So is this actually good and worth playing, or is it another one of those "cult classics" like STALKER or Gothic which are actually shit but Yea Forums fellates to high heaven?
So is this actually good and worth playing...
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Just play it and see you retard gorilla nigger
it's alright, Yea Forums likes to praise it to feel special.
It's good but it has a steep learning curve.
It benefits heavily from save states. Give it an honest try, at least til the first rival fight.
any of those games can be amazing to you if you like certain things and are willing to put up with certain things
but personally, I quit Stalker after 4 minutes and God Hand is one of my favorite games of all time
I don't give a fuck about Gothic 2, but if you shittalk God Hand or STALKER, you lose every right to post here.
STALKER needs a god damn bobbing mod just so you can play it without vomiting.
>save states
t. shitter who didnt learn
the game gives infinite continues and lowers the difficulty the worse you play. that itself makes the game fair and you still cant beat it. kinda embarrassing.
Remember to play it on Normal your first time through or you're a pussy
does this emulate well?
>nother one of those "cult classics" like STALKER or Gothic which are actually shit
so god hand is not for zoomer trash like
go back to your fortnite
You're pathetic
It's hard. If you don't like hard games, don't bother. Just watch the sseth review and pretend you did. and live with the guilt
Played it a month ago and dropped after the second fatty bossfight, really steep learning curve but no reward whatsoever for learning except going further in the story, definitely not what i was looking for. Also there are health upgrades but they are temporary? Didn't understand that, didn't bother with it to care that much.
It's the best.
>and lowers the difficulty the worse you play.
so you're saying its better with savestates. Anyone sensible would rather games not slap on training wheels because it feels sorry for you.
Why not let me select the easiest mode possible to start with and avoid wasting my time then?
You can, since the game has Easy/Normal/Hard modes.
It's fun. When you get a grasp on enemy attack patterns and how to dodge well it feels great.
Lots of cuztomization of attack moves of varying speeds/range/number of attacks that all do different things like implementing a dodge, juggle, foot sweep, launch, guard break, etc
Difficulty adjusts to how well you play, and there's also additional challenges (fairy challenge, fight arena, kick me sign) if you want.
Learn how to dodge and how to crowd control / deal with multiple enemies as soon as possible or the first boss will smash your anus
try it?
>no reward
Oh boy, ywn have the satisfaction of mastering the combat.
100% had no problems running it with i5 4690 and GTX 970, 8GB ram, can't speak for you though
Overrated trash. Garbage combat that feels like a worse Tales Of game, but Yea Forums will suck it's cock all day long.
Just turn it off in the console
it you
it slaps training wheels on you because you obviously need training. the game humiliates you and actively encourages you to play better. savestates throw designs like these out the window and youre left with a lesser product.
He goy it wrong. It does not lower difficulty. Game only can become harder. If you are consistently shit, it will stay at default.
It's one of those 'fun' games that is actually tedious to end.
Up to stage 4 on my own first playthrough. The control scheme is a bit weird to work with at first, but once you start understanding the game's bullshit and start unlocking some of the better techniques you get some great moments.
Just don't grovel like a bitch, and also
Intrinsic rewards are beyond most people, least of all zoomer gamers. The game has no cheevos, OP is doomed.
You can put both in your game, just like the other games under Capcom's wing, but this one felt really unrewarding.
I hate it when people peddle this webm as an example of what makes the combat in GH good.
It's just showing a guy activating the Godhand (which, for those who don't know, makes you invincible and your hits inblockable) and effortlessly smacking a boss around.
If you wanted to give people a good impression of what makes this game good, show them a webm of Mike Kobe ducking and weaving through like five dudes on LVL DIE while timing his hits perfectly so you can see how fantastic the hitboxes are and how bright the combat will shine when you get good enough.
The webm you posted is similar to DMC4 combo vids where the enemy hardly fights back: Yeah it's fancy-looking and probably impressive, but it doesn't represent what makes the game good and satisfying to play.
It's good. The combat is really well done and there are no "that parts" in the game. Just remember to have a guard break attack in the third combo slot and a sweep kick mapped to a separate button. I have no idea why your progress doesn't carry over into NG+ though.
That webm is from one of Mike's videos, retard. Popping the god hand and changing your moveset to style on bosses is something he does constantly outside of his KMS run.
>It's hard. If you don't like hard games, don't bother.
How hard? I've beaten """"""hard""""" games by the standards of modern casuals like Dark Souls and Sekiro, but something like Ninja Gaiden Black is beyond my skill level.
The reward is having fun and kicking ass, no other PvE game can compare to how good it feels to kick ass in this game.
You won't last.
Yeah, I know it's a Mike video, but that doesn't change my point: Styling on people with the GodHand active is not representative of what makes the game fun. It literally makes you invulnerable.
The fun of this game comes from landing hits while dodging their attacks, thus overcoming the brutal difficulty. You're not winning anyone over by showing a clip of someone using an (albeit in-game) godmode.
And by the way, I agree with you that the game is really fucking good and has extremely satisfying combat, I'm just saying your webms are shite because they're not doing a good job of showing why.
Yeah it's more like NG, but there are plenty of ways to cheese encounters in God Hand. Liberal use of any attack that evades high, for example.
You'll get swarmed and crowd control can be a problem even about halfway through the game if you're not careful about how you approach combat. Learning curve is very steep. Some moves are not obviously useful (unless you use a guide). Some moves are particularly easy to scum against enemies (right roundhouse kick to side dodge being the most guilty in my playthroughs.
Hard in the sense that not everyone will appreciate the effort involved or the mechanics involved in the game enough to play it all the way through.
>STALKER and Gothic
You're beyond saving. Go back to the Smash thread.
Kill yourself you disgusting faggot
Game never goes above level 2
Game dynamically changes the difficulty based on how good you are doing
Game is locked to level DIE
So yes you can choose from the start. Also, if you still get money you picked up when you die, you are gimping yourself and will not be able to afford the moves you want at endgame I'd you use save states.
It's really fucking difficult.
Health upgrades are permanent, did you even play the game??
God Hand is really only difficult at first because the controls are so unique and difficult to get used to. Once you adapt to them, the game is easier than DMC3 on DMD.
It's genuinely one of my favorite games ever made and it's one of the best games for seriously training your reflexes and skill. It's absolutely brutal but it's absolutely fair.
Fuck off shitter.
It's dead and Capcom never rereleases it. That should be enough to tell you how good it is.
Didnt get far into the game but I just found getting better at the combat rewarding enough
>Fuck off shitter.
Do you read posts before you reply? I suggest you start doing that.
What are the odds of a sequel happening at this stage? DMCV was popular, and Capcom is probably aware that people like GH.
>ruining you dps with a guard break in your combo
>not just that, but giving enemies free dodges to counter you since failed guard breaks proc dodges
>not just putting it on down+square so you can use it at any point in your combo
>mapping a sweep attack when the game gives you a free one in your moveset already
user, your advice is shit.
It's good, it's fun, but it's a challenge. Play it, you'll like it or you wont.
They will probably want to make an HD version first, Capcom has started making ports of their older franchise inbetween big releases to get a quick buck like the 6 million RE4 re-releases or the SF/Beat them up/Megaman collections.
The only HD ports I don't see them doing anytime soon are Lost Planet 1 or 2 (3 is definitely out of the question).
Most enemies and bosses are programmed to guard your third strike. If you make sure your third strike is a guard break and then side step to reset your combo, you can stunlock most enemies.
This makes the best combo:
Jab->Straight->Guard Break-> Sidestep-> Repeat
The sweep is there for smaller enemies and to evade high attacks.
DMC5 was possible because Itsuno is all that they need to make it work.
Mikami is long gone from both CAPCOM and PG so you definitely shouldn't hold your breath for another game like this ever existing unless you get people from Yea Forums to make it.
The odds are zero. God Hand will not get a sequel. Platinum will continue making fun games, indie devs who liked GH are probably your only hope for this. It's not Capcom's moneymaker to capitalize on a game with such poor sales numbers. Be realistic.
> no other PvE game can compare to how good it feels to kick ass in this game
Devil may cry, Ninja gaiden, Yakuza, Vermintide, Ace Combat, any Soulslike, old fps with fast paced combat or newer one like Dusk on harder difficulties, EDF, Killing Floor and who knows how many i forgot
pc port when? c'mon capcom!
I know they guard on a rhythm, user. You can also just hold back at that point to cancel you square combo into it, then go back through with a better full dps combo for your counter hits.
GB have shitty damage and when you activate godhand you will suffer for it.
A new player is going to play on normal, their blocking behavior is different at different levels and it makes more since to map it outside the combo so you can work it in at any point.
And again, you get a free sweep simply by ducking, so why would you waste a slot with that when you could have a charge, juggle, or launch?
Just like you, I tried to play stalker and hated it. However I love God Hand so you should give it a try.
Been playing Resi4 and it feels pretty weird how similar it is to God Hand. They're both on the same engine right?
sseth review, links to emulator in description
don't rely on crapcom for shit
Lmao, I like those games and all, but are you serious? All that is missing is that shitty majima webm.
I like all those games, but none of them allow you to fully customize your entire moveset, or make dodging as fun as it is on godhand.
I guess having it in the combo felt more easy to me since I could never pull back fast enough. The only down side was that guard breaks are less likely to dizzy enemies, but then I substituted the guard break for a kick in instances where I needed to dizzy an enemy.
The only enemy this set up didn't work for was Azel. There I just had to spam Chain Yankers and God Hands.
>this man bent his ass over to reduce the difficulty
LMAOOOOOOOO an actual ingame move special move btw
watch the trailer you colossal failure
You asked for games where ass kicking felt better, i listed them, customization is another matter, and it still doesn't save the game from its jankiness
Just because of this move, I prefer to get my ass kicked
Having a kick on square is also a poor choice, just like guard break the enemy will duck or jump it, when godhand is activated you are likely to knock enemy down or away and ruin your combo
Square should be non special punches, this way when you are mashing the only thing that gets triggered is a block which you can then counter.
it's very fun, the controls are a bit difficult to deal with at the beginning but I'm a brainlet and got used to it, so you should be able aswell
characters and enemies are very charismatic imho, don't expect anything deep from the story, it's just silly fun
I played it first time last year, and i freaking loved it.
Don't expect muh cinematic feels story though. It doesn't take itself seriously at all at that department.
Gameplaywise is very satisfying and addictive. I had a blast.
Definitely strikes me as a game that has genuine flaws but if you criticize it you get met with "MAD CUZ BAD" and "GIT GUD".
Oh, it has a bunch of flaws.
But gameplay ain't one of them.
It’s a game that has a following purely for its gameplay.
What do you think
>STALKER or Gothic which are actually shit
No. user, you are actually the shits.
God Hand has very few flaws. It set out to do a very specific thing and it succeeded overwhelmingly.
You didn’t though. You just listed games with decent combat. You can’t kick ass better than Godhand in any of those
God Hand is pure gameplay
Its weird that a non indie game puts so little effort in anything that isnt the combat system, which is almost perfect
One of it's few flaws is gameplay related. Having attacks that are nothing but straight damage upgrades is pointless. Also, later bosses can be damage sponges.
this game flopped so hard because of the cover art
quite possibly the worst of all time
It can be kind of a chore at times but I don't think I regret playing it. It was worth the experience, and you have to kind of like the genre to begin with. It could have been better.
I really liked all the chihuahua names though.
>because of the cover art
>not because of the 3/10 IGN review
>not because it came out when the "games need to be more accessible" meme started to gain more traction
God Hand was just ahead of it's time. If it came out in a post-Dark Souls world, it would have sold well.
>Implying the mom that goes to a game shop to buy a gift for her kid cares about what ign wrote about it
It's the best game ever made.
Dark Souls and God Hand are almost complete opposites.
Maybe, but both games have a reputation for being extremely difficult. Difficult games were not in vogue in 2006. Instead, it was a time when a new wave of casual gamers first started getting into games, hence why games started to become more accessible to accommodate them.
Nowadays though, difficult games are popular thanks to streamers.
This, whoever posts Mike's videos as an argument is just as retarded as combofags in DMC threads
Dark Souls is a slow paced, somber action adventure RPG with slow and deliberate combat that facilitates a ton of different playstyles, which wildly change the difficulty of the game.
God Hand is a fast paced, over the top, action romp through corridor levels with non-stop fighting and a significantly more in depth combat system that also forces the player to become somewhat sufficient with the fundamentals. It would still bomb, if it were released today.
Yeah, one is a mediocre game with terrible controls, bad hitboxes, reload knowledge and artificial difficulty, and the other one is... uuuh...
The health isn't temporary. Not sure how you're getting that. The reward is new moves that function differently, new enemies with some new tricks, and the feeling of satisfaction from beating up thing that were dumpstering you before. Is this bait?
Wait a minute, you're not a human, are you?
>Playing GH with savestates
Jesus people like you should be banned from Yea Forums
>STALKER or Gothic which are actually shit
>game requires you a tonshit of time to learn how to play it
>game punishes you when you play better
And what do you think? This game is shit.
>like STALKER or Gothic which are actually shit
Stick with whatever trash you normally play then, little zoomer faggot.
>I have shit tast-
The game is great but is hard and can even be unfair at times thast why not too many people like it . You should play it and see for yourself
Oh yeah, you most definitely do.
>Gothic actually shit
It is
>Stalker actually shit
No, get the fuck out
>prove that you're decent at the game
>the game narrows the margin for error accordingly
I fail to see the issue.
Oh user I'm so sorry you actually do
>Xenoblade 2
No wonder you reek of reddit. Shit taste like this should be a bannable offense.
Other way around, zoomer.
the only good game there is wiz 8, get some taste nigger
>I need games to hit my dopamine receptors with bright colours and gradually incrementing numbers!
>I can't have fun unless the game is giving me useless gizmos that it pretends are important!
Gothic has absolutely godawful combat, it just makes me want to go play Jedi Outcast and that isn't even an RPG
Yakuza has the best combat of any game ever.
>Look, I watched the sseth reviews but never played the games myself!!!
>Most enemies and bosses are programmed to guard your third strike
No they don't, it's random.
t. mike on the kob
>literally every enemy stands there and does nothing
God hands enemies all try to kick your ass at once, making it incredible to beat them
Yakuza's combat dumpsters God Hand's.
>still every enemy standing around like lemons instead of fighting
Neither of your webms look fun
Look, Yakuza is a good series but for literally everything that isn't the combat.
thank you. reminds me people defending vesperia with judith combo vids
Combat is the reason Yakuza games are so good.
I hate so much when they either block on the first hit or just let you beat the shit out of them for ages, especially if that's faggot green demon
>Batham The Game
Cope, westacuck.
It shats in pants towards the end
>it benefits heavily from save states
>like STALKER or Gothic which are actually shit
Fuck off, kill yourself and most importantly never come back
its not that good but i like stalker
You shit yourself in laughter by the end, I agree!
All I see is the same rolling slash move a bunch of times.
Better than these Yakuza clips of 'press triangle to win' I love the series and the combat continues to get better but it'll never be on the level of Godhand since it completely embodies hard but fair while Yakuza can be clunky as shit sometimes and this is not even getting into guns.
It gets boring fast
Maybe you should git gud.
Seeing as you suck at both stalker and Gothic, you probably won't like god hand
at this point why even bother asking? just go play it, there is no excuse
If you are not using save states EXCLUSIVELY to replay stages after you beat the game, then you are NOT Alexander.
just go fucking play it faggot
oh man im glad im too dumb to use the save states otherwise id end up like you
i honestly always didnt enjoy the genre but god this game felt really good.. i wish there was more games like it
>mash button to win
man I really have been missing out on the greatest game ever