This game should have been good. What the fuck happened?

This game should have been good. What the fuck happened?

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>musou shit
I fondly remember the times these games were shat on by default, then the Zelda one was released so bings latched on to the genre and defended it like it was some sort exotic cheese only patricians could appreciate

It was good

Edit: Thanks for the (You)s guys! Let's try to get it to 10 (You)s!

The developers had no fucking clue about anything related to Fire Emblem. They kept the number of games low because they thought the lord in every game had a sword and didn't want even more sword users. The twins were both sword users because they didn't want one of them being a lance to be confusing in the tutorial. They were literally planning on cutting Lucina because they thought she wasn't relevant to awakening until nintendo told them no.

The only thing this game did right were actual Musou mechanics.

>They kept the number of games low because they thought the lord in every game had a sword and didn't want even more sword users. The twins were both sword users because they didn't want one of them being a lance

So they excluded great lords due to fear of 'too many swords' but made the twins homogenized SnS users due to thinking the audience couldn't handle a sudden bit of variety.

Sounds like KT.

I'll say I enjoy using Corrin because they're pretty unique.

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An awful roster.
>every lance user pre-dlc is a flier

The director, in the employees own words, "didn't know a shit about fire emblem".

The funny thing about the twins is that they're the only clones that I've actually found a gameplay difference for besides stats

It was good. Crying about the roster or exaggerating jokes told during interviews isn't going to change that it's the best designed musou
>every moveset besides Corrin is great; not as much variety as Hyrule Warriors but not a bunch of random unwieldy garbage for sake of "representation" or being there, also implementing stuff like pair-up and selecting most of your AI allies
>incorporates Fire Emblem mechanics in an interesting way with light strategy elements and the incorporation of the weapon triangle, as well as class line emphasis, to make the concept of the musou, as a big ass territory war, into its most platonic ideal
>AI is smart enough to do what you tell it to, can actually fight and accomplish things on their own

If the game had covered every single entry in the series there would have been nothing but boring Lords
Game interests me and I'll probably buy it after I'm completely done with Hyrule Warriors

You can't lose on any difficulty

Never forget that FEH's first poll results made IS panic and demand KT to put Lyn in the game. The result was a shitty clone without story relevance.

Crossover Musous are unironically keep up by fanservice. If that sucks, it doesn't matter if the gameplay is godlike, the game is SHIT.

>without story relevance.
Doesn't that apply to all DLC characters?

>a shitty clone
I haven't unlocked her yet. Whose moveset does she share?

Even actual important crossover characters like Chrom, Corrin and Marth basically amount to "We need these heroes because their souls help power up the Fire Emblem to help kill the evil dragon."

Plus it's not like Lyn and Celica don't have entire history modes to themselves either.

Hey pirate warriors 3 is good

How was the Berserk Musou game, anyways?

People will say the roster but the game wouldn't be better if Ike was in with Chrom's moveset.
More unique movesets is what this game needed.

The same that all the swords users.

Hopefully they do a sequel to improve on with 3H characters replacing most of the Fates ones and some older classic characters mixed in.

>Make a game that the entire point is fanservice
>Cant even take FEH pools as a reference for the roster
It's like the devs were trying to sabotage their own game

>Lyn was a last minute clone of Navarre
>Lyn was in the base game along with her map while Navarre was an unplayable NPC until the shadow dragon DLC months after release

Funny how this stuff works out

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I mean, I usually put Lucina, Corrin, Xander, and the sister all on my team, and they all play pretty different.

To be fair, the game was almost ready to cone out when FEH first poll result came out. In fact, the results of that poll made IS panic and they rushed KT to add Lyndis.

It's better than Zelda musou

>game goes from a 4/10 to a 10/10 with one character
How does she do it?

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