> game has missable quests and items
game has missable quests and items
Name a game that doesn't do this.
cute pic
All quests and items in Skyrim are missable though
what a stupid example
>not doing her homework at least 3 times
Terrible unrealistic comic, did they even play the game?
What game are they from.
There’s a missable shout in the penultimate level.
Fire Emblem Three Houses
My whole experience with homework in one pic.
Pic actually managed to hit me hard.
Why wont teachers just let students do their homework in class instead of forcing them to take it home?
Reminder that if you didn’t defeat Death Knight in Chapters 4 and 8 (no NG+), you are bad at the game.
>the game has a item you can ony get if you DONT open certain chests
look FF12 i love you but what the fuck is that shit
She was busy trying her best at not trying her best
>people still mad that they missed edelshits route because they ignore conversations with people
so you would learn the basic principles of responsibility and independent working
I hated school for these reasons, usually just did it in class anyway. One time my teacher had to tell me 4 times to put it away while we were doing other retarded bullshit that didn't matter.
missable means that the game locks you out of getting them permanently, skyrim does not do that, you can get everything even after the "end" of the game.
shouts are neither quests nor items.[/smartassing]
almost every Tales game
because once you fags get to college and take STEM classes, all you'll be doing is homework unless you want to fail.
Now this being Yea Forums there's going to be some faggots who will claim they didn't do any homework for STEM in college at all, these are what we call "biologists" and their opinion is worthless.
I did that, I went to syosset high school, graduated in 07. Same school as natalie portman, I was an okay student but rarely did my HW so they put me in A-School which was for kids with issues and shit, we did all our homework in class and reviewed it as a group. Never got any take home work my entire junior and senior year.
Man, I majored in biochem and I did homework pretty much constantly. Now that I think about it though, never in the biology related courses...
chemistry is the fucking worst, and I'm nearing the end of my elec. engineering degree so i didn't have to take but 2 courses, I feel like chemistry would be one of the hardest, if not the hardest routes to take just from my couple classes.
>ever missing homework
You fucking retard I'm gonna skin you alive.
Can't some quest specific NPCs be killed before they give quests?
Mercedes kidnapped her and munched her rug for an entire month.
AquaNox and the secret side missions.
I found out about them by accident once while i was trying to get used to the controls again then i googled them.
It was bullshit because chances are you would never go there/do that if i remember it correctly.
They truly were secret.
>you can sell/drop key quest items and lose them forever, rendering that quest imposible to complete
Only with mods/console commands
because you must be indoctrinated to the idea that your existence belongs to the system
Homework is just a crutch for bad teachers.
Death Knight is actually one of the teachers so he’d be the one assigning homework
I know oyu're a professor in the new game but is their actual classroom dynamics like this? Or is the school portion just largely ignored?
It’s a military officer’s academy so it’s more you assigning tasks to them and exploring and talking to them in the monastery than actual homework
The school mechanic is basically
>explore school and raise your classes motivation through dialogue and other shit
>use their motivation to coach them on the skills relevant to the class you want them to be in the future
>you get to assign chores to certain people to raise skill levels further
oh that's kind of a shame but it's okay. I'll still end up getting the game eventually anyway.
>my niece was complaining that homework is 30% of her grade
>my mom makes it worse by telling her that she never did homework and graduated with B's
I never did homework and I'm my own boss selling school supplies.
I love the irony.
that's not irony. it would be ironic if you became a teacher and gave your students a dick ton of homework and expected them to do it.
It is pretty shit but nothing compared to summer vacation homework. What kind of dick assigns that
I'm sorry
>Electrical engineering
I'm very sorry
I guess the entirety of MMBN/MMSF, I haven't played all of them through yet.
Dragon Quest IX.
Paper Mario series.
Not true you can miss Cicero's quest at the Loreius farm if you join the DB without doing it first
>enemies have badass helmets
>main characters always have to show off their pretty mugs
Don't the civil war quests lock each other out though?
>didn't go to college
>got apprenticeship instead
>now I'm learning how to build satellites and work stays at work
They do, only one for each playthrough.
Everyone just did it during class anyway. And if a teacher waited until the last 5 minutes to assign it, we'd just do it during the next class, or the next day during the previous class. It was only the autistic kids who take everything literally who thought they had to do it at home.
stop lying, Todd.
there are videos on YT that tell you the locations of certain hidden items.
Did you know about Auriel's Shield and how to obtain it?
Did you ever find Windshear on the Emperor's Ship?
There is so much other shit like you wouldn't believe. In Soul Cairn if you find Jiub's Pages you get a neat magic amulet that was in Morrowind back then as well. But it's a shit quest because Soul Cairn has no map and no quest markers for the 10 pages.
speaking of which, Barenziah Stones, did you find all of them? ever? There is so much you can miss and it's been that way in all Scrolls games.
>play F:NV
>get a quest from a traitor lieutenant
>kill him before completing his quest in another quest
>his quest failed
Or vampire attacks.
Or dragon attacks.
This guy has the right idea.
>Get a trade for stable income.
>Learn to talk to people and network.
>Learn extras skills you can flex while networking.
Easiest way to actually get fulfilling and well paying work.
Vampires have been sort of fixed in the SE they don't attack walled off big cities anymore just the small village ones and you have to get Serana first before they trigger.
>doing tons of homework for STEM degrees
Homework is only like 10% of the final grade for the entire category of degrees, dude, are you fucking stupid?
>a filthy biologist enters the discussion
got em
it will pretend to have a real stem degree but it lies