So how is your game going anons?
So how is your game going anons?
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Can you anons rate this song?
I wish I had the drive and ability to make my own game
Rate this
You can do it user! You just need to motivate yourself.
Almost done writing the file handling routines for my engine.
.png support is ready.
Now I need to add jpg, tga, bmp, dds.
Then I can start working on importing audio files.
Feels good to be enginedev.
Unless your game needs to do something very unussual and specific there is no point wasting time with engine development.
desu game development, as in, gameplay development doesn't interest me as much. I see no point in making yet anothrer turn based rpg, or action rpg, or platformer, etc.
I'm more interested in technology behind video games.
trying to figure out the roster for a car combat game, dunno if i should just use a variety of cars with machineguns and missles attachted to them like the first twisted metal/vigilante8 or make each car uniqe and have their own unique primary/secondary weapons
Whenever I sit down to work on one project, I keep getting good ideas for my other projects and vice versa. Also I can't fucking stop world building.
How many years did it take you so far?
Programmin is no problem but my drawings are still bad. I'll grind the shit out of drawing this year and maybe I'll be gud soon.
So what will you do with your engine?
Open a plug in marketplace and beg for donations
1/10 your music notes are all over the place.
>he's dreaming about being an indie developer
>not making shit nostalgia bait games to take money out of hipsters pockets
The song was meant to be like insanity is it works for now.
>not making shit nostalgia bait games on kickstarter/patreon, then selling out for more money through Epic exclusivity
It sucks, take some time to learn musical theory so you can understand how to compose properly otherwise your music will just keep sounding like a retard just mashed a bunch of keys and hit save.
All the fun stuff I actually want to work on require to do implement some low-level boring-ass functionalities first.
I'll start tomorrow I promise.
"Insanity" can be melodical, too.
Pushing the MSX quite hard on this one (but to be honest, i managed to optimize this thing more and now it mostly don't slowdown)
looks pretty good regardless
Yep. I didn't wanted to go full "blowing balls" because i have some weird intentions with this game.
And interestingly, its not the physics that slow it down, but the part where every bit is animated.
The sprite tile memory is quite "short" on the MSX 2, so i have to use the CPU to copy the frames from the main memory, and that's a bit slow.
I mostly eliminated the slowdown by making the parts only animate every 8 frames, with one taking each turn.
how do i improve my wipeout clone bros?
Post some webm first, kinda hard to tell you what's wrong with it otherwise.
sure here you go
There is still enough room for h-games even though there are so many out there. See:
The game is new and it's pretty bad in terms of game design. The art isn't very good either but apparently enough for the thirsty supporters. Also Rpg Maker.
And yet it manages to get 1k in a short amount of time.
Is Armory 3D a good alternative to Godot if I want a single program for both 3D models and game mechanics?
>needs 250 patreons to commission a custom tileset
Right. There are redflags everywhere yet it still manages to reach 1k easily as long as you hit the right audience.
>everything paywalled
drug money laundering scheme?
Don’t put all your motivation eggs in one sit down basket. Just watch some tut videos every day with one engine and play around with it next week. Don’t make your game, make something like a block moving. Just keep it up, and use communities like for resources and support. You’re not alone, and you can do it. It will take time, but every day you don’t start is just adding to that timer.
No, alot of people are really thirsty and retarded devs don't realize this is a goldmine.
I was working on a turn based game but it's hard to keep the story in order. Gonna work on a more basic story and focus on the gameplay and hopefully it'll work.
In two years maybe.
Thanks for those kind words, maybe I should give it another go
Can you give me a quick rundown on how it works or how I should use it?
Is godot even a good engine?
it is a free to use site to upload your games for cash.
Imagine steam but you don't have to pay a 100 dollar fee to upload.
A bunch of shit is also uploaded due to this so it is hard to stand out well.
yes, it isnt bloatware and it doesnt spy on you
Did alot of work on the overworld part of my mom fangame.
is good for 2d
3d only after vulkan
Damn, the animations are smooth.
Yes. It's fairly light, easy to use, is pretty great for 2D and fairly competent for visually simple 3D games, plus it's one of those projects that gets great updates pretty regularly.
Honestly its biggest problem right now is that it has no "big" popular game made with it. The Godot devs should take a cue from the Blender guys with their Open Movies project, and try to get a team to make a really impressive game, something to show what the engine is really capable of.
Steam for indie games, thy have a discord and the community is very open source. People make assets for free and share the love with free games. They openly help sew devs make shit. It’s great to help you start out given how supportive they are
>mfw too depressed to make anything
Make a depressing game.
I am brand new to both game dev and coding and I've been learning and building small projects in game maker studio 2 for the last week or so. Before I am married to gms are there any legitimate reasons b I'd be better off working through Godot instead?
It's unlikely I'll ever go 3d, but I like the idea of having the option. I'll probably be mostly making 2d action/platformers (ninja gaiden, castlevania) and RPGs no more graphically intense than final fantasy 6.
With that being the absolute high end I ever plan to go for technically, is there any reason gms wouldn't be just as good as godot?
Art is the analysis of emotion with the execution of that analysis into a product. Analyzing a positive emotion generally leads to the end off that emotion, depression however leads to more depression. Write some shit down and use it.
>mfw too stupid to make anything
Get into modding.
Much easier to tweak existing shit.
>mfw i'm an ideia guy
Been putting together a bedroom, for my porn game
I'm gonna have to stop procrastinating & start making animations for it
Pretty good actually
I should have gotten into modding years ago. I should have started young, but I spent all that time playing games.
The problem is that you need to learn how to make assets. Or else nobody will buy your game.
>how do i improve my wipeout clone bros?
>not F-Zero clone
because i never played it, although i could just add some elements in from F-zero and make it a mix of F-zero and wipeout
>why yes, I'm working in Game Maker, the only real 2d engine allowing brainlets like myself to efficiently make video games, how could you tell?
It looks like a sad porno set, but maybe that's the point
then make a world building game!
>it's a porn game
>here is some furniture
Show some girls.
It's going shit but I'm using the quake 1 engine and not godot. Because I don't know how to use godot or unity. I hate myself and I want to die.
Why does this dumb meme still make me chuckle? Only other thing is probably Toddposting.
godot is pretty easy to learn
Who gives a shit, I have never seen a successful game made in godot, and unity is such a bloated mess I don't even want to look at it. Let me make my goddamn quake maps in peace, you rapist.
how many successfull games got made with the quake engine? thats what i thought
How do I get started into using the quake engine? I've always wanted to give it a go but there doesn't seem to be much learning material geared towards using it as a game engine for a new game - most of it is just tutorials on modding or mapping for it which is useful but I want to know the shit that I can change about the engine.
>unity is such a bloated mess
Oh god, are you one of those autist who care about a game size not being under 100Mo in an era when even the poorest third-worlder can afford a 500Go SSD ?
Isn't Half-Life based on an heavily modified Quake engine ?
I'd suggest starting with quake maps, using hammer or quark, whichever you find more comfortable. You probably want a copy of quake or quake 2. Then start scripting small events like doors and triggers, and go from there.
>theres space there so i MUST fill it up
as much as I genuinely hate how everyone pounced on the model, patreon does serve as a useful tool. Anyone with a brain gets the games for free and people with to many fetishes and too much money fund the development.
it fucking sucks
Just like I filled up your mom.
Your disks are just lower on the list.
> Anyone with a brain gets the games for free
Provided one of those retarded money pits gives it to you
if the game is worth playing it'll get leaked.
It's called optimization, a concept that people nowadays have completely lost. I love Dusk, for example, it's fast and furious and is made in unity, so games like the ones I'd like to make are possible in it. I don't want to learn the engine and try to transfer all my assets and scripts to there.
You don't need to get sentimental about it, use whatever is more convenient for you, I'm talking about my specific case.
The fuck is Godot? I thought he was that guy from Ace Attorney
He is the guy that never shows up in his namesake play.
its a totally free game enigne that you dont need to pay any royalties too, only downside is that it cant make 3D games that go beyond arcade PS1 games, the 2D is quite good
>arcade PS1 games
Would I be able to make a megaman legends looking game?
That's entirely up to you.
Beginner composerfag trying to make music cause i'm too poor to commission others to for my project, what do you guys think of this song?
>>puu sh/E8hLn/eac4283b54 mp3
^ add dots cause 4channel thinks it's spam
Do they plan to focus on 3d in the future?
That's very nice, user. What are you using to sequence your tracks?
To sequence? Sorry, my producer/music terminology is a bit non-existent. If you're asking what program i use, it's FL Studio 11, but only to basically use VSTs and soundfonts for midi stuff. Nothing special any other program doesn't use.
yeah, it would be perfect for that or any other low poly game you could think of
yes, they are going to add better 3D support in the future with the updates, and features that arent present in the current build
Godot can go quite far beyond "PS1" now.
It has a modern material based renderer and can support skinned animations and all that stuff.
What it lacks is shit like terrain generators.
Are doom-esque 2.5D games possible using godot, or would they have to go full 3D?
they are possible
it can? I barely see any 3D shit made with godot
I found two grammatical errors in your first sentence. It's "built together," past tense, and you don't capitalize the first word after a comma unless it is a proper noun
>I don't have motivation
>well user you just need motivation
Gee, call the fucking president. We have a Nobel Peace Prize award recipient here.
That's pretty inspiring advice. Not him but thanks, user.
I like the melody, but I think it needs some space in between groups of notes, if that makes sense. Also the... samples? Instruments? I don't know exactly what it's called, but it sounds like 1995 midi crap, get something better.
No, don't call the president about that, it's a sore spot for him.
I've been writing scripts in JS and Python for After Effects and Fusion, how hard is it to transition to C# or C++?
I can do motion graphics and hard surface 3d modeling, but I can't draw for shit and I hate character animation.
I can play guitar and bass, but I've never composed music before.
With my skillset, is it even worth going into game dev?
Sounds like you have more of a headstart than most of us here.
That's because you have good taste. Btw, you have bought a copy of Fallout 76, didn't you?
I have so many ideas but it just seems so daunting. I have an idea for an art style but i cant draw for shit. Programming languages seem needlessly convoluted (to be fair, I've never programmed on an engine before but it loos much more arbitrary then programming in a CS class). Also i never have time to dedicate myself completely. I'm still trying but its hard
last thing i worked on other than writing was music
ur pretty good mate
cool, is there any information on the multiplayer capabilities for 3D games?
What's wrong with it now?
yes!! i'm happy. thank you for helping me build some self esteem. i'm always trying to improve in art and music
i'll keep working on improving. currently struggling with song progression/natural transitions/resolving melodies and basslines before going to the next section
I've been learning python for weeks, but I still feel like without any help I couldn't make anything work.
im not even sure if I remember printing on screen right
is it print(text)
or print("text")
programming is just fuckin text, and I always had problems with text. I can remember a whole neighbourhood and walk around it with my eyes closed, but I cant name any of the street names.
I imagine that there's no much of a difference.
Is there an actual demand for gottagofast games or was Tribes Ascend just a meme gone by?
I was wondering if it makes sense to make one that would be singleplayer/co-op so I don't need servers.
there are plenty of engines that saves you time as a solo developer so you don't have to reinvent the wheel (coding basic map systems, editors, animation systems etc) like gamemaker studio or unity. you should try them out, they're still pretty good in terms of what you can do and how much freedom you're allowed
I have an idea for a 3D game that's essentially a clone of an obscure 90s shooter. It's comforting to know that available game engines take a load off the work but im still paralyzed by the amount of work and choices ahead of me. How do I even BEGIN such a project? How do I create the foundation for this?
Chose an engine/programming language you feel confortable with, preferably with lots of resources available to learn at your pace.
Disregard paid assets, they will never help you learn anything.
Be patient, and godspeed
That looks really barebones.
>How do I even BEGIN such a project?
get the basic game mechanics working with placeholder assets, if its an FPS with loads of different weapons and enemies, get the movement down first, then work on the inventory system and ammo, then work on the weapon functions,etc
you gotta do it bit by bit in a way that makes sense to you, many people just start out with blocks and solid color to represent things, you can always go back later and add in the asthetics/animations, but its much better to get the core of your game fully working before anything else
something like this
Yeah I've been fucking around with some tutorials in little sandboxes I've constructed. I feel like I really could make some kind of game even if it takes me well over a year. What intimidates me is making a wrong move early in development that hamstrings my progress later.
Alright, I might do that. So I need to start with movement, camera, a basic common enemy, and handling levels/enviros.
In my head it seems like my game is going to take only a couple weeks to implement the above, but it'll take months for me to get the art done. Is that how it usually goes?
There are no wrong moves as long as you always learn, especially from your own mistakes. has sound advices
Yeah. Focus on the art last, the mechanics need to be perfected before you do any final assets for your game
yeah, you can get the core gameplay done pretty quick but art usually takes many revisions untill you are happy with it
once you get the core gameplay down you cant go wrong, just make sure you have everything you want to be able to do in the game at the begging
holy fuck that's a banger
Cleaning up some animations
Play FZero GX with Dolphin.
Also a good thing to make something different and unique in term of game design is adding a completely different game concept to another one.
Something like F-Zero/Wipeout + DoDonPachi (Bullet Hell/Manic shooter) for example.
So you have a high speed racing game with bullet hell to dodge or shoot, you can even add a mechanic from another game like Ikaruga with the red/blue shield.
Which is the best engine for a game that looks like it was made in 2003 in source, plays like source, but is not source? I know you can replicate 100% of source movement and physics in unity, but I'm not sure if I can make it look like source from back then, think vtm:b level of graphics
omfg thank you, it's meant to be for a eastern-themed boss in a shoot-em-up/bullet hell game
there's this bird dude that uses strings and spreads feather bullets all over the screen that you have to dodge
Please don't.
Python is cancer, on the same scale than Javascript.
Go make your own game.
>Go make your own game
I'm already working on it with a little team.
sounds interesting, i could just make it another gamemode instead of the main focus
Just download Unity and start doing the tutorials.
Remake so level you remember until you feel confident enough to try out your own ideas.
Then start doing it on Unreal once you have the experience and figured out the basics of C++
You can do it, bro. You are gonna make it.
We are all gonna make it.
how is that a walking animation
>shoot-em-up/bullet hell game
I'm gonna play your game just for the music, so keep it up
Is Phaser.js good? I'm studying webdev and all I know is javascript/html and CSS. I got into the "learn to code" meme recently and I really want to have some fun side project
>Then start doing it on Unreal
What if he doesn't want a plastic first/third person shooter?
dude it's an unironic furry adventure rpg with a male-only cast
i don't think you'd want to
If they're hot, you can fuck them and they don't have human dicks I'll play it.
then godot
why do people think godot is a usable engine
just get urho3d and be dome
>Need to leave the house
>Anxiety kicks in
I just want to work on my game, not leave the house.
>>learn to code
just keep the thread open and tell us the things you see on the streets, talking to my friends while I'm outside helps with my agoraphobia
Good, got the level up UI redone (not too much added for functionality), now working on the section to calculate worth and display total lifetime stats. Might adjust the leveling curve overall.
it did nothing wrong.
>Built in editor
Maybe when I decide to get into "real code languages" I will understand this meme, but how the fuck javascript is not coding? I'm literally
Making shit happen in my screen thru lines of code and logic.
Same reason why games don't feel right on a pc
Huh, I'm impressed. Didn't know Godot's runtime was so small.
There is also the C++ modules you can create, if you need some a specific feature.
Poor performance, huge memory usage, limited scope of where it can be used without shit like electron.
Using something like C I can code on many more platform going back to the 80s even, and using something modern like C# still enables me to code across many more platforms over JS but with the benefits of memory safety, etc.
JS has it's place, but it's scope is limited. Seriously, learn something like C#, you can do more, get better performance, and IMO is even easier to write then JS.
I'll never understand this notion.
It's a bunch of upper body animations overlayed on top of each other to make sure they line up with the leg portion
All joking aside.
Unity can do most things when it comes to basic game design, it just can't do them very well.
The problem is Unity has certain graphic limitations where it literally can't do certain things because the engine will just die. If you wanna just learn, Unity can cover the bases, but if you want a solid, polished and maybe even sellable title, pick something like Unreal already and just dive head on.
they got human dicks. other than that, you tell me
they look a bit bland right now so i'm going to work on the designs way more to give them actual identities
Shouldn't it be scavenging?
Well it doesn't matter how good you make them look since you decided to ruin the sexy bits. I don't know why so many normalfags try making shit like this. Who the fuck wants to pretend to fuck a human in an animal costume? Either give them the proper equipment or don't bother.
First attempt at composing
nice GETs
very subjective. i like actual people on top of epic furry shit, i dont want to fuck actual animals so real animal parts don't really turn me on. most of the furry shit i'm into does the same stuff so i think i can get away with doing it this way
sounds good, the bassline/progression stays the same through the entire thing though. try to have some kind of mid-segment with a different bassline. it's hard and i struggle with this too
I've been using unity, and you're right it has a lot of conveniences already implements in the engine like animation trees, which let me specify all the parameters I need rather easily. However the coding is still quite a hurdle, because while i understand coding logic, engine coding still has quite a learning curve.
For example:
player = gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject;
Even though I know how to program, I would have had no clue that that is how you refer to the player. Its just a lot of learning the specifics which is a pain in the ass
I need to stop procrastinating and actually learn how to work with skeletons and animate shit in Blender.
Are you referring to the drums
>Even though I know how to program, I would have had no clue that that is how you refer to the player. Its just a lot of learning the specifics which is a pain in the ass
>How the fuck am I meant to kill this object I no longer need?
>"Oh no no you don't kill, you queue_free(), user!"
I've spent more time having to unlearn old shit than I have learning new shit. It's the most frustrating thing in the world.
what the fuck? this looks pretty good
i wanna know more about this
It's just the name of the skill.
>being a furry AND having shit taste at being a furry
anyone got resources on level design/blocking out levels? shit drives me nuts
Please post more, this is probably one of my favorite things in the thread
What do you mean by "blocking out levels" ?
Also, what do you want to achieve with your game, level design is a super large subject.
>open blender
>try some buttons that logically should spawn some polygon
>congratulation, the left window now display the nuclear reactor management interface, and the right window started to render something with a 36 days ETA
>close blender
>go search free models on OpenGameArt / AssetStore / Turbosquid / whatever
Joke aside, modelling characters is a shitton of work. Not sure what miracle answer you can expect outside of "go watch a 6hours tutorial on Youtube so you can do a decent potato".
look at how other games modeled characters and then get a reference image of a humanoid in t-pose and have a go at it
"greyboxing" or "whiteboxing", making a plan and laying out the basic blocks of a (3D) level without any art assets.
the gameplay is about running around in an open arena that grows bigger as you progress. a fast paced platformer, basically.
>being a furry and wanting to fuck real dogs
But according to the other guy he'd be okay with fucking dogs if they had human dicks since the only thing stopping him is the genitals
i'm the same dude. and no, human figure + human cock only
but then again it's still furry shit so who cares
as long as people are into there'll always be people interested so its fine
It's looking really good user. Try looking up some techniques devs used to cut back on effects/work around the hardware restriction.
I'm assuming your making this for the nes correct?
Well there's lots of fags that pretend to be into furshit but they just want to fuck anything with a dick so you'll do fine with them
I'm programming it for the MSX 2 computer.
It's quite powerful, but most people use a slow as molasses video mode because it's slightly prettier.
I'm just waiting for a good idea to either come to my head or I'll just steal an idea from these threads, maybe something that focuses on first person fighting. Maybe I'll just follow one of those Make-A-Specific-Genre-of-Game tutorials for practice or something.
Also i know exactly why it do slowdown and did cut quite a lot of it.
It's the part where i have to use the CPU to copy the animation frames of all the sprites manually.
It is good.
>gatekeeping animal people porn
If enough of us did it at the beginning we wouldn't have pedos/fags/diaper niggers ruining everything now
I am raising money with erotica to create a game. I am still in doubt if I use RPG Maker or if I make a Visual Novel...
I also don't know if I use eroticism to try to make easy money, or if I make a real game.
How easy is it to learn godot?
I'm a c++ programmer but know nothing about game development.
Make a real game with erotica.
cartoon animal porn has always been seen as really weird/gross and putting too much emotional weight into the cartoon animal porn community is fucking ridiculous when you could just be chillin out and doing yourself
Oh okay that's pretty neat user. If you finish it tell me how to get it running and I'll donate 15.
Ah I see how that could cause you some problems. Nice work and keep it up!
Thanks, i'm probably doing a playable demo of sorts soon.
Give your porn/romance game fun gameplay, but separate the porn parts from the gameplay so your dick isn't confused
>but separate the porn parts from the gameplay so your dick isn't confused
Don't listen to this user.
>have decent enough art to make game aesthetically pleasing
>dont understand tutorial videos on game programming at all
it’s not fucking fair bros
It's alright. If you know c++ you should be familiar with basics of coding. Godot uses either C# or python as script language. There are some things that you need to learn but it shouldnt take long.
Tempo seems real slow for it also the samples you're using sound like a dying clarinet the snare is real weak also. Tweak it a little and try some different samples and you're onto something.
anyone got any ideas for characters to appear in a Yea Forums fighting game? trying to find as much memes as possible but also not copyrighted material like coolface
There should be no shortage of programmers looking for someone who can do something minimally acceptable in the art field. And honestly, anyone with normal IQ can program some simple games these days, maybe you're trying to skip steps. Which engine will you choose?
Its going all right.
>Garnet content
Ho yes
Who wants an idea guy? Huh you uncreative STEM fucks? Who wants to fall to their knees in awe at the big dreamer creative boy? You poindexter? Come get it
the problem with idea guys is that they aren't nearly as good at making ideas as they think they are
Okay lets say if I make a VN hentai game with content locked behind patreon, where the fuck am I supposed to market it and get all the clout, this extorting money out of thristy retards seems like a good plan.
>ideas for a bad idea based on references to le community you le like
BITCH! You aint gettin no idea for that shit! Denied
>I'm a generalizing moron
This is why no good idea guys fuck witchu!
Glad you liked the advice
I need you personal army, plz accept. I got like 10 characters so far
Channel your depression into art, I have been doing that for so long at this point I too afraid to see a therapist because i might loose my creative drive if the depression goes away.
What's the easiest engine to learn that also has a very high ceiling for what you can do?
I just want my game to be solely 2D, with VERY simple 3D for background effects if at all.
A short summary of my game is that it's Punch Out except you can move left and right in the ring.
Anyone participating in community game jam??
drew some baddies
GameMaker supports some limited 3D capability which you could probably use for your BG effects.
Don't get too excited, its just a placeholder sprite I'm using while I'm testing a new dialogue engine. It honestly may end up being a huge waste of time, but I have to try. I hate Renpy and I hate jrpg type dialogue display
What program did you use for this?! And is there a demo we can use for to learn?
holy shit
isnt this the game stealth was working on?
Actually the problem is not the guy who has the good ideas, but the fact that 99% of the "good ideas" when implemented in a game actually turn out to be a shitty feature.
Name 3 successful godot games.
Hell name 3 godot games on steam.
>I know programming
>Doesn't know dot notation
What did your CS classes even teach you?
Looks like Sonic Mania 2 is not back on the menu boys.
>Have a ton of unique songs I thought up for my game in my head
>Not a music guy at all, can't even recreate the songs in something like Mario Paint
How the fuck do I into music
just start
Download FL Studio and just DO IT
same. was considering just humming it to my music friend to see if they could compose it
You'd be surprised how many people got their start this way.
Nah. I made an app game on godot and trust me I've been preferring GMS 2 way more.
I like Godot way more than GMS, get at me
Michael Jackson would call his producer in the middle of the night and hum and beatbox to him over the phone some new beats he dreamed of. His car also caught on fire because he was too busy trying to get the melody for Billy Jean just right before he noticed his engine was overheating.
Idea guys should be doing the same thing honestly. Seriously they get a bad rap but what I hate the most about them is that they have no teeth for the process. Let a IG actually get wet and be involved and show him what this shit takes. If he actually has any passion he'll pick something up besides idea fagging, even if its organization skills, using Trello, contacting people, setting a website, etc. Coming up with ideas is easy, acting on them is hard. Even if you're just chilling with your bro spitballing a concept, thats work. Its a start at any rate.
i can't decide between c# and c++
i already know some c# but i heard c++ is better for games
>still shilling Godot
Use Unity you fucks.
If anyone here actually uses Godot then post whatever game you are making on it.
you cant shill something thats FREE :^)
>i already know some c# but i heard c++ is better for games
you've been memed on. its """better""" because its more archaic and gives you more control at the system level but its a fucking hassle promoted by boomers who think everyone should have it as hard as they did. Unless you're doing sysops, don't use C++.
Please tell me you god those assets from somewhere and that you can post me the link. I will love you forever!
well ok
does godot use c# or is unity currently the only big engine with c# support?
Godot has a python type custom language, but it does support C#. I've been using the GScript just to learn it though. Coding in python is fun. Its not efficient, but its a video game so who gives a shit. Having a single texture already fucks any kind hope you had at having a "light" product.
Thanks for the advice.
What's some good tutorials on how to use this program? I know NOTHING about music.
Assuming I know how to make a simple inventory and weapon pickup mechanic (i.e. selecting weapons with the numeric keys like in Doom or Quake), how would I go about turning this into a feature where you get to select what weapons you start with before loading a level from a menu?
reminds me of qwop
>I know NOTHING about music.
well shit bruh, learn some scales and chords
>but that's not FUN
learn the basics cuck. If you actually care about music, the basics will give you greater freedom to flesh out your ideas.
If you know how to make an inventory then you should have the ability to instance TYPES of inventory. Start the player with an inventory that has starting gear.
unity for zoomers
Things are actually going pretty good. Launched on Steam, Xbox One Dev Kits are on the way. Filling out paperwork for the PS4 and Switch dev kits now.
>not just installing Unity and using youtube videos to learn the basics in like 3 days
I learned it and I'm not using it anymore cuz drawing assets for 2D games takes too long.
Did you draw that Garnet?
If so good job. Even for a ugly character like her thats not bad.
no its DigitalKaiju's artwork. Hit him up on twitter,newgrounds, and patreon
Read up on music theory or something I guess.
>mfw still working on my Vulkan renderer 3 years later with no game ideas
godot deez nuts
i want to fuck basalt!
>tfw can do almost everything by myself except for music and coding
I guess for the music I can just find some royalty free shit but for coding I'm still not sure what to do.
oh shit thats pretty good mate
Get over yourself and learn it via the thousands of resources available
how do i into early ps2 era graphics akin to SotC and .hack/G.U
So what you're saying is that you can draw?
tutorials for basics then play around with it in your free time instead of doing stuff like browsing the internet and watching tv
what do you mean, make low poly models and emulate the lighting?
>mfw started doing it but just stopped. Now I just tell myself this will be the month I pick it up again.
what game
No user, today needs to be the day that you do it, even if you've never done it before.
Never put things off. When you have the idea to do something, start doing it.
Procrastination will never get you the end goal you desire.
You're right. I'll work on it today.
not that guy but i hope you create something you are satisfied with and i hope you find stability in life
have a nice week
Thanks anons
You could play this song while introducing the retarded comic relief character
You'll work on it now.
how much would it cost to have someone make my music
free, if they like your idea. Free if you go on
free if you offer then revshare
>wanna make my own hentai game
>tfw gotta draw and design the characters, learn the engines, find assets or create them myself, come up with interesting gameplay, etc
Its going slowly but its going.
I just wish my friend that I trust wasnt so stupid when it comes to PC stuff so I could have him help me for free.
Doing everything alone is taking forever. Especially drawing, I'm slow as fuck and I have so much shit to draw still.
Renpy and RPG maker are stupid easy to learn. Tyrano builder costs money but its even easier to learn than other stuff
I wanna start an Unreal Game. I got the course on getting into it on Udemy for 10 bucks. I wanna make a giant monster fighting game a la Godzilla Destroy All Monsters Melee and Godzilla Save the Earth.
It's been a dream of mine since I was a kid.
Do it. I know you can.
I hope so. The big problem I foresee is animations, since fighting games obviously need a lot of them. I mean, there's like 15 animations on the face button attacks to begin with. Is there an easy way to commission animations for models online?
Models yeah. Animations are notoriously the most hard to acquire asset in gaming. It requires a lot of technical knowledge and experience. You can't just dive in, or simply buy some from a person and drop em into the game. My advice? Do all the mechancis that you can withotu worrying about the visuals at all. The visuals should mold to the movement. I know that sucks to hear but this is game dev. You have to go years without "seeing" your game. But trust me, its worth it. When you go from beta assets to some more finished stuff, AND your game is working as intended, its a feeling that cannot be described.
>Animations are notoriously the most hard to acquire asset in gaming. You can't just simply buy some from a person and drop em into the game
depending on the engine you can totally do that
It's okay for a first project, but seems fairly bare. Rate this track, it's something I did for fun
I mainly been using rpg maker mv and visual novel maker cuz I had the most experience with them.
Tried Renpy but drag and drop interface is faster than coding.
Tyrano seems to be the easiest and quickest to make VNs but I kinda gave up on it cuz I was unable to set up a money and time system and couldnt find any decent tutorial for it.
fuck i just realized i forgot to make that one part transparent on the lantern guy
pls no bulli
It's a Picross game.
Literally started yesterday.
And by started, I mean spent a day barely beginning since I haven't used the engine in two years and I forgot a lot of shit.
Using Twine, I will make a fap game to surpass Kobold Adventure!
And by Twine, I mean SugarCube because base twine sucks and you can't do fun shit with it.
What is kobold adventure?
nothing much, what's kobold adventure with you?
I find it surprising that no one talks about Unity in these threads.
Its easy to learn, got a lot of built in useful stuff like physics, and you can make pretty much any game genre with it.
Feels like it should be the engine to end all others and I'm not sure why it isnt.
nobody wants to pay that upfront license fee.
I really like it but theres not much to say. Its ubiquitous.
What fee? You can start devving right the fuck now and even release. You don't have to pay a cent until your earn more than like 2grand a year or some shit.
No one here is making over 100k a year
Don't count on drive, count on routine. Do a little bit of work every day.
>Don't count on drive, count on routine. Do a little bit of work every day.
This really needs to be emphasized.
no you don't. Unity cost $1500 to release your game or $75 per month. UE4 is the one that starts charging royalty when your game generates profit.
For you I'd say Godot or Unity
Unity if you want to learn something relevant and be able to expand more heavily into 3d in the future, the downside being the subscription fee and potential ToS changes in the future
Godot if you think you'll be sticking to mostly 2d and you don't mind that the programming you learn there is mostly non-transferable, also it's totally free and you 100% own everything you make
only if you rate mine
Literally one second of googling
unity literally says you only need to pay for a license when you make over 100k doll hairs
then wtf is this
Its a description of unity PRO. As in, the professional version of the software that requires a sub. Are you fucking stupid, dude.
unity pro
game is going good, added explosive rounds but the explosions are too big, also bouncy bullets for the revolver
Looks really damn cool. How long you been working on it?
the :22 section is the coolest part
That wall running is smooth as fuck.
Love it.
user this is a style and flavor I can get behind. Please keep the "fasts/sec"
thanks dude
Oh hey, I remember your soundcloud under a different name. I like your cleaned up Galaxis track. Did that guy ever get his boss battle?
when the gun shoots and the target explodes and you let it settle down for like a minute what does the area smell like?
you can't release your game on platforms without PRO version that's the fucking point.
Yes you can dude. Do some god damn research. I've already launched 3 games.
Why not?
haha yeah, it used to be iwilldevouryourkittens which is a cancer-ass name no matter how you slice it. and no, unfortunately, but i'm doing music for a project and ngl it looks incredibly promising from what i've seen
about 2 months-ish so far, going on 3 soon
Thank you!
Also there's a demo if you guys wanna try it, I really need feedback:
you literally can though
helping remake earthbound, doing all the music, and a bunch of artwork
progress has been going really well, and we might be ready for a demo
i can link the page where i'm uploading some of the music if you guys want
>about 2 months-ish
I've been working on my FPS for 2 years and its nowehere near that cool looking
Would a porn game even make money? I get the feeling everyone would just nab it from a torrent.
>upfront license
Its free tho?
Theres only the "pay us if you make more than 100k a year with the game" which most people dont make.
Im downloading now, will report with thoughts after
Working on porn game here. Yes. Ad revenue, patreon money, and just selling the game itself. Porn community is pretty chill. THey understand you need cash to do more and theres plenty of whales out there. Also, artists tend to have lots of money to pay programmers since they get buku bucks from commissions.
The trick is to make a porn game patreon and milk it as long as possible.
Post the sketch. Didn't he look kinda like Joka but with big honkin arms? Can't remember. I miss that guy
Just make a Patreon and leave your game in eternal Alpha demo v0.000000001 like every other porn game maker while the money flows.
wait i found it
Can't have a Patreon if it's loli
Would I be better off using Patreon or a different site like SubscribeStar if I want to make money from porn games?
shit man, i wish i could but i'm posting on my switch right now so i can't post images. earlier today i did post some of my newer pixel art in the thread though, in case you care.
Someone please just baby me to get good at drawing. I can't do it. I just don't get it but all the books and resources just don't help and I can't figure out why and what the fuck to do to fix it. Please respond.
have you tried drawing gooder
>I can't figure out why and what the fuck to do to fix it.
that is the process. You are getting good at drawing. That's literally what everyone goes through. Just keep doing it.
I'll baby you. Just be warned, I'm not that good myself either.
What do I draw though? I spend so much time thinking of things to draw or finding references then get maybe one done and it's shit and I don't even learn anything as to why. Please WHAT DO I DRAW. I NEED LIKE 10 HOURS OF MATERIALS.
Look up random pose websites
>Write out detailed plan with exactly what needs to be done and how to achieve it and it all looks doable
>Send it to programmer to give a look over and approve with whatever feedback he has
>Been like a week and he still hasn't gotten around to looking at it
Its going great user how about you guys?
drop that asshole instantly
Trade me fagit
Anyone, please?
>Friend approached me directly and told me he wanted to code my game
>Then backs out a month later when I start giving him detailed write ups and concepts for how exactly to do it so we can get a gameplay demo rolling
Every time.
the fluid physics seem to work well
doing some visual updates and other changes.
buy my game you fucking faggots i'm trying really hard to make the faces look good
Try harder.
The nose bridge feels too straight. Is that intentional? She looks like a witch. You can give it some curvature to make it cuter.
Michael Jackson/10
yes and ok,havent worked on this model in months,this is just a side character
I'm making a monster girl hentai game and I intended to open a Patreon for it as soon as I get a decent demo going.
Then after shilling everywhere if I get some support I will go balls deep in full time to release constant updates. The I will start work on the other games, and like that I'm hoping to make a living.
Instead of being a jew and milking a single game I wanna make a ton of them cuz its what I like doing and I don't wanna be just another scammer.
It fucking sucks to see those people earning 50k a month when they are clearly not putting any effort into their games.
So instead of making a game and finishing it you will instead start a game, work on it for a month, drop it and move on to another unrelated one? Yeah that isn't a scam at all.
is this book any good? I want to start with C#
Asking where you should start is a very common question. Let me tell you, it literally doesn't matter. All that matters is that you PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. Don't just read the lessons once and move on. Digest it. Take a shit load of time. THe diligence of working every day is that actual skill that you're learning.
>can't draw
>dont know ANYTHING about music at all
>don't have the patience/time/guts to write my own stories
>probably shit at math too, looking at any code sends me shivers
I shoudn't have been born. At all.
First of all you are clearly doing it the wrong way.
Heres how I did it: bought myself a drawing tablet, pirated some drawing softwares till I found the best one for me(CSP and Photoshop), got used to just daily drawing horrible anime girls as practice, meanwhile I would put youtube tutorial videos to help me learn the basics, downloaded and studied a lot of arts from artists that I liked, then eventually got good enough that people started praising me for my work and paying for it.
Replacing your mouse for your pen and tablet to do unrelated stuff on your PC also helps.
Honestly I could go on and on about this but I'm not a genius and I believe with enough willpower anyone can git gud at drawing.
>can code
>can draw
>no motavition, job drains all my time
Life will fuck you over one way or another
Can anyone recommend a good Godot tutorial for absolute beginners? Should I just pick one from the YouTube search results?
Reminder that motivation is a meme. Willpower is not.
>work on it for a month, drop it
You are either retarded or didnt read what I posted at all.
I've been drawing traditionally but thanks for the advice.
Willpower is a talent, you're fucked if you don't have it.
You said after shilling you would do some updates than start another game. Never mentioned finishing shit.
user, I didn't lose 60 pounds because of "willpower," I lost 60 pounds because "why the fuck not?" That and Wii Fit Trainer's ass.
I'm only doing this for the love of it. I'm not even planning to make money.
Thats fine. In that case its fine to get better drawing on a paper, but I recommend going digital at some point. Lots of good things you can only do when using software for digital drawing.
I'd recommend going digital ASAP. It has a learning curve too and let's be honest, if you're doing games, you want to spend all your skill points in digital techniques.
It's going okay. Working on the levels and the bosses is a pain though. I wanna try to implement a online multiplayer mode, but I have no experience with that kind of stuff, and the tests I've done all were complete shit.
i just wanted to make a game man.
then i found out all the engines are shit.
so then i set out to make my own engine.
then i found out all the programming languages are shit.
so then i set out to make my own compiler.
then i found out all the assemblers are shit.
so then i set out to make my own assembler.
then i found out all the machine instructions are generated.
so now i'm learning x86 machine instructions.
if you weren't born with talent just give the fuck up
you're not gonna make it bruh
>he went to /agdg/
Here is a screenshot.
>open up a programming book
>see this
I'm not gonna make it
the moment I have to do logarithmic I'm gonna fucking die
Nigga the finishing part should be obvious.
The whole thing about Patreon scams is that they never finish the games exactly so people will keep throwing money in the hope that the progress gets better, which it never does.
My intention is to make a game, update it till I complete it, then I start a new one.
Or work at more than one at the same time if I can manage. The point is, I have full intention to finish the games I start and jump to the next one.
Unless I get supporters telling me to create more content to a game that I planned on wrapping up. Thats a possibility I guess.
How do they justify all the additional work?
...user theres hardly even any math on that page
Coding is easy. Math is easy too. You gotta believe it.
I don't know what the fuck any of that is. I really hate coursework for programming. They teach you all this stupid shit instead of best habits. It literally doesn't matter what language you use if you dont understand the concepts behind OOP and SOLID. It turns people off and its like, unless you're doing sysops none of that shit fucking matters. Its so retarded.
None of that matters 99% of the time. Just know that if you want signs you lose size.
>don't even know what I want, so I have to try doing it myself so I can even begin to describe what I want
The rest of you have it easy, at least you have a vision
yeah sorry, if you can't memorize all of that you'll never be a programmer
Yeah I agree actually.
Personally I hated drawing on paper.
The only reason I ever got into drawing at all is because digital drawing turned out to be a million times more entertaining to me.
Especially considering I had some experience with Photoshop already so I could add some cool effects to my art and stuff.
Topkek m8. You don't need to know or use every single data type or know every single math function.
The best thing you can learn is basic OOP logic, then worry about looking up cheat sheets and guides for functions, best-use cases for data types/logic, etc. You're overloading yourself with information and it's causing you to freak out.
I just don't want to buy a tablet then never use it like all the other shit I waste money on.
bro who cares about that shit just make game
It's an investment, use it as motivation. If you're not gonna get a tablet don't bother learning drawing, get someone else to do it.
I've done art for commerical games using only the mouse
We need more porn games, keep it going
do not learn OOP
you can learn it later if you feel like it, but you will learn a thousand times faster and better if you ignore all the conceptual bloat and abstraction it's brought, besides it isn't even very good for making games.
>isn't even good for making games
>Minecraft made in Java
>Unity powered by C#
>UE4 powered by C++
>Gamemaker Studio powered by its own scripting language that's OOP
>popular = good
>this meme again
because it can be done doesn't mean its the best way
C# you fucking nigger.
C++ is for nerds who hate themselves like me
>isn't good for games
>each item is self contained in its own extension of the item class
>one massive fucking if chain in the item function that handles every item
>one massive clusterfuck in updates stats
>really, a hundred clusterfucks everywhere for everything
The point isn't that it's popular, the point is that OOP is the baseline standard if you want to get anywhere in game development, hobby or professional.
Then what do you recommend to code and make games with oh wise /g/ay man?
Hey, I'm this user from earlier. I downloaded FL Studio and messed about in it all night. After remaking a couple songs by ear I decided to give it a go myself.
How's this tiny loop for a first try at music?
Programming is by far the easiest part of making games. You can pick up the general gist of programming knowledge needed in something like Unity within a month
Art on the other hand is a fucking nightmare. As someone with no artistic talent, actually making a game seems completely insurmountable. And unlike programming, drawing alone takes fucking years to be any decent at it, and that's not even touching on music
>URL got censored
Wew. Well fuck let's try that again
>besides it isn't even very good for making games.
do you have any idea how wrong that is
99% of games use OOP
Programming takes years to be decent at, you just don't realize how bad you are because you haven't made anything yet
out of Chrono Trigger's discount cousin
I'm making a visual novel and it's frustrating me how long it's taking me to revise the script. For every week of writing I have to spend 2 weeks revising.
It's much easier to make a good game with unoptimized programming than it is to make one with shitty art and music. Well, depending on the genre anyway. As long as a game runs the player isn't affected by your mediocre programming skills where as ahit visuals are in their face the whole time
For my very first attempt at music I'll take that as a compliment
it's scientifically impossible to be worse than yandev and he's making his game fine
if he reigned in his autism and feature creep he'd have a perfectly playable game three years ago and nobody would be the wiser about it being one giant function with variables named vector5 and integer36 and that has ifs nested 400 levels deep
I was trying to make a harvest moon clone.
I downloaded gamemaker studio free version and was following a tutorial on jewtube.
I dropped it after I got my main character to walk and run.
Is Godot good for that kind of thing? Should I learn C++ first
You don't need to be good at programming to maek gaem though
A poorly programmed game can still be good and fun, especially on the common indie dev level where your average target hardware is 100x what your minimum requirements will be. Obviously it's still possible to fuck up too hard, but it's not uncommon for a person's first real game project to be perfectly playable and working after a month or two of following tutorials and copying code from the internet. Basically, you can just bullshit your way through and brute force solutions until it works and then you're done.
With art, there's no real cheating or shortcuts. If you want your game to have good art, you need to be/have a good artist. There's no way around it.
You don't need to be good at art to make a game either
There's plenty of cheats and shortcuts
Look at Rimworld for example
>variables named vector5 and integer36
the variables aren't actually called that, their names are stripped because it's decompiled
many programmers are as mediocre as he is, you just don't see it because you can't see their code
>trust me bro
Several C# games have been decompiled, the local variables are all called num1 or numarray2 or whatever
Terraria aswell for example
>look up a Godot tutorial
>get through part 2 and already twitchy and tired
And the cycle continues.
That's because variable names aren't included when the code gets compiled. The decompiler is what generates those names.
yeah that's my point
Google "Scientific Notation" and stop panicking
>unless you're doing sysops none of that shit fucking matters.
Found the programmer that lets stats roll over past max to mix. Or -1 gold becoming max unsigned int gold.
>want to make a board game
>White Box prototype stuff is on Tabletop Simulator
>TTS is a fucking chore to use
>Don't bother
I mean I can prototype it myself, but having it digitally prototyped for people to playtest worldwide would be better.
This looks amazing, keep up the good work!
I feel you. Changing all of the cards in Photoshop and putting it in to TTS Deck Editor's annoying. Good luck with it and the video game adaptation
Nobody fucking memories the exact max value of any of these, and nobody will test you on it unless you're going to some pajjeet 3rd world school where all they do for course work is copy books verbatim.
But even then, if this shitty ass table is daunting to you, what are you doing trying to learn any technical subject at all?
how do I make game
This is true as long as your project is relatively simple. I once made a game with procedual generation, upgrading, action segments, inventory, trading all managed through a clusterfuck of functions that juggled values in a bunch of arrays. It worked most of the time, but I really should have gone the OOP route.
use this