I just bought this game Yea Forums, what should i expect and do you have any tips for it?
I just bought this game Yea Forums, what should i expect and do you have any tips for it?
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Slow start, but builds to greatness.
You fucked up not playing the free trial first.
Stick to one class to 50. Do novice hall.
Lower your expectations, road to Heavensward is shit but the payoff is worth it.
You can level all classes but stick to just one because the Main-Story gives a lot of exp.
Here's a list of unlockable content which will give you the option to dye gear or side-content like non-mandatory dungeons, but generally, do all quests with a blue "+".
Quests with a flame/meteor-symbol are Main-Story.
What server we rollin on classic wow bros?
as soon as you unlock the 'leveling' duty roulette, do it every day without fail and you'll level up very quickly
don't switch jobs until you've accessed heavensward (~100 hours), it's a common trap for new players to switch jobs constantly around lv 30 and then get bored and quit. you get a huge xp bonus for any job under the level of your highest leveled job, so it's worth getting to 50-60 before trying a new one
ignore every side quest except the blue ones (those unlock some sort of content), they're a waste of time. the main questline gives you boatloads of xp
get the challenge log from an npc near the limsa lominsa docks around lv 15 for more easy xp
>do free trial
>have dynamic IP
>game panics every time I log in and shuts everything down, resets password, sends me emails etc etc
>ok fine fuck I'll try the token thing
>token app only works for full accounts
Joke's on them. That was over four years ago and I'm still enjoying the game.
any advice for managing gear and items? Running out of room and lack glamour Crystal's to save the gear looks.
Also is there no way to get the class armor for stuff like samurai and red mage if you delete the box it comes in or however that works
Calamity salvager.
stop saving stuff you'll never use, buy more glamor crystals
When is 5.08 coming?
how do i get good at this game?
>i445 only 1100 crit
>dance partnered
>kaeshi madara hits for 90k
should i take the crit pill? at 1600 sks the new shifu trait actually makes the gcd feel fast enough
Learn your rotation, idc how, just get it down to muscle memory. Look up what dps numbers your class can pull on fflogs. Try to get similar numbers on a training dummy then attempt that on actual fights. Take risks, learn what you can and can't get away with. If you die or fuck up, just try again. Always be pressing buttons.
Crit is only worth it when your base crit is 2k+ before melds, so not this tier
Which role had the best 70-80 quests? I rank them
Take the crit pill, user
>Lower your expectations, road to Heavensward is shit but the payoff is worth it.
This is the most honest thing someone can tell you about ARR. You'll be in a situation where you have to talk to five NPCs just to find out you could have gone from Point A to Point B.
We aren't. I found my new home a couple months ago.
Are you guys watching the gamecon of FFXIV stream? Yoshi is playing whm and it is obvious he doesn't know how to play healer.
Dia > Glare x 9
not that hard
maybe 1 in 10 healers know how to play healer so if anything he's above average
Apparently not enough by the ast changes.
I guess that's why all top trannylog SAMs went crit huh?
Catboi babying simulator
How do we fix the housing crisis?
Get ready to sleep on time like never before. Most boring shit I've ever played.
Why would I play WoW for?
If I was playing, it would probably be one without any major streamers. But I got no interest in going back to Classic WoW, would rather go back to the Eden private server for FFXI. But I hope you have fun in Classic WoW.
Yoshi did say his favorite class is black mage. Magic DPS and Healer are diametric opposites so it makes sense he doesn't really 'get' it.
Tell the lazy latefags to suck it up
There is no housing crisis.
What housing crisis?
No they fucking aren't
If you can play BLM well (always be casting, slidecasting, pre positioning) you can play a healer well.
Unfortunately Yoshi can't play BLM well and it's understandable that he can't play whm well. His dungeon BLM play was atrocious.
WHM and BLM are more similar than most other jobs are to WHM
>queue innocence for my sub job poverty gear
>100k+ hp english client drg
what are you doing here tranny
He's there to carry your sorry ass
I don't want to stay up for hours on end clicking against other people and a shit ton of bots reeeeeee
Sometimes I like that, honestly. So much of the lore is built on adventurers (Haurchefaunt gives you a whole speech about adventurers when you first meet him, Eorzea uses them as sellswords etc) but most of the time you're not really being an adventurer.
Well, you got several solutions.
1) Don't be a whiny faggot about not having a house. You can get basically everything you want from a house (gardens, airship mats, etc) from another place like retainers, etc.
2) Alternatively, if Square must cave to the whiny faggots, they can put in a lottery system for house plots so that the plot doesn't go to whomever no-life or bots the plot.
3) Alternatively, make apartments upgradeable so that you can get your gardens that can crossbreed and airships with them to make them more appealing to private owners and leaving houses to FCs.
4) Alternatively, make Ishgard housing completely instanced.
just use a bot like everyone else does, but also explain the housing crisis.
3 sounds the best
Apartments are redundant now that the Chrystarium has an inn with an open window.
>have tons of gil
>getting bored of leveling
>getting bored of the ex's and raid
>dont feel like running everything
>purchase an fc private room
>put a desk down so i can clear the msq item from inventory
>autism kicks in and i start organizing it
>start working on the whole room in general
>having fun doing it
Holy shit lads. I never knew how much fun decorating a room could be.
Kugane inn also has a sliding door out to a rock garden
the real fix for this issue is to let people go into inn rooms together so the ERPers don't need real estate to be alone
The only housing crisis I can think of that he might be referring to is the fact that there are no houses left to buy for anyone, and that some FCs and individuals own multiple homes due to the old rule that allowed them to. And supposed there some autistic motherfucker who bought a website to explain that he owns several accounts just to own several homes? I don't fucking know. But yeah, that's the only "housing crisis" there is. Someone wants a house (probably for themselves) instead of an apartment.
Everything else
All other questlines were about a single thing while healer had multiple moving parts
whats the difference between a house and an apartment?
Level crafters. Alternatively if you're a poorfag/lazy you can sell the materia you get from dungeon runs and send your retainers off on ventures. They sometimes bring you back items that are worth a lot.
5) Revert housing to be fc only like it was from the start and don't cater to faggots who only want them as a status thing and never actually use them. Personal housing should be limited to apartments/fc rooms only.
Houses have multiple floors and come in different sizes. Apartments are a single room and only have one size.
Now you know why people kill each other for a plot of land
do your dailies
level your gatherers or crafters
send your retainers on ventures
always do your dailies
the gil does add up
>lazy latefags
>buy fastest ssd possible for load times
>log out right next to ward entrance with low graphics settings and smallest resolution
>stay up til 4am on patchday
>literally every house sold out in 10 seconds of golive before I can even load in
I’ve done literally everything I can already
>tfw Titan quest chain
Don't be a hoarder just vendor shit. But also check the market board because people will spend 100,000 gil on some items you may think are worthless.
3 is the best choice. Just give apartments a little window garden or something. I don't give a shit about decorating a house I just want the benefits that housing brings
What ever happen to our little buddy?
go back to your general tranny
Make it like player housing in BDO. They'd have to get rid of exterior customization but it would solve the problem.
Apartments can only have individual flower pots, so they cannot breed certain types of plants that can be used for crafting. They would have to buy the seeds from someone else for a high price and take awhile to get all the mats.
Apartments cannot have airships, but airship mats can be potentially earned through retainer ventures.
Houses have multiple floors.
For FC houses, individual rooms for members are cheaper than an apartment (300k vs 500k)
What is the best class to make your two given retainers for max benefit? Miner/Herb or make one of them your main combat class?
Get ready for becoming a tranny
sell shit on marketboard. 9 times out of 10 you can get it back if you really need it. Convery extra armor into GC seals, use said seals to buy glamour prisms/ventures/materials/ DOH/L exp buffs. Have one retainer for crafting materials and one for other stuff. Reminder that you can put certain armor in the armoire for free rather than spending a prism on it. Have a macro that opens up your inventory and your saddlebag and just use that in place of your normal inventory button. it's not a lot of space but it helps. Stop hoarding, start selling. If you're a true hoarder you have to be a good goy and buy more retainers I guess. even if you stop paying the monthly retainer fee they don't lose the items they were holding
which dailies?
i want to know this too
so couldn't they solve the "crisis" by making larger apartments, reducing rent, letting them plant more i'm not sure how you could have an airship in an apartment or why you would want one.
but yeah wouldn't it just require this.
well since you can only level your retainer in a class/job you're leveling yourself I'd pick fisher over miner/herb. Since personally despite fishing being comfy it's somewhat tedious and my retainer often brings back really neat shit from that, if I need something from mining/botany I can just go get it easily, with FSH there's a bit more randomness to it.
Having one as a combat class to get creature materials is also a good idea.
so what should i assign job and duty for my retainers if im a poorfag ?
Single player experience where you unsubscribe once the story is done. Occasionally playing with other people cause of a quest dungeon.
Funny time with Ryne.
For some, yes, but there are autists out there that see housing as a status symbol.
Have you just played the Free Trial for 4 years?
>5.0 sam is a clusterfuck of misalignment unless you latch onto the boss's ass and don't miss a single gcd
>shoha still exists for that extra 4000 damage whenever you successfully fish for a tick
i can't believe they fucked up perfection
>Yoshi can't play well
Of course he can't. He's like most Japs where he's more obsessed with glamour and his jp exclusive housing magazine. The dude just wants to dress up his femlala, honestly he's closer to someone from Balmung/Mateus than your average raid/crafting player. Hell he's pushing for Y'shtola's ShB gear for his femlala in the latest Live Letter.
Also want to know
That's how I got my mansion
Sucks to suck, you'll get another chance if ishgard housing actually happens
do dailies every day. it adds up and doubles as good EXP for alt jobs. You don't have to level crafters but it would help. gathering is more braindead and easier/simpler and gives you a decent amount of gil if you get fat stacks of certain items that people need (early moneymaker was alumen until a few weeks ago on my server when it conspicuously crashed), look at what's selling on the market board and grind it. Eventually you'll start raking in money.
Treasure maps are also a good way of making money but I've never done them.
also never be doing nothing. don't idle in this game even when you're waiting for a roulette to pop. Either spend that time crafting/gathering or grinding mobs for materials. There are a shitload of mytogaurus mobs just outside of camp drybone that have high drop rates of aldgoat skins and aldgoat horns, while you're waiting for a dungeon you can run around brainlessly killing them and collecting them, both of those items especially HQ ones sell quite well since they're necessary in a lot of early game crafts for a lot of different jobs. in the 10-15 minutes you're waiting for your duty to pop you can get multiple stacks of 99 goat skins which sometimes sell for 75-80k
about 100 quests in between the end of the vanilla MSQ and the start of the first DLC. most of those are simple go and talk to x quests, so you'll ride a chocobo for 15 minutes, talk to the person, then ride the chocobo 15 back to the quest giver, repeat at least 50 more times (not an exaggeration).
I'm still not convinced she's a good guy
git gud
but Shoha needs a rework
Unsubscribe from my game.
>Do novice hall.
This, you get a great ring when you complete it, +30% xp until level 30, will make leveling you alt jobs much easier.
>have private plot
>decorated it in one day
>bored halfway and wonder why anyone wants a house
Honestly I keep at this point to watch the number go down, tell someone it's about to auto-demo and then enter the estate when there is a slow gathering of retards ready to click bot.
I'm also a poorfag though user. just level fishing and set your retainer to fishing as well. It's brainlessly easy and doesn't take very long. You can even set your controller to vibrate whenever a fish bites and just watch shows on another monitor/ on your phone.
I play to dress up my mateus femlala and have a BLM Titan weapon for her though
I remember JRPGs being described as... you work through all the boring, mundane shit by grinding and doing all your menial peon tasks over and over until you finally get to your cut scene reward. That's exactly what FFXIV is. Well, at least coming from someone who's only level 55 so far.
Could someone explain BLM aoe to me? I've got the single target down but I can't find a definite answer on the aoe portion. I'm 63.
> You can get basically everything you want from a house (gardens, airship mats, etc) from another place like retainers, etc.
You can’t crossbreed seeds in apartment flowerpots and there are airship exclusive mats.
God no
>upgraded apartments
I’m ok with this
>instanced housing
Also this
The best fishing in an MMO.
Too much work please understand. Data transfer limitations.
How the fuck do people have gil problems in this game? I made 6 mil just selling leftover shit from leveling crafters and consistently 2mil a day just selling trash
I was supposed to play this game with friends but they never got around to it. Game's fun, but after two months of playing alone, I just quit. It's kind of boring to play alone and you can't do much with randoms and some others just want to play alone. I also got kind of tired of telling everyone that an absolute newbie was going to be their tank in instances and have everyone rush while I would try to learn what was happening and keep up with them. I wouldn't mind getting back into it some day, though. I liked being a tank.
I think if they just allowed for upgraded apartments that can cross breed this wouldn't really be a problem. At that point housing would pretty much just be a status symbol people pay extra money for.
Thank you for unsubscribing. Come back again later when you feel like it.
>put off doing beast tribe quests
>they're actually fun
why did no one on Yea Forums tell me they were good
>Shield tank, maybe DPS that can't get out of the shit
>throw a HoT on people that need one
>cast DoTs on everything
>single target attack until I need to heal or refresh DoTs
scholar is easy mode healing for dungeons, i don't raid much anymore, got burned out in EQ and never really got back into it.
Yeah, this game is absolute dogshit without friends, not worth getting into otherwise.
what server user? I would be willing to help you level
Suck dicks until 68 when umbral hearts work on flare
Freeze fire3 flare flare
- Use convert and vendor x ethers for more flares
- Keep T4 up and use procs as you get them or hold for a gcd or two to not waste cast time waiting on mp ticks when going back to ice. Holding it depends on the amount of enemies.
- at 5+ targets and no triplecast up cold flare by changing to freeze flare flare
- use triple on flares
Before 68 idk use whatever has the highest pps for the number of mobs, f4 or f2, and finish with flare freeze f3.
Flare has a minimum mp cost of 800.
That's the exact thought process of someone who barely knows how to play healer well enough to not get kicked out of dungeons
Are you supposed to just put every crafting job on your caharacter or pick X amount max?.
>tfw trial account lv34
Level everything on one character
how hard is it to make friends in this online game.
You want every crafting job on one character. There are cross class skills that are mandatory for high end crafts
>nobody dies (unless they die to mechanics like the doom debuff from the first boss in the sunken temple)
>help DPS
picky faggot you are. don't worry, i'll just get into the queue for an instant pop. ;)
You’ll be struggling without at least 6. I have all 8 and I still wish I could switch their classes at will depending on what I’m working on. You absolutely need at least one battle class for crafting because getting monster mats on your own is an rng nightmare. Gatherer retainers are convenient but you can gather more mats/hr than they can. As for the gatherer it depends. You definitely want botanist if you’re doing mostly cul/alc/wvr. miner is more useful for bsm/arm/gsm. Crp is about 50/50. No matter what you’ll need mats from both though so you’ll still be filling gaps on your own. I’d highly recommend paying for 1 extra so you can have a battle, miner, and botanist
level everything but patch 5.1 is supposed to make crafting easier by casualizing things
Im going to strecht that free trial so fucking hard
Dorsnt the mats from miner/herb go for more. Also wasn't sure battle class went for or if it was a priority for one of the retainer choices compared to getting two of the three gatherers
Any specifics on that?
Because timegated grinds are fucking awful and Im never gonna catch up
t. Still haven’t finished arr beast tribes
>Roulette leveling
>Party is 3 vieras
>What should be a simple dungeon run become a fucking gauntlet
Every times, EVERY times without fail I had to deal with one of these fucking sluts the game become 10 times more difficult than it should be, this race was a fucking mistake
Timegated shit is ass and indicative of a game design that can't make a satisfying loop.
Maybe they didn’t get lucky and get the mount yet. Glad it only took me 13 runs.
There isn't really much reason to speak in dungeons, and you're extremely unlikely to get a reply from most people. You're expected to have watched a video for bosses to have a basic understanding of each trial, discouraging player instruction. Most actual, proper player interactions happen in FC hubs or Linkshell chat which require some proper connections beforehand. Or you could just throw yourself into some nameless FC cliche and become a background character, maybe something might come off it.
Overworld? Most people will bow and scoot once your shared goal (usually Fates) is completed. It's just not a good scene.
recipes are getting their mat requirements adjusted, reducing the amount of cross class skills needed, desynthesis will become more useful by adjusting the rates and items, ishgard restoration could be a lot of exp.
PvP is pretty fun when you don’t have retards on your team. Fucking flames .
Refund and play the trial. Come back after lvl 30.
keep your aoe thunder up
F2 is a dps gain on 4+ targets, otherwise just use f4, end every AF phase with flare instead of a final F4
don't listen to the other retard who told you to cast flare right out of UI, this is a massive massive potency loss and is based on bad math by a retard, the potency loss only gets bigger the more targets there are
Airy is why I'm suspicious of Eos and Selene. Those two have to have some sort of plan.
Selling raw mats is pretty shit. If that’s what you’re planning on you’re better off just doing quick ventures and trying to high roll a rare minion or something, in which case the class doesn’t matter.
>Lower your expectations, road to Heavensward is shit but the payoff is worth it.
Honestly, problem with this is the fact you NEED to complete ARR to access HW, etc. Story is not really a skippable part of FF14. I mean, unless you pay to skip.
>mfw happy with my apartment
I had a house once. Couldn't be arsed to decorate it properly and you had a constant activity requirement.
Best part is that it limits how many sets of gathering and crafting gear you need. If you keep all of your professions around the same level then you only need to worry about 2 slots each in your gear bags per equippable slot, one gathering piece and one crafting piece.
>show up to the plot to buy a gacha housing ticket
>ticket price is the full price of the plot
>after a certain amount of time, you will get a message stating if you win the house or not
>1 winner gets the plot, loser gets a full refund and a loser prize (random housing item)
nothing, except remember when they said that one person couldn't own multiple houses but said anyone currently owning two would be grandfathered in? Get rid of that, one house per person period.
How's is scholar?
Thinking about going back to healing, Tfw first class was White mage
buy my album.
>random housing item
Kick to the teeth, I like it
meta fags will tell you it sucks. reminder that most of the people who say this aren't even running the end game content and are only regurgitating what their streamer gods tell them.
It become extremely fun when your team start to strategise, and start discussing tactic. 3 ways mean you less likely to get curb stomped, and flame players are the worst i agree
Hey, thanks for the offer, man. However, I stopped playing like a year ago and I just don't have the time to play it now. I appreciate it though.
No, user.
>>random housing item
Like being denied a garden plot in the community garden only to be sent seeds as sorry. This is like having a fist up your ass but the guy has sharp nails
Yoshi parses blue and purple in savage content. I'd say he knows quite a bit about his own game.
make it a cool item that people who own a house already can't get, and make it sellable
4.0 - Jun 15
4.01 - Jul 3
4.05 - July 17
4.06 - Aug 7
4.1 - Oct 9
5.0 - Jun 27
5.01 - Jul 15
5.05 - Jul 29
If there were a 5.06 it would have released this week, so 5.08 is probably going to happen in mid September
Thanks for the info
I just started
My friend is a meta fag
He keeps telling me to switch to Black Mage, he got angry when i told him to fuck off when i said no for the 20th time. What even is the meta anyways?
I'm sure bobsuke the intern was piloting the character. You cannot find footage of Yoshi playing well.
you should same the thing about literally all mmos.
Nobody will ever tell you scholar sucks, what the fuck are you smoking
I do highly recommend getting everything to 35 even though managing your inventory is gonna be dick punchingly agonizing.
You are what you make of yourself, user. If you're one of those who talks when prompted and doesn't make an effort that's what you are. Being annoying to get IN, so to speak, is part of the deal.
fuck but i have autism and am not sure why to talk about
who is this song even supposed to be from the perspective of?
>next diadem will have skillchains
>dat feel when it still hits me
tell that to the cock holsters that tell me to switch to WHM or get kicked
All primal themes are a prayer from their followers to the primal. Since Ysyale summoned Shiva into herself, Oblivion is about her almost dying and being saved by Hraesvelgr and deciding that she had to be the catalyst for change she wanted 'she can't beat her so she will become her', her being 'death'
Take a wild guess
yeah that makes the most sense, thanks.
Inflate housing prices for 5.x. Everyone has a lot more gil then they did back at ARR release.
That's not always true
Under the Weight is Titan telling overdwellers to fuck off, Sephirot's theme is basically his ad campaign and Sophia's is just a random thing that happened because of her
Nobody has ever told you that
Even for parse trannies AST is worse than SCH so you need WHM/SCH
I'm sorry, but my head canon of hard rocking kobolds jamming out while Titan smashes the overdwellers will supercede any actual canon
Accept your fate, user.
Really? Who are you? No one. Nothing.
I don’t even do gardening or airship stuff, I just like owning a house because I fucking love decorating. I also at least use my house and am always chilling there while waiting for queues unlike those people who never visit their mansions until last day before it’s demolished.
Friendly reminder that oblivion sucks
i wonder when is the next sale ???
>craft clothes for weaver quest
>dye them
>give them to the npc
>it's no longer dyed when they wear it in the cutscene
sorry not all songs can be symphonic with ominous latin chanting. I enjoy the early 00s era anime into song for Shiva
When subs dip. Probably a few months after 5.1
when nier raid comes out
Friendly reminder that you can kys yourself to death
T. Knight of the Heavensward
my favorite is the alchemy 60 quest where you're asked to make a book specifically because its used to prove that your aether has a different color to it than other peoples
It’s the most basic bitch 4 chord distorted guitar shit ever. It doesn’t have to be ominous dominos chanting shit but at least do it well
>wow's general is 30 hours old and still not at the bump limit
>xiv's is 4 hours old and about to pass them
we were supposed to be the greatest
i know for a fact the xiv general doesnt even talk about the game 90% of the time, so there is that
what CUL dish looks the most delicious to you and why?
14's general isn't about the game.
xiv is nothing but tranny crap
Based. Morrowind is better.
all of them
deep fried chocobo thighs
collard gysahl greens
spaghetti pescatore
bacon bread
>lvl 64 PLD, lvl 43 DRK and and I think I’m near the end of the main HS questline
You guys weren’t lying that it’s so much better than ARR.
Also, is it better to get all crafting up to 50 at the same time, or push one at a time to 50 or higher? Currently got everything to at least 22, with ARM at 45 and CUL at 39
Use leves regardless if at 99.
I kinda want to try that one pastry thats shaped like a fish
So your best bet is to find a group to play with from an outside third party source? And it's nearly impossible to find anyone inside the game to ever interact with you at all without the former? The internet sure has changed over the years, hasn't it? It's seem like it's nothing but high school cliques all over again. What kind of timeline is this?
focus on completing the MSQ first but since you'll have extra leves anyway just use them on crafts I guess, don't focus on powerleveling them or anything yet though. Just use up your daily leve allowances and do daily GC turn ins. try to keep them within 1-5 levels of one another so you can use the same gear for each crafter.
push for max for the expansion you are in so get BOT and MIN first to 60 and then go CUL -> ALC -> everything else because those two are really independent
>thinks he's anywhere near the end of main HS questline
Oh boy you're in for a ride.
Yeah because wowg definitely doesn't talk about trannies and draenei horse cocks
>It's seem like it's nothing but high school cliques all over again.
when i played with Yea Forums it was 100% this, its why im not playing with them on classic.
i have no experience with the wow general, just relaying my experience with the xiv general.
1) talk in novice network a lot and make it a point to say high to people
2) hang around capital cities usually limsa
3) get invited to a free company of one of your friends and make friends with their friends
4) if the above failed to look for an fc
just popped over there and it's mostly people shitposting and sharing cute photos but there is a good amount of actual discussion, I think you're just on the tranny delusion train
Lalafell, you are full of shit about your first point. You can't crossbreed without a garden and some stuffs are locked behind the airship and the submarine.
I'l give you a quick tldr then, imagine xivg with wow avatarfags insteaf of ffxiv avatarfags.
only chill Yea Forums group has been the ESO general guild. mild shitposting and memes in chat, most just looking for groups. and since you can join 5 guilds you dont have to sacrifice a trade guild or social/group guild for it.
Idunno I usually enjoy playing the game solo but if you talk to people they'll usually say something back as long as you don't sperg out. Got into a really interesting discussion during MSQ roulette with another WHM about what we thought of the class changes, ended up talking with the whole party about whether or not the nintendo switch is worth buying.
I mean sure most duties are just gonna be 3 people going o/ in the beginning and not talking again but it's not all bad
I wouldn't doubt that that general isn't about the game either. It's just a fact that an active general on /vg/ isn't usually a good place for discussion.
3 is fine, but 4 please
chloe's cunny
What is it like when you pull back the curtain?
>join an advertising FC with my partner
>turns out the owners are swingers irl and in game
> invited me because the girl wanted to fuck my pc, her boyfriend wanted to fuck my partners pc
Viera’s/Catboys, not even once. I thought the Xaela bull thing was a meme
imagine being on crystal like a cuck
PS3- i mean PS4 limitations, please understand
>only chill Yea Forums group has been the ESO general guild.
Spoken like a newfag who was never part of the Yea Forums groups in Lunarwars and Cybernations back in the day.
Alright, let's get this shit out of the way
Revenge Twofold>Shadowbringer's Boss Theme>Triumph>Beneath Bloodied Banners>Pennons Aloft>Nemesis
>JP strats are bette-
>all those congested worlds
but I thought it was dead? I thought it was only trannies?
Isn't it just passing the tether?
I agree very much
Pixie sounding
Kinda bummed after knowing that Revenge Twofold was supposed to play in Final Steps of Faith, but wasn't.
this is a hilarious level of copea
>no wings
how can you miss the point so much
Revenge Twofold would loop 3-4 times in final steps. The three song ensemble we got was excellent
One tether per person is uncommon on NA because it causes situations like that. You have 6 points of failure. More common is a tank taking three with invuln with the rest normal, two tanks taking three each, or one tank taking all if he wants to flex.
None of the strats have any sort of relevant damage uptime difference so the safest one should be preferred.
>try it
>1.0 is trash
>my class is boring
>buy a boost, story and class
>realize i have no interest in stories in video games
>wasted over $150 on this shit
When Revenge of the horde comes in, my boner rages,just to get wiped 10 seconds later because people are new to stacking at that part
>Running primals outside of a premade
Have no one to blame but yourself.
Should have done the free trial mate
>The three song ensemble we got was excellent
It was, but wasting Revenge Twofold on 4.4 and 4.5's dungeons' final boss was kinda disappointing, then again it was the reason I could tolerate running them over and over.
Based retard getting milked and filtered by Yoshi
I think it fits a summoner who summons the actual Garuda, a guardian of a magical library that summons a Behemoth, and the Ultima Beast
i did, everyone told me 1.0 is bad and you should buy a boost
>buy a boost
you fucked up
>and the Ultima Beast
Oh man I had mad grin when they decided to play that in Fractal HM because it was "HW" dungeon, instead of the usual SB's boss theme.
Choosing better strats has nothing to do with player quality
It never does that though. Only the story improves while the combat remains trash forever
why is Emet there
honestly i want 1.0 classic.
I was expecting Decisive Battle from 6, but we already had that from Warring Triad, and I guess we don't cross the streams with primals and dungeon bosses
1.0 is bad which is why it doesn't exist anymore
Best strat is to get friends.
you're a fucking retard, I'm glad you dont like it
you werent playing 1.0, you were playing 2.0 dummy
you think you do but you don't
Choosing better strats has nothing to do with player quality or whether you know them or not
>leveling all DoW/M to 80 and already over half way done
>leveled all DoH/L to 80 and meticulously farmed the most autistic future proof melds possible
>collected over half of the anima weapons in the game and plan on collecting them all
>farm mounts and titles no one even bothers, working on crafting 10,000 HQ items for every crafter and completing every standard recipe in the game for glowing crafter weapons and master crafter titles
>collecting all fish, including all legendaries
>amassed hundreds of millions of gil and I don’t even know why I do it when I don’t even have anything to spend it on
>run my own Rank 8 FC with over 50 active members
>could easily form a static if I wanted to
>STILL have never touched savage when it was relevant in my life
what’s wrong with me bros
>boosting in 1.0
something smells fishy
I have two mansions, decorating both of them was both fun and painful at the same time. Don't want to repeat that anytime soon.
>Pass tether
>oGCD to heal everyone up and get another LB
>literally who games were totally better than this mainstream shit
You were doing 2.0. Also it generally goes "truck through ARR to HW where it really kicks off and don't boost"
i posted even more retardedly, i was playing 2.0,meant 1.0 as the original storyline before havensward
One tether hit doesn't bring people to critical hp and will not affect getting lb3 before big adds. She dies before second tether. Get friends that can play the game.
2.0 is boring and everything sub-50 has no buttons, but you don’t buy a skip lmao
you can slam through all of 2.0 all the way to HW in a week
>just skip ARR lmao
If you can't get yourself through ARR you're not going to enjoy the game. It does get better, but you're missing the point. Just move on.
Learn how to play the game to get critical HP. Maybe getting some friends that know how to will help you
Stay mad using invulns on tether, incel.
what server
Clear E4S week one so people wanna kiss your toes and toss invites at you.
This is the current fastest clear of Titania extreme.
Stop wasting damage on stupid unsafe strategies like one tether per person just because the Japanese do it. It's almost as bad as DPS in/out.
I’m sure there are lots of people that would have enjoyed 3.0 and beyond but dropped it because of 2.x slog. ARR is pretty boring anyway. I’m not defending using a skip though.
>Actually uses FFLogs
Incel confirmed.
Now this is a hotbar set up
>"Man I really don't like this game, maybe if I drop a hundred dollars of micro transactions I will."
Go back to wow and stay in wow you cancerous shit eat retard
>I’m bad and have no argument
I’m honestly surprised you didn’t call him a tranny too
is he touching the keyboard with his feet?
Why are you giving (you) to obvious bait? Ignore them and continue talking about the game.
anyone have the video of the jap clearing well beyond floor 100 deep dungeon by himself with 4 controllers?
why do people tell me not to use macros in this game?
because its a crutch
I want to do lewd things with Ryne.
>It's seem like it's nothing but high school cliques all over again.
Those don't go away even when you're an adult working a job.
how so isn't it best to play the most efficient way?
because they remove action queuing so you slowly lose damage constantly from micro clipping if it’s on the gcd
if its ogcd then you can do it without a dps loss but you can’t double weave
you can use macros but you just have to be smart about it, macros that just switch hotbars and things like that are fine
because it doesn't let abilities queue properly and its a throughput loss overall.
macros are fine for crafting
it’s not the most efficient though
a lot of the tine you’re trading convenience for a loss of control and even a damage loss but it depends on the macro
>ffxiv let's you visit other servers on your data center to play with people and use their market
>can be friends with anyone on other servers
>now they are looking to allow you to visit any server on any data center
>meanwhile wow fags are still having to deal with dead servers and bullshit phasing technology
imagine being a blizzdrone
It's not because it's a crutch, it's because they're functionally shit. Macros lack skill queuing that normal buttons have. This means you literally cannot use a skill right after the previous one ends. Thus you lose tons of time you should be attacking as the 0.2s lags add up. This is if you're not trying to do dumb shit like macro heavy shot and straight shot together which behaves even worse because it's impossible to get it to use the right one.
They work okay for crafting and are common there. People also use then for hard to target ogcds like dragon sight tethers and salted earth ground targets but you have to mash them.
final fantasy 12 HD.
an mmo where all the areas are locked behind progressing through the "main story quest" which is actually 80% fetch/bear ass quests so you can't explore. an mmo where every class doesn't have to care about resourse management so you just mash the buttons in the designated order they tell you to combo so the only difficulty from fights is "don't stand in the glowing area". an mmo where nobody talks outside of erp because the entire game is designed around teleporting to "raids" that consist of linear hallways with a random group of people.
some of the writing for stuff like job quests is charmimg tho
it's less efficient just fucking use your fucking keyboard
>you're going to be able to play with anyone who plays ffxiv
it's almost like it's an mmo
depends on the context of the macro.
you don't want to macro ogcds because they don't follow the ability queue.
you can macro modifiers to skills to execute them without targeting.
They all have DRG and SCH to pad crit I would guess. Without a meta comp its not worth.
>all this is true
>still better than your favorite game
How embarrassing
>anti combo fag is back
oh shit there goes the thread
>You will never fuck Yotsuyu while she has the mind of a child
Its not fair bros
Just don’t care about ilvls. I know I don’t unless the nier raid has a stupid high ilvl. But most likely it will be 430.
You're enjoying the game.
Don't forget to get into chocobo racing, that shits fun too.
wtf bros i thought mael were supposed to be good at pvp
flames requires less tard wrangling than this
>Next Diadem
Please no.
I've given up on ex/savage content. I don't have friends interested in it and doing it with randoms is just terrible. The whole process from forming a group to actually clearing it is just plain stressful for multiple reasons and not worth it at all for me.
I'm surprised you do it at all without a dedicated FC, it's impossible to pug
Savage fights are shit. They aren't a test of player skill. They're a test of how well you can remember a road map. The bosses all do the same thing every time. Even doing blind just means pretty much running at a wall over and over learning 2-3 of the steps at a time.
Wow it's like you're playing an MMO.
More like
>that gif
good animation.
actual auction system
>Soken will never top eScape
Welcome to how MMOs try to lengthen their encounters. FFXI had similar trappings also, just at a slower pace.
>get 60 BCNM seals after hours of grinding
>cash it in on orb, enter a unique fight with five others
>die within 5 minutes because there's a gimmick that dictates a specific methodology of killing/bringing specific job comp
>have to spend hours grinding 60 seals again
at least you get an actual chance at getting a house
getting M / L plots is literally impossible
getting a house should be more like getting a relic, you should have to go through a bunch of bullshit to even have the chance of getting it
also double the available housing
I think people really undervalue how much ARRs MSQ and Side Content add to the Lore and set up things.
Limsa is the designated containment ward no matter where you are.
Still waiting on them to finally introduce a cash-shop housing ward to further the slippery slope. Also XIV is the only MMO I've ever seen to have problems with housing because the devs fucking refuse to build player-only housing instances.
>it's a Larryzaur episode
People who own a large as their personal housing baffle me, they seem way too large for a single person to own and should be FC only.
Or at least make wards that are just for FC houses or something.
>not playing on comfy crystal and visiting bar RP events on the weekends
You figure First's Ifrit fight will give us a Soken'd Ifrit track? The one that was used originally was an Uematsu piece. Every other Primal tune since was composed by Soken.
Memo/experience is a skill and is the basis of skill in literally all things in your entire life
how you train this "skill"
Mael is getting flooded with shitters trying to get carried because they heard mael was good at pvp. Scale is about to tip
>new prestige housing plots
>restricted access to keep out the ERPing riffraff
>$30 for a small, $50 for a medium, $70 for a large
I could see it, and it would make so much fucking money within the first day.
It won't keep out ERP niggers. If experience has taught me anything its that ERP niggers tend to have disposable income.
You do something over and over
>It's a Corey cleaves the group again episode
top kek
Thats not training memo experience though, thats training whatever you are repeating.
Is this the best way to keep your nose warm when traveling through the north?
I don't need to know turn left on 4th street, go straight 3 blocks, then turn right on 8th street. I just need to know the location is to the north west. That way I can still turn left on 5th street and still know the general direction of 8th street.
Another example would be, knowing the basis of multiplication instead of just memorizing your times tables. Yes memorizing will make your multiplication faster but understanding how you get the answer is more important.
>each job gets a unique gear set when they get to the end of the expansion
not gonna lie that's pretty kino. Does wow even have gear sets anymore? or class quests?
Doing something over and over over and over trains your ability to learn from doing something over and over
Surely you jest
Did Soken do the UWU remix?
lol no
Nier raid fucking definitely
Gotta cash in slut glams, fantas, and what not.
Legion had class halls and unique class armor from them. They copied a lot of shit from xiv, like artifacts being relics and a giant crystal telling you to do shit for it.
>They copied a lot of shit from xiv, like artifacts being relics and a giant crystal telling you to do shit for it.
wasn't illidan literally called the child of light or some other copy paste bullshit? They didn't even try to hide it
So I’m about to do that lvl 50 raid with Ultima Weapon. It will be my first actual raid. What do I need to know as a BLM so I don’t embarrass myself?
You can literally AFK that and clear it.
Both things work together. In the example of FFXIV you can figure out new things, like mechanics or rotations, quickly because you've figured them out before. When it comes to execution the memorization takes over.
Expect 100 hours of the most mind-numbingly boring content ever seen in a videogame before you get to any of the proclaimed "good" content. I wouldn't know if anything beyond Heavensward is actually good because I was so fucking done with the pay model and time investment that I quit halfway through it.
Praetorium is closer in difficulty to a solo instance. Don't sweat it
Are you actually serious, the entire game is a joke difficulty wise up to that point, what makes you think it's going to be any harder at that point?
Have a 2nd monitor and catch up on your anime backlog.
See if you can blink before it gets crushed into a fine paste.
Any Astrologians here? People tell me I'm able to double weave cards with lightspeed and the mouse over macro, but I just can't do it. Am I doing something wrong?
>They aren't a test of player skill.
They absolutely are. Compare speed of learning a fight for an experienced player to your average PF retard, it's completely different. There's enough conventions and fundamental game mechanics that are present in every encounter to talk about skill vs just learning through repetition.
rec me an anime to watch
I'm learning to play BLM, around what DPS is considered decent if I'm in ronkan gear and no melds? I hit about 9-10k in normal eden raids.I'm just waiting until my stuff sells before I pick up materia.
Skip cutscenes and watch them at the inn later, the rest of the raiders will clear a path in the blink of an eye.
how do we fix titan-egi?
>skip cutscenes
>in Praetorium
Oh you.
Silver Spoon
the +40 materia is basically free and has a 100% chance for you to unslot it, just fill with that until you get i450+ gear and put +60 materia on those pieces
9.5ish is fine for most fights in all i440 with no melds
do titania extreme and get your i450 weapon
That's a loaded question. You can't do decent DPS if you're in ronkan gear with no melds.
Anyway pre raid release decent dummy damage with primal wep and accs was 11k so you're not too terrible.
I can only seem to pull 12.1k dps as a BLM. Is this normal or am I shit? I can't clear the eden savage dummy. I'm out of time at 8%.
How do I fix this?
Why is NIN so shit?
Clearing the e4s dummy in BLM crafted is pretty much impossible. You should at least be we to do the e2s one though.
Youjo Senki
My only complaint is that most of the time the level 50 one looks the best. The biggest exception is MNK imo, level 80 MNK is super cool (except for the thing around your neck looking ridiculous)
just ignore those, they're balanced around an ilvl way higher than you'll be doing them at and are assuming you use top tier food + pots
>lose tit mount by 4
>scheming merchant.jpeg
Yeah it also claimed we were the baddies for killing him back in BC and doing shit to revive him was our penance and redemption.
whats tit mount?
This fucking thing.
I don't know what would possess user to want it.
>SCH artifacts all look good
>WHM ones all look like the same garbage
Its not fair
Chocobo racing doesn't actually use your battle chocobo? Why the fuck not?
Looks very Toriyama.
SE has some kind of thing where they love to make the most complicated and intricate classes the worst.
I suspect the lead dev is a shitter and plays ezmode classes like samurai and whm.
It's a eugenics sim
They charge $30 for a mount. A house with presumably no demolish timer (or a vastly extended one) would be $60 for a small at the least.
>no tits
>SCH artifacts all look good
in pieces they all look good, but the level 50 one looks ridiculous on most characters despite looking great in the illustration. The only redeeming pieces are the pants and the kick-ass coat. God, that coat is so cool.
>Leveling WHM
>Get undergeared PLD, big pulls
>Things get can get a little hard, but when catch our pace everything starts to go fine
>Get properly geared WAR (female)
>It feels like she's made of paper
>Shit sucks
I guess that would make sense since the Saucer is already a massive VII reference.
>still no simple wooden rod for BLM
At least shantotto's staff satisfies my need for a gem-topped staff, but it's still a travesty.
While am at it, Freya DRG set and Steiner tank set fucking when.
>SCH artifact
>another fucking graduation cap
A house with no demolish timer would actually save so much money in the long run
GNB is fun and all but god I hate the aesthetic
>look like a larping faggot running around acting like a short sword is a heavy log on your shoulder
>make wiffle bat noises
DRK re-rework when
Wasn’t there a lore reason, like BLM can only channel their black magicks through metal or bone staffs. But yeah, CNJ/WHM got all the nice basic wood staffs.
Can you add a glamour dresser/armoire to a house/apartment? That's kind of the only reason I would think of wanting to buy a house, so I don't just go to an inn every time I want to mess with plates.
i love the models of these things but the glow sucks ass
>Wooden rod
BLMs use bone, metal and gemstones
WHMs use wood
Not yet, there's no furniture item for it. Apparently there are some issues with it when multiple people fuck with the glamour dresser.
Armoire yes, dresser no. The fact that they haven't added it to housing yet makes me assume that they can't due to spaghetti coding
No they haven’t added them as housing items yet.
I assume they will eventually, like the armoire and Journey book to rematch cutscenes are housing items.
What level. What instances. Were they using their defensives.
>free trial, get every class but my main to 10
>caster classes are dynamic
>every single physical class is just do the preset weapon skill combos endlessly until you win. use cooldowns when you can
i have been waiting for you
>got to lv40 with fishing
>pretty comfy but still wondering when its going to become useful/give me gil
>search online
>its a complete meme job with the exception of a few cosmetics at later levels
I'm never leveling anything in this game without looking up a guide again
>The only redeeming pieces are the pants and the kick-ass coat. God, that coat is so cool.
Lmao looks like the soulless version of pic related.
I don't care for the af4 but af3 was great
speaking of gnb, does anyone else think the gap closer sounds like a moogle weapon? shit makes you sound like you're using an inflatable toy
>What level.
>What instances.
The mine in the first
>Were they using their defensives.
the stock weapon you get is short indeed, it looks better with the scaevan magitek gunblade atleast
>Not all cutscenes can be viewed in Inn.
>Telling people to skip their first time for cutscenes
I hope you have a terrible day.
wait, do Moogle weapons have a special SFX?
Wait which ones can't be? I'm not that user but I thought literally of all them were in there
>where every class doesn't have to care about resourse management
Look who never made it to end game.
So bros,I'm a level 30 Arcarnist, is it a good idea to unlock both Scholar and Summoner now, or should I just stick to one and then unlock the other? Do they still level together if I take both unlock quests and then play SCH only, for example?
Im capped on poetics and there is no set i need right now. What the fuck do i spend them on?
yea, a bit hard to hear, try it out with the monk weapons on auto attack
They level together no matter what. Stick to SCH if you want to level quickly and then just run through the SMN quests at like 78.
The same way you train every other skill
Is Nidhogg the best fight in the game storywise?
dead game
>SE has some kind of thing where they love to make the most complicated and intricate classes the worst.
You think nin is bad try smn
>healer dps “rotation,” 1 button on gcd
>requires pentaweaving
>nothing flows in to anything. Just use shit on cooldown I guess
>weird ass shit like DWT doing absolutely nothing, effectively making summon Bahamut a 3 button combo for literally no reason
>entering burst phase turns off your big damage boost cd
There’s more but it’s relatively minor. Everything about summoner feels awkward and clunky now
Maybe, but this one doesn’t cost 25 dollary doos
>Those don't go away even when you're an adult working a job.
normalfags truely are disgusting.
>blah blah blah they're just rote memorization
t. someone who is shit at savage, every fucking time, without fail. It's literally ALWAYS salty butthurt casuals parroting this bullshit, usually they have no clears or only cleared the floors before the tier's filter and don't' clear the tier until the end of the odd patch if they clear it before echo at all
Augmenting your poetics gear, if you haven't already? That's what I've been doing and I'm still constantly capping on the blighted things
which is?
By doing things which exert that skill
seethe cope and dilate incel have sex
What anime is that?
yep you got me.
It's from a XIV commercial
just an ad for XIV
>Have spaghetti hotkeys
>Decide to fix it and try to put some logic behind it
>Keep fucking everything up while trying to get used to the new keys
what skill do i need to practise to be smart and good at video games?
>good at video games
You can only choose one
why do people type this?
Because I like to greet people and o/ is the greeting of FFXIV
It’s a little kawaii man waving baka! ^^
God damn weeb nazis
faggy way of saying hello,supposed to be someone raising his arm
Being smart requires brainpower, which is something you have to be born with
but why not just say hello or hi?
what does O/ even mean?
holyshit it's meant to be a guy?
I'm glad that the game lets you slot in skills even if you haven't unlocked them yet, so I can figure that shit as I get the job
but damn if it's not a chore to do, especially when you end up trying to apply logic from setting one role's hotkeys with another role
Well I cleared e2s on week 1 with a pf. It's mind boggling how people get to max level and still can't push a button every 2.3 seconds.
Outside of dodging bats and looking out for guillotine or slicer the whole fight is just learn the rotation.
>want to get the eden orchestration rolls but don't want to buy it off the MB because know i'll probably eventually get it
>keep getting like rolls of 3-10 whenever it drops
so you deliberately mislead me, you said i could choose.
I never said you could choose though?
It looks pretty nice. I wonder if a XIV anime would be any good even though it seems to be that mmo/video game animes are always shit like granblue, bns and dfo.
Same thing happened to me when I got a new mouse for mmos with lots of buttons on the side. Had to remap so many things and kept on fucking up with them.
o/ is a guy raising his hand in greeting
Or just get an Apartment and unsub without worry.
you see why i need to be smarter
what's the easier class to solo PotD
don't say RDM
On top of that I never said being smart was a skill either, in fact, it's not a skill.
Chaos is dead?
so some people are just born unlucky?
I regret installing ACT. Finding out the horrible truth that you're the only one doing any serious DPS while everyone is just dicking around and doing less than than half the damage of the tank.
i'm a level 50 summoner. queue times suck.
is it worth it to learn to play scholar for dungeons? is it difficult at level 50?
You don't need to parse to notice someone is doing half the damage of a tank.
jizz of light
Depends. I leveled WHM to 80 and it wasn't too bad but I mainly played with FC friends. Healing pubs is a hit and miss since you'll have to deal with autists time to time but it wasn't ever horrid. I prefer tanking personally since I can control the flow of the dungeon.
o/ is gay, o7 is the chad's greeting.
She's coming back, right?
Yes, welcome to the real world. Also just being smart isn't good enough to get you anywhere, being successful requires you to be charismatic more than smart.
Have they removed the awful starter quests yet (pretty much everything until Heavensward)? I feel like this game would be so much better if they simplified the story down a lot into a 5-10 hour experience. Right now the first 200 hours is probably the worst of any MMO I've ever played.
I've been busy being comfy.
There's some side cutscenes that're only viewable at the time of watching. Usually minor, but they can add to the situation.
Why not Trust it
>She's coming back, right?
What the fuck are you on she's the 2nd boss of Holminister
She came alright.
not yet, though they've mentioned they're going to be trimming the fat out of ARR's MSQ
They're all still level 71
It's basically just /laliho.
because they have a reddit brain parasite
no shit, although I do wonder if people didn't pick up on that.
I'm expecting her to still play a role in the patches though, and by "role" I mean her grave will alternate with Gabu Gabu for "thing Alisae walks up to, cries about, and then walks away, never mentioning again until the next time she does it".
how can they not? It's the only Sin Eater with that kind of appearance, and her name's used for the boss on top of it. They'd have to be the world's dullest man to miss that
this is the XIV audience
>Mentor Crown
>Keeps fucking up mechanics
>D/ces right at the end of the last boss
>decide to ignore wolves' den the whole time playing
>hit level 55
>get around to it for some quick company seals while clearing out my remaining ARR quests
>look at the WAR armors
>proceed to do two daily frontlines
>glam the shit out of my Warrior
Under The Weight is my fucking fav, I can also dig the Eden remix of it
>WAR and DRK armor are identical save for weapon and soul crystal
>game still yells at me and says it can't swap sets because the ring storage in the armoury is full
god dammit, I should just up and sell any equipment that's not actively being used, it'd likely save me tons of grief
why the fuck do people keep making OPs like this.
I am new, and if you have any advice i'd really appreciate it.
Gotta trick the janny.
Half of my inventory is gear and I'm too much of a bitch to deal with it.
>bro but what if you suddenly get a strong urge to level this class you've never shown any interest in playing from level 1???????
Problem is I'm interested in near every class, so that voice in the back of my head is ever-present
>yeah sure your WHM is only level 30 but you're gonna use that level 70 gear eventually!
not him but go at the game at your own pace. only things i'd say you HAVE to do are get the Challenge Log in Limsa (quest in Limsa in the bar where Balderion gives you the quest to go to Sastasha) and open up the Gold Saucer after that (quest in Uldah, something like 'It could happen to anyone' and unlock Triple Triad so you can start getting card drops. You may or may not like TT, but you can sell cards for extra MGP
This only applies once you've finished your city tour after you wake up in the inn after passing out at the party
When the FUCK is Primal going to get a new/preferred server? I want to play with my friends but we can't create characters on each others fucking realms
preferred servers were there to bolster empty servers. now that no server is really empty they're going away.
totally worth starting on one if you can, but playing with your buddy is ultimately more important
You should expect hours of grinding and complete boredom.
I recommend meth to help.
Meth or Ritalin
fuck off, and im new to wow classic go suck a cock newfag LURK MORE
what's going on big guy?
>the one time I got an instant queue as DPS for E1S through Duty Finder
Shame it will never happen ever again.
would you recommend wow classic or ffixv?
Turn gay.
All it takes to not be an absolute shitter is to actually listen to and consider advice people direct towards you, in dungeons or otherwise. Obviously don't take everything someone says at face value, but if someone brings something up to do, at the very least look into why someone would say something at all.
>4 wipes on Keeper of the lake
I feel sorry for the healer because he obviously didn't knew shit but after a day of constantly getting ass teams I'm calling it a day mate.
>go into party finder
>a good percent of it is just BUYING GF shit
Final boss there is one of the few that actually put up a fight in the MSQ. I feel ya
It wasn't even the final boss, it was the second one.
gross. The only attractive males in this game are Hrothgar, Roes, and Aymeric.
a screencap got le ebin upboats on reddit once
The Airship? What was the issue- were they standing in fire? Fire's hot, they probably shouldn't be doing that
>The only attractive males in this game are Hrothgar, Roes
>Being a barafuck
>Being a furry barafuck
what server you on bro we can do it together!
Standing in the fire, standing in the flamethrower, second tank after the first one RQ at the third wipe not picking up the adds, healer dying for the FIFTH FUCKING TIMES and so on.
it was just a general shitshow of headless chickens running about
No I'm done I'll try again some other day.
>healer dies
>have to wipe
phoenix down usable in combat fucking when
>finding the ideal male body attractive is a bad thing
unironically dilate
don't comm healers
Get high and enjoy
My condolences, then, that sounds like a real piece of shit to deal with
Stay away from cats.
What is she looking at?
Lalas are all trustworthy
Y'Shtola getting it on with Runar
o/ was used for greetings in MMO well before reddit existed, little zoomie.
pick a non alchemy, non culinarian craft. once you get your retainers, park yourself at the guild and make one of everything on your list till you're about level 15, sell those on retainer. make 6 digits of gil.
may not apply to blacksmith or armorer, but you can still make money off of them. alchemy and culinarian esp. don't make money till much later. and don't worry about charging so much for low level gear, you're selling to lazy rich people. actual new players don't know where to buy armor from npcs and don't have the gil to begin with and as such won't be buying your overpriced junk
why not/who do i com tanks?
got it
Thank you very much merchant user.
>bought wrong 70 armor for poetics
why was there lover item level version anyway?
Unironically stop choking on that bad dragon dildo.
>Decide to set up a gamepad
>Awkward as fuck as first, then everything starts making sense and I end up with something infinitely superior to kb/m
Should have done this years ago desu
It's old tome gear
It's objectively inferior though
except me
>buying non-mage gear in Rhalgr's
>I & II means lower-iLvl and higher-iLvl
>upgrading non-mage gear in Rhalgr's
> I & II means tank gear vs. physical DPS gear
Shadowbringers should have been the expac to make all the job-gear menus not be complete ass, as well as overhaulling the upgrade menu to not require you to unequip shit or lose materia.