>being a hitler is okay when you are a cute anime girl

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Yes, we know already FEfags from Yea Forums are the most cucked, bluepilled goys on the site, you didn't have to make this thread.

7th place

being hitler is okay in any context though

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Being a hitler is a positive quality
Being a cute anime girl just makes it better

You have to be yourself user, no matter if you are hitler or not.

Being a male hitler would have been a positive. Female is just an extra positive.

Her outfit is a negative though.

Everyone i dont like is a tranny, a child's guide to online political discussion

>Her outfit is a negative though.
are you gay?


nobody said anything about trannies, are you obsessed mayhaps?

It was always fine to be Hitler. Being girl Hitler with a guy like Hubert as your right hand just makes it better.

Being Hitler is always okay.

Heil Hitler, Heil Viktoria.

Cute anime girls make everything okay

anime is a negative you degenerate fuck

they make anything weird and anoying.

Killing people for immutable characteristics is wrong.

>Kurahana Chinatsu

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Killing the undeserving for their Lebensraum is always correct.

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she's a lesbian who wants to destroy religion, if you like this you are a libtard

Would you like to die?
I'm not a Jew. I just understand killing is wrong. People seem to have forgotten for some reason.

anime website

I'm gonna defend my Lebensraum and if I die then I clearly didnt deserve it.

if this statement would make any sense I'd disagree

Tell me what doesn't make sense to you

You're going to die like everyone else. Because you're human like everyone else.

idk also thats not an argument

being sneed is okay when it's formerly chucks

religion is not an immutable characteristic

Nice non-sequitur

based and redpilled

based and sneedpilled (formerly chuckpilled)

It wasn't just about Judaism the religion.
You said if you die you don't deserve it. Clearly you're going to die and I pointed that out. How does that not follow?

Genocide is wrong

this also
beeing alive is not an immutable characteristic.

Is miss Hilda, or her fans, here? I have an important message for her.



It wasn't about just the religion. Even if it was it'd still be wrong. Also being alive not being immutable doesn't make killing right.

Would you like someone to kill you and your family then?

unironically true

but yur argument is.
killing degenerate people is right.
hitler did nothing wrong.

actually yes if i was black or jewish. for the greater good of humanity I'd love to die.

I've decided you're degenerate. So killing you is now right. Do you accept me killing you?

Talk is cheap. You'd change your tune at the end of the barrel.

some "people" just deserve to be wiped out.

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Well you know Fire Emblem was made by the japanese. Who were allies of Hitler. So it makes sense.

Well in all honesty, the world really would be better off without my bloodline.

No they don't, if they've committed no crime.

>Starting a war is now Hitler
There are other historical figures you fuckheads

If someone were to take you hostage, and hold a gun to your head or your family member, you'd sing a different song.

Prove it.

beeing black could be defined as a crime since it is a man made concept anyways

You're a human. We all have basic survival characteristics and instincts because we all have the same physiology.

Similarly, I can define being white as a crime.

blacks and jews arent human.

funny the left already does this. they're all degenerates and deserve to be killed too.

Sorry, i always skipped history class

What exactly did Hitler do wrong anyway?

>Finish GD
>Blue lions
>"Oh boi can't wait to get Hilda"
>Tfw Hilda is Claudes butt buddy and can't be taken out house
>It wasn't Lorenz

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Yes they are.

Less Hitler, more a really fucking dumb Robespierre.

If I said I would kill family members, you wouldnt believe me anyway but ok. You'd also sing a different tune if you had to kill other people because you had a gun to your head.

i guess a monkey is also a human , its only a little hair extreme

It'd be just as fair if I said the right believes being Hispanic is a crime. Can the partisanship.

Nice one dude!

But you can recruit Hilda in Blue Lions. Only faction she won't join is Black Eagles.

Survival instincts that include genocide if its for the survival of your own kin.

being hitler in real life is also okay,

whats the problem here?

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Tried to brutally exterminate his own race in order to make sure that every criticism against his kind could be disregarded as "antisemitism"

nothing actually. it was just an economy war that was later justified by smearing the looser. like they always do.

I would believe you because people kill their family all the time. And how is the second sentence relevant?

Wait how the fuck

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Liking a character who does bad things doesn't mean you agree with them.

Crimes are subjective by culture and any "justice" regarding them is a means of stabilizing aspects within the current culture. If you're trying to create your own culture, then you could argue that wiping out undesirable elements wholesale is a valid strategy, if absolutely brutal by the metrics of most people.

But given that Edelgard's enemies amount to basically Rhea herself (who is utterly corrupt) and the slithers, and the fact that she has to ally with the slithers for power, I wouldn't say she's intentionally going that far. It's more a consequence of trying to eliminate Rhea and the false religion she controls the continent with that forces such a case.

It's less like Hitler wiping out jewish families than it is like if Hitler was fighting a shadow war against some big ominous force and was wiping out their would-be troops indiscriminately on the way there. A very different dynamic.

>hitler was a jew meme

Monkeys have tails. Humans don't.
Killing a baby you deem as degenerate isn't helping you survive.

Axe and Charm.

kind of does.

Its working out great for Israel.

some humans do

Depends on what you believe. If you believe this world is the singular reality that exists, then your point stands. If you wholly view this as a dream world subject to the collective whims of its interpreters, then the concept of "oh no he might kill me" feels more nebulous to state an absolute yes or no in the scenario you've provided.

except they dont do that. its about crossing borders.

((((Dragons)))) control all major news corporations and mainstream entertainment.
Wiping them all out is basically the same as wiping out cockroaches.

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It absolutely does not. Someone can like a villain for the role they play in a story and the entertainment gained from their actions. Look at Black Manta, his entire philosophy is FUCK AQUAMAN and he's easily the most popular Aquaman villain due to his petty bullshit being amusing.

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pretty based

Genocide is only ok when the god's chosen do them dumb goyim.

Came here to post this

Honestly shes more comparable to George Washington, her support convos say she wants a class free system, set up a democracy and step down as a ruler which she does in her ending. Comparing her to Hitler doesn't make sense since there is no mass genocide and she actively wants to stop human experimentation.

It's like saying George Washington was evil because we should just pay the tea tax to prevent war and its all good in the end because an alternate reality turns out hunky dory.

The original Hitler was ok too

>killing degenerate people is right.
good bait but Hitler employed some of the most degenerate faggots in Germany

>say she wants a class free system, set up a democracy
never mind, she's even worse than Hitler. Stupid bitch fell for the democracy meme

Considering how many troubles the niggers the Jews and the fags are causing, I would rather be on anime Hitler was right besides that means that the Allies would be Blue edgy boy side

Cringe and greenpilled

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god, i want to kiss her fucking tiddies

No, being Hitler is ok if you win the war.

People weren't being killed for following the Hebrew faith, it wasn't like the inquisitions of old where you just had to recant your faith to be left alone. The target were people who were/are genetically known as Jews and half-Jews were treated even worse for polluting their bloodline.

>be a murderous psychopath
>Everyone love you and you are literally incapable of being wrong
Must be nice to be Kiara/quinella/sakura/edelgard



What a coincidence, I love Quinella too!

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>Yea Forums bitches about not being able to be evil in Conquest
>3H comes out and you can finally be the bad guy on a route
>Yea Forums bitches about it
Jesus christ you people are unbelievable.
Imagine not wanting to side with the Hardin in a FE for once.

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Being a hitler is only okay when you're being a hitler towards fucking elves.
Fuck knife-ear tree-niggers.

The problem is that you can't even be evil in her route, but she's an irremediable retarded villain in the others.
Shouldn't have gone for the whitewash and
>she's totally right and innocent I swear!

I just want to go hunting/fishing/practicing with Leonie for a week, just two of us alone. Is that too much to ask, bros?

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Both are stupid evil and the fe3h version is filled with people who are trying hard to justify it due to edelgard and how DEEP and MATURE it is.

I want to discuss crime statistics with ingrid

Switch owners will defend anything.

You are only allowed to like her if you acknowledge that Asuna is the true sue

Except her route tries to justify her actions and paint her as being in the right. I hate her route because it tries not to be the evil route.

Why wouldn't the villain try and justify that what they're doing is right?

She'd rather go with your father

Because her route does just that? It's as half assed as conquest.

the fact that you compare anyone to hitler is laughable, grow up and get out of your indoctrinated shell.


>Best Female Character
1. Lysithea (23.5%)
2. Edelgard (17%)
3. Bernadetta (11%)

>Worst Character
1. Edelgard (30.2%)
2. Ignatz (16.4%)
3. Cyril (8.7%)

What a time to be alive

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You've misinterpreted what I've said. Edelgard trying to justify her actions is fine. The plot itself bending over backwards and several other characters becoming complete retards to paint her as a good guy is not.

>Liking any male characters in f3h

OH JERALT!! FOR JERALT!! fucking stupid retard.

Edelgard saved Fodlan. She's the good girl.

>being hitler is okay when she is a cute anime girl you can fuck

Fixed that for you OP

>being a hitler is okay
fixed. he was a hero fighting marxism who they lied about, same as everything else they lie about.

>not posting the actually relevant one BEST BOYS
1. Dimitri (26.9%)
2. Claude (20.9%0)
3. Ferdinand (9.6%)

Ah well fair enough, Crimson Flower is the weakest route of the 4, I seriously think they just added it last minute.

I don't know what they were thinking with Ignatz. Horrible character, they should have added more macho men.

>instigating the bloodiest war fodlan has seen in nearly a millennia based on lies fed to her by the people that ruined her life
>saving fodlan
Interesting interpretation there. Try playing a route other than BE's before chiming in.

How does it justify her actions more than the other routes? She still does bad things like kill her former allies and attacks a neutral kingdom.

Yes, yes. Attack the Church and the Holy Kingdom! Those Who Rub Their Hands are on your sids.

If Hitler were a tranny, none could question him

By making Rhea as batshit insane as Edelgard is when she's ruthless yet benevolent in the other routes.

This is correct

>Right now, your favorite character is...? 1. Dimitri (32.4%) 2. Claude (22.9%) 3. Byleth (Female) (17.7%) 4. Edelgard (17%) 5. Lysithea (15.9%) 6. Byleth (Male) (14.3%) 7. Ingrid (13.6%) 8. Bernadetta (10.9%) 9. Marianne (10.5%) 10. Sylvain (9.1%)

>After finishing the game, who is your favorite character? 1. Dimitri (30.2%) 2. Claude (19.8%) 3. Lysithea (17.8%) 4. Byleth (Female) (16.6%) 5. Bernadetta (15.1%) 6. Ingrid (14.2%) 7. Edelgard (13.6%) 8. Byleth (Male) (13.0%) 9. Sylvain (11.5%) 10. Sothis (9.8%)

Why is Ingrid so high?

>3. Ferdinand (9.6%)


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To be fair, it makes sense that Rhea would flip her shit that her mother vessel would decide to kill all dragons.

shes very cute post timeskip

>3H comes out and you can finally be the bad guy on a route

Because you CANT be the bad guy. I want a full on take over the world and force everyone to bend their knee. You recruit not with the power of friendship but bribery threats and your minions hate you but do you bidding because you hold their waifus life in your hands.

>Stern aryan female knight who upholds chivalry and duty
Rings a bell?

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Now try japanese.

Good lord I just want her to force me down onto the bed and rape me with her giant futa dick.

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I don't know I'm not very into Japanese media

Which route/ending do you guys think is best
fore me it's
BL has better focus on the characters' struggle and character arcs for the main students, GD has a better focus on the story, ending, and a more solid cast all around
BE is a bit short and it's ending leaves too much open when there's no reason it should, tough i really like the final boss, about as much as GD's
Church is just neutered GD

Don't worry, the DLC will have Byleth become the Demon Lord of Fodlan.

Tell me about Edelgard, how cute is she?

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How does it compare to other final boss themes?


Not as cute as her step-brother.

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I didn't watch the show and haven't read the fifth book but I remember Brienne being best girl when I read the series as a kid.


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>trying to greentext in the subject field
>using the subject field at all
what a fucking summerfag god damn

>has literally no sense of taste due to trauma
>can't do the most basic stuff due to tard strength
His life is a constant hell.

You mean in the game or in general?
It's by far the best out of the three final boss themes, fit for the best final boss of the game
all around it's a solid final boss theme, though maybe not the absolute best
there's some good shit out there


She is not even cute.

You're a faggot.

Don't forget
>his last family member/love interest is working with the ones that made your life hell
Honestly if El just talked with Dimitri things would have been fine but no she just had to larp as the Flame Emperor and ruin everything.


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She's the most hated girl in the game

They basically took Micaiah and ripped off Dany from GoT


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I only just finished BL, going to do GD next. BL seemed pretty stellar.

I figure all 3 main routes have their own boss, but does Church get it's own boss too or is it a copy of GD?

>unrepenting and unrelenting antagonist in three out of four routes is the most hated character
I'd say that's working as intended.
It just makes it more important to stay by her side.

Blaiddyd being crazy is default thing I take it?

>It just makes it more important to stay by her side.
No, it makes it more important to fuck her over.

i wouldn't say it's it's OWN boss, since it's quite similar to one of the other three, but it's different, both in combat and context
however, the rest of the maps are just GD all over again minus havng Calude as your bro finding actual shit out and making Foldlan better

cool shit, you can keep your garbage JRPG protagonist

It's not clear whether Dmitri's dad actually said that or if the guilt fueled psychosis was warping Dmitri's memories of the event.

>Don't worry son. Cornelia and uncle that hates you will take care of you instead.
What did Lambert mean by this?

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Says the retarded waifufag who would hate her if she was a guy.

He wanted Dimitri to have hot non-blood related incestual sex with Edelgard

Dimitri get away from him, don't you know his people are 13% of the population but are responsible for over 50% of the crime in Faerghus!

Can someone explain to me why the fuck I didn't notice that the Flame Emperor was Edlegard all along. Going through my second playthrough now and it's so goddamn obvious. The outfit, the attitude, hell it's even the same fucking voice. How could I be so dumb.

Robbing Germans of their wealth and spreading degeneracy is not an immutable characteristic.
The Jews deserved what they got.

>Gay proposal is exactly the same as the regular one
Well that's boring.

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What route did you play first?

This is the same fucking guy who basically let Gilbert fuck up his own son and make him into unga monster at young age. Instead of being like "Hmm. My son is starting to break stuff just by holding them. Perhaps Gilbert's extreme training should be stopped a little. ...Nah. Keep doing an excellent job Gilbert."

Ingrid, don't talk about Dimitri's retainer like that.


>being a hitler is okay
Fixed it

You were not expecting your lord to be the villain. Or you just have brain problems.

So what happens if Dimitri finds about the crest experiments on Edelgard before the start of the game's events and just after the Duscur tragedy. Tries to stop it, get Edelgard outta there somehow but he gets experimented on as a result?

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One-man anti-Slytherin campaign. And he wins.

I thought Jeritza was a going to be a good guy because he was too obvious of a villain.

His obsession of El turns him into an unstoppable that beast that must protect his sisterwife at all costs.

IIRC how obvious it is depends on the route. In BE 3-4 chapters before the reveal Edelgard is pretty much trying to tell you in the least subtle way she's the FE

I hear you should avoid BE on your first playthrough?
Who should I choose, BL or GD?

Sub-humans can't be knights or retainers, Duscar apologist.

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He goes anti-slitherer campaign on his own, now with the power of BOTH the Crest of Blaiddyd and Crest of Flames and singlehandedly wins but turns into the same broken justicefag like Shirou Emiya

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Blue Lions is character focused while Golden Deer is lore focused.

He murders the whole empire, and wins, no wars or anything.

In Lambert's and Gilbert's defense, Blaiddyd is crest of unga by default. Gilbert's extreme training wasn't so extreme for someone who is Blaiddyd as such.

Nothing. What the fuck can one kid whose country is in fucked up state after losing its king do? It's not like he had an army of his own that he could command. It's not like his country was stable enough for him to march to empire to rescue Edelgard. The first thing that happened after said king kicked the bucket was nobles trying to tear his throne apart for himself by trying to kill Dimitri and Dimitri being forced to go to war at young age to keep both his throne and life intact.

He based. This will be difficult for Nintendolets to get their heads around though.

If you do BL first, you get a lot of character/war stuff but little of the bigger plot and viceversa. BL>GD works better because it leaves you with plenty of questions GD solves.

Imo BE is honestly a good starting point only because the monastery becomes a huge drag by the time the other routes still have 4 more chapters left

On the other hand, BL is the route that feels the most like a classic FE game while GD is the only route where you get to personally beat the crap out of the real bad guys

So BL and then GD and then BE.
Alright thanks.

I didn’t notice either and I did BE first too. I wasn’t really expecting the flame emperor to have a secret identity.

That way you can laugh at what Edeltard thinks, it's funny.

You underestimate Dimitri's rage. Reminder he has spent 5 years alone doing Guerilla Warfare against the Empire and hasn't gotten killed within that timeframe.

But killing people for their political beliefs is just fine? Fuck off, commie.

He might have charged based on his impulse to save her but it wouldn't do him many favors. He was just one child. No matter how strong, he was still one child that would face entire empire army. We already saw in GD how that thing went.
Plus, the Knigdom is in fucked up state after Lambert lost his head in Duscar. You had angry people who demanded justice by fucking Duscar back until they were completely gone. Then you had nobles that tried to steal his throne. Not an ideal time for him to try and play Edelgard's personal hero.

Do adults really eat cake?

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I'm more curious about how that would effect Edelgard, since her whole worldview is built on what happened to her, so shota Dimitri murderfucking his way to save her would radically shake up that view.

He'd just become Heaven's Feel Shirou but for Edelgard. Or EMIYA.

I know someone would post it. You people are predictable. Still funny.

Reminder that he did get killed after trying to charge into the Empire to get Edelgard's head in GD. He still killed lot of them. True. But it still proved that 1 man can't go against an entire empire without getting fucked for it. Child Dimitri wasn't as nearly as strong as punished Dimitri and with the nobles being after his head and his people demanding blood, I don't see how he could do anything to help Edelgard when he couldn't even stop his own people from killing Duscar.

>He was just one child
With a lot of powerful allies. Like House Fraldarius and the Kingdom has a lot of ties with the Church which Gustave/Gilbert would no doubt involve.

>implying Duscar getting extinct is a bad thing

Ingrid pls

Tell me about

>Beat BL, going to do GD next
>Wondering what the fact happened to Thales after he was made out to be the mastermind in Part 1
>Notice Arundel and him are listed together in the credits same as the other Slithers

Makes me curious what the heck is really going on

Well if he's lucky, he could convince the people that it's the doing of the Empire to try and retake Faeghus and rally their bloodlust against that.

I don't remember either of his so-called powerful allies jumping in to stop the bloodshed that transpired in Duscar in which he only managed to save a single man. I also don't recall either of them helping him with nobles that were after his life. Instead, they threw him into the middle of war and told him to go kill them himself.

Who says Dimitri would charge head first, he wouldn't be completely mentally fucked since El is still maybe okay so he might be more sneaky.

You know that's really valid point. Rodrigue and Gustave being on his side is a game changer.

Imagine a full on Faerghus/Empire war to save Edelgard.
She now becomes Helen of Troy instead of Hitler.

Shit that's actually a good idea for DLC, though what would Leicester do?

You mean the same Gilbert that GTFO the moment Lambert dies because "muh guilt?"
Name a single ally that helped him with either case after his father died instead of giving him letter that said that he was on his own. Just one. Exactly. None. And name, again, one single ally that cared to help him after one thot like Cornelia accused him of killing his own uncle. Again, NONE. What makes this case even funnier is that his kingdom was ready to execute the rightful heir of the throne based on rumors that he killed his own uncle. Even if he did such a thing, there isn't a single country that would be willing to put their RIGHTFUL HEIR on the rope because he killed an unimportant family member of his.
Nobility of Faerghus wanted Dimitri dead ever since Lambert died. Fact at how easily Faerghus turned against their only remaining true ruler based on mere rumor tells you a thing or two about Dimitri's Kingdom and how much support he has from it.

Dimitri got completely mentally fucked after seeing the head of his father roll in front of his own eyes. Cornelia, his uncle, the power-hungry nobles and his angry people just managed to make it worse by constantly putting a pressure on him.

Does Dimitri's friends count as allies?

>I'm very hostile and haughty
>but I also like cake
>my sad background excuses these things
What a shit character

No-one could have prevented the Duscur massacre. It was in motion the moment Edelgard went away from the Kingdom. There are a number of stationed people who were compromised from the start.

Rodrigue pretty much became Dimitri's second dad already and ready to mobilize House Fraldarius' troops.

Gilbert can be convinced under making him think it's part of his duty. Also there's no fucking way the Church wouldn't do nothing about the Crest Experiments if they knew about it since Rhea is all over that shit.

Well yes but he didn't fall into total savagery until he learned the Flame Emperor is El.

You're demonizing her. She never advocated genocide. Even her attempts to overthrow Rhea has nothing to do with the fact that she's a dragon.

Being cute while doing inhumane shit is always excusable, don't you know this?

Didn't Rhea always know about those who dubstep in the dark?

>>my sad background excuses these things
Well, literally Edelgard.

Would Lonato side with the campaign against the Slitherers if they found they were behind the Duscur Tragedy and responsible for getting Christophe blamed?

Threadly reminder that BE is the villain route.

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She thought she dealt with them already but they're stubborn fucks. There's a reason why the Church is so powerful.

And I love that it is the villain route.

>would Lonato fight against the people that got his son killed
Gee I fucking wonder

>Evolution is wrong

I was reincarnated as Edelgard with only death flags?!

That is fine, I just wish people would accept she is literally a crazy evil tyrant.

He was always insane. He was just surpassing it by pretending to be ok. That's the entire point. That Dimitri and Edelgard were fucked in their head before game even started.

Why would anyone accept your crazy headcanon, King of Delusions?

>recruit Hanneman to help with crest research
>fuck Dimitri
>unify your countries and get rid of Rhea
Meta knowledge Edelgard is easymodo.

This, both of them were insane frim the start. The difference is Dimitri is saved on the BL route, even on BE Edelgard is still insane.

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Not really. He was very unstable even before it. He was just masking it behind the face of nice gentleman. Flame Emperor thing isn't what made him insane. It was simply a point in which he gave up on trying to pretend that he was normal.

I mean the old dude is a stubborn fuck and completely against the Church because of Rhea's existence
>The childhood friend prince is Dimitri
>Has a snarky and mean servant
>Dies in all routes that isn't hers
Lmao I need this

Fair enough, but still it'd be hard to predict how his insanity would manifest if it was in service to 'protect his last kin'.

I need this to be a thing.

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New Bernie!

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>crazy headcanon
The spitting image of a normal and sane human being.

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Delet this /trash/ tier shit.

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Every route has the same shit. Byleth reins in their respective autism so they make the best of all possible choices. And did you honestly think Edelgard declared war just for the lulz or something?

yes being unable to call out jews on any of the shit they are pulling without being branded a neo-nazi sure is based. Gee, thanks hitler!

>Fuck Shotamitri
>Don't go back to the empire
>Tell mother and Dimitri senior about the crest experiments and tell them I am dreaming of a girl in green
>said girl is what is giving me information and says her name Sirius because she can't remember what her true name is
>Happy ending

But it's a lot more jarring in her route because it doesn't know whether to commit or not.
If you go in expecting a villain route it's a huge disappointment and if you go in expecting something a bit more heroic it is too.

OP BTFO forever

Majority of the players (with 60% being female) had picked and played through the BL route. She's the literally Otome MC character.

>to 'protect his last kin'
Except he didn't even know that at that time. In his mind Edelgard was just a random little girl he met, that taught him how to dance and that he had crush on. He didn't know about their connection beyond that. Same goes for her.

Eh, it's pretty consistent with her characteristic of absolutely never giving up and when you're up against One Man Army and Literally Jesus you will naturally pull out all the stops.

Pol is this way bro

Edel's Devil Trigger was pretty cool

>tfw Hilda is the only GD member who'd rather die than join the Empire

>fujoshi play through a route called BL because of the intense emotion between the two main male characters
They named it that on purpose, didn't they?

Glad to know Lysfags know their shit character is just as shit as the top shit character

your wrong

Wait really? I thought Dimitri always knew she was his step sister

Red + platinum blonde hair doesn't mix well
Red + brown/black hair is nice

40% picked it as their favourite, not the only one they played through.
There's a reason Edelgard's votes plummet between not played/played.

It's weird though as with characters like Leonie her reason for joining is complete bullshit. In the video she literally calls you out on joining the empire despite them conspiring with the slithers, when she joins on BE she is retarded and becomes convinced it was the empire's fault.

Except he's still a child. He has yet to earn the respect of the various house leaders yet, and Rodrigue was so protective of him because Lambert died and Dimitri needed protecting. A bloodthirsty Dimitri calling for men to invade another nation would shatter people's opinion of him.

Nope. When he talks about their childhood he clearly states that he had no idea about it back then.

That's going against the empire in a direct war, though, something that he wouldn't have done without being corralled into it by Gilbert + either Dedue or Byleth's expectations.

By the same token, Dedue lives through that fight in GD and makes it to the throne room of the Empire. By himself Dimitri easily could've done the same.

your mom and dad didn't mix well

>the (((crests))) are to blame

>EVERYONE (but me) is to blame

Same goes for Felix. His characters get tossed into trash and he becomes some weird occ version of himself that can't wait to invade his homeland and murder people he called friends once. This is especially funny if you played other routes besides eagles and Felix is mourning widow on 2/4 for Dimitri and the only one that cared enough to ask you to do something to calm him down in lion route. Then you have his value for his friends and how he acts like a cunt for their own good, to give them a wake up call. Not because he hates them. Yet Eagle literally made him into meme version of himself. Aka "KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF MY FRIENDS" Felix.
Sylvain is even funnier because he dislikes Edelgard a lot, yet he is like "Well, teach has boobs so I guess I'll have to suck it up even though I hate it. / The game mechanic is forcing me to fight against my homeland so..."

It's just add. Recruitment system should have been done better so you can't recruit everyone based on your house.

Meta knowledge Edelgard would instantly go after Byleth. If she failed in her prior life, she knows it's because of Byleth, and vice versa, if she succeeded, it's also because of Byleth. And given her crush, there is no circumstances where the first and only thing she'd do when reincarnated, is to s-rank Byleth immediately.

Some people like it when a villain has a simple goal. I do too. Man, fuck Aquaman, except TBATB

It's kinda naive to think she would have gone full villain mode when she finally has someone to reach out and grab her hands. And given what we know about her backstory, anyone expecting Hitler is more delusional than Dimitri.

It's a complicated issue, honestly I don't think there is a right answer here. When gameplay and story come into conflict it can be hard to decide which one to choose. I believe it was the ultimately right choice even if some character's writing suffer for it.

Logically though few characters would see any reason to join the empire at all. Hell, most of the BE students don't like her.

So which one is the most you'd like to insert yourself into, F!Kris, F!Robin, F!Corrin, or F!Byleth?

No, Washington's goal wasn't a more equal she's a commie no sure why everyone compares her to Hitler

What exactly do the Slitherers do to help Edelgard that's worth the baggage of working with them?

Like by working with them even though she knows they are directly responsible for the experiments on her, the death of her family, the tragedy of Duscur, and then some, she earns nothing but EVERYONE universally fucking hating her. It's not even like they're a big threat she has to be wary of, they're dealt with in a fucking footnote of her epilogue as if that was always their plan, without even mobilizing their full army or getting a new plot macguffin that neutralized them with ease. Hell, even before the timeskip she is openly telling them there'd be no salvation for their people.

Tell Dimitri about them and their involvement in Duscur, and he'd have rallied the entire kingdom to the empire in an instant.

>When gameplay and story come into conflict it can be hard to decide which one to choose
Spend more time thinking about your story until it fits the gameplay. Change the scenario slightly, tweak this and that, until the circumstances make it so that a character is out of their comfort zone instead of just acting out of character.

I'd rather be M!Corrin and marry Elise while having Camilla join us in the bedroom for Moms Teach Sex threesomes Or Camilla fucking me with her 13 inch futa cock while I fuck Elise.

Hilda hates Edelgard. She made that thing very clear. Which is why BE is the only route in which you can't recruit her, while you basically get her for free if you join Church instead.

Attached: tfw he joined eagles.jpg (374x349, 48K)

They joined because of Byleth, that's pretty much it. Lysithea would be the one person that would instantly switch to BE if given the chance. Unironically, she would also be the one to rein in Edelgard's tardness in lieu of Byleth's presence.

>Some people like it when a villain has a simple goal
I don't get people that complain about this. Some of the most evil and corrupt figures in history acted entirely just for power, not every villain needs some complicated story.

Name one thing that wouldn't be made okay by being a cute anime girl.

Ancient advanced technology, army numbers, and they basically control a lot of shit from the shadows.

I dunno how much they help her but it's more the threat of 'if you don't cooperate with us, we'll turn Adrestia into a nuclear wasteland'.

Leonie disliked Edelgard as well because she knew that she was working with slithers, people who killed Jeralt, yet that didn't stop the game from giving her a retard pill so she can join eagles.

I forgot, but why does she hate her.

Nah, it's comparable since GW and the rest of the US weren't really fighting for a noble cause initially. The AW started because merchants wanted to profit more so they set shit in motion and used massive propaganda for the revolution to start. It was later on that people like Washington and the other founding fathers to use their independence for a greater cause.

If he didnt kill jews, then Germany would have been a communist hellhole like the USSR.

She joins because she made a promise to your dad to stick with you no matter what
I'm not a big fan of the eagles route but I found her joining to be one of the more sensible ones relatively In that route they actually become a top tier merc couple if they marry while she just becomes a royal captain in the others

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Because she thinks (more like she is right about it) that Edelgard is terrible person.
Hilda is unironically smarter than she looks. She was also the only one who instantly called Monica on her bullshit and that she is probably an evil bitch as well.

Control a lot of shit is an understatement. They had managed to turn half of the kingdom against Dimitri, so adding on with what they control of the empire, they had already secrely controlling 3/5 of Fodlan, maybe even more if any of the pro-empire alliance houses were included.

Because of the same reason she disliked Monica as well. She just has very bad feeling about both.

I mean based on default appearance, which would you like to S Support with?

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So much for the Church of Seiros keeping them in check.

Hilda has an extremely good judge on people just by seeing them. Which is why she called Monica a cunt the moment she saw her. Same thing for Edelgard. She just doesn't like her due to vibes she is giving her.

Hitler caused 50 million people to die in World War 2. I doubt that Edelgard managed even 0.5% of that.

It's all relative to the general population involved, her war razes the whole continent.

Nothing wrong with that. Yes, some of her fans are hypocritical idiots, but that's nothing new for people who are "left"

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Deer unironically has some of the smartest people, even if they aren't meant to be that way.
For example: Hilda has very good judge about people even if she just saw them once. She is able to figure them out. Leonie managed to figure out that Edelgard is working with slithers (I won't comment about her retarded BE version because that version of her/Felix is just trash fanfiction). Lorenz acts like someone who is easy to make fun of. Is the one that installs the biggest change in his ending successfully that helped the commonfolk.

Consider this : Nigger Hitler

In my game MC is the only one who reached and fought with Edelguard final form. Edelguard and her endless army of reinforcements defeated 12 people and it all ended with brave sword x4 16 80 percent to hit and her 24 30 percent to hit. For 3 health bars. That was the worst ending to a fire emblem game for me yet

I love how i had to defeat edelguard in 37 turns because MC was the only one left. How did u fuckers do it?

Sounds like kino tbqh.
I mean unless you wanted to see your characters' epilogues :^)

>sacking the rest of the team, Ender style, to kill the last boss
Sounds pretty kino to me.

Which route?

>killing anglos
>giving the jews a blank check for the rest of history
fuck outta here

Byleth, properly built and leveled.

>imagine establishing a country and then get discriminated by immigrants
i'm not even white, this isn't even /pol/ but this shit is hilarious

its like some sort of cosmic joke

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So Edelgard pulls her country out of a major depression and frees them from Jewish banks?

Be more specific. Which route?

Quit victim shaming bigot!

Blue lions

In that case and in my case I had boar and Lysithea carry it for the most part.

american education everyone

Why does nobody care that Dimitri killed desperate children?

Well, I guess it depends on your rng-luck and how you built your units in that case. By the end of my game Gorillamitri, Felix and Ingrid were my best default Lions units. Sylvain also worked best as dancer, for some reason. Poaching albino gremlin from Deer can ease your pain a lot too. As well as getting Gorillda on your team so you can have two gorillas to unga-bunga map for you.
So it really depends on what units you had and how lucky/unlucky you got with them.

t. tranny who needs to dilate

Because they wanted to kill him first? What did you expect of him? He doesn't have Mary Sue powers like Corn to calm his enemies down and make them kiss his ass in next instant.

I wanted to make the game actually difficult for myself so i tought of this kind of challenge
>Hard Classic
>No time reset
>Every single unit death is a game over
>No secondary missions except paralogues
should i add anything else?
I would'nt remove battalions, since that would make some battles actually borderline impossible

I had all of them above at lvl 43+ They got annihilated by random crits,ragnaroks,fire orbs and the final 8 were dusted by Edels aoe attack. Including the Nuke

>she is literally a crazy evil tyrant.
in the non BE routes, sure.

Sounds like you enjoy pointless autistitc tedium. Have a blast, then.

What desperate kids are you talking about? The only "kids" he ended up killing are those that asked him to train them how to fight only to try and kill him 5 years later. And you can hardly give him shit for killing someone who wanted to gut him first. Leaving them alive would have been a dumb thing to do considering they were bent on killing him. We had Conquest Corrin as best example of how stupid it is to leave a person that wants you dead alive.

>her endless army of reinforcements
They didn't appear at all in my playthrough even though someone (I think it was Edelgard?) said they were coming. All I did was blocking the stairs with a unit for just one turn.

Why does nobody care that Dimitri was destroying Faerghus waging a war against Edelgard that he had already lost just for personal petty revenge?

Claude did what he did to ensure the Alliance and its peoeple wouldn't get devastated by a huge war, but Dimitri didn't do that. He kept devastating the Kingdom with a pointless resistance until the very end.

People completely miss the point of Edelgard's response to him before their battle. "why must you continue to kill in retaliation, continue to reconquer?" It was literally over and he kept going anyway. He was completely blinded by rage at that point.

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Look at it from his eyes, Edelgard was in cahoots with the people who orchestrated the Duscur massacre and several other atrocities, on top of starting the damned war in the first place. Would you be comfortable leaving your people under the leadership of such a person? While she did intend to fuck over the Slitherers afterwards she never made that apparent to him at all.

Well apparently she didnt win. Also, the balls on her to try to stab him with his own dagger. Didnt she say that those that are defeated should stop resisting..why was she still trying then :^)

>killed children
Holy shit how similar to Caim is he? I may have to play this

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>I will see this through no matter what

did you skip the last part of my post. Blinded by rage.


Operation Barbarossa was a huge failure. Also he didn't stop Japan from bringing America into the war.

Do you honestly not know where you are? We fucking love Hitler here.

>if you win a war that means you lost
A fucking leaf can’t talk about wars when they never won one.

She killed millions...

The kingdom had lost at that point.
Keeping on fighting despite already being defeated it's not honorable, it's pointless. It was only causing more deaths and violence.

Again, look at what Claude did.

>Yea Forums thinks Edelgard is cute
>Yea Forums thinks Edelgard is Hitler
>Yea Forums hates Edelgard
It makes no sense. There's no possible reality in which Edelgard isn't the perfect character for Yea Forums.
Oh wait!

>the rest of the internet loves Edelgard

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>Killing anglos

Edelgard would have done and did the exact same thing when things were reversed. The only difference is that Dimitri actually tried to make amends

Yes, she would have, because Edelgard in other routes isn't human and it's not thinking clearly because she has gone mad.
I don't know what's so hard to understand about that.

The colonist already lost, why fight your masters? All hail the queen.

And we hate Edelgard.

>She is sane in her route

>doesn't commit genocide
>tries to kill the least amount of people possible

Why didn't Edelgard use Dimitri's obsession with her to get him on her side? Surely having THE BOAR would be beneficial.

I am genuinely shocked Dimitri didn't kill his family. They seemed to be setting that up hard.

She's still the aggressor in both routes. Dimitri has no reason to think life under a lunatic warmonger is a better fate for his people, especially considering the state the empire is in when she inherits it

>that kabedon in S Support
Did they know the fujoshi would cream themselves?

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The problem with Edelgard is less that she is the evil route, but her fanbase of waifufags.

Yeah OK but come on, being Hitler while being a cute anime girl is even better.

>I decide the lives of my people. I'd rather kill them all than let them live under your regime

Hmm sounds like a fucking insane leader to me

Black eagles in general really
And yurishitters

>Hey Dimitri don't worry that I'm working with the people that openly admit they killed your family I'll betray them eventually
>Just let me impose the meritocracy you openly oppose using means you openly oppose

Anti-Edelfags are speedreaders or just remember what fits their narrative

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Honestly female villains in general have that problem.

What the fuck I thought Edelgard was a monster

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Rhea torches the capital, not him. As long as his people stand behind him willingly he has all the reason in the world to fight to the bitter end. It's not like he fucking genocides his own people

He followed the German tradition of starting another major war that destroyed Europe again while "coincidentally" resulted in long term benefits for jews.

The problem with Edelgard is that people judge her as a whole based on her extremely negative portrayals in non BE routes and complete ignore her character in BE.

She is literally, LITERALLY two different characters between BE Edelgard and non-BE Edelgard.

I don't know why people think she's just ONE whole character in the entire game.

Judge non-BE as much as you like, but she is not BE Edelgard.

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Do you have the Flame Emporer where she said she didn't want them to kill?

Good goy

well it's simple why

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Gentleman, fellow brothers of a good taste, as this thread is soon approaching its end, i would like to tell you about the BEST girl from the BEST house.

She's the best, that's all.
Thank you for your attention.

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>>the rest of the internet loves Edelgard
Japan hates her. Even on the imageboards.

How right you are, my friend.

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Isn't 50 million the low ball estimate

Who cares about nips, they couldn't even comprehend a pokemon character.

How old is Jeralt?
How old is Lady Rhea?
How is Lady Rhea so beautiful for being so old?

Jeralt is over 100 years old
Rhea is over 1000 years old and is a dragon.

japs are notorious for shirt taste when it comes to vidya polls

how did jeralt actually avoid the church for 20 something years while still being one of the most prominent feared mercs. doesn't rhea claim she knew (you) were still alive, shouldn't she have sent someone to at least retrieve the baby god incarnate?

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She probably has a 'fate will bring them to me when the time is right' mindset about it.

>Dimitri was destroying Faerghus waging a war against Edelgard that he had already lost
i agree with you on this, even the japs with their bushido code and honor over everything surrendered when those two nukes were dropped
But there's a reason they call him the Boar prince, fucker will just angrily charge until he gores his enemy or he ends up dead

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It would be more accurate if Dimitri was Eselgard, the bike was MC dad and the message would be "fuck Byleth"

>Killing is wrong

>Muh Jeralt dick
fuck off

post the edelgard version

Japans taste almost never affects Yea Forums's opinions. Yea Forums will form their opinion, and then claim that Japan has amazing or shit taste, depending on whether they agree.

Twitter, Tumblr and reddit will absolutely affect Yea Forums's opinion, every time. Whatever they like, Yea Forums will hate. If Yea Forums previously liked a thing, then the rest of the internet finds it and loves it, suddenly that thing is awful in Yea Forums's eyes.

>Yea Forums is one person
Talking about the vocal majority.

Are there any magic lances in the game?
There have to be with two lance mage classes.

I cant believe I'm out of fucking tomatoes and cook anything.
The Monastery was great first half of the game, but dining 10 times per day because there's nothing else worth doing is just stupid.

That doesn't make sense.

Imagine her shouting out your dad's name while she's fucking you. You just know it would happen.

Yes, only the Arrow of Indra, but it's kind of special instead of being generic like levin sword or bolt axe

She's not Hitler in her route and that's what matters

I miss u Hitler

Yes i know! In her route she is the one that has to stop Dimitri from conquering the continent while using the people that murdered Byleth's father and caused the whole tragedy. She is literally the same its just that MC doesnt know any better because he choose to side with her

>If it's one, it's murder
>If it's several, it's a lynch
>If it's millions, it's justice

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How strong would White Dimitri with 2 crest would be?

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Dimitri blanco would be able to punch out missles, at the cost of an even worse mental state and dying in 10 years.

Forget that, imagine how strong he would be with a major crest of DAB. He only has the minor version and he’s already stronger than fucking raphael who can’t keep up with his training regiment

Started a GD route, any advice for what to do with Ignatz and Loren beside the obvious stuff like make them brigand because they're physical units? My last run was a BL and I only kept half of them around for my main team, kind of want to use all of the students for my main team if possible assuming no one is trash or gets fucked by rng. I had a few students like Leonie and Raphael and they were pretty strong as a bow knight and war master, not sure what to do with the rest really.

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>Dimitri Blanco is just MGR Raiden

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Why is Hilda slept on so much

>that messy hair coupled with bedroom eyes

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Back pain from huge breasts and small frame

I wonder how those with the crest of Blaiddyd were able to even function in society, like imagine how careful you'd have to be to no accidentally crush people when you just want to give them a hug.

So when she screams daddy during sex, is it you or Jeralt she thinks about?


she thinks hereslf as Jeralt, and you as you

Is Hubert supposed to be this fast? What the fuck

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Based and redpilled
Unironically correct and nothing anyone says or does will be able to argue against it.
Fuck Niggers
Fuck Kikes
Fuck Spics
Fuck Jannies
Fuck Mods
Fuck Trannies

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Hitler was the good guy. More and more people are learning the truth and realizing this.

Hubert is an amazing unit, he just is limited to one route so he doesn't see as much use as other really great units.

So, who's going to the top 4 of CyL4?

Now we're talking

Being the greatest zionist of all time is wrong

At the very least the world is never black and white and history WAS written by the victors. Hitler unironically isn’t evil.

He’s the only one pulling his weight desu. Petra is a worse Felix, Edelgard is a worse Dimitri, Ferdinand is a worse Sylvain and Bernadetta somehow managed to be even shittier than Ashe
I miss the blue lions

>bedroom eye

>Petra is a worse Felix
Imagine not making petra a wyvern lord

Yeah, the BE units are a bit weak, though Casper is pretty strong. In all honesty though anyone can built into a pretty solid unit, even Cyril if you wanted to put into the work for whatever reason. I think the BL and GD overall have stronger units but they can be decent.

So you can judge her based on her portrayal in 3/4 of the game, fuck 2/4, exclusively post timeskip in BE since she's also a massive cunt in the monastery part of her route.
Which means Edelgard is not a genocidal monster in, like, a whole six maps of the game.
At least everyone else is almost as insane/cowardly in other routes, except stuff like Deude being so extremely ooc in BE it's not even funny.

Hubert's pretty strong bro, equip him with a staff or whatever and can he do 40-50 magic damage at level 30 ez.

its always okay to be Hitler

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I made her an Assassin because I thought following the student suggestions worked out better, but then who ever let a child choose their own career?

Not even, I ended up putting Ashe as Bernie's adjutant since she spams crits all day, and her crest is too fucking good


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Being hitler is ok when you did nothing wrong

Bernie's stats are not amazing but she has the best crest in the entire game so that helps. I feel she's not as bad as some people say, I have been able to make her into a crit monster before and her crest allows her to be quite a bit better at it as an archer.

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I don't remember the eagles having a desert map. Is that just an auxillary battle?

Ignatz is probably best at being a Bow Knight or just Sniper, Lorenz can do the Dark Mage route into Dark Knight.

>Bernadetta somehow managed to be even shittier than Ashe
>I miss the blue lions

Bitch put Bernie in heavy armor and give her a fucking axe after mastering assassin.


Retards see pass and think bow knight, I see pass and I see a heavy knight with assassin passive walking in the middle of the map killing everything that touches her with a hand axe+.

Fuck it warp and walk a bit on the middle of the enemies thanks to pass and kill everything while they deal nothing thanks to Aegis and Pavise with your natural 50% Dex crits and assassinate triggering when you don't crit.
Play her like a non magic non levin sword Ignatz.

This looks like Claude's paralogue map, i don't know how he fucking got there.

Yes, I’m spamming it on ez mode to build supports


>being a hitler is okay

look how europe is now, and what a homogenous white society is in comparison to paris, rome and london, the lovely diverse hubs

And you know who's actually at fault? Hitler for chimping out and giving the jews a way to play the victim until the world ends.

>Just train Bernie's sword, axe, and armor on a single playthrough, it's easy
It was hard enough getting Bernie the sword and axe for brigand and assassin.
Negative proficiencies are awful. When I tried giving Manuela reason, it took until ch20 to get her up to A-rank.

Attached: bernies skills.jpg (931x112, 16K)

This. Being remembered as a dick is better than being remembered as an evil dick.

If I have two of the same ability (class and personal), do they stack?

Does someone have that fic where byleth goes back in time and adopt the baby versions on the lords ?

This Bernie soloed the elites and Nemesis in Hard.

She is a 30 statlet at level 45 and she still crit and assassinate everything with a fucking handaxe while taking no damage from anything thanks to pavise and Aegis.

This was my first fucking run, my fourth run Bernie no has actual speed and strength growths at lv 20 but I'm still going assassin and fortress/priest to maximize Res Stat growth.

You don't know how to build Bernie empress of mankind.

Attached: She is growing stronger.jpg (680x383, 63K)

>that dex and res

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They could've made her literally anything else and you'd still complain
>Make Edel a black girl who's still bisexual
>Make Edel the same but male
>Make Edel a non binary blue colored piece of paper
They could've done anything and you'd still find a reason to whine. Move on.

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>lol retard just put in 20x the effort to make a shit unit not shit
>meanwhile Shamir does a better job than all jobber archers from the start
>t-this is the powa of burntie

>Pavise, Aegis, and Lethality on the first playthrough
>3 advanced classes mastered
I see that you farmed auxiliary battles for hours. Why wouldn't you dedicate that time to a better character like Ferdinand?

I really don't get why they give you Catherine and Shamir so early, they are way too strong for when you get them.

See the formula, 31 is 22% crit and 20% Aegis/pavise activation.

Warped her between the ballistas with a hexlock attached and she nearly cleared the map, Bernie has great chains so it shouldn't surprise you if you put a min maxed quad around her after aggroing nemesis only to see him eat a 55 crit after being smacked by a batallion earlier.

Bernie is a monster if you build her well, the only way to fuck up Bernie is by not getting enough dexterity to break 25.

>Hitler for chimping out and giving the jews a way to play the victim until the world ends.
Arabs doesn't give a shit about the holocaust or whatsoever Jew tragedy. It's whiteys fault for allowing Jews guilt trip them.

Could they make her a good character instead?

And all thanks to Hitler, the guy promoting the aryan standard to the point whites are so ashamed they can't stop favouring jews.

You can't farm in hard, you just do this shit as merc assassin and paladin hence this Bernie low speed, I spent too much time as a paladin and had her picking up flowers with Lysithea since the beginning, it does add up nicely before you fight Ferdinand post time skip.

B-but muh strawman!

>You can't farm in hard
It lets you do 12 battles per month for 7-8 months post-timeskip. Would 50+ battles not be equivalent to farming?

I often explore twice to maximize fishing and chains pre timeskip.

Keep Bernie as merc for a while for +2 swords and +1 axe skill bonuses, train heavy armor and horse/faith on the side.

>Tfw first playthrough was Edelgards because she was right about everything and is actually based and doesn't give a fuck about what anyone else says, IE Determined.
>Tfw regret not recruiting everyone that I could have because I wanted to redpill them and show them the truth that Rhea was a monster that needed to die
>Tfw got done with my BE route at 80 hours
>I just want to start ANOTHER Edelgard route and recruit everyone and make sure they all understand why the church needs to be destroyed

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*woobs woobs in your direction*

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Say this again after completing GD and BL, after playing those you'll forget you ever even like Edelgard.

She tried to wipe you out of existence in every route. Rhea is batshit insane in every single one.


Wyvern Lord and Wyvern Lord


>killing vermin because they're vermin is wrong
yeah okay buddy
tell me more about the roach and rat infested hovel you live in

Same as that user, I'm blasting through BL after recruiting every single person I could. I have a save file ready for the church route as well which I will do after GD.

You don't even need to battle that much, just abuse broken weaponry.

What the hell was his problem?

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He was just another retarded dubstep cult puppet like Edeltard.

I'm wondering the same thing. Her proficiencies clearly suggest either Holy Knight or Falcon Knight, but her growths force you to use a magic class. But Holy Knight is fucking shit and Falcon Knight is broken. She does get Frozen Lance, but Frozen Lance can't double attack, so it's useless. I have no idea what to do with her.

No reclass, Commoner/Noble only

I just realized you weren't actually talking about Marianne. Regardless, my point still stands.

he just wanted to play monster hunter and kill shit

I just made her a holy knight and she turned out fine

Frozen lance can carry you up to falcon knight, she just won't be a broken killing machine. Otherwise, healers should go gremory for more physic spam. Magic attackers can go holy or dark knight for canto, or gremory as well if you give them the wind shoes or march ring.

Gremory is decent for her. I made mine a holy knight in my first playthough (this was mostly blind and I wasn't aware how shit it was) but it at least allowed her to move, heal someone, then run out of enemy range at least. She's a weird unit.

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What do you think “Maneketes” are?

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I saw a kid version of Edel's face in a thread here one day but I never saw her as a kid at any point during my golden deer run. When do you see here as a kid in game?

BL route

based retard thinks a goddess is a elf.

My biggest problem with 3H is just how much differently everyone acts when you aren't doing their routes. Is Byleth's Thundercock/Lightningclit so great, it stops whoever they side with from being such a shitty person? Is IS so afraid that people aren't going to be comfortable knowing they might not be 100% in the right? In all honesty, I would want a golden ending DLC, just so we can everyone act rationally for a change.

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During BL route right before the final chapter.

>Is Byleth's Thundercock/Lightningclit so great, it stops whoever they side with from being such a shitty person?
Well yeah that's what the first part of the game is all about you guide them through their best and worst. It's not you joining anyone it's your input in their growth that made the difference.

The only real route where I find it annoying is BE since a lot of characters had been built up as having reasons to oppose the empire. Even on BL for example when you talk to BE students if you recruited them they will feel pretty natural in terms of dialogue, meanwhile the reverse isn't the same.

steroids injected up his ass by the dubsteppers

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Fuck duscar and lets not forget fuck jannies.

All of their motivations for siding with Edelgard are explained in their A supports with her. That said IS/KT were fucking stupid for thinking that people would side with the church over her and the writing suffers from it.

Baedelgard* =3


I actually go to dubstep raves, your memes dont hurt me.

Yeah I got advice for you. Bench them. Infact bench them and Raphael while you're at it.

Recruit the cakes, Ingrid, and Bernie and you'll be set.

It works for Belka in Ace Combat

Based and redpilled post. Eat a dick triggered janny.


those who dubstep in the dark

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Post it


Funny how she only tries it out on her own route. In Golden Deer, she does not evacuate Enbarr despite knowing the fact the Alliance will be invading which left the war in a far more bloodied and fucked up war since she did everything in BL route (fucked up Faerghus so bad that the Kingdom got destroyed) and everyone in the western part of the Kingdom who didn't ally themselves to the empire was burned or threatened (see Ashe's dialogue in the Church for further details if you actually have played Blue Lions).

Also she let Arianhod get nuked. Like completely wiped off the face of Fodlan since she pissed off Thales for killing her subordinates.
>B-but she didn't know they had nukes!
Go and use your fucking brain, you really think that Hubert would keep that a secret from her when he knows pretty much everything about them already at that point in time?

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I Made Marianne a dancer
For the irony

Still, characters like Leonie and Felix make no sense and their reason feels like an asspull. Hell, if you see Leonie will shit on you for joining them yet if she was to join you she suddenly does a 180 and blames the church. I get why they did it, limiting who you can recruit would suck, but still.

Her hair is white in her later years because the wubwub mole people implanted a second crest in her body the same way they did with Lysithea

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I made mine a dancer for levin sword shenanigans

t.Butthurt Dimitrifag
What are you gonna do about it King of Delusion?

That was a neat touch I felt, I never really assumed their hair being white was anything but a design choice but when you realize they're both the only characters with two crests it's a neat deatil.

Reminder she also uses crest beasts against people even when they are winning.

Why is she so cute?

The girl on the left is pretty cute not gonnna lie.

Stinks of a dumb Lionfag

Goldenchad here. I just played the game instead of living it on Yea Forums

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Honestly, I am not much into dimitri, but i'd smash claude.

Is he really that hot?

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Wrong pic but valid anyway

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Yes, Dimitri really IS that hot

that's literally Hitler user

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And why is being hitler a bad thing? He was pretty based, unless you were jewish.. Or a gypsy.. Or a homosexual... Or a communist..


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>Dimitri is cuter as a girl that Edelgard
how does he do it

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Shota appeal

Pretty neat that we have early, middle, and late portraits for them.

No Child Claude pic :(

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>character with good dex/spd growths and shit everything else
>puts her in an armored class that neuters her speed

You're a fucking brainlet, put her in wyvern lord