Great flying distance

Great flying distance

Attached: pbs.twimg.com_media_ECkmoWpUYAACAfG.jpg (1200x802, 201K)

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Can't wait to walk around on that grass, fuck this game is pretty. Imagine all the Korok seeds I could find if I go on top of that mountain!

you referring to the pissing distance? as that's ml as in milliliters of piss, it's not the distance you're pissing.


Is it possible to piss anywhere? Like can you sneak up on someone and take a leak on them or piss on someone's desk?

meanwhile on PC

>half a liter of piss

>use a urinal
>little tinkle of a stream
>guy uses the urinal next to me
>sounds like he's using a fire hose

Attached: 43598763485630.jpg (611x611, 68K)

You really think this is a video game?

I had that problem once. It hasn't happened since but the fucking noise it made when my piss was hitting the urinal was biblical. I was trying to finish as quick as possible while shrinking in on myself.

I had this happen at work, where all we had was stalls. I was doing a wee and was just cleaning my tip, when I heard someone entering the stall next to me. It was the loudest, forced pissing I'd ever heard. And I couldn't believe this individual didn't care about the sound. I ended up hiding in the area outside the toilets, and waited to see who it was. Was one of my bosses.

Can't wait to piss on NPCs

It's going to be really immersion-breaking if you can piss but can't shit.

>have to piss in the middle of the night
>get up to take a piss
>hard stream for 3 minutes with no end out of nowhere

You can't piss around allies and their properties. Maybe you can piss on hostiles.

piss thread

>weigh self before bed
>all night constantly waking up to piss
>piss constantly all night ruining my sleep
>weigh myself start of next morning
>lost 8 pounds over night

How are you even supposed to use urinals? only time I use them is if no one else is there

I'm not gonna take my dick out in front of other people

If I wanted to actually have to manage pissing in a game I would have bought SCUM.

This will get 65 on Metacritic, screencap this post

Only if you agree to drink your own piss if it gets a score higher than that.

Did he have a big dick?

Games with pee mechanics?

we've seen:
-traversing environment on foot
-traversing environment while driving a bike
-sam runs away from goo monsters in the forest
-sam fights yellow jumpsuit dudes on the field
-sam shoots enemies in the alternate war dimension
-sam tries to stealth his way through the invisible strand monsters
but yeah this is not a videogame, it's absolutely just a walking simulator and a movie.

It's still going to be the video game of jack shit.

Just kidding, game of the decade

Insecure fag

thats close to the average human bladder

Attached: 63c.png (667x645, 22K)

Just keep a 1 urinal distance between you and the other faggot

Kojima drones will literally say anything to convince themselves that this game was worth the time and money
Meanwhile 'everything' is just the same astroturfed mountain we've seen in like 500 screenshots.

>everything is the same mountain
>the area with the mars-like terrain
>the snowy mountains
>the large ruined city
Can't wait for you to get BTFO'd in September.

Nigger can you read?
The suit processes your feces into food.

>city, planes, mountains, goo forest, wasteland
I don't wait for this game, but your mother didn't expect you to be born and here you are now with one chromosome more than normal.

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There will be a Silent Hill-esque town that will be in the game. This will get Kojima in some legal trouble.

whait what

is this bait?

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You really think it's not?

Nice ultimatum but this cuck lost his shit

I think this game will give me the same sense of adventure like demon's souls did

what a great video game