Gaming is shit now

Gaming is shit now.

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no it isn't.

It's just fine. Stop focusing on the shit parts.

Maybe it is.

yes it is

It's been shit for like 15 years

I enjoy gaming more now than I ever did in the past

t. Boomer


it's been shit for the last decade, you're just now noticing

Honestly, it's fine if everything is shit now, it gives me a chance to catch up on my backlog.

It's big enough now that I can focus on niche genres that I'm into and not deal with normies. It's just that Yea Forums is a bit more normie now so you see more complaints about the state of the AAA industry (which is mostly shit right now).


Hey OP, you seem to have a pretty bad attitude. If you like older games, there is nothing stopping you from playing them and reminiscing over the fond memories. You could also be part of the solution, take some programming classes, and build some games that are better than what you're currently experiencing.

But my assumption is that you're a flamer and this post was your attempt to goad people into defending this generation's games. Look inside yourself and ask why you're doing these sorts of things.

You're underage, I fucking guarantee it.

It depends, if you're exclusively playing the big games with brands worth millions and voice acting by celebrities, then you're doing it wrong.
There is enough entertainment in games if you take a walk outside your comfort zone.
There is a staggering amount of games produced right now, you just need to reach out and grab something for you.
You can extend this to movies too.

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>implying Reddit Letter Media aren’t consumerist Disney kikes themselves

It's been shit for a long time but honestly 2019 has been a decent enough year with lots of good games, ie ace combat, remake 2, sekiro, and dmc. The problem with lots of them is that they have little replayability, but they're still great games.

videogames have been shit ever since digital distribution became the norm
all problems like an abundance of mtx and shitty unfinished games are all directly tied to it
valve has been the worst thing to ever happen to videogames and you people lap up gaben's shit and thank him for it

>videogames have been shit ever since digital distribution became the norm
>valve has been the worst thing to ever happen to videogames
You need to be 18+ to post here.

go pay for more air instead of actually owning your goods

I'm sure that's it.

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Not all games. All lot of them, especially western crap that sell well.

I own them.
TOS isn't above the law because I don't live in a 3rd world country.

so go and sell them
oh wait

no it isn't.

>mfw i dont even bother pirating AAA games anymore because i have to for a 50gb download just to play a souless mediocre cashgrab
Nowdays i find myself mostly just replaying old stuff.
It feels weird not being the target audience for my main hobby anymore

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The amount of effort trying to make s󠛡o󠛡y memes edgy and actually think you're making a deep point is more embarrassing than the faggot in the pic.

You're a complete s󠛡o󠛡yboy faggot OP

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That pic looks like something an edgy 13 year old would have in their myspace in 2005 kek.

The only new titles that can be compared to the greatest games of the past are the occasional remake,the rare great sequel to an old franchise and the ultra rare unicorn tier indie game like Bloodstained,the rest are all disposable games that will be replaced by other disposable games in the future.

2014 is what really killed it.

Why would I want to sell a game?
If I bought it its because I like it, and if there's no demo to try I buy and refund or pirate.

Get over it or go live in the woods. Being a pretentious jaded bitch isn't going to make people stop liking something just because someone else is selling it through a company.

>Hey OP, you seem to have a pretty bad attitude. If you like older games, there is nothing stopping you from playing them and reminiscing over the fond memories. You could also be part of the solution, take some programming classes, and build some games that are better than what you're currently experiencing.
>But my assumption is that you're a flamer and this post was your attempt to goad people into defending this generation's games. Look inside yourself and ask why you're doing these sorts of things.

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>gaben dicksucker now admits he doesn't actually own his games
thank you for admitting you are the problem

Why is there so much anticapitalist sentiment on Yea Forums if you all just betray that sentiment by jumping onto fascism (aka, capitalism 2)?


t.basedboy faggot

>fascism (aka, capitalism 2)

Only a communist would write something this stupid

It's adorable watching teenagers go through their first depression "wahh things were better when I was 8 :*("

yes it is

If vidya isnt shit now, where are the modern classics?
Where are the modern equivalent of FF7, Symphony of the Night, Ocarina of Time, Age of Empires 2, Resident Evil 4, etc?
Why does everything feel so souless nowdays?

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how is fascism different from capitalism

God this pic is shit. Just post the RLM screencap instead of trying to look deep

>how is a state run economy different from a privately run economy


>Don't ask questions just consume product and then get excited for next products
Is the second part really necessary if you already consume mindlessly and then "upgrade" when it's no longer the new shiny thing? If everyone thinks the same you don't need any "excitement" or "hype".

Great contribution, fucking newfag cancer

Its hilarious to me that Yea Forums makes fun of this guy but immediately turns around shovels garbage remasters, halfassed sequels, and blatant nostalgiabait in their mouth.

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>just vote with your wallet bro haha

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>where are the modern classics?
Right here bro

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Yea Forums is hypocritical, what else is new?

What else are you supposed to do but consume products though? Is consuming products inherently bad?

>Yea Forums is one person

Because you’re a jaded cynical adult who is too busy being run down with the day to day grind to enjoy games?

Haha Yea Forums is one person haha based haha poster!!

Based and Crundlepilled

>Great contribution, fucking newfag cancer

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dumb animeposter

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That is even less freedom
If the state controls the economy it controls your thought

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>dude if the state controls the means of production then it's not capitalism even though there's objectively still a class of people who privately own them
Privatization as a term was invented to describe what the Nazis were doing to their economy. Fascism is Capitalism in crisis, fag.

I'll show you the real thing soon.

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No, but thanks for trying

Dumb fucking animeposter.

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Nier automata
MG Rising
Here's a bunch of the too of m head

yeah I'm based, and you're a s󠛡o󠛡yboy

And look how their shriek and draw back, as if to say "I've been found out"

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You are not refuting it, this is basically a "no u" at least respond with a "no u"

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because you are a joyless faggot whose mind was poisoned by irony and memes to the point you can't feel anything anymore. get off the internet.

not an argument

>generic third person over the shoulder cinematic experience
Oh yeah, i cant wait for Sony Exclusive #75

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>debating on Yea Forums
kill yourselves.

Shut up and go to class.

boomer zoomer doomer goomer yoomer nintendie snoy xboner whirr le dab dab dab


no it isnt

Why don’t you guys just stop playing them and find another hobby?

>Shut up and go to class.

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It's been shit since 2010 for the most part and getting worse with each passing year.

yes it is

>Platinum games
Oufh no

Extremely based wojakposter. Post more wojaks

>OPs pic is the face of the Star Wars franchise
Ahahahhahahahahahha how can they recover?

Why don't you like platinum?

QTE-riddled games, short, barebones, everything was awful or cringe in MGR, except the bossfights

Video games were shit last gen with all the generic grey colored shooters, motion controls and no Japanese games but this gen is way better. It isn't great by any means, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th gens were better than this one but it isn't that bad. I would say this generation is mediocre.

>Not enjoying campy one-liners and action, with a surprising good gameplay
I dunno what to say to you, man
Say some genres you like, I can give you some recent good games

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go play minecraft, thats hardcore enough for you. Or if you feel extremely adventurous : Fortnite. Ur welcome, user.

The regular enemies were pretty awful, complete HP sponges if you up the difficulty, when you up the difficulty in MGR, they just give the enemies more HP and spawn more of them.
MGR should've been DLC or a movie at best, which it is in a way already.

what hapen to apu


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>Just learn some code and build some games bro, it's not that hard.

Without enough resources he'll just make a shitty indie like the gorillion that get released on steam daily.
AA was the sweet spot and it's now dead.

>AA was the sweet spot and it's now dead.
>what is Nier Automata
>what is Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (unironically the best game ever by the way)
>what is Fire Emblem: Three Houses
>what is Octopath Traveler

It’s almost like we live in a capitalist society Jay. If you don’t like gaming get a new hobby none of this is mandatory

Modern gaming is dogshit without hacks/mods. That makes most console shit trash by default.

woah... this is deep

>4 games on the last 3 years

It's been shit since 2007 and I genuinely feel bad for zoomers growing up with the modern industry. It wasnt always like this

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Except that the best games this gen are all console exclusives.
>Breath of the Wild
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Fire Emblem: Three Houses

The only solution to this problem is posting more wojaks.

installs futa and diarrhea mods sips monster energy drink ahh this is gaming.

>>Breath of the Wild
>>Super Mario Odyssey

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No it isn’t.

Mario Odyssey is pretty good desu.

I don't ever want to look at or play any of these games except maybe bloodborne

A bing bing wahoo to you too

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 as a Switch exclusive alone makes PC gaming shit by default.

Ah yes, can't wait to play a new game released in 2019 on 20 fps max

Nincels lack self awareness

>caring aboug fps when the game is playable
Underages aren't supposed to post here.

It's forgivable for huge jrpg's that had to be on several CD's like Final Fantasy in the 90's, not anymore

>on switch
oh right the thing that already has pretty accurate emulation at 60 fps

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It's been shit ever since the first iPhone started making bank with shity 1-5 dollar games and so they started to copy that superior design.
Ever since wow made more money than good for blizz the mmo market imploded by scrambling to copy the wow design.
I could go on and on but the tldr remains the same: They made millions but that was not enough it is never enough.

Where the fuck have you been? It was shit a decade ago senpai.

Gamers are retards with no standard. What else is new? Redditors, 4channelers, all of them.

Too bad fascism isn’t state run either

>Gaming is shit now.
Then why don't you get out of the hobby?
Its obvious a lot of people are enjoying it the way it is.

What exactly is your negativity offering? Do you really think you can make the devs and people suddenly switch lanes and make things YOU like?
Your negativity offers nothing.

So emulate older games you missed.

>he doesnt have 20+ titles in his backlog.
Theres some great shit out there, youre just busy staring at store front pages like a fucking drone and wondering why you cant find any of the good shit.

Gaming isn't shit now Yea Forums just gotten progressively worse. Taking small breaks from this shit site and actually playing video games (Both old and new) cleared my mind and made me less jaded about everything. Stop posting your console warring Wojaks and Twitter screenshots and just go play some video games you retards

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Not that poster but criticism will always offer more than your blind dick sucking.

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You know I'm right

So is anyone going to comment on how the quote originates from RedLetterMedia, a couple of guys who review mostly horror movies, capeshit movies, and star wars movies

>He still plays AAA games

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It has always shit, you just were more easily impressed back then

What took you so long.

Hahaha thinking anyone important enough to effect change actually comes on this shit site. This is a fucking containment site nothing else you are screaming into a void

I don't miss anything.

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Asking questions and screaming about how a game is shit isn't the same fucking thing

This. Literally enough "good" games to last a lifetime.

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brown and grey brown and grey
desaturated everything
what a disgusting time period for vidya artstyles

I am going to enjoy Need for Speed Heat. Is that bad?

found your problem

No, Need for Speed was never particularly good but at least Heat looks less bad.

>Stop focusing on the part late-stage capitalism is destroying
AAA hype machines spread like an infection throughout the whole industry. If you don't stop it, it will eventually claim your waifu beach sim.

The state of AAA gaming is shit but turn your blinders off and it's never been easier to play a game you want to play than it is in current times. Don't like it? Don't play it, find something you like instead. I'll take that tradeoff. I only wish the cancers running rampant were less obnoxious to behold.

>muh capitalism
The reason we have video games in the first place is because of capitalism

Nah. It's movies which are shit. That is what that gif is referencing. Disney bullshit eg MCU, star wars etc.

indie games are the future of gaming

Lmao No. I just got TITANFALL 2 for $5 and have been having a blast.

That game came out 3 years ago.

Gaming is still great. Just like music. Just like art. Just like books. You're just an old cynical jaded boomer.

Go play with your old toys, they're still there.

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Rent free.

don't buy western games

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Gaming now rivals the 90s

Id post the webm if Yea Forums allowed webms with sound

It’s been shit ever since the Internet became prominent, just like movies, TV, and music.