Burning Crusade >Pandaria >= Lich King > Cata > Legion > Warlords > Battle for Azeroth
Burning Crusade >Pandaria >= Lich King > Cata > Legion > Warlords > Battle for Azeroth
>play warlock since 2004
>watch as it is butchered left and right
>BC is literally 1 spell spamming
yea nah
BC and WOtlk were good.
Rest were total shit.
Cata ruined everything.
MoP was fuckin gay.
You got the best of of the best in Pandaria to compensate that
I jumped boat at the end of WoTLK during ICC, foreshadowing terrible things.
I don't know if I was wrong, but I tried the game since 20days now, and I enjoyed it taking my time and reading a lot of the quests.
But WoD, damn I spent some hours in 2 zones, and goddamn it was depressing. Yesterday I tried some dongeon with a train tho and it was cool.
wotlk>TBC>vanilla>completely irrelevant
only expac I didn't touch
>anything worse than wod
you propably liked that selfie patch
It was an important feature :^)
Rest not worth playing
BC >Pandra >Legion >Lich King > BFA>Cata>Warlords
You missed out they were so broken. Casting while moving, demonology and destro being insane.
>Warlock tanking was almost a thing
>Blizzard threw a fit when they realized people wanted a playstyle that emerged organically in beta, as they always do
It's not fair bros.
The real reason they removed it was for demon shitters.
>Lei Shen trinket
I've never seen a spec bought so alive by one trinket.
Pre-Heroic Nerf Cata with legitimately hard Throne of the Four Winds and Blackwing Descent and the best of WotLK, Vanilla and nuwow mechanics in your class kits was the peak of this game and I say that playing from pre-WSG Vanilla to Legion where the utter disregard for class and profession feedback broke the chain for me (besides private servers).
Get back at them by being a Shaman tank instead
>All these classes that had some minor off-tanking ability that got pruned
>Just because Blizzard is massively autistic and everything has to neatly fit their game design box
Honestly wow classic should be pandaria not vanilla. I hope if it gets big we will get it eventually.
Vanilla >>>>>>>> Burning Crusade
I remember playing BC at launch, fated years of Vanilla, and after a few months I started to realize the game was fucked.
Legion was ok but everything after WoD would been better
Chinks don't have soul
>TBC > Vanilla > WotLK > Cata > everything else shit fater that.
>people ranking WOTLK as their first or second
DKs, Group finder, shitty PvP.. Oh yeah
For all their faults Cata through MoP was my golden age solely because of 10 man heroic raiding
Because thats the zoomer expansion pack
>Boomers : Vanilla, TBC
>Zoomers : Wotlk, cata, panda
brainlet spotted
All expac are bad and slowly killed the game.
Only MoP gets a pass, but the disgusting attempt at catering to the souless chinkz personally repulsed me.
Why are there so many reddit-tier wrathbabbies on Yea Forums? How stupid do you have to be to consider it better than tbc? Even early cata was better than that wotlk.
absolutely cringe
based truth poster
people fucking hated wotlk when it was recent, it introduced most things that killed the game.
for me:
vanilla > TBC >>>> wotlk > mop = cata > legion > everything else
gee i wonder why our website is full of zoomers who came from discord and reddit
people hated literally every form of the game when it was recent
wrath was objectively the best this game has ever been and its not close
Wrong on every level
jesus christ it hurts to share a board with people like you
>kung fu panda
Favorite furry xpack
>b-but da lich king
>*completely rapes Arthas character, turns him into a shitty scoobydoo villain with a shitty VA since Blizzard were run by the biggest jews of the industry, and kills him in the one of the worst cinematic ever made in the vydia history*
t zoomer who never raided on wrath
also posting shitty discord images isnt making you any less zoomer
>people hated literally every form of the game when it was recent
That's fucking wrong an you know it. Lot of people enjoyed Legion, especially the normies, while everyone hates BFA for exemple.
normie zoomers aren wow players they are blizzards cuckolded shit eaters
true wow players stopped playing the game after wrath
>Lot of people enjoyed Legion
kek, alright no more yous for you
Only true statements,rank the first 3 as you want.Cataclysm destroyed the game,everything after it doesn't matter.
(you) nice bait
Imagine not thinking that Pandaria was the best
Warlock was so cursed at the beginning of Wrath that most people never even bothered. Blizzard pulled out multiple nerf bats due to the arena success of the class in BC.
>play tank in MoP
>make sure to soak a bunch of damage with CDs
>get huge amount of AP from vengeance
>dps shitters cry that tanks shouldnt be able to out dps them
God I fucking miss MoP, the only real negative things about it were the shitty dailies at the start and the awful dungeons.
It would've been the best had it been released before the game turned into World of Queuecraft, as it is I can only give it second-best.
But wasnt it Wrath were Spirit Warlocks were introduced or was it TBC?
playing lock was so much fun back then
MoP was easily the best expansion followed by TBC imo
>being a tbcbabby
TBC ruined vanilla, that's enough to make me hate it.
I prefer vanilla as well, but i was assuming expansions only.
>High Tier
>Mid Tier
Cata (start)
Low Tier
BFA (current)
Cata (end)
WOD (end)
Shit Tier
WOD (start)
BFA (start)
nice to see a opinion i can 100% get behind
>demo tank spec
Vanilla ruined Warcraft