna be some standard setter.

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Which GTAV mod is this?

Cyberpunk was GTA before GTA

the games not a gta open world thingy. so the car is excusable. but everything else baka

But but my favorite blue check mark journalists on Twitter and YouTuber's said it's gonna be the goat

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considering it's still 8 months until release, most of those problems are likely to be fixed

>reddit spacing
kys OP

Here we go.

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It's a Reddit game by a Reddit dev


But cyberpunk 2077 game is made after gta and looks like a gta mod i.e. bad

nice strawman

Not a strawman if that's literally how you will be acting for 8 months.

> textures noticably rendering in low quality and shifting to higher quality as you drove near them happened all the time.
You don't say a modern game uses LOD like any other game in the market?
>Anti-aliasing and textures noticably rendering in low quality
It's clear you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

>-Less AI and car density while exploring the world than in GTAV
This bugs me to know end.
It should be crowded as fuck.

>You don't say a modern game uses LOD like any other game in the market?
RDR2 doesn't have the problem


>doesn't have the problem
it's just masked in a smart way.

You also used reddit spacing faggot

Nah, Digital Foundry complained about the same rendering issues last year. Fuck off

Has this board become about complaining? Honestly im confused about what this whole place is about now cause it sure isnt about fun or actual enjoyment threads. Basically everyone is a Dev and has cited their years of gamong as experience and that makes them savvy on all things games.

If you dont kike the gsme then you are not the intended audience. If you are triggered then you are not the target audience. Dont buy it and thats that. In an anonymous board its easy to talk shit and i get that. Fun is no longer an option in this place i guess.


>from a fellow Yea Forumsermin
>copypasting last few threads which took their shit grom GryOnline

You're not fooling anyone

>the games not a gta open world thingy
it's not?

>Digital Foundry
literally who

GTA V: Los Angeles 2022

yeah stick to reddit

>more clunkier

How are your ESL classes going?

>Less AI and car density while exploring the world than in GTAV. Everywhere seemed lifeless most of the time

the demo takes place in the shitty violence filled ghetto district of the game's world, it makes sense there's not a lot of people there

CDPR fanboys will defend it anyway.

>Don't fucking have negative view on my hyped product!!!!!
>It can ONLY be good!!!

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>GTA II HD 3D remaster never ever

>Wake up
>Come to Yea Forums
>Trannies raging like usual
Maybe i should go back to bed.

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Have you considered getting a personality and not defining yourself through how many people you get mad with your stupid shit?

Not good, USI know, can't believe the trannies are still defending the game either

Hey there Olivia.

prove that you went to see it

I knew some retard would say this.

>People want to shit on CP77 so bad they believe anyone that comes here claiming its shit

Kek this place is great

He's right though. Why would the poorest and most dangerous part of the city be bustling with people?


why you fags comparing this with GTA?
Because of memes? Really?

Because it looks like GTA with a cyberpunk skin, that's why.

Based CDPR

Best devs in the industry

Fuck you Kojimballs

>Less AI
It's called NPCs you fucking retard. How in the fuck can anyone take this fool seriously?

Tell me one thing this game does like GTA without mentioning visuals

Because if we compared games solely because of how alike their visuals were we should compare path of fucking exile with vermintide or prey with mass effect

Because that's how they become the poorest and most dangerous cities.

My God the defense for this game is finding insane. They're even having to edit the gameplay demo for everyone to see next week down to 15 mins so people like OP can't be proven right.


>the other takes place in a sunny LA
>the other takes place in a sunny LA
wow such difference

>misuse of the term "AI"
>misuse of the term "anti-aliasing"
>comparisons exclusively to GTA, the most casual game of all time
This is a retard.

literally copypasted opinions from resetera journo
sage and move on

My God the offense for this game is finding insane. They're even having to make up bullshit about the demo for everyone to see next week.

>>comparisons exclusively to GTA, the most casual game of all time
>This is a retard.
Fuck off idiot. Can't wait for the crowbcat video a week after releasing shitting in this games production values and open worls execution using GTAV and GTAIV
Also CDPR constantly blows R*

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I know they're trying to get the point across that Cyberpunk doesn't need to look like Blade Runner, but fuck me, would it kill them just post *one* night time screenshot? Right now it just gives the impression of being a GTA 5 mod.

>considering it's still 8 months until release, most of those problems are likely to be fixed

lets see

>>-Less AI and car density while exploring the world than in GTAV. Everywhere seemed lifeless most of the time. The areas where there is a lot of AI often feels disconnected to the rest of Night City. Like they're just hub areas.
Highly doubt it, this is the kind of thing that is indicative of engine limitations, doubt this will change by release (if this is even a reliable account of how the game plays, take this into consideration with the rest of this post)

>>-Driving looked way more clunkier and cheaper than in GTAV (which will be a 7 year old game when this finally drops)
Definitely wont be fixed, you don't patch fix how driving feels

>>-Bugs like AI clipping and AI not responding to aggression were present. Some chuckles often heard from other viewers.
probably will be fixed, they've taken this long so i wouldn't be surprised if it gets delayed

>>-Boss battles are casual friendly with big highlighted "shoot me here" everytime.
This is a design flaw, if this is true this is a huge red flag

>>-Interior and corridor missions are when this game is at its height with some decent gunplay and hacking abilities.

>>-Choosing dialogue options seems to have some heavy weight to missions and the story overall. So that's good.

>>The story also seems very interesting with everyone wanting to get a hold of this chip that gives the user immortality.
Cyberpunk themed story should be interesting to begin with so this is good news

>>-Was not impressed at all with graphics while out in Night City. Modded GTAV graphics at best. Anti-aliasing and textures noticeably rendering in low quality and shifting to higher quality as you drove near them happened all the time. Again, it looks it's best while in buildings and corridors.
Won't be fixed by release, 8 months out pretty much means design and feature complete.

Keep in mind they're showing gameplay on high end PC (at E3 it was Titan RTX, overclocked i7 8700K and 32GB). It's unacceptable to have these kind of issues on such machine.

Has there really not been a single person that took a photo or short video of some footage?

How insecure are you to be triggered by spacing lmao

All this is made up bullshit, by the way.

Witcher 3 was mediocre. I don’t know why anyone is expecting different

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hence the
>(if this is even a reliable account of how the game plays, take this into consideration with the rest of this post)

i was just pointing out the idiocy of the dude i was replying to

so you guys want gta with dialouge choices that effect gameplay, and has superior graphics. im curious are your critisims just to let them know where they could improve? or is it because you find the flaws so distasteful you might not even try it, let alone buy it?

if its the latter your expectations are so far detached from reality that you jight as well live on the moon while still believing the earth is flat.

do you apply the same level of critisims to yourself, day to day correcting any imperfections you have physically or mentally? i suggest ignoring negative posts from industry folk. if you just want an action game, sports game, or gta then this game probably isnt for you. however if you want an immersive life sim set in the future with action combat and interesting scenarios this game will be your goat. its so far above and beyond in genre its branching into others, its a fps, rpg, dating sim. card game , movie game, looter shooter, telltale choice based game. play it, thank cdpr, then look at yourself and say how can i be cp2077 the game in human form? you cant though cause gods arent real.

How was rdr2 a success? barely heard anything from it after launch. It was a bad movie and not a game at all.

Where's your proof? Most other places I visited on the web are giving the same feedback of this Gamescom demo. You fanboy fucks are so annoying. Just because someone doesn't have constant positive things to say about your forced marketed game doesn't make them clickbait articles or not legit.

I fucking called it. A jack of all trades, yet a master of none

I hate CDPR for making it very fucking hard to defend this game due to their retarded idea of
>Lets keep showing the sun bathed boondocks of the cyberpunk city so we can subvert expectations and prove we can do cyberpunk at day

Its killing the hype you fucking retarded polacks
Just give the people what they want

>How was rdr2 a success?
25 million in sales for one and devs like Nintendo, Fromsoft and CDPR can't seem to stop sucking it off

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literal shill itt

t. CDproject shill


>Tfw I cant get into rdr2 for some reason I cant tell
Everything is so sluggish and doing crime is so fucking punishing its probably due to that

fake and gay

Just wait until the xbox two and playstation 5 to come out when they release the remaster for all the new platforms.

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What a shit time in the games industry

Probably due to the fact you're a pleb

You got that from the GRYOnline article you fucking shill.

This is from an article . Don't know why GTA fanboyz are so scared about this game coming out

>It's fake because he's not sucking it off and calling it the GOAT like it's been marketed

CRINGE you low IQ fuck.

i would call it a jack of all trades but id also call it a master of some. it will be on its own level in terms of story telling probably for the next ten years.vthough i do agree everything else is pretty standard.... which is awesome too me. gta where you can walk by a crime scene and solve a murder and cybernetically augment yourself? sounds kinda cool. a dating game where you can murder your partner after poaying cards with them? lets call it snuff city. a looter shooter where you can talk your way out of a boss fight then rob them? hey i wouldnt mind doing that too. it doesnt have to be the best at everything it does to be the best game. gta is a shitty fps , and just an okay racer. thats not what makes gta fun. a games the sum of its parts and cp2077 is a flying skycity fortress space so blow it out your asses v/ and fall in love with the game next year.

It's fake and gay cus its a copy pasta of a tranny game jurno article.

im afraid of getting this at launch because of all the choices. its like witcher 3 but since i played that years later i could make all the right choices

Everyone saw the same demo there you fucking idiot. Of course there would be similar responses. If you'd watch other Ecelebs beside fucking youngyea and skill cringe up you'd have seen them complaining very similar things at E3

It was the highest grossing opening *weekend* of any entertainment product in history and second highest opening of any entertainment product after GTA V, until Avengers Endgame took both records.

No 3rd person no buy. Reminder they changed the genre of the game on Twitter

there are no right choices, the right choice is your choice. you cant save the world. surviving is winning.

Cringe tranny promoting a cringe tranny article. KYS

I remember user

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>faggot b8 made from someone who never played the pen&paper himself
Nice. Reposting the same images and the same copy pasta every thread. You are barely human anymore. You are more like a spam bot at this point. Pathetic.


Shut the fuck up.


Did your father molest you again today?

I don't believe you.

Stop it

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Have sex

All negatives we could blatantly all see clearly in the 40 minute demo. This is shaping up to be a mega letdown

>lay out almost all negative characteristics of the game
>"b-b-but I'll still buy it though!"

nigga shut the fuck up

*laughs* What a meme!

This, the 40mn gameplay demo was meh.
TW3 gameplay demo was much more impressive for a RPG.