How come PlayStation 4 is doing so well?

Attached: ps4q1.jpg (526x300, 27K)


Lots of cucks and retards.

early units are dead and people buy a new one

it's the best platform. it has all the games.

pc out sells this snoyshit a thousand to 1

Jews and propaganda.

because X1 has even fewer games and every Nintendo console for the last two decades has been an underpowered gimmick machine

has Yea Forums ever been right?

I'm glad that he provided a source for his claim.


Because no matter the propaganda that's running on this nintentoddler website, the PlayStation still easily kick the ass of the shitch, aka the overpriced underpowered tablet.

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Look at this amount of COPE lmao

Attached: B33ADC65-4BAE-41E4-9CEC-86F04387A048.png (541x728, 379K)

I wanna drink some emoji© water now

Switch revision and switch lite are coming. Of course Nintendo is shipping less.

Being a so called ANALyst. Mister Ahmad sure is stupid.

Prime Nintranny copepost

It's the go-to console of this generation. Xbox360 was it in last gen, but consoles keep getting more popular. PS4 is the console people buy when they want to play CoD, sports games and other big western AAA-releases. Xbox1 did terribly in branding itself and Nintendo only has bing bing wahoos for it's own audience.

Nintendo and Microsoft following the same pattern every generation. Hyping up a new console, only to have a generation wide drought. Over and over. Eventually, everyone noticed that Sony still had third-party support, years after a new console was released. So they flocked to the PS4. Now Sony is arrogant again and being anti-consumer as all hell, so we're going to experience the nightmare of the PS3 years all over again.

Cletus, shouldn't you be outside working on your pickup truck? The internet is too complex for you.

Business 101 is too complicated for you brain dead incel.

Why would they ship more of old switch when they are trying to get rid of stock. There are countless trade in programs all around the globe right now.

Low cost hardware
Brand recognition
Ease of use

Why is this guy so obsessed with PS4 sales?

in the first world a lot of households don't even have a stationary computer anymore. parents have their tablets, kids have their consoles.


Sure, they sell, but 3rd parties are real moneymakers for Sony. In PS4's top 10 of 2018, only God of War and Spider-Man were exclusives.

This is true but having exclusives shows that your platform is thriving and helps create buzz so even if hzd doesn’t sell as well as cod the ads, positive reviews etc help place the ps4 in the minds of consumers.

>That random dig at WiiU
Fuck OFF


>fatfuck pedoera fag twitter screencap
The pinnacle of Yea Forums

Because they're counting shipped units and PS4s have many more uses than switches so more stores stock them
>you can use as doorstop
>paper weight
>streaming box
>online game store sim

pathetic isn't it? nincels truly are the lowest lifeform

Its a good dvd player