
Will you play it Yea Forums?

Attached: greedfall-official-trailer---gamescom-2019-3-25-screenshot-1566423828472.png (1920x1080, 2.17M)

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I keep an eye on this game

>developed by spiders

what the fuck is it?

I thought this shit was dead

Depends on whether or not the game forces me to be woke. If I can be a full, unapologetic imperialist then I'd love to play it. But if it boils down to Honest Hearts but you're obligated to side with Daniel, then it's shit.

Can't expect God to do all the work.

>releases on the same day as Blasphemous and 3 days before Daemon x Machina
>Gunvolt Chronicles and Code Vein release just 2 weeks afterwards
Damn, I'd love to give this game a try, but September is pretty full of titles I'm interested in. I hope I'll find the time.

yeah but I'm not gonna watch the newest trailers because I want to be surprised

If I can't get myself a qt elf wife while simultaneously abusing the local population for profit I'm going to be sorely disappointed
knock yourself out

Attached: GreedFall.jpg (786x442, 38K)

Their games may be janky, but they're usually fun to play.

Preordered it yesterday. Looks pretty good going by video and my boys at greenman gave me an 18% voucher so I did it.
I was also worried about it maybe being too preachy with COLONIZATION BAD, BE SHAMED WHITE MAN shit, but the dev said it's up to the player if they want to be the bad guy. That in response to being asked that since you play a colonist fighting native people, are you basically the bad guy.

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The surge 2 is also in september. Wasn't interested in it but I watched a trailer that piqued my interest.

I unironically will
The setting looks nice, and I tolerated those mars games jankinesd

where did you get it? gmg?

Pretty much this. Need to get my colonising on.

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>yuri pandering

Yeah. The voucher expires sometime today. I waited as long as I could in case something about the game came out that revealed it to actually be a shit game in waiting, but the stuff they've been putting out has kept looking pretty good. The only thing I can see that reminds me it's a spiders game is facial animation looking stiff.

So is anyone ITT actually going to be siding with the native shaman people? I know I'm not

no, if game worth second playthrough maybe in couple years

Probably not on release.
The game looks fine, my PC is just a piece of shit.
ur welcum for my post

combat is actually looking interesting, I expected elex kind of jank it looks solid enough

Cool. When is PC release?

september, It's either 10th or 27th, can't remember

10 September

the 10th of September, apparently. It's already on Steam.
Spiders games tend to be buggy on release, however, especially on PC, so I'd suggest you wait a while before buying it.

I survived Insomnia The Ark, nothing can scare me now.
Technomancer was actually fine on release from what I remember, janky but not buggy.

Spider is usually less janky than eurojanky gothic clones

Their mars games actually had decent gameplay but the pacing was usually shit

Jank european "double A" RPG number 54

I would normally agree with you, but I feel oddly burned by Technomancer and frankly its putting me at odds with the game.
It looks nice but I just worry I can't look passed the jank and enjoy the B-list game the finished product almost certainly will be.

>number 54
we get one such game once 3 years tops.

>oddly burned by Technomancer
why? I liked it, it was mediocre but atmosphere clicked for me.

Technomancer have some serious pacing problem , I know what you mean
But I liked the setting enough to play a lot

I expect this to be the same, hopefully they learned how to fix their pacing problems

Technomancer was a decent game ruined by shit combat.

I remember TB shitting on it a lot, a lot of kids grew up by now probably got phantom memory of that.

Because the amount of back tracking was ridiculous and the combat was trash

I’m gonna be an enlightened centrist™ and neither help nor hinder the colonization of the island if the game allows me to anyway

>back tracking
There's not really anything wrong with having to go back to areas you've previously been to in a hub based rpg.

bioware is dead, long live spiders

Spiders knows this is their chance to fill the niche bioware left open. They better not fuck it up.

I liked it and remember having fun with it, but after beating the game I just couldn't shake the overall feeling of disappointment.
It was serviceable but when attempting to go back for a second playthrough I couldn't bring myself to go further than Nisha arriving in the first zone.

The post-climax final boss was really aggravating and I remember killing it in three hits because of a lucky combo.

She looks so tired, bros. I hope working on greedfall doesn't kill her.

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>Gunvolt Chronicles
>Daemon x Machina

You must be put to the sword ASAP. How anyone can play next level weebshit like Gunvolt, or be hyped for Machina after that abortion of a demo, proves that you are worthless.

I want to give her kisses on her forehead and make her dinner while she rests on the sofa.

>find out spiders was bought by some french publisher I've never heard of named bigben.
>check out their release history
>it's all shovelware

No there's weird mutts and dykes in it. I think that shit is gay. I'll just wait for Bannerlord.

All their games looks fun before u can actually play them.