Games set in the desert?

Games set in the desert?

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The ps4 exclusives

Mad Max.

that joke doesn't make any sense.

Fallout 1 and 2

prince of persia has sand in it

max max and ac origins


Pokemon XD/Colosseum. Also, Nier Automata has a pretty lengthy desert portion

Mad Max is all desert all the time

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Gothic 3.
Well, 1/4 of it.

Jak 3

Elder Scrolls 6

uncharted 3, although it's mediocre

the music was goty

Most of RDR

like any war game that mentions the gulf war

AC Origins

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I love it, despite being the most generic open world game ever. The most fun I had in an open world game in years. Maybe the thick atmosphere?

Serious Sam 3 if you can handle the dumb gameplay.
Nier: Automata
Spec Ops: The Line

it's a desert, not just a wasteland

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fuck I love mad max

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> XD
you have to go back

New Vegas of course

Jak 3?

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Moar Jak 3

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The Mojave wasteland from Fallout New Vegas is basically a desert. FO 1 and 2 and to a lesser extent 3 are also very desert-y. Star Wars Galaxies had Tatooine and Lok, but they shut it down back in 2011 so unless you want to play a very dated game via the SWGemu, which isn't quite the same on account of the relatively small population, it isn't really a great choice. I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss that shitty game sometimes...

Ever Oasis

Rogue Galaxy at first.

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Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Serious Sam 3

Conan Exiles

Why would you want that? I think it's enough when a game features a desert level.


Mgsv the phantom pain for most of it

>the Mojave Desert is a desert
You don't fucking say

I fucking wish it had New Game+. Such wasted potential.

There's A desert in Kenshi, on a large island. It's kind of like Australia, except this one was noped the fuck out of really fucking fast and civilization forgot how guns and space ships work except the skeletons.

pic related is one of the creatures that caused the Nope'ing.

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content wise? botw