Play AR

>play AR
>mission 107, hard
>single handedly take care of the deroys, ants, ayys with spritfall/heavybombing spam
>always make sure to aim where the monsters will be while avoiding teammates
>spam Nix requests
>both WD dies because they have 1% completion rate, 300 armor
>second AR with 10% completion rate dies
>already backed off because pillars will spawn
>they spawn, instantly get spritfall on them
>fight back ants, try to spritefall other pillars
>NPCs die
>overun by ants, Nixs' health can't last long enough
>"lol i love it when AR spams bombs on us"
>"lol true"
>Me: Stop overextending"
>Me:"Stop being floor cloth
>we retry
>same shit happens, they keep bitching about lmao air raids DESPITE THEM being perpendicular to our position and at least 100 meter away
Always love it when retards complain about the good players doing things they don't.
If they could just pick long range weapons and stay together, they wouldn't turn into fertilizer for gamers.

>What's your experience?

EDF5 thread?

Attached: 20161124-edf5-20.jpg (677x380, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

My friend made a really really really funny joke. I was playing edf4 with my roommate one day (first or so level), and my friend came in the room, looked at the game, and said "Oh, what is this? Shooting Ants: The video game?" It was really, really funny because he was making a joke based on what he was seeing on screen. This happened a few months ago but I still find it really funny to this day.

>Not Shooting Kaijus: Ant edition
Drop your friend

So what, nobody playing this game?
Everybody being a gamer and "trolling" fucking other trolls here?
The state of Yea Forums

user it's been out for like a month now and is a fairly obscure game

>not playing a fun game
>playing anything mainstream because "lmao everybody knows about it!"

as WD main, any WD who bitches about air strikes is godddamn lazy, unless it was something silly like a spritefall on a drop ship im flying up to snipe

There weren't any drop ships, unfortunately for them
They were just always surrounded by bugs and always died because they couldn't, you know, dodge

>join some lobbies
>completion rate 100%
>normal mission
>600 armor as ranger
>34 hours
seems legit

I was in a Yea Forums room the other day and the WD helped a lot by "overextending" and then pulling the mobs away from the starting point and letting everyone else hit them from afar. Of course that WD had a lot of health and knew what he was doing.

The first time I beat 107, I was with one other WD while I was AR. Eventually all npcs and i died, but we beat the mission because the WD would just keep kiting everything and then periodically circling back to revive me so I can call phobos on myself and spritefall the anchors.

Overextending doesn't mean kiting, it means literally going further into the enemy line while you can't retreat. And when things go south, you die and you can't be revived.
That's what they did.

That's why it was in quotations. Also WD always has the option to retreat unless they go with the totally retarded option of going into the exact middle of a mob while low on energy, which I think the people you played with did.

Yeah. Trying to figure out what happens in like 2 seconds isn't their forte.

>Cheats completion
>Doesn't cheat armor
Literally whats the point.

the only time I cheat is for fast looting

>be shit AR who keeps dropping bombs on teammates heads
>make thread on Yea Forumseddit
Lamo imagine being bad at games

How does that work?

Imagine being a WD and not being able to dodge a phobos. Imagine being that shit.

There's a cheat to pick up all items on the map instantly. Some people are dickheads who have that on all the time so they're much tougher but at the expense of their teammates not having health to pick up. Some people use it at the very end of missions to save time.

actually lovely
It should be a basic feature really

some people call it cheating, so make sure the entire lobby knows what you're doing before you use it.
i'm on the "it's not cheating" side, as long as you use it when successfully completing a mission.

The fact that they've introduced item pickup radius shows the devs realize that it's a bit tedious, but they still don't want to make it too convenient.

>another lobby
>take care of trash mobs and ayy infantry while the three others deal with ships
>two guys says "Thank you>user"
Yeah, I'm bad

I always against cheats (not fun for me), but this shit of lmao picking boxes but you can't pick all of them is just bad design
So this cheat is ok for me tbqh

>some people call it cheating
>it requires running cheatengine
user, who are you fooling with this?

Lobby up for those who actually play.
Buychads, lootbros, simple instructions
Mission 24 inferno

What new insects would you like in the sequel?

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E D F!
anyone have wd lewds?

Have people just stopped playing this? It's so much fun.

return of the centipede
wd slut old and busted
wd trap new hotness
>search lobbies for dlc missions
>0 results except for 1 on DLC 2 inferno

>air tortoise
What is the point of this?

Attached: tort.png (1280x720, 1.46M)

Why not come play with me, user?

but traps are gay user

shitposting on a slow work day
whenever i get home and fire up edf first thing i do is check the catalog for threads and rooms, but we threads have been either dying at like 50 posts or just non existent the past couple days
shit sucks cuz im just getting to the point where I can reasonably attempt inferno and dlc1

It's there to alert other players that there is a retard Ranger in the game so you can kick him.

I always put up a vdf room when I start up, and check for them whrn I go online too.

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How to use the helicopters without wasting time?

same here user

I'll start posting threads & bumping them for you user, I love me some inferno

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Post high quality AR gameplay

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Don’t use helicopters

Hey I'm an expert in getting airstriked, and honestly it's not a super good move to blow up teammates. You see a mass of red dots chasing an ally, and you airstrike all of them, seems good right? But there are 2 outcomes:

1. Your teammate dodges, and the monsters chase him out of the airstrike range, and you get a handful of stragglers at best. Wasted credits.
2. Your teammate fails to dodge, gets blown the fuck up, and you've lost 25% of your team. Unless you destroyed 25% of the enemies in the map during that airstrike, it's not a worthwhile trade.

There's also situational things, like energy costs/boost counts where they might not have the resources to get out of the way in time, even if the inputs are easy to perform. It's much better to put an airstrike NEAR your highly mobile allies, and trust them to lure enemies into it. There's much lower chance of FF, and if they do their role correctly, a lot more enemies will die.

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>return of the centipede
Eeh, that seems like a shitty deroy.

>the only time I cheat is for fast looting
>i never push the other buttons on the trainer, honestly
>never, ever, not even once

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You're good!

i bought it last week and am still progressing through the game on hard mode offline
i figured id complete the game that way before trying to play online
i bet everyone will be done playing by then ;_;

There's like zero reason to play offline user.

It's hilarious in a quad laser kinda way. Also sorta decent if an air raider brings a laser kit.

>i figured id complete the game that way before trying to play online
This isn't necessary, you can just go play online hard from mission 1 and be totally fine. Offline isn't exactly easier, but it makes enemies do less damage and have less HP, so it's a bad way to practice for online.

i was under the impression that online was not populated enough to play through normally and you basically just went online to play specific fun missions/farming missions/hard missions

Yea Forumsaliant Infantry
Arrest that man!

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Online population isn't gigantic, but hard mode is by far the most played. It's also extremely viable to play online with 2 players only, you don't need a fully lobby. You shouldn't have to wait more than a few missions with a public lobby, and when the thread is up, you can get decent Yea Forums lobbies quite fast.

what if i want to farm with no weapon/armor limits like a filthy casul?

What's your favorite enemy to play as? For me, it's the red drone.

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i am now tempted to restart my save and do online only. i play only wing diver and honestly playing through offline on hard is pretty easy, the only time i have difficulty is when i try to use weaker weapons (i have to get the flashing NEW off of everything in my inventory for autism reasons). I could probably go through solo even with the 2.5x multiplayer health if i stuck to using the good weapons, at least up to how far ive played so far which is up to level 80

are there more drops online?

The drops are the same, but you'll get them faster because missions will complete faster. Keep your save, you'll keep your current gear but the game balances itself around weapon limits, so you're not going to stomp it that hard. If you join mission 80ish rooms you'll have a good time online I think

But then i wont have the purity of having been online only

Good air raiders don't blow up teammates
Except for spritefall near them when they're surrounded

don't you need oflline anyway for completion %?


does mission 1 offline not count towards completion?

Were there black ants on hard? I thought black ants came out on hardest

>completely irrational autism
Ah, I see you are a fellow man of culture.

What part of his answer are you not understanding?

Anyone hosting?

Fuck you pepsi man
I'm switching to Hardest now.

Attached: Pepsi Man Arrested.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

yeah we have a pirate hardest 73 lobby on "Yea Forumsaliant infantry"
lowercase i, pass rage

that's great, I've never seen how he makes that hilarious "NOOOOOO" face when he goes down before

Yes, scroll up.On DLC1 mission 11 hard

If you"ve been playing it this long buy the game you worthless piece of shit.

that where some fun rounds

I did, I just play in pirate lobbies too :]

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I'd like to see trapdoor spiders as a replacement for either the burrow ambushes, or as a partial replacement for the aranea. Maybe they could burrow down, and create a trap somewhere in the map 30 seconds after they burrow. It'd make a nice replacement for the "oh here's 50 betas on your head, hope you're a WD or a fencer or you're not getting out of here alive" type ambushes where you just memorize their location or die. And if you spot them early, you can snipe them while they're burrowing around with airstrikes and stuff.

Also, ladybugs. I can't really justify this past wanting more aerial enemies who are slightly less of a pain in the ass than hornets. Maybe they'd be low HP suicide bombers or something.

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Also, a melee enemy unit that feels like more of a threat than the black/red ants. They just pinch you and put you in the timeout corner, they don't really threaten you beyond taking you out of commission for a few seconds. Imagine a horde of these guys charging at you like Serious Sam bulls. God that would be fun as fencer.

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why are spiders so cute?

>big eyes
>fat little round bodies
>shy behavior
"it's not like i'm not killing mosquitoes for you or anything, this is my evolutionary niche"

>$60 for a PS2 game

Room finished, good games! 5 hour playthrough of DLC1 on hard.

Nothing beats a good beer and some bug shooting.
I feel happy despite my depression, yay


Attached: Sekrit EDF tech.webm (960x540, 2.73M)

lucky you

tbqh it's just the alcohol kicking in, and me trying to find pleasure in the small things

>join 2 guys doing inferno no limits early missions (20-30) lobby, 4th guy comes shortly after
>host and his friend throw an autism fit of "..."s when the 4th guy swaps a weapon real quick before readying up
>they kick him after a mission for "being a leech" on a map where everything was dying as it spawned (3 fencers, 4th guy was ranger)
why are people are getting this worked up in maximum fun mode? i could understand if you were trying to get a good squad to clear the DLCs or some shit, but missions where the only threats are basic bitch ants and spiders?

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Base invasion

I'll be on in about 10m

>no limit

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EDF 4.1 Lobby up
Name: vee
No pass because dead game
4.1 Erginus doesn't fuck around edition

Attached: flop.webm (650x364, 2.9M)

I don't see it.

Never mind, I'm blind.

There's no capital letter in the name, its mission 33 on hard, maybe you have filters on

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I thought it was EDF 5. Don't worry.

I'd play but I'm in a 5 lobby right now, sorry!

>unironically playing edf on hard online
>unironically dying in edf on hard

That fucking DPS

Reminder to use the Steam guide to make an easy hex edit so you can unlock the chat filter and limit. Or I could upload the exe?

if i type a message thats longer than the chat limit will it break into multiple or will it just cut off for everyone else?

I think it cuts off. I can test it now

can't speak for the chat limit, but after editing mine for the filter, I can see people say rude words like g*


man how the hell do you solo dlc pack 2 mission 11 on inferno

phalanx zat
kaiju attacks are pretty easy to dodge with WD, the thing is just managing your energy, and they'll go down with a few good zat zaps

I'm terrible at wing diver cuz I consistently get tunnel vision when things get chaotic and totally forget about managing my energy.
I'll give it a try tho. Any strats for AR? I can take out one or two if I'm lucky but every attack one shots me.

I really like being above them, most of their attacks are aimed at the ground. So maybe try a helicopter? I'm trash AR, sorry.

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Everyone say hello to our latest recruit.

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WHOAH, watch your muzzle there brother, you don't want to frag a fellow human, we need all the men we can get against these alien bastards

Hardest lobby
Mission 41
Buyfrogs, vdf, rage

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H-Hey man, what's wrong with your feet?

is there a drop difference between easy and normal? im trying to max out some lower level weapons
not much of a difference

as far as i know the level ranges are identical but im asking more like if easy gives fewer boxes than normal

idk, I think they should give the same unless there are fewer spawns