List your favorites! Bonus for tier lists, if you dare.

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FF 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, Tactics
Bravely Default
Chrono Trigger
Persona 2, 3, 4, 5, Q, Q2
SMT IV+Apocalypse, Strange Journey, Soul Hackers
Etrian Odyssey 1U, 2U, V
Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk
Radiant Historia
Ys: Oath in Felghana, Origin
Tales of Berseria
Disgaea 1, 2, 5
Valkyria Chronicles 1, 4
Vagrant Story

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>Favorites in order
P4 Golden
Dark Cloud 2
The World Ends With You
Mother 3
Vagrant Story
Xenoblade Chronicles
Paper Mario TTYD
FF 7
Pokemon Emerald
SMT: Digital Devil Saga

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Why do white people always list the same 10 games when asked this question? There are literally hundreds of great jrpgs and i always see the same basic bullshit.

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I don't think I've playd enough JRPGs to make a list. only Persona, SAO, Pokemon, and Paper Mario series.

TTYD would be my all time favorite. its the only one i came back and played more than once.

>Favorite? Well then...
SMT Devil Survivor 2
SMT Strange Journey
Persona 2
Pokemon Emerald
Digimon Dusk
Chrono Trigger
Dragon Quest 5
Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 1
Disgaea DS
Riviera the promised land

Ok special snowflake, what's your top ten?

Because if you dare like anything else you're a contrarian, a casual and a hipster.

>spinning sound

Tactic ogres : luct
Ff tactics
SMT 1 and 2
SMT Nocturne
SMT Strange Journey
Persona 3
Devil Survivor
Devil summoner soul hacker
Bravely Default
live a live
Radiant Historia
Romancing SaGa 2 and 3
Rudra no hihou
Dragon quest 5
Fire Emblem 4, 7, 9, 10, 12(Don't know if it counts as jrpg)
Tales of phantasia
Shining Force resurrection of the dark dragon
SRW J, OG 1 and OG 2





Uh genuine question Im not the biggest fan of the genre but do you guys consider Nier Automata (or anything else from Drakkenguard) to be JRPGs? I played Nier for funsies last summer and it was awesome

I personally don't, because I belong to "JRPG is a genre, not country of origin" camp, but I guess you can list it, why not.

ok cool I also played FFX when I was younger and liked it, but I'm usually not a fan of turn based combat

In no particular order:

Final Fantasy 4, 6, 7, 9 and Tactics
Dragon Quest 5 and 8
Persona 2, 3, 4 and 5
SMT Nocturne and SMT4/4A
Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver
Mario RPG
Paper Mario TTYD
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete
Kingdom Hearts 1, 2 and 3
Nier Automata
Tales of the Abyss
Star Ocean 2

Eh I personally do, but I also consider "JRPG" to be a wide variety of things

barkley gaiden because I have good taste

Legend of Legaia
Breath of Fire 3
Wild Arms
Legend of Dragoon
Breath of Fire 4
Grandia 2

>Top 10
Ao no Kiseki
Utawarerumono Futari no Hakuoro
Sen no Kiseki III
Sora no Kiseki SC
Persona 4
Breath of Fire IV
New Atelier Rorona
Lufia II
Final Fantasy XII
Kingdom Hearts II

SaGa (Minstrel song, Romancing 2, 3, Frontier 1 and 2)
SMT 1, nocturne, IV
Soul Hackers
BoF V dragon quarter
Labyrinth of refrain (not sure if it counts)
Persona 1
Devil Survivor 2
Dragon Quest IV

Nice job fellas, but..

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Make sure to bring more MOACCA next time

good taste

>List your favorites!
1)Genius of Sappheiros
2)SaGa Frontier
3)Etrian Odyssey 3
4)Final Fantasy 5
5)Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold
6)Romancing SaGa 2
7)Final Fantasy Legend 2
8)Ar Tonelico
9)Etrian Odyssey Untold

Good to see the SaGa love itt.

Any love for Radiata Storiea here?

Vagrant Story
Parasite Eve
Chrono Trigger
Fire Emblem 4
also thanks for the recommendation thread in disguise, i was looking for a new game to play

Mother 3
Persona 3-4 (Depends on the mood what game I like the most)
R8 my taste

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>Would rather die than never play these again tier
Final Fantasy V
Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter
Paper Mario TTYD

>Super nostalgic for and still holds up decently today tier
Golden Sun series
Breath of Fire II (my first JRPG)
Pokemon GSC

>Interesting but falls short of greatness tier
Final Fantasy I, III and VII
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth + Hacker's Memory
Xenosaga III
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona
Breath of Fire I and III
Final Fantasy Tactics
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga

>Wouldn't mind wiping my ass with the disc tier
Final Fantasy IV and VI
Persona 2 and 5
Shin Megami Tensei I and Strange Journey
Pokemon RSE, DPP and Colosseum
Xenosaga I
Breath of Fire IV
Legend of Dragoon
All other Digimon RPGs

>Why two nukes wasn't enough tier
Final Fantasy II
Persona 3 and 4

>Currently playing and enjoying so far, but have no overall opinion tier
Super Robot Wars OG Saga Endless Frontier

Did someone call for a contrarian?

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What the fuck are you literally me?

Fuck me I still gotta play Soul Nomad, I stopped really early
Thanks for reminding

If you're gonna go with a Rance game, you could have at least used one that doesn't vastly overstay its welcome. VI's gameplay isn't nearly interesting enough to carry it for the 60-80 hours it asks of you. IV is the best traditional Rance RPG.