Did Bioware put in some anti-piracy shit in 1 that prevents you from romancing anyone...

Did Bioware put in some anti-piracy shit in 1 that prevents you from romancing anyone? I just can't get the cinematic with Shep sucking on Liara's toes while she pegs him with her tentacles. Is that too much to ask?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Liara actually has a big blue dick and that's a good thing.

Liara is for hugging, kissing and embracing eternity. Don't say mean things about her, please.

Post more, and everything will be fine.

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Speaking of Asari's hair tentacle things, are they just hair like things or can they actually move?

Here's the answer.

I have a sudden craving for blueberry pie

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I almost wanted to start replaying Mass Effect.
But then I remembered how terrible the games are.

you can punch a space towelhead on camera though

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 3.36M)


This is weird come to Yea Forums what do I see? A Liara thread I was just reading the memoirs fan fiction on archive or our own.
>By Dr. Liara T'soni

Fukken technology man

>this planet
Should have gone this galaxy user.


Attached: TAKE MY MONEY AND RESPOND.jpg (723x653, 126K)

I told my Nvidia RTX GPU to listen to Liara very intently and then repeat what I wrote in her voice.

Do so more desu

If somebody pastebins a good script I might.

Wait, you're talking about R.O.N.?


>pee pee poo poo

my life is complete

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If I'm to rip models from a game, where am I supposed to look most of the time?

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theyre not tentacles, I do not understand why people ever believed that.

Because they look like it?

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error: gun not respond

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Do Samara I beg you

>The second model, developed at NVIDIA, is called Waveglow. It acts as a vocoder, taking in the spectrogram output of Tacotron 2 and producing a full audio waveform, which is what gets encoded into an audio file you can then listen to. The model is trained on spectrogram/waveform pairs of short segments of speech.


Very pleasant thread full of based and blueberrypilled patricians. Accept this gift of nude Liara model done by Biowhore themselves.

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And second one.

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Lmao, I was about to upload this pick but then I saw "duplication" error. You were faster. GJ user.

I'm not a young man anymore

Damn. It was beautiful.

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Asari at large are a species of parasites who have no qualms about homewrecking so long as it gets them a piece of ass. To intermingle with the common Asari is to effectively invite vile seductresses into your home to take your spouse and children. Their depravity is exceeded only by the Quarians and their penchant for laziness and theft.
Do yourself and your race a favor, anons, stay away from the Asari. And marry Turian gals instead.

And finally, last one. All I got bros.

Attached: Ce4Fg.jpg (474x366, 31K)

how hard is it to do this? do you need a lot of source files for it to work? asking for a friend

t. turian roastie

Why do human women crave so much for the BVC?

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I really REALLY like turian girls.

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You mean BKC?



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Mating tube.

Oh please. Look, I'm understand your opinion, but I beg you: don't ruin threads like this. We're just trying to enjoy our blue/purple girls and joke stupid jokes. Thank you. I hope you're not a Talifag. Not that I hate them or something, but when "ASARI ARE PARASITES REEE" message comes up it's usually them who post it.

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Why would I fuck a skeleton? I need some meat on there user.

Did you not see my point saying the only thing worse than an Asari is a Quarian?
Samara's alright though

>foaming mating tube

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Oh, damn, I'm a blind retard. I'm just tired of reading everything that's involing "asari is bad go mating with other race but not them", my fault.

I don't understand talifags. It's just irony and/or contrarianism, right? Who the fuck falls for some gypsy raghead with crabs and 6 kids who have already stolen your wallet?

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It was too comfy so they cut it out.

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Not to mention, she is objectively the worst waifu.
>if not romanced, she just jumps on dick of your best friend like nothing happened
>asks for drunken threesome, literal whore
>steals your tech
>womb fucking tattoo.
Talicancers need proper gassing, just like their spacegypsy friends.

>someone already did it
fucking hell I was merely shitposting

They think that Tali is great because she have faults and she's not perfect like Liara. Most of them proud that their keep her alive through the whole trilogy. Oh, and also her hips. They fucking love her hips and watching her dance.
For some reason, many Talifags are really fucking crazy and love to talk shit about any other romance interest in the series.

It's seems like all me girls get shited on no safe desu.

How it is in general? Is it worth another playthrough?

After a short research I realized one thing: Quarians are fucking retarted.
>start a war
>after Nazar geths settle down and don't mess with quarians
>more reapers incoming
>Legion trying to make a peace between geths and quarians
Best boi died for their sins. They also are fucking racists and thieves.

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Are the Mass Effect games worth playing for the first time at this point? I heard the first one aged like ass, and ME3 and Andromeda were disappointments/shitty.
I've probably seen more hours of ME related SFM's than it actually takes to play through the games.

Stop falling for memes, go play through the first three. Avoid Androgyna though.

Jack is best girl

Here's some more of my girl

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>a literal WHORE with crabs

I replayed ME1 this night, and I gotta say: exploring new worlds kinda sucks and boring. But everything else is good. Anyway, you should play it yourself to build your own opinion, m8. Never trust Yea Forums, remember?

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Why is she so perfect bros?

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Alrighty I'll play it soon then, thanks fellas

>Never trust Yea Forums, remember?
I don't know how but I always forget.

Smart, strong, loyal, beautiful. For me, it's Liara only, bro.

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Don't forget to install better texture packs. There is no reason not to.
Both of them, they are made to work together.

Also pure, Shep in ME1 is hitting barely legal Liara.


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Also, suggest you to play as soldier in ME1, you'll know why when time will come. Hope I will see you in next ME-related threads with your opinion. you will probably need a heavy armor, and using biotics is too dangerous in a fight with krogans or geth destroyers because skill animations is too long.

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Beatiful, sexy, intelligent, not arrogant, driven, loyal, good intentioned, futa, best skin color, can be romanced with femshep...
Plenty of reasons.

Cheers, I will install them next time im gonna replay da game.

fuck, wrong respond

>tfw ywn be a human toy for a huge-tiddied Asari matriarch with similarly huge mating tube
This plane of existence is shit. SHIT.




Top fucking kek, amazing. Tell us your secrets, wizard.

>Liara talking to you in aggressive and vulgar tone
Strangely boner-inducing.

you've made my day, bro youtube.com/watch?v=E-WHW-QNswE

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Someone definitely need to generate some lewd talk.

Daily reminder, femshep is a cuck

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>playing femshep

why is she so perfect?

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And she's fresh meat

Damn, it's a shame I can upload only one pic per time.

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Not only best waifu in ME, but best waifu in general.

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the dawn of a new age, ladies and gentlemen

Okay, I calmed down. Dude, you definitely need to do more of this shit.

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This. Since Allie Hillis is not doing Liara anymore since the franchise is ded, we need that user to save us.

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make waveglow say "we'll bang, okay?"
we need this

>I heard the first one aged like ass
Not in the slightest. It's just not an FPS. If you want FPS just skip to 2 because otherwise you'll come here to whine about your guns not shooting right and there being difficult things like numbers and percentage signs and words on your character sheet.

>the game must be not fun to be good
eat shit nerd

Post more Liara, niggers.

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Okay, Chief!

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I fucking love this picture brother.

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Me too, brother, me too.

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I demand more. More and longer.

Leave Ashley with the nuke.

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>not already dating Liara
You dun goof'd by just having her to ask this.

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this really gets me going due to its technical intricancies
how long does it take to create like a 5 second file?

Madlad saved the day again.

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I miss Mass Effect bros
why did they have to ruin it

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Post Liara, bros, keep going

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My sides are now completely gone. This is some serious magic you are creating user, thanks for making my day already.

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Man, we should build some altar in your honor

oh fucking christ

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Based and mating-tube pilled.

this is truly epic
i can't contain my orgasm
pls make her say EXPAND DONG

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Well played.

>tfw there will never be little blue babies because of the EA Jew.

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I was gonna post that

Remember lads.

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Legion is, unironically, the most beautiful character in this shit-heap of a series, and if you don't side with him, you are an absolute faggot and deserve a kick in the back of the head. Grunt and Thane are pretty kino too. ME2 was so good.
>rug munching, methed out dyke rape victim
>best girl

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Geniuses think alike, brother

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Does it involve asari strippers?

I know the chance of it all being same fagging is low but adding me there is 31 ip's to 132 posts


The banshees have nice tight vaginas. Look at their models.




That's only part of Reaper's indoctrination process. To make you think they do not possess huge blue mating tubes.

>anons are having comfy fun in small thread
>I must therefore ruin it
Are you a female perhaps?

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that's just over 4 posts per IP. Not all that unreasonable when you consider that there isn't actually anything to discuss in this thread, it's just memes, image dumps and vocaroo files

These vocaroo files make it pretty fucking great though.

Post Liara in high heels with her big blue cock out

Attached: Liara-T’Soni-by-Anna-Fitz.jpg (610x692, 47K)

honestly lads the vocaroo sucks, Jack is best, im leaving


>I hate fun

>jackfag angry that no one cares about his STD-ridden "girl".

Well, I wrote at least 20 or 30 replies here. Im just having fun and uploading Liara screenshots, nothing more.

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good, fuck off dykelover

pic related

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its just that easy

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I miss it frens.

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>Alien fuckers

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its for the better

t. trannylover.



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Every time I went there it didn't even seem like people were discussing the games at all minus waifuposting. Literally no better than /ksg/

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>t.christian in the space age

God dammit dude, go make Ashley thread or something, idk, just leave us alone

I want to glaze those lips but the face loses me

>he thinks /meg/ was ever about the games

the only reason I hate this bitch is because she looks like a tranny
other than that, she's right and redpilled on the alien question (except the asari)

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Her change of character between 1 and 2 is still weird, though

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Well, Liara said herself that after combining their minds with someone they can learn something from them and change a bit

Are you saying she was the Citadel's bicycle?

that would make sense if Shepard was canon Renegade

>animal hater

She looks old af


Nah. Shepard is a soldier, who's making hard decisions his whole life, so, it's not something unusual that Liara changed and became more confident and stronger after a couple of sessions of "EMBRACE ETERNITY"

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Is this the best battle track, bros?

For anyone wondering how to generate fake speech, here's the short of it: youtube.com/watch?v=6bFN2YkN6bo

Then rip the gamefiles to have 15 minutes of speech and write down the text in a file, which takes about 2 hours.

You could have a reasonably sounding text to speech for your waifu in 3 hours, if you already know how to use Python, Tensorflow and Conda. About a month if not.

Where's the vocaroo bro when you need him?

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Jeez, thanks dude. Yea Forums will never forget you.

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Ah that looks like the Little Blue daughter ill never get to see because EA is Satanic double-Hitler

Stellar, will check that out.

thanks for the fire, Prometheus


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So I only started playing about a year ago.I had a chance to fall in love with the series carrying my Shepard between games just felt fucking amazing and the Trilogy had almost all the DLC built in . The universe really sucked me in like no other game has before and its one fucking hell of great ride

I had heard about the ending and was extremely pissed off by it and still cant even imagine how bad it must have hit this place and im fairly certain it a lot of the "I hate all vidya" sentiment on here is fueled by what happened

Either way im doing the multiplayer on PS3 and surprised by how much fun im having with it. Its like a different game set in universe without some fat fuck exec with a bad combover telling me over and over that AI/Organics hate each other


>I had heard about the ending and was extremely pissed off by it and still cant even imagine how bad it must have hit this place
You really can't, man what a fucking shitshow that was.

>7 years ago
Holy fuck, how

Attached: The final words in the trilogy are ''downloadable content''.png (1366x768, 144K)

Same. I got into mass effect back in the november of 2017, and I was completely blown the fuck out and sucked in it. I literally beat the game in two seats 12 hours each. That was fucking amazing, I wish I could listen to m4 part II for the first time again.

Then I beat ME2, and enjoyed it, also turned my paragon shep into a very angry local man that too angry to die.

And now, almost two years after I beat ME3, it was one week ago I think. I really enjoyed the game, but don't want to talk about the ending (because I enjoyed it). Too bad I cracked the game and can't play multiplayer tho. I really need to buy it someday just because of that.

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I want to fuck her so badly.

>m4 part II
you're a fucking moron

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ME1 definitely had the best ending, no contest.

you're a manwhore

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>Dies to OC insert

the LotR trilogy of vidya

Attached: MassEffect 2019-08-15 18-22-56-61.jpg (1920x1080, 411K)

Lord of the rings 3 was good though

>but don't want to talk about the ending (because I enjoyed it)
Afraid to be drowned in RAEG or what? I mean, I hate that shit but more power to you.

Wait before you leave is there a hair mod for Jack in ME2?
I hate ugly bitches

>There will never be another mass effect game again and if there is it will be just as shit as andromeda
It hurts

fuck, I made the same screenshot (everyone does) with my Male Shep this night but i can't post it because i changed to phone

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Xenophobe is the only right path in Mass Effect except Garrus. He's a bro

I know the ME games are not exactly mod-friendly but putting Jack's ME3 head in 2 should technically be possible?

Mass Effect 3 wasn't that bad looking back. It is better than 90% of the games we get nowadays (I still wish all three games played like ME1).

Legion and thane are also bros. Mordin too, but the rest of his race are wankers.

Yes. I know that this is a huge punch in the balls for almost everyone here, but hey, I've always knew that my Shep is gonna die anyway (he fucking lived), plus I was playing with Extended Cut, that helped I guess.

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>no blue alien babe to look at you like this and love you unconditionally

>I've always knew that my Shep is gonna die anyway
It's not about that, though.

>Extended Cut
It doesn't fix that abysmal galactic traffic light reject, by chance? As in completely removes it and replaces it with something less retarded?

Fuck Kai Leng's little bitch ass. This 'lul I pwnt you' message always pisses me the fuck off.

Good, let the butthurt flow through you.

user that was like an hour ago

The worst part is how tacked on the whole thing was. Everything else is great up until they suddenly make the Quarian B plot the main one. Tachunka and Rannoch are amazing and the gameplay is just better ME2

Okay, stop, no more. Let's just post more blue/purple girls, aright?

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Red, green, blue wasn't that bad desu. It was a nice reference to Asimov's Foundation's Edge.

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This, post more Asari faggots.

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The worst pat is that hes not even a challenge. Hes no great rival or worthy opponent outside of cut-scenes. I had a better rivalry with the Krogan boss trying to steal my Blue girl in ME1 Harbinger Balak and Elanos Haliat

>asari faggots

Attached: Shepard_scared_face.png (570x300, 179K)

True, this asian fuck also killed my bro, but in the end this fucking nanomachine piece of shit died like a complete bitch
fuck this cunt and someone who thought this mistake was a good idea

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Relax. My anger is cold now. It's been too many years.

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Good for you, man. Here, have this beauty.

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>>Fortunately if Jeffs persuasions dont align with this form this unit comes equipped with a fully functional penis

>>That was a joke

>enjoying the ride with liara and my bro garrus
>turbodyke shows up
>day is instantly ruined

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 3.18M)

>>Barley matches a half dead former party member
>>Cant kill the Councilor unless your a massive fuck up
>>Gets outwitted by Miranda
>>Steamrolled in a fight with Shepard until a flying tank comes and pushes you far enough to steal something and run
>>Maybe a 30 second boss fight if you wanna hear his increasingly panicky banter
>>Could have been clone Shepard instead

what a complete twat

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I saved everyone in the team except her. Guees it's one of the best choices I've ever did.
Also, Liara and Garrus squad is based.

>>Actually playing Male Shep and not using your penis to heal her with the power of hot Paragon dickings


I killed tali in 2 because even though this bitch is the most obnoxious piece of shit in the galaxy, tali is a gypsy

That's a MAN, baby!

Huh, so not only is she the sole female option that doesn't have a rotten personality she also has the best figure.


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Well fucking done, user

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Of course, that is well-known. Also biggest tiddies and contrary to popular belief, best butt too. Someone should post that waifu chart which proves it.

>no krogan party member
>worst rival character in video game history
>the writing for the last half of the game
Was there any aspect of 3 they didn't fuck up?

>that scene with the romance flag

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someone... call help... my feelings...

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She could easily toss them away if she wanted~


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We all do fren.

fugg u tasar u big homo :DDD

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>>Paragon Tacunka
>>Ardat Yakashi Monastary
>>Anderson telling you how proud he was of you

If it was just all bad we could write it off and forget

Damn, I love Anderson character in ME3

I know, it's just... knowing that I was born too early to travel in space. I just want Garrus and Liara to be real.

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>Telling Shep that his kids will be so proud that their dad is commander Shepard
FUCK. How did they get a character who wasn't even in your party and you largely didn't interact with for 2 games so right? How come the game has these redeeming and well placed snippets of dialog that hit your right in the feelings?

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Seething zoophiles. Shit should be illegal in the galaxy.

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Someone call the tard wrangler.

Dilate :)

Yes it was, fuck off.

When I was a teenager. I never thought any game would be as good as Final Fantasy 3/6. It was the best thing ever in the history of anything ever and after not liking FF7 very much I actively derided games that followed as never being as good as the SNES days

Years later I enjoyed a few top quality games like this or New Vegas and I finally recaptured that feeling. I try and keep that in mind when I think of how great ME should have been and hope that some game comes out of nowhere and delivers something even bigger that I never expected before. I can afford to think like that because its happened to me before

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Seethe harder brainlet

The first half of Mass Effect 3 was pretty great. Everything very noticeably takes a nosedive shortly after Kai Leng is introduced with the attack on the Citadel ironically enough.

True. There's always some cool shit to explore, but it's just... somewhere. You gotta find it yourself, but damn, the feelings "it" delivers is worth it 100%.

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>playing this series for the first time
>dislike the tutorial mission
>get to the citadel
>really like walking around and talking to all the aliums
>get in combat again
>roll my eyes and truck through it

I'll get to talk to aliens again soon, right? This combat is ass. There are many places like the citadel in the game, right?

>just beat my dick to Liara futa porn. Why the fuck is she so sexy?

Bad news for you... Good luck with all this side quests. Anyway, if you really get bored - just get through the main story, and leave all that shit behind.

Mass Effect 1s combat is utter shit ESPECIALLY early when you cant hit anything but its improves dramatically after the first game

>wants the story of ME3
>with the gameplay of ME1

wtf is wrong with you

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>those tiddies

I have taste


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Keith David. That's how

I hear ya buddy I know

>>Just wanted to settle down with my War Hero/Colonist Vanguard Paragon FemShep Liara and our daughter
>>Live on the strip walking distance from a 10K credit a match job at the Armax arena
>>Wear a nice hat celebrate Christmas and whatever Asari equivalent
>>Have the Varkarians over with some Dextro spread
>>Wrex crashes the party gets drunk and plays headfirst cardboard box jousting with Grunt
>>Send mass card to everyone from the Geth to the Batarians to the Raloi saying Shepard wishes you a Merry Christmas or racial equivalent

whole thread about Liara. Best girl confirmed

Attached: tumblr_lwqrq0XzD71qe42f3o1_500.jpg (407x228, 38K)

calling it taste...

Attached: d4nxu82-0efc6063-6f55-4649-8d1b-cdb185d6a7bd.jpg (668x500, 98K)

>reddit spacing
>reddit movie
>reddit opinion
You don't belong here

They barely took her out of t-pose

>/dag/ ded
Aaaah, that sweet, sweet vindication.

>Is this the best battle track, bros?
Nope, that's neither Therum
or Mars (don't judge me)

You're in the club and this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass. What do

Attached: walks in club.webm (960x540, 1.72M)

Still better than cratersexual

Attached: 1365437469086.jpg (1161x983, 494K)

Attached: 1564609226643.jpg (924x795, 109K)

>so many people drooling over asari especially Liara
>meanwhile we're told they look more like other races to them alluding to some telepathy bullshit to pull in mates

Daily reminder that this is Liaras body/face model.

Attached: 476b717481fb1d428c635f5c8b73b907.jpg (1200x1611, 204K)

So you're saying with reddit i get playable games with a good story?

wtf i love reddit now

Attached: IMG-20181126-WA0012.jpg (1600x900, 187K)

die, I guess?

Look into these eyes and tell me you wouldn't motorboat those tits.

Attached: 1563931185860.jpg (2560x1440, 246K)

Blueberry best berry!

Honorable mention:

>Not saying yes to the best lay in the universe

Attached: 1437855393723.gif (500x250, 716K)

>Honorable mention:
this is depressing as fuck track.

Attached: Soylent festivefeels on Twitter By the goddess how could I b.webm (720x720, 423K)

>story about an entire galaxy on the verge of annihilation has a depressing track

I... can't.
Mission failed. We'll get em next time.

there are nudes

Kill rocket-geth, then sniper to his right, then trooper, then another trooper, the ask Garrus to disable his shield and then just shotgun him to death.

No offence intended, but you've somehow managed to post one of the most cliche songs in the franchise.

>tfw no asari mommy gf

Retard. I'm not surprised that game has depressing track. I just remember what happens during that track

I was talking about battle music :/

Twinkboi getting VIRMIRE'd is canon. Deal with it.

>first planet on insanity starting from lvl1
good luck with that

Suicide mission one is.

It's the whole game theme, isn't it?

Yup, was gonna post Therum

>muh code

>not battle music
>tacky piano shit

Attached: 1542376278236.jpg (1400x800, 281K)

>how does statues work
>how video and photo work
Take your meds

This whole thread is btw maximum comfy.

Attached: 123456768678.jpg (474x320, 12K)

I will use my last mobile data to post more Liara.

Attached: 1544508973902.png (1920x1080, 331K)

Say that to myself and not on a Matriarch Dilinaga's writings discussion board, pureblood and then we'll see what happens.

Attached: 1563916610716.jpg (500x600, 62K)

Your sacrifice will be honored.

A noble cause

Hack shock trooper going to the right, Neural Shock the krogan followed by Lift and unload on the motherfucker

Attached: tumblr_ndll6qBm3t1u0q1rvo1_540_0.png (537x649, 361K)

I killed that guy on hardcore last night. With a new char, ofc. Get Garrus, Rex, Tali and then run like hell without doing any quests straight to Liara. Took me two tries. Is insanity that fucking crazy or what?

Attached: 1542134354973.jpg (1728x972, 289K)

A true saint.

>Is insanity that fucking crazy or what?
Not if you don't might every fucking enemy spamming immunity.

Also this very useful graph. Accept no less than full space Aryan.

Attached: European_Liara_Tsoni.png (874x882, 610K)

Attached: 1529423232931.jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

Fuck. I already hate Krogans and Cerberus soldiers for spamming that shit.

Attached: Incaseanyonewantedthem_Liara_FemShep_47.gif (267x200, 953K)

Based Liara used her shadow broker powers to give Ashley bad plastic surgery.

This is one of the most comfiest threads in a long time. Thank you, brothers.

Attached: post-20913-0-95534500-1333451958-e1483442677631.jpg (866x420, 54K)

Heh I made that pic

Ashley surviving Virmire is canon and so is Shepard marrying her. Deal with it, Alien fucker.

enemies are bullet sponges and they spam Immunity every 5 seconds

3 has some comfy moments
too bad grunt didn't die
he's a bro don't get me wrong, but it cheapens the moment

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 2.54M)

life is hell
I bet your rifle is overheating 24/7

Not a Liarafag but she is clearly the writer's pet and has the most scenes and dialogue plus she can't die. If anyone is canon it'd be her.
Ashley dies in Virmire and redeems her family name.

>This is one of the most comfiest threads in a long time
Proves how loved the trilogy was, despite what contrarians on Yea Forums want you to believe. It's baffling that Bioware wasn't able to capitalize on this fact and has managed to shit on the franchise two times in a row now.

Damn, I cried when we had to leave him, but when I saw that he's made it I literally started screaming
he's a good boy

Old Bioware is long dead. ME3 was made on the transition perioid.

Attached: Liara_Thesia_70.jpg (748x744, 92K)

i-is she even legal?

shut up
3 is good

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 2.61M)

Proven by the fact that you're sitting here shitposting, Ash.

>they made a liara version, but to this day Samuel L. Jackson has never done this because of fucking reddit

I will never forgive them. Hope you're happy with the stupid alarm

Attached: 1561322222285.jpg (951x1024, 114K)

Kaiden dies with dignity on Virmire because otherwise he ends up becoming a gay. Ashely gets shot to death by Shepard during the battle for the citadel, he never forgave her for killing Wrex.

ME3 was the band playing on the deck of the Titanic.

>they made a liara version, but to this day Samuel L. Jackson has never done this because of fucking reddit

I like that scenario.
Kaidan lives because my Femshep isn't a coalburner, carpetmuncher or xenolover.

Also Samara. This thread is lacking only one thing and that is more love for Asari mommy.

Attached: 2dbeb3cfd1b009efcf3e9e94b2aa82ff.jpg (540x764, 40K)

>let your shy bi friend die
>let this bitch kill Wrex
you're a fucking monster

Attached: 123445677686.jpg (474x603, 40K)

fuck :(

Attached: aaa.png (1920x1080, 2.64M)

Step it up son

>Tyrone Shepard, Earthborn, Ruthless
>The baddest, blackest Canadian in the Milky Way
>Punch Al-Jilani
>Kill Rachni Queen
>Virmire Kaidan
>Kill Council
>Pick Udina for Council
>Punch Al-Jilani
>Shoot Conrad on foot, dies later
>Kill Samara over Morinth
>No ship upgrades
>Crew gets kidnapped
>Do a bunch of random assignments and take my sweet time
>Go through the Omega 4 Relay
>Jack eats a lazor, dies
>Kasumi gets blasted, dies
>Thane gets impaled, dies
>Volunteer Jacob to vents, dies
>Legion leads distraction team, dies
>Garrus escorts Chakwas back, dies
>Cocky Miranda holds biotic bubble, Tali gets seeker swarmed and dies
>Kill babby Reaper, Mordin in squad dies
>Miranda leading the ground team dies, Grunt too
>Shepard makes it out alive
>Keep the base
>Punch Al-Jilani
>Tell Allers to fuck off, later dies
>Don't recuit Javik
>Sabotage Genophage cure, kill Padok Wiks
>Female Krogan dies
>Kill Wrex in confrontation
>Kill Ashley during the coup
>Kill Udina
>Genocide Quarians over Geth
>Kill banshee Morinth
>Low EMS, Vega and Liara die on the beam run
>Kill Illusive Man
>Pick Destroy, wipe geth, EDI
>Shepard dies
>Only Zaeed made it out alive that day

Attached: 1564481418595.jpg (1024x576, 62K)

>341 / 137 / 63
still no webm with expanding futa Liara

This is supposed to be a Liara thread, but hey, here you go man
we're all bros here

Attached: bff7691f-e5fa-40ca-ab31-4350e33176be.jpg (1280x1280, 348K)

I did what had to be done. I am not going to waste skill points on charm/intimidate and "finding muh dad's armor" is not an appropriate use of our time.

alright, I was wrong, I admit
you're a fucking Death, destroyer of the worlds

>Genocide Quariand over Geth
That's the correct choice though...

>still no webm with expanding futa Liara
I don't wanna be banned but I can link it to you if that makes you feel better.
PS. That video is getting a sequel.

I found his armor with random on some ice planet, fucking mercs was holding it in a warehouse

>PS. That video is getting a sequel.

>video is getting a sequel

Come home, earth boy.

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Attached: 241778de73130efb432499422c513b5f55b83286c4e7561b270d5ead14568816.jpg (234x270, 15K)

here's some more

Attached: 63484231a3bf81d600190c0ab752fe677cf8ab01008e2a45d1b9d12a9b53040c.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

Attached: spiders .jpg (755x2616, 449K)


We literally amassed our entire army to upvote the navy seal copy pasta. It still lost. Reddit obviously was rigging votes even back then. They wouldn't allow us what we wanted

Your sacrifice will be honored in the next cycle

Will do. Hope you're ready for some Deviantart shit.

Attached: samara_by_ynorka_dd74ly3-fullview.jpg (600x849, 62K)

Reminds me of my zealously anti-Cerberus Shepard in ME2
>Insult TIM, Jacob and Miranda at every turn
>Disagree with TIM, Jacob and Miranda in every conversation
>Do all loyalty missions for everyone except Jacob, Miranda and one sacrificial lamb ie. Zaeed
>In suicide mission choose optimal team members for every single task...
>...except send Jacob to the pipe to get killed
>Bring disloyal Miranda and Zaeed to the final fight to get killed
>Destroy base, cut off TIM
>All Cerberus team members dead, assets not secured, ship stolen by alliance
The only shitty part is that it's impossible to only kill Jacob and Miranda. Fortunately Zaeed is an incredibly shitty character with a shitty mission and shit skills

My body is ready.

Attached: 716715ca867d701f050b84c4d9a5c1ed.jpg (500x667, 46K)

That’s a big Asari.

Imagine the possibilities in R34.

for you

If we're save this tits, will you die?

Born too early to colonize blue alium girls (or get BLUED by them, if you are a gentleman of finer tastes)

Born right in time to enjoy completely believable blue aliums in VR, with voice of your choice.

I'll just start posting Samara with progressively bigger boobs and see when I'll get banned.

Attached: the_justicar_by_shamiana_dac6o59-fullview.jpg (900x1521, 128K)

computer generated porn is the true fucking future

You are a hero

>they hated him because he spoke the truth

Another noble sacrifice by user itt. Only proves how extremely good this thread is and how pure hearts of Liara-anons are.

nah it's this one

Attached: Shiala_Feros_Colony.jpg (830x674, 277K)

Attached: ME2Game_2017-12-24_19-12-05.jpg (1920x1080, 230K)

Attached: 1555891623739.gif (500x235, 454K)

Attached: 1529757513461.jpg (698x1143, 220K)

I always romance blueberry anyway.

I mean, I won't post any nudes so I should be good.
Here's a little bit of Liara to balance things out (this being a Liara thread after all).

I considered including it in my post so I agree.

Any more Inquisition-like ME cards?

Attached: nixuboy.jpg (900x1200, 668K)


the correct term is "enormous" and yes the quotes are a requirement.

You're good son. Really good. Maybe even the best.
I've been posting here since third reply, hope you and I will make it till the very end. Vocaroo-bro is gone, but his guidance and hope still remains.

Attached: 7457055.png (913x1280, 770K)

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Attached: 1540020610463.jpg (456x659, 57K)

Based Aria poster

Attached: d82c33f2-6d3d-48f8-a7c4-a431986f951a.png (960x1280, 1.6M)

>Reddit: The Post

Lots of choices there are the best choices

I'll stick around for a little bit more, so no worries.

Attached: busty_samara_concept_by_mishai.jpg (900x1037, 68K)

>almost made it through the entire thread without some faggot mentioning reddit
Thanks for ruining it, fuccboi.

Attached: 1544106046076.png (819x876, 184K)

I finished the game I don't even know how many times and I never romanced anyone else. Nor I feel any urge to do so.

Attached: 1483566264995.jpg (835x956, 133K)

good to know, man
also based Shiala poster

Attached: 6a7b2acb-494a-4142-afe9-904938208acf.png (1187x750, 1.69M)

Attached: 1431769395349.png (1156x1080, 1.64M)

My favorite armor for Liara. And she has big tiddy, just like mommy Benezia.

Attached: Matriarch_Benezia_charbox.png (1920x2160, 2.4M)

Attached: 1429020670774.jpg (500x750, 80K)

Attached: 1426395023703.jpg (2560x1440, 269K)

based. No futa at all

Here's Samara flexing on Liara.

PS. I kinda feel like I'm distracting anons from actual decent artwork by going into inflation/giantess territory so you can tell me when to stop.

Attached: violazierau.jpg (1667x2000, 1.37M)

Attached: Space succubus.png (1280x1185, 1.37M)

I think it's time for this ancient gem. Read on, good anons, you won't regret it.

Attached: 1428445658482.png (800x2553, 277K)

How do you make these?

It was a really perfect moment, I gotta say. Just standing here with her in the middle of nowhere, between time or space, sharing our memories.

Attached: z_fe6e10b3e4.jpg (1280x720, 260K)

>womb tattoo


a bunch of people mentioned reddit, what are you talking about
cry more, tranny

Check this thread, vocaroo poster already dropped a guide here
Also, some love for Shiala

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.u2.jpg (707x1000, 75K)

Attached: 1444225534189.jpg (5120x2880, 2.82M)

can you at least post the artist's name?

Attached: IMG_7561.jpg (650x950, 404K)

Attached: liara_t__soni_by_hallucinogenmushroom-d4wwvbs.jpg (900x506, 56K)

>fucking a space gypsy

why would anyone do this?

Big Krogan Clit??

Attached: london_ruins__male_version__by_neehs-d4ts3un.jpg (1920x1080, 328K)


we need to archive this thread

Attached: d_-GczLuyzo-2.jpg (1600x900, 172K)

Wow, didn't know dead girls could have kids. Seethe harder, blue bitch.

Attached: ashcanon.png (311x486, 10K)

damnit, calm down, both of you
just enjoy guys, don't ruin this please

>This kills the Liarafag

Attached: pleasedshepard.jpg (341x401, 16K)

It's BigJohnson:

He's also made a really good 20 minute movie with EDI and Zoey from L4D2.

Attached: violazierau.png (2771x2005, 1.97M)


it's time to calibrate

Attached: 14fm6o71rIA.jpg (371x308, 29K)

And this is my favorite ME1 armor for Liara.
Thanks. I like Shiala too, top 3 asari for me would Liara, Shiala and Benezia.

>This fucking thread

Attached: 1520533556128.gif (480x270, 528K)

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Attached: 1519303240060.jpg (777x1029, 51K)

How can a company as pozzed as Bioware make such a godtier waifu?

sorry m8, couldn't find another pic when was posting it

Compare credits from ME1 and ME3.

Attached: 1430532954346.jpg (1600x900, 297K)


Attached: 1466819380109.jpg (1920x1080, 489K)

Fixing that butterface once and for all.

They werent always this way. Things were better once

FemShep is fine Blonde like she was supposed to be before Tumblr got involved

>And this is my favorite ME1 armor for Liara
Personally, I was a fan of her wearing Light Explorer armor but ME1 armors in general were top comfy.

Attached: Light-human-Explorer.png (952x793, 600K)

It was a different time and different people. BioWare is not BioWare anymore, most old guard have left.

Attached: 1445188585148.jpg (1080x1920, 101K)

Attached: liara_t__soni___mass_effect_by_whatever_kathryn-d4wykkz.jpg (600x849, 99K)

The worst thing is neither are Obsidian, so we can't even hope for a KOTOR/New Vegas spin off

Ive heard the same thing about Obsidian and our hopes for New Vegas 2 and its also what I fear for Bloodlines 2. Sad to think about

True, it was cool. But I usually was using Titan or Scorpion armor because of the stats and look for Liara, and Mercenary armor for Garrus (it's fucking sick)

I have this foreboding sense of horror that Bloodlines 2 will be a catastrophe.

Attached: 1438342004601.jpg (2802x2674, 3.09M)

>>We are Geth
>>Dunk on organics

Attached: 1528316651776.jpg (900x506, 58K)

If they manage to keep any preachy topical political bullshit out of it, it will be fine.

Attached: 1476175885692.jpg (500x701, 76K)

just look at this bad boy

Attached: 8457234_orig.png (345x605, 184K)

Yeah, but that is some monumental IF.

Attached: 1458958942047.jpg (701x1080, 360K)

Attached: 1545125045502.jpg (2560x1600, 161K)

That's about as likely as Bethesda making a good game

Attached: b81a45ae-7ea7-422d-ba74-e06c533f069d.jpg (720x842, 155K)

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And another one

That armor indeed give a Merc vibe.

Attached: samara.jpg (1920x1200, 834K)

Attached: 1562440386718.jpg (850x1511, 337K)

f u c k

Attached: d2s9sgm-46fce108-69e1-4089-9d04-f896b0ce6035.png (550x389, 238K)

Attached: 1539696112009.jpg (600x954, 55K)

keep up bros

Attached: 1566066941345m.jpg (626x1024, 93K)

dat ass, those tits, and that lingerie...
and that cute face...


Attached: 1561986466834.jpg (728x1080, 53K)

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Attached: 825f7b465160bf56b2841c3c493a516f--mass-effect--bleach-anime.jpg (736x1308, 103K)

Ever wanted to break that one rule?


Attached: 8e8144d8-00c8-4a27-a595-b2bc34efd64f.jpg (1280x843, 325K)

>Titan or Scorpion armor
Yeah, I liked them a lot as well. At one point I tried to coordinate armors my characters wore with the type of environment I went into - for Noveria everybody would get to wear Titan armor; for any grass planets or Ilos I'd put on Predator armor etc. Eventually I got bored so I simply chose to give everyone a distinct armor. Ashley gets Phoenix, Liara the Explorer, Shepard etc.
>Mercenary armor for Garrus
I think Wrex looks the best in it but why not equip both of them in it.

Attached: Krogan_armor_4.jpg (640x357, 44K)


Attached: aria_t__loak___mass_effect_by_xjoeyx-d511x0i.jpg (827x465, 339K)

Would they mind if I laid back together with them?
Ayy. That be said, I really liked qt scene were Shep wakes up drunk next to her.

Attached: Liara_Love.jpg (1195x672, 260K)

thank you fellow user

wtf is wrong with her face?

Who is best waifu of all times and why is it Liara?

Attached: 1445187879227.jpg (1080x1920, 118K)

As an Asari lover This thread is gold desu

Yup, I understand. Damn, desu it's sucks that Onyx armor sucks so much. I mean, it's like a canonical armor, it must be good, but it's sucks so much compared to others. Also, I think scorp is good for Kaidan and gladiator is a good looking on Liara. Dem armor plates.

>Shepard etc.
Whoops, I wanted to say that Shepard keeps the Onyx as long as possible which I then switch to some overpowered armor you have to use PC cheats for.

Attached: Light-human-Spectre.png (952x793, 532K)

>best waifu of all times and why is it Liara?
There all best girl user

Based. I love you, brother.

Attached: q0RsHch7mRs.jpg (640x667, 185K)

I think it's one of the best threads in months.

Attached: liara_t__soni_by_hallucinogenmushroom-d4w1g5b.jpg (1920x1080, 1.29M)

>thank you fellow user
No problem!

>wtf is wrong with her face?
You're looking at her face?

>Dem armor plates
You mean on Gladiator armor? Yeah, I liked it as well. Actually, there aren't many ME1 armors that I disliked. I didn't like most of Turian light armors and human medium armors are so-so, especially the one that's completely yellow.

Rules and cheerleaders are made for breaking.

Attached: 1388013930554.jpg (1920x1080, 312K)

>tfw you're not a waifufag

I always figured Tali was the most popular but Liara is always my favporite

Attached: theyuo.gif (75x130, 25K)

>tfw relaxing with two naked Asari babes
I want that.


>and cheerleaders
I always liked Jack x Mirri ship for that lezdom.

Missing a lot.

Attached: 1436819067917.gif (500x281, 898K)

It's probably pretty close, they're both top 2 for sure. Liked for different enough reason but they're the 2 most gratifying romances. Good on Liarafags for keeping ME threads going.

Attached: 1564294592673.jpg (800x1156, 91K)

Yup, I'm talking about them. Anyway, here's Asari-commandos

Attached: CEhGhCYAyJM.jpg (817x1024, 169K)

>tfw you're not a waifufag
Must be a sad existence.

Attached: striped-stocking.png (1241x877, 1.73M)

There kinda like Hobbs & Shaw

Personally saw them more like females Cyke and Wolverine.

Attached: 1482187854354.png (1080x1920, 1.99M)

*saw you*

pin and ravish her

i really fucking hate it when pictures not upload and ruins the joke

Attached: O1-IvPNairk.jpg (318x345, 35K)

That too

Attached: ImbT.gif (500x250, 880K)

Which of them tops and which bottoms?

>tfw got so many lewds but my ban just ended.

200% pure

Attached: 1417112426972.png (900x563, 343K)

What's she thinking about?

She's thinking about putting that gun up your ass and pulling the trigger
kidding, she's thinking about you, user

>She's thinking about putting that gun up your ass and pulling the trigger
Hey, don't threaten me with a good time.

About how good cocksleeve you would be for her humongous blue mating tube

Well. Time to jack off to Liara today.

Asari-commandos are so good love that latex.

Attached: yqqCsacXKt8.jpg (418x604, 46K)

500 replies. Damn.

Attached: AJt1izgq9zE.jpg (1600x900, 182K)

Best thread in ages tbqh

Attached: 1430532299978.jpg (769x1000, 289K)

You'll sure Jack tonight, alright.

Attached: 4359356.gif (409x338, 2.03M)

We really were thirsty for some blue pussy

Attached: 96c4308a-b5c5-4d62-be03-98d9f3bf77f1.jpg (1280x1707, 282K)


Since the thread is dying, here is something for our Jackfag fren.

Attached: 1484327366033.jpg (800x1110, 156K)

>humongous blue mating tube
A man of such a patrician taste will probably appreciate this:
Also we reached the bump limit so mods won't care what people will post now

Would have to agree

It's very pleasant to meet another gentleman of such refined tastes. Godspeed, user.

Attached: 1544057309729.jpg (700x933, 52K)

>blue pee-pee
There, fixed it for ya!