One of these three is a fraud

One of these three is a fraud.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Miyazaki is the fraud. His games aren't even hard

Kojima is the fraud, his stories aren't even intelligent


Taro is the fraud, his stories and games aren't even good.

Right is a literal who so him

Taro is the fraud. His games aren't even depressing.

Where's Kamiya

Yoko Taro is the fraud, his games aren't even good.

Kojima is a fraud. His "games" aren't even games.

>one of

why does he wear the mask?

But they're all frauds though.

He was never trying to make hard games that's just a Namco marketing meme. He did sorta start falling for the meme a bit with the games after bloodborne but still nowhere near as badly as the dark souls 2 director fell for the meme.
He's not a fraud he's just lost his touch mostly because most of the fucking souls fanbase doesn't realize what made demons souls and dark souls 1 good.

If Death Stranding is shit, then it's Kojima.

trick question all 3 are frauds

What the fuck is SINoAlice.

Kojima should get a credit for Zone of the Enders or Boktai if you're going to work in threes.

The one on the right is literally a character from a video game! *laughs* What a meme!

Miyazaki is a hack
Kojima is a fraud
Taro makes bad games

What is a hack?


Kojima is the fraud. His movies aren't even games.

op is a fraud

he's shy

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Kojima without a doubt


Going by traditional definitions, "someone who churns out work constantly", like a Stephen King or newspaper cartoonist.
So Miyazaki would be the hack. Being a hack doesn't mean you're bad, though.
Going by modern definitions, "literally anyone and anything I don't like", so up to you.

imagine being this much of a seething contrarian

>be miyazaki
>by accident stumble upon a formula that people love
>copy+paste it 5 times for easy money

drakengard was based on insanity, written with unlikable psychos, bombastic music meant to evoke mental instability, and gameplay that was repetitive and unfun even by the draconian standards of the last century.

The power of its originality and themes gave it sequels, which have all been received as positive stories, despite some of these complaints returning in some form or another for all of them.

So he's the hack

Kojima, obviously.

literally anyone that says they wouldn't do the same is lying

>makes what he wants to make, mostly gets what he wants because the higher ups at Squeenix like him and not necessarily because he churns out massive successes. Openly admits his games may not be the best
>A guy who never made it in the movie industry and moved on into the new hip developing thing, video games. Directs games a bit like he would have wanted to direct movies. Made a big name for himself in the '00s, perhaps a bit too big. Has insane expectations piled on him to the present day
>Some guy who directed niche action/RPGs until by chance making it big with the same damn thing (Demon's Souls and Dark Souls). Continues to make the same thing because it's what he likes
I dunno, man.

I couldnt possibly say that taro is a fraud
His games are terribly flawed but he seems to be completely sincere about them

I want to go back to before the anti-Kojima circlejerk.

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yakos games are shite

All three of them are frauds.

Wait, looks like Miyazaki wasn't involved with Fromsoft's earlier games that much. Scratch that. So he's the most successful one from the looks of it?

>Hating on some of the best creators in the industry because they aren't western hipsters with dyed hair and a billion Soilent bottles on their desks

As expected from Yea Forums

Miyazaki didn't even created Demon's Souls. He volunteered as director after there was a problem with the game development, he didn't even care if the game fail or succeeded, he just want titles or being a game director

>creator of MGS4, PW AND MGSV
there's nothing fraudulent here, he's making his lack of talent plainly visible for all to see

>No Zone of The Enders listed under Kojima
OP is the fraud

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>>Some guy who directed niche action/RPGs until by chance making it big with the same damn thing
He worked at Oracle in the states iirc before moving to FromSoft. I don't know if directing two AC games would count as making niche action/RPG games
He also wanted to help with development of Demon's Souls even though it was considered a failure by the company, because it was a fantasy RPG and he loved that fantasy shit.

None of them know how to code, all three of them are "idea guy" at best

They're all shit but the middle one is the worst. Although, and I repeat, all of them are shit and their games are shit.

He pulled together a failed prototype of King's Field that was completely tossed and managed to get it published despite the company CEO calling Demon's Souls not even worth the CDs it was printed on.

He also directed the worst Armored Cores. If you're going to slam him for anything, the shitheap that was For Answer deserves that.

OP here: There are actually two (2) frauds in the pic.

>muh fukushima!
Literally an editor. An editor's shop is to punch up scripts. That doesn't mean he's a shadow director.

Why Yea Forums always pulls the same "he didn't do shit, he just took the credit for someone else's work" shit?
IGA, Kojima and now Miyazaki

He didn't direct ZOE.

Removing it would be very painful.

Kojima can code, he learned how to for policenauts

>he just want titles or being a game director

You usually get good at your job by getting experience.

Taro because the gameplay of his games sucks balls.

You're all small-time.

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fpbp, now let's all keep buying demon's souls 5 when it comes out since it's hard and we're gamers.

>I don't like them so he's a fraud!
i don't think you know what that word means

The main gameplay mechanics already there, he just wanted help manage the team to complete the game. In his own word, he doesn't even care about the game. But when the game got a cult following, he just recycled the formula over and over again

>made the same game not twice, not thrice, but 6 fucking times
>never made a single game in his entire life
Yoko Taro
>The worst and at the same time the best games ever

Out of those Taro is the one who has never made an engaging and genuinely fun game.

Because they didn't? Kojima didn't create Metal Gear, he was brought in later when the original director was doing other projects, same with Miyazaki.

>saves the project from 'not being worth the cds they are printed on' to one of the better known franchises in modern gaming
>b-but he doesn't care about the game so it doesnt count!

>One of these three is a fraud.
The rest will try to kill you. How do you fare?

No he doesn't, that policenaut quote have no source and just a meme quote but we all know how Kojima was ridicule by his co worker for not being able to code.

First two are the furthest thing from frauds, the third guy on the right puts sexualized women in his games just because it gets him hard, and doesn't remove them when resetera trannies get mad, so I guess he's not a fraud either? Never played one of his games.

Worst opinion in the thread!

Taro Yoko it is. Not one good game in portfolio

Mixture of contrarianism and jealousy. Also lets them talk shit about someone without having to accept that they enjoy the work of the person they're shitting on.

Idea guys are fucking important, they're responsible for the whole direction of the game. Read up on why Anthem failed. Compare MGS' success as a series to Mass Effect's.

Do you say the same thing when EA release a FIFA each year?
Or when Activision shit out a CoD?
Or when Todd vomit another version of Skyrim?

Prying a creative influence away from any produced work renders them moot. Useless. A skintag to cut off and shit on.

It's a very transparent tactic.

Where is Todd?

>that policenaut quote have no source
>"It was hugely frustrating making games at that time for me. I wanted to control everything. So, after the second Metal Gear launched, I developed my own scripting engine and decided to work on adventure games so that I could have complete control over when the animation played or when the music triggered. That's when I developed Snatcher and Policenauts. It was a way to take creative control back from the programmers."
>b-but he was lying!

Or nintendo releases another mario, or pokemon, or zelda, or anything tbf they haven't made original game since 90s

Waiting for 2021 and releasing Skyrim 10 Year Anniversary Edition for 59,99$.

Technically it's Yoko Taro, since all his games up to Automata sold like dogshit, I think he's literally stated that the only reason he still has a job at Squeenix is because some of the higher ups like him.

>Drakengard 3 look good but unplayable, never remastered
>Nier has good story but shitty gameplay
>Only good game was made by Platinium

>Idea guys are fucking important
Theyre are not, everybody can be an idea guy

Kojima is a hack

Yes, just like how he "develop" Fox Engine


Taro, definitely.

Even his "good" game is utter shit

it's basically guaranteed by now, user

What? I don't see him claiming he "develop" Fox Engine.

you talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded

>All of these three are a fraud.


What the fuck, when did Yea Forums turn on Japanese developers?

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>be miyazaki
>make a game with googoo gaga roll around a bunch then swing gameplay
>get attributed as a cultural icon who changed the face of the industry and developed a “genre” that will influence others for years to come

Hideo for sure, Kojima always try to fix things that Hideo shit on and we end up with something lacking or incomplete, Kojima should go solo honestly Hideo is just a lazy fuck predating on his skills

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All of them are

Taro is too humble to be a fraud.

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OP is the fraud

>Idea guys are fucking important!
>Only idea guys are creative! Coders and ARTISTS aren't!
Don't worry, keep that notebook of your video game ideas, I'm sure someone will make your dream game for you one day.

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That is a trick question, none of them are frauds.

Your question doesn't deny the fact Miyazaki is copy paste the same shit every game.

It's been a while since I've seen that gif.


It's just one guy asshurt over Kojima and Death Stranding since it's coming in a few months. He'll go away once the game actually comes out.

So just like every EA and Nintendo game ever then

I'm not an idea guy, simply reporting what the coders and artists themselves say.

They are extremely important, he never said they were the only creative guys, and any ideas guy with half a brain knows only luck will bring them into a creative director position

Imagine being so neanderthal to ain't enjoy Taro games.

so pretty much a barry for kojima threads

Taro. Kojima may be a meme now because of his popularity and absurdity, but Taro is mediocre as all fuck and Automata is the biggest bandwagon game I've seen since Undertale. Overrated to all fuck by horny weebs.



Kojima. Kojima can fuck off forever for all I care.

def Kojima
his shit is entertaining, though

Typical bandwagon hopping baby boy.

>drakengard was based on insanity, written with unlikable psychos, bombastic music meant to evoke mental instability, and gameplay that was repetitive and unfun even by the draconian standards of the last century.
>The power of its originality and themes gave it sequels, which have all been received as positive stories, despite some of these complaints returning in some form or another for all of them.
>So he's the hack


Attached: we just dont know.gif (250x250, 812K)

>He was never trying to make hard games
So he was just trying to make shit games? Because the challenge is the only decent thing about Souls shit.

Definitely miyazaki. He made one decent game and then made the same game 5 more times.

Yoko Taro has literally never made a good game.

I don't think you know what the word humble means.

Where are all these newfags from that hate Kojima?

What a fucking lad

The only fraud is you OP.

Kojima was always in video games. Before that, he was an economics student. He likes movies a lot, but he never tried to go be a movie guy.

Miyazaki he tricked people into thinking souls games are good.

So what if they don't know how to "code"? That's not what a director does.

The only other two games he directed before Souls were Last Raven (co director on that one) and For Answer, apparently he didn't like doing either.

As far as I've understood Kojima was churning out scifi stories for magazines before getting into game industry.

Plot twist: All three of them are.
>miyazaki doesn't finish his games
>kojima just wants to make movies
>taro's games are just shit (BUT ITS ON PURPOSE LMAO!)

Taro being the worst, his fanbase defends literally everything

Best opinion in the thread!

For you

Oh? I would love to see him in pain.

They're all the same person

>made games so bold and influential people divided them into their own genre
>pioneered stealth mechanics
>pioneered cinematic storytelling in vidya
>pioneered systematic game design
>Literally who
>Made couple games with autistic stories and fan service
>Left no influential mark on the industry
Here we go.

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I feel like I've seen pics of Kojima with every notable nip game director except those two so this must be right.

Hidetaka games play like ass.


>>pioneered stealth mechanics

>None of them know how to code
Hidetaka Miyazaki's rise to prominence has been swift and unexpected. The Japanese developer – who now has a slew of critically acclaimed titles under his belt – most recently fronted production on PlayStation 4 exclusive Bloodborne, but his career path is an unusual one. He started out working for US company Oracle, before taking a pay cut to join From Software, where he started out as a coder on the Armored Core series. At the time, there were rumours internally of a "failure" named Demon's Souls.

"Demon's Souls wasn't doing well," he told The Guardian as part of a profile piece. "The project had problems and the team had been unable to create a compelling prototype. But when I heard that it was a fantasy-action role-playing game, I was excited. I figured if I could find a way to take control of the game, I could turn it into anything that I wanted. Best of all, if my ideas failed, nobody would care – it was already a failure."

Yoko, that isn't even his real face. Who knows who's under there.

How come Taro started wearing Emil's mask again?

What if that is his real face?

Public shy and doesn't like having his picture or video taken with his real face.

One trick pony vs a confirmed hack, filmaker wannabe vs somebody that tries to make something different in a uninspired bussiness


he never stopped afaik, the whole presentation where they show his face wasn't supposed to happen, doesn't want people seeing his face

Mgsv has more gameplay than any other game this generation

all tps is just a revamped version of RE4

I very much doubt he programmed that. Probably had somebody make it for him.

Yeah we do.
Don't be an hypocrate nigger.

All of them have merits as video game creators, though in varying degrees. If you're talking about least notable impact on the industry, I would say Taro would fit the bill, much as I like the guy. Soulsborne is a genre unto itself in the same vein Rogue inspired the term Rogue-likes. Kojima pioneered the movie-game and brought to the public conscious the stealth genre (even though Theif was already a thing before MGS). Taro pushes his games into the "gray space" of video game design, but it's hard to say whether any of his experiments has had any downstream impact to future devs.

>tries to make something different
And what is so different in his games gameplay wise? Nier Automata is literally just a generic platinum hack and slash x bullet hell.

Automata actually has depth in customization comparable to likes of God Hand with the chips, pod abilities and weapons but the game never makes you use it properly.

Yeah, they failed to create prototype. PROTOTYPE. One level with some enemies. Sure, he did nothing because devs had finished gameplay mechanics (on paper). Wow. Almost finished game if you ask me

well taro haven made a single master piece of a game, those other two had made atleast two each.

People that grew up hearing that he just made movie games
Which was true of mgs 4, sure. Mgs 4 was a glorified tech demo that was almost entirely eye candy and nothing else.
But other games like Peace Walker, the ratio was perfectly like 70/30 gameplay to story.
MgsV is like 90/10 gameplay to story even. It's got way more gameplay than every other triple A game, difference is shit like God of War and Uncharted mask their cutscenes by having those little walking segments where characters drone on about exposition. Kojima would rather turn that into a cinematic cutscene. Which is way better.

100% this. This is the only right opinion ITT.
Taro hasn't done anything special at all.
Whatever customization that is likely pales to the absurd level of detail mgsv's weapons and customizations had.

he keeps snacks in there.

Reminder Kamiya is literally our guy

Both PW and V has gameplay that gets really repetitive really quick to the point where you want cutscenes instead and they both pad themselves out as long as they can
You're severely overestimating MGSV's customization considering most of it is pointless fluff
I recommend you to replay it, I've been trying it out with mods recently and there's simply nothing new after the first couple of hours.

None of them are frauds
There you go guys.

It's an action game
I got like 500 hours in and I never felt bored
I guess you could argue it is repetitive but that doesn't change the fact it's a very solid game. It's got a fuckload of content, and replayability is huge since for any given goal there's a hundred different ways of getting there.
No stealth game compares to it.

>only one of them hasn't made a good game in the past 10 years

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Taro isn't a real person, so yes he's a fraud technically

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I agree most of his visual flare comes from ripping it from other works. Death stranding example


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Kojima is the biggest fraud
>Couldn't hack it as a film director
>Ideas guy
>Dialogue and story is inconsistent and nonsense at times
>Best work was when he had a good editor back in MGS 2; everything after being trash
>Fans lap up everything he does

Look at this guy, what a joke. The real fraud is obviously OP

Taro sucks, literally have to wear a mask to stand out. Nigga should just be in Slipknot or something. Also fuck you homos for memeing me into buying Nier that game is trash.

Attached: old literally who with mr.kojima.jpg (1200x800, 96K)

obvious kojima
>no good games since mgs3
>Konami breaks profit records after firing him
>forcing his name wherever he goes

>make cheap phone games instead of actual video games
>profits go up


What if they made a game together?


Kojima had one good game, and that was Peace Walker. Fuck him, fuck his games, but most important, fuck his autistic fanbase.


>one good game
>implying PW is better than 2 or 3
>implying that PW is a good game at all and 2 and 3 are bad games

It’s obv Miyazaki. Soulsborne is trash.

I think I'm about to play through PW again thanks guys

Miyazaki. I don’t know if you guys noticed but Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, all of those games are actually the exact same game.

Sekiro's gameplay is pretty different though.

and that's fucking amazing

tenchu and mgs came months before thief tho.

But it's okay when Nintendo does it.

Nintendo didn't make Soulsborne games, user.

Kojima. It's become obvious that the only reason MGS was good is because Konami probably kept him in check, in some way. Now that he's completely unhinged, it's obvious he just wants to make some bat shit crazy movie. This game just looks awful.

Taro is a one trick pony though, even as a fan of his stuff before Automata (which is overrated tripe), his games have followed the same beats.

mental state of nintenfags

Kojima has more games than that you zoomer

>kept him in check
>forced people that bought the game thinking they'd play as Snake to play as flamboyant young golden hair rookie

And yet, you are the one who is obsessed with Nintendo.

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>Get by making weird niche games with shit gameplay but good everything else
>Somehow convince higher ups to fund your game
>Get a design for the lead character that has a fat ass in fetish wear to get horny lonely people to buy it
>Get the guys at Platinum to make the gameplay less shit
>Hamfist some basic philosophy and existential themes
>Game is proclaimed a masterpiece, millions of loads spent to your game's characters by losers and morons think that the philosophy is staggeringly deep when they've never read a book in their life.

Taro is a wise man.

That's probably the point where the decided they need checks for him.

You forgot Kojima's best games on purpose right? where is ZOE? Policenauts? Snatcher?


nice, because thay are all awesome, except for ds2

Wrong. All three of them are hacks.

Yoko taro has never made a good game

Kojima has kind of gone off the deep end but he's made multiple timeless classics.

>not necessarily because he churns out massive successes

Now that he convinced every ironic weeb to buy Nier Automata because "le 2b is muh waifu xD" I expect him to make more massive successes.

Take off that mask!

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>Zone of the enders
Produced by does not equate to directed by. We have zero idea what Kojimbo actually did on ZoE, but we know he wasn't the director, writer, OR designer.
His only mention in the credits is that he was on planning staff and that he produced it, yet he still felt entitled to slap his name all over it.

Actually makes games
Makes games with bad gameplay, but doesn't waste a lot of money doing it
Wastes a shitton of money and his last few years at Konami were literally making games that were destined not to be finished and not finishing the game he was supposed to make.

His another shil

You sound stunted.

The third Kojima game should've obviously been Snatcher, this isn't even a discussion.

Kojima hasn't made a good game in way over a decade why the fuck is he still worshipped?

Because he made MGSV.

Attached: real-big-boss.jpg (1920x1080, 142K)

Kojima has been longer time in the business focusing only on MGS and you shils attack him for not making more games. MGS is already good enough to last that long so he don't need to make new games

That doesn't change the fact that he hasn't made a good game in over a decade.

The real answer is that everything in the image is a fraud.

Grimdark mobile shit about fairy tales from what I could tell.
English version dead in the water because the dumbasses used Nexon as a publisher.

You're right he made 2 great games. 4 if you count P.T. and Ground Zeroes.

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The absolute state of kojimmy drones.

Whoever has the least amount of programming knowledge. Probably all of them.

>ready to call all 3 hacks
>have played every single game made by them
I will call kojima the hack simply because MGSV was completely awful from every standpoint while automata and sekiro were good considering what i am expecting from them

Not good, great.

A gacha, taro writes the story, it may be the story of what happened between drakengard and nier, but i don't know enough ching chong to tell


Kojima piss mechanics is the worst of ideas

PT was the best Silent Hill since 4. All other westernized cheap silent hill games by Kon sucks compared this demo

Well mgsv had horseshit mechanics

P.T. was and is still the best horror video game released in the past 10 years. And its just a fucking trailer.

cope harder haters

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Ok piss mechanics is the second worst of ideas burning CPU cycles for literal shit

Kamiya is an asshole but he is not a fraud or hack.

He’s not really a fraud
The garbage platinum games were C team hires for activision like Turtles and Korra

>pioneered stealth mechanics
>what is castle wolfenstien


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He’s a big guy

None of those are frauds they've all brought good stuff to the industry

You mean one isn't a fraud

Only real answer out of 225 posts.

>austistic faggot reads them all

No, he shouldn't. Policenauts would be fine, but Kojima didn't direct Zone of the Enders or Boktai, he was just the producer. Ikuya Nakamura directed all of the Boktai games, and Shuyo Murata directed the only ZoE game anybody cares about.

Taro is a hack fraud but I'll still play every game he makes

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What’s your favorite game user?

>dark souls 2 director fell for the meme
What the fuck are you talking about, DS2 is one of the easiest in the series and it certainly didn't fell for the difficulty meme
>Most areas have 1, 2 or 3 NPC phantoms, whereas rest of the series has much less
>Enemies despawn after you kill them 12 times
>More bonfires
>Souls required to level up is much lower than in other FROM game
>All playstyles are viable, which also means the game becomes more accessible to more people
>A lot of freedom when it comes to how you can progress through the game, but the overall world structure is pretty linear and it's hard to get lost etc. etc.
Sekiro feels like the game that fell to the difficulty meme since it removed most gameplay mechanics that made their previous games cake walk sometimes.

He produced ZoE and Kojima says that his influence as a producer is minimal and he says those projects aren't really is (which is why she retconned Portable Ops)
Does you also want Castlevania Lords of Shadow on there? He produced that as well.

>made games so bold and influential people divided them into their own genre
That one genre only has one game, just with different names.
>pioneered stealth mechanics
For 2D games, maybe, if you ignore certain Atari games
3D games, he was already beat and Thief completely upstaged him.
>pioneered cinematic storytelling in vidya
Wing Commander.
Multiple RPGs and JRPGs.
Resident Evil to an extent (not talking about the live action cutscenes, the main intent behind the fixed camera angles was to emulate static camera angles from a horror or thriller)
>pioneered systematic game design
I am having my doubts.
>Literally who
You can say the same about most game directors mate.
>Made couple games with autistic stories and fan service
So did Kojima.
>Left no influential mark on the industry
Has yet to leave an* influential mark on the industry.
He also save Platinum, that's a pretty big mark.

>PT came out in 2014
Yeah, I don't think so
>Silent Hill 4 (2004)
>Outbreak File #2 (2004)
>Obscure (2004)
>Haunting Ground (2005)
>Fatal Frame III (2005)
>Pathologic (2005)
>Rule of Rose (2006)
>Forbidden SIREN II (2006)
>Deadly Premonition (2010)
And here's games after its release in case you mean last 10 years starting now
>Resident Evil 2 (2019)
>SCP Secret Lab if you're in a small game

Attached: 14COhR2.jpg.png (512x512, 24K)

The only good one in that list is Siren 2

Taro’s games are crap for brain-dead weebs

He meant 10 years and you are comparing with +10 year old games? Are you that stupid?
Resident Evil 2 was a remake

most tps are downgrades of RE4 but I get what youre saying.

Kojima doesn't do anything but do blow with celebs

And make best games

And get his dick sucked by all

Yoko Taro literally cannot make a game. He had to get Platinum to make the game portion.

And hated by you shils

I like all three but Taro sticks out like a sore thumb. He didn't revolutionize genres like the other two.

but they're all frauds

Taro just makes his characters suffer to the point of madness which is funny

Attached: taro.png (302x450, 120K)

I would estimate 75% of people in this thread have only played Nier Automata and no other Taro game and therefore do not get an opinion

He actually looks like Emil lmao

Miyazaki is sticking with the Dark Souls formula because it's successful
Taro fucking does whatever he wants and expects his games to flop, Nier Automata was actually a fluke for him
Kojima though is a fucking hack, Metal Gear's writing tanked hard after Tomokazu Fukushima
left and fucking MGSV being shit is his fault, Konami just caused it to be unfinished, and Death Stranding will also be trash

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>Rule of Rose
>horror game
Have you ever played RoR?


>the shitheap that was For Answer deserves that
Compared to what? 4? What was wrong with it as far as the PS3 games are concerned?

Has anyone played RoR?

Stop making Kojimbo gain merit on ZoE when his most notable contribution was for the le "cock"pit meme xD

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>astral chain

It's a horror game if you're a closeted pedophile

praise this dude Black and White is GOAT

wheres myamoto

>giving credit for a game that hasn't came out yet
I never understood the Kojima dick sucking, all he has is MGS.

I have Emil mask. You can’t see shit, the eye holes are so damn small.