Rpg-type game

>rpg-type game
>you can only equip two rings

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>two tits
>two rings

>somebody just scattered treasure chests everywhere

Fuck off, Dark Souls is the masterpiece of the century

how the fuck can you put on more than two rings if you only have two ring fingers

Fuck you dude.
Treasure chests are an adventure game staple.
Who gives a single shit about why they're actually there?

it's better that way , keeps you thinking and not just tossing around whatever looks good and calling it a day for the rest of the game

U can put rings on all ur fingers so technically there could be 10 kinda just have 5 different kinds for each unique finger

Try wielding a sword with ten rings, one on each finger.

yeah well i enjoy searching and finding them not stumbling upon them every 2 m with useless shit every time to the point i don't bother anymore

>role-playing game
>you can’t roleplay

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Nigga with ten magic rings I wouldn't need no sword.

that would make the game annoyingly complexe
leave that to the mmorpgs

Why can't you wear multiple rings on one finger?

you only have two ring fingers retard, you can't put rings on the others.

who needs fingers?
>ten toes
>left ear
>right ear
>left nipple
>right nipple
>prince albert

>cant create character
>unchangeable character background history
>voice actors
into the trash

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>he doesnt equip 10 rings that just give him enough strengh and dex to wield a sword with 10 rings

>being a brainlet

I agree. The more scattered they are, the more meaningful it feels to find one.


Now we're talking.

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>able to wear rings on each finger
>each finger has different kinda rings
>able to stack like 5 rings on each finger
U can’t twll me what to do faggot

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>adds small amount of well hidden chest
>place stale bread in most
>add a insanely powerful thing in one
>make it random which one it appears in so they can’t just look up a guide to find it

>>able to stack like 5 rings on each finger
Only 5?

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One for your right ring finger, and one for your cock. Those are the only two places able to be imbued by magic, you filthy plebeian.

This guy gets it.

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>being a brainlet
if you think about it having 10 rings slots means there are at least x100 rings at least in the world meaning the devs will run out of ideas very soon ,not only you'll be finding the same shit over and over with slightly different specs or maybe they'll add more stats ,you'll find a hard time keeping track of or managing them let alone they exist ,rings are not the only thing you equip . ans so a 2/3 hours fun gaming session turns to a 10 hours of labor ,lets leave that to the mmos shall we?

Fuck off roastie

it appears you took too many pills this morning friend

play sacred


You know what, that is a good argument, pretty based

>that cumstain

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>it can’t happen because I’m a one 1 brain cell subhuman
Just make it so there is a special crafting sysmtem for it that gets rallie deep and very customizable and have some really special ones that ya get from playing that have special effects nothing else can get to make them special and have effects on the crafted ones work well with it so they work well witch eachother and makes them both useful
Did ya try even having a Brain cell

It was done as a balancing issue in old tabletop games that stuck, and for good reason. It'd be a nightmare to balance.
The lore behind it being that the intense magical energies from the rings would explode if they stayed too close to one another for an extended period of time and kill you or rip your hands apart. Or that the energies would simply cancel each other out, making them useless.

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not the best i guess but it' a very good game ,one of my favorite it's installed in my pc to this day

Traditional belief was that the ring finger had a vein directly connected to the heart and this meant it was special, rings of power and protection relied on this.

The enchantments would interfere with each other. Best case the rings do nothing, worst case your hands explode. Nasty business.

You have two ring fingers user

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It's really bad and probably the most overrated game of all time because of muh difficulty

Dungeons are actually sentient creatures and treasure is like a pearl.
The monsters are just the dungeons antibodies trying to fight off invaders

It’s a dried drink spill ya gamer

How about like, a set of chainmail, but instead of chain links, it's made of magic rings?

it is a niche game after all , but it had what i wanted in a game
i'm grateful it became popular ,it spawned a sub-genre that i enjoy to this day

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>Rings explode if you put too many together and kill the person wielding them because they're extremely powerful magic woven onto a tiny object. Of course you can't have several volatile power sources right next to one another. Another belief is that only the ring finger on each hand connects the magic of the ring directly to you, so wearing rings on other hands has no effect and only one ring can be connected per ring finger.
>Dungeons are actually living beings created either by the world similar to mimics or artificially created by powerful a powerful magus to horde his treasures / knowledge. Treasure chests are similar to pearls. Mimics are a type of anti-body as are the creatures inside the dungeons. Think of them as white blood cells. However; dungeons must also feed and they specifically feed on death, decay and magic. The treasures in them serve in a similar way to a Venus Fly Trap. Think of them as a the fantasy version. A dungeon usually has a core (crystal) or a boss which acts as the core.

There you go. That's how they work. Anything else?

sure thing, slut.

>you can equip all your rings

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10 rings should be the minimum for sufficient immersion. Balancing is not an issue just make every individual ring weaker when combined with others or make multiple rings drain hp.

>10 rings should be the minimum for sufficient immersion.

What if I'm role-playing as a pimp?

That’s a pretty gud idea

>make OP chest literally made out of rings
>mindless BiS
>makes unique rings actually worth something for once, and an interesting item
>nerf the fuck out of it

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