How do you play?

How do you play?

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If you have to use the claw the mouse is too small.

Fingertip is the only correct stance.



I deepthroat a USB cable and transmit electrical signals directly to the computer with the power of my mind.

Either your mouse is too small or you got huge hands.

Like this. I don't play on workstations

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no you silly willy, i can palm my mouse just fine but i'm using claw anyway

I can't do the palm grip because of the layers of fat and dust that have solidified at the front of the buttons.

i have really big hands so i end up going fingertip most of the time

Claw grip on comtrollers is a crutch

Fingertip but its only because I have massive manly hands.

the tendinitis grip

Attached: tendinite[1].jpg (800x613, 43K)


with a controller

Cringe, only PC Master Race are allowed to post here.

Oh yeah I want to sit at a work station all day while I'm relaxing at home playing autism simulators like Railway Sim and spend 10 grand on DLC

>not playing free-to-play games/flash games on PC
>not downloading and playing eroge and nukige on PC
Come on man.

Flash games?
Sorry I'm not in grade 7 anymore, I haven't been on miniclip in over a decade

Basically fingertip, but with middle-finger on mousewheel and ring-finger, and hand is resting on table, not hovering like some retard.


>and ring-finger
Fuck sake.
AND ring-finger on the side of right-click.


>not hovering your arm
enjoy your reduced accuracy user

Same here user, it feels so much better to have a finger for every use instead of having to move only two.

Enjoy your sodomy.

I morph between palm and fingertip. Claw just seems autistic to me.

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Yeah, I want to try to aim a gun with an imprecise, piece of shit joystick

Stop being a pussy and set the sensitivity of the controller up to 10

Use a controller like a real man

I've always been curious how many people actually use the ring finger for the mouse. Since the first time I ever used a PC (which is over 25 years ago now), my default position had always been to use the index for left click and scroll wheel and middle finger for right click.

I wonder if the different positions could be generational to some extent since we never used to have scroll wheels, but now it's a standard thing since however many years ago.

>my default position had always been to use the index for left click and scroll wheel and middle finger for right click
That's how I was doing it a few years ago, it took me less than a week to get the 3 fingers on mouse placement to work, it's fine I guess.



It just feels fucking weird to me. And I guess in my mind I don't see the point learning to hold it a different way. I can see it being useful for some people in competitive play though.

>I don't see the point learning to hold it a different way
Makes navigating a page easier imo.
>I can see it being useful for some people in competitive play though
I'm not sure, I used it because Arma 3 requires you to use the scrolling menu to interact with everything.

I don't know how anyone else can not be fingertips only.

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Like a civilized human, not a savage

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Boomer grip (the 60+ kind), the kind that holds down buttons for a whole second when clicking things "in the Google to go on the Facebook".